Hardcore liberals and conservatives rarely agree on anything – but around the world, both sides are united on one issue: electing Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would doom the planet into yet more endless wars.
In what just might be the world’s strangest endorsement, the left-wing website Common Dreams has adopted the slogan “Vote for the Lying Neoliberal Warmonger: It’s Important!”
Meanwhile, the hawkish establishment conservatives behind the nation’s failed policies in Iraq can’t get behind Hillary fast enough.
Paul Wolfowitz, a key architect of the Iraq War, said last week he’s going to vote for Clinton.
“It’s important to make it clear how unacceptable (Trump) is,” he told Der Spiegel magazine.
“I would say that a majority of people in my circle will vote for Hillary,” agreed Robert Kagan, cofounder of the neocon think tank Project for the New American Century, according to The Intercept.
And that has citizens around the world nervous.
“For France, anything is better than Hillary Clinton,” Marine Le Pen, the leader of the conservative French political party National Front, told CNN. “Anything but Hillary Clinton. Because I think Hillary Clinton means war. Hillary Clinton means devastation. It means world instability.”
Clinton’s hawkish track record speaks for itself, starting from her vote as senator for the disastrous invasion of Iraq and her role as secretary of state in allowing the situation there to spiral out of control.
She was also the leading voice in the Obama Administration for intervention in Libya – and after Muammar el-Qaddafi fell, she arranged a quick trip there for a high-profile victory dance.
“I am proud to stand here on the soil of a free Libya,” she announced, according to The New York Times. “It is a great privilege to see a new future for Libya being born.”
These days, she’s not nearly as keen to talk about Libya.
She’s also pushed for a more aggressive stance against Syria and has been flip-flopping like a fish out of water on the possibility of increasing U.S. ground troops in Iraq to fight ISIS.
Donald Trump’s “America First” strategy, on the other hand, is solidly against the nation-building interventions of Clinton and the Bush neocons.
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“I do think it’s a different world today and I don’t think we should be nation-building anymore,” Trump told The Washington Post earlier this year. “I think it’s proven not to work.
The anti-war left has taken notice.
The progressive magazine The Nation said Trump “could be the military-industrial complex’s worst nightmare.”
In many ways they’re right.
He has openly called for ending the absurd system where politicians push expensive programs that our own military doesn’t even want – not because we NEED these things, but because of big-money campaign donations from defense contractors.
“I will build a military bigger, better, stronger,” Trump said earlier this year. “I guarantee we can do it for less money.”
So voters in November will be faced with an unusual choice: A Democrat with a proven track record of backing and even initiating unwinnable wars… and a Republican who wants to scale back overseas and put America First at home.
— The Horn editorial team
hondo says
Whatever Hillary says….Whatever it may be…..We The People of this great Republic KNOW that she is lying!
She is of her father the devil and will follow him all the way into hell to remain there forever!
Main Street says
Maybe Wolfowitz has a kinship with Hillary’s hubby. After all they were active draft dodgers close to 50 years back. Trump should have joined the National Guard or Reserves. However, I’m voting for Trump because he is sincere and wants to help the USA, unlike Hillary and her ilk.
Nancy says
I am too …………………and praying that he wins. We need a change in the White House. A president who loves the U.S. And wants the best for its people. All of its people.
Maxx says
Of course all liberal whack jobs will support Clinton. They are also the same ones that believe in the NWO Utopian fantasy which will only be Utopia for the leaders NOT THE FOLLOWERS. That’s kind of what the democrat party projects right now. Tens of millions living check to check on government welfare, if even that, while the democrat party elitists have so much they have to hide in in foreign countries run by despots.
What is wrong with all your Hillary voter? What does it take for all of you to smell the coffee; I take it; you all do not want to smell the coffee because all of Hillary voters want a woman for president and rather give up the consultution where our men and woman gave their life for.. She also want to bring in the whole world into America so we all can be united.. As of now our world is up side down with all these killing going around because of all the immigrants coming into America taking job away from the America people for a lower salary.. At lease Trump is not a big liar then someone I know of. Hillary has nothing to offer for the people but to pick on Trump.
Marie says
This is so true!
ALTON says
Ronald Hamby says
Darlene says
I am praying for Donald J.Trump to Win & I know he will not let us down, what he says he will do, however it will take time to do it all, He is for the people of our country & God Bless him for wanting to help us out.
Marlene Hessler says
There is only one country that the US should support NATIONBUILDING. That is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. AMERICA FIRST, LAST, AND ALWAYS.
rodney burke says
yeah we haven’t done so well in nation building have we?Lebanon, Viet Nam, korea, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Turkey,
Now Panama, turned out petty well.Germany and japan. Phillipines? not so sure. Taiwan has done well but no thanks to US. they have more or less been hung out to dry.
