She’s been trying to brush off medical questions since the start of her campaign.
But yesterday during a major speech at a Labor Day rally in Cleveland, Hillary Clinton’s health issues were on display for the entire world to see.
The Democratic nominee took the stage in Cleveland coughing uncontrollably. It’s just the latest in a series of coughing fits that have bedeviled Clinton on the campaign trail.
Health experts have speculated that Clinton’s coughing problems could be linked to medication she’s taking, or even a more serious medical issue.
Clinton tried to laugh off the episode and blame it on rival Donald Trump, saying, “Every time I think about Trump I get allergic.”
But several people in the crowd began shouting “get her some water.” And Clinton reportedly had another coughing fit in front of reporters on a later flight from Ohio to Iowa, and had to excuse herself.
In Cleveland, Clinton battled through the cough and delivered her speech with difficulty. News outlets like MSNBC caught some of the coughing fit on camera.
The Clinton campaign and their media backers later tried to blame a high pollen count in Cleveland for the coughing problem, but the pollen count was actually low yesterday.
Watch the coughing episode below and judge for yourself.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
farmer john says
This is called KARMA….You Reap what you Sow……!
Hondo says
Her days are numbered, she has been found wanting and her sins have found her out!
She will not finish the race is my thoughts and rightfully so.
What is to come certainly will be very interesting as the rats run amok in their attempt to take the White House.
May God give them their just reward all who mock Him and His commandments!
Charles says
AMEN !!!!
deepthink says
I agree!
soldierboys says
Here’s hoping she has one FINAL coughing fit!!!
Marcia says
WE know bill Clinton will no be with God he is bound to the fire pits of Hell and of course his wife with be with him. What she did to his mistresses was horrible and she should be in prison for that/
I hope both of them go to prison under President Trump
she should already be there crooked Obama has got her off
Della says
Trump has got a whole lotta reapin’ to do. Many lawsuits against him, he is a cheater who screws people out of what he owes them.
Helen Higgason says
DELLA, your Nuts, you stupid liberal!!’ Need I say more????
anti-rum-dum-dems says
Hey, Della is probably in the gimmie-all-I-can-get-free line and sure doesn’t want to have to get into the line that has to work to pay for it all…..
so all we can ask is that God meets out His justice to Killary and maybe Della too…..really, really soon
imagine this country without the parasites
James says
Amen to that
John Mundt says
clinton is desperately ill, the blood vessel in her brain are narrowing and this may lead to a strok or other serious problems. She also has seizures and blck out and some of you people in the white house with her finger on the button.
Robert E says
I’m in agreement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NCconservative says
And Hilliary is innocent and childlike. She loves all and wears the halo gallantly. Bow down before her.
Nancy says
Remember: That if you suppose an evil person like Hillary Clinton, you also will also be accountable for the same sins. You are known by the people you associate with and support.
Perno says
NCconservative:Your a brain washed Hillary piglet,demented fool.
bob Jaszczak says
you are a idiot and have now clue to the issues at hand about Hillary Clinton
Roberta Watson says
I believe you really LOVE Trump! You just like to see what kind of response you’ll get when you say crazy stuff! You will vote for Trump because you can’t possibly believe what you said yourself! Are you an American?
ron says
NCconservative …
. Got it NC, guess some didn’t.
Henry vera says
Connie Condra says
Just a guess, but I think he is being sarcastic.
Helen Higgason says
Like Satan she’s like ( maybe U bow to her, same as satan, one evil woman, she’s got a lot to answer to, believe you, me!!!!!! She will have her time in pergatory, to visit with ole’ SATAN!!!!!!nHave fun down there Hillarynbaby, lol!!!!!!!
John says
You dont like a working person, i see, Your welfare check is in the mail Della.
Randall Hart says
Welfare and food stamps= parisite.Grow up and get a job then talk.
Martin says
I hear the dog barking.
Jorge Badillo says
lol! good one, me too.
James Maxwell says
Strange, for all the lawsuits filed he has won them when they get to court. As a business
person he takes risk and no matter how good you are some will fail and you use the existing
legal system to protect yourself. Many citizens have taken advantage of Bankruptcy laws
to keep from losing every thing, and it goes to the courts and a judge to make the decision
as to Who, What, When and Where action, if any, will take place. Trump as business person
has paid attention and in many cases won his arguments in a court of law. That is not wrong
nor right but the legal system whether your and I agree on the decision is moot it is the
law and every one has their day in the courts.
Born in South and proud of it says
Amen my friend and in the business world it can go from boom to bust almost over night and in many cases due to something happening that you had no control over like 9/11 or the sub prime mortgage bust……….. Been there and its no fun to be in the position of finanicely cant afford to stay or leave, only course left is to file for bankruptcy protection. Then sweat out what if anything the court will leave you.
Trump 2016 God Bless America and those who serve.
Southern By Choice says
And people who have never had to sign the front of a check don’t have any idea how business works. Having been self-employed for years, as my son now is, there are time when you do not pay your sub-contractors, suppliers or even employees when they have NOT DONE THE JOB. Shoddy material, workmenship and professionalism all have to figure in to what is paid – but if you don’t own/operate a business, all you can think about is the poor person who didn’t get paid. Do a good job, up to specs, and 9 times out of 10 you will be paid. But don’t expect it if you don’t carry out your end of the bargain.
Apache says
Della your team is screwed youreap what you sew
Cindy says
You sure you are not confused, that’s Killary you are talking about.
rodney burke says
every time i think about hilary, I want to throw something…sharp! An abomination of a woman who should never be where she is. Time for divine retribution for her defiance of God and his word.
Francisco Machado says
That’s both the paradox and the tragedy of the 2016 Presidential election: That this candidate, Trump, with all his drawbacks is still by far the best of the two candidates for the United States. And there is so little published analysis on how we’ve arrived at this disastrous pass, two candidates, each of which is disliked and especially in Hillary’s case, distrusted by a majority of the American public. Trump is a potential negative but Hillary promises she’ll be one. And they both want big government, centralized government power.
SK Smith says
The headline and article are about Hill’s health woes, not about Donald. Please stay on topic.
rodney burke says
Agree, plenty to talk about on that subject. The coughing is only an outward manifestation of something inner which is wrong with her. The dems need to be looking elsewhere for another criminal candidate. Joe? criminal of the Hilary/Barry ilk!
Paul phipps says
Sorry libtard but get used to it I can’t wait for the debates when the bitch has to stand for 2 hours
rodney burke says
and what happens if she has a seizure or some such? Where is that medical handler now?
don baldwin says
she will be wearing 2 pairs of adult under pants to hold all the s##t coming out of her mouth and a##
ELI says
don’t worry, she’ll never make it to the white house.
Helen Higgason says
Yea,,Paul, maybe start the infamous “coughing spell” agin,,I’m waiting on baited breath, lol!!!!!
jozef jorik says
You are sick !!!!!!!!!!
Helen Higgason says
So are you,,Bozo!!!!!
Roseanna Martin says
Oh shut up Della, I’m sure you have cheated and screwed people to in your life time !! At least Trump doesn’t have dozens of people killed you idiot !!!!
ELI says
Steve says
When you make a accusation about someone , why don’t you prove it. If you have facts then show us. Otherwise keep your opinion to yourself and stop watching CNN or MSNBC
Ellen says
One word Benghazi. Set aside the very suspicious deaths of close business friends of the Clinton’s.
ron says
Steve …
. Are you not the one proclaiming freedom of speech …
. on this site ?
