Damning new secret documents prove that Hillary Clinton doesn’t just e-mail classified information carelessly from her private, homebrew server.
For the right price, she’ll blurt out national secrets to a roomful of elites on foreign soil.
Pentagon insiders are hopping mad that Clinton exposed the top secret details of their anti-terrorism program to a group of foreign bankers while bragging about her role in tracking and killing Osama bin Laden.
One of the thousands of e-mails WikiLeaks revealed includes Hillary’s security breach, which came during a November 2013 speech to bankers in Toronto.
“I was in the small group that recommended to the president that he go after bin Laden,” Clinton bragged – as if the whole country didn’t want President Barack Obama to kill the terrorist mastermind.
Then Clinton crossed the line, and broke her oath of office by giving away classified information to her big dollar audience.
She revealed that “the analysts and collectors and good old-fashioned spies” gathered information about bin Laden’s whereabouts “from cell phone conversations.”
“I will tell you,” Clinton told her foreign benefactors, that those spies began “putting this matrix together and saying, ‘This guy used to protect bin Laden. He just made a phone call. He said this in a phone call. We need to figure out where he is. Then we need to follow him.’”
The only problem? The methods used to track bin Laden were considered classified at the time.
Can Hillary Clinton be trusted with national secrets as president of the United States if she announces classified information to foreign elites? Evidently nothing is really secret to her, if the price is right.
Experts say that Hillary violated protocol, and maybe even committed treason, by signaling the exact procedures Americans use to capture terrorists. And it’s got them ready to explode.
Dan Maguire, a former Special Operations official, told Fox News the fact that intelligence agents let Clinton get by with this shows “a lack of integrity and a lack of discipline” on their part.
The Obama administration let Clinton slide for the umpteenth time – as she has on Whitewater, running the Clinton Foundation like a felonious money-laundering operation, and destroying 32,000 e-mails under subpoena.
But the Democrats put the screws to American vets, including one of the people who actually killed Osama bin Laden.
In August the Obama administration forced one of the Navy SEALs who actually helped kill bin Laden, Matthew Bissonnette, to pay $7 million to the federal government for releasing allegedly classified information without their permission in his blockbuster book No Easy Day, written under the pen name “Mark Owen.”
The political elite always play by a different set of rules than normal people, even distinguished heroes like Bissonette. After all, it was Joe Biden who told the public it was Navy SEAL Team 6 that killed Osama bin Laden, basically painting a lifelong target on them and their families. He hasn’t faced any penalty, either.
Until now, the American public debated whether U.S. spies had caught Osama bin Laden thanks to waterboarding or other sensitive surveillance tactics. Now, we know that foreign elites got the inside scoop in exchange for paying Clinton’s massive speaking fees – along with whatever additional favors they managed to wring out of her.
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Most of us won’t ever forget where we were and what we were doing when we first heard “Elvis Presley Dies at 42”. The television BLARED – The King had OD’d…
The medical examiner’s official verdict? – It was a heart attack… But Elvis’s autopsy revealed something very unexpected… This shocking video explains the effect of this common ailment on the King of American music.
We wouldn’t even know about the intelligence breach were it not for the leaked e-mails, which Clinton’s campaign has not denied.
The same e-mails show Clinton telling other foreign bankers she dreams of a New World Order, where all the countries of North and South America will have “open trade and open borders.” They also show that her top advisors think Christianity is “backwards.”
The man who actually killed Osama bin Laden said Clinton didn’t play the hero’s role that she lets on when she’s collecting campaign cash from foreigners.
“We didn’t kill Osama bin Laden because of Hillary Clinton,” said Robert O’Neill, the Navy SEAL who killed the Al-Qaeda leader with a few shots to the skull on May 2, 2011. “We didn’t go for someone to win an office.”
“We went for the secretary that jumped out of the 90th floor of the trade towers on a Tuesday morning,” he said. “We went for the first responders that went into the Pentagon.’
He said that Hillary loves to take credit for the mission, but she’s never thanked the fighting men who actually put her empty words into action, put their lives on the line, and kept America safe.
“The one room she wasn’t in is when they came to thank us. We never heard a word from Hillary Clinton,” O’Neill said.
What other top secret, classified information did Hillary give foreign elites if they paid her enough? What will she do if she’s elected president?
– The Horn editorial team
law5960 says
Kazoo86 says
Yawn?, she believes she has diplomatic immunity. Benedict Arnold was tried for treason. It sounds as if she will do anything to her advantage.
Dave says
Remember one thing. Recession is one your friend or neighbor looses everything. Depression, is when you loose everything. I’ve struggled through eight years of absolute disaster because of a petty dictator who wants to destroy this country. Electing this angry murderer who has people killed for disagreeing with her, will make Obama look like a choir boy.
This defamation and slander has been going on for as long as the Clinton Crime family have been wasting oxygen.
Can anyone imagine if it were possible to calculate the national resources wasting in chasing these two criminals around. All the time Billy spent with his pants around his ankles instead of pursuing things like the USS Cole attack, the first World Trade Center Attack.
The so called “Pay for Play” are nice words for treason which in a less corrupt time, would be punishable by death.
capt james says
amen amen
Betty says
have a question/comment type perhaps for the military who I do trust except the few who fell to Hillary’s machinations. Has she considered that after she gives away to other countries how they are already leaving her by the side of the road and if asked perhaps about her would comment who are you talking about, I do not know such a person. Just thinking with you folks.
Bill Reese says
many times more Amen!! The Clinton mafia machine needs to be stopped and jailed. I think Hillary would look nice in an Orange jump suit and soon.
Mita says
She has the arabs behind her also they use her
Trial and deserves DEATH SENTENCE !!!!!!
AFVET says
Oblama & the She Demon didn’t have anything to do with OBL’s killing. It was Bush & the CIA’s efforts, tracking the courier, the waterboarding etc. All Obama did was give the go ahead, after 18 hours of thinking about it, a decision a monkey could have made. He just spiked the football!
