President-elect Donald Trump has new information on the 2016 election — and he’s going to reveal it to America this week.
Speaking outside his Palm Beach, Fla., club, Mar-a-Lago, Trump told reporters he would make public new information on the so-called Russian hacking conspiracy theory being pushed by the mainstream media.
“I know a lot about hacking,” Trump said, “and hacking is a very hard thing to prove, so it could be somebody else.”
He added that, as president-elect, he also aware of “things that other people don’t know. And so they cannot be sure of the situation.”
Trump then told reporters asking what he knew, “You’ll find out on Tuesday or Wednesday.”
Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer backed up Trump’s promise, telling Fox News Channel’s “Fox and Friends” that the president-elect knows “things that other people don’t know” when it comes to the Russian hacking conspiracy the mainstream media is reporting on.
Spicer also said that Trump is getting national security briefings “on a daily basis” and “there doesn’t seem to be conclusive evidence” Russians were behind the hacking of Democratic emails during the election.
Spicer also dismissed on Monday a report released by the FBI and Homeland Security Department supporting the accusations against Russia, calling it a “how-to” manual on basic cybersecurity for Democrats.
In an interview on NBC’s “Today Show,” Spicer said President Barack Obama only punished Russia after Democrat Hillary Clinton lost the election and that the recent sanctions were politically motivated.
Trump has announced plans to meet with intelligence officials in coming days to learn more about the allegations. He said he wants U.S. officials “to be sure because it’s a pretty serious charge” and pointed to intelligence failures over the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before the U.S. invasion.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Greg Torchia says
That’s right we love our new president and he hasn’t even been inaugurated yet imagine that
Scott says
I hope he reveals that it was a democratic employee that released the hacked emails and put this stupid stupid subject to rest. For 50% of Americans that listen to Obama speak, you can tell he is skirting the issues, he only suggest that “Putin must have been aware” but doesnt have any evidence or even makes the point cear..all of it is sound bites. I would like to see it all blown open and prove that the Dems need to look at their very flawed candidate and realize they lost because of her
Joann Holmes says
Why would anybody in their right mind believe anything that comes out of obama’s mouth he has proven to be the worst liar around.
Carol says
Dear Joann,
Obama has proven to be the most “Excellent” liar, not the worst.
I agree with your sentiment.
Joanne Riccardi says
Obama will go down in History as the worst President of the USA. He is laughed at and not respected by other world leaders. He is so embarrassing. I am sure we all can’t wait till he leaves the Capital and lets a real man in to lead our great Nation.
lovezion says
HAHAHA! But we should clarify that he’s the worst liar: quality wise (repulsive), and most excellent liar: in quantity (too many) . . .
jim hane says
Obama is a great orator, very persuasive, all talk and no action! He truly sounds great but doesn’t produce any good results. He’s a professional politician and an “actor”.
He’s extremely cunning – doesn’t always tell the WHOLE truth!
Bill says
You nailed it with that statement!!!
YouKnowWho says
second worst. hitliary gets first place.
Jeanette says
I don’t know; she at least is a U.S. citizen, as far as we know.
Obama has apparently pulled off a massive fraud regarding where he was born, and who and what he is. He has fooled millions of Americans, and billions of others worldwide.
Jeanette says
The same people who vote that the media should tell them what to think, probably.
Lori says
That’s for sure!!
cliff says
I am a believer that the Democrat that was shot and killed while walking the streets in DC was the person responsible, and the “Russian Connection” was just a “cover story” to place blame on someone other than “one of their own” that apparently got tired of the double-speak and LIES.
Missy janie says
I am in complete agreement with your conclusion. I now wonder where the fellow in charge of the Clinton crime foundation is. Apparently he has disappeared. Proximity to the Clintons has been a deadly area to be in for decades.
jude2811 says
Jinx58 says
I agree we should delve into the Vince Foster “suicide”. No blood at the scene. I am pretty sure that Clinton and Pelosi can shed some light on that one. HA like that is gonna happen.
Jay Bell says
Indeed. Why would Wikileaks offer a $20,000 reward for information leading to the capture and conviction of the killer(s) of Seth Rich unless he was Wikileaks’ source for the DNC leak? Wikileaks is not a wealthy organization–why would they take that step, if Seth Rich was really the victim of a random D.C. street crime? We know that robbery was not a motive because his wallet, credit cards and cell phone were on his body when found. Seth Rich was purportedly a Bernie Sanders supporter before he joined the Clinton team.
gilee says
I am in total agreement that it was a DNC supporter that killed Seth Rich. I myself believe that he found out and had info on the DNC’s sneaky plot about Bernie being ousted and also about a lot of other things that the Clinton regime didn’t want revealed. Russia never ever entered into any accusatory story until Hillary lost and she and Obama openly put out a hit on Julian Assange because he knows too much. Assange is not fool and he is into all kinds of info about the United States and their underhanded tactics and the CIA’s unsubstanciated role in all this Russian hacking bull crap. Hillary and Dick Cheny are two war mongers of a kind. They want war so they can sell weapons.
