Last night’s GOP debate was a fiery exchange of ideas, with political pundits and pollsters claiming that Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Ted Cruz turned in their best performances yet, while frontrunners Donald Trump and Ben Carson did little to harm themselves.
The biggest loser last night appeared to be Ohio Governor John Kasich, whose erratic performance came at a time when his struggling campaign desperately needed a win. Far from timid, Kasich threw himself into the fray many times. But Kasich often came up on the wrong side of these exchanges, even drawing boos from the crowd when he discussed possible support for bank bailouts.
His poor showing could spell the end to the moderate Republican’s presidential hopes.
Elsewhere on the stage, Republicans Jeb Bush and Ben Carson sought to steady their presidential campaigns, with Bush taking advantage of a policy-focused contest to detail positions on the economy and immigration while Carson swatted away mounting questions about the veracity of his celebrated biography.
“I have no problem with being vetted,” said Carson, a quiet-spoken retired neurosurgeon. “What I do have a problem with is being lied about.”
The debate, the last for the GOP until mid-December, left the crowded GOP field jumbled with less than three months until primary voting gets underway. After a furor over moderators’ aggressive tone in the last debate, Tuesday’s hosts from Fox Business Network allowed the eight candidates to deliver lengthy, uninterrupted answers and avoided attempts to get them to engage with one another.
Bush entered the debate in a precarious position, desperate to ease the anxiety of donors and other supporters. While it’s unclear if his competent performance Tuesday night will be enough to reset his campaign, he highlighted his fluency on domestic policy issues and described himself as best prepared to take on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in a general election.
In one of the night’s notable exchanges, Bush stood by his plan for allowing some people living in the U.S. illegally to have a path to legal status, an unpopular position with many Republicans. He criticized billionaire Donald Trump’s call for mass deportations as an impractical plan that would hand Democrats a talking point as they seek to appeal to Hispanic voters.
“They’re doing high fives in the Clinton campaign when they’re hearing this,” said Bush, the former Florida governor.
Bush avoided tangling with fellow Floridian Marco Rubio, a shift in strategy after his poor performance in the last debate. Rubio had another strong performance, sticking to his strategy of weaving his own compelling personal story into his policy discussions and taking an aggressive stance on foreign policy.
Rubio got a pass from moderators on immigration, an issue that is potentially problematic for him given his role in writing legislation that would have provided a path to legalization. Rubio did face criticism from some rivals, most notably Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, about whether he’s a true conservative given his calls for increasing the child tax care credit and boosting military spending.
“We can’t even have an economy if we’re not safe,” said Rubio, a first-term senator enjoying recent momentum for his White House bid.
Rubio’s call for more military spending was backed by Trump, the real estate mogul who has led the GOP field for months. While Trump has generated attention through his outspoken statements on the campaign trail, he delved into the policy discussions in Tuesday’s debate, including outlining his opposition to a new Asia-Pacific trade deal supported by many Republicans.
“I love trade,” Trump said. “I’m a free trader 100 percent. But we need smart people making the deals.”
Trump’s grip on the GOP field has been challenged in recent weeks by Carson, another outsider appealing to voters angry with Washington. As Carson has risen in preference polls, however, he has faced a flurry of questions about his biography, which has been central to his connection with voters.
The questions ballooned last week after CNN reported it could not find friends or confidants to corroborate the story, told in his widely read autobiography, of his trying to stab a close friend when he was a teenager.
Carson was cheered by the debate audience when he suggested he was facing tougher scrutiny than Clinton.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz repeatedly played the populist. He railed against the “Washington cartel,” big government and even big banks. But in moment reminiscent of a former Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s “oops” debate debacle, Cruz blanked when it came to naming the five departments he would eliminate.
“The IRS, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Energy, ah, the Department of Commerce and HUD,” Cruz said.
Kasich and businesswoman Carly Fiorina, two lower polling candidates in search of a breakout moment, repeatedly sought to interject themselves into the discussion. Trump sought to shut Fiorina down at one point, drawing jeers from the crowd when he said, “Why does she keep interrupting everybody?”
Bush had perhaps the most on the line. The brother and son of presidents, he was widely viewed as the early front-runner in the race and has raised enormous sums of money for his super PAC. But he’s proved to be an awkward campaigner and has sometimes appeared out of step with a Republican electorate eager to voice its frustration with the political class.
While Bush still showed signs of nerves, he was more confident and at ease than in previous debates. When Trump at one point suggested the moderators let Bush answer a question, he responded with a tinge of sarcasm: “Thank you, Donald, for allowing me to speak at the debate. That’s really nice of you. Really appreciate that.”
Still, more donors moved toward Rubio.
Late Tuesday, New York hedge fund manager and major Republican benefactor Cliff Asness, who decided several days ago to back Rubio, told the campaign he’d begin making his choice known to other influential donors.
“Freedom needs a champion, and Cliff sees Marco as the most articulate on that,” said Mina Nguyen, a spokeswoman for Asness.
Missing from the lineup in the main debate were New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. Both were dropped from the top-tier debate with low poll numbers in national surveys, sparking criticism for the way networks hosting the debates have determined participation.
Christie and Huckabee instead appeared in an undercard debate, along with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum. Christie tried to cast himself as well-prepared for a general election, focusing more on Clinton than fellow Republicans.
“She believes she can make decisions for you better than you can make them for yourself,” Christie said of Clinton.
We want to hear from you. Vote for who YOU think won last night’s Republican debate.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
In my view one of these three must be elected, they are Carson, Rubio, and Cruz.
Trump or Cruz
I am with you Lou. Trump or Cruz are the best choices.
I agree and also think Santorian could be very helpful to the Trump/ Cruz administration with his conservative and good family values to work with them in conservative goals.
Me too. Trump/Cruz
good choices
TRUMP/CRUZ 2016 sooner if at all possible.
So happy you have Trump first…I am hoping he wins the presidency. He is a brilliant man in all the right ways.