Gerald Mann says
People like you must live with your head up your butt or stuck deep in the sand ! Hillary and her family have killed at least 38 people , her e mails have killed one man defiantly , the man was a Iraqi nuclear scientist who was reporting to our CIA, the bad guys who were monitoring her emails found it
they recalled the guy and killed him and possibly family members as a warning ! When the Clintons left the White House they attempted to steal the Lincoln Bedroom Furniture , Plates, silver ware and they were stopped by security. These people are low life’s and would steal fly’s from a spider . How do you leave the White House dead broke and within one year have a little over 200 million dollars ? Della , people like you make me and every other member or past service men sick , we put our lives on the line so our family’s and yours can enjoy the Freedoms our Constitution give us , but you are too lazy to actually the facts and see what’s really going on in the world , either do not vote or vote for someone that will actually try to repair the damage Obama has don to us . Obama got elected because illegals, dead folks , and people like you voted for an illegal alien who with the help of George Serous , Pelosi , and others determined to turn us into a Communist nation !
Nancy Slager says
Same. Gerald you said it correct.
Thank you for your service .
Clarence Clark says
Della—– You should be running for Goverment office, You fit right in with the other Azzz’s
Jerry says
You listen to Trash, The people if there are any, Did not do their jobs correctly according to their bidding. Hillary Clinton will be in Hospice by November 2017
sharon says
alex jones said the rumor is that Hillary had a brain tumor removed in 2012 and it is growing back!!
Roberto says
We should only hope.
bob Jaszczak says
you have no idea of how things were for Donald Trump unless you have been a business owner you cannot say the things you are saying unless you have factual proof so I would suggest you shut yur trap until you educate yourself about the in and out’s of owning a business I will give you a couple of examples 1) when hiring a subcontractor they sign a agreement to complete the job they are hired for and also completed per the agreement I will leave it at that
Kent Powers says
Love for you &other liberals to be quiet 5 minutes, check out some facts, then expresst thoughts based on actual facts rather than you own agenda & ideas that do not work.There are many, many more lawsuits existing now & that have been on hold for decades concerning Hillary, Bill & the Clinton Foundation, numerous times those of Trump, move into the real world, liberals don’t live here they just make a lot of noise. Incidently, notice all the talk about Trump’s college suddenly shut up, that’s because facts concerning the Clinton Foundation Colleges made the worst of Trump’s problems look like an ice cream supper compared to the horrible tract record the Clinton’s exhibited. Facts always destroy democrats,always.
Ellen says
so true-head in the sand Dems-
Jay Bell says
Famous wealthy people like Trump always have lots of nuisance lawsuits against them. They are usually settled out of court but Trump is of the opinion that the practice just encourages more of them so he fights them–the only reason why you hear about them. That and the corrupt Dems who insist on bringing them up because they have nothing else to talk about. People who have been truly harmed by the Clintons are too frightened to sue them. The body count is high around the Clintons.
anita says
Della ,you really are an Idiot ,Stupidity and Politics don’t mix ,FOOL <
don baldwin says
sorry to say but with liberals it does mix
David Jaycox says
How much doe’s he owe you??
romeo says
Della are you working for a POOR person or are you on welfare & public assistance you sound like your using the system in plan ENGLISH get a job…
AW says
Hey Della ……. Obama, Hillary & the rest of the cronies have long ago, PUT THE SCREWS TO YOU & THAT IS FROM THE GOVERNMENT. What Trump may have done privately has no effect on you. GOVERNMENT DOES!!!!! Don’t you frigging get it??????
Jorge Badillo says
Della, give it a rest, you and your kind are what is wrong with this country. You are like so many fools around, so proud and stuborn to see that you are wrong and refuse to accept it, change for the better, and still support and vote for a certified liying criminal like hillary clinton.
Stupid is as stupid does…
Myke Britt says
Della, are you illegal or just a CRIMINAL SHARPTON DISCIPLE?
Vic says
Della – You stated “Trump is a cheater who screws people out of what he owes them” Really?
Can you provide evidence to that accusation or, are you just another libtard who believes everything they hear from the biased, main stream media scumbags?
name b free says
Della and Hillary Nixon Pinnochio Lewinsky Clinton is a true patriot. Give me an f en break
Al says
You are overlooking how many people have worked for him. My Grandfather worked in NY for his old family and he got paid. SO DO NOT GET ME THIS BULL SHIT.
CrazyJoe says
You’re probably an old bag just like her who just wants a woman president before you croak. Problem is, this old hag may beat you to it the way she sounds. In fact, both her and her husband are looking and sounding pretty pathetic lately. God works in mysterious ways. I know God is merciful but just this once I hope he allows her to croak on live television, perhaps during the debates. I don’t ever wish bad things on people but I have to make a one time exception in her case.
ELI says
Sure I would like to see a woman in the white house, but not this one !!!
Jackson Brannon says
And Hitlary is a Habitual lying immoral corrupt crooked POS!!!
John says
Hey Della,
The liberal main stream media is lying to you along with Hillary and all her sheep. Trump received a few rewards from Jesse Jackson which can be found on you tube, the lawsuits are the same ones that anyone with money has to face. Trump has been around since the 60s and never had anyone call him a racist until he ran for office. But when the media goes back to find dirt on Trump, they can’t so they make up stories knowing that the average person won’t call them on it. Also, did you know that the head of the new black panthers endorsed Trump? Did you also know that when David Duke, a high ranking klansman endorsed trump, Trump denounced it right away but when the KKK as a whole endorsed Hillary, nothing was said from Hillary?
And speaking of racist, did you know Hillary was against the Civil Rights in the 60s and actually admitted to being a Goldwater Girl to which she said she was very proud to be? Did you know that she said that the young black men should be taught to heel and she called them super predators? When you get a chance, look up Hillary racist comments. Bing, Google or whichever search engine you use. If you get nothing on Google, (the endorsed her), try Bing.
Don’t let the liberal msm lie to you. Look up what they are saying and do more research. And I’m not trying to get on you, just trying to educate you.
Mary says
Utter nonsense.. If we want our country back now is the time.. The only time left! ????????????#Trump2016
Phyllis Schultz says
Every time Hillary opens her mouth she lies, and when people displease her and Bill, they die. She is one of the most corrupt and dishonest people alive. She says people at the top, those with the most money are the problem. She is referring to Republicans, but fails to mention how rich she and Bill have become since leaving the White House, mostly due to favors she has given foreign countries, only after they gave donations to her so called foundation. Yep she is definitely an upstanding person. If you believe that I have a bridge in the Sahara to sell you.
Katie says
Trump never killed anyone. There is a list of about 58 killed by the Clinton’s and that doesn’t even count the deaths she is PERSONANLY responsible for in Benghazi.
Thomas Harrell says
can you name one law suit Trump is in for not paying employees?
I Don’t think you can.
Freeamericanow says
You’ve been a bit brainwashed, don’t you think? To get UN-brainwashed, try googling Jessie Jackson praising Trump in the 1990’s for his great work for blacks, then take in Trump’s speeches at his rally in August 16th and one in AZ on the 31st. Once you’re beginning to see the light, watch in its entirety “Hillary’s America” (due out on DVD Oct. 13th. While you’re waiting it to come out, watch the online documentary “Clinton Cash,” and actually; just research all the RECENT Clinton scandals including the Clinton Foundation! Wow! Then you find out that the Dems were using Planned Parenthood to try and destroy the black race in America through eugenics–whew! Oh, and the Trail of Tears? That was Dems too–Republicans fought it but lost. Vote Trump, and we’d better find a way to prevent the poll cheating, especially now that Obama is claiming he’s taking the election away from the states and putting his (Trump hating) homeland security czar in charge of it!
