Supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign were outraged when his rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, decided to skip the fourth Democratic debate she had promised before the June 7 California primary.
Clinton may be too scared to debate Sanders. But presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump isn’t, and he’s offering to stand in.
The opportunity surfaced last night in an indirect exchange between the Republican billionaire real estate mogul and Sanders.
On ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Trump said he enjoyed watching Clinton’s heated sparring with Sanders.
“I had no idea it was going to be so nasty,” said Trump.
Trump stepped up and humiliated Clinton by saying he’d be happy to engage Sanders in a one-on-one debate — as long as significant money goes to charity.
The move makes Clinton look cowardly, say Sanders supporters, who have repeatedly complained about the limited debate schedule on the Democratic side.
Sanders accepted the challenge with the response, “Game on. I look forward to debating Donald Trump in California before the June 7 primary.”
‘Game on’: Sanders agrees to debate Donald Trump #BernieTrumpDebate #Decision2016
— NBC News (@NBCNews) May 26, 2016
Sanders is 75% wrong in his opinions. However, he is correct about the system being rigged. He and Trump talk real issues. I’m voting for Trump on Nov 1. I voted for Sanders in the state primary to protest Hillary.
Chaos II eh? smart thinking!
So can we EXPECT a Sanders POCOHANTAS TICKET….??? Now that the Clinton lying Machine called SHIL-LIAR-RY seems to be Stuck in LYING overdrive????… and will Pocohintas EAL ESTATE MOEY making DEALS be made PUBLIC???? along with BERNIE porno Books and “OTHEE” issurs asa COMMUNE Socilaist ACTIVIST????
We might need a real voting machine that has not already been determined for billary!
Rigged voting machines…..
And I don’t know if anyone saw Bill Clinton and his armed bodyguards at the voting polls in MA blocking votes. It was immediately deleted out of the footage within two days. And I hope the person who was trying to post the truth isn’t in a body bag.
The Clintons are both insane old school mafia criminals.
Amen !!
It seems it is okey for Hillary to seek out and spend other peoples money for her own objectives but wrong for Trump to earn his money doing what thousands and thousands of others in real estate and business do?
—- They have both been successful in raising money; the difference though – Hillary lives off donations spending other peoples money while Trump earns and spends his own money!
She, and her numerous minimally intelligent followers and supporters, will say anything she suggest. Good Democrats; just say and do as suggested!
The Democrats want you to do as they say not as they do. And like good little empty brain liberals they the lying crooks in like Obama and Bill without blinking a eye. They believe they are always right and everyone else is wrong.
I had a woman with a Bernie sticker cut me out when I had the right of way and a Hillary sticker do the same thing at a intersection that said Baby on Board at a stop sign. They drive and act like they think. No courtesy or manners and are the reason we have so much dissension wiyhin our country. Just look at how racist Obama is and how bad relations are with all groups and classes of people,not to mention the other countries.
Your brains have been polluted with GOP and conservative dirty lies. Do you know you and Repubs have lost the WH again? Trump luster is now gone. He took advantage of you gullible GOPers by telling them he would build the tallest wall at Mexican border with his own money; now he is saying – that was just a gimmick. You remember he promised you to get rid of all illegals in this country. But, now he says he will wait until his 2nd term to do so. In fact, Trump is now encouraging CEOs to hire illegals at lower pay than the locals. Now he is budding with rich Arabs. Of course he is building a Trump tower in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, Japan and Malaysia. He is no longer talking about China, Russia etc.; and countries taking jobs from Americans. You TPs and Repubs are now screwed. The guy has gotten away with murder. He took advantage of you TPs and Repubs. Forget about Benghazi and e-mails. Those so scandals are done. FBI have labeled them as office violation with no security impact. To save you from heart attacks, please start taking your Aspirin today and prepare for Hillary as our next President.
Very Good point Dwayne! Hil-LIAR-y is going down. Just like the Titanic. Ever wonder why she is afraid to debate Donald Trump? She’d be sunk! When the truth comes out as only Donald Trump would say it, she’d be a total heap of disgrace!
Let’s say this “HilLIARy is going down! HilLIARy is going down! HilLIARy is going down!”