Brilliant? He didn’t even know that China is not in the TPP accords. No one else for that matter. It took Rand Paul to point out that fact. What kind of presidential candidate doesn’t know the facts? Answer please.
Better still – Trump and Cruz.
Trump was a disaster–could not even fill his 90 seconds with any substance or detail. Then used his “I am too rich to deal with you” on Kasich, after he lied about the Ohio economy. It shows his inalbility to deal with the issues –Trump has to get out of the race
Did yu have your ears covered or what???
Kacish is a braggart and wants us to believe He is Superman and only He knows what we need in this country!! We are getting rid of a know it all and hard headed pompous fool–hopefully!!
Trump with Cruz as his running mate.
Trump/Paul in my opinion would be the best team. If you read from their websites and listen to full unedited interviews they agree on more issues then Trump/Cruz does. Paul is more in line with Trump. Trump would be great at on the business/economy side and Paul would be a great watch dog going after corruption & big gov’t which he already is doing as Senator.
My heart is sick of liars and so called good talkers..For America not ot KNOW their constitution is letting the bad guy s win…I am 74 yrs old, not stupid by any means and know my coutry well and it s laws..I just say for instance people need to look to real truth..WE know many have been fooled so many years and yet they do not learn to really know who they voted for. America needs a strong voice and a strong President that believes in our Constit;ution period…That would be Trump. For awhile I was looking for Carso as vice President. not now..why…HE is for imigration period, so is Rumio, Bush . At first I was leary of Cruz, not any more..these other ones above are for the fake trade plan which will ckill off America..I believe this is America’s last chance to get it right. I was listening to Rumio talk about his life in cuba and how he got out and got the American dream..and in the same breath said: I want others to have the same chance which lines up with Obama cubian plan…The only reason that ilegas think they can count their babies born here as citizens is back in the days of Slavery, our Presidnet knew many black people had been brought here ilegal and so he fixed it so they could be citizens..but that was also stated for that time, not forever. I hope many would go to newswithviews and read devvy kids articles on Kates law and on Cary Florina..she and Rumio are friends of Clintons and have give money to the Clinton foundation people ..stand with truth and our Constitution..Christie is a lap dog for obama as is some of the others..many know their are plants of Dems on the Rep side, they would have to be blind not to see but if they listen to ever word they have all spoken they would see it..for blind people , The Donals would not try to send millions back in a day for crying out loud..but would build the wall and enforce our laws for the protection of our Country. many Americans are hurting for food and housing and many lost their homes. you name it. taxed to death, jobs given to ilegls and now the left want s to bring in Educated to take more of the jobs. Many of our high school kids used to look forward to jobs and or working the summer for College money. that is gone…The bible talks of keeping the laws of the land, and if we don/t it is colled lawlessness..HE said, the poor would always be with us but HE sure did not mean to take care of law breakers and starve ourselves and destory our Military..take a good look at America sik,,,,, WE must lood deep into back grounds and see who they really are. we must take aour country back, all nations cannot come here. tho sad, if this ilegal immigrtation continures we will be as destroyed as th eplaces the came from…the enemy laughs as the say, we smile at their faces and curse them in our hearts. if America wants a civil war like never was or will be, keep up the stupid…that is coming if we don’t pay attention
Kim; I started to read your post and almost skipped it but as I read a little further and kind of read between the lines I realized you are very knowledgeable about what’s happening in this Country and the political scene and I commend you for that. We see so many posts where people ramble on incoherently and make spelling errors and grammar errors and don’t make any sense at all. I don’t know but I suspicion you are foreign born and have not been using the English Language that long but you certainly are a person we are proud to have in our Country; no matter if you were born here or not. I would only have this one suggestion when you write. To proof read what you have typed out, (go back over your letter to make sure it has correct spelling and makes sense). You are obviously a very smart person and a Patriot of the United States of America.
Needs to learn to use Spellchecker, yes.
Univ of MO, is the only university run by the football team, at least so far? I expect them to claim racism exists if Carson does not win the nomination and election in 2016. Even though Carson himself so far has not shown he has a racist mentality. Racism can take two forms. Pro your own race and look for racism in everyone else. Or anti another’s race. Pro racism seems to be in the majority at present. This is a holier then thou attitude because of race, much like muslims who have a holier then thou attitude because Mo is their prophet. Others are infidels and need to be beheaded.
Okay, you understood what Kim had to say and seemed to like it, so let’s {not just you} stop with the silly remarks and just appreciate what is said…..everyone that would like to give their opinions might not do so for fear of the ” speech police” when seeing insulting remarks such as yours.
TY for your wonderful intelligent comment. Trump/Cruz
Trump won the debate and he will be our next president and Commander
in Chief of United States of America . I am for Trump and will always be
I pray you are right!
I agree, we need new blood in the White House, and in all levels of Government that will do the will of the people, and not for the will of the lobbyist. It is time the American take back our Great Country, our Forefathers our turning over in their graves, watching our Country going down the tubes, and the American people are electing those that the only interest is to destroy our way of life. This Country was founded as a Christian Nation and Freedom for all, in the passed several years our elected officials has bowed down to all the racial groups there is, and taken away our Rights and Freedom that so many fought for, and defended our freedom and rights as Americans. Those who want the Americans people to conform to their way of life. If their way of life was so much better than ours, why did they come here in the first place, they must conform to our way of life, or go back to where ever they came from.
TPTB will decide that for you. With the exception of Rand Paul, they have horses in both parties. All bets are covered.
Rubio did a great job last night but he just like Cruze an established politician, to change this country we MUST elect someone with absolutely no political ties.
I will continue to listen and watch but so far Trump is my guy!!!!
Please be aware that Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are not establishment politicians like Lindsey Graham, Kasich, and Jeb Bush.
Cruz consistently bucks RINO Mitch McConnell, even calling him a liar on the Senate floor and just a stand-in for his predecessor, Harry Reid.
Rand Paul fights hard on a regular basis against the establishment and its failed policies. Don’t make them guilty by association.
