Opponents of Hillary Clinton have been warning for years that the Democratic presidential candidate is unduly infulenced by donors, and her campaign doesn’t care where it comes from.
Now, James O’Keefe’s “Project Veritas” investigation has revealed smoking gun video proof that the Clinton camp accepted and hoarded over $20,000 in illegal donations.
The total corruption surrounding the Clintons can no longer be denied.
Video from the undercover investigation shows a liberal Super PAC, Americans United for Change, accepting a huge, illegal foreign donation.
Americans United for Change has previously been exposed for illegally coordinating with the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.
For nearly two months, the super PAC hoarded the dirty cash. Last week, to cover their tracks they ended up returning the cash… but only after they’d been caught.
See for yourself —
Shocking? Yes.
But as anyone that has been watching the Clinton family’s political career knows, it’s hardly surprising.
— The Horn editorial team
R D says
Not only illegal money but American taxpayers money as well (the Obama’s and other Dems on the tax payer’s purse). Donald has had to take everyone on and he is still kicking A$$.
Maxx says
When Michael Moore, the disgusting slime bag liberal film maker says “Trump will win by a landslide” that is news. I can’t stand the guy but this is one time I hope he is correct. Every single day more Wikileaks releases, videos of Clinton campaign workers bragging about election tampering and on and on. UNBELIEVABLE.
Jc says
All the Wikileaks do NOT cure the brain washed Americans.
Mel says
I am not leaving the country if Trump loses but I will carry my gun
Stell says
Boy, I fully agree but the Liberals are deaf and blind. They will not
change their vote. They can not see or care or believe the corruption.
they could care less about her foul mouth and how she treats people. She only cares about the oval office chair and nothing else. Not even Bill’s messing around. Horrible for America.
Arizona Don says
If hillary wins there “will” be a civil war. That is not a maybe it is positive. America is in worse shape now, by threats of destruction, then at any time in the past including 1770’s.
tom says
No surprise here the only real surprise is it come at the expense of people in need. The Clintons received millions of dollars from people to build a hospital in Haiti several years ago hospital still hasn’t been built, ground hasn’t even been broke yet. People are starting to see what a couple of real scam artist really look like, imagine how much she will make at the expense of the American people.
Lou says
She should lose by disqualifying for illiegal tactics
Benedicta says
if our government is itself —— what can you expect from her? she is part of the corrupt system. Exposing one will expose everyone. For this reason why a hedge is in place all around her. HRC has proven over and over again that she is above the law. I am shocked to witness first hand how a seasoned politicians defy the law of the land. The nation already knows that we are ruled by a bunch of —–. They have formed a network to guard and defend the wrong doers. It appears to me that the politicians are exempt from obeying the laws. Law abiding congress have and continue to fight these crooked politician but end up with more and more frustration. America is on the brink of utter destruction, perhaps total extinction from the map (scary thought). I doubt if we will ever be a nation again.
Joyce Sheppard says
In order to do that, we not only need Trump, we need God in our country again. We need to pray that Trump is the man that God picks to lead our country.
Barbara says
Politically incorrect says
Lou the problem is there obviously are a whole lot of dumber then a rock people out there that are supporting her and because the FBI did nothing to stop her from running the bottom line is she should only be getting 3 votes, Herself, Chelsea and Slick Willy. I personally have no respect for anyone that supports her
John G. says
Again she’s so corrupt that nothing she does or says surprises me – it is; however amazing that some dolts i.e. OracleGuy are so naïve and ill informed that they buy into her rhetoric. She’s nothing, but a self serving lying, cheating, corrupt and miserable human being.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
I agree with you entirely, Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton is extremely so crooked & corrupt, she makes all of the former
dictators & sol called dictators/former dictators, gangsters, Mafia bosses of the past & present all look like very honest, nice friendly people in comparison. She makes Aunt Esther on Sanford & son, the Wicked Witch of the West/Miss Gulch played by the late Margaret Hamilton in the Wizard of Oz look like newborn babies in a hospital nursery. Our good friend OracleGuy is so anxious to get approval of nothing from his girl friend Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton and so are his buddies that want that damned POS white trash B@&CH in the White House. I already voted for Donald Trump absentee in Mexizona. In my neighborhood, Donald Trump is already the winner, only 2 are voting for HKRAKC, and 2 are not voting at all, they are the constantly complaining NON VOTERS that will never vote at all for NO DAMNED REASON, but will do 99 9/10% of the fault finding and complaining. The NON VOTERS are HKRAKC’s best supporters who fix & rig the election by not voting for NO REASON.
