Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton showed pure “cowardice” in handling the 2012 attack on a diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, said former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton.
And Americans should not forget her lack of leadership when they head to the ballot boxes in November.
Bolton, who served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during the presidency of President George W. Bush, spoke before a packed crowd this morning at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the largest gathering of conservatives in America.
Bolton’s criticism of Clinton’s handling of Benghazi, which led to the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, was especially biting.
Bolton pointed out that Clinton did not contact Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta once on September 11, 2012, the day of the attack, and instead went home.
And she refused to face the music and answer questions on Sunday talk shows after it was clear that a serious tragedy had unfolded in Benghazi, instead dispatching underlings.
“This is not what we need in a commander-in-chief,” Bolton said.
Clinton’s improper handling of classified information on a homebrew email server also shows how weak she is on national security, Bolton added.
“If she doesn’t have the wit to protect her own emails, how do we think she’s going to protect us?” Bolton added.
Bolton said that the Clinton camp has been desperately trying to portray as a “security review” what is clearly a criminal investigation by the FBI into her email practices.
“If I did one-tenth of what she did, I’d be in jail already,” Bolton said. “Hillary is in deep legal jeopardy, and she should be.”
-The Horn editorial staff
marko carroll says
well its about time someone finally told the truth.. what do you know ??? maybe just maybe there is hope for the americans
John Kovach says
Hillery Clinton should burn in hell for what she has done to the people in this country. If any one else had been responsible they would be in jail a long time ago. She lies, about everything she talks about. She will pay for he evil
ways!!!!!!!!!!! I do not see haw she sleeps at knight!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
les says
Hillary Clinton is a liar. How in God’s name could she tell the fallen comrades that their death was due to a VIDEO? By this time, Obama and her would have had plenty of time to correct their statements about the VIDEO, but “no” they couldn’t do that because an ELECTION WAS COMING UP. Obama had to leave for Las Vegas to campaign and Susan appeared on all the Sunday talk shows with the story about the VIDEO. IF THEY DIDN’T WANT TO TELL THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, THEY DEFINITELY OWED THE TRUTH TO THE FAMILIES OF THE DECEASED.
Ira Berrian says
Bolton is a great man. Ms. Clinton crucified Nixon and she lives above the laws of the United States of America.
Don’t back a traitor. Vote for Donald Trump.
Main Street says
Romney didn’t say a word about Hillary today at his big “speech”.
Trump Supporter says
Anyone that has ever been in a life and death situation truly knows how important backup is. She left those guys to die. I’m a retired NYPD that was a survivor of 911. None of us went home for days until we knew we xould not save anyone else. It’s amazing we did not have the ability or the balls to save them…..And people trust her more then TRUMP. I know if TRUMP was commander in chief, they would have been pounded into dirt…….
Debbie says
Totally right!
I can’t stand the wench!
Let’s not forget our Americans were killed, and at least Chris was sodomized either before he died, or after he died.
And then showed off like a trophy.
Hillary Clinton is horrible, just horrible.
Big Ted says
Hillary needs to be thrown under the jail.
Linda says
Yes he did.
John Kovach says
Romney is a no body and a looser. He has no impact on this election. He really needs to keep his ass out
and go back to where he belongs. Trump is smarter, wealthier, and a hell of a better business man than
Romney will ever be. Get away Romney!!!!!!!!! You are making a fool of yourself.
Trump Supporter says
I know TRUMP respects Ambassador Bolton, I hope he is selected for TRUMP cabinet position………
Billy Bagenstos says
Donald Trump cannot be as stupid as the part he is playing in his candidate status, he could not have multiplied an inherited few million into his present wealth if the character he portrays is accurate.
Trumps strongest sales point for POTUS is that he is self financed and not owing allegiance to any group, this can as easily be the best reason
not to elect him President.
Why ? Every person is ruled by fear, fear keeps us on the straight and narrow road, people would ride and drive at wide open speeds if not
the fear of death or losing their license. Everything in our life is controlled by our fear of consequences, therefore, since Donald Trump is
financially self sufficient, he cannot be controlled because he is not in debt to anyone, No fear equates to no control.
A grade schooler can spot Trumps completely consumed with ego-mania, if he becomes President, surrounds himself with staff he buys and pays for
his narcisstic behaviour could easily transform him into a Dictator, remember, he is without fear and believes himself omniposecient.
These thoughts I have expressed are just that, my thoughts, but that is the reason there is a demand for both vanilla and chocolate ice cream.
