GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump picked up what may be his most significant endorsement to date, with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announcing yesterday that was backing his campaign.
But while an endorsement from Palin, who served as the vice presidential candidate on Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential run, is seen as a coup for Trump, some pundits are wondering if Palin can do much to help.
And an association with Palin often comes with its own set of headaches and drama.
“Media heads are spinning,” Palin said after taking the stage at a Trump rally at Iowa State University to announce the endorsement. “This is going to be so much fun.”
Trump now faces the challenge of how — and how much — to use Palin in his campaign. Palin is an outspoken maverick, whose comments and media gaffes caused problems and internal dissent within McCain’s campaign.
And for years many members of the media’s liberal media establishment have considered Palin public enemy number one, and have done everything they can to take her down and capitalize on her missteps.
Unfortunately, Palin’s family hasn’t always helped her avoid media criticism. Her daughter, Bristol, was involved in a drunken family fight that was caught on video a little more than a year ago.
And at the time she was announcing her Trump endorsement yesterday, reports were surfacing that Palin’s oldest son, Track, had been arrested for allegedly beating up his girlfriend. Track Palin was charged with assault, interfering with the report of a domestic violence crime and possessing a weapon while intoxicated in connection with the incident.
Some rally-goers at Trump’s event Tuesday evening said they weren’t sure whether Palin’s support would help Trump win over voters. Several referenced what they saw as her poor performance as a vice presidential candidate.
“I don’t think it’s going to be a detriment, but I don’t think it’s going to be a huge asset,” said Stephen Freese, 56, of Burlington, Iowa.
“I don’t think she’s really credible anymore,” said Bruce Dodge, 66, a retiree who lives in Ankeny, Iowa.
Supporters of Palin remain unapologetic. And building on that, Palin said at the endorsement event that, with Trump as president, America would no longer apologize.
“No more pussy-footing around,” Palin said.
Palin’s remarks in Ames, Iowa, were signature Palin, combining the folksy charm and everywoman appeal that initially made her a GOP superstar with defiant taunting of a “busted” GOP establishment that she slammed for counting both Trump and herself out.
Palin offered her full-throated support for Trump and slammed President Barack Obama as the “capitulator in chief.” Trump, she said, would be a commander in chief who would “let our warriors do their job and go kick ISIS’ ass!”
She also took aim at the Republican establishment for “attacking their own front-runner” and offered a challenge to those who have suggested that Trump, whose positions on issues like gun control and abortion rights have shifted over the years, isn’t conservative enough.
“Oh my goodness gracious. What the heck would the establishment know about conservativism?” she said. “Who are they to tell us that we’re not conservative enough? … Give me a break.”
Trump, whose team had been touting a major, surprise announcement, praised Palin as “a friend, and a high-quality person whom I have great respect for” in a statement.
“We’re going to give’ em hell,” he said after her speech.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Trump is an outsider. Those senators running for president are part of the problem. They haven’t solved any problems. They vote to cut back on military and other pensions. They offered little opposition to the way our Constitution has been ignored in recent years. Trump talks truth and is not a part of the status quo.
IT is to late for this election , but I think it would be a good IDEA ,because of the way the 2 POLITITICAL PARTIES have acted this election, for everyone to re-register to vote as simply AMERICAN and than when they put up the names ,you vote for the person , not a party. SET up new rules and requirements, NEW voting stipulations, NEW laws and strict controls ! NO more ANIMAL HOUSE TYPE SHOWS PUT ON BY MEDIA TO PROMOTE RATINGS & THERE AGENDA! NO LARGE CONTRBUTIONS FROM POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS OR BUISINESSES OR GROUP LOOKING FOR GOVT. CONTRATS!
The terms we need are “Patriot” and Globalist;” since, that’s where things are standing right now. BOTH of “the parties” have gotten sucked into the globalist/”NWO” agenda; and, have been (still are) a matter of “the left leg” and “the right leg” being connected to “the same a$$” and marching this country straight off of a cliff…
I’m old enough to remember when this country was the leading CREDITOR nation in this world. Sure there were some social problems, which legitimately needed to be addressed; but, we had a thriving manufacturing base; and, it was true that anyone who wanted to work could find a job that was appropriate to their skill levels. BOTH parties contributed heavily to that changing. BOTH parties have been “in a dance,” for the last several decades, that can only be described as “divide and conquer” and “problem / reaction / solution” tactics. I’m not saying that everyone who’s contributed to this did so with a full understanding of what the were doing – many were simply sheeple. Unfortunately, it only takes a few well-trained “sheep dogs” to work a fairly large herd of sheep. Any who tried to “stray from the herd” have been dealt with by a combination of “carrot” and “stick” tactics until they were in too deep to be a problem. This country is already teetering on the brink of “being too far gone” to recover; and, the only candidate (on either side) who stands even half a chance of turning things around is Trump. I ask everyone out there to pray for his protection; since, there are folks out there who’ve worked very hard, for a very long time, to destroy this country; and, who definitely DON’T want anyone in the White House who won’t “stay in line” with their “NWO” agenda…
I could’nt Agree with You More!
Could’nt Agree with You More KathyR
I agree with this! Political parties are a huge turn off!! VOTE THE PERSON NOT THE PARTY!