This should be good, they can both dog Hillary and converse about real issues and world hate ……..
or can bURY the Barking LYING BITCH once and for all TIMES
This is a hilarious riot!!!
Yes it is!!
I can’t wait to watch. I am for Trump because we don’t need socialism. The millintials are to uninformed what that means. I know I spelled that wrong. Sanders does have a lot of support. The race might be closer if he were to be the nominee.
I am happy to see so many young people getting involved in todays politics – BUT – I fear their decision making process. It seems they are looking at today and the past couple of years rather than looking back at the candidates and their track records.
I was astonished a number of weeks back when my 17 year old granddaughter started telling me of the great things Hillary has done compared to the BAD things Trump has done. I asked her where she was getting her information and she said her teacher talks about it all the time in school.
I suggested she should take time to dig up her own information, maybe get some of her classmates to do the same as I feel her teachers campaigning for either candidate is wrong.
A couple weeks later her and one of her classmates stopped by and said the were looking up what they could find and asked if I could offer other sources. We listed some of for each of the candidates and I was happy to see they had already found most of them.
I an only hope their understanding of their responsibilities for making their own decisions has been reinforced and not tainted by a unscrupulous teacher!
Deb, by your caustic comment I see you do not want any socialism in our country. I also recognize your right to express your opinion on getting rid of all types of socialism. But I wonder if you really want to disband all the fire departments, because they are evidences of socialism. Things we do better together than can be done individually is socialism. There are many other evidences of socialism. Schools come to mind.
I think we will see that they agree on a lot of issue and vary few that they do not.
But they both want better for the people of this country .
And getting us out of war where Obama has failed to do’
We need to start taking care of this country be for we take are of others first.
This election Is to rebuild The United States and take care of our people First .
Thank you
Larry Ellsworth
I’m voting for Trump also
to:Dwayne says. Please excuse my reply posted incorrectly, because of my ignorance of your format and Dwayne not showing reply slot. what I want to suggest to Dwayne is to do some research also to find out that this teacher practice is a Jesuit spiritual formation technique that has been taught and accepted by the teachers of the NWO.
Lol I know somebody that did that too Id love to see a debate between them
I have changed my political affiliation from Democrat to Republican; BEFORE Trump announced or filed his intent to run. I am glad I did; mainly because of the Obama agenda and the Democrats blindly “follow the leader” syndrome. Listening to the two Democratic candidates and looking into their past would cause me to not vote for either of them anyway!
Trump, on the other hand, has said what he feels he has to say and in doing so has stimulated FAR MORE political interest and action in our real problems than any of those who- have been or are currently – in Washington politics. Trump has forced them all to talk about what bothers this country the most and they have all come up with pretty close to the same solutions; similar in a lot of ways and all staying the course that has hampered the countries recovery and “back on track” needs; all tremendously expensive solutions that would probably not work and sure have not worked in the past! .
AND – for those who keep track; Hillary and her followers complain about how Trump made his money; I look at this way – Trump has worked and successfully earned his money; Hillary gets her money by taking donations from others; for the past four years she has been asking for donations for her campaign from anyone and everyone especially from big donors. Hillary has spent hundreds of millions dollars (nearing the billion dollar mark) of other peoples money – Trump is spending his own! So where is the greed, where is the loyalty to the campaign, the party or the nation? Who is buying their way at everyone’s else’s expense?
The Clinton campaign suggested Trump doing what everyone in his line of work and the vast majority of other financially capable people do has earned his money (and lost some) while Hillary continues to feed off the donations of others money. Suggesting Trump was wrong when buying up housing or business that go bankrupt is absurd; especially when those homes and business generally go back into circulation and use!
Suggesting Hillary is the more admirable because she did not capitalize on real estate opportunities takes us back to the early days when Bill was a governor and Hillary and Bills involvement in their Real Estate problems and the investigations they were tied into for their part.
Hillary needs to have a talk with her staff and supporters to caution them about dragging old problems out of the closet. She has enough problems of her own without her campaigners bringing up old ones!
You sound like a smart cookie. Too many people vote for their party and not for OUR Country … and I sincerely think that if Trump doesn’t win, we may not have any borders left by 2020, the way we are going.