Rudy says
The COW needs to go down..!!!!
Mark Franchi says
Trump is amonster. Mark Franchi, New York
kenny mclaughlin says
KENNY [email protected]
bill says
why don’t the 99
why don’t the 99 percent vote for Trump and there would be no Clinton to mess with our grand children. I am old but they will hope to live through her political mess.
Clarence Clark says
Let me be on the firing squad with an assault weapon and also with 500 rounds.
Patriot says
Would love to see some heads roll….right off their shoulders. Literally.
Jeanette says
I guess we don’t want to sink to the level of Hillary’s beloved Muslims, and (after her conviction through due process) behead her, burn her alive in a cage, drown her in a cage, vivisect her, crucify her, push her off of a tall building, or even merely parachute her into ISIS headquarters, where just the first surprise from her can-do-no-wrong Muslims would be her very own female genital mutilation.
No; we can’t do that. That would make us as bad as the people who support those kinds of behaviors, in other words, as bad as Hillary.
fighterforfreedom says
KilLary avoids reason to analyze a previous event by invicting emotion and character assasination to divert attention. Then applies political correctness to attempt to establish refrain from comment requiring you to defend your character as opposed to analyzing the previous event b/c the 2 minutes in the debate has elapsed or the speech at the rally is over and she has to be dragged into grandma’s van like the earpiece marionette she is and then get on to the next soundbite to tittle the masses regarding the issues they want you to hear.
debdell says
It’s called a supposition. Example – a wife says, “if you loved me you would go to the store”. If the husband says, “I don’t want to go to the store” he wins. If he says, ” of course I love you” he loses because she put him on the defense about something that had nothing to do with going to the store. The Hillaroid knows Trump is easily sucked in by suppositions. It appeared that he got it under control at the 2nd debate.
Christian Gains says
Well said Dave…And I have a promise that will inspire you: (back story– my Father was a Navy Commander in WWII. He once told me; “Admirals are like Elephants, they NEVER forget a slight or personal offense”) — Well, since then I’ve learned that SEALs never forget either…they won’t forget their two brothers on the roof in Benghazi, they won’t forget the “TARGET” V.P. Biden painted, and they won’t forget the “shoot-down” of Op “EXTORTION 17”, in Afghanistan…ALL of those brothers’ murders WILL be avenged…
Annette says
The Clinton crime family makes the Gambino crime family look like choir boys. The whole damn family should be shipped off to Devil’s Island.
debdell says
You nailed it!
Jeanette says
Devil’s Island for the Democrat Demons – PERFECT!!!
SW says
How about dropped in an actual war zone like a black op. No rescue and denial of it ever happening.
Clint Hall says
Thanks to Obama, the DOJ, the FBI and Congress, Hillary has been placed above the law.
debdell says
Ultimately, it is thanks to their bosses – the corrupt establishment elite cartel of globalists.
Jeanette says
Part of the blame belongs to middle class America, much of which is more interested in who is going to win the next game, or the next television competition, than they are in who is making decisions about what their lives are going to be.
We should have been screaming bloody murder since around the end of the sixties, when it became apparent that the plan was to flood us with foreigners. Instead we avoided being unpleasant to the very foreigners whom we were being forced to support, if not totally, then with free health care, free education and in many cases, free or subsidized housing.
When we let the elites get away with that, it was open season on the middle class of America, and now we see how that has turned out.
Jeffrey says
Well said
Mark Franchi says
We must that rid of that male candidate.
Jeanette says
Hillary = Muslim female genital mutilation, via her unconditional support of Muslims.
So, if you support Hillary, you support the head Imam of Russia, who just called for all girls and women in the world to be mutilated; you support the mutilation of billions of girls and women.
It would probably behoove you to keep that quiet.
Jeanette says
Democrats couldn’t care less if you struggled; they couldn’t care less even about Americans murdered by liberal Democrat-imported Muslims and drunk driving illegal aliens.
The sooner we understand that, the sooner we can get on with protecting ourselves from Democrats who apparently hate America and who behave as though they are enemies of non-liberal Americans.
retired says
with all the damning evidence and still nothing has happened to Hillary…. and the Clintons…. one person can fix all this and he knows who he is and what has to be done….!!
Jan says
TRUMP 2016
James says
Gayle says
Hillary own’s the media, an she will do ANYTHING to get elected. I can’t believe all the Blind Americans that fall for her lies an deception, Hillary Is the DEVIL!!! People please open your eyes an ears an understand exactily what she is saying. She will destroy Amercia!!! Vote Trump DONOT LET HILLARY WIN SHE IS A DISGRACE TO OUR COUNTRY AN NOT WHAT WE WANT AS A FIRST LADY PRESIDENT!!!
Jeanette says
Many of those American voters are not blind; they are evil like Hillary.
Evil always supports evil. After all, decent people make them look so bad by comparison!
Arthur Hartsock says
think it and do it, but don’t threaten. same prison sentence.
William Meredith says
Hillary the Whore is too stupid to even realize what she does. She will do or say anything if she thinks it will help her to steal more.
JW says
She is stupid but also very cunning and evil! Her day of reckoning is near!
Robert Taylor says
Can’t be too stupid if she left the WH with 2million (and a lot of stolen things from the WH) turned it into over 200 million and faced criminal charges then is allowed to run for the presidency of this country. Ifg she got away with all this and more and we let her into the WH then we are the stupid ones.
Jeanette says
I agree.
She is not as smart as she has represented herself to be (otherwise, she would have passed the Bar on her first try), but she isn’t an idiot, either.
She knows exactly what she is doing.
Hillary is EVIL.
Joel Whitton says
HRC should be in jail.
fighterforfreedom says
She does not have trust in her husband which may have not been only limited to breech of trust but the risk of STD’s throughout Bill’s trysts – this made her psychotic on this front. She is a filthy backstabbing attorney which elevates cynicsm to a professional utilitarian manifest.