Diane says
I am strongly of the view that our first priority as a republic is not to build foriegn so-called democracies but to preserve, protect and build up our own REPUBLIC. To do otherwise is to deplete our own resouces and wealth to be absorbed by nations that really don’t give a hoot about us but use our military protection to build up their own economies under a safe umbrella in competition to our own all the while bad mouthing every value we hold dear.
km says
Agree with you 110% Diane! Thank you for saying it so well for me too.
Gayle says
This Adminstration Obamam an Clinton’s want a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT all one Nation. If Hillary wins this is to come an America will be know more. I cannot believe so many people are so blind not to see their corruptions, lies, sending monies overseas to fuel the ISIS , the billions Obamama has sent just resently they have to be stoped NOW vote Trump to save AMERICA!!!
Edward A. Swisher says
One of the first agencies that needs to go is the USAID (US Agency for International Development … which has been the major supporter of the transfer of US manufacturing jobs out of the United States…AT THE TAXPAYERS EXPENSE… depleting our tax base, dramatically increasing joblessness, welfare, “food stamps” and the many other benefits that people need to survive in one of the “wealthiest” countries in the world. It is way past time to start taking care of America first… everyone else after our national debt is gone….and only then for the benefit of the taxpayers.
Bob Rose says
Trump is a genius!
He pyulically says stupid things to keep the race close in order to make sure his fans will vote.
Gary Smith says
If she is breathing she is lying
Gary Tucker says
She will raise taxes and break Gods law and ruinAmerica
Robert says
she is a pathological liar. I don’t know why Americans will vote for her in fact they know she a big liar and African Americans why they don’t face the reality that democrats just want their vote and do nothing for them. I really hope this they will wake up to the reality
youknowwho says
She lies so much that when she finally goes, she’ll be LIED to rest.
Dead Broke? Never was enough of either.
Jay Bell says
The Uni-Party (the Washington D. C. establishment comprised of neoliberals and neoconservatives) supports Hillary–surprise, surprise! The people outside of the globalist establishment–on both sides–understand that warmonger Hillary Clinton would be a further disaster for the Republic. She only responds to her wealthy donors and what they want is unending war–because it is so very profitable for them. The “progressive” Rockefellers gained what was then, an enormous profit of $200 million during ONE year of U.S. involvement in WWI (from 1917 to 1918). The big banks have financed every side of every war of the 20th and 21st century so far. Since Hillary has been bought and paid for by the big banks, is it any wonder that she favors unending war? It is bankrupting the country ($20 trillion and counting) but that doesn’t bother the globalist masters at all because, when they rob the U.S. Treasury, they know that they make debt-slaves of the U.S. people. That is their underlying motive. To bring in a totalitarian Nanny State, where they are in control. Vote for Trump to poke your finger in the globalists’ eyes.
Trump / Pence 2016
Robert H. Goetz, Sr says
Absolutely! Why has Congress not addressed the sale/gift of hundreds of Stinger shoulder-fired missiles which fell into the hands of terrorists in Benghazi? http://www.nationalreview.com/article/349231/stingers-benghazi-jim-geraghty
Just another “Fast and Furious” operation on a larger scale!
SUE says
Lola Martin says
At least in Spain, I know, those that dare to speak tell you, they are praying for a Trump
db says
Every week HRC has a new crisis. Every week there is a new “whatever Gate”. Every week we are subjected to more lies, deception, reports of actual cheating, smoke and mirrors trickery from the HRC Campaign. Every week HRC has a new health problem. There are reports she is wearing bags under her clothing to catch both pee and poo, that she is wearing metal braces on her legs because she has lost control of her legs. There is reports she has advanced Parkinson and she will not release her official medical reports or take a medical from an independent source. Is she trust worthy enough to lead our nation………………..hell no!
Daniel says
Masanja says
I would rather vote for Hillary than Trump. Trump is a polygamist. Polygamists are usually liars. They lie to each wife that they love her more than the other wives. That is why polygamists never look into eyes of their wives. Polygamists treat their wives as token or sub-humans. You have seen footage of Trump slapping his wife on the butt. But you have never seen Trump kissing his present wife who tries as much as possible to kiss Trump. If Trump lies to his wives, you will not tell me he is not telling me lies about his plan for this Country. Trump promised to build an electric wall to kill all Latino children crossing the border; then he told you he was going to ship out all illegals including their children born here. The same Trump has been telling us that he hates Muslims and foreigners. But his staff are not telling us that Trump is softening his stand on these issue. Trump is another Romney-Both are liars and flip-floppers. Please make your life easier – vote for Hillary on November 8.
ALTON says
Darlene says
You are Wrong about Polygamists, they do not lie, what they do is Polgamist are winners & only do & say what will make them a winner, they are fighters.
june says
What planet do you live on???
Susan says
Well said June. Masanja is delusional. What a bunch of garbage he has posted.
Gayle says
sO IT’S ok FOR Bill Clinton to have sex in the oval Office with any girl he groops get real Masanja. Yea what planet are you from an are you a US Citizen? You need to get informed of the whole picture not the re-runs. Are you for real?!!!