Besides, I think if Hillary tries to taint Trump’s image by bringing up dirty laundry, her own pile might end up suffocating her. She is going to be in for a rude awakening, of that I have no doubt. He will clean her clock for her.
Then again, if there were any real justice left in America today, Hillary would be sitting in jail right now, not running for POTUS.
You are so right. Her pile of laundry is alot bigger then anyone else running in this election. I can’t stand her. I have never hated anyone, but I don’t think I have ever disliked anyone as much as I dislike this witch. I pray every day that she loses this election and Mr. Trump is our next president. I wish they would throw her in jail too, but they are all protecting each other.
I appreciated your comment here. You have said it well. Criminal
Hil-LIAR-y is going down fast. Her crimes and her husband’s sex offender crimes are now surfacing and people are seeing who she really is. Four years of Hil-LIAR-y would be four more years of Obama driving us into such a lower state of our economy that we may never recover. So Thanks for your comment and well done on switching to Republican. Let’s do what we can to back up Donald Trump like he says, Let’s “Make America Great Again!”. Vote Donald Trump.
Sure thing that wicked witch liar Hillary hopefully go to jail.hillary is been stealing others people’s money.I hate her
NO Sanders is not wrong .
But you have the right to your opinion and your point of view .
And how you see the issues.
We can respect that .
That makes you who you are .
Every one has a different view and so be happy with that,
Larry Ellsworth:
Larry, in another Horn article I posted “The Clintons are at fault by default”. Actually, the same holds true here concerning Sanders. I do appreciate your demeanor but I sincerely hope you’re open minded enough to hear another prospective. Sanders is a Socialist as everyone knows and Socialism is not just a word, it is an economic system which is primarily used by a Communistic regime. In our Country, we have Capitalism as our economic system because we are a FREE “REPUBLIC” and sovergn Nation. Have you ever heard the quote: “You can’t have your cake and eat it too”? In other words, you can’t have it both ways. Either Socialism or Capitalism. Now, let me clarify this to some degree. We have two political parties which are Republican and Democrat and these two parties are entirely different. Both parties are all about helping the poor and needy, but the Democrats take it to an unreasonable place and want to turn our Nation into a welfare state. That is why many Americans refer to our Nation as a Democracy. Sir, a Democracy is a sort of mixture between Socialism and Capitalism where Socialism will probably win out because people like handouts better than a hand up. This is a good time to quote Margrett Thacher when she stated: “Socialism works fine until you run out of other people’s money”. This is the downfall of Socialism Larry and it would totally destroy America.
Dictatorship naturally arises out of Democracy
and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery
out of the most extreme Liberty. (Plato)
Take a long hard look at the world folks… Is America not becoming just like them? Larry, I sincerely hope that you will seriously consider what I have said here; not for me or for you, but for our posterity.
Interesting observations, thank you. The other day several of us discussed how the USA was built by people coming in ,and creating industries -cottage industries, small farming, large industries.
Today Sanders is getting support for suggesting that instead of asking colleges to lower tuitions, that somehow all of us should bear the financial burden of supporting multimillion salaries of deans of universities, and that ANYONE should be able to attend college for free. Why ?
To supposedly get a BETTER PAYIN JOB. But who makes those jobs ?
How are the people coming out of FREE colleges going to get jobs where there are few jobs ?
What a disappointment for the entitled crowd. And nation in DOUBLE of the national debt it is now, with all these entitled folks rioting – “We voted for Bernie, we want OUT jobs now.” Bust.
I hope you consider voting for Trump on 8 Nov. instead of the first.
I hope the debate is televised, I want to see it. Yes I want to watch Trump eviscerate Bernie.
Bernie won’t stand a chance. Maybe we’ll have to erect a memorial for the late Bernie Sanders.
I read today that Hillary is set for being indited for her e-mail server and for the Clinton foundation crimes of taking bribes for poiitical favors from other nations. Boy talk about being in bed with the enemy. The story was released then covered up quickly without explanation. Could it be premature or could it be vested interests crimes/ being brought out in the open. For whatever reason Hillary & Bill seem to be above the law. Anyone else would have been thrown in jail for lessor crimes. Hillary for her crimes and Bill for his rape crimes. Clintons are going down!