You are so very right and Palin was the very reason McCain was able to stay in the race –A plus in any one books
She is just a leach wanting to cause Trump to lose the election just like she did Mc Cain! Sheis an air head and he should distance himself from her !!!
Sarah Palin is far from an airhead. You obviously believe anything you see and hear in the media. She is a savvy Patriot and Trump is an experienced businessman, both just what this country needs. Enough of this political correctness, tearing America down crowd. Please come down from your alternate universe before you vote. Trump/Palin 2016!!!
Your reply, would make you the number 1 airhead. People like you should buy a ticket and catch the first out to Iran or Syria. Maybe it will wake your dead mind, if you even have one. IDIOT
Sarah started to say that obama was palling around with terrorists etc but she was called on the carpet by McCain. She was not supposed to say those things, Not Poliically Correct/
Well said, the establishment Republican people have been feeding from the trough like fat pigs and doing nothing to counter Obama. It is time to send them packing.
I am all in for Donald Trump as he is not going to be bullied into doing something for the establishment. I do believe our sitting Senators an Representatives are Bought Off with promises of protection and a very good retirement. The establishment is afraid Trump will do as he says he will and upset their plans for a One World Order, their minion the sitting POTUS has started us on. Remember the speech in France, He said he would president of the World and the statement ” I will Fundamentally change America”. People should Wake Up.
I agree with you. Well said. Trump is the person to get our country back to being a strong and safe country. Not sure he needs Palin but have nothing bad to say about her. Trump needs to make that decision. Go Trump go Trump we are with you. My prayers are with you.
I should’ve included this in my comment above; but, I got side-tracked by an equally important point. This seems like an appropriate place to put it:
Folks need to start thing in terms of “Patriot” versus “Globalist” instead of simply being blind followers of what ever party they’re registered with – IN ALL RACES. If ANY candidate supports an agenda that’s contrary to the sovereignty and well-being of this country, they need to voted against (AND, there needs to be a “paper trail” of EVERY vote cast, to prevent voting machine tampering!) Those of us who want to rescue this country need to be electing Patriot legislators, as well as a Patriot president. the NWO crowd knows that people are starting to wake up; and, have been pressuring Obama to fast-track things as quickly as possible. We need to be able to make the repeal of as much of the globalist crap that’s been pushed through over the past few decades a first and foremost priority. Otherwise, this country’s going to wind up being a “boiled frog…”
Palin did a lousy job of ‘reading’ her speech. Did not sound as if she wrote it. Her endorsement does not change my mind. Wondering if Trump or Ivonka presented her the outfit she wore and sure she and hubby + enjoyed the free private flight, hotel, etc. Sarah what position did he offer you ‘when’ he wins? VP?
Yeah the members of congress have NOT helped, they are weak except for Cruz. Governors haven’t helped us nationally either. What does that leave? Ben and Carly. Well?
Unfortunately, Cruz is “sleeping with the enemy” – literally! Plus, he voted for the fast-track clause of TPP. Carson doesn’t have what it takes to tell the globalists “where to stick it;” and, has too many ties to the pharmaceutical companies. Carly isn’t enough of a renegade, either; and, has destroyed the companies she was supposed to save. Not good resumes…
You are absolutely correct! What did those in congress do to correct what is going on! Nothing.
They like Trump has said are all pawns and do what they are told. Trump is his own man and
in financing his own campaign can rightly represent the America people.
Dan Fore
When is everybody going to wake up and smell the coffee. Trump is the only true blooded American that is running for president. He is his own man and not a politician puppet. He has everybody running scared and is the only person that will be able to bring this country back to where we were many years. So keep up the good work Trump you have my vote and I wish that you would ran for president back in 2012.
If you truly pay any attention to who did, and does what, in Washington you would know that Ted Cruz is a true Conservative and he has presented more bills that represent the people than all the rest of the Establishment and the RINOs put together. Cruz has done the things he promises while all of the others have just made promises. He has also challenged the Repubican RINOs and Establishment of his own Republican party when they have not done what the people want done. Don’t be misled by Donald Trump, who has no experience in politics and just says what he knows you want to hear.
Vote Cruz for President
He also had a temper tantrum which resulted in the government closing. Employees were eventually paid but who footed the bill for the millions of dollars that cost? You and me, that’s who. Fiscal conservative, my foot! This man is Joseph McCarty all over again. There is a reason those who know him do not like him. Had to get this off my chest because if people had looked at Snyder more closely before he was elected, the people in Flint might still have unleaded water and their good health!
What does RINO’S stand for?
Everyone make all your choices Wisely AND Remember To “Remain Happy!”
Actually the American People are the insiders and TRUMP is one of us..Those in the Senate and Congress as well as in WH are all the outsiders! They have gotten so far away from reality of how the Americans live they can’t even relate with us anymore..therefore classifying Trump as an outsider! I been tweeting David Avella (GOPAC chairperson) about just that! He said he does not consider Americans in their ow country as outsiders..but he did not say a thing about my mention of TRUMP! IF WE all keep sending tweets to David and Reince Priebus and another is Holland Redfield..let them know how we feel! Holland had a back room discussion of how to get rid of Trump! I aim to keep bugging them and the more we get to do this the better! They will see we mean business of no more dictatorships from them..the AMERICAN PEOPLE are fed up and awake to their games! We will not tolerate it anymore!