Burnner says
I agree with freeamericanow. The politicians fear Trump and the lobbyist hate him. Why???
Because he can’t be BOUGHT!
Roberto says
No need to be sarcastic, we all know what Hillary has done. You are been sarcastic aren’t you?
Burnner says
#”What you didn’t get your FREEE PHONE! Don’t care if the world has gone CRAZY or the DEMS are corrupt and HILLARY wouldn’t know the TRUTH if someone was slap her with it.But we got our FREEEE PHONE?????
Burnner says
DELLA you are out of your mind. Hillary is a self serving DEVIANT and cares about only herself!
If you put her in office she will finish what OBAMA tried to do. DESTROY AMERICA!!!!!!!!
Antonio oppus says
GrannyJo says
And, can you imagine Tim Kaine as President?
Jay Bell says
Anyone but me think that Kaine looks like “Chucky the murderer doll” from the horror-comedy films of the same name? Kaine looks square into the camera with his goofy grin and all I can think of is “Chucky”. LOL
ELI says
He looks like a sleazy crook.
Burnner says
Yep! Hillary picked CHUCKY straight out of the mental hospice LOL.
anita says
Granny Jo ,he can’t be worse than that Muslim Traitor Obama ,at least Kaine is not a Muslim yet
Burnner says
Granny Jo. The Muslims hate us. They can’t beat us in a war so they put one in the WH. Working his
Muslim hatred toward americans and christians. Gave IRAN 1.7 billion$ in CASH behind Congress’s back.
Now if that is,’t aiding and abedding a known terrorist country I don’t know what to call it?”
OBAMA,…HILLARY…..and Loretta Lynch all need to be in PRISON!!!!!!!
ron says
GrannyJo … Sure I can. …
. Just read the jesuit oath if you want to know what will happen. ..
. As far as being worse than the Muzzy, Mohamed was, at least initially, sponsored by the RCC.
rodney burke says
God forbid! yes, he DOES look like Chucky. IK! i don’t even like the idea of him running, much less in any place of responsibility. What’s HIS political track record? dismal like Hilary, Barry, Joe and Warren?
don baldwin says
by the way what has happened to the squaw haven’t heard from her lately must be gathering fire wood for winter
SUE says
Kevin says
He is simply not fit to be president of United States! He is not capable of leading this country into victory! He doesn’t care about anything but her foundation in a self! We don’t need the Clinton backing of the White House! And vice versa role models! It’s old, outdated and ineffective strategy by the Klyn! We need a non-politically correct outsider to be the president of United States! A man was concerned about the people then himself , And a man is got backbone of balls that will be respected by the allies of the world. Hillary Clinton will follow the path of distraction that that no good rotten bastard Obama has been doing. Get your head out of your asses and vote for the right man!
bob says
after reading you comment I am a bit confused who the hell are you talking about Trump or Clinton
get your facts right
rodney burke says
Uh Bob, I think, Kevin needed to check his post, he was talking about kaine(?) and then he moved on to contrast Trump. Some misspellings and word usage were pretty obvious that he doesn’t have his thoughts in the right sequence.
Trump blast says
Tim Oscar .tp be hrc’s bidden no one wants him as president so no impeachment !!!
Gary copeland says
Well said.
Sad says
can someone answer this.. I have heard that Hillary already has over 300 electoral college votes all is needed is 270. so she has all ready won. why do we vote??? this does not seem right
CrazyJoe says
If that happens you will see a revolt in this country that will make the first revolution look like child’s play. The electoral college is a joke. It was designed to take the vote away from the people and put it in the hands of paid operatives. This is why the POS in the Whitehouse is so confident about this election. Like Trump has been saying, it’s rigged. Now, if Trump takes 45 or more states then all the rigging in the world won’t stop him from becoming president.
rodney burke says
Amen to that. Karma is reaching out to bite her. It comes from the soul which in this case is dark.
Joan Haman says
Welcome Biden! He is the back up guy. Heaven help us if Mr. Foot-in -the -outh gets into the oval office. Likewise Kaine!
J.P. says
Beware of the black clowd hanging over this country’s head(bho). He will enact M.L. before election day. Be prepared folks, it is coming. You can take that to the bank,( if we will have one).
Hanko American says
J.P. is right on the money!! Scary but certainly true! O’Vomit is more than willing to enact martial law to please his muslim-communist party in power!
Ralph says
Elizabeth says
Get that Hillbilly Off the Air, Pathetic Criminal ! Our media is Nuts backing that Low – Life, White Trash Nut. Watch The Clinton Chronicles, Spread The Word !!! The 1hr. 52 min .Version on U Tube, Fascinating !!! Will Blow your Mind !!! Bill is a Physical Rapist, she Is a Psychological Rapist !!! Couple of bottom – feeders, Satanists, parasites, Vampires. Terrible people. Scary. I think FBI Comey Is Afraid of them, Shows. ,The Cover – Up , He’s Weak. !!!
romeo says
Hondo your 100% right this bitch got to suffer for all her evil she has did over the years hurting people & there families her due will come
Beverly Skinner says
Thomas Odell says
I guess Hillary doesn’t know that Pneumonia shots are very effective.
Helen Higgason says
Helen Higgason says
anti-rum-dum-dems says
no way in her lifetime will she suffer enough for the many she has damaged and killed…but I do think it is right that she suffers any little thing…only hope for bigger sufferings to come along
J.P. says
She will suffer more than you could think when she faces the LORD of LORD’S and have to be accountable for what she has done in her life time. Trust me, she will.
Wanda leonard says
J P you must think that you’re God ‘,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hillary for president 2016
Nancy says
Amen to that. She is going to reap what she sews, and she certainly has sewn a lot of evil. People who will get on her band wagon to get “free handouts” are just as evil as she is. When you are able to work and sit on your butt, you are stealing. Believe it or not, that disobeys one of the ten commandments. It might do well if freeloaders in their spare time would read the “good book.”
J.P. says
They will only say, what “good book”?
Beverly Skinner says
Why is there no reply button to Wanda’s Post? I would sure like to give her an EARFUL. Not that she would listen. She IS a Liberal, after all!!
james keary says
she truly is a devil.!!! America must wake up,trump has his agenda and that scares them a for that reason alone I would vote trump,I’m in Scotland watching and I believe I am better informed somehow they are controling the net.
liberty49 says
I agree. It’s time Hillary reaps what she has sown. This is for all the ‘bodies’ that turned up dead all these years who have crossed the Clintons. Go TRUMP 2016!
J.P. says
Beware of what will happen if SHE (Hillary) or Trump does not get in (bho).
ELI says
saw an article about killery and John Kennedy Jr. running against each other for some office in new York, then he disappeared !
anita says
Dennis, AMEN to that ,she is an evil satanic corrupt greedy nasty lying Bitch ,and Karma is on the way to pay her a long overdue visit finally ,her coughing is a beginning ,
rodney burke says
God hating Christian hating communist. yeah her blasphemy will catch up. That is what I pray for. and It is happening more and more. her time is coming.
J.P. says
Beware of what you pray for. It may come back on you.