Christopher I agree with everything u said except Igiveoralguy is lawless5960 boyfriend.
Maxx says
Kind of like every third world despot or European tyrannical dictator that ever lived. That describes Hildabeast to a “T”. And she will do the same things these previous despots did only it will be to our country this time. The script has already been written and the first act has been performed by Obama / Soros. We the people need to make sure this play never has an ACT II.
yes this should disqualify her for sure by who will do it,.?? seems we don’t care who breaks the law any more, they can get by with it start now by punishing the law breaker,
Joyce Sheppard says
As long as the FBI, the Justice Dept and the pres are in the tank for her, we don’t have a chance. As Judge Jeanine said, if it was anyone else they would have been in jail a long time ago. Comey has to go, Loretta Lynch has to go and Obama. That is the only way anything can change. It is too late now to get rid of them before the election. The good news is, God is still on the throne. He has the last word! Pray for Trump please.
Sharon Jenkins says
Congress and the Judicial System won’t do anything about the Clintons or Obama’s because they fear for their lives. There has been approximately 55 people mysteriously murdered with connections to Clintons.
They use you, throw you away……. Dead people don’t talk….. In my opinion, the only difference between the Clintons and the Mafia is the Clintons hire someone to take care of business, the Mafia take care of business themselves.
Politically incorrect says
I actually hate Hillary but I have to say do some research because as of 30 Sept 16 the count is actually 28 and it is really stupid that within a month it has gone from the actually unaccountable 28 people to now 55 and just 2 weeks ago someone else said 47 and now 55. This is just plain stupid
politically INCORRECT PLEASE QUIT Whining like a libtard. The number of dead bodies doesn’t matter 1 was to many.TRUMP/PENCE 2016
rodger says
she is a lunatic, she get CRAZZIER by the day, there really no telling what she might do, in a very pressure sensitive situation, with russia an putin, or the iranians. she is not to be trusted, she says one thing an then lies about it later, she suffers from CRS. an forgets important issues when it is conveniently to her. An then there is her BOZO the SEX CLOWN. She an her group, will get many USA CITIZENS in trouble, both red an blue, over her STUPIDITY . don,t vote for her, unless you want to see things worse than they all ready are , an after the last 8 yrs , things are VERY BAD
DUMP TRUMP AND THE [ ONE TRUE GOD ] WILL DUMP YOU!!! In the words of Ron White,” You can’t fix STUPID” RIGHT???