I do feel Cruz is 100% opposite to Rubio–
Cruz has stood up in front of the Senate on floor BEGGING to get support for conservative values and Our USA constitution while almost the whole Senate has laughed at his efforts to clean up this government!! ‘POLITICAL CORRECTNESS’ ABOUNDS AGAINST CRUZ’ EFFORTS–LET’S HELP HIM!
and Trump is not bought and paid for! if he can do even half what he is planning, we will be so much better off then we are now!
I am an ‘anybody but a democrat’ person but do have a question. Are we electing a president or the president of the debate club? Could Calvin Coolidge get elected in this age? 🙂
TRUMP won! He is NOT a Politian and may not be the most eloquent speaker up there, but I believe he WILL DO what he say’s! That is enough for me- WE NEED TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! HE’S THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN GO IN & CLEAN HOUSE & START OVER!!! THE RIGHT WAY!! I TRUST HIM!
Rubio voted for NDAA (indefinite Prison for AMERICAN CITIZENS even without PROBABLE CAUSE!) RUBIO also voted for OBAMATRADE DEAL! How in the WORLD could any CONSERVATIVE or MODERATE republican vote for or endorse this man?
He also helped craft an amnesty deal for illegal aliens which would have made Obama and Hillary proud.
Rubio is ineligible, Cruz is barely eligible, Carson is just too naive and inexperienced, Bush would sell out to the Latinos, Kascich should stay on TV, and Paul has a huge albatross in his father!
Like it or not, TRUMP is the ONLY candidate who has the guts to stand up to the world! I would like to see a Trump Cruz ticket, myself!
Trump is the only with a backbone to stand up to the problems at hand in this country
If the president has to know everything about everything, what’s his Cabinet for? I trust Ben Carson to get the directions he needs.
carson too mild mannered and not enough experience in any govt. activity
the softer side of sears we need donald the lion hearted
You got that right. Trump & Carly would make a good team with business & brains.
Carly got to the top ONE way, and THAT wasn’t her business acumen!
I don’t think Carly would accept offer of VP for Trump and I highly doubt he would offer. He’s not fond of her face
That is what this Country needs, some one without political ties and the experience to run the largest company in the world.
We don’t need another teller of lies and falsehoods in the White House, who thinks no one should ask him questions about anything he says, does, or decides to do. Eight years of that kind of leadership is enough.
Amen and Amen . I still believe Ben Carson is a doer, problem solver , and will know the right people for the right people for the right job to Direct and Guide the right Job to get This Country Back.
Good point!!! Dr. Carson has a deep respect for life …all life…he’s honest, understands that freedom is threatened, ….is a brilliant problem solver and would choose a gifted cabinet to help get things done…..he’s comfortable being who he is…..a man who knows and appreciates that his gifts come from God and uses his gifts with grace and humility… refreshing…it heals and brings hope…. Who wouldn’t want to walk and talk with him……any person of good will would feel at ease…I am sure.
But what does he know about running a country?
Carson may be the best brain doctor around but what makes anyone think he can run a country?
Trump is the man who will get the job done!
He has no absolutely no clue of how gov’t is run. You can tell that by the way he promises everything.
he can deliver
You don’t get it we need someone that has no ties to Washington but is a savvy individual I suggest you read a book of Trumps pick one the he published before he thought of running for office Read it and pay attention. Eith the correct support personal he could turn the country around.
And, Obama DID?
That one had NO idea even how to turn off a light bulb!
you are so RIGHT!!!
I agree. Carson is a doctor, rich, former Dem, associates with Nation of Islam, goes to church and is Black don’t u think those are the qualifications we need to save a large business like America? Obama is a lawyer, rich, father was Muslim, went to church, Democrat and he’s Black. Was he qualified? Trump 2016
In my opinion, We need a NON politician to get the head spot in this Country. Trump has the experience and the DRIVE to get the job done. Cruz could get the VP job. I also believe that Trump is not showing his whole hand in HOW he will get things done.
Does anyone ELSE out there believe that only the AMERICAN people watch these debates and not enemies of the U.S?
Why give the enemy all your ideas of HOW you are going to fix things.
Cliff, Excellent post! I agree with you 100%.
Well said Cliff. It’s nice to see people who are actually thinking and analyzing these debates! We need an Executive Leader who knows how to get things done and has that experience. A person who surrounds themselves with smart people that can give them good sound advice, to help them decide complicated issues! A person who has bold, out of the box ideas, that will make this Country Great Again! Someone like Donald Trump! Anyone that has control of and is articulate with the English Language; like Marco Rubio has demonstrated; does not necessarily have that “Git Er Done” attitude or experience. He says the things a lot of people like to hear but can he deliver all the things he says; we don’t know because he has never delivered anything but Rhetoric!
Rubio isn’t around much these days to do the job the state of Florida elected him to do. I’m sure he would treat the office of President with the same lack of respect. I’m sticking with Trump.
Dixiebell you are correct I live in Fl and Amnesty Rubio is a no no
Rubio -Rhetoric reminiscent of Bill Clinton and with immigration ideas to match the Clintons or Obama.
Your right on point
Come on! A non politician in the top political position of POTUS would be like a non swimmer entering a swim meet. Unless he / she can walk on water, he / she is going to drown in the job. I.e., Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor of California.
Oh please, do not compare Trump with Schwarzenegger ! There is no comparison! We need a very smart business person as our next president. That Trump has proved, although I kind of liked what you said about the swim/water remark, but I do not think that applies to Trump.
Totally agree! In poker, one keeps his cards close to the vest, and watches the others like a hawk!
Cliff you are so correct
I’m from Ohio and there is nothing moderate about Kasich. He is a RINO all the way.
I think he convinced everyone who watched the debate, that it is time for him to step from campaigning for the job of president. He just doesn’t seem to have what it takes.
Aren’t RINOs the moderates of today’s Republican Party?