She has had to deny Bill’s son and her spawn ain’t Bill’s
What’s left but misplaced scorn and vengeful spite to destroy so she is the one who gets away with the riches and survives their maelstrom.
She epitomizes the “Nanny State” since she really holds the emotional purse strings in her political marriage which suits the alinsky agenda to submit the leadership – in effect, castrate the power through contempt – another mania that she has evolved into the “don’t call my bluff or I’ll extort/expose/depose your wholeness in whatever vile means required out of vengeful spite – the great equalizer called guilt however contrived.
She has capitalized on her lack of ethics and capacity to invict deceit requiring to sell her soul but the devil is in town and a deal is a deal Hillary – time for him to reclaim her soul for the next election in whatever form it takes
James tibbs says
Yes that sleeze is capable of anything, no matter how immoral. That includes murder, and if she is elected the people of this country should revolt big time.
Clarence Clark says
Tar and feather to the hanging tree.
JOHN says
Just like the foreign countries do when they have something that they don’t like they revolt
Mike says
They should revolt now, before she gets in!
Cristi says
Why is nobody doing anything about this. It is time that we the people take in to our hands. This is getting scary
Gayle says
The devil has the media by the balls, they will not report her corruption, lies, deceipt an the robbing of Americans an Obama is the top dog in it all, he is the leader !!! It is scary as hell an if she is elected it will be HELL ON EARTH!!! The Terror will begin!!!
Susan Lindauer says
That’s espionage pure and simple. She’s an unrepentant traitor who has profited from America’s collapsing power. God help us all if Paul Ryan’s betrayal gets her elected! DAMN YOU, Paul Ryan– We the People WERE WINNING!
Jeanette says
Satan’s Law (what DOES 5960 translate to?) is likely a “Driveway Democrat” – Driveway Democrats would support the Democrat candidate, even if they found that candidate strangling their own children on their own driveway.
This means that they cannot be reasoned with, and that addressing them is a waste of time and energy.
Wendy says
Too true. I read somewhere of a Democrat admitting he’d vote for “the Devil himself if he was on the Democrat ticket.” Actually admitted it.
Wendy says
Disgusting, yes. insulting tot the intelligence of the average moron, yes. Evidence she should have her clearance revoked, yes.
Still YAWN.
Ronald Hamby says
ANYONE who is behind HILLARY is a gullible IDIOT !!
Chucky says
Martin says
I would say that they DO NOT care what happens to America. And do not love America.
Wendy says
THIS year? How do you think our Executive Anus got elected? Especially a guy who came from one of the most crooked cities in the nation?
S strand says
Or, part of the problem.
Jeanette says
Or they belong to her Evil Empire (to borrow a term from her exact opposite, Ronald Reagan – thank you, President Reagan – we wish we had you back!)
Southen Yankee says
I bet it will be more than a YAWWWWNNN when ISIS makes its presence felt (again) on American soil. As a former Silent Warrior, our blood, sweat, and tears will become uncontrollable. YAWWWWNNN then if you get the time.
law5960 says
Now that Donald Trump has essentially lost the election, I hope he will finally tell us his secret plan to defeat ISIS. I would accept that in lieu of the tax returns.
Chucky says
Your ignorance is showing law5960, you might want to tuck it back in!
James tibbs says
He is a liberal.
Jeanette says
I am not a numerology person, but I just checked online what “5960” reduces to in numerology.
It reduces to “2,” which is connected with “bad” and “negative.”
Just what I had suspected.
Love America says
Linda says
So glad you are wrong!! Trump will win.
John G. says
lawman5960 – at least he has a plan unlike Hillary the “Hun” and O’bozo the Big Eared” Clown who announce everything ahead of time in hopes our enemies will know they are cowards and chicken shits, not worthy of retaliation except the constant embarrassments to keep us in line. You sir are a total fool for subscribing to their B.S. maybe you should consider requesting an invitation to the White House for a beer with O’bozo and his BLM buddies.
female tax payor says
Lawman5960…Vote Trump in and he’ll show how it’s done.
KATHY says
Jan says
Libtards know the polls are bogus and fake… that’s why they are still in panic mode, despite the polls… and grasping at straws. Killary is a lifelong Crook. Bill is a perv…and NO clinton should ever be allowed anywhere near the Whitehouse.
NEVER KILLARY……………TRUMP 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chris alisi says
if the numbers at Trumps rallys compared to hillarys and the number of yard signs are true indication of what america really wants it will be Trump by a landslide
JOHN says
I agree for when they show Clintons rallys they have people behind her and don’t show any of the crowd in front oh her. If she wins we know it is rigged and Trump probably already has groups formed to go to the voting areas and recount and check the machines for rigging.
Grandpa says
Why don’t you crawl back into the shit hole you came out of troll ever real poll has trump up by 80% over your low live lives pices shit Hillary the murder of the world … Let the bitch reveal the audit of hatai that the pices
of shit stoled
from them your a pay Hillary troll how much are you getting to troll this web site go away troll your Hillary the murderer of Benghazi selling gun to Isis no wounded she deleted her emails because it showed the crimes she had done the bitch need to be locked up in jail right alone side her rapist husband dickless bill Clinton seevyou troll everyone knows your a pay Clinton troll sitting on this website standing up for a pices lowlife trump to the white house Hillary to a jail cell
steven says
At least Trump didn’t, supply arms to ISIS like that pig did. lawless5960
Jeanette says
It will not be more than a yawn to any Democrat, except those who are directly affected by such an attack, because the Muslims are Hillary’s Preferred People, and the Democrats will support Hillary no matter what she does.
As long as a Democrat is not personally affected, he/she/it couldn’t care less about any attack. You can tell this by how cavalier many of them are about 9/11.
Wendy says
Either we’ll live, or we’ll die. Disarming Democrats already made sure we can’t fight back.
Chucky says
Dumb liberals! Do you even care about this country law5960? Obviously not!
law5960 says
I don’t think it is fair to say that all liberals are “dumb.” Still, I do not intend to vote for any liberals like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
John G. says
law5960 – 3rd Party, Libertarian or Green Party, you must be a POTHEAD.