Ir wouldn't do to get the upper handishEyes2c says
No, I think it’s more about the murder of DNC employee, Seth Rich. That’s in addition to his previous offer for information of $25,000. It’s was never a random crime, it sounded more like a hit. It wasn’t a robbery as you said because they left his money, credit cards, watch and cell phone. I’ve always have wondered if Soros is responsible for all of the deaths that surrounded the Clinton’s. He had given up some members of his family to the Nazi’s, basically sending them to the death camps so nothing this man does would never surprise me. Seth was an analyst so maybe he came across some information that he shouldn’t have seen. The two reporters who also died under mysterious circumstances as well. The male reporter told a friend that he found some very damaging information on Hillary and let his friends know he would never kill himself, but “IF” he ended up dead it would be murder. The female had her suitcase packed and plane tickets, if she was going to commit suicide then why buy airline tickets or pack her suitcase?
Dan Pippin says
The Clinton folks only started talking about Russian hacking after Seth Rich was murdered. Who had the most to gain by his murder?
Maxx says
The young man, a Clinton campaign staffer that was shot in the back as he walked home after work was murdered for a reason. He was killed and according to L.E. authorities there was no evidence that it was a typical crime such as robbery or drug deal gone bad etc.
jim hane says
His murder is probably a “political assassination”!
There are still too many unanswered questions.
wandamurline says
It was and he is now dead….a young man in Washington walking in his neighborhood, shot twice in the back….was formerly a member of Killary’s campaign.
Jay Bell says
And before that, he was reportedly a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Jeanette says
Lie down with Clinton dogs, and you might not get up at all.
Maria says
Obozo is a worthless president, I hate to call him president, can’t wait till he leaves office.
Sherry Brookshire says
I emphatically agree with you. He is such an embarrassment . The door can’t escort that fool out of the White House fast enough. Good Riddence Obama. Just go away and leave the American people alone. We’ve had more than enough and we know how evil you and Hillary are. You both are traitors and should be locked up. You sold us out , betrayed us and tried to destroy our nation.
Flame says
Don’t call him the P word, Maria. I haven’t for 8 years, and I won’t start now. Refer to him as the “occupant of the White House” or the “Usurper.”
Jinx58 says
I don’t believe the birth certificate that he supplied is the real one. I still believe he was born in Kenya.
Jeanette says
I usually put (alleged) in front of “President” or I use the term “faux president.”
Charles E Smith says
I think if the Russians wer to hack our election they would be helping Hillary. I’m sure they probably backed Comrade Bernie. It stands to reason that they would back a fellow Communist
Jay Bell says
Except that the Russians in control of the Kremlin are not Communists. Putin and those of the Kremlin today are Russian nationalists. But, in any case, they likely would have favored Clinton as they would look forward to controlling her with blackmail over all of her crookedness. What is so stupid about all of this is that ALL nations spy on every other nation. That’s just what they do. The movers and sharkers also try to manipulate elections all over the globe. Obama tried to influence the last Israeli election because he and Netanyahu despise each other.
William Meredith says
The Russians are not communists anymore.
Jeanette says
The people in Crimea and the Ukraine might not agree.
Larry Eisenberg says
Let’s focus on facts – I know the Hillarybots are having a ball commenting about tiny thumbs, Nazi, we are doomed – but these are just emotional responses. I’ve stopped insulting them back, taking a cue from Putin who is ignoring Obama’s insulting behavior, thereby ultimately making him look foolish. Same can be done to these Dems…get them to offer evidence, facts, etc. Open a dialog. I’ve tried, and actually found one Dem who is willing to act like an adult, giving me new insight to ponder.
Jeanette says
Wow! You get some kind of award! Dems willing to listen are really hard to find!
Generally, they have supported murder, rape, and torture by supporting Obama, so to them murder, rape and torture are just peachy, especially if committed by Obama’s favorites: illegal aliens and Muslims.
But non-Democrats aren’t even allowed to TALK.
Truth is of no value to most Democrats, only their team affiliation (and any monetary benefit they get from that affiliation) are of any value.
clarence inglett says
Now I know why we have the “fifth amendment”,……what in the HELL would the democrats do without it?!?!?
Daniel Spickard says
Let’s see who listens to any democrats after Trump puts jobs, a decent healthcare back into this country! Let’s see who listens to democrats after we throw out all the illegal trash from our country!
Jerry says
What the media should talking about is the creepy content of Hillary and Posestas emails.