I am 84 years old and have seen many politicians and witnessed the vast differences between campaign promises and actual performance while in office. My initial Presidential vote was cast for Dwight Eisenhower.
Looking at both Republican and Democrat candidates for POTUS I equate it to The result of spending many years on both farms and ranches
I look upon the present political choices for POTUS as a
barn yard full of manure which we are forced to cross, the problem is finding the smallest piles to step in to reach the other side.
Is this a great country, or what ?
Billy, you are so correct. Trump is not to be trusted. But the GOP is now rolling out every dullard that failed in the past to counter him. Romney, McCain, pullease. They are losers, and are beholden to the stink party. No, I don’t want to see Clinton win either, but they could at least do something to actually beat this A-hole. Putting up McCain and Romney is just laughable.
Janie says
Ted Cruz is the answer. No doubt. We need someone with his intelligence, morals, and guts to do the job that America needs. Ted Cruz is well balanced, conservative and has common sense.
Mikeyavelli says
I might agree, but Trump is the leader of the group. Cruz on the Supreme Court would ensure that the constitution remains as written. Bolton as secretary of state, and Giuliani as Atty General. Palin for Veep. I know, just dreaming.
A.J. says
YES!!! And Carson as Sec. of Health and Human Services.
Neil G. says
I fully agree Janie. Ted’s performance in Detroit debate was superb. I would like to have that kind of strength and intelligence guiding and protecting our country.
Gerald Mann says
Well brother , you may be right about a lot of what you said , but I think you will agree we have to get rid of the leaches that hang out in Washington and let money flow in order to have the backers get what they want in forms of Government Contracts etc. ! We send our troops to war with weapons that were designed and built by the company’s that build them the cheapest ! We also have rules of engagement that ties the troops hands and causes a lot of needless deaths . In a foreign land the enemy knows out rules probably better then we do and they don’t mind grabbing a few civilians or kids so they can shoot at our men all they want and not have fire returned . This is stupid , In fact I think Viet Nam was held to thin the heard a bit , why else were we ordered to take a hill and after we took it , we were ordered to pull back so the cong could take it back and then we were ordered to take it back again ! Not only that but the war was being run by Washington and not by our commanders in the field . I think our men should be armed with the best available , and rifles should be equipped with silencers (suppressors) there by not only come home being able to hear and enjoy life but why should we have to give our positions away any time we open up on the enemy ?
My friend Tom calls the two parties “2 legs of the same whore”. You get the gist.
Marie Tocchini says
Trump will do a fantastic job as commander-chief, the rest of the gentleman are in special interest & lobbyist pockets don’t trust then at all….That goes for Sanders & Clinton as well.
Madmarmot says
Is it too late for this guy to run for president ?
Martin Korab says
Without a doubt, Cruz is the very best choice for president. He really embodies the best that the USA has to offer. Why ? Because he has always put the USA first in everything he has done. Believe me, he is a great American who is a Godsend and who will be the greatest president in the history of our country. We can really straighten out our country with a Cruz / Trump or a Cruz / Rubio ticket and that would almost guarantee 16 yrs. of a Republican presidency which can heal all the problems and restore America back to it’s greatness on the world stage. This is probably our last chance to save this country from the Democrats who are dismantling and destroying the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We must stop them. Sincerely, Martin Korab.
c4246 says
It appears that Hillary withheld all e-mails in protection for the real person that gave the stand down order. He was weeks away from an election and did not want any bad news to distort his legacy of abandoning the area. Also,they were arming regimes that ran away, leaving all the arms in the bad guys hand.
Rusty says
Bolton for Secretary of State.
Jack says
Hillary uses bad judgment and has no common sense or sense of right or wrong. In her husband’s administration she was given several responsibilities by him, and, failed at all of them. Maybe one of the notable (?) was her long work on what is now Obamacare, which Congress would not pass as her version then. It took the senate and president Obama and a lot of lazy readers in congress to pass the unpopular tax scheme we have today. Another deal was worked out as a reward for just letting Obama walk into the presidency; Hillary as secretary of state. Her accomplishments in this area are questionable if not down right un-American (from her boss’s orders we hope or not, maybe). She is at best a screw up propped up by those who want her as president and somebody they to can control. Her history is out there for all to read, but don’t expect to be impressed; unless you are one of the lazy readers.
Sammythbull says
Hillary Clinton is a Coward and a liar just like her sleazy Husband they both think their above the Law……