Everyone needs to remember that it was “Papa Bush” who first started openly acknowledging the “New World Order” – in a “positive light,” no less!!! Now, “Jebby” is getting his shorts in a knot because he had been under the impression that it was now “his turn” to be marching this country off of a cliff…
Yeah!~ that last line of marching this Country off a cliff is right.
Tes.. I’d be scared to have either Bush or any other than Trump be President of Our Country:
Why I “Feel” this way, is because I understand a Vote for ‘Bush’, well…, You don’t want another
9-11 do you in your Home-State-City or Village…do you!
The former George W.abble-Balls “Bush” Presidency accelerated this mid-east instability and etc.etc.etc.etc…
Absolutely!!! Donald Trump for President 2016!!!!
Years ago our family all said we should never vote party but the person. I’m registered other way but I have crossed lines before and will do it again. Go for these two.
Now with Sarah Palin is endorsing Trump it is a 100% sure thing that Trump gets my support and vote. THE GOP is trying to disconnect from Trump just like they did Sarah Palin with Barbara Bush leading the “parade”….. Why do a few think they can dictate to the majority who will be in charge??????
It’s called party arrogance. The reason Sarah and John Lost, Mitt lost. The GOP doesn’t care about US! That is obvious. They couldn’t come up with anyone better than John McCain to be a candidate? GOP is broke and needs an overhaul. Rings, pistons, valves and all the gaskets. And a new timing chain.
You just need to look at the way Trump is running his campaign now if you don’t think that this guy can help this country There is something wrong he knows how to negotiate he’s a true businessman which we do not have in Washington so please let’s not make the mistake twice let’s vote for somebody that will give us a little bit a help and maybe will get through these rough times.
Peace and love,
Bobby: Peace, love and more bankruptcies on the way if Trump gets elected. His actual record is less than stellar – just check it out.
Only four bankruptcies. Look at how many billions Owebama sunk into companies that went bankrupt on our hard-earned tax money, starting with Solyndra…
Anybody who had experienced everything as a citizen with the political arena will not be fooled by government manipulators. Example, Our best Physics teacher in High School knew how to deal with us as teenagers and students because before any student can fool around or cheat during tests, he had announced, “This is how students cheat!”, I know so you should not fool around with me if you want to graduate.We had high respect for him because he had the message, learn the right way…….
The equalizer is a nut case, get your ass off site go to clinton’s where all the socialists hang out. The trouble with this country is too many stupid people with warp brains
I have to reply to this. if this is the only thing you can come up with. Our Country is bankrupt! And this idiot we now have has done that! Oh sure Clinton got us back track. or did he? Bush got blamed for the economy However that was coming anyway. If Clinton was in office during that same time period it still would have happened, The country has always run from good to real good to bad then worse, like now. Trump is our best bet. Trump already has money has lots of power and everything else that most of the others want. He has one hell of a schedule he does not need this job. His pay as President is nothing compared to what he makes on his own. That alone should tell anybody with common sense that he is doing it because he wants our Country back. on track. He is a real American and feels strongly he can help, and I do as well. He has the personality we need, and his business dealings makes him a great fit. When he becomes President Iran or any other Country of it’s kind well not hold our marine training men by gun point. Example Carter had 40 United States citizens held as hostages and couldn’t get them back, when they found out Reagan was going to be elected they were released at once. We need a man that will do what he says, quit this trying to appease everybody that wonders in our Country. When I went to school we said a pledge to the Flag, and we had prayer. Now we can’t do that it might offend somebody, I say this is my country. If you can’t be bothered to learn our langue and our history, and to make us stop the pledge to our flag, if they don’t want to pray that is a separate issue. Most of our congress and senators are to old. We need some common people to run this Country, because they really know how a lot od Americans are living week to week.. And for the ones that don’t have term limits and vote there own raise has got to stop. The other thing is I don’t believe Trump will have close doors and make changes on his own, because Trump has the back bone to do it the way our laws allow, and not be so sneaky on issues that he knows won’t fly with us Americans. He is one of us, and the changes he will be making are to repeal what the current idiot has done! And we will regain our respect and dignity with the world.
Well said
Roger that. And he knows how to deal with the Washington insiders. We NEED an overhaul of DC and he can and will.
So who do you suggest? Hillary who should be in prison? Sanders who seems to be on some other planet? Cruz who up until 2014 was a Canadian/American? Rubio who is an Anchor Baby? or Jeb who depends on his mommy? All but Trump are whimps! They are into DC so deep they only see $$$$ and nothing else! So TRUMP is the ONLY one who could even partially fix or set us in the right direction again! Everything Obama said at the SOTU was total lies! WE ARE NOT better off! How can he say we are when more are without jobs..more living in the streets…Many lost health insurance…THIS IS THE REAL STATISTICS I am not sure WHERE Obama got his facts from but do a fact checker on everything he said and you will find..NONE were true! There is one thing he did say which is true..I am wrong sorry…
That is he will be going on a world tour…..seems he hates being in the WH now! It is getting too hot for him now!