Jim says
At least with TRUMP we will still have a country left when this is all over!! Read AGENDA 21 and if this is what you want go ahead and vote for Clinton.
M Hennesy says
Well Masanja ,…you are nuts ! Trump is NOT a polygamist ….and we would not have to BUILD A WALL if Mexicans and other invaders would not cross our BORDER ILLEGALLY ! What do you think Mexico does to people crossing their border illegally ? If they are lucky they end up in a filthy jail cell . MANY ARE RAPED and beaten and money is extorted from them….and many end up in graves. Also, MUSLIMS DO NOT accept our Constitution as the law of the land …they only accept Sharia …so why bring them here ? They will NOT ASSIMILATE …ever …their beliefs , Islam and the Qur’an won’t let them.
William says
Take this broad and ship her out of the country.
Gayle says
if you are so worried about liars, then why in the world would you be voting for the worst liar of all time.. she even out lies Obama, a huge liar on everything..
All I can say is I will vote for the one who will STOP these terrorists from coming into our country and causing so much pain and death….HIllary says she will bring in much much more than Obamanation…
Don’t you have a brain???????geez….
Constitutionalist says
Show me any proof whatsoever that Trump has been married to more than one woman at a time, or your argument disappears like a puff of smoke in a hurricane.
I support Hillary for PRISON, 2016; no one in their right mind will vote for a career CRIMINAL, a multiple FELON, a mass MURDERER, a THIEF, a launderer of DRUG MONEY, a TRAITOR, a SELLER of US Secrets and Property, and, of course, a LIAR.
If you vote for her, may you suffer her fate…just to teach you a lesson you’ll never, ever forget.
Roger Mann says
We have to get Hillary Clinton arrested and we need to do it right! If you support Donald Trump, write/email your Senators and State Representative, in Indiana that is Senator, Dan Coats R. Senator, Joe Donnelly D. and State Representative, Jackie Walorski R. With the following message:
I am an American, tax paying citizen and I demand that every member of Congress support Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffetz and others with their investigation of Hillary Clinton’s crimes, from unauthorized deletion of emails, failure to turn over all emails requested by Congress, lying to Congress and the FBI. This woman belongs in prison for her crimes against AMERICA and the AMERICAN people and everyone of you know it! If you choose not to support Trey Gowdy, Jason Chaffetz and others, I and all of AMERICA have no choice but to believe you have your fingers in the same cookie jar of corruption as the Clinton’s!
Feel free to copy and paste this message! I use Google Chrome auto fill so all I need to do is copy, past send and I do it everyday! If just Republicans and Trump supporters do this, Congress will have to act!!!
june says
How about when she absconded (STOLE) about 250,000.00 worth of furnishings from the White House when she & slick willie left office. Why wasnt she charged with Felony Grand Theft. Just because they FORCED her to return 200,000.00 worth of the furnishings does NOT negate that she still kept (stole) $50,000.00 worth of White House furnishings that BELONG to the American Public.
Wanda leonard says
I don’t think Hillary would pack up a moving van what a bunch of bull shit she never took anything ,,,,,,,,,vote Hillary !!!!!!!!
Elaine Morris says
Gratitude to US Special Forces.
Hillary Bagged and Perp Walked. Gratitude to US Special Forces.
The video worked a little while ago…you might have to Google it if it doesn’t work.
This sure has been happening a lot lately when the subject matter is Clinton.
M Hennesy says
Wanda ,…..you are an idiot ….who refuses to accept any facts and votes for people that are destroying our Country.
Constitutionalist says
The vid still worked.
i very much doubt the narrator’s conclusions, however.
Had she been arrested, she would not make it to any debates. She would not be free to do as she pleases right now.
I WISH it were so; i have a sincere HOPE that her arrest is swiftly followed by her conviction and prison time, but i doubt it.
If it WERE true, there would be INTERNATIONAL news stories about it.
Hanko American says
Hey wanda–I agree to vote for Hil-da-Bitch for Prisondent!! Hang the bitch beside o’vomit & you get a 2 for 1 deal! YEA!!! Vote Trump for the best reason–FREEDOM!!
Elaine Morris says
Russia’s Putin likes Trump (I’ll list the other countries that are for Trump in a minute). Putin came out and said it: “If Clinton wins, I’ll nuke D.C.” (paraphrased).
There are probably more…this was my first time to research:
India, Palestine, Israel, Russia’s Putin,
Israel feels the Love fo Trump:
Israel Video:
Hilary is a liar and a crook and just can’t be trusted!
Edward A. Swisher says
We the people know that when HilLIARy is lying….. anytime and every time she opens her mouth. What is truly sad is the fact that so many people (to include the media) blatantly ignore her lies that have been proven again and again, and the total disregard of public information that ties the Clintons in a longstanding pattern of criminality and corruption…
Politically incorrect says
With her idea about allowing over 600,000 Syria refugees into this country if she becomes president (which would mean 150,000 per year plus) we won’t need to go anywhere outside our borders to find war as we will have all the same terrorist attacks that France and Germany are having.