Jeanette says
I agree – that is potentially the worst information that could be exposed about anyone, and it’s being ignored, even by Fox.
Tellingly, a couple of websites that have carried copies of the emails and have explained how the pedophile code words worked and shown how many “love little girls” symbols and “love little boys” symbols and “love both little girls and little boys” symbols have been on a shocking number of company logos – those websites and You Tube channels with similar content are being attacked, and in some cases, shut down.
Seems someone doesn’t want us to know about the elites’ Satanic practices, even though they are flashing their tendencies at public events constantly.
Paul says
I bet it was the FBI
Gary says
There were leaks from inside the DNC by a Bernie Sanders supporter. That’s not a hack. How did Seth Rich really die? It certainly wasn’t a failed robery. Investigate and you have the leaker. A Bernie Sanders supporter. Russian hack is all a convenient cover up. It’s what the Dems are always about. Who believes Brennan after his past lies and missteps . He is a national disgrace .
steve says
it has already been proven to be an inside job..
keith mc williams says
I was always ashamed to call obama our president , But Trump on the other hand is too cool ! Thank you Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!
Trelly says
I am a patriotic Canadian and I fully support President elect Donald J Trump
John L. Somers says
Thank You from across the Border, Believe it or not most of us here in the States consider Y’ALL our Brothers and Sisters.
Maybe, just Mabey with our NEW and IMPROVED and HONEST President things will change and we won’t need a passport to visit Y’All nor us come om down and visit.
Ardie says
I too am a Canadian, not so proud any more with our new liberal Obama loving Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. We are in the same situation that you have been in for the past 8 years, ours is only one year into his 4 year term and it is not going well. I hope that maybe some how your Trump will maybe some how make a difference for us too. I also believe that Trump just might make a difference world wide. And I’m hoping that he doesn’t get assassinated like JFK did before he is able to get rid of the abusive, evil and crooked Federal Reserve. Trump is going to bring back the gold standard which will change everything. Bye Bye fiat currency……….Goooooo! Trump! blow that Trumpet!
Jeanette says
I hope that Trump will somehow help out our friends to the north – perhaps our situation will show that it can be done, if nothing else!
Angry Asian patriot says
Thank you Canada! Trump will guide the American people, and He will be guided by God, our almighty.
Paul says
jude2811 says
Brent says
thank you trelly
Jeanette says
Thanks for our friends from the North!
jim hane says
Thanks for your support. Mr Trudeau of Canada is also very politically correct, pro-Islam, pro-Muslim and quite anti Israel! Trudeau should be voted out of office!!
He’s a danger to democracy, justice and to Canada.
thomas says
I just want the truth for a change out of government!!! If anybody has been involved with Gov been in the Military You know they never tell the whole truth they push their agenda!!! Besides if the Russians did do this which I doubt seriously Why did Obama say such things after his girl lost? They been lying to us for eight years cheating the American people causing division and also allowing these dam Radical Muslims to set up shop here. Not to mention Obama trying to sway Israel’s election It would seem to me that they all are full of shit and are prosuing their own agendas. WE WANT THE TRUTH NOTHING MORE OR LESS! Their like dealing with a 5 year old with a big imagination !!
jim says
AMEN jr in boron calif.
Marilyne Kram says
Donald Trump Will be the worst President In History. He knows nothing about
what the people of this country Need, or what a good President would do for
the people or our country… He is to interested in his self.
Gr5ub says
You just described Obama
Georgia says
Gr5ub – YES, She Did !!
jude2811 says
Linda Anderson says
You must be a Muslim or simply a stupid person that has been living under a rock for 8 years.
Daniel Spickard says
Maybe you need to take a good look in the mirror!
Don says
she is on Hillary juice
Jay Bell says
All of the 40-70 year-old feminazi, Hillarybots are probably proof that women should have never been given the vote. There are many women who are able to think rationally but many other women appear to think with their gall bladders.
F. C. Hilnbrand says
Do you not find it hard to walk around with your head up your butt that far that you can not tell the difference between Obummer and a REAL President?? Soon to be PRESIDENT Mr. TRUMP knows MORE about what we need than Obama EVER did and he has done MORE for our country already than Obummer did in his 2 terms. Obummer has SPENT almost $100 MILLION on his vacations and he does NOTHING when he is here. He is a worthless POS. Well he is NOT worthless like he was BEFORE becomming President. Wonder where that money came from?? Not like he or Michelle were wealthy prior to him becomming LORD Obummer!! Even his children are worth MILLIONS and they are not even his children.
You really need to LEARN how t ouse a computer and read waht is out there about him. Oh one last thing TRUMP has tried to turn DOWN the money he is to get paid as President. He still has to takie $1 dollar. The rest he is putting towards the debt our country is in!!