IF YOU cannot see reality then you are no better than Obama!
Folks parrot this line without any understanding of what was actually done. Trump was NOT the one who ran them down to the point of bankruptcy. Those were companies that were in MAJOR difficulty (in some cases due to this screwed up economy), that he bought, got restructured through bankruptcy, and was able to salvage that way – saving a LOT of jobs which would, otherwise, have gone away. .
Donald’s bankruptcies are getting old, think of something else to complain about.
That’s the past Brother! People change for the better you know, can’t you see? Do you know anything much about real realitys in Business: Trump isn’t the only one who’s declared bancruptcy…. Many, Many
people have declared bankruptcy, but at least they kept-up their entaprenurial-Spirit; and now look where Trumps at NOW!
Sarah Palin provided much needed energy for a comatose McCain campaign. The only reason I had for voting for McCain was that he wasn’t Barack Obama. I’m not sure that she will help Donald Trump that much. Donald has no problem attracting crowds or media attention on his own. She may still have enough pull in the TEA Party community to get them to support Trump over one of the proven politicians in the race.
Regardless of what Sarah says, I still want to hear from Donald Trump how he is going to reduce the federal debt, deal with abortion issues, deal with conservative value issues such as gay rights, and what criteria he will use to pick Supreme Court justices. There’s a good possibility that he could replace one or two of the conservatives on the high court during his presidential term.
It is strange how he says he is going to make everything ‘great’ again. Guess he has each member of congress under his spell!!
No. He knows their skeletons and where they are buried! Why do you think the GOP are scared of him? He was one of the paymasters. Now they have no hold on him as he admitted that he was one of the guys that paid off politicians for his convenience. There are no usual holds by the establishment for Trump. As far as politicians and their puppet masters are concerned, Trump is a dangerous loose cannon.
What he should be careful about is assassination. Don’t forget what happened to JFK, and Robert Kennedy, both loose canons and independently rich, as well as JFK’s son when he just showed a slight inclination of being interested in politics.
Yeah that’s the thing I worry about too(Asssination of a President) like I was there and saw it happen to Kennedy. Yup.. We Will Seee What Happens. But I’d Bet The People Of The Country
Would Riot and Revolt BIGTIME if something like this happens to the Trump Presidency*.
So everybody keep-your-guns and band together with your good neighbors to protect our Kids!!!
Remember To Always Make Your Choices Wisely* AND Remember To “Remain Happy!”.
you see what the rest of are people in office is doing. Nothing! We really need to do some research to see which of are so called politicians need to be replaced. We need a strong government. The people in office now do nothing but set on their dead asses and do nothing. Action should have been taken against Obmmer and Hillary months ago. But they still do nothing. We need to remember this come election time.
While the issues you mention have merit, they boil down to “divide and conquer issues.” The bottom line is that: Unless this country regains its sovereignty and its economic base, we are NOT going to have a country left to dicker about!!! Folks REALLY need to turn off TMZ & ET; and spend some time educating themselves about what’s REALLY going… A country that manufactures virtually NOTHING can NOT sustain itself!!! Now, even a lot of our “servant sector” jobs have been (treasonously) “out-sourced.” Heck, even our MILITARY’S COMBAT BOOTS are manufactured IN CHINA… {rolling my eyes in disgust} If you’re not familiar with the Cloward-Piven Plan and Saul Alinsky (sp? might be 2 L’s…), you need to research it and “connect the dots.” By systematically deleting jobs (and much of the middle class along with them), we’re at a tipping point where the burden of supporting the poor has exceeded the country’s resources, causing MAJOR resentments among both the rich and the poor (many of whom would LOVE to be back working, even at a job that an illegal alien is now doing!) Next, read up on UN Agenda 21 and on “The North American Union / Community.” If this site permits links: here’s a “Cliff Notes” version: Much of what was dismissed as just “conspiracy theory” as recently as a couple of decades ago has been proven to be “conspiracy FACT” – at least to those of us who go to the trouble of educating ourselves on things more important than celebrity gossip, interspersed with pre-selected sound-bites telling folks what to think… I could put in a lot more info; but, those who are awake already know all of this stuff; those who are starting to wake up can get a good start from what I’ve included; and, the I’d just be wasting my time on the rest…
ps: I’m having keyboard issues, which causes my cursor to jump; and, so far, I haven’t found an “edit button.;” so, I’m not sure how to fix a couple of typos I see above.
I’ve been paying attention to what Donald Trump says and he has addressed the issues some don’t seem to know anything about what he intends on doing about them. Some listen to his interviews where he has talked about them.
Trump cannot say too much on the Campain Trail as other trying to get Elected(or Nominated) would steal his Ideas, like Cruz started talking about immigration(sp?) after Trump raised the Issue.
In my humble opinion, the ‘establishment’ republicans are unprincipled. They ruined their brand themselves by abandoning their constituents. There is no longer any difference in the political parties, just self preservation of their political positions, go along to get along.
The lame street media (under the direction of the Democratic Party) crucifies ALL conservative candidates. Sarah Palin in 2008, Mitt Romney and Herman Cain in 2012, Dr. Ben Carson, as well as Donal Trump and Ted Cruz in 2016.