Why should you listen to me??? Because of all the people who have contacted me for help in their cause! The Iluminati asked me to join their ranks! Soros asked me to support his cause! The wife of Bernie Madoff asked me to have his Bank Account unfrozen! Rudy Guliani asked me to support his Campaign! The U.S.Senate passed the mew VA Funding and Benefits Bill and Corrective Bill at my insistance because they didn’t want me to publish my book about Coruption in Government, Titled [ How GOD Found ME ] ! The President sent me a copy of his 911 Speech at 12:05 AM because he didn’t want me to miss it, DUE to emails I sent him previously that caused him to close the WH and Vet Memorials to the Public! Virtually EVERYONE running for public office has contacted me for support??? There is much more but I don’t want to take up a whole page??? If you need more reasons just read what Jesus TAUGHT, or read my BOOK !!! It is only 114 pages and has something for everyone??? TRUMP IS BEST FOR OUR COUNTRY AT THIS TIME! FIXING HILLARY’S BRAIN IS NOT AN OPTION??? NOTHING CAN BE DONE TO REPAIR THE BRAIN OF A HABITUAL [ LIAR ]??? THEY DEVELOP THAT TRAIT AT AN EARLY AGE AND IT REMAINS WITH THEM FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE!!! SHE IS ONE OF THE BEST EXAMPLES OF THAT TRAIT,RIGHT???MOST PAST PRESIDENTS’ HAIR TURNS GRAY DURING THEIR TIME IN OFFICE DUE TO THEIR CONCERN AND PRESSURE’S OF THE OFFICE! DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT HILLARY CAN HANDLE THAT??? JUST PICTURE HER WITH GRAY HAIR??? NOT IN THIS LIFETIME,RIGHT??? THE MEDIA IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE WATCH DOG TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS FROM PEOPLE LIKE HILLARY AND THE CORRUPT DEMOCRATS WHO WILL DO AND SAY ANYTHING TO KEEP THE PEOPLE UNDER THEIR CONTROL LIKE ALL THE OTHER FALSE RELIGIONS??? HOW can anyone believe a habitual LIAR??? She is just using all you women because she knows she NEEDS your vote to win,RIGHT??? SHE studied the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO in college and has planned for the past 30 years to make it her GOAL to establish COMMUNISM in these United States to create disharmony between the men and women using SEXUAL INNUENDO AND any form or comment pertaining to such an encounter to persuade as many women as possible to vote for her!!! That clearly shows just how STUPID she believes you are,RIGHT??? She used the same APPROACH in the last four elections and the REPUBLICANS fell into her TRAP??? THAT IS WHY THEY LOST,RIGHT??? WHY WOULDN’T SHE USE THE SAME TACTIC THAT WORKED BEFORE??? THINK ABOUT THAT!!! IS SHE RIGHT??? MORE IMPORTANTLY, IS SHE RIGHT FOR AMERICA??? I THINK NOT!!! A HABITUAL LIAR FOR PRESIDENT??? HOW CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT??? MISERY LOVES COMPANY AND IF YOU ARE NOT ALREADY MISERABLE,YOU HAVEN’T SEEN NOTHING YET; IF YOU VOTE FOR HER!!!
Robert Taylor says
Mr. Quinion…You mention some rather elusive “facts” about people seeking your help. The only thing I can envision that all these people or cults would seek is if you were the American Dollar. If you have proof other than your written word please cite the location or just quote the actual reference. As for as Clinton is concerned I doubt anyone in authority will do anything to her for all her actions. Actually it would be very easy as shown here…So let’s break this down to her (Mrs. Clinton’s) actual actions pertaining to files that were considered work related. Mrs. Clinton did willfully and unlawfully initiate work related documents to be placed on her private computer. Mrs. Clinton did willfully and unlawfully allow work related documents to be removed or destroyed from her private computer. We could proceed further, however those two actions alone fulfill the requirements to be prosecuted under the law as shown in this document. Even if Mrs. Clinton is not fined under this title (18 US Code 2071 (b) or imprisoned, she is still disqualified (if found guilty) to hold any office under the United States as per the cited US Code. However, Mrs. Clinton has admitted and the FBI has stated she did in fact do these actions. You should take notice that “intent” is not mentioned in this section of the Code. Further, “ignorance of the law is no excuse” is a statement we have heard many times and by virtue of her position she either knew or should have known what she did was illegal.
Any person with the knowledge of and the authority to take legal action to implement this US Code against Mrs. H. Clinton and does not do so is guilty of dereliction of duty. If the legal action allowed and demanded by this US Code (18 US Code 2071 (b)) is not taken in a timely manner then later action could be implied as “election tampering” which would give the President reason to intervene on behalf of Mrs. Clinton. A pardon usually cannot take place unless the person is first convicted of a federal crime but the President may have other options. One of these options would be a blanket pardon which pardons crimes committed or may be committed in the future sort of like Mr. Ford did for Mr. Nixon.