Your decision to vote Trump in Nov is a very smart one. You are amongst the informed elite that can see that he’s the best choice. I’m with you on your choice.
What is Hillary afraid of.??
Mostly her shadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although her mere appearance is enough to scare anyone especially small children and animals – “Wicked Witch of the East”.
She is afraid of, and does not recognize, the truth!
Afraid of ??? Maybe “tossing the salad ” in the Crowbar Hotel.
Gosh…everything she had said and done perhaps???
From persecuting bills rape victims to present
—– Original Message —–
From: Was President
Begin forwarded message:
Pass this on folks:
When Bill Clinton was president
If you’re under 50 read this and if you’re not, share it with someone who is.
If you’re over 50, you lived through it, so share it with those under 50.
Amazing to me how much I had forgotten!
When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn’t even get a vote in a democratic controlled congress.
This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts.
Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration.
Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill described her selection as “my worst mistake.”
Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children.
Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the
head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration.
Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department.
Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.
Many younger votes will have no knowledge of “Travelgate.” Hillary wanted to award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson – and the White House Travel Office refused to comply. She managed to have them reported to the FBI and fired. This ruined their reputations, cost them their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month investigation. Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with a crime, and that of the enormous crime of mixing personal and White House funds. A jury acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours.
Still not convinced of her ineptness, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security.
When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge of drug use in the White House.
Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after more than thirty years of service to seven presidents.
Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the “bimbo eruption” and scandal defense. Some of her more notable decisions in the debacle were:
She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. After the Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones.
She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor.
After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr’s investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs.
Hillary’s devious game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for ‘lying under oath’ to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives.
Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” a total of 56 times while under oath.
After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen.
What a swell party – ready for another four or eight years of this type of low-life mess?
Now we are exposed to the destruction of possibly incriminating emails while Hillary was Secretary of State and the “pay to play” schemes of the Clinton Foundation – we have no idea what shoe will fall next.
But to her loyal fans – “what difference does it make?”
Electing Hillary Clinton president would be like granting Satan absolution and giving him the keys to heaven
Please pass this on. Our way of life may depend on it
Hillary is afraid of the Ghost of Her Dirty Deeds Past. Hillary is a ghastly, mean, wicked, nasty, fanged demonic being and by nature has no shadow or reflection..
Hillary is her biggest enemy…………. she is just plain horrible.!!
Hillary Clinton doesn’t even do interviews unless she pre-approves the questions. That will NOT happen with a meet with Donald Trump. 🙂 Hillary can’t even stand up to Bernie Sanders and he hasn’t hit her with other than puff balls.
Hil-LIAR-y can’t stand up to Bernie, she would totally wither up and die like the “Wicked Witch of The West” if she ever debated Donald Trump. It would be very easy to accomplish. The debate could start by introducing ALL of the women that her husband sexually assaulted, plus the girl that was raped and Hil-LIAR-y got the rapist off & laughed about it later. All of the women that she forced into silence or had their animals killed or beaten into submission or paid off to keep silent. How about her crooked money scams taking donations from other people for her Clinton Foundation, which incidentally pays female executives 38% LESS than male counterparts, that is a front for her campaign funding. Oh and let’s not forget her email scandals that was just sending messages about wedding plans to the amount of 30,000. She has repeatedly denied the email scandal, despite true facts that she did, just to keep her in the presidential race. As was rightly said above, Hillary has lied so much she is afraid of the truth. The truth would just melt her away. DO we want a criminal liar as president? Do we want a sex offender husband controlling our nations finances? HELL NO!
Let’s put Donald Trump in office and turn the country around. He’s a very successful businessman. He has a very profitable Trump Organization worth over 10 billion and it pays him over $600 million a year. He has a movement going on here that can’t be stopped and keeps getting bigger and stronger. Let’s have the Trump train run over crooked Hillary and let’s Make America Great Again!
I am a Trump man and I like the idea of Donald debating Sanders. Sanders very well may be the Democratic nominee when Benghazi report comes out next month. The debate will give Donald an opportunity to win some of the college crowd over to Republicans.
She is afraid of the truth. She barely ever speaks it~!