I think as a billionaire businessman that Trump has the know how to pull this country out of it’s deep deficit. And I think he’s become a lot more knowledgeable about foreign policy than in the beginning of his campaign. Bottom line, I believe he will get the right people for the right job if elected president. I think he’s also determined about tackling the illegals but I feel like he’s also able to talk about ideas on how this needs to be done.
you are in dream land. His ego is too big for this job. He does not know anything about the gov’t. lets get real.
why don’t YOU get real?? Trump didn’t get where he is without learning and checking things out first! Trump/Cruz is what I am banking on! I am also for Trump’s idea of deport all Illegals (you know those who do not abide by our laws). If a child falls off their bike because they started off on wrong footing..they have to start from the first step again..sooo in saying that..Illegals need to be deported and then they can come back but go through the correct process. Parents are responsible for their children, They are the illegal’s child, not American’s, even if they were born here while parents were here. If parents do not have American Citizenship, then child is NOT an American either! Otherwise it is child abuse for parents to leave their child. It is called abandonment which is another charge against the laws of our land!
TY Cricket could not have said it better. Trump has dealt with many leaders in his trade dealings so I think he will do great.
Sorry but I think Trump can do the job!!!
Hey friend of Bog>>> “lets get real” how about taking your own advice. you are living in LALA LAND.
For a minute I thought you were talking about Trump, not obama.
E truthsts Th It does not hurt to dream the American Dream. Trump gets along with Putin which is better than Obama. He knows how to provide jobs and to deal with foreign policies trade deals balance a budget put things together legally equal opportunity and has the best tax plan of any president we have had. Make it fair for everyone and make sure people are documented pay taxes get off welfare when they can work. Illegals come here because we have free benefits. Americans that are in need of help do not get it because there is not anything left after illegals take it. He takes nothing from people and provides a lot for our economy. He has proceeds from his book to go to our veterans and charity. His priorities are not himself it is for Americans and veterans. Some people might be jealous of his success and may be jealous of his confidence in himself. We need strength energy he is bold and tells it like it is some people can not handle the truth and having someone stand up for what is right. The media twists the truth and is the one that causes arguements and false statements. Get it together and make it for Americans
Trump is well known for hiring the best people for any job. He is definitely the man for the job.
Trump for president.. Let him make deals Rubio V.P.. He can handle everything else and with his knowledge of world affairs would keep the Donald and US out of war.. They were right about Putin. He is nothing but a gangster or school yard bully.. The way you handle him is the same way you handle a bully.. Get his attention and respect.. Take a ball bat to his head !!
Fed Up. Rubio has been an awful senator for us Floridians. He’s a Rino
Trump / Rubio are my choices for pres and vice pres with Cruz for attorney general. We need to get the mess cleaned up in the justice dept and Cruz is the man to do that. Rubio would be the pres in waiting and it would give him more time to develop under Trump.
Wouldn’t argue with your choice, it is a good one. Cruz must play a role somewhere, maybe as VP. While :Cruz is extremely smart in law, constitution etc, by choice for AG would hands down be TREY GOWDY. This guy is a pit bull and would prosecute without prejudice.
I think Cruz and Rubio are outstanding candidates…but will not ever be elected because they are Christians…If you mention the Bible or God or Jesus, you are a dead duck…Very sad…Hillary is of today’s culture and it won;t matter what anyone says about her…she will be elected…Sadder still.
Yes, the muslim population need to be dealt with. Good comment! Why should we them religious freedom when they don’t even have that in their homeland. They did not come here or to Europe for religious freedom. They are here to seize control and “convert” us, meaning enslave us to worship, not allah, but Mo. .
Trump has my vote.Rubio,Cruz and Jindal are not constitutionally qualified— they are not natural born citizens.
really what the hell does ‘natural’ born citizen. these guys have proven themselves already by there work history. Natural born…what
Did anyone here every go to school? You must be born in the United States to be President. Obama was not born in the United States. His Birth Certificate was a forgery. Then suddenly the lady who did the forgery died in a plane crash. Hmmmm. Trump and Carson are the only two candidates who will bring this country back to where it should be. Trump has smarts on his side, Carson has God on his side. I choose GOD’S side. On Nation Under GOD. Amen
I agree with you! Carson for President, Trump for Vice President! Aside from showing a good deal of intelligence, I believe that Dr. Carson is the man with the Lord on his side, therefore stands the best chance for success in this job! Too complicated for a person to do with out the Lord, as history has shown!
The last two comments are way to go. Carson and Trump. Think the have shown pretty good relationship. Trump is good in finding people and getting them fired. He does seem to believe in GOD and I
know Ben Carson will put GOD back in our Country.
The law of the land says natural born Americans it’s not that hard.
It is those people who say what does that mean? It’s simple born an American.
They can hold office just not the top office of OUR government
Birth place means agreat deal..
Your comment shows utter disdain for our Constitutional requirements to be president. An example of that disdain is now residing in the White House.
They were all born in this country. Where have you been these past few years.
Rubio’s parents were Cuban immigrants who came to this country before he was born. Jindal’s parents immigrated to this country from India before he was born. Cruz was born (possibly) in Canada of a US mother and Cuban father, and received duel US and Canadian citizenship. He gave up his Canadian citizenship when he decided to run for office. They are all legal US of A citizens just like you and me.
You are wrong, Donna. Rubio is a natural-born citizen–so is Jindal. Cruz is not (born in Canada).
I like Carson, Rubio and trump. I’m trying to figure out who can best debate Hillary and it may be Rubio.
Cruz is the man to debate anyone. He knows his gov’t stuff and he has a lawyer background. There other guys have little experience debating.
Not true Bob. Everyone of them, except Trump, Carson, and Fiorina, were lawyers before going into politics. I really think a Trump/Cruz ticket would be a winner, With Christy as attorney general.
Homeland security should be replaced at the border, with our military, and then we will see who gets through.
I’m curious: Exactly how are we going to use our military both to tightly guard our borders (and all ports of entry, no?) **and** kick butt all over the world? Re-instate the draft, to raise several million more GI’s?
I agree bring back the draft and make the thugs join to let them get their killing sprees off on the enemy
Patti, What a novel idea. Of course, it’s impractical. Our military leaders may all be murdered, but thanks for my first real belly laugh today.