Constitutionalist says
Robert Taylor-
i agree with everything you wrote but one:
The presidential pardon power is unlimited, when it comes to federal crimes. The president may pardon anyone at any time after the offense has been committed. Before indictment, after indictment, before arrest, after arrest, before arraignment, after arraignment, before trial, during trial, or after trial, before or after imprisonment. Google “presidential pardon limitations” to get hip.
The only thing a president may not do is pardon for NON-federal offenses – like election fraud, for example…a State offense.
Hopefully, now that the Wiki info has come out about how much The Liar despises D’OweBama, too, he’ll say “hell, no” to any pardon of that thing. My guess is that he’s afraid of her blackmailing him, because there’s NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS on fraud, so that POS WH porch monkey may well be working for The Liar’s election SOLELY based on her promise to pardon HIM…as it seems that many Constitutional scholars say that a president may NOT pardon himself(or her). If she LOSES, however, D’OweBama’s between a rock and a hard place, because you can bet your sweet bippy that Trump will prosecute the hell out of BOTH. That may well be the final nudge that pushes D’OweBama into declaring some sort of national “emergency,” and extending his presidency illegally. Why not? He’s been a lying, fraudulent, conniving, illegal fraudster and traitor since day 1, so what’s a little more criminal activity, right? Hardly anyone’s had the balls to tell his dumb ass “No!” since he cheated his way into office in the first place.
Joyce Sheppard says
Very well said. I just pray that people have awakened now and see this Hillary mess for what it is. If not, our country is finished and it will be our own fault. God gave us another chance to get it right after the last two mistakes. Don’t blow it again. We may not get another chance
Bruce says
Probably also has and read a copy of “Mein Comp”
Solo says
“And now, you know the rest of the story….” SMH
Abe says
Any one that votes for Lying Crooked Shillary has an IQ equivalent to the weight of a flea! Even Killary said liberal are stupid!
Malcolm Proctor says
the american public are crazy they must be to even think off voting for the lying dyke.
Jc says
The Clinton name is synonymous with sleaze.
RebNcity says
Hang kil-liar-ry and ovomit on the w/h lawn for all patriotic Americans can see!
Awake says
LOCK HER UP!!!!!!!!!
Seslaprime says
Liberals control the DOJ and the FBI so there is no one who can stop the crime wave going on in the clinton camp and in the executive branch as well. When the Crime boss sits at the top, we are doomed.
the Only way we can stop all this crime is to Vote for Donald Trump november 8 and finally take our country back.
but that will not be enough because we also need to retain majority in the House and Senate. There needs to be some kind of change that will stop future presidents from influencing the DOJ and FBI. these entities MUST be bi-partisan and be able to bring charges against any actor in government regardless of their political stature.
SO Get out and Vote people, Vote the criminals out of our government.
Donald Trump like a whirlwind in 2016 – should be a landslide victory for Trump
Mike W says
We need a Special Prosecutor to investigate Hillary, Comey, Lynch, and Obama. Obama might get off by claiming he was too stupid to know HRC was violating the FOIA. The others are guilty as he11.
Marjorie says
If you want to see what is really going on ….go to Judicialwatch.org Click on the September 28 presentation and then the October 4th presentation. You will be really angry and surprised about what Hillary and Bill have been doing.
Politically incorrect says
Nothing will happen because if she loses Obama will pardon her and if she wins she will pardon herself so the bottom line is she will get away with everything she has been doing
aw says
As a 69 yr old woman, retired accountant, never watch Trumps TV show, Apprentice…..didn’t like it. HOWEVER, AS A POTENTIAL PRESIDENT, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT TRUMP WINS! His mouth voices the needs of all America! He may not be a professional political speaker, BUT surely knows Business, Finance, how to make money work for you, SAFETY, and speaks of the much need repairs & rebuilding of America! And Pence will be the perfect “compliment” to the Trump presidency.
Bob Radulski says
Justin W says
Hillary will take cash from any source. Just make the check out to the Clinton Foundation.
Hillary Clinton–Selling America out a million dollars at a time.
aw says
oh goody…..more money for more botox for those built cheekbones.