Warning: The video below contains graphic content.
A police shooting involving a black man in Minnesota has sparked protests across the country, and comes just one day after a fatal confrontation in Louisiana between a black man and police officers.
Now, an apparent live-stream video of the aftermath has spread across the Internet — and the content is shocking.
A police officer fatally shot a man in a car with a woman and a child just outside of St. Paul, Minnesota, an official said, and authorities are looking into whether the aftermath was live-streamed in a widely shared Facebook video, which shows a woman in a vehicle with a man whose shirt appears to be soaked in blood telling the camera “police just shot my boyfriend for no apparent reason.”
St. Anthony Police interim police chief Jon Mangseth said the incident began when an officer pulled over a vehicle around 9 p.m. Wednesday in Falcon Heights, a St. Paul suburb that Mangseth’s department serves. Mangseth said he did not have details about the reason for the traffic stop, but that at some point shots were fired. The man was struck but no one else was injured, he said.
As word of the shooting and video spread, relatives of the man joined scores of people who gathered at the scene of the shooting and outside the hospital where the man died and identified him as Philando Castile of St. Paul, a 32-year-old cafeteria supervisor at a Montessori school.
Speaking to CNN early Thursday, Castile’s mother said she suspected she would never learn the whole truth about her son’s death.
“I think he was just black in the wrong place,” Valerie Castile said, adding that she had underlined to her children that they must do what authorities tell them to do to survive. Police have not released details on the ethnicity or service record of the police officer involved but to say he has been placed on paid administrative leave.
Police use of force, particularly against African Americans, has returned to the national spotlight since the video-recorded fatal shooting earlier this week of 37-year-old Alton Sterling by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday launched a civil rights investigation into the shooting, which took place after Sterling, who was black, scuffled with two white police officers outside a convenience store.
Late Wednesday, protesters moved to the governor’s mansion in nearby St. Paul, where around 200 people chanted and demanded action from Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton. By daybreak Thursday, around 50 protesters remained outside the mansion despite a light rain.
The video posted Wednesday night on Facebook Live appears to show the aftermath of a shooting like the one described by Mangseth. It shows the woman in a car next to a bloodied man quietly slumped in a seat. The woman describes being pulled over for a “busted tail light” and her boyfriend being shot as he told the officer that he was carrying a pistol and was licensed. A clearly distraught person who appears to be an armed police officer stands at the car’s window, telling the woman to keep her hands where they are and intermittently swearing.
The video below, but should be aware that the content is very graphic and potentially upsetting —
Though widely reported, The Horn News cannot immediately verify the authenticity of the video. Mangseth said he was “made aware there was a livestream on Facebook” but that he had not yet seen the video and didn’t know anything about its contents.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
An independent investigation should be had. I wonder if the victim was Mexican, Irish, Chinese or a WASP if the Justice Dept. would be so involved? Just wondering?
This is a result of Federal infiltration of the local police and sheriff’s departments and the military training they are implementing throughout the nation.
Lois Wenk says
No some blacks do not want anyone else to be respected either. They brainwash each other so they can live a lie that they are attacked. I could not count the number of times a brainwashed black used the pathetic excuse of slave ancestors. The Civil War, is over so long ago that many white looking people have slave ancestors. They do not respect the progress made by the Civil Rights movement. If they are really persecuted so badly they should move. Whiners, voted for Obama who sent Black respectability back words. Progressively, more as Obama is President. The blacks are not progressing because, they choose to not push foreword. AS degrees are not hard to get entry into. The blacks need to confront the terrorist among themselves. The terrorist are drug cartels and murderers who kill people.
Bernie says
The officer should be in jail and tried for murder.No doubt about it.Murder for no reason.
DustyFae says
Did you see in this video where he reach for his wallet or not ????????????????
You are quick to judge judge on whar you are seeing.
Dane says
Don’t worry yourself, your cop buddy will be found to have performed a justified shooting as everyone knows the cops can do no wrong.
Don’t you know that being a black man is punishable by death and that cops have the authority to be judge, jury, and executioner?
Oh wait a minute, there was some weed in the car and that is certainly punishable by death.
So don’t worry about your coo buddies disposition, he is covered by the power of his badge. To protect from any and all perceived threat regardless of its imagined reality.
Your buddy will walk Scott free and probably be given a metal
TangleF says
Sadly true, and fox news will show with no doubt that all this was standard procedure and totally justifiable so all the public will know just how dangerous people who use “narcotics” like marijuana are to themselves and others.
rudy says
well said sir
Sheldon says
How about an investigation first. What ever hapened to innocent until proven guilty?