Jeanette says
Or, it’s a way of effectively voting for Hillary, while remaining able to say that he/she didn’t actually vote for Hillary.
steven says
Funny how you always dog Trump and defend the Clinton mafia [murderers]
Donna says
What are u a robot. Think Hillary does no wrong. We are making all of this up. Any one with common sense knows if Hillary gets elected the America we know will no longer be here we will be a Banana Republic
retired says
For all the disgusted people out there that say they will not vote or vote third party….. This would be a waste…. even if you do not like Trump or Hillary…. a vote for Trump would be a vote for the less evil….
a wasted or no vote could help the most evil (Hillary)…Trump is not as bad as the media makes him out to be….We all know the prez, the FBI, AG, DOJ are all corrupt and the only way to break the corruption is to get out and VOTE Trump/Pence… Do not say to yourself down the road you wished you had voted for Trump, 20/20 hind sight will get us nothing….VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE even if you are voting for if you think are the lesser of two evils……….
Trump will prevail as our next CIC…………..
James tibbs says
The term your trying to use is Cinc. For commander in chief. Just saying.
JOHN says
I really wonder if it is Hitlery or her double at some of these rallies for she shows so much robust and moves around so fast.
Constitutionalist says
yawn your way to an early grave, asswipe.
You and everyone else who seems to give a shit less that the Clintons repeatedly commit treason on a routine basis.
i personally want to see both of them hang by the necks until dead…or at a bare minimum, spend their final days appealing their prison sentences FROM BEHIND BARS.
law5960 says
Your entire comment says more about you than about the Clintons or anyone else – and what it says is not good. You need to try meditation or counselling.
John G. says
law5960 – why don’t you find a website more in tuned with your B.S. comments.
Constitutionalist says
I’m sorry; you’re choice to yawn about flagrant treason says you approve of that treason, which makes you as much a traitor as the Klinton Krime Klowns.
May you share their fate, and the fate of all who are bored with allowing known criminals – CONFESSED criminals – to run for office, much less stand ANY chance of holding the office.
FYI, i have meditated for many years; i have no need of counsel, especially from the likes o’ you. When i want your opinion, i’ll give it to you.
Constitutionalist says
you’re = YOUR, of course. (damn, i hate typos.)
Kathleen Shipley says
You’re means you are – you were correct eith your annnd everything else you said. Trump/Pence 2016. Trump, the People’s President.
steven says
Its funny that murder is ok with you but words are so hurtful.
retired says
The time has come for all the baby boomers and american citizens to stand together and vote in Trump… it would be better this way than to stand together and fight the corruption another way which could get messy and dont laugh it off, it is quite possible, the people are fed up.
TRUMP/PENCE 2016 THRU 2024 is a must so as not to bring the radical Islam war to the U.S. any more than it already has….lets make this the quiet revolution and vote in Trump/Pence… let us not wait for the bloody revolution !
Constitutionalist says
Just got an informative email. This is what it says, in part:
“Professor Joseph Olson, of Hamline University School of Law in St. Paul, Minnesota, points out some interesting facts concerning
the last Presidential election:
Number of States won by: Obama: 19 Romney: 29
Square miles of land won by: Obama: 580,000 Romney: 2,427,000
Population of counties won by: Obama: 127 million Romney: 143 million
Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Obama: 13.2 Romney: 2.1
Professor Olson adds: “In aggregate, the map of the territory Romney won was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country. Obama territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in low income tenements and living off various forms of government
If you’d like to see the rest of it, let me know, and i’ll post that, too.
rob says
Rigged from the get go !hmmm
richard says
hey prof! If you can really back up this info you should send it to Fox News. Do not send to Megyn K. She cant be trusted. Hannity is the guy to give good ammo too. Just a
Jeanette says
Only those who pay into the system should be allowed to vote; they are the people with skin in the game.
If those who live off the money of the taxpayers continue to vote, we taxpayers will eventually be stripped of all of our assets by the Marxists they vote into high office.
BRC says
A new use for Guantanamo would be to house Bill & Hillary, Odummer & Moochelle, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Dick “Turbin” Durbin, Chuck Schummer, and 99.999% of ALL DemoRats. With their ONLY meals, 3 times per day as, putrid water, Spam on stale-moldy bread and EXLAX, surrounded with 10-12′ alligators and crocodiles, and with vultures picking at their flesh. ALL this while sleeping on the HOT sand; and only one bathroom – since they are all of sexless facilities!
Kathleen Shipley says
You’re means you are – you were correct eith your annnd everything else you said. Trump/Pence 2016. Trump, the People’s President
Best punishment for the Clintons – let them live like most of Americans. Paycheck to paycheck and hoping our cars will last another year. Praying we can afford gifts at Christmas and watching movies on Netflix. Hoping that backache is nothing serious because an MRI is out of our reach due to Obamacare and a bad toothache is not a tooth in front because we can’t afford a root canal. They couldn’t handle it my friends but they have put us here without a care on their part.
an american patriot says
no they couldn,t handle it you,r right most of us WE THE PEOPLE have a hard time handling it taxed to death forced obama care come on all ye people vote trump 2016 lets give him a chance i dont care about his tax returns or all the other b.s. just want my country BACK
Alice K says
YAWWN????? You wouldn’t be saying that if it were your butt on the line and she let out secrets that could cost you and your family their lives.
enchanted says
Many people have gone to jail for less. This woman has committed treason.
Howard A. Forschler says
Most intelligent people has known KILLARY was a traitor for years . Except her partners in crime She will do anything for money even sell out our country.
Howard A. Forschler says
I would write a comment but you come. up with a cocamany story of a duplicate comment Not possible. You have never printed my comments.KILLARY is a traitor.
Jc says
ROTFFLMFAO!!! This is NOTHING to her. Furthermore, who is going to do anything about it anyway? She’s already been given the get out of jail free she knew was coming. This is nothing more than a bunch of worthless blah, blah, blah, blah.