She wants stricter gun laws which only means getting guns for law abiding citizens because thugs and terrorist are not going to get their guns through legal means (Look how well Chicago is doing with stricter gun laws)
She obviously does not take national security serious and breaking cell phones with hammers and using Bleach Bitz to delete emails after they have been subpoenaed only shows she is not trust worthy to hold the highest office even if the corrupt government and FBI don’t want to press charges.
Hillary’s track record for all the catastrophes she has been involved in should only make one think how much more unsettling mayhem she will cause. Granted Trump may not seem to be the best choice but with the fact that he is not a career politician and has a very good track record of being very patriotic and proud of our military that it seems a clear choice who to vote for.
I also think it is wrong that the feds are debating whether to raise the federal interest rates before the presidential election because as it stands now if they decide to hold off raising them the stocks will stay up and Hillary will get elected because stocks stay up. If they raise them then the stocks will go down and people will want someone new in the oval office so with that they are using federal interest rates to help decide the election. There should be no waiting if the federal interest rates need raised then it should be done and if they don’t need to be then don’t raise them.
Bruce Wood says
I agree. I say a post and I had to pass it on:
Of the two candidates running for president…
Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress.
Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical.
Only Hillary Clinton deleted 30 some thousand emails after she was ordered to hand them over to the Fed.
Only Hillary Clinton had that same computer wiped clean by professionals.
Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges then laughed about it.
Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.
Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails.
Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire.
Only Hillary Clinton lied about lying to the American people.
Only Hillary Clinton was involved in “Cash Cow ”
Only Hillary Clinton has a long list of scandals.
Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband’s sexual harassment (and rape) accusers.
Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician.
Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks.
Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto.
Only Hillary Clinton was labeled “Extremely careless ” about national security by the FBI!
Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class.
Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election!
Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House.
Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victims parents where lying.
Only Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her based on her gender.
Only Hillary Clinton has no real accomplishments after a lifetime in politics.
Only Hillary Clinton has never created any jobs.
Only Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI and found to have put national security at risk.
Only Hillary Clinton has had two or more movies and several documentaries made about her questionable ethics.
Only Hillary Clinton was called “Broomstick one” by the SS.
Only Hillary Clinton made congress and others spend millions and millions of tax dollars having hearings and investigating her to find that she lied, that would not have been spent if she would of simply told the truth in the first place! Fact – all facts!
Only Hillary Clinton regularly cussed out and belittled her SS detail.
Only Hillary Clinton, Only Hillary Clinton, Only Hillary Clinton over and over again.
But you are going to vote for her because…. you don’t like Donald Trump? That is insane! I will never understand how any moral person in good conscience could EVER vote for this woman.
If Hillary is elected with in 2 to 3 years we will have to declare bankruptcy because 23 trillion is the magic number that we reach that we have to file bankruptcy. All her free stuff like college education, continuation of Obama care and other things will have us there in no time not count all the elderly on Social Security that hae to be taken care of because the government has stole all the funds out of the program. ever time they need extra funds they rip the social security off. This has been going on for many years and they have never paid a dime back and then they blame it on the baby boomers for the program going broke. The government for some reason think they have to lie to the American people. I believe if we the people start firing these liars that they will soon get the message. If you don’t do the peoples work then we don’t need you there. God bless America and may his will be done especially in the upcoming election. If we put in in Gods hands and vote our heart and what the canidates stand for the we will have the right person in office and their work will prove we selected the right one.
sandy jackson says
Anonymous says
RLS says
These Jihadists commit their acts and then hide in the sanctuary cities….Minnesota has more sanctuary cities that house the Somali populations. The result of America turning from God, corruption, sin, and immoral perversity, taking prayer out of our schools and government is judgment….we will fall from within.
Chucky says
Amen! Hope Killery collapses during debate! Lying bitch!
ALTON says
Wanda leonard says
Sandy you need to pray Trump does not win he is the the bank rup King why should he be president draft dogger ,
R. G. says
you are correct on all the issues, and people still will vote for her because she is a woman, I don’t have a problem with a woman President, just not her, She is evil and will lie to get anything she wants, this plum that she wants has been in her vision since Bill was running, She thinks of herself and Presidential and she is not even close to that claim.. It will be a continuation of Obama they are both under the thump of George Soros and his Socialist ways. a very bad person who sold out his own people to get money and power…
William Walker says
You have a very strange idea of what socialist means. Soros is the very embodiment of a capitalist.
rodney burke says
She is clear and present danger to our econmic security because she means to destroy our economy. Reason enough to not elect this communist freak/liar
rodney burke says
bottom line, Hilary has NEVER built ANYTHING, she has a legacy of destruction with everything she touches. ENOUGH! Put her in Federal Prison in NY and let her stew for a while so the rest of us can BUILD something productive!