Paul says
Go back to puppy’s an safety pins lmao
trumpt blast says
Marilyne kram not only have you described obuma to a T you describe mos of the democrats still in office nation wide !!! And like those democrats you ignore what’s right in front of your nose !!! Trump does know what the people wants as he is one of us over taxed over legistraighted and under represented by congress !!! And is tired of fake news makers called media
Dave says
You must be crazy if you think Trump is the problem and Obama has not been working to destroy our country. Democrats are like lemmings who follow the next idiot the party chooses for them Communist or Muslim. If we are very lucky the country might be saved from these criminals that have ruined this country.
Jeanette says
“Kram” – as in kram Obamacare down the throats of Americans who are now being economically decimated by that plan to take money from Americans and give it Muslims (who do not have to pay for Obamacare)?
Is that what “Kram” stands for?
Or would it be kram Muslims down the throats of non-Muslim America, while leaving a million Christians in the Middle East to be butchered (not merely “murdered” or “killed”) by Obama’s Favorite People, the Muslims?
I’m afraid my answer to you is: Kram it.
Vincent says
Hey kram. You are a fool and I stand with my other American citizens and pray you get the help you need.
Mike7 says
Obama promised in 2008 that his presidency was going to be transparent. I guess that is why he paid millions to have all his past records locked away for no one to see them, and the voters did not wonder or question any of that. The American voters should have said wait a minute, you just said you were going to be transparent and you pay to have all your private records hidden!
Here is another one, Nancy Pee lowsee, says just pass the Care bill and then find out what is in it, and our stupid Congress & Senate did just that, of course both were Democratically controlled at that time so what else could we expect!!
I Pray when the swamp is drained law and order will be rendered fairly to everyone, no matter what office they hold or who they are.
Greg says
Hey guys I voted for Mr. Trump but lets not give him a free pass like the dupes did for Mr. Obama. We must drain the swamp. Then secure the borders to keep out the illegals along with the terrorist. We voted for the whole agenda even prosecuting Mrs.Clinton if it is deserved.
Jeanette says
Trump will lose a lot of his base if he doesn’t at least TRY to do everything he promised.
LuvleeWA says
Hillary gave Russia OUR Uranium and they gave her 148 million. She CAN be bought so it seems silly the Russians would try to mess up her being elected.
This whole thing is a pathetic attempt to deflect from the content of Anthony Weiners 650,000 emails and “PIZZAGATE”.
Askjrsk says
The only hacking has been Obama in Georgias election That hacking should be thoroughly investigated and a OBAMA held accountable. Obama and his friggin legacy.
Askjrsk says
The only hacking has been Obama in Georgias election That hacking should be thoroughly investigated and a OBAMA held accountable. Obama and his friggin legacy.
Oh gosh no this isn’t a duplicate. You really must get your filters fixed. People become dissatisfied and move on. Please FIX YOUR PROBLEM
retired says
The whole point here is Trump is our new CIC and will be in for eight years….. there are a lot of pissed off people who will lose their jobs and Trump/Pence will appoint who they feel will work with them and not against them….. the two best men won the election fare and square…. Soros and a few others thought Clinton had it in the bag and did not…. a lot of wasted money on a dead horse (Hillary)…. the money soros lost might not bother him and others, it is the POWER they DO NOT HAVE NOW that really really pisses them off….
Trump/Pence 2016—2024
Pence/Trump Jr. 2024—-2032
Nancy says
Also, make note, the Department of Homeland Security’s “Russian hacking report” has a DISCLAIMER written right in it that says they don’t “warrantee” (odd use of that word) but it obviously means guarantee, the FACTS in the report are accurate. Democrats wagging their tongues over the “hacking issue” should first read the DISCLAIMER that is written in the Homeland Security’s report.
drbhelthi says
Inslaw´s PROMIS program of the 1980s was improved by the MOSSAD with a “trap door” that could not be detected. This program could have been used by the MOSSAD, or any of the US agencies that use it, to gain all the information that was available on the DNC computers. It could have been “leaked” in a manner that identified the employee who was murdered on the streets of D.C. (“Profits of War”, Ari Ben-Menashe, pp 131-134) The concept of “Russia” hacking the computers of anyone is a fraudulent cover story.
Considering the continuous spying and subterfuge done by Judaism´s MOSSAD, it is likely that MOSSAD was hired to hack DNC computers and use the results to scapegoat Russian leadership. Since 96% of western world news media is controlled by six, jewish-owned companies (tapnewswire com) we know who is behind the media blitz against Trump and Americans who voted for him. Using their front-man, BHObama, the israeli effort to reverse the choice for USPresident continues.
Jay Bell says
The globalist elites who are arrayed against Trump are anti-Christian in the extreme but they are mostly all atheists. They hate Muslims too but are willing to use them to bring the West to its knees. I do not believe that it was MOSSAD but rather an internal leak from a DNC staffer–if not Seth Rich, then someone else in the Dem ranks.