Jeanette says
So you are here, why?
trumpt blast says
If your so bored of the truth law 50 go to bed and sleep until dec. We true constitutionalist will take care of h robinghood Clinton !!!and her trial is open an shut guilty as cared treason in the 1st degree and as it was at a time of war by a sec of state death is the punishment !!!
Rick w Dominique says
Rick w Dominique says
Jeanette says
Until a Higher Authority plays with THEM for keeps – eternal keeps!
tom says
This is why she needs to go, she is our worse enemy. Instead of ignoring it you should pay attention to the facts. She is not good for this country or the world. We know whoever the next President is going to be they are going to face a financial crisis, because of the over inflated stock market. Then with Barry and Hillary not controlling Russia over the last 6 years, that has become a problem also, along with Korea and the middle east being on fire. My question is who in their right mind would want the job in the first place???? News Media can’t protect the Crusty Hag much Longer with all of the deceptive emails coming out of her camp through wiki leaks. She is just a plain corrupt person, and her pediphile husband making 26 trips to Orgy Island and having sex with underage women.
Arthur Hartsock says
Even Hillary’s biggest supporters know how corrupt and rotten she is. And they’re only voting for her because of the ‘D’ by her name on the ballot. They’re also voting for her in hopes that all of the social programs championed by the Democrats will keep rolling. Although wasn’t it Democrats who took a big chunk out of Medicare and shifted it to ObamaCare? The Republicans in Congress have been too scared to cut anything out of ObamaCare let alone really act to dismantle it. Also the biggest share of news media will report nothing adverse to the Clinton campaign. So Trump is fighting a huge uphill battle against Democrats and against Republican establishment. But it is very likely that our next President will have to deal with a 1929/1930 type of economic crash. So maybe Trump is lucky if he doesn’t win the election.
an american patriot says
out congress hasn’t done any thing for….. WE THE PEOPLE …..like they said they would…obama care….. they havent done nothing to stop any thing obama has done to bring this country down…..TRUMP 2016 TERM LIMITS…..for congess
Elaine Morris says
AFVET, I couldn’t seem to land under you to reply:
No one got Osama Bin Laden:
Obama’s Big Ruse: Osama Bin Laden Died 11 Years Ago! (It is more years than that now. This is an old article)
Posted by Volubrjotr on May 3, 2012 in obama, subversion, treason, soetoro, video,politics, political, barack obama, yes we can, government
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.
[Fox News. December 26, 2001]
NEW YORK (AP) – The killing of Osama bin Laden during a raid by Navy SEALs on his hideout in Pakistan was the top news story of 2011, followed by Japan‘s earthquake/tsunami/meltdown disaster, according toThe Associated Press‘ annual poll of U.S. editors and news directors.
New York Times Reported Bin Laden Dead In 2001
By Amir Taheri
Published: July 11, 2002
Osama bin Laden is dead. The news first came from sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan almost six months ago: the fugitive died in December 2001 and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. Pakistan’s president, Pervez Musharraf, echoed the information. The remnants of Osama’s gang, however, have mostly stayed silent, either to keep Osama’s ghost alive or because they have no means of communication.
With an ego the size of Mount Everest, Osama bin Laden would not have, could not have, remained silent for so long if he were still alive. He always liked to take credit even for things he had nothing to do with. Would he remain silent for nine months and not trumpet his own survival?
Even if he is still in the world, bin Ladenism has left for good.Mr. bin Laden was the public face of a brand of politics that committed suicide in New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, killing thousands of innocent people in the process. –New York Times
Israeli Secret Agency
Don King says
Yawn yourself
you have been asleep for thirty years
while this sleach has become rich by
serving herself from
Public Service.
Don King says
And what says you is the
Peter says
For how much longer do we have to tolerate the intolerable? Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt and crocked candidate ever to disgrace the American nation. What sort of brainless people will vote for disaster? IT appears that there are lots of them???
El Tejas says
Hillary can not be trusted with our national security!
Frank W Brown says
Trust is a foreign word to the bitch!!
Elaine Morris says
My Lord! I apologize. I cracked up LOL when I saw your comment.
Anna says
Hillary should be tried in a court of law for treasonous acts against the American people and sent straight to #$%^&*+ jail.
jackie says
I agree but she has to be doing something to stop this from happening but what. Is it obama?
PattieA says
JoAnn Graham says
Obama is running interference for her and will not let the Justice Dept or the FBI do their jobs where her criminal/treasonous acts are concerned, because HE has been in HER nefarious activities up to his scrawny NECK, and they can’t take HER down without taking HIM down with her. THAT is why she is skating away scot-free–to protect Obama. BOTH of them deserve to be standing in front of a FIRING SQUAD for treason for Benghazi, ALONE, since THEY were furnishing grenade launchers, machine guns with MILLIONS of rounds of ammo and OTHER arms to “rebels” in Libya and Syria–INCLUDING the terrorists who attacked our embassy compound and killed four Americans!
They funneled the arms through Qatr and UAR by way of an arms dealer named Marc Tury. When TSHTF in Benghazi because of the “volunteer” defenders who showed up against orders to try to save the Ambassador and his aide, Obama and Shrillary tried to throw the arms dealer under the bus by charging HIM with selling arms to terrorists. But he threatened to go public and tell the truth about who was “really” selling arms to terrorists, and Obama IMMEDIATELY dropped all the charges against him. Does that sound like he was “innocent” of blame?
JoAnn Graham says
These little facts were “outed” in the VAST trove of INCRIMINATING emails released by Wikileaks–you know, the emails that the mainstream media are IGNORING while they wallow in the gutter accusing Trump of all kinds of sexual assaults on women. Don’t you find it a little TOO convenient that these women who suddenly appeared out of the woodwork to accuse Trump are saying the did EXACTLY the same things to them as he bragged about in that nefarious “locker room talk” with Access Hollywood host, Billy Bush? There is not a SHRED of truth to their accusations, and they KNOW it. As many money-hungry lawyers as there are out there looking for somebody with DEEP POCKETS to sue, Trump would have been sued a hundred times over if he had done what they said right out in public where it could be witnessed! I don’t believe he is THAT stupid! And you notice he has NOT been sued for sexual harassment by ANYBODY?