Monarchists, bankers, & lawyers began the demise of our Constitution. that is why we are in the position we are in now
Monarchists, bankers, & lawyers began the demise of our Constitution. That is why we are in the position we are in now. I am correcting the capitalization of the 2nd sentence.
TRUMP He is the only one that will take this country back….PERIOD….BETTER WAKE UP PEOPLE
I trust Trump with our economy, foreign affairs, and he is the most overall qualified to get it us out of the mess we are all in today. Rubio for Vice Presdent. Those two would make us great again.
These 3 candidates can be a great President, Vice President.
1. Rand Paul (President 2016)
2. Ted Cruz , Ben Carson ( Vice President 2016)
You had better throw that wishbone back. It will never happen. Trump/Cruz is the best choice to beat the Democrat’s candidate, whomever that might be.
We should all “Stump for Trump” every chance we get. He is our best chance to make this contry great again.
No, we shouldn’t. Trump needs to retire. Wishbone made the right call.
You have Hilary, if she does not go to jail, then she will be tough. So you need someone who can take her down that has all the qualifications that is needed to do that and will bring back our county as it was hopefully as close as possible. And that is Trump, and Cruz as Vice, for he is smart and a real American like Trump. Rubio no he only wants to help the Lantino only, we need someone who will stop this idiocy with all the racial junk going on. Trump and Cruz will work for the American Patriot people, white, black, brown, any color that has backed our country. He will work for peace with the others to let them live the life’s but keep within their rights without demeaning the good Christian Patriots people that are here. A president that will keep our 10 commandants and keep our constitution and the decency we once had before the last 7 years has crumbled. You need Donald Trump, a man of his word, and a true American standing upon the rights of our country. Carson is a fine man too, but not a president, and should be considered in some part of this new presidency. People need to back down and quite harassing Mr Carson you Atheists and other Anti Christian religions need to back off, you cannot try and defeat his faith ever, for God is behind all three men.
Well, most of the atheists in the country are liberal Democrats, so they wouldn’t be voting for ANY Republican anyway. I think the American people want to know that their President is a Christian. Even Obama claimed to be a Christian (though that is a very debatable point).
Sorry, but that is not debatable. He is not. He joined the Wright-Hate &.God Damn America church in Chicago because his advisors said he and Michelle had to join a church when he entered politics. And yes, I think he was born in Hawaii, but had Dreams of his (non-American) Father and does not love America but is striving to transform it into something he, Michelle, Wright and Hillary would love.
Harrison, No Obama was not born in Hawaii He was born in Kenya. His mother was suppose to go to Hawaii and registered him three days after he was born. But it just so happens , the records are missing at that time. Really Obozo is an illegal. How the Republicans allowed the Dems to let him run in 2008 I’ll never know. By the way , His black grandmother in Kenya said that she was in the room with them when he was born.
Of all the ludicrous comments I have read here — and many of them are exactly that, ludicrous — Tricia Marra takes home the blue ribbon for the silliest of the silly. Her observation that God is backing Trump, Cruz and Carson in this presidential contest. Except for one thing: I know that some of you airheads supporting any one or all three of them believe what she said to be true. As much as I hate both Obama and Hillary, it pains me to see many of these comments in favor of various Republicans.
No matter what the other candidates say or do Trump always seems to come out ahead..!! It looks like Trump is going to be the Republican candidate for the Presidency & he’ll be great..
To quote Michael Jordan: “It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.”
I would like more substance from Trump, but must say he has done well with everything he has touched. We had ROTC at our high school so I understand the confusion on Ben’s part. Cruz did a terrific job in the debate. STOP with Rubio. He’s pleasing to the eye and he talks well but he doesn’t have the experience. Too young. Fiorino is tough too must be an advisor somewhere . Bush needs to calm down. He seems nervous and ill-at-ease.
Your poll is biased. You don’t include the four contenders from the earlier debate. Also, what is the basis of the order of those you DO include (is it randomized so that each person answering gets a different order, or does it always start with Bush and end with Kasich?).?
I believe “Why does she keep interrupting” was a tongue in cheek comment because everyone at the debate knew it was Kasich who was constantly interrupting. Predictably, the political correctness pundits/press took him literally as attacking Fiorina/women. When will they recognize that Trump has a sense of humor?????
Trump was right to speak up and I doubt that it had anything to do with a sense of humor.. Fiorina kept interrupting and talking over everyone – probably one of the reasons she was fired from HP. She acts as if her opinion is the only one that should be heard. Hopefully, she will be gone before the next debate, or moved to the kiddie table. She has no class or respect for the adults.
Most of our past Presidents were not really educated in all aspects of being residents. That is why we elect Congress and other career seeking individuals. Trump isn’t offering Hope and Change. He is just offering to what is best for America. With Obama we got hope and change but we only hoped he would change his mind about destroying America. So far this hasn’t happened, God Bless America and whomever is elected President.
We got Obama’s Hope and Change all right. We found out after voting for him, it wasn’t the kind of change we had hoped for. I guess we should have asked, before the election, that he make clear what kind of hope and change he had in mind..
I am proud to say I used my brain and logical thinking along with research and thus did not vote either time for Satan Hussein
Carson is a good man, but just not ready for this job. Trump is for Trump and is a Progressive who will “make a deal” with anyone. He us not principled at all. Rubio is good on somethings but not on others. Cruz Is the only principled conservative. He is the one for this time.
I like Cruz, too, but he is for amnesty, as are several of the others. If we are to survive, this has to be stopped. It looks as if Trump is the only one interested in doing something about the illegals. It has been done before with a past president, D.D.E….. Surely with a new well built wall, and perhaps the National guard to patrol it after the current illegals are removed…….Oh, the initials are for Dwight David E. {goofed up on spelling the last name…afraid that fellow that got on Kim would come after me] Late. I am tired and old old as a great grand likes to tell me, so time to get off of here!