The globalist elites are very anti-Israel as well. As just one example, the globalist “socialist,” George Soros is the very visible head of an many-headed hydra and he is an ethnically-Jewish, atheist who hates Israel and all Torah-observant Jews. He goes about funding groups like BLM, Moveon, etc. He funds a lot of the anti-Trump mischief as well. In addition to owning many politicians, the globalists own the entertainment-media complex.
Jeanette says
I think the evidence is beginning to pile up that many of the globalist elites are practicing Satanists.
nancy says
Good Heavens, are you saying Israel conspired with Obama to work against Trump becoming president? Have to think have misunderstood your theories because that has to be the most off-the-wall conclusion I have ever heard.
Ron C says
Yeeesss….that pesky thing called the “Truth” has an amazing way of always finding the light. I guess that just gives the MSM & Democrat party fits…
Dc says
My first question is why would we not want to be on great terms with Russia? Second this is all created by Obama and the Liberals to undermine Donald Trump and I love her Putin handled and made an ass out of Obama by taking the higher Road I’m not playing these childish games and waiting did you business with Donald Trump go Trump ! Obama is merely trying to kick start World War 3 like is Isis and Muslim counterparts are doing he should be arrested for treason. Yes dumped on our biggest Ally Israel Andy throughout his presidency has only cited with all of our enemies do the math thank God this bastard’s going to be gone.
scott says
I think Owebummer’s fate should be to be forced out of an airplane and into shark infested water. That would make my year.
Daniel Spickard says
You trying to poison our waters? Maybe throw him down a deep mine shaft! That will take care of all the trash!
Jeanette says
Or just drop him into a Muslim stronghold where gay men are pushed off the tops of buildings. He loves the Muslims so much – that would be very fitting.
Everyman says
Trump is already making America great again!!
Everyman says
Trump is already making America great again!!
Fabian says
Ars Technica has deemed this report completely inconclusive. AT is sort of an authority in the IT space. Read the article.
Constitutionalist says
From what i understand, the democratic establishment shills for the NWO/OWG/globalist scum are saying that the Rooskies “interfered” with the election by hacking into the DNC and Podesta’s emails, then released them…oh, and that Assange is working with them, too. No doubt Judicial Watch and Project Veritas are also funded by them(btw, ALL of the foregoing are apparently still waiting for their checks to arrive…)
Didja notice that they’re NOT complaining that these alleged Rooskie hackers released LIES?
That’s the NWO scum for ya; scared to DEATH of the Truth.
Ronald Robinson says
Yes I am in full support of Donald Trump. I received an email this morning from a fedup. org. Face book would not allow me to open it. It was an article that encouraged supporters of Donald Trump to send email to Chuck Shumer who plans to fight Trump’s Supreme Court nominee tooth and nail. It appears we are goin to be unable to get any info that facebook is not allowing . It could be AOL that is causing the problem??? Anyone else having this problem???
Jeanette says
David Wilcock did the most thorough expose’ on Pizzagate (with translations of pedophile code words, images of pedophile symbols, etc.) that I’ve seen anywhere.
Although his You Tube videos didn’t have any Pizzagate material, You Tube has permanently taken down his channel.
I think this was the whole reason Obama handed over the Internet – so that free speech that wasn’t flattering to him and his NWO/globalist elite friends could be taken down.
frank says
Keep in mind the head of CIA and homeland security are muslims. Thank you OMAMA
Judy Lewis says
This is why I think the FBI under
May be doing a cover up
Muslim FBI , need to be investigated
Jeanette says
Obama answers, “You’re welcome, and I can’t WAIT to see you and the rest of the Americans living as a slaves of the my favorite people, the Muslims.”
jim hane says
I agree. Things will change under Trump.
William says
Screw the damn crooked dems and some of the crooked REPUBS. Drain the swamp clean up DC. No more bullshit and thievery from the damn politians, go get them Donald Trump and keep your word no matter who it hurts. You are the best one for president not the Hillary bitch.
Non-US observer says
Not an American, but couldn’t support a murder such as Hil Liar y
Yadja says
OK so Russia made Hillary lie about Benghazi right?
Russia forced her to use an server that was not secure?
Russia told Comey to make the address to the nation where he said she was negligent, could have been hacked by anyone, had Top Secret and Classified on her server and then said but hey not enough to prosecute.
Russia made Billy meet with Lynch on the Tarmac.
Russia made Comey write a letter to congress before elections saying hold the horses we got more then once again said oh wait false alarm.
Russia mad the men who were embedded with the DNC make the video where people admitting to voter fraud, how they did it and how they would continue to do it and Russia made those people say that.