I would BET MONEY that if these poor little victims’ backgrounds were examined, you would find they have STRONG TIES TO, and are on the PAYROLL of the Clinton Foundation!
Constitutionalist says
JoAnn Graham-
i saw an interesting opinion concerning Trump’s new accusers: the commentator said that on the one hand, Trump has to go after these accusers to discredit them, but on the other, if he does, he’ll be guilty of EXACTLY what The Liar did to all of BJ Billy’s bimbos, something he’s already castigated The Liar for.
And meanwhile, those in the shadow government laugh their fool heads off, while they continue their plots and schemes to put their little lying puppet in place…
an american patriot says
i think you,r right on the money …..on killary,s payroll… if that would have happened it would have came out a long time ago and i think killary has shit on obama otherwise why would he be supporting her
Constitutionalist says
JoAnn Graham-
Looked it up; his name is actually spelled “Turi,” and essentially, what you wrote is quite true; apparently, he’s also considering book and movie deals.
Personally, i’ve never seen a more perfect case for “depraved indifference to human life” homicide charges in my life…or at a bare minimum, “negligent homicide.” i also believe that there’s NO WAY that over SIX HUNDRED CALLS FOR ADDITIONAL SECURITY being ignored was anything other than deliberate.
The Liar is demonic; i have heard that she even smells horrible.
Ric says
Jail is too good for her. Put her in Gitmo with the radical Islamo-fascist terrorists she loves so much and let them have their way with her, if they can possibly stomach that. That would be torture for them, worse than waterboarding. Just think how fast they would start fessing up to all their evil plans and deeds.
Kazoo86 says
Treason is treason. Prison is prison!
Polly Carper says
Waterboarding her might give her a broader perspective!
John G. says
Polly – in her case she talks out of her a _ _; therefore she’d have be water boarded upside down and I doubt anyone would volunteer for the job.
jay says
Don’t we still have the death penalty for high treason in this country? Hillary is one of the biggest criminals in recorded history! Please don’t vote for her, vote for Johnson if you dislike trump, just don’t vote for her bc the media tells you to! THINK!
Dan Stevenson says
How would voting for Johnson help to stop Hillary from getting elected? He doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning. Voting for Johnson would just be helping to secure Hillary’s nomination. Whether or not you like the man personally Trump is the only other option in this election and I sure as hell am not voting for that corrupt, lying witch.
Frank Lee Annoid says
agreed- history shows NO person on a third party ticket has ever won…
Donna says
We need to bring back hanging. Hang the bitch
Politically incorrect says
I said it before and will say it again. Her security clearance should have been pulled as soon as the email issue started just as it does when any military person of gov’t official is questioned about possible security breach. They lose their clearance until the investigation is done then either reinstated or get charged.
But as it has been proven she is well above the law and those supporting her are the lowest of low. You have a military officer that took a few pictures on his cell phone to show his kids later on kind of what he does and some years later the phone is found in a dumpster. Originally he got 18 years in prison for this (with no intent of breaking national security) later due to the Clinton clause his attorney was able to have that reduced to 1 year in prison. This has devastated his family but Hillary as anyone can see has done much worse but nothing happens to her and to top it off she is allowed to run for the highest office in this country when she should without a doubt be in jail.
Sharon says
What a sick puppy the ole hag is. She cares not who dies as long as she is protected from all the lies an decet. Im so discusted that America can be so stupid. All the stupid women that have lied about Trump ! Anything to make him look bad. You can’t tell me these ignorant demorat women did not tell a friend or family about thier incounters an yet there are no wittness’es . What a bunch of hewey ! I guess all us women that are voting for Trump should come out an tell our storys about how he molested us . Why not say it ? The demrats do. Then turn to the real truth , billyboob the pervert. Hitlery is a nasty nasty women. Worst I have ever seen. America will go down ito the pits of hell if she gets in. The only thing left is revalution ,civil war. Go Trump/Pence
Chucky says
I hope those democruds are ready for a full blown revolt! No one wants more of the corruption that we’ve had for the last 71/2 years! Dirty bitch Clinton will bring more and add to it!
JoAnn Graham says
Sharon, I’m with you! I CANNOT believe the American people would ACTUALLY be STUPID enough to believe the LIES, half-truths and “spin” the mainstream media are putting out, when the Wikileaks emails PROVE that the LYING MEDIA are being controlled DIRECTLY by the Clinton campaign. They email back and forth, getting their marching orders DIRECTLY from HER campaign about what to print, what to cover up, what to “spin”, etc.
KNOWING this, why would ANYBODY believe a WORD any of those media whores say?
wilson says
Lock her up!
joe says
I’d settle for a simple lie detector test but she’s such a pro at lying she’d probably pass with flying colors. Right after paying off the test administrater of course.
Daniel Rhoades says
If this is true, about Hillary,why is the FBI not investigating her now ?
Chucky says
They are making good money taking bribes (I.e) Comney!
European Al says
Because they are worried should HRC pull it off and get elected their lives wouldn’t be worth living
John G. says
OracleGuy – anyone who would vote for Hillary the “Hun” should be forced to serve on the front lines in Iraq or Afghanistan and operate under the rules of engagement that my Grandson and Marine buddies are bound by. It’s ignorant people like you who elect ignorant people like Hillary the “Hun” and O’bozo the “Big Eared: Clown who thru their ignorance make things worse for everyone.
Bring our young people home or let;em do the job they were trained for you flipping “moron”.
Chucky says
Don’t waste your time on Oracle guy, clueless is his middle name!
John G. says
Chucky – I know, but it makes me feel better to let people like OracleGuy, law5960 et all how I really feel about them and their crappy views.
npb says
For those of you that vote for The #%$%$# do not come crying when they come for you.