CRUZ all the way, as a plus he has audio-graphic memory, which is a gigantic tool to use dealing with other presidents and all that comes with the office of the President. I won’t even consider Rubio until he really fesses up on his views/plans on Immigration & Amnesty! We cannot afford it! We are not the world’s babysitters, we have too many of our people that legally live here that need help! We should NOT have to deal with the disease, corruption, gangs, murders that comes with open immigration etc. The rich won’t be affected, but the rest of us with lower incomes sure will! Rubio was allowed a pass on that in the debate….
Audio-graphic? Please elaborate. If you meant photographic, where was Cruz when Trump stumbled on China being in on the TPP accords?
Hardly a mention of Rand Paul from you and most other media (both mainstream and alternate). Did you not hear him warn about creating no-fly zones, the possibility of shooting down Russian planes and the consequences this would mean? Are any of you big bellied, chip munching, beer swilling armchair warriors ready for the consequences?
AMEN to that Saundra!! Wake up people!!! You are all being sucked in by the media, mainstream and alternate also. Find out more about RAND PAUL!! He is the man!! The media and including Horn news are ignoring him for a reason!!
Also Virginia AMEN to your comment also on Rand Paul. Finally a few people getting it right on Rand Paul!!
Stand for liberty. Rand Paul for President 2016.
Rand has the experience and get it done attitude and he is honest. He would make a great president also. He also has the ability to change what needs to be changed if he can get the Republicans behind him. That is the problem. The US is a Republic not a Democracy, except the Democrats have tried to kill off the Republic. More than half the the Republicans in office go along with Big Business and Big Banks which is what is wrong with us today. That needs to stop, therefore we need HONEST people in the white house.
Trump and Cruz are the only candidates fully committed to enforcing our laws and so are the only qualified candidates at this time, both as a practical matter and to take the Presidential Oath of Office. . Along with today’s other problems, our grandchildren and beyond will likely face an increasingly over-populated world and consequential growing food and water shortages, environmental problems, and territorial aggression. Those who think we should welcome any and all to our country, mouthing now meaningless terms such as “we need more people” and “we are a country of immigrants” are ignorant and dangerous, apparently unable to comprehend the examples of China and India along with other localized worldwide conditions – or believing it is the our duty to share these problems.
Donald Trump is the one that guy that uses a word I have heard NONE of the other candidates say. He ALWAYS says that he loves our country and our veterans. His son was interviewed a few days ago and he said that his father is running for President because he can’t bear to see what it happening to our country. He genuinely wants to make our country great again. I like Cruz and think he would be a great VP and asset to a Trump presidency. He comes across as principled and knowledgeable. Huckabee also has principles and is knowledgeable. I do not trust Carson AT ALL. He has publicly stated that his goals for America are the same as Al Sharpton’s. That right there finished him for me. I also firmly believe that he is a closet racist from his remarks about the placement of abortion clinics and other things that he says off handedly. I think he will be a great divider of our country. Then, when he said that he wants to do away with Medicare and Medicaid, that was really it. As a doctor he has to know that one trip for a catastrophic illness would wipe out any “savings” account the government provides. He also wants us so badly to believe that he is humble, that he feels the need keeps telling us how humble he is. I do not think that there is a humble bone in the mans body. His soft spoken manner to me comes across as an attitude of being above it all. Have you seen the pictures from his home. Everywhere you look there are pictures of him and all his accomplishments framed and hung on the wall. One rooms appears to be a shrine to him. That in no way speaks to humility in my opinion. I think he would be almost as big a mistake as Hillary. HA! Hillary would chew him up and spit him out in a debate.
Rubio is your standard politician with all the right words. Kasich makes me feel like he thinks he’s entitled to the job because of all his experience, but his personality sucks. Fiorina also comes across like a sarcastic shrewish know it all. Jeb Bush mostly acts befuddled and the rest of the pack, except Christie, just want to argue amongst themselves.
This election will be the determining election for the future of our country, If Hillary gets elected she will take us into the abyss that we are right now peering into. Once the shining light upon the hill that is America is extinguished, life as we know it will cease to exist.
A lot of the pundits are even questioning whether Carson actually wants to be the President. Some have suggested that he is merely interested in the business advantages that he would procure through running for President. He had a distinguished career as a neurosurgeon and he is a polite, Christian gentleman. Why in the world would he want to be dragged through the mud as a candidate for President? He basically implied, in the first debate (?), that he felt compelled to run by others. He has no political or administrative experience. Washington D.C. would eat him for lunch. He would be worse than Jimmy Carter (who, at least, had administrative experience as the Governor of Georgia).
Oh yeah for each person you show dislike for one reason or another. I like he is a regular type political person. Oh boy we need another regular guy like that.
Wake up get out of the box Trump please is a breathtaking change to your regular people that hold office now. He is not bathing with the likes of people in office now for what he can get next and I don’t believe he is a fall guy like like our presence person is.
Dr. Carson has the right to display his trophies in his own home without ridicule! Most people would be proud to hold even half of his accomplishments! If he said nothing, he would be accused of false humility; obviously no matter what he does, there will be ‘naysayers’. It’s hard to go around trying to please everyone, as anyone should know.
He is evidently a very honest man, and would make this country loyal again, as it once was. In Schools, we sang songs like, ‘this is my country, I pledge you my allegiance to have and to hold.’ Along with a number of others; we were able to defend our rights, reading the Bible, praying was not ‘outlawed ‘ as it seems to be becoming now. How can anyone deny someone the Right to be proud of the brains the good Lord gave them by displaying the exhibition of their accomplishments? Yes! He is incredibly intelligent, making it difficult for someone not that intelligent to fathom.
I like Ted Cruz. It’s the second time he throws a very eloquent and aggressive rant in the debate; the bias of the press and crass injustice illegals impose on the American people. I think Fiorina deserves more than what she gets. She has good management ideas even if she spends time privately with Putin.
DixieBelle says ………They were all born in this country. Where have you been these past few years……..