Forget Hillary debating anyone. In light of recent findings I think she will be stepping down. I’m looking forward to the Trump-Sanders debate. It should be interesting and entertaining. If it goes the way the rest of the election has been going, Trump will probably chew Sanders up and spit him out. I bet Clinton backers are crying about now. Boo boo!
I would not be surprised if Trump Sanders debate, Trump would go easy on Sanders. It might help get some never Hil voters if the Sanders people like Trump. Trump could also try to tie some of his outsider ideas to Sanders. It sure would make Hil look cowardly.
Stop spending, that is good thinking.
hillary owes too many favors from all the money she has taken. The globalist will make sure she gets in. America is on the verge of cultural, economic collapse. And the disgusting mexicans are helping to make Trump’s point – they are savag criminals who need to stay in their own squalor their government made – not come to my country where I worked for 40 years to make something of myself and give back to my community.
Agree with you. Mexicans go home and quit flying your flag in the USA!!
She won’t step down. She can have 1 foot completely in a prison cell and the other on it’s way and she still won’t step down. Just look at her husband. The House of Representatives voted to impeach him but the Senate didn’t so he didn’t do the noble thing and step down. He was voted INto office for 4 more years. What does that tell you about how STUPID American people are — -OR HOW RIGGED the system is. My vote is for both but more for “rigged”. How many dead votes can a person get?
That will be a fun debate! Maybe it will help move the Sanders crowd to the Trump crowd once the dust settles!
It is a great idea. It is going to a great opportunity for them to discuss real issues. It shows strength by both as Clinton shows weakness. She had time to do Hollywood show. Giving the proceeds to charity is a good idea.
I am not a Sanders’ fan (he’s wrong on all of the issues), but I do respect his moxie and tenaciousness.
This is an interesting development and quite out of the ordinary. Will they both dish the dirt on Hillary? Or will they ignore her existence and debate real issues of importance to the Republic? How about ways to reduce the federal deficit? Or perhaps ways to deflate the bloated federal bureaucracy? Or they could debate ways that we can reduce our dependency on foreign energy. Do they have any ideas on how to stimulate the economy and put people back to work in the private sector?
You should ask the questions at the debate. You are astute.
Yes, I would like to know how to get people back to work while tens of thousands of syrian fighter are flooding our country AND the borders are WIDE OPEN. THE MOSQUES ARE THEIR ARMORIES. AMERICANS WAKE UP!
Once again Trump proves one clear thing. His intelligence is far superior to Hillary. Volunteering to debate Sanders! Win win! Now what Hillary? If Trump Sanders debate Hillary is toast! There is no loser for Trump or Sanders. Sanders supporters would respect Trump over Hillary. I bet outside of few issues the debate would be an attack on establishment. Trump and Sanders agree on trade issues, and Washington’s insiders controlling the average person’s life.
Come on Fox agree to donate large sum of money to charity.
I think Sanders is staying in because he thinks Killary won’t be able to stay in the race. He is going to stay put just in case. Maybe he knows something we dont?
I love it!! Now maybe she will be flushed down the drain into the cesspool with all the rest of the LYING Democraps.!
Good for you Grady!! Very well put.
If Hillary still gets the nomination she can depend on getting at least four States (Hawaii, California, Oregon, and Washington. There may be another four up for grabs but her opponent will likely get at least a solid 42 States.
Donald Trump at least is willing to debate Bernie Sanders, while that damned NO GOOD ROTTON POS B@&CH
Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton is a lying, cheating, stealing, venal, evil, wicked, snotty, arrogant, ruthless, greedy,
selfish, election & vote rigging criminal who has committed very high treason is a COWARD! Hitlery Killery ROTTON
Clinton can’t handle the pressure at all. We know that Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton lied, and way too many died.
The more you hate her is the more you like and love her .
juan jose stop using drugs !!
juan jose stop using drugs !!
juan jose stop using drugs !!
What an excellent teaching oppotunity for trump to get the attention of young collwge kids, explain the differences between socialism and capitalism freedom an liberty…. Use venusuala and greece as example resulting from socialism!
Not a bad thought.
This is going to great to watch. Donald just made a fool of Hillary.