Marilyn Marilyn says
I also pray every day that Hillary does not win the president of Obama’s house of horror or American is done vote trump
Wanda leonard says
Trump has never built anything the people he screwed out of money did all that Trump has a big mouth he nothing but a fool,
Norma Herfurth says
Bruce Wood –well written and said –wish more people could read what you have written –agree with you 100% …..????????????????
Norma Herfurth says
Bruce Wood –well written and said –wish more people could read what you have written –agree with you 100% …..????????????????
Glenn Modracek says
I agreed with all you said until the last paragraph where you said, “I believe if we the people start firing these liars that they will soon get the message. If you don’t do the peoples work then we don’t need you there.” EVERY TIME the Democrats (Liberals) find one of their own in trouble they attempt to justify the illegal or immoral acts of the politician in order to preserve an existing majority or to have a shot at gaining one.
The moral relativists have found a home in the Democrat Party, and the Liberals who also control the NEA are responsible for creating a generation of kids with no moral center as a result. It’s always the Republicans and some RINO’s (unpredictably) who must take out the trash. Thanks to the under-reporting and disinformation provided by the Left-wing media, we have a wealth of low-information voters supporting both sides of the aisle.
I wish it was true that all we needed to do was FIRE these bastards but evidence and experience has proven the ONLY way we will get rid of the career politicians on both sides is through a Constitutional amendment limiting their terms of service, and this will only be accomplished through a Convention of the States. Congress will NEVER vote to limit their terms and thus their power and influence.
Diane says
excellent post….just pray that enough people will get the point and understand after reading it
Lloyd says
On a note of correction Bruce,5th on the list should be,computer wiped by a cloth or something.
june says
You are absolutely right about them stealing the money right out of the Social Security System. The Treasury department has cart-blanche access to our SS money & only has to leave an IOU & has been draining SS for years and NEVER made restitution. The 33 Billion that got sent to Iraq between 2012 & 2014 probably came from our SS system. Obama only wants to kill our economy, when we go bust he will lhave made us the laughing stock of the world.
M Hennesy says
Exactly, Bruce ! You are right ….but I fear that the stupidity level in the USA is too high today . FOX News showed a poll last night that revealed that only 34% thought that Hillary Clinton was honest and trustworthy ..but the same poll showed that 61% thought Hillary Clinton was capable of being Commander in Chief and Trump received 51%. That absolutely makes NO SENSE ! How can someone tell a pollster that they don’t trust Hillary Clinton …..but that she is qualified to be POTUS ? It’s the same lunacy as polls that show that 70% of the American people don’t like the direction the Country is heading in but then give Barack Hussein Obama a 58% approval rating . Absolute madness !
paula brashear says
good job…..well put for all of us who can think
Mike Hunt says
Take a breath…
sagatel says
The only thing she has going for herself are her rich contributers. The likes of Soros, democrat friendly wall street thugs, warmongers that serve both parties, international super oligarchs are her greatest supporters and the rest of us are deplorable. My hope is come November 8 we the deplorables will come, will vote and this dispeacable creature will forever be gone from our lives.
Arthur Hartsock says
The past twenty years involvement with wars in the Middle East have drastically weakened our nation’s military readiness. We have left a gigantic junkyard of military hardware in the sands of Iraq and Afghanistan. The next US President will have to make serious decisions on troop levels, the size of our Navy and Air Force. Also one factor not being discussed is how much of our future defense force will include artificial intelligence, robots, drones, and other modern technology. There will never be another Normandy Beach style landing. The troops would be slaughtered within minutes/hours. So our President and Military leaders need to take a step back and reevaluate every aspect of our military and its future mission. We are going through a change as important as when we changed from arrows, swords, and spears; to weapons using gunpowder and explosives.
Sz says
All the above Comments are right on, we need a president that thinks of the PEOPLE,THE DEPLORABLES’, First, Second and ALWAYS, and OUR once Great NATION!
Robert says
i saw her lips a-movin and i knew she was a-lie-n. this here deplorable will vote for TRUMP. send crooked H.R.C. strait to JAIL. HRC=horribly rotten critter.
jwb says
Beautiful headline, really classy. The world is really afraid of both candidates, no one really thinks either will be successful …..amen
daniel says
HELP or HINDRANCE , The people must decide 51 day’s and counting ! what we have tried in the past is not and has not worked. Choose Wisely ! God bless and protect our country
CaptTurbo says
Most democrats are far too stupid to understand anything beyond the meaning of free shit.
Wanda leonard says
Iam a democrat I don’t need free stuff Iam very well off I could buy and sell you and Trump the bank rup king,
M Hennesy says
BWAAA ,…LMAO ! Delusional …typical Demorat !