Russia also told those preachers in the videos to say what they did about how they tell their congregations how to vote then bus them to polling stations.
Assange hacked into government at age 16 been going strong for 10 years and his exposures never found to be false. So we condemn Assange for telling the American people what our own news Media refused to do along with the Russians made Podesta,Soros,Obama, the main media and Hillary produce those damning emails?
BS and enough. Trump will tell it and all the more O and all will be implicated in nefarious activities to bring America under the control of the UN and communism.
Jeanette says
Frank W Brown says
Can you say TERM LIMITS??? Can you say IMPEACH???
TAZ says
Trust (& support) but Verify……
John G. says
HE WILL as well as righting the Ship of State which O’bozo the “Big Eared” Clown has steered directly onto the rocks.
the duck says
Along with that stupid lying bitch Hitlary about landing her plane under sniper fire and having to run to their cars.
John G. says
the duck – she can’t tell fact from fiction – she’s lied so much she doesn’t know the difference and doesn’t want to know the difference. The same is true of Slick Willie and the ex first daughter Chelsea the “Dits.
the basic truth says
You know what the only thing that really matters is the content of the emails. Nobody, not even Hillary or Podesta deny the the emails are forged, but the content is factual. No matter who did it, the Russians, a democratic insider sick of the corruption, or just smart college hacker we owe them a debt of gratiude in exposing thier lies. Hillary, Podesta, and the rest of the democrats are really not that upset with the Russians if in fact they did do it, they are upset they got caught!! End of this story, and let’s move on already!
Abe says
The end of January will be so revealing! Can’t wait!!
Ronald Dennison says
I will make my judgment after he is in office for a time and there is something to make a comment on.
Lou says
He’s already saved the jobs of 800 people in that factory in Chicago, AND he’s refused any upgrades to Air Force One because he knows it’ll raise our taxes! So he’s ALREADY doing good for the people even before he took the oath! Did Obozo do anything like that in 8 years?!
Della says
Same manure, different day. The same elites and corporations rule us no matter who is in office. The GOP already has bills lined up for the new president to sign, which they hope he will rubber-stamp. These will hurt working Americans of low and moderate incomes the worst, like cuts to Social Security (which Bush II stole from to finance his phony war) and Medicare. Any cuts to the bloated military budget? Not a chance.
John L. Somers says
First, Social Security was “BORROWED” by President Eisenhower and put into the GENERAL FUND.
I WAAS supposed to be put back and that never happened and I for one like to see it put back where it belongs.
REMEMBER it was SUPPOSED to be a “LOAN” and loans accrue INTEREST, now IF it’s paid back WITH INTEREST Social Security WILL be solvent for at least the next 50 years.
That’s why WELFARE CAN’T be touched, it was written in such a way that it will always be there and CASNNOT be used for any other purpose.
John L. Somers says
OH, I forgot to mention that Eisenhower was a DEMOCRAT !!
Terry says
In what universe was Eisenhower a Democrat? He was a Republican, and Nixon was his VP.
Get your facts straight.
Marilyn Gerhardt says
WRONG! He was a Republican!
LTBrown says
Check the sequence of the stealing from SSI. Between Johnson’s Great Society theft and the rest of the democratic control of Congress periods most of the money was taken. Go look AT THE SEQUENCE. To think that SSI (which is NOT and entitlement but a paid for INSURANCE for old age) was never intended to be the SOLE SOURCE of retirement for Americans as then they did save money, not spend like in a fire sale. If you are banking on SSI to carry you through retirement, you are one of those who was sold a pipe dream by FDR and the subsequent Democrats. For me I can take it now, but don’t as I can still work and make more than it would provide me. Second I have been actively invest small amounts for years and this year given we now have a BUSINESS experienced President, the investments will be sold, and will start to pay me far more than SSI. Everyone needs to save throughout their lives even a little bit at a time is far better than nothing and blowing it on gold car wheels, big screen TV’s and tablets. Personal accountability and and responsibility!
DarlK says
Ike first wanted to run for president in 1948 against Truman in the primaries as a Democrat. He was convinced to wait until 1952 and run as a Republican by his friends in the CFR. Don’t believe it? Read “The Politician”.
Lou says
Trump has a choice wether or not to sign any bill. That’s one of the priviledges of being a President. He’ll no doubt read the Bill over carefully, and if there’s something he doesn;t like, he can VETO it and send it back for changes. That’s how it works. He doesn;t automatically sign the Bills.
Don says
Given Obammies trust worthyness and truthfulness, it’s really hard to believe ANYTHING that comes out of Obammies mouth.
Raymond E. Patterson says
Main Stream Media has lost all integrity and no reasoning person should believe their distorted reporting. People who are employed by the Media are accomplice to the lies that are being perpetrated on the public. Regardless of what part of the media they work in, they should have the conviction and courage to reject employment in a tainted industry. They need to have more respect for themselves and seek the good of society as a whole. No one feels it would be easy, but, it would be the right thing to do. With the loss of employees, the Media would have to change for the better or go out of business.