Cliff says
One night on a ride along in Detroit or Philadelphia and you would be pissing your pants.
Gregory w Speck says
When something like this happens, I have
questions about the authenticity of streamed videos after some incident occurs
Did it happen like the video shows?
OK your boyfriend dies, and you immediately
pull out your smartphone, etc.to
record the aftermath. The policeman
Is judged immediately, and put on administrative leave. Where is the grief by the
Craig Apelbaum says
I see only in the Midwest, the police are a problem. A good officer knows how to use their authority. Not abuse their authority.
If you ask me. This police officer committed murder. There was no reason for this young man to be shot. All his car had was a broken taillight, and some marijuana. The young man let the officer know he’s licenced to carry a firearm.
All the young man was doing was going for his license and registration.And nothing else.He did not have to be shot.
Joe Milazzo says
I don’t know. It just seems that there is alot of this going on. I’m not siding with anybody but one thing for sure the young black people need to quit running from cops when it appears wrong doing is going on. If I’d run from a cop from being questioned, they’ed probably shoot me to.
Dane says
I think you missed a few things.
This man was sitting in his car, not running !
He was instructed to present his credential with which he complied and was shot in the process.
He was a licensed carry citizen doing exactly as the law prescribed by informing the officer that he was legally armed.
The problem is not a lack of respect for authority but rather a lack for black.
What this cop deserves and what he will get is the only diversion of reality.
Bud webster says
Dane, your blackness is clouding your judgement, everyone one of these cases, which are minute in the number of arrests overall, involves the militancy of the black community to submit to authorities. I know I do. Not because I’m white, but because that was what I was taught growing up, it’s all about parenting. Why did Michael brown rob and assault the clerk? Why did freddie gray have 27 prior arrests and run from the police? Didn’t travon makes his way to his fathers house only to double back, confront, then pound George’s head into the pavement? you, and other people of color convienantly forget what lead to the outcomes. All American should submit to authority. Not for some in the black community in these cases. Only Michael brown asked to be killed. Going inside the car, after assaulting the clerk, then the police officer, and grabbing for his gun, charging the officer, really?, where is the black community
Condemning the acts of militant people in the community, instead we get radicle mob rule protests and race baiters like al freaking shartpton? While cops phobia, when the driver of Freddie grey was black?. Please Dane please, black lives matter consists of militant anarchists. Wake up out of your own prejudice.
bub says
All you say is true except for the “Black” assertion. There are police out there abusing their power against all peoples, not just black. It’s not a color thing, it’s a power thing.
Joe Milazzo says
I don’t know. It just seems that there is alot of this going on. I’m not siding with anybody but one thing for sure the young black people need to quit running from cops when it appears wrong doing is going on. If I’d run from a cop from being questioned, they’ed probably shoot me to.
Alan Brandenburg says
The video started after the shooting and is of very little relevance. Now it is a he said she said on why the shooting occurred. I know it is very difficult for the cop haters to do, but how about we learn the facts before we hang the officer.
Dane says
Okay, the facts are that the cop is at home with his family and the man is dead.
The fact is that there was no visible gun in the mans hand and there was one in the cops hand.
The fact is that the cop was shaking in his boots.
The fact is that the girl was not shot as she had every chance to use her boyfriends supposed gun I’d killing a cop was a plan.
The fact is that they were pulled over for a broken tail light, which is punishable by death.
Just so you know, I am not a cop hater, quite the opposite, it’s just that my idea of law enforcement does not validate senseless killings by our of control and scared cops.
As well I don’t buy into the idea that all cops are innocent of wrong doing regardless of the circumstances.
How can the cops always be right and the black man always wrong?
TangleF says
I think the training and procedure are geared way too aggressive, like shoot first and ask questions later. And it’s not like this person was important or upstanding citizen, just another thug that needed of the streets.
Policemen are very important people and mostly regarded as heroes “putting their life in danger in the line of duty every day” as judge janine often says.
Wilburn Rodgers says
It’s comments like this that give the younger ones the incentative to keep doing what they want because some one like you is right there to let them know you back them up. The guy said he had a gun and was certified. The cop says stop right there! Keep your hands in sight! So called victim continue reaching for his wallet or the gun? Had he showed his hands empty, he would still be alive. You don’t seem very bright either.
Arthur Hartsock says
I live in St. Paul and saw the local news coverage. It doesn’t look good for the policeman in this case. He’s probably facing major/capital charges. Extremely poor judgement by this cop.
Xiomara says
A life is gone…
She does sound sincere
When the boyfriend said i am armed
Should never reach for his pocket!!