Marvin B. Cohen says
Please, my fellow Americans. Please do not let this lying, thieving bitch live in the White House. When she left the first time, she and her womanizing sexual-pervert addicted husband stole mega-thousands of White House property! They returned only a portion of the items. THIS WAS OUR PROPERTY! AMERICAN PROPERTY! She is a compulsive liar and she wants to own all the money in the world! That is what the “Clinton Family Foundation” is set-up for. Hundreds of millions dollars have gone in from gullible contributors. None has ever gone out to any needy charity or cause! The Clinton’s raised millions for Haitian relief of earthquake horror? Not one dime ever went to Haiti?? All she wants is power, revenge on America for earlier embarrassment when she was caught lying under oath as a young attorney and all the money in print! I find it hard to believe that some many people believe she has Americans in her hear! SHE HATES AMERICA my fellow Americans. This election has little to do with politics. It is the election to determine American survival! PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS COMPULSIVE LIAR; THIEF AND MURDERER OCCUPY OUR WHITE HOUSE!!!
Important Notice:
Due to recent Presidential budget cuts, the stock market crash, and the rising cost of electricity, gas, and oil, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.
If the dumb-ass Leftist Liberals had any bit of common sense, they could be registered Republicans!
Kerry says
Seriously. 5 cents on the dollar for United Way goes to charity and the rest goes for administrative costs.
How much has Bill and H taken for Admin costs? She calls us deplorable and racist, but she is the original racist
and Bill was even worse. No amount of money could persuade me to vote for Hillary. If you love this country vote for
Trump. If you vote for Hillary and she gets in, you’ll be sorry and I’ll be thinking “Well, you voted for her, now what you gonna do?
Steve says
Who cares of US president, only the White House puppet countries concern and talk about US election or who will be next president……..
Joanne says
Hillary Clinton is a JUNK YARD DOG. Those who vote for her are GLUTTONS FOR PUNISHMENT. Just look around you and ask yourselves if you want to live in a 3RD WORLD COUNTRY because the United States of America is definitely headed in that direction.
We currently have the worse POTUS in our history.
Vote for DONALD TRUMP in the upcoming election and make America Great Again.
Joanne says
Hillary Clinton is a JUNK YARD DOG. Those who vote for her are GLUTTONS FOR PUNISHMENT. Just look around you and ask yourselves if you want to live in a 3RD WORLD COUNTRY because the United States of America is definitely headed in that direction.
We currently have the worse POTUS in our history.
Vote for DONALD TRUMP in the upcoming election and make America Great Again.
Don says
Of course a lot of people will die when the dark queen is put on the throne. But her owners are going to reap 8 years of great profits from it. The money, that’s what America is all about. They will be ripping people off even as the nukes are falling all around. Their idea of going to their heaven is that they make a huge profit even as they gasp their last breath. In their minds they go out winners. Only in America.
Michael says
Don,t be too sure of that, if she gets in ww3 will erupt into nuclear war., remember what china and Russia said about Hillary, if she gets in that is exactly what china and Russia will do to prevent ww3, by nuclear D.C. First. So we the people best vote for Trump as war is ugly to have right here in USA.
Kerry says
Any chance she’ll get impeached or indicted after she grabs the presidency?
Greg says
Not after she gets her pardon.
Sharon says
Hillary is a crazy ole lady , period. I can’t imagine her as POS ! The black ppl better wake up fast. They think they are bad off now , just wait.
Dell Hoffert says
Why would even Democrats want to reward Hillary for accomplishments never achieved. For any future of this United States of American you must keep this individual out of any public office. There is ample material (google?) to give you history of the Clintons…..please read!!!
Sue says
My only fear is that the electoral college are the ones whose votes really count not us American voters. Please tell me I am wrong.
MexSeiko says
The Democrats and even Bush have got it wrong all over the Middle-East. It’s been catastrophic and Obama’s Surrogate 3rd Term will be apocalyptic.
Tweeter says
What is there in Hillary that people vote for her? She has accumulated all kinds of devilish acts for our people, our country, and our God. Her mouth and tongue constantly wiggle of lies, and foul language. her brain is loaded with guilt of crimes she’d committed to the American people, the world, and God. I believe she is the Lucifer incarnate of the 21st century.
Only reasons why people vote for Hillary is the FREE LOADING STUFF she provides them. She and President Obama have multiplied this population just for one reason, to make them win the election. But improving the lives of those left behind, their status keeps on sinking and yet they blame “Race” is the problem. And who are the real racists? Hillary Clinton, and the democrats.
Edgardo L. Perez-De Leon says
I am in the left but I will vote for Trump because Hillary is a war monger working for the Devil with the intention to destroy the world with a nuclear war. Whatever damage Trump can do now can be fixed latter.
Edgardo L. Perez-De Leon says
Hillary is walking with Gates and Wolfowitz, Chaney and the rest of the hawkish in the Foreign Affair Council, including Kagan, the husband of Victoria Nuland, the provocateur from the NATO –now subSecretary of State– who spent $5 B USD in Ukraine’s nazis to place nuclear head in the mouth of Putin.
Stop Government Corruption says
Now she’s talking about arming more of our Allies with nukes to defend against North Korea. Wonder who’s paying for that?