Wanda leonard says
Yes Hillary time is coming to be the next president of this all ready great united states go Hillary for 2016
Alan Humphries says
Hey crotch liker. Find a Hildabeast site and stay there.
Hanko American says
Hey Wanda, You must have the same sickness as Hildabitch! To want her for president is to want this country destroyed! Wake up out of your stooper & help us SAVE America!! Trump for president!!!
Shiree says
Love it farmer John! You are so so right. I hope karma bits her in the butt.
Della says
Trump has got a whole lotta reapin’ to do. Many lawsuits against him, he is a cheater who screws people out of what he owes them.
CJ says
Della get real. Donald Trump hasn’t lied to Congress & hasn’t put our country at risk with foreign powers. Da bitch has. You do get what you reap. Know from experience & it wasn’t that good either.
Mike says
I think we all have reaping to do! You and me included. None of us are innocent of wrong.
Hillary on the other hand has over 50 bodies of people who have been murdered that have connections to the Clinton crime family. She’s sold every position she’s been in to the highest bidder, sold America security to the most evil dictatorships on planet earth. The Clintons have spit in the face of Americans and God far to long. She doesn’t deserve to be where she is today. She deserves prison.
Hondo says
Mike, whosoever will turn from their sins and turn unto Christ for forgiveness and follow Him and keep His Commandments in their heart and humble themselves will not have any fear of the judgment for Christ has already taken their place.
Hillary and multitudes of others, at present show clearly that they are NOT of His sheepfold and headed for the pit with their father the devil.
Reaping and sowing works both ways, one way for the ungodly, and another way for the righteous who are in Christ and look for His coming.
rodney burke says
key word Hondo, repent. hilary and Barry have no intention of repenting. They are under the delusion that they are right. What did Paul say “Will send them a delusion?” in his first letter to Timothy?
steven baker says
Mike u couldn’t say it any better. Just do not for get the 4 men that begged for backup and were left to be murdered in Benghazi.
Wanda leonard says
Steven Hillary asked for help but she was voted down by the GOP and that’s a fact she didn’t kill anyone you should stop saying things that are not true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!go Hillary 2016
J.P. says
She has OVER 200 that can be accounted for by her and Billy boy.
Martha lawson says
At least his incompetence didn’t get people killed. He didn’t allow classified documents to be hacked. Hillary has so many lies, cover ups, and yes committing treason that she will have to pay for some day. How would you like to be the mother, sister, daughter or wife of a slain American who she said while commenting on his death” what dies it matter now?”. But then you have to have a heart to feel their pain and Hillarys heart was replaced by a bank vault.
Mort says
Hilary’s will win easily so all your comments are for nothing
Hanko American says
Hildabitch WON’T win if we, the American people, stand up & fight for our country!! Hey Mort–Your comments show your true colors–You are as delusional as Hildabitch!!
James says
Della go hide in the bush
Joan Haman says
Ms. Hilary doesn’t steal and lie and cheat and murder?
J.P. says
If I May ask, what planet do you live on?
Alan Humphries says
Wow you carpet munchers need to come up for air.Your brain cells are fried.
Burnner says
Hillary is just another OBAMA CLONE! Can’t think for herself and OBAMA pulls the stings!!!!LOLOLOLOLOL
Texas gal says
Della, why do you worry? You know this country will soon be under Marshal Law, no elections, no food, no electricity, no nothing. You will have no one to blame but yourself for voting for jack a–s obama. He will soon be dictator. You and all the rest of the dems will be in the same mess as the rest of us. At least in Texas we have our guns. God help the rest of you. I bet you don’t know how to hunt, grow vegetables or save rain water. Time is coming, Jesus come quick.
Burnner says
This just in Hillary was cornered on the White House grounds running with a Phone in one hand and a Pen in the other Yelling this is mine and this is………mine. Security finally waterboarded and tazed her to get OBAMA”S phone and pen back!
Hanko American says
Texas Gal has a VERY firm grasp on the truth!! AMEN!!
Hanko American says
Texas Gal has a FIRM grasp of the truth!! YOU GO GIRL!!
jfkdem says
It would be good if someone instructed her in proper coughing hygiene. Never cough out into the air around you nor cover your mouth with your hand as everything she then touches is contaminated. The proper coughing etiquette is to cough into your sleeve. Check with the CDC.
eagle says
Thank God People are waking up about Hillary the Clintons– they are crooked————the men who lost there lives —-she lied under oath—we cant do that—more then ever what is Hillary teaching are children —-we are divided because of Obama———–you have a choice in life go bad or follow the law——Hillary is not above the law————-crooked FBI needs to go to jail he probably got paid off to lie———its time we the people take back this country you come here you follow are way of life—-what happens if Obama birth cert. says he is not a U.S. ———-everybodys life matter—-make a choice shoot some one, or love some one. God is Good
Born in South and proud of it says
Killr-hillr is a total joke. I can not understand how anyone can possible think that this lying piece of junk is qualified to be President of our great country. If my only two Presidential ballot choices were her or a rabid skunk…. I’D VOTE FOR THE SKUNK.
God Bless and save America. Let FREEDOM ring……. Trump 2016
Carolyn Ferrante says
It’s scary to see this video. I never thought I’d feel sorry for Hillary, but I do here. She’s got to “give it up” and “pack it in.”
mrp says
That’s why she’s been keeping herself out of the public eye. The criticism got to to be too much and so she finally had to show up – and look what happened. She almost choked to death. She’s definitely on lots of mediation for her various health issues and as we know, medications have side effects. Besides being ethically and morally unfit to be president, she should be removed from the race over her health problems. Couldn’t happen to someone more deserving. And her VP choice is hardly fit to be president. He was a hack in Virginia and a communist to boot.
don baldwin says
no please let her stick around until the first debate because that may be the one thing that finishes her off I doubt Trump will treat her anyway except the opposition
Jason Silverman says
The more people we have working for a living the better everyone and our country will be. Let’s all go settle our issues at the ballot box this November—– GO VOTE!!!
Alice says
We all get coughing fits! But this one is an embarrassment. I’m not a fan of Hillary, what she should of done, let her running mate take over. This
sick woman needs to step down, She’s done!!!!!!
anita says
No Alice ,her running Mate Kaine is an Idiot ,but maybe she will drop out ,and he will take over ,but Stupidity is better than Corruption ,
anita says
Farmer John ,I have been saying the same thing for a while ,it is biting her corrupt ASS,
Terry Brown says
You are buying a high-performance act.
This is a ploy to keep her out of prison.
She is flaunting ill health knowing her bid
for the white house is practically over.
Brilliant move by her deception team.
They might even have her collapse on Global TV.
They will do Anything: Nothing is off the table.
The word is watching deception at its highest degree.
Joan Haman says
It is called a sympathy vote. Most Democraps will vote for ANY of their people no matter what they have done. Do away with the two party system and vote for the best person not your favorite party!!
Wanda leonard says
Yeah the world is watching Hellary will be the next president of our great United States Hillary 2016!!!!!!!!!!
william says
Farmer john, what pisses me off is that she’s not flaying around on the floor like a fish out of water!!
rodney burke says
Well William let’s hope that is next! Trouble is she might not be able to get up…by herself.
Sicklesteel says
No my man….it called choking on your own BS.
rodney burke says
key word Hondo, repent. hilary and Barry have no intention of repenting. They are under the delusion that they are right. What did Paul say “Will send them a delusion?” in his first letter to Timothy?