Even the GOP demonized Sarah Palin in 2008, much like they are doing to Donald Trump this year. Could Sarah Palin’s support for Trump be a payback to the GOP????
The signs of discontent for the establishment Republican party should have been obvious to the GOP with the onslaught of the Tea Party. They self righteously ignored it. Give us the House and we’ll repeal Obama Care, then, we’ll need the Senate too. Done. Now it’s, ‘We’ll need the Presidency as well”. I’m afraid it’s a little too late GOP, the train has left the station and you missed it!!!
Well written. I totally agree.
Sarah is a blast to watch, but let’s face it, it was less the ‘liberal media’ that crucified her than her own lack of knowledge. It may be fun to have a candidate that appeals to the emotions, but when push comes to shove, there are many, many folk out there better qualified to have their finger on the nuke trigger.
“Oops … what was that red button I just pressed?”
Just sayin’
Equalizer, you know some people look like an idiot but then they open their mouth and remove all doubt ! Please stop before you embarrass yourself anymore.
Sarah Palin knew tons more about both foreign policy and domestic policy then the jackass Barack Muslim Hussein Obama ever knew. Plus, she is extremely patriotic and loves American in contrast to Obama’s outright hatred and disdain for American. If you want to talk about the nuke button, Obama is doing everything he can to assure their is nuclear war and a 3rd world war by allowing Iran to get the nuke bomb !
because he is a muslim and a traitor to the usa who NO one, I repeat NO one will take out and hang or even put in jail. The evidence is clear but it’s all talk and no action. or as Rooster Cogburn said “Long on promise and short on posse”.
You have that RIGHT!
Mr. Equalizer,
Right now the whole world KNOWS that our President WILL NEVER EVER push the button so we have lost ALL creditability. In this world the threat of the POSSIBILITY of pushing the button (or use force in any other way) is political currency to use in diplomacy to contain the crazies. Right now the threat is neutered so not even a factor. Putin running rough shod over our President is embarrassing. The Iranians rubbing our failure to perform in our face by embarrassing our servicemen is shocking to the rest of the world but our President does not even blink an eye. At least if we elect a true Patriot like Trump NO ONE IN THE WORLD will question our willingness to push a button on them!
I agree with you.
At least she said oops, (which means she is sorry) not like Hillary who’ll laugh and say “I came, I saw, I blew up the planet!!!” The gall of that woman to equate herself to Caesar. one of the biggest patriots of his day. For him everything was for the greatness of Rome first, then himself. Is Hilldary for the greatness of USA or it’s destruction?
You’re right, Don…..It’s been a “dog fight” ever since the Democratic Party drove their “wedge” into our W.H. They have attacked everything concerning the Republican Party with dirty tactics. And, now the GOP seem to be crawling in bed with them by the way they are responding to some of the Republican candidates.
I’m glad Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump! Iowa vote Trump and pick a winner this time…then we can all be delighted when the momentum builds, and he takes the Presidency by storm!!
Oh yes!!! Amen!!!
Yes Jidi, if Iowa picks Trump it will be the First-Time, I Think, that someone then got the Presidency. According to NewsMax* Sources anyways- because that’s all I’ve been reading, until discovering The Horn News*. Because
those who didn’t win Iowa never got elected. Well, that’s just history before this awakening appearance of Trump.
Correct me if you will AND I will stand corrected. Thank You. Trump don’t need Iowa, but it just Might Be Helpful.
Sarah Palin’s endorsement Of Trump is great. Maybe she should could become a running mate, It would be an awesome ticket.They are both party outsiders and thats what we need. People that are not controled by the establishment.
Sara Palin is off my favorite list with her endorsement of Trump. Trump has always been a democrat and continues to endorse many of their policies. He is not pro-life. He is not against marriage of homosexuals. He employs illegal immigrants in his ventures. He is NOT a conservative constitutionalist. Palin was not a favorite of the establishment and may consider this retribution for their Palin non-choice for VP but why she would endorse a democrat versus a true conservative like Cruz is beyond pale. Trump will end up like a Hillary and Trump once elected. God help us make an informed vote versus a populist vote, please!
I DO and WILL make an informed vote and that vote is always and will be for TRUMP!
Amen!!! terri
Trump is the only wise vote who will help Americans! NO OTHER will do it or stand up to the HEAT! Trump STRONG! Now is the time to have someone who stands up for our rights and enforce OUR LAWS of the LAND! Time our reputation climbed out of the cess pool and the World will see we are worthy of great respect!
Agnes, the silly little thing you worry about that have nothing to do with YOU: like Homosexuals for example. If someone is not hurting you, then leave them alone to their own lives, know what I mean?
If you love America you should love Sarah. It is a total sham what the media did to her when she was young and inexperienced at their game, but they better watch out now. Hooray for Trump. I already have a case of Trump Champaign ( produced by son Eric ) for the celebration.
I agree Trump. I do all so like Sarah.