TEACH PEOPLE TO PUT ARMS UP HANDS UP!! And do not move!! Obey!!! Obey commands from police!!
Slowly. Follow directions!!!!!!
But, a precious life is gone, i am so sorry
EDUCATE PEOPLE !!!! Follow commands at the voice of the officers!!!
Should not have !!!
Please all who have license to carry!! Be alerted by this!! Keep hands where officers can see them and do not move!! Follow orders
Do not ever go ahead of them!!!!
Obviously the officer was scared!!!!! Too much for him….
Nerves played a horrible trick on them
Damned!!! Terrible… Mistakes. Unfair!!
Feel horrible for the child!!
And weed. Should not raise a child like to think of any habit as such being normal
The child! Someone should provide theraphy to mother and child!!!! VERY TRAUMATIC
AND… No!! Not everyone uses. Weed!!! NO.
Please. Knowww that.
Stay clean and alert. Healthy and alive !!
Most felt condolences to all who Loved him; May his soul be at rest. in the presence of the allmighty Lord
Dane says
Very sentimental your comment by widely misdirected.
The weed was not found until after the incident so no excuses there.
We are all supposed to be taught the law and our duty to be complicit to such, we all is supposed to include the cops.
Don’t try to place the cop on some kind of petistal of riteousness, he was wrong in every sence of the word and deserves to be held accountable for such, but we all know well that nothing bad will happen to him as he is a do-no-wrong cop and the dead man is black. End of story
Dr. Clifford N. Alford says
This was not about a black man. This was about a man who was exercising his 2nd Amendment Rights, and was executed for it.
Joe Milazzo says
This guy may have not been running this time but many have run in the past shootings. When apprehended, they or anyone else needs to stay put until the cops tells them they are free to leave.
Sheldon says
How about an investigation before we put the officer in front of a firing squad. No one minds, do they?
Barry says
This is the time that we are living in and all lives matters. Until we come to the true and loving God evil will continue to run rampant. It is time for the believers to come out and stop the devil from stealing and killing our people. We have to power according to God. My prayers to all that’s going through this. Church you have been given the power it’s time to stand.
Becca says
Whatever happened to officer friendly??
retired says
officer friendly went out the door when respect for cops and citizens as a whole went out the door !
Wanda leonard says
OMG I think the cop just wanted to kill some one ,that’s why they want to become a cop If you check back on the cop i will bet he was a hell raiser growing up ,all the cops that I know are full of themselves full of bull shit why would any one want to be a cop it does not pay very much they do it because it makes then feel big ,
jeff says
sounds like you just don’t like police. Makes me wonder about your back ground.
Wanda leonard says
Oh buy the way I have a lot of cops in my family ,my uncle was a sheriff for 32 years I don’t like cops I saw a cop beat up a teen in Orlando three cops to one little boy I think he took something from target that’s what the cop said they bet the shit out of him the kid was crying real loud for them to stop and he was sorry ,they did’nt stop that’s why I don’t like cops I think all are bully’s. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
retired says
Got to give it to the girl she seems pretty calm for just seeing her boyfriend getting shot?? what happened before the shooting was this also videoed ??
wvhillbilly says
Seems to me police have become way too trigger happy lately. Seems like the protocol of late has become shoot first and ask questions later, and this IMO has led to many unjustified and unneccessary incidents of police killing innocent people for no good reason . Matter of fact about the only incident I can find justification for was when a police officer fatally shot Michael Brown who was charging at him like a mad bull and had previously attempted to steal the officer’s gun.
Seems to me at the very least this officer should be fired, and maybe be tried for manslaughter or murder. He certainly should not be let off with a free pass.
Wanda leonard says
If I was black I think I would just stay in my home for fear of being murder by a cop what the hell is going on how can anyone hate you for the color of your skin that’s so sad ,God loves blacks not just whites cop you will pay for murder of this man when you meet your maker.
Wanda leonard says
Jeff no need to wonder about my back ground I have a clean back ground never a speeding ticket or never went to jail I grew up around cops and I know how they are they like to talk about the people they pull over ,what about your back ground Jeff ?
Bonita says
I am 69 years and it has been my experience that the police do pull black people over more than others.i am so sad that that long after my generation tried hard to end the hatred in our society,it still exits. There is only one race -Human! That understanding is important . I lived in a multi-color neighborhood all my life. Our neighborhoods are too divided,this is one reason we fear each other. No, I don’t think people will change their neighborhoods. But maybe we can make an effort on our workplaces to come together at lunch.stuff like that might show us how similar we are.it is a natural place for conversations about our families to begin.