Wesha says
There shouldn’t EVEN be a KILLARY running. It is so absurd. She is having seizures which we have seen on tape. She lied to FBI and then lied about lying to the FBI, then saying they said she had told them the same thing she told her public…wth is that…and she is so brain worn that she didn’t even think about the fact that her and Comey had been all over the news about the lies. And her hubby needs to be cloroxed every other day because he doesn’t seem to care who he is with. GROSS… Killary passes out going to her car, she sits and stares when asked a question like she isn’t even there..Laughs and throws her head back like a starving hyena…and she feels Trump is bad for us. THE only one we can depend on is TRUMP..he is arrogant and all and of course he has lied too, but never these massive evasive lies to hide anything.SHE will be the end of our AMERICA and it will become a smeltering pot of whatevers..kiss our freedom good bye .. she is going to do everything in her power to disarm US and then we ARE dependent on the military….you know the military that was ready to leave and help Benghazi…..the one they NEVER bothered to answer and give the go ahead to….they instead told them to STAND DOWN..next time is god forbid this witch gets in the military needs to do what is right the heck with what she says…do what is right…SHE WILL NEVER BE MY PRESIDENT….EVER.
Lee Tousignant says
Not just the US Military that has been gutted but also NATO. Even so they behave as if they are dominent. The US and NATO have pushed up against Russia proper reaping a sharp and unexpected response. China has pushed the US out of the Eastern Seas. The 57 Islamic States go about their business of “Rape – Murder – Pillage”. Turkey is now returning to an Islamic Theocracy swimming in blood.
The United States can survive Hillary’s criminal activity but not her making common cause with Islam as she is doing in word and deed. Hillary is blinded by Arab money. History has proven the Clintons stay loyal to the money.
To all women supporting Hillary Clinton – you are but useful fools!
RLS says
Sure, the Left will cut our military and ability to respond to terrorism…Their ultimate goal is to disarm the people of their second amendment rights and bring in more Syrian refugees, (the new army.)
alma says
Im sick to death of the same political system , and Im sick to death of lifer politicians , and a system that needs to change . these people get in here and its a intermediate job , their their for life , and that was not the way the system was suppose to work, we need turn, limits on ever branch of this system , so new minds, new thinking, to help guide this country . without it, nothing will change. Im tired of the diversion of money being feed right into pockets , while they com up with deceitful propaganda to divert it. The rich feed the rich and they do this off the backs of us, the citizens . unless wars , deceitful lies ,money lording and much more . bringing in millions and millions of folks that dont see life as we do , but are willing to take the hand outs we give them to use against us . if things dont change we are headed for demise and America wont be America any more ……..
willie Kingfish says
Hitlery is the whore of Babylon. she will be the end of America and freedom. hitlery clinton the anti Christ clinton as president was for told in the Bible everything you love will be gone with the wind if hitlery wins the W.H
anyone who supports clinton is a traitor to America and our way of life those half wits who will vote for her will live long enough to regret it, the sad part why should all of us have to pay for it ? she is nothing but a power and money hungry traitor who will do anything to the people to make a Dollar. and never do anything for the people
RLS says
Look at the increase in terrorist attacks under Obama-Clinton. 29 people just injured in New York from Pressure Cooker bomb, just like the Tsarnaev Brothers had at the Boston Marathon. 8 stabblings in the Crossroads Mall in St. Cloud Minnesota, Attacker claimed allegiance to Allah. This country has never seen this kind of Jihadist attacks with pressure cooker bombs, and Jihad at malls, nightclubs, and on Police Departments, the police are ambushed just getting something to eat or in their patrol cars…Its time for this nation to pray, rise up and stop this hateful enemy!
jwb says
Yes, get in there mr trump, U will stop all this single handed because you will strike fear in those bad guys. VOTE DONNIE, HE IS THE GREATEST MAN ALIVE – HE IS INVINCIBLE AND ANOINTED TO BOOT ……………….
rodney burke says
Well if the world is so worried about her the warmonger, they need to DO something. We the people have spoken, we want change, we want to knock down the status quo. The problems this nation has are the results of the STATUS QUO. PC and all that. It’s time to make some SERiOUS changes. The beltway crap NEED to be worried. The lobbyists and the worthless media all need to be very worried. We are having a revolution just like Ron Paul said we need to have. yes, take care of America first.
Chucky says
Killery will lie to the brain dead, offer the sun, moon and stars and give nothing! Oh wait only if it stuffs her nest. She will promise, like jobs in upstate New York and deliver squat! Liar, liar, pantsuit on fire! Oh that would make good TV!
Roger says
The election will be rigged so she will get the white house.
ClaudeA says
American idiots, here! The Banksters run America, NOT elections they stage to appear real!
Nobody here gets this?
Judith M. Tripp says
The world shouldn’t fear Hillary Clinton and her DRONE applications.
What they SHOULD fear is her Socialism (the cover-up word for plain old Communism). As for Obama, he is nothing BUT a Communist using Socialism as his cover-up and as his main goal to destroy this country. My GOD, people – look at this video of his background, and THINK about what he has done to this country just the last four (4) years. And what he’ll TRY to do before he leaves in January.