I am an 80 year old ex entrepreneur. I have had the experience of being associated with top level management personnel. There is a huge difference in capability between very good business people and the highly successful business people. Although Mr. Trump has made some cringe worthy statements, the choice for the presidency should be that of competence. There are going to be forces in politics working against Mr. Trump in his achieving his stated goals. I believe his forcefulness, leadership, management capabilities and overall people skills has the best possible chance of changing our nation’s direction to be once again worthy of God’s blessings.
I am not so jaded as to believe that all of the previous elected conservatives purposely ignored the voice of the people by whom they were elected. They were simply not the unique type individuals having the extraordinary high level of competence necessary.
I.T.A. Ronald
Ronald Acker, at 80 years young, that comment you expoused is very well said.!.*!*
We are from the Tea Party and are here to tell you that Trump is a Progressive!
Just as Hillary is a Progressive, so is Trump. He contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to her in 2008. He was Pro-Choice and even endorsed partial birth abortions in 1999. Now, he is saying what Conservatives want to hear, just to get elected. We have been down this road before. We want a Christian leader who won’t change his stripes after he is elected. We are endorsing Ted Cruz and we pray that other Christians do the same.
Cruz was born in Canada. It doesn’t matter where his parents were born. You have to be a born American in America!
Absolutely, and both parents have to be American citizens at the time you are born in the U.S.
I hope Cruz is automatically disqualified.
But what about Obama? He was born in Kenya. I’m not sure how the birthers can make such an issue about this when the current POTUS was not born in America. Further, let us recall, that Obama would not even produce his college transcripts for $5 million dollars. Was Obama’s father an American citizen? Why the double standard? Will John McCain endorse Trump also, being he is pro-amnesty? Hmmm.
I am with you.
Hillary cant be compared to Trump. Hillary is a traitor and should be treated as one. I dont see any thing that impresses me about the other candidates. Trump
Yes Gerald, Hillary; Obama: George “W” Bush; and you name all the rest like Chick Daney, Ronald Dumbsfeld, and that other turkey by name who was in there with them all. All of them should be held accountable under the Law Of The Land and convicted of being “Guilty” of ‘Treason’ ! In Prison them
all and house them in “General Population” or preferably put them in prison units with the “lifers”(or those who are sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole), and then they will pay their dues for making it so hard for the rest of the many people of Our Country to ‘survive’.
Cruz is slowly changing around too..I have heard him say one thing with one group then another to another group. He is b ought and now has to abide by those who paid in to his campaign. This is what the Americans are tired of and KNOW Trump cannot be bought! Many years ago my ideas were different also..I came to my senses and see a lot more of what needs to be done! Trump has done this also! WE ALL CHANGE in time….even you have whether you want to admit it or not! TIMES have changed drastically. Cruz does not have a chance of winning as there is a question of his eligibility to be President! I Question Rubio also! BLAME Obama for all this because we sure do not need another non American in our WHITE HOUSE again!
Folks parrot this line without any understanding of what was actually done. Trump was NOT the one who ran them down to the point of bankruptcy. Those were companies that were in MAJOR difficulty (in some cases due to this screwed up economy), that he bought, got restructured through bankruptcy, and was able to salvage that way – saving a LOT of jobs which would, otherwise, have gone away. .
OOPS!!!! That post was supposed to be a reply to a post higher up, which referenced his bankruptcies. I’m not quite sure how it wound up down here…
Still for Trump and good for Sarah for her endorsement. Trump 2016
Consider the source of this article — an ASSOCIATED PRESS contribution.
Need more be said since it’s obvious the majority of media outlets cow-tow to Establishment Politics?
We’ve known for a long time Palin is in the Trump cabinet picture, potentially running the EPA and purging it of all the Global Warming diatribe mandates and regulations Obama and his minions have established in the last 8 years. The BLM is another atrocity that should get her oversight when it comes to big business mining interests versus ranchers rights of land ownership.
I’ll drink to that! We’ve got several agencies out of control and they need a firm hand. Sarah knows something about land management as governor in AK. I read something about her accomplishments while governor and they showed she has abilities to do a great job.
That would be a great position for her; since, a lot of the garbage in UN Agenda 21 is predicated as being “for the environment…” What the folks who just skim the surface of it don’t understand is that they count on folks not actually READING much for than the cover page and index. When one delves deeper, it’s NOT just about “population control;” but, about “depopulation – by any means necessary…” Humans are treated as a viral infection, with only the ultra-elite and enough serfs to keep them comfortable being “worthy” of the air they breathe.
Personally, I believe in a symbiotic middle-ground, where humans and nature are able to co-exist. But, I’m for common sense; and, the framers of Agenda 21 are mostly just about power. A few serf are easier a lot easier to rule over than a population in the billions…
Trump is a thoroughly documented liar. The Pulitizer Prize winning site Politifact just awarded his ENTIRE CAMPAIGN Liar of the Year award. Since Trump is a liar on the campaign trail we can only assume that he will be an even bigger liar should the unthinkable happen and he should wind up in the White House. Excuse me, but isn’t that what righties are contending is the problem with the current administration? Palin’s endorsement is an endorsement of fraud and lying, but anyone with any sense already knows who and what she is and, well, birds of a feather…
You liar in chief obozo has held that title for the last 7 years, you have a lot of nerve! However I am for Cruz anyway, but you lefties are just plain blind or stupid or both with your support of the muslim commie that you worship!