My only hope is you are not first, suffer a little longer, It is awfully hot down there.
ChicagoThunder1 says
How are these people walking around free? Never mind I know their Communists by proxy created by the Community Organizers of America.
jwb says
Cool, more gossip and baseless trivia to keep Donnie’s people up in arms. Gotta keep that train in motion so the Donnie kids will play on election day. It is really cool that people keep gobbling this mass hysteria up. VOTE DJT, IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET PENCE TO TAKE THE WHITE HOUSE BY STORM, KEEP THE ANGER UP, IT WORKS HERE …………….VOTE PENCE
Malcolm Proctor says
the clintons have always had a price.read the book clinton cash.why has the clinton foundation not been shut down or why has it not been audited because obama is involved in it as well
Frank says
If that bitch gets into the white house she would sell America out and put all that money into that Clinton Foundation. I still do not understand why the IRS want audit that Clinton Foundation I guess she has paid off the IRS also. What a hell of a world we hard working American live in today it sure was not like that 60 years ago.
Keith says
Clinton is a criminal, the only place where she should be is in prison and not the White House.
Farquard says
More lies from Hillary. She and Obama sat there trembling, deciding whether or not to take out Bin Laden. Had it not been for Leon Panetta, Bin Laden would still be out there directing our Muslim foes (which Obama and HRC continue to coddle). The lies of her bravado (think also of dodging bullets in Bosnia upon her visit there) continue to mount. There is no substance to this woman. Trump nailed it in one word, “CROOKED.”
guy parent says
with the 49+bodies in her closet,they should do like in the French revolution,guillotine on a public square,in front of the public.
Justin W says
Hillary Rotten Clinton is corrupt to the core. She will lie to get whatever she wants. She and Bill have made a career out of selling America to the highest bidder and funneling the money into their slush fund foundation. On election day we can either vote for a woman that is known to be corrupt and incompetent or we can vote for a businessman who wants to make America great again. I’m voting for Trump.
By the way, we need to expose the Trump bimbos for what they are. This tactic is pulled straight from the Democrat’s dirty tricks playbook. This same dirty trick was used to end Herman Cain’s presidential campaign four years ago. Let’s expose the scheme for what it is. There is only one corrupt candidate on this fall’s presidential ballot–Hillary Rotten Clinton.
Mitaf says
We must ask for mr Assange freedom
No one listened!! Until now!! Is undenyable!!
Donald Trump is the one!!
They gather all crud from the past
Of which i don t give a mosquitos wing for!!!
TRUMP!!! A mouth full of truth!!!!!!!
All for USA!!!!!!!
Mitaf says
I take full responsibility How!??? JAIL!!!!!
Jail !!!
Barbara says
Mitaf says
Ignorant supported her believed her!!!
When you don t know You IGNORE
They were ready to destroy our country!!!
Right now… what to think!? What to feel!!!
Which are HONEST?????
Apparently self righteous pompus men and ladies!! Got to be SACK OF BOUGHT RATS!!!!! That cover each others????
Were ready grainding trumps bones!!!
Glorifying HILLARY!!!
Nooo one turned them in!!!
A crappy club !!!! A litter box
What a desgrace!!!!!!!
warren says
If we can elect Trump this country needs to try Hillary as well as Obama and everyone involved for treason and jail them
Jeanette says
Assuming that Obama is a U.S. citizen. You can’t commit treason (betray) a country that isn’t yours.
On the other hand, charging Obama with treason would make him produce the (currently sealed ) documents that prove that he isn’t a U.S. citizen, in a hurry!
steven says
Even though there are more of us that love the USA I am worried about the 30 million illegals voting 4 times each for the witch and Soros machines counting the votes.
Jack says
This woman will do anything for money and or power. Our will being is at risk with her. And, at least, we know part of what she did as secretary of state!!!! Don’t treat her lightly; she is no good for America—-takes lies, corruption, and favoritism to new low levels with smiles and hand waves when not tripping, falling, or coughing.
Gail Bowman says
All the comments I have read is very true. And should be delt with.BUT, the Bible speek of this in the in times. Lover of themselfs. Haters against haters. Nation. Against nation.killers , thives, liers.Brothers on brothers. Rape.and much more. When we let prayer out of school.no national anthem. Burning of our flag. AND our constitution put behind colsed doors because someone dont like it. This country is in the shape its in because of the way we treat God. Can you see why God is slowly turning his eyes from America. Please ask God in your heart. Because hell is hot, and a very , very long time.
Thomas Ryscavage MD says
Everyone is missing the point. This entire election is about Globalism. To Globalists there is NO U.S.A. When you understand what Globalism actually is you will understand ignoring the debt, selling of secrets of a country that use to be, not destruction of the Constitution simply ignoring the Constitution. Felonies are committed and those who are sworn to our Constitution ignore it and approve of the felony. Look for the Democratic bumper sticker: ‘Global is Local’.
Sammythbull says
She is one lying dirty sack of shit I hope Trump beats her bad on election day…
tattoojim says
It is true that so much of the proof against Hillary is public knowledge. That being said, couldn’t someone do a citizens arrest against her?
onemale says
The American Retirement Club National Voting Poll.
You can see the current results by going to the link below.
There is hope, unless they steal the election.
Susan says
She can still be brought to justice. With the litany of offences BO cannot give her immunity on what he does not underatand or know is prosecutable and I am sure he will miss something and Trump will spot it. Notce how the campaign got really uglier after Trump said in the debate he would prosecute her? Hum, and her running her bragging mouth always means there will be something no one can protect her from sooner or later. Things done in the dark do come to light eventually for her, BO, and the minions willingly crossing the line for this putrid person and this putrid administration.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton selling military secrets to foreign banks that hate our country after getting them illegally is extreme high treason and it calls for execution. The late Julius & Ethel Rosenburg sold atomic secrets to the Russians in the very early 1950’s, they were arrested, tried & found guilty of extreme high treason, they were executed. The Clinton’s need to be tried for the same crime, that is extreme high treason. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY, TRUMP-PENCE 2016 & 2020.
