Fox News shared a revealing graphic over the weekend on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders top donors and their current employers.
Percent of @BernieSanders donations.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 5, 2016
Proudly American, Fiercely Independent
By: Stephen Dietrich
Fox News shared a revealing graphic over the weekend on Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders top donors and their current employers.
Percent of @BernieSanders donations.
— Fox News (@FoxNews) June 5, 2016
Stephen is a U.S. Army veteran with over a decade of combined experience in political commentary, economics, and news.
Justin W says
Bernie Sanders’ philosophy is most easily embraced by those who are unproductive and moochers. If someone works hard and is productive they are going to be punished by Bernie’s policies. This is the inherent problem with socialism–it punishes the producers.
Debra says
Correct. Free loaders. There are a lot of good teachers but the bad continue to get a pension and other things and are not really teaching the kids a lot. America is 17 on th list of dumb nations. Some say 32. Pathotic we spend more on edu. than anyone else.But I also have to say this poltically correcy society we have today does not allow the teacher to put rules for bad behavior up in the classroom.
Olivia LaRosa says
You jerk. Most of those not working are RETIRED. Turkey!
Lillian Newcomb says
and how would you prove that statement Olivia? Because those of us who are retired would not donate to a socialist campaign. Although, if you are retired and donating to bern knee then you are the jerk. The only people who are donating to bern knee are the people who are on welfare and want more free handouts. Get your head out of your ass Olivia. You Jerk.
George says
All retired are supporting Trump !
Shirley says
I really think he and Hillary are in it together, she’s probably paying him also, to keep things stirred up to keep the lime light off Hillary, then she stays hid, at the end they come together. JUST SAYING
Ollie Octopus says
I am going to vote for Bernie Sanders because:
He would charge companies for carbon emissions. So what if the earth is not getting warmer. The fact is the climate is changing. You have to be a Republican dumb a _ _ not to see it is warmer in the summer than in the winter.
He is for free, universal preschool, and free tuition at public colleges and universities. What is money besides a piece of green paper. Print all you need so we can have this free stuff. If that’s not enough, then let’s tax the rich guys with white privilege. The government needs to get control of your kids at age four so we can educate them at an early age of the benefits of socialism.
Bernie would break up big banks, and open up the Fed. Let’s make lots of small banks out of the big ones and use government to force the banks to loan money to small businesses. Who cares if the small business is risky? It’s not their fault if they fail.
He will ban assault weapons, and repeal laws protecting gun manufacturers. We need an assault weapons ban. He voted for the Manchin-Toomey legislation which expanded background checks. Look, without the background checks, how are we supposed to know where the guns are when comes time to confiscate them?
He would launch universal, government-provided health care. The Affordable Care Act did not go far enough and needs to provide free healthcare to all Americans. His team estimates this will cost $13.8 trillion over ten years. We need a new progressive income tax, raising rates for those making over $250,000, with top individual income tax rate would be 52 percent. Just because it failed everywhere else it was tried doesn’t mean it can’t be successful here.
Offer path to citizenship, and waive some deportations now. Just because illegals come in and take the jobs from minority workers doesn’t mean blacks can’t get a job somewhere else.
Raise income tax rates for those making over $250,000. Tax capital gains the same as dividends from work. Tax all those rich white privilege people until they bleed. How dare they work hard and smart and make all that money! Divide the wealth with all of the people.
Bernie opposed the Iraq war, and calls for troop withdrawal as soon as possible. No wars against anyone for any reason. Kim Jong-un and the Ayatolla Ali Khamene are our friends. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the real bad guy.
Juan Two Three says
You’re a true LibTurd infected ass hole, Ollie transgender dumb fuk! NO MORE FREE STFF and take away whatever it free now……Nuke North Korea and Iran as a start to getting rid of Muslims!
Olivia LaRosa says
That was completely incomprehensible. I did get the part where you don’t understand the concept of a sentence, but after that I am lost.
QBall says
Uh… Juan Two Three… buddy… I’m quite certain Ollie Octopus’s post was total sarcasm…
Sandra Sullivan says
For starters, it has ALWAYS been warmer in the summers than in the winters. That’s what makes summer, summer and winter, winter. DUH. This brilliant writer doesn’t recognize that charging companies doesn’t hurt companies: all costs, including those imposed taxes, are passed on to consumers, uh, like him. And that free stuff, well it just isn’t free. Somebody has to put up the money, like, uh, him. War. Will everyone in favor of war, please stand up next to the people who believe there is such a thing as a hate crime. No one chooses war. Ollie, sometimes your friends like the leaders of North Korea, Iran, etc., choose to bring it to us. As to hate crimes there are no love crimes. They are all done by despicable individuals who cannot converse intelligently enough to pick up a phone, talk to their representatives in government or run for government themselves. Your basic ignorance is abysmal. You really didn’t even deserve a response to your 1/4-baked comment, but I thought someone ought to rescue you from yourself. If you’re wise, you will think more closely about these things–a novel activity for you, I am sure.
NotJim says
Hey, folks! Chill out and give Ollie a break. His post was SATIRE.
Pete says
susie says
you are right vote for Trump and we have a chance to be what America has always been .GREAT PROUD and kick ass Wise up people Trump will get us out of this mess we are in, the mess of Clinton and Obama. just think we have to pay this fool for the rest of his life
John Lamb says
Ha Ha Ha LOL. Well done Satire. Ollie you forgot, let’s get American underprivileged to move to Mexico for the American companies moving there to hire!
Guys this is maximum Irony/Satire, it’s a joke, laugh it’s good for you.
Lillian Newcomb says
and where are all these freebies coming from you ass wipe? Figured out yet that if and when you get a job which sounds like never you will be paying taxes that are so high you won’t be able to live yourself trying to keep the freeloaders happy. I am certainly amazed at how stupid you people are who think everything is going to be free and handed to you, eventually the money will run out and where will you be then. In a third world nation trying to get democracy back. You are such a loser. And summer is warmer because the sun is closer to the earth dumbass and winter is colder because it isn’t summer you friggin dumbass loser.
Lillian Newcomb says
If you are really writing a satirical piece maybe you should say so somewhere in the piece because all of what you said is what a liberal socialist would say. So maybe you deserve all the replies.
john says
When will you liberals learn, NOTHING IS FREE, Someone is paying for it!!!
Hound_Dog_Mech says
No new News Here them that get things for nothing will always VOTe for more FREE sheit.
Pamela says
After eight years of Obama we are lucky to still have a country!! Put that lying thief crooked Killary in office and we should all move to Russia at least Puttin tries to fight Isis and Bernie is so stupid it’s a miracle he can stand upright!! TRUMP THE ONLY CHOICE IF YOU STILL WANT A COUNTRY