The Naturalization Act of 1790. The first of several such acts, this 1790 statute stated that:
[T]he children of citizens of the United States, that may be born beyond the sea, or out of the limits of the United States, shall be considered as natural born citizens: Provided, That the right of citizenship shall not descend to persons whose “FATHERS” have never been “RESIDENT” in the United States….Constitution, art. 2, sect. 1; art. 1, sect. 8.
The distinction between citizenship by birth and citizenship by naturalization is clearly marked in the provisions of the Constitution, by which “no person, except a natural-born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the “ADOPTION” of this Constitution shall be eligible to the office of President;” and “the Congress shall have the power to establish an uniform rule of naturalization.”
The 14th Amendment explicitly states it was written to make freed slaves after the civil war, citizens of the USA….so the “Due Process” clause pertains to that Amendment only, and does not pertain to any other legalese that libs, want to twist in their favor. Facts are Facts, and English is English….A simple fact for those who push “Anchor Babies”……an Illegal Immigrant (Alien) in America, CANNOT have a legal US Citizen baby…..the parents are Criminals committing a crime, also if you want to follow “Barry’s” justification of his citizenship and interpretation of the law, he pick’s and chooses which one he finds convenient (jus soli, that is, “law of the soil”) or law of descent (jus sanguinis) included in long-standing British law (including as “natural born” subjects those born abroad of an English father), you cannot claim both types of law to suit your is either A or B..
At the time of Ted’s birth, Cruz’ parents were working in the oil business as owners of a seismic-data processing firm for oil drilling……agreed?? Now explain how his mother who was living and working in Canada when Ted was born followed the “Natural Born Clause”: As of 2011[update since 1952], United States Federal law (8 U.S.C. § 1401) defines who is a United States “CITIZEN” from birth;
“a person born in an outlying possession of the United States of parents one of whom is a citizen of the United States who has been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for “A CONTINUOUS PERIOD OF ONE YEAR” at any time prior to the birth of such person”
As far as I know Canada is NOT part of the USA.
Opps……… she wasn’t physically present in the United States for a “CONTINUOUS” period of one year prior to his birth, now was she, plus his father was not a Natural Citizen of the USA, he was still a Cuban………also Cruz has lied in the last 2 debates, his father did not run from Cuba, he fought with CASTRO to overthrow the government {look it up}, and the last debate he said his family moved back to the USA when he was 3 years old, he was actually 4 years old……….damn pesky things called Constitutional Laws & United States Codes. Then Ted grew up and all he has done was be a Jr. Law Partner for a BIG OIL firm, and his only other experience is being a “Career Politician”….. you don’t trust any politician or Lawyers now, and you want to elect another one…..And as far as the spit polished 44 yr., “Marco was born in Miami in 1971 to Cuban exiles who first arrived in the United States in 1956,” Wet Foot Dry Foot baby Rubio, you really want another one term Senator who doesn’t show up for work now, like we need another GOLFER…or maybe, he likes Jai Alai better and have a Jai Alai court built in the WH and have Gloria Estefan concerts instead of Jay Z and Beyoncé.
Obama was born to a non USA British Citizen Father aka polygamist (still married) in Kenya. So by definition he is a Bastard child.
Cruz was born outside the USA in Canada to a non US Citizen Father aka Cuban Father.
Rubio was born in the USA. But neither of his parents was a citizen at the time of Rubio’s birth, but ultimately his parents applied for U.S. citizenship and were naturalized in 1975. So again, that is in violation of (8 U.S.C. § 1401).
Jindal was born to parents of India Citizenship, not US citizens. Again, that is in violation of (8 U.S.C. § 1401).
And as a final note…..NO WHERE… the Constitution or Bill of Rights does it state, that there is a “Separation of Church & State”…….it was a quote by Thomas Jefferson who wanted that clause added to the Constitution but it was never put in there…….So if you are an Atheist, Agnostic, Satanic, Muslim, Hindu, whatever, OUR Constitution was written following Christian Biblical teachings & Morals……Remember this …YOUR RIGHTS END, WHEN THEY INFRINGE UPON MY RIGHTS !!
Pres.~ Trump, VP ~ Carson ??, SOS ~ Cruz, DOD ~ Allen West, DOJ ~ Trey Gowdy, Sec. of Treasury…….ME !!!! 🙂
President: Rand Paul
Vice President: Ben Carson or Ted Cruz (Vice Versa)
DOJ : Judge Andrew Napolitano
——————————————————————————————————————————– Stand for Liberty. Rand Paul for President 2016.
The BIGGEST problem is the elections are not popular vote the electoral vote is what decides the election and we as the people have not elected enough change with other state representative to swing the election as it is.
Trump/? Yes he is the right man but you still want to tie his hands with another politician that is what America needs to let go of get the tiredness out of our government get everyone over 60 out and find new people with energy in there.
For too long have we waited for “Just” people to take over that’s not happening. Americans have allowed this degenerative attitude to pass along to the threshold of destruction.
Now they have changed laws in there favor and we my fellow Americans are standing on the roadside wondering how to change things back.
Attack those Policies and Politicians to start change now not later or kick them out of office now not later after all you put them in there FIRE them remove them from power. Don’t wait like our Congress are Senators have done with our present President impeach them now before they destroy anything else.
I agree however if you can not call a Spade a Spade and a liar a liar with simple English language what would you prefer we Americans to use far to long do we tiptoe around a subject matter and forget the actual fact. Stand for something even if its wrong at least stand strong.
I think Cruz is the most positive thinker and also truly was to reduce the size of Government and the IRS and others.
I also think he and Carson are the most Honest.
Rubio was as usual his oily, weathervaning self–NOT to be trusted. Kasich is a Democrat/Socialist hiding in Republican clothing, & as such should never have been allowed on that stage in the first place. Cruz as usual maintained his heroic, honest stances of the critical issues he was able to address. Trump continued to attack the very thing that now threatens & will increasingly worsen national security, public health & the economy–massive illegal immigrant presence both before & especially after the most recent “amnesty” tsunamis. As for Bush, I can find nothing about him to inspire confidence or even a modicum of respect–get lost, Baby Bush–your Mom was right in urging you NOT to run.