Jeanette says
Most of our colleges and universities have been infiltrated by the communists for decades. So that’s the kind of “education” our journalist majors are getting. That, and the elites’ unconditional admiration for Islam.
Those graduates don’t mind at all the left-leaning of the news media.
Anne Rosales says
Yadja said it 100% right! if Russia had anything to do with the hacking of the DNC ,we should be thanking them for exposing what was really going on behind the backs of the American people by a party that pretends to be righteous.
Kat says
Trumps the man he walks the walk and talks the talk! Hey I hear the bus is leaving for all the haters and crooked media see ya!!
Robert Ballew says
Here is hoping this is the end of the dumoRATS and 8 years of total lieing by the Obamas and Clintons.
Really past time to dump the trash in Washington–Take out McCain and Graham as well!!!!
dale says
I am so tired of people talking about how. the hacking of emails might have changed the outcome of the election. the only thing that could have any effect on the election is the CONTENT of the emails. the dems got caught and the emails made them look really bad and it pissed them off. They did not say that the emails CONTENT were false . If Russia is behind the hacking, we should take it seriously and have a full investgation. Re member that the CONTENT of the emails is what the media fails to talk about!
Justin W says
It will be interesting to see what Donald Trump unveils. Before the election President Obama seemed to dismiss charges the election was rigged. If he knew otherwise he should have said so before the election. His waiting until after the election makes it look like this is nothing more than the attempt to discredit an election since he didn’t like the results.
John Soroka says
Hopefully we will be rid of the worst scum that has ever penetrated the upper echelon of government. I am talking about Obama and the Clintons. I am talking an 8 year nightmare hopefully ending.
Carolyn Reilly says
Obama and his wife are charming, highly manipulative and never faced the internal economic problems that left 50 million Americans in poverty. They spent 85 million dollars on vacations in their 8 year term, ferried the press around in Air Force One to places like Hawaii and ran. His Attorney General was from a law firm in NY that represents major banks and 5 of those were in trouble for questionable dealings. those banks found guilty were given fines not jail time. Holder returned to that firm and Loretta Lynch was appointed. she met with Bill Clinton secretly and was exposed. When Trump is sworn-in the balance of power is with him and Come from the FBI and these 15 Security agencies will have to report to him. Why does the US need all of these agencies? I hope Trump freezes all federal job hiring. He can’t fire people because the law and unions are a strong wall against terminating federal employees. He can freeze any new hires and bring in a consultant with bureaucratic experience like Sara Palin or Newt Gingrich to come in and asses productivity and actual reason to exist. the Pentagon is charged with hiding billions of dollars in waste-some years ago they managed to get rid of their staff of accountants and fraud became rampant. One program on American Greed described the massive fraud two sisters committed selling light bulbs to the military. their cost was monitored by computer but there was no monitoring of mailing expenses and they were killing the system with huge costs for sending the light bulbs.They went to jail after a basic contract review by an employee uncovered the fraud. There needs to be a change in ‘conferences’ held in Las Vegas, San Francisco and Hawaii for federal departments. I attended one federal conference on health from my department in San Francisco. It was held in our city. NO ONE attended any of the workshops but a Navajo Indian health worker and myself. It was booked for 700 people. It was a disgrace. the Navajo was shocked and very harmed as he told me,”we have so many health needs and I was looking forward to returning with so much information and. contacts.” I showed my boss photos of the empty meeting rooms and she sent a scathing letter to the Director in Washington. That ‘conference’ was just a free vacation for the federal employees. It was held in a very upscale hotel and cost a fortune.
Ric says
As far as firing Federal employees goes, a President can terminate the employment of them if there is sufficient legal justification. Remember that Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers due to their impact on the safety of the flying public.
scott says
Owebozo’s days are numbered. Can’t wait for him to get out of dodge and into a prison.
Vivian Ayen says
Yes I back Prestdent Elect TRUMP ! He is Honest and hard working for the people! That is why the crooks dont like him
they cannot pull the wool over his eyes and get away with it. I hope they face the judgement that is comming to them
soon~ I hope they feel a little of what they have put millions through. They need to be behind bars faceing being sex slaves
like they have done to those little children they have on that Island, They need to feel what its like being poor and in a dirty
cell.. wearing the same ugly uniform all the time. Oh I cannot say enough. yes I trust Mr. Trump!!!!!!!!
Dwight says
It’s very refreshing to have a President who actually wants the American people to know the truth about what’s going on. Not the usual White House / Media ( one in the same ) political spin. I’m impressed with President Trump so far. Hope it continues.