J.P. says
So very true, that is what it says in the “BIBLE” and that is ALL true.
Judy says
She’s just like Pinochio, she coughs everytime she lies.
rodney burke says
Yeah but unfortunately every time she lies, her nose doesn’t grow. Just once I wish it would! ha, ha! But her coughing is a sign of her lying.
Wanda leonard says
It takes a LIER to. Know one Vote Hillary 2016
Hanko American says
Wanda–It takes an idiot to vote for an idiot!! Vote Trump 2016!!!
Mary Barnes says
A thought came to me this morning after hearing her cough on the plane after this. If she wins, I pray every day she doesn’t, but if she does the Democrats won’t admit she has a problem. If she is indicted, she will be too sick to serve prison time. She is definitely sick. She and Obama plus all the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House have destroyed the Democratic Party. They take us all, black and whites as stupid. I am registered as a Democrat but have not voted that way since Bill Clinton came along. And I live in Arkansas. My husband worked for the state during Bill’s time and everyone knew what he was doing but the Democrats turned their headsbecausef they have no morals. Obama has split the blacks and the whites. We will have a long time undoing what Ovomit and Crooked Killiary have done to our country. I just pray God will answer our prayers and turn it around. I want America back! Trump!!!!!
Wanda leonard says
America has not gone anywhere so why do people say they want America back ! Go Hillary2016
Katie says
Yes, and Hitlary has been in charge of the State Department while this country went no where except HELL!!
Hitalry-the architect of the Libyan mess. Way to go Hills baby. THOUSANDS of people on the region have had to die b/c of your callous indifference and total incompetence!
retired says
You think she is having a coughing jag now…… Wait till Trump and Hillary have their debate….. it will be twenty minutes of coughing
Trump/Pence 2016 thru 2024
retired says
especially when she is put on the spot and does not want to answer the questions….cough lie, cough lie, lie lie lie cough cough cough then the commentator will move on to another question…. watch and see!
trump/pence 2016
Elge says
Yes, she’s sick
Did you see her stumble off of the plane a few days ago? She had to be helped.
Stell says
Very truthful words.
Dianne Meyer says
Yep, it’s her many ghosts of past screaming from their graves “NO WAY!!”
Ray Eldridge says
Jack Scarpon says
Katie says
Or maybe Obama will send her to “hospice”. You know where the government sends you to be put down by an overdoes of morphine and Ativan.
Katie says
Amen to that! God will not be scorned or mocked. It is justice that this woman who has lied her way through life, lived by the scorched earth philosophy, used her voice to deny crimes against humanity and individuals will be denied her voice to continue her wicked ways.
Thomas Harrell says
Bull Shit. You can’t name one lawsuit against Trump trying to he did not pay workers or subcontractors.
paulette says
Shes not allergic to Trump,she chokes on her own lying words.
Jo says
Hillary – you need to learn not to cough into the microphone. Who wants to use the microphone after you? I guess you forgot….right?
Martha lawson says
She is good at not recalling, misspeaking , doesn’t remember exactly, thought, etc. the reason she hasnt had a press interview in almost a year is two reasons, one she can’t answer their questions or two she will have a coughing fit or breakdown. She has these coughing fits so often did you see how fast she pulled a cough drop out of her pocket. A normal healthy person doesn’t carry them around all the time, do they?
Terry Brown says
She needs to cough into the microphone in order to produce the intended effect
This effect cast the desired spell: Did anyone notice her coughing prior to the
moment she began speaking? Bet you didn’t. this is where her handlers goofed.
Jack Scarpon says
glenda LaFont says
How utterly disgusting coughing into a microphone. This is sick and won’t admit it. Cover up as usual.
Chucky says
She’s choking on all her lies, hopefully it will be her decline. Karma is a bitch, what goes around……
Terry Brown says
Hillary is a fine actress plus a superb liar.
Why should anyone be in fear of catching
her invented coughing spell? Wake up!
Trump blast says
She did not start to cough until she started to lie !!! It was her own subconscious that tried to stop her this time !!!! 😀
Dan says
God is shutting the mouth of this wicked woman!
Richard Carr says
Hillary unfortunately does not understand English: She misinterprets Trump’s statement. Speaking of America’s problems, he said: “I alone can fix it”. That does not suggest, as Hillary wrongly claims, that he thinks he can solve our country’s difficulties without the police, the military, the teaching corps, etc. etc. His statement means, very simply: ‘Only I can fix it.’ The meaning is clear: Hillary cannot fix the country’s problems. Hillary’s incorrect interpretation would fit a sentence such as: I can fix it alone. That is not what Trump stated. My God!! Are we going to elect as president of this country someone who does not understand English?
Joan Haman says
Does not WANT to understand her opponent She knows exactly what he means..
Jim Matt says
She cares about no one but the Clintons. Him and her must be on the same drugs.
William Clausen says
Mrs. Clinton;
i’m so sorry you’re experiencing a health issue. I’m praying for healing in your life
and for our country.
Helen Higgason says
Wrong pray, buddy, wrong pray!
Mike says
Pray for the healing of her cold, black heart! I’m wondering if she has a soul? She’s mocked God so many times on so many levels, I believe she may have committed the unpardonable sin!
Roseanna Martin says
William may you get the same karma , and she won’t bother saying anything on your behalf , lololololol dumb ass………
Matyas Cserhati says
If you sow to the flesh you reap from the flesh. Romans 8:13
Della says
You have a foul mouth outlawlibersalism. You rightwingers only swear and insult, you have zero imagination and little to contribute. Turn off Fox news and the hate radio.
Chucky says
Dumb Della, go lay by your dish! She’s just choking on her lies! Karma!????
Helen Higgason says
So do you liberal, so do you!!!!!!
Fed Up! says
Cnn is hateful third rate news station. Clinton needs to step down. After taking money from Saudi kings and Big Pharma and Wall Street while she was Secretary of State. She is doomed. She has never brought a job here to America and Mr. Trump has.
John G . says
Fed Up, why would we except her to comply with any norms – we all know she and Slick Willie are above the “law”.
disgusted says
Maybe they are not above the law…… the big donors have their own laws for taking care of people who can not come thru with the favors they bought……. Pay to Play…… It is getting close for Hillary and Bill to (Pay)…. maybe she will croak before it will get listed as a suicide????? Bill has BWD and its only a matter of time there !
Roseanna Martin says
Oh shut up Della , you liberals attack everything that doesn’t fit your liberal retard agendas !!!
John G . says
Della, how long have you been repeating yourself – it’s an sign of early mental midgetdom, you Moron”.
if he said he was a dumbacrat. says
Della would vote for SATAN if he said he was a dumbacrat!!!!!
Katie says
And when she votes for Hitlary she will be voting for just that!!
Trump blast says
Della I read his comment twice only one poor choice of her anatomy was used to describe hrc and it was a word used for decades in reference to whores !! An apt description from one who sold herself to the highest bidder !!!
retired says
What else could you call her a bad vagina would that make it sound better to you???????
Ashley Roachclip says
All of the other issues aside for Hillary. And they are legion. Do we really want someone in office who obviously cannot stand up to the strain?
Fred N Marino says
This woman is finish this is what we would get she will die in office. she is as good as dead.
J.P. says
Both parties have been trying to get Trump from the beginning. If neither of the two gets in then who else will be our next President? B.H.O. GOD I hope not. He won’t make 100 days in office.