Donald just made a fool of Hillary but Hillary is still the best at making a fool of herself.
Old Grandma Clinton is going to find herself literally out in left field if Comrade Sanders debates Trump…….delightful!!!
All the liberals are saying Trump is a racist. A racist how? All Donald said was ANYONE, from any country who is here illegally, will be deported. At this present time we have many people of middle eastern origin who our stupid president let in. Getting our tax dollars while obama systematically f–ks us out of ours. Trump wants to change this. And that’s racist how?
You make an Excellent point.
I would love for Sanders to run third party, that would really fix Hillary, who is counting for his backers, who are not that stupid. She needs to be kicked off the ticket and made accountable for her past and current actions. Her and Obama who is guiding her ..
Bashing Hillary Clinton will not give either buffoon trump or the 76 y/o communist from Vermont victory in Nov.
The lieing Hllary has so many many issues in her past, the email deal is only one, but probably the worst of all since it put the countrys security open to the hands of our enemys. Her protecting her woman loving husband till the blue dress surfaced, then calling the women accusing Billy boy as Bimbos was her last try at protecting her rapist husband. Her love affair with Vincent Foster who was found dead in the park in Washington, and ol Bill refused to let the FBI investigate the killing, and the park police investigated. Park police had no clue how to investigate a murder, they screwed up the investigation. Vincent Foster was Hillarys boy friend in Arkansas, while Billy boy was out of the state Hillary and Vincent spent weekends together in the mountain cabin. Just talk to the govenors state trooper detail at the time, they will tell you now how Hillary and Vincent were lovers. Then Vincent was to testify before the senate about Whitewater, and he was found dead in the park, rolled up in a run, with a bullet hole in his head, and no bullet found where the body was found. There are many many more issues that Hillary was involved in to still be brought out.
Ah the MARXIST versus the CAPITALIST. BTW: History says with a shout: Marxism, Communism and Socialism doesn’t work.
The definition of INSANITY is repeating the same thing, the same way and expecting a different outcome.
THE SLUGGARD Mentality has never has worked and it can’t work because man is basically lazy and much like “AUDREY” from Little Shop of Horrors fame. FEED ME, FEED ME – I WANT – I WANT, I WANT
Oh OK, no! now here comes the tantrum, the violence, the hate
And I present to you, the radical perverted, entitled American mentaility
It will be interesting to see whether they debate the difference between capitalism and socialism or whether they take the time to both attack Hillary Clinton. I hope they both go after Hillary. They could use a lot of time talking about the shortcomings of Hillary Clinton and why she would be a bad president.
There’s only one loser if Trump and Sanders actually do this- Hillary Clinton! Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Sanders cleaned Hillary’s clock in California? She’d be TOAST, and Blabbermouth- Schultz could do nothing to save Hillary!
If I were a rock & roll radio station Disc Jockey, I would have the Rollong Stones song When the walls start tumbling down
all ready to play the day that that damned POS B@$CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton gets arrested and hauled off to
Prison where she belongs. The Rolling Stones song When the walls start tumbling down is the most perfect song to play
during her final and complete downfall.
You’re buying into republican talking points , because they can’t stand seeing another dem winning the W.H. again .
Pity Trump didn’t debate his Republican rivals. He ran away , was not man enough to debate. He is a clown in a empty suit !!!
He has fooled you all. No difference between Hilary & Trump.
YES, AGREE, Trump has fooled his supporters by acting like a screaming, fist shaking tv lawyer. However, he can’t help it, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth ………..God bless us all …………….
Trump didn’t want to humiliate them again.
Hopefully, this won’t be too staged and they’ll be asked real questions and be given time to answer without interruption, you know, like a real debate.
Oh come on. He debated them 11 times. Those debates weren’t even debates and serve little to no purpose except to promote the networks and their lackey talking heads. The consensus had him coming out ahead in all 11.
My wife wears an orange jump suit and she looks nice . I wouldn’t mind seeing Hilary wearing an orange jump suit.
lets let the Men be MEN and hash it out and lets watch the lizbo/thief/traitor/muslim friend s*%# her lezbo pants……. : (
The Trump Stomp begins, bout time, too bad Hillary loses CA, good call Hillary.