I do agree with you however that Trump is a liar! Cruz – 2016!
I found Sarah Palin’s speech in Ames very vulgar and unladylike and was disappointed in the way she acted in this so-called endorsement of Donald Trump. I do not think this will help his campaign. I was just glad she wasn’t endorsing a good Christian candidate like Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio.
Walt, you are thoroughly documented idiot. Your statements just proved it.
LOL Politifact? YEH Believe them all you want.. I prefer not to be a fool!
I think Trump was stupid to have Sarah Palin endorse him because I heard that her son was arrested for domestic violence
as a mother of a soldier..I understand what Sarah’s son is going through! PTSD is not pretty and is treatable BUT the person has to realize they need help first! It is like someone who is alcoholic and have to make first step of admitting they need help! My son got his help is back to his funny loving self again! So don’t judge by what the papers or media say, as they are too self absorbed to know really what is going on! They only have to worry about selling a story and get the money at any expense!
I’ve had MANY friends who have come back from combat with PTSD; and, they DO need help readjusting, rather than condemnation. Our current VA system is a travesty; and, her son is just one more example of this problem. Folks who’ve never even served, much less served in combat, can have a really hard time wrapping their heads around the effects it can have on a person. To make matters worse, it’s often those who have had “better up-bringing” who are affected the most severely; especially, in combat situations where it’s difficult to tell who’s a friendly and who’s out to blow you and your platoon-brothers into a thousand little pieces…
Well said!!! Kathy R
Palin and Trump are a good pair, both need to start acting like adults. Trump reminds me of Obama, narcissist and always gets his way. Maybe if he didn’t sound like a teenager I could vote for him. Nothing presidential about him.
Executive power! People you think Obama has misused his Executive Power, you haven’t seen anything if Trump gets elected. He is very arrogant, and determined to have his way!
At least his way will be much better than Obama’s way and will make more sense and be what the Americans have wanted for years!!
YOu got that right! As the saying goes “I remember when the adults ran the country?” and the picture is of Reagan and Thatcher. I am more than ready for the adults to take over!
I like Donald Trump, and I like the ideal that he has no big backers in his pocket. And I suppose that if Sara Palin has endorsed him, that the tea party maybe be taking another look at Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump is a very smart man, with very smart children and I believe sincere family values. Who really does want the best for America,who speaks not only as a businessman but from his heart.
I truly hope Mr. Trump is not considering her for any type of appointment within his cabinet. She may be a attention getting speaker who is funny, which can be a debate of it’s own, but time and time again it shows she puts herself above her family, and has not done a very good job of instiling values in her own house. At the end of the day she was not good for John McCain, and could have the same effect on Donald Trump. I say go Trump, but please don’t take Sara Palin with you.
I agree about Mr. Trump and his family. His daughter and sons have to be quite capable for him to turn his company over to them while he is POTUS. I also agree that Mr. Trump speaks from his heart and not off of some teleprompter or prepared statement written by his backers. Even if he is sometimes bold, at least it’s him.
Trump, “We’re going to give them hell”! He should have quoted the last Democrat President worth a damn, and said, “I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell”. If Harry S. Truman were alive today he would not be a democrat.
Trump is a welcome change over the last two presidents I only hope he will work to improve the US of A in terms of closing the border and set- up a more rational system and gleaning the emigrants to keep out the jihadists types! I trust he is honest about making AMERICA the home of the brave and love of country personas taht make us great in the first place!
Sarah Palin == The Next Ambassador To Bali !!
I wonder what trump promised her .She had better not cross Trump he is one of nasty people I have every seen all so the biggest liar It is all about him for him its me me me me me.
my self i think it’s a great ideal
she’s smart, very cute,an a great smile
an ready to help Donald J. trump get the deal done
we need a whole need agenda, a fresh start
lets go get-em
by the way obubmaa had shillary, what a change we need for some fresh air, indeed
Palin’s endorsement was better than the average voter (Rs and Ds) realize and means more than the professional politicians (Rs and Ds) understand. Ma be she does not have the speaking talent of many politicians that we so often witnes their pontifications she talks from the heart not from their rear end, as many polotocians do. After all, all one has to do to consider her mentorship of Alaska when she was governor and forget the problems with the children, because they are adults and should be discounted. Just think that if politians were affected by what their children said or did! They would be sitting on the sidelines so lets be adults and not children!! And in fact if my memory is correct she was an accomplished governor of Alaska, to boot! How many governors can really match her record? No many in the E, W, S and N!! Permit to end with a recommendation that we make an effort to smell the roses among and be honest with the facts that not all politiians are above accomplished speakers but they have the substance of intelligence, integirty and common sense that is lacking in a large proportion of them, which equals -. Al
100% agree.
Sarah Palins son is a combat veteran. Probably suffers from PTSD. His arrest is really something to bring up. Every family has problems especially combat veterans. This country is almost gone and some say Trump isn’t conservative enough, wake up. Ronald Regan was a registered Drmocrat before he changed. Look at Our house majority, senate majority, what have they done? They have funded Obama’s total program. It’s time for a non politically correct president who isn’t afraid to act. Trump all the way and yea Sarah Palin who gave a dead McCain campaign life and a lead until his advisors sent him to Washington to work for a gov giveaway.
yup the GOP and RNC will gladly give our White House away with all their antics and self appointments that fail!