Rosech says
Her coughing is definitely a result of a lung situation and probably brought on by a blood clot moving on up. Couldn’t happen to a nastier creature. She also appears to be on an “upper” to appear perky and alert which means there is a clash between her many meds and the “upper” which means in the end she may not make it to November. Tsk! Tsk! We need Trump and we do not need a mentally and physically disturbed Hillary anywhere near the WH or anything else. Sorry, Soros, this time you picked another wrong horse and may God’s justice be meeted out to you as quickly as possible as you are a very old and ugly creature as well.
anti-rum-dum-dems says
May God HURRY His justice along ……
steven baker says
How can we trust voting machines from Soros
Trump blast says
How ??? The week before the election two techs from the fbi and it a republican and a dem in each county program every machine with a 128 byte code and the proper voting list and counting cypher that is to be used in every state for this election and once set up lock the fbi128 byte code so that no other changes can be made even if hard wired in so that each vote is counted once as selected by the voter and only the properly coded votes will be counted by the voter128 byte code not even a hard wired vote can pass this system !!! And the have 45 days to write the code !!!
Terry Brown says
Hillary is quite fine as far as physical health is concerned: You are buying
a deceptive coughing act. If these attacks were real they would need to
quarantine her in order to keep other people safe from the virus she is
carrying. Bet they didn’t think anyone would figure out this simple equation.
No university degree required!
Trump blast says
Terry those fits are real look at all the evidence falling up the steps uncontrolled coughing sagging eye lid some say there’s a man nearby with a needle ready !! She is on some heavy mess to control bp heart rate and sugar and those beds cause coughing dizziness drowsiness and fainting add that to a life of physical ease and mental stress keeping track of her lies and all the blood on her soul !! We see a body rebelling against more of the same !!!
rodney burke says
I echo your sentiment completely
John says
Hope Hillary Rotten Clinton continues to go down!
Not a nice thing to say; but our country is at stake!
Hit the bottom and beyond Hillary!
Dagonet says
No bottom is low enough!
Mona Smith says
I agree the cough is disgusting but have concern that it’s just started when the tough question surface. Another lying, cheating scam from the dirty Clinton’s!
RLS says
Sometimes she can barely get her breath from the coughing spells. There are some serious health issues that she is covering up. She should not even be running for President but you see she is beholdin to foreign governments. Never saw a candidate like this one in my lifetime.
Dagonet says
More than ever, Trump needs to draw blood and not let up!
bob says
amen he will when it is debate time
anita says
she is coughing now ,wait till Donald gets a hold of her during the Debates ,he will tear her a new ass, then she will cough and cough just so People feel sorry for her sorry ass ,and then she will get what she intends ,people will feel sorry for that lying Bitch ,that is what she wants ,People !!! ,don’t fall for that corrupt lying evil nasty satanic Bitch ,she is a female Satan ,
Barbara says
Isn’t it funny that it’s always someone else’s fault. even down to a cough. Can’t even own up to that. She is so busy bashing trump that she doesn’t have any of her own ideas. Pretty sad.
calle says
Praying that what has gone around comes around to do the final job before Nov 8th.
Helen Higgason says
Trump needs to call it like it is, Hillary has a very bad HEALTH issue, sickly, folks,sickly!!!!!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton does need to drop out of the Figurehead race for her health & the good of the country, let Senator Tim Kaine take over & he can pick who he wants as a running mate. If HKRAKC cares about her own health, she would do just that. With that cough, she’s not fit to run for Figurehead at all, health is much more important than being Figurehead of the United States.
anita says
jim gould says
Hillary should just concentrate on being a grandma, she’s an embarrassment to her followers. Her political days are numbered!
Mike says
I believe her days in this life are numbered! She is not well! I’ll be surprised if she makes it to November.
If she doesn’t, obummer can suspend the election and stay in office for a while longer so he can inflict more damage to America. I wouldn’t doubt if Soros has her killed before the elections. Keep his puppets in office.
Trump blast says
No he can’t but guess who will get to be president pro tem none other than speaker of the house P R !!!!
Trump blast says
On this site there’s a troll calling people stupid for thinking Trump is better than a known liar that tried to steal from us and who has sold herself to the highest bidders !!! And one who thinks does faking to get the poor me vote but does not know about the side effects of certain mess fits her actions to a t !! But I say her body is in revolt against her actions and will make her unable to continue her last ditched try to be a president !!!!
Wanda leonard says
Hillary is a grand mother and she loves it and will be the next president of the already great United States Hillary 2016!!!!!!!!
Phil says
I heard Soros in an interview say that Trump will win the popular vote but the elector college is all ready bought. Just what will happen to this country if something like this takes place. Possibly marshal law and then an outright revolt God help America.
gordon miller says
We need the results of a neurologist’s findings about Hillary’s heath NOW. If she wins the election, it will be too late. Then It would have to be proved that she is “unable to serve” under the 25th amendment to the constitution. She would certainly resist stepping down even if she felt too sick to get out of bed for month or longer.
gordon miller says
We need the results of a neurologist’s findings about Hillary’s heath NOW. If she wins the election, it will be too late. Then It would have to be proved that she is “unable to serve” under the 25th amendment to the constitution. She would certainly resist stepping down even if she felt too sick to get out of bed for month or longer.
John G . says
One look at her and you immediately know she has serious health issues – hear her once that loud screeching voice and you know she has serious mental issues. And some people (Morons) think she would be a good representative both in appearance and sound – what a joke.
John says says
To Ohio’s Governor Kasich…. you are pathetic to not support Trump. This is what the country will get for decades to come with a crooked Clinton election. A country that is all about NOT caring for the people but for themselves. The network of the Clintons, Rockefeller, Soros, the naive and stupid PC celebrities, will ruin this nation and prepare us for a time of great depression and vulnerability to rogue powers. Thanks Kasich for your immature and selfish and STUPIDITY. JERK!!!!
Geo Washington says
What an evil lying wasteful individual she is. Hillary has the morals of an alley cat. She hasn’t any respect for anybody. I hope her health brings her down so those anti-Trumpers can see first hand what they are voting for. A piece of garbage that isn’t healthy to be president. We the people can impeach her if she gets elected. It is written into our constitution that we have the power to do so.
SW says
Chronic cough, common side effect of ace inhibitors. If her physician was worth what he/she is paid they would change her meds and she would insist on it.
Richard says
SW you are right. As someone who has lived through the same problem, I had to ask to be taken off the medication myself. No one on this site wants her less than myself, but let’s keep it real eh?
Samuel Crisp says
She should of turned Herself into the CLEVLAND CLINIC, at least they could of got the coroner to examine her under the “Obummer care!
anti-rum-dum-dems says
coroners usually do people…..not pigs…..
lizaz says
I’d rather have Donald Trump and his advisors protecting our country than Mrs. Clinton coughing in the bathroom as America is attacked…….
Mike says
I wouldn’t want to be in any Clintons shoes when they stand before God! I think Hillary isn’t going to make it to November. She’s going to choke to death on her lies. They are pure evil. Hell will have a special place for them.
Justin W says
Part of the problem for Hillary Clinton is that many of us what not believe anything she says. She and her husband have practiced dishonesty for so long I would not trust either of them.
Someone of her stature has surely seen a doctor about this problem. The question is what condition is causing this and is there no cure? We are in a time when we have two aging candidates for president. Fortunately both have chosen vice presidents that are probably more competent in governing than they are.
ron says
Justin … You said: “Fortunately both have chosen vice presidents that are probably more competent in governing than they are.” …
. You are right if the goal is to destroy USA. ..