GET A LOAD OF THIS VIDEO. I say that even if a small PART of this video is true, then you’ll realize what we REALLY have to fear from Hillary — and it’s not just her proclivity to “drone warfare:. PASTE THIS WEBSITE INTO YOUR SEARCH ENGINE (Google or Other) and just digest the video. It has always given me NIGHTMARES.
RON says
Hillary Clinton is unstable to be President ..When she was first lady in the White House She treated the people who worked there very harshly.They will tell you Hillary was the fighter and Billy was the lover.You never spoke to Hillary.If she wanted to hear your voice she would speak to you first. If you did respond you were required to bow your head when speaking. Failure to so could mean with a snap of a finger your terminated.I know this to be true. It is a shame more people don’t know about how she acts when the camera is not rolling.She has elite status and others are part of her deplorables that are beneath her status as servants. What about the rumors she has a double to stand in for her at certain times.
Wanda leonard says
Ron that’s bull shit and a lot of it???????????????????????????vote Hillary
hank schut, jamaica w.i. says
BRUCE, my hat off to you for your extremely eye-opening post.
Most of us know SOME of the things you mentioned and after your post I’m wondering how we can get all this information out to all those millions who are STILL bent on voting their lives away come november. How about dropping leaflets from a small plane or a chopper in HRC strongholds?
Interestingly, you mentioned MONSANTO, Bruce, and you must have heard that BAYER had bought them out. Bayer, the former German SS company!
One wonders how much will go to the HRC FOUNDATION and the election campaign. And has already gone in the past! You notice that I only use her initials. My fingers, who seem to have a mind of their own, refuse to cooperate to spell it out in full and cramp up terribly. Bruce, no pun intended, but you really put the WOOD(S) to her and her cronies.
Wanda leonard says
Hank you and Bruce are nuts vote Hillary
Bill Cash says
Some of yo are going to think AND SAY I’m nuts for this. But I believe there is a plan afoot to keep the status quo in Washington. Think about it. With Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in power they have made billions, with a capitol “B”. So it would be to their advantage to have everything remain the same. What is the most important thing in Hillary Clinton’s life??? M O N E Y !!! IF Hillary can get herself elected, by any means used, and then step down BEFORE she and the V P are sworn in (due to health) there is no precedent for it. Barack Obama could declare a national emergency and remain in place as “sitting president” until everything could be “straightened out”. Of course it would be challenged. But the court would likely allow it because Obama is the sitting president and the nation cannot be left without a “leader”. If they could pull this off there is nothing to stop them from continuing indefinitely. Just think about it !!!
The Texan says
Hillary Clinton’s top campaign slogans.
#1 Vote for me because …. well, because I’m HILLARY.
#2 Vote for me because I am a W O M A N.
#3 Vote for me because I’m the Democrat party’s candidate.
#4 Vote for me because I’m the choice of the DNC.
#5 Vote for me because I an a progressive democrat. (New speak for socialist.)
#6 Vote for me because I want to be your President & Queen.
#7 Vote for me because I am NOT Donald Trump.
#8 Vote for me because I will bring Bill back to the white house.
#9 Vote for me because I will raise your taxes.
#10 You can trust me, I’m HILLARY!
El Tejas says
What political candidate would be insane or arrogant enough to campaign on a promise to raise taxes? And who would be insane enough to vote for a candidate that ran on a campaign promise to raise taxes?
RON says
bob hickss says
SHE IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT?. WHY IS ABSOLUTELY NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THIS?????? we believe her contract with other nations paying her for information is her sole goal. Hillary is dumb,stupid, but conniving. Read “Clinton’s Chronicles”, & then read “Clinton’s Cash”.
drbhelthi says
The Merkel-Maas press and TV of Germany continues to present Hillary Clinton as the only American qualified to become U.S. President, and who would correct all the problems of the world, if elected.
However, Donald Trump continues to be presented by the Jewish-controlled press, and the Merkal-Maas dictatorship as a rich autocrat who would plunge the world into war immediately, if elected.
The average German believes what is shown on TV and printed in newspapers – similar to the average American.
William Walker says
Spot on. It’s the same in Britain. Trump is presented as some sort of devil. But the opposite is the truth. That woman is more likely to start a nuclear war. At first I thought they were telling the truth and then I started watching one of Trump’s speeches. Then I could see why people supported him. It was refreshingly irreverent.
WhiskeyMan says
“World fears Hillary Clinton, the warmonger” (HA, HA, HA, That is laughable!)
IF THE PRICE WAS RIGHT!:” (for Billary & Hillary’s ‘so-called’ Clinton (Chelsea) Foundation!)
Hope all of you Hillary sell-outs will @ sometime in the NEAR future, learn to appreciate our
AMERICA, the Country you silver-spoon ‘tard-muffins’ were fortunate enough to grow up in!
May God bless America, the Republic our founders put in to place back in ’76!