Sad to say, our GOP politician presidential candidates–senators have been part of our nation’s governing problem. They have not actively stood up against Obama’s amoral socialism and anti-Constitutional actions. Also may of our older GOP politicians life off of their “past glories” instead of fighting for our veterans in the present. I still wonder why the majority of our GOP congress members haven’t begun to defund Obama’s illegal activities? Just stop funding Obama’s projects! It’s past time to remove our RINO’s out of office and replace them with new and fresh blood! Having Trump as our next President is a great step forward!
because they are afraid of another government shut down which actually didn’t affect us..just their pockets (OH MY!) and they are cowed down to any threat like that and “what will the people think if we stood up and just said no?” We actually would applaud for they showed strength for once! BUT AHHH is only a dream as they can’t seem to muster an strength!
Because BOTH of the parties have been infiltrated by the globalists. They’re scared to death of the idea of an actual patriot coming in wreaking havoc with all the carefully set into play elements of a “New World Order.”
I have tweeted David Avella and Reince Priebus as well ad Holland Redfield (who had back room meeting to tell all that they needed to get rid of TRUMP!) Just bombard them all with tweets to let them know The PEOPLE’s CHOICE is TRUMP and for them to get behind him! I even let them know we could replace them now if that needs to be done! Let them know..we are fed up with their back door antics and they have no rights to be dictators of the People’s Choice!
Trump is a slanderer, liar, manipulative, woman hating, racial bigot, temper tantrum throwing, spoiled rotten – economic bigot who is a slave owner. He is disrespectful. Uses not being PC as the excuse. When Ted Cruz, Carly F, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson can all be respectful and not PC I think Trump is wrong person for the job. Bernie Sanders behaves more like a president. We all should ditch Trump. Ben Carson is the man who I endorse for president. The person I can say is another Obama and H.Clinton is Trump.
I am soooo glad you are not for Trump with your gutter mouth. Wash out your mouth!
Glad to see you are swayed easily by what the Democratic Media tells you! I never allowed anyone to put strings on me to manipulate me! AND TRUMP is far from being like Obama and Hillary…Trump has class, poise, know how of the REAL World and how it works, knows how to negotiate (not just bow down and give away and take from the Americans) He is very smart..but why bother to tell you all this? You already been brainwashed and controlled.
I agree 100% with Cricky. What a lot of folks don’t grasp is they’d come away with an entirely different idea of Trump IF they actually listened to interviews with him, instead of just snipped sound-bites – which have usually been taken out of context. If he was what they’re trying to portray him as, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that he could’ve been as successful a business man as he is. Yes, he makes it very clear that he will NOT be bullied, which is a trait we sorely need in the next president – IF we’re going to have anything left of our country 4 years from now. That’s a part of why the globalist establishment is so afraid of him; and, why there’s such a smear campaign gearing up against him…
AMEN!! You are so right of how the Democrats and Republicans were..I remember!
ABSOLUTELY!!! At least Trump has this nation’s well-being and survival in mind… BTW, he’s already stated that, if elected, he wouldn’t take the presidential salary; and, if it was “forced upon him,” that he’d donate it to organizations that help our veterans. LOL, He might not be 100% perfect (Who is??? Certainly none of the other candidates – on EITHER side!!!) BUT, at least they won’t have to worry about him stealing the White House furnishings, the way the Clintons tried to do… ;p
Excellent comment. Donald Trump is my choice for president. This country needs a real American not a Muslim hater.
It is still apparent, we have some dumb people representing our Nation. When you leave negative comments, you belong in the democratic party. I applaud those who really want a change in our Country. These are the ones who were born with a brain. It’s the other idiots we need to be afraid of. Thank god the idiots are not running for a Government Office.
It’s past time for a major shuffle of everything. Jean Craig is right. We need a leader who says what he mean and means what he says. the communist party in America wants to destroy us. The rest of the Repub field is all talk and zero action. I’m FED UP with all the talk and zero action.
More like the GLOBALISTS/NWO SBPOS’s on BOTH sides of the aisle, are trying (and have come pretty close to succeeding) to destroy this country.
I think Palins’ endorsement is great! I think if McCain hadn’t held her back and just let her go I think she could have added a lot to his campaign. They held her back then threw her under the bus. She ad Trump are different from your everyday politician and some people don’t know how to deal with them. People say they want someone different who will bring about change yet when given that choice they want to go for the same old BS politician again(Cruz). Wake up people! Our opportunity for real change, good change, is here! Take it! Go Trump!
with cruz you got the same old people in d.c.
We blew a chance in ’92; and, if we don’t take THIS chance to turn things around, I seriously doubt we’ll be around long enough to get another chance…
Very simple. We need a businessman to run the country and Trump is the man. GO TRUMP!
The only way to preserve our country as we know it is to get the Maverick Trump in as POTUS
and let him fix whats been messed up.
Maybe take Gov Palin on as a VP
Go Donald go