. Both are NWO pros.
Dave says
Kasich, among others, has demonstrated how a politician will behave…. Sign the oath / pledge, then back out after the fact. He’s just another politician that will say/do anything to get a vote. After making such a stink about Trump stalling on signing the pledge, Kasich won’t even stand behind his own signature.
Sunny says
“Oh what a wicked web we weave when we practice to deceive.”
Sam says
TRUTH has an uncanny way of surfacing. Rest assured Americans have the wisdom to keep America’s interest First, be it Republicans or Democrats.
November 8 will see JUSTICE PREVAIL .
Susan Dix says
Good Lord, please help us!!
She cannot even run a campaign let alone the country! What will Obama do next?
If she doesn’t make it to the election, what will all of her backroom dealers do to us?
She has set many things into motion and it doesn’t look good for her to be this obviously ill.
I wonder if Kaine is able to learn all about her many dirty deals to take over the reins for her.
It is a real nail-biter for the real patriots and it all is up in the air for the USA.
God Bless America, pray for her!! Vote TRUMP/PENCE in November!
Joseph Violano says
I hope they have good doctors in JAIL where she belongs….
John Lamb says
Heh, Heh, is it possible that God, Allah, the Universe or whatever higher power is up there, has had enough of her lies and so it is preventing her from uttering more?
rodney burke says
Well John, that’s a nice thought, all we can do is wait to see how things play out. I vote for a drop out!
Mike W says
Paraphrasing a ditty
She was in the gutter with some pigs,
Trying to get some sleep,
When Hillary heard a passing woman say,
“You can tell one’s character by the company she keeps!”
Then the pigs got up and quickly walked away.
Jerry says
Trump will be President, Hillary and all people complicit in her Clinton Crime Inc. will go to jail, Hillary will be excused for health problems and get to go to Hospice
Wanda leonard says
Jerry maybe you will need hospice go Hillary 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Burnner says
Wanda you are a MORON!
Lou says
Awaiting to see the debates.
Let’s see who chokes up then.
S strand says
Perhaps she should try blowing her nose, when these fits start. Perhaps she has a polyp in her sinus cavity. Many times post nasal drip causes uncontrollable coughing, until the nasal passage is emptied. Then drink some water, and or have a lozenge.
Cynthy says
I think she’s a lying sack of S _ _ T! The worst representation of womankind ever! Any woman that supports her, have to have their heads examined.
Terry Brown says
Okay! Finally: Here is someone who is not buying the coughing act.
If these attacks were real they would need to quarantine her in order
to keep other people safe from the virus she is carrying. Bet they didn’t
think anyone would figure out this simple equation. No university degree
Rose stokes says
I sleep really good at night knowing that the Sovereign Lord rules and reigns over the affairs of mankind and will put it into men’s hearts to vote for whomever he wants to be our leader, This will either be for our blessing or our judgement. He puts in rulers and removes others. I pray that he removes HIlliary before she can finish the distruction that Obama started. What is wrong with people that they obviously don’t care how evil a person is and constantly lying and getting away with it. Please America’s pray for God to heal our land and give us peace and a great leader. Go Trump!
Awake says
What would you rather hear????
Lyin’ Hillary for 2 minutes?
Or Coughing Hillary for 2min?
Is she coughing so she doesn’t have to say anything??
I wish the old hag would choke herself
Charles Driver says
Could it be that both Bill (in the past) and Hillary (now) choked on their lies and deceit? That’s pitiful and hard to watch. If her cough is real, I hope she can find help for it. Apparently, Bill found a cure for his, because he lost only a couple of weeks of speaking engagements and hadn’t had any new episodes to date, that I know of.
M. Mull says
PEOPLE, PLEASE,!!!!!!!! Finally we have someone who can shake things up in our self serving government offices! They take, We pay! If Donald does half of what he says , we will all be better off for it. He’s the best alternative we’ve had in years . ” AND HES NOT A CROOK”!
Wanda leonard says
Yes he is a crook I know he owes to go Hillary2016
Burnner says
Jerry says
What an Ignorant Criminal, I alone, what Donald Trump said, and Anyone that had half of a brain knows he was referring to Trump over Hillary he alone is the only one that can do it. Because he has his choice of what to work on because he is not bought and paid for, So he can do anything the way he wants not the Banks Not other countries.
Thomas M Devine says
Couldn’t this classless dolt at the very least, stop hacking up a lung directly into the microphone!? Her level of disgust is so operant!
Mike dar says
She sounded to me to be one tiny step away from being told she has Bullous emphysema.. as she is getting gradually worse and that is an indicator. If possessing the abnormal gene for alpha-1 antitrypsin, she may have the affected lung collapse or bleed out.. both needing surgery with a partial of the lung removed or face death.
Most often, this progressive emphysema is almost totally debilitating with only slight improvements followed by further drops in lung capacity,,,
If she has such a disease the last thing America needs is a President functioning through her husband, or her VP.. which will again be through her Husband.
I always figured that if two Clintons were to enter the Whitehouse, only one would walk out.
Shirley Noah says
PLEASE SOMEBODY IN CLINTON CAMP! She needs some Slippery Elm! My mother had the same problem as Hillary and Slippery Elm lozenges were the only thing that helped her!
Moises says
Another made up story by our great media.
dprato says
This post may not have anything to do with this article but is being included to inform people of how they are being used by the current Government Administration of Barack Obama supported by Hillary Clinton.
I think all people should read the item below and in particular if you are an Obama or Clinton supporter.
After you read this ask yourself if you are a Useful Idiot and are being manipulated by these people
who will lead you to your own destruction. If the answer is YES its not too late to change.
Beware the Useful Idiots
submitted by Garret Geer
Recall that Hillary did her college thesis on his writings and Obama writes about him in his books.
Saul Alinsky died about 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today.
Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA
Education: University of Chicago
Spouse: Irene Alinsky
Books: Rules for Radicals, Reveille for Radicals
Anyone out there think that this stuff isn’t happening today in the U.S.?
All eight rules are currently in play.
How to create a social state by Saul Alinsky:
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the government and schools.
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Does any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?
Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin’s original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule. Stalin described his converts as “Useful Idiots.”
The Useful Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.
“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”
Everyone who opposes Obama and Clinton should write to our Muslim Terrorist President and Attorney General on their respective websites and tell them it is time to stop protecting Hillary Clinton and indict her for the criminal she is. Enough of this cover up and stalling and subverting the laws of the land. Either obey your oaths or resign immediately.
Also, I would encourage everyone who is comfortable with doing so to purchase as many firearms and ammunition as they can afford to not only protect themselves from criminals and terrorists but from our Government as well. Buy yourself a semi automatic handgun and rifle at a minimum and get prepared to defend yourself.
JAMES says
in stead of just coughing. she needs to curl up & die. & take Obama with her.
Ben L says
The way I see it, let them keep this lying felon out front as long as possible…As we all can see with this and all of the other evidence finally coming out in the open, the whole lot will implode to late to revive the ticket with a new candidate…Let them spend all of their time and money on this criminal. We have the right man for the right time…DONALD TRUMP!!!!!