Jeanette says
I have a friend who barely escaped being murdered by the first Khomeni way back when (10,000 people were murdered on his first night in power, many of them men murdered in front their wives and children).
Using the names on Clinton made me chuckle for a couple of seconds, but then I remembered my friend.
Folks, the Clinton destruction of America will be just as real as was Khomeni’s destruction of Iran. Thanks to our “legislators” allowing Obama to get away with almost every sleazy trick he pulled, Hillary will have the power of a queen, not a president. And how many Clinton friends, employees, acquaintances are dead under suspicious circumstances, so far? And will she stop at removing anyone who doesn’t like her.
Think long and hard before you Clinton-friendly folks turn over your non-Clinton supporting friends, family, and neighbors to Clinton’s version of the Nazi ovens.
JerryD says
This is all getting so crazy, Why are we wasting money on investigation after investigation. Don’t the people understand that the system is corrupt and nothing is going to be done to any one of these people committing crimes against America. Obama lied about the server in Hillary’s basement, I posted a comment once before stating that Obama knew and is as guilty as she is along with many others in the administration. Something Hillary Clinton said one night on an interview she let it slip that Obama had sent her an E-Mail. That doesn’t matter anymore this whole matter has long surpassed thousands of E-Mails and all the lies and killing of Americans. Hillary Clinton along with many others have big plans to destroy the American way of life as we know it. Obama set the program in motion and now she will finish what was started. when Obama was sworn into office. I am not sure how many times I have posted comments about Obama, Clinton and the administration and the path they are leading us down into destruction. These are all distractions so all the other things can be accomplished, has anyone noticed that since Clinton has been moving up in the poles Obama is quit and doing his dirty work and every so often he goes out to campaign for Hillary and he does the same things Hillary does he points out all the things Trump has done wrong but they don’t have solution’s to the problems. They { When I say they I mean the entire administration } keep all of Trump’s mistakes in the forefront of the news. Her mistakes or all the things she has lied about are in the media for a few hours not days or weeks. Remember when she was questioned by the FBI without being given her Miranda Rights and none of it was recorded, Hillary Clinton said over thirty times she didn’t recall certain things, Like ever getting a briefing on handling classified documents, that is very strange those briefings are held several times a year. She said she was not aware the server in her basement was not authorized, but she tried to blame Colon Powell. I am not going to go over all the things she lied about or couldn’t remember, { In her case they both have the same meaning}. My purpose of this comment is for all of the women the ones that feel Hillary is a great example for America. The only truth she has told us is she is a mother and grandmother everything else is a lie. The media reports that the reason Trump will lose the election is the, White non College Graduates, I guess women that graduate college are smarter than the everyday housewife and mother raising children, they are better informed and know there way around a voting booth, also they can make a mark on the ballot better. Ladies don’t you understand that the media, the elect officials are making fools of you, people like Clinton only want your vote, the same thing applies to African Americans they are being used. Think about what I am saying African Americans could not vote because they were considered not smart enough, People like Clinton still feel that way that is why the democrats used the excuse that a voter Black or Hispanic should be allowed to make one mark for the party of there choice. All of the non college graduated white women, if you think about it you all fall in the same category you don’t meet the standards of the elite college graduate all they want is your vote and in return they will give you broken promises. And four more years of Obama and a dysfunctional senate and congress. Take pride in who you are, you are far more than a vote.
WhiskeyMan says
“Hillary gave U.S. military secrets to foreign bankers”… ‘gave’, really ???
Should more likely read “Hillary sold U.S. military secrets to foreign bankers” !!!
Witch doesn’t ‘give’ anything but lies! (Just saying.)
HRC for prison 2016
Gregg, Mr. Glen says
All you have to do is read a History book……..
Diane says
I’m still not convinced that Osama bin Laden was ever captured as the White House so claims?
Even the photo headlines of the President and Hillary during bin Laden’s supposedly violence capture looked staged and no photos of bin Laden body were every released? The burial at sea for bin Laden was a convenient excuse to put an end to this story. Hillary was probably just bragging. Osama bin Laden I believe was already deceased due to a long term illness in my opinion. However I would not put anything past this woman.
Jan says
If you are still undecided who to vote for or even against…Go get the new DVD…”Hillary’s America”…It will clear it up for you quickly… It’s a Must See!!!… Get it at Red Box, Dish, or Direct TV…..TRUMP 2016 is now a No Brainer
Wayne Comer says
If you added up all the brains on this site, you would come up with one big goose egg.
Smart Ass Demo.
Jeanette says
Says someone who probably supports Hillary, the supporter of all things Muslim ….
Aren’t you proud of yourself?
lizaz says
I think Hillary must have dementia…….she doesn’t “recall” ANYTHING!!!!
Jeanette says
We’ll see how bad her dementia is if she gets into office.
I’m betting she has no trouble remembering who gave her money, and who should be added to the list of 50+ Clinton associates dead-under-suspicious-circumstances.
Faye says
I have never been scared of what the outcome will be of an election before this one. HILLARY is worse than any haunted house we could go in at Halloween. She really scares me to death, & I feel sure we have a Socialist country around the corner if she is elected.
Jeanette says
I thought that Obama would be devastating, so I was petrified during those two campaigns.
Looks like I was correct about them, and I feel the same way about this one.
debdell says
As I recall, The military was always trying to find Osama and all Oturd did was give the ok to take him out. Oturd didn’t supply any ideas or strategies just signed a piece of paper. Obozo must have had a hard time signing to take Osama out since he was one of Obama’s Muslim buddies. Osama Osama Obama, reminds me of Rosan Rosan a danna – both jokes!
Jeanette says
And Obama also made sure that OBL got a proper, respectful burial according to Muslim law; why should O have cared, unless he viewed OBL as a Muslim brother?