I wonder why you could not be able to vote for more than one. I like about 3 I am interested to vote for , BUY at this time no one stands out. The Republican Community would not accept a vote with out a donation. so they are buying the results .
I feel that my representatives in in congress should vote for the best ideas of the USA not just party lines.
according to marco, he wants to create a $1T tax credit for families, problem is he has no way to pay for it.
according to marco he wants to raise defense spending $1T. problem is he has no way to pay for it.
I agree with your take on Dr. Ben Carson & have marveled that so many people seem to have fallen for his mild manner. At least Donald Trump has stated that we will be saying,”Merry Christmas!” again when he is elected president! Dr. Carson, as a Seventh Day Adventist,doesn’t celebrate Christmas, nor other Christian holidays, as I have been made to understand. How sad not to have the usual Huge Christmas trees & decorations at the White House during the holiday season…….
We are made acutely aware of racism in recent news, and don’t need another person to agree with Al Sharpton to fuel the flames.
As an older American, I realize the need for Medicare as well as for Medicaid. Perhaps Dr. Carson has made. Enough money to care for his mother, his wife and for himself, whereas the rest of us need that assistance.
Trump is outstanding because he isn’t afraid to tackle the issues, and he is the reason the debates are having more substance to them than usual. Cruz wasn’t a favorite but I believe he’s smart, articulate, and would do well, so has convinced me he’s a viable choice. Fiorina is incredibly sharp, a quick learner, and quickly able to assess and respond to all questions posed to her. It’s a shame she has to fight to be heard–which, I agree, makes her sound shrill at times. Yet, if you take the time to listen to her answers, you might be amazed at her thoughtfulness and how astute her platform is. Carson seems like a genuine soul, well-mannered who’s being unfairly attacked and lied about; a great doctor who achieved much already. Christie sometimes impresses; sometimes ticks me off although I try to weigh each candidates’ “plans” overall rather than focus on a single issue because right now there’s so much wrong with our country. These 5 are my top choices. Personally, I think a Fiorina/Clinton debate would be awesome as she’s got the brains and ability to deal woman-to-woman with her. Trump might be too dismissive; Cruz and possibly Christie would do well; Carson too gentlemanly to handle the queen of nasty. It’s too bad there might not be a chance for Fiorina/Clinton to get on stage together as I believe that’s where more Americans might see the skills of Fiorina. In any event, I think we all need a change from politicians as usual and hope that the majority are booted from office to give us a fresh start. We simply must join forces/stick together to reverse what the last decade has done to our country or we’ll no longer be the land of the free.
Trump so far has been all talk with no idea how he would get things done.It is as if he thinks he has the power to do all this stuff on his own without approval from Congress or anybody else.Big difference in bullying your way around business than trying that with other countries leaders.Cruz would be a disaster too much Tea party ideas . I think Marco Rubio would be best out of the bunch there on stage..As far as the Democrats I think O’malley would be the best one.Clinton brings too much negative baggage and Saunders looks like he should be retiring not starting a career and wonder if he would only do one term . I know this may sound strange but what if Rubio and O’malley were the two choices and if either one of them won the White House appoint the other one VP. One Republican and one Democrat.Now that would shake up the house and congress enough that they would either be replaced or be forced to work for the Country instead of party lines and the people would have the two people they preferred in the White House
Who wants a promiscuous White House again?
Fine example of American character to the world.
After apologists,
how could we the American people then explain that the great
majority of us are not cheats, etc., and we do fear God?
Anyone but Hillary or Sanders can and will do better!!!
We the people can let go all fears and vote our choice.
I am looking for the winner of this and all debates in the one
person who loves
and appreciates America the most.
Tell them with your vote what the cynics don’t know:
” What difference does this make now?”.
We shall see…..
“The Donald” does not take advantage of his unique situation. His is the only one who does not need money from people who will expect something in return when a recipient of money is elected to any office. He is one of three of these office seekers who is not responsible for the mess in Washington, D. C. Trump will do things if elected that should have been done before like the erection of the wall at our southern border, fixing immigration, taking care of our veterans, infrastructure, etc., etc., etc. I am a Democrat that has abandoned the Democratic Party because of our Muslim President and the Iran Nuclear Sellout. Which is more important: Protecting women’s reproductive rights or saving the United States from an Iranian nuclear attack killing millions of our citizens?????????????????????????????????????
Welcome to the red side Mr. Feldman. I hope u will come on board the Trump/Cruz train and ride out of commie country and back into America.
Today is November 11. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, World War I ended, the war to end all wars. For the next 60 or 70 years, November 11 was celebrated as “Armistice Day.” Then somebody, probably the Congress renamed it “Veteran’s Day.” Now we must honor our veterans, me being one of them that fought in the Korean War. But do not forget our history of the war to end all wars.
Kasich who sounds like a democrat , Carson reminds me of Mr. Rogers in the neighborhood, Bush and Rubio are bought and payed for by special interests,
Trump and Cruz should easily out debate Clinton and I give Cruz an edge.
I have listened to most of Trumps campaign speeches and they are starting to sound all the same. When questioned most times he reverts to his speech lines. Now there is no question he is a shrewd and calculating individual who is a proven leader and accomplishes goals. Being an outsider and self funding is unique. He doesn’t back down.
The question is, with his negotiating skills can he get his plans passed in the Congress and Senate or will he do like Regan and sell his plans to the people who then help him push the bills through.
The current administration has been a disaster and Clinton will only do more of the same or worse.
This upcoming election is probably the most important one in most Americans lifetime.
I think Trump is the best candidate for president. He has proven himself to what kind of power he has and he is not even president yet. People say he wont tell what he is going to do and how. Well that is what I like about him. If you tell your plans to the whole world, they will be expecting you, so he keeps all private stuff to himself which in my opinion that is the way it should be. He is a very smart man, some things he may not be as familiar with as others, but it wont take him long to get the whole plan worked out. I dont know why people think americans are stupid, we know what is going on behind the scenes. Give us a break!!!!!