David says
This is more then a bad allergie It’s more then Severe Allergies This is very near TB Tuberculosis..I had a uncle that had it & you can see how Hillary’s voice never recovered. she has 8 days a month off resting, Her own people said Hillary was resting. If this was a bad allergie attack her voice would recover at some point during her speech. If this was Trump that was having these coughing attacks everyone would be asking for a health report from a doctor. One thing is for sure These coughing attacks are not from a allergie & their not from talking to much, Hillary has a problem & she & her people are trying to hide it from us all.
NAN says
Donna says
If I told as many lies as Hilary does I’d be choking on my words too!
Rocketman says
Any woman who is as sick as she appears to be has no business even coming in to work at a 9 to 5 job let alone become the President which is a 24/7 job. Apparently, she has one foot in the grave and the other one on a banana peel so why is she doing this? The only answer that I can think of is that she wants to be the first female president so badly that is all she can think about. She doesn’t care about what is going to happen to the USA or to it’s people after she dies only that he name goes in the history books. And that just might be the sickest thing of all.
Peter says
roflmfao….. First off I can not believe all the references to God’s will in these posts. Putting your blind faith into a fictional being is simply nuts. Ok on the subject of the election in your country ( The USA ) The way I and many other outsiders from around the world see it. America is completely screwed after the next election. On one hand you have someone who has proven to be a liar, Backtracks every few days on some bizarre statement he has made. Uses and abuses the legal system for his own financial gains ( multiple bankruptcy cases to protect his assets during financial failures ) Is a vocal and proud racist who will promote the division of races and bring race riots to every major city in the country all while bankrupting the country and destroying the economy in the process. Then you have on the other hand a person who claims to stand for women’s rights and yet in her own words has caused more damage to women that you can truly calculate, Has been caught lying about many things during her political career, Is guilty of being a traitor to your country, has sacrificed the lives of your troops, Is still under investigation for many wrong doings including more e-mails, breach of security, the Benghazi situation and who throws out false accusations against people who do not agree with her point of view. Over and above that she is outright lying about the condition of her health and is not fit to be president. In fact she should be in prison. The question the rest of the world is asking is, out of a population of over 300 million people is this really the best you can come up with for potentially running your country as President? Frankly your choices are pathetic.
Hondo says
Too bad for you Peter as by your very words you will be condemned eternally by Him whom you mock.
jerry canning says
it looked like she was choking on her own b.s.
El Tejas says
She said that every time she thinks of Trump she gets allergic. She must think about him a lot. The thing is that when sensible people think of Hillary they get nauseous. That is why we try not to think about her any more than necessary. The point is she is obviously tired and stressed out. And she apparently has some debilitating health issues. She would be better off in a rest home than in the Whitehouse.
PursueJustice says
“Once I get over my allergic reaction”? What? Is she allergic to liberals? To the voters? What a liar. This woman really needs not just a doctor, but a psychiatrist.
RottenRollin says
HagHillary gets allergic thinking about Donald? She must be thinking about him a lot, the way he’s catching up, eh?
I get diarrhea when I think about Hillary.
George says
God I ask that this day Donald Trump will gain more support from the people in this country. I pray Heavenly Father that You will save this country from the evils of Hillary Clinton and in no way will she ever become president of this country. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Don King says
She coughs everytime she lies.
Just catching up with her nervous system.
This laughing Hyena now becomes a coughing hyena.
Same difference. A Hyena nevertheless.
Bill Cash says
No criticism intended here but this cough is not something to be taken lightly. This is a DEEP lung cough, very much like a “smoker’s lung” and the fact that it continues without her ability to make it productive lends credence to the fact that she is in fact a very sick person. If it were not such a serious cough her doctors could stop it, or at least postpone it, during her interviews and stage activities with medication such as codeine. As she begins to talk she is forcing air from her lungs and putting pressure on the lungs which seem to be only half functioning , as is present with(may GOD forbid) emphysema or cancer. So there is definitely something serious with this.
Cap'n Kirk says
Hillary is the reason she coughs….. she is a sicko that is sick… She even has to be prompted in what to say… I guess her own words don’t come to her anymore… she has trouble speaking, she has trouble thinking, she has trouble making good decisions, she has trouble walking and now she has trouble breathing and coughing..
vote Trump!
No one important says
not Hillary..# ILLIARy Clinton
cough cough Cough Cough COUGH COUGH COFFFF COFFFF says
She’s coming apart under the weight of all the Collectivist Evil guilt burden
for the many dozens of murders she & her psychopathic, predatory,
cocaine freak husband have been responsible for over the decades,
since they crawled out of the back woods of Arkansas & onto the
national political landscape – the compromised (and therefore controllable) spawn
of king makers Jackson & Warren Stevens.
Communist Cow, she is emblematic of the morally bankrupt, godless,
self-absorbed generation of pond scum that gave rise to the Chicago Socialists
like terrorists William Ayers & Bernadine Dohrn (Weather Underground bombers)
during the 1960’s & 1970’s in America. (These are also Obama Chicago buddies.)
All of them the bizarre creations of bug-eyed Luciferian, Communist Agitator Saul Alinsky.
O God in Heaven, we are still cursed by that selfish, greedy generation of Communists
that insinuated themselves into every facet of American Life to include Academia,
Government & Hollywood Entertainment over the last six (6) decades.
Please forgive our indolent sins & give us strength to purge these godless Collectivist Killers
decisively from our Nation’s midst once & for all.
Hillary Clinton’s father Hugh was a Chicago mobster – so her whole pedigree is
one of Evil, Immoral, Machiavellian Duplicity – and this all comes home to roost
eventually in personal health & in deeds.
Let us be quickly shut of her.
Then let us turn our attention to purging our nation of Islamic Conquest –
if we do not nip the ‘Civilization Jihad’ in the bud, we will lose American Liberty
forever to the War-like Jihad that is Stage III of Theocratic Collectivist Islam.
Already, the Executive Branch of the Federal Government is penetrated by
Muslim Theocrats from the President down through the Departments.
This is not exaggeration.
Look at the CIA, CDC, DHS, DOE, DOJ, DOS, FEMA, FBI & the rest of the
Federal Alphabet Soup.
All Overreaching & many Deeply Penetrated by Islam under False Obama.
It truly is a time for American Patriots to Rise, Act, Persuade & Vote as
One Totality, One Unanimity – to reject the Evil Twin Forces of Collectivism & Islam.
Pass it on,
Godspeed the return of American Freedom.
The Lord Wills It!
Pam says
HEY DEMOCRATS… if you love our country then you owe it to yourself, your kids and their kids etc.. to get an open mind… cut the conspiracy theory crap, and do some research! Look up the New World Order. Read about George Soros (Not from his web page) Look up why Russia kicked him out of the country! America is our home and it’s not just the military’s duty to protect it… We can protect it with our votes and yea even that is being corrupted! Soros said in an interview that Trump will win the peoples vote by a landslide but Hillary will be our next president because she has the electoral votes! Now I know you democrats think that great because Hillary wins. NO if he is right then We lost voice when our votes don’t really count! There is money out there willing to pay for the votes! They want to destroy the economy. I am not sure how they get rich off this stuff but they gain money and power when countries fail and if they can break our economy then they can control us and we will be a part of the New World Order. This IS a real agenda! Hopefully we won’t see this in our life time but it scares the heck out of me! We keep telling you Hillary is corrupt and owned by Soros and you all just keep saying crap about Trump that doesn’t even measure up to this crap here! The NWO would almost seem like what the Bible talks about.. Peace? Heck I never thought it would be bought by corruption though!