In order for me to have ” faith ” in anyone, they must prove to me, unequivocally, indisputably that the source of the information from the intelligence agencies is authentic. Any action thereafter, must be reviewed by all responsible heads of the agencies for any concession. Thereafter, the President, with the consent of the Congress, can take the necessary steps to initiate appropriate action.
Don Heinrich says
While I voted for Trump because he was against the globalists and establishment in both political parties. The Democrats took corruption to the nth degree. Trump wanting to drain the swamp made a big hit with me because I am a fraud examiner and I know just how corrupt politicians really are. Anybody at this point trusting the news of the bank owned media or what used to be called the main stream media and what many call the far left media is nuts.
That said Trump has just put a lot of ex-Goldman Sachs employees in key positions. That was not a good sign. What most people fail to realize is that it would take 5 to 7 years to build new plants for jobs. The only entity holding the stock market up is the Federal Reserve and that is the center of corruption in the United States. With derivatives moved under the FDIC umbrella by Obama he sold out all of us as those derivatives insure the EU against default and the EU is very close to default. If a derivative cascade is triggered the derivatives have precedence over deposit accounts and thereby would leave all of us without FDIC insurance. That’s what everyone needs to be concerned about… a breakdown in the banking system caused by Obama. That threat will carry forward until derivatives are moved back under commercial banks.
Michael says
Dear Marilyne
“Donald Trump Will be the worst President In History. He knows nothing about
what the people of this country Need, or what a good President would do for
the people or our country… He is to interested in his self..”
Should be corrected to:
“Donald Trump will be the worst President In history. He knows nothing about
what the people of this country need, or what a good President would do for
the people or our country… He is too interested in himself..”
You seem not to know very much yourself. I am therefor fairly sure you do not objectively listen to both sides of anything and are thus in no position to judge.
Disgusted says
Trump has demonstrated his uncanny insight so many times. First with the violence at his riots, he knew it was a paid provocation! Then he called out the relationship between top Clinton ally Abaden and Weiner. Both insights proved to be TRUE!
He talked about the birther issue, which has nothing to do with racism as the left says. Now he says he knows something about the DNC and Podesta
I believe that Obama is not a natural born citizen. Furthermore, I believe that Trump has had his own intelligence examine the bull twinkies reports claiming Russian hacking and that they have debunked the reports with real evidence.
Ric says
It’s amazing that with all the countless billions of dollars that we’ve budgeted into our intelligence agencies, with thousands of overpaid bureaucratic staffers on their payrolls, that we are constantly hacked by even third-rate nations like Cuba and North Korea. Obama wants to put all the blame on Russia and I’m sure they’re doing a lot of hacking too but since they can see what a political mess we’re in with Obama and the Democrats they would probably just rather keep laughing up their sleeves and let us implode due to DC cronyism and blatant incompetence. Intel experts and reports will tell you that the real constant hacking problem that we have is located 90 miles off our shores – Cuba. And the Obama administration and Demonrats don’t want to challenge their new buddies over there. They get a pass.
Andrew McNab says
I am a Canadian so try to keep my nose out of other countries business. However we in Canada are joined at the hip to United States as far as our economies go so that makes us a party to what happens in Washington. In my opinion Trump was elected fair and square according to the electoral process set up in the constitution. What incumbent president Trump does with regard to trade is critical to us Canadians. I doubt that his concern about NFTA is about Mexico than Canada. If he maintains a mutually beneficial l trade agreement with us and OKs the Keystone pipeline that would be enough for my endorsement of his presidency.
The problem with democracy is that sometimes the election goes against a bunch of vocal people’s wishes. Consider we poor devils in Alberta. We have a provincial government that is hell bent on destroying our economy and a Prime Minister in Ottawa who in 14 months has rescinded all the positive accomplishments of the former government and is running around the world with the taxpayers credit card squandering billions of dollars.
Ken Stelter says
Couldn’t handle the truth on that post – – – Huh?
Larry342516 says
Jeanette says
Or, just have his sealed records unsealed; those will probably prove that he was never eligible, which will mean that he was never legally president.
Poof! There goes that cushy retirement! Poof! There goes the $600 million that he was allowed to keep from his 2008 campaign. Poof! There goes his freedom after he is tried and (at minimum) jailed.
Mike Hutchinson says
Trump’s first day in office;
1. Nullify all Obama’s executive orders
2. Cancel all MSM broadcasting licenses
3. Allow local news outlets to operate as long as they report real facts
4. continue tweeting
5. Arrest Obama, Hillary, Bill, Bush 1 & 2, John Kerry, John McCain and various others known to the Joint Chiefs of Staff as
having committed fraud and treason against the citizens of the united states
jwb says
Joanne says
tommy harvey says
dont know if trump will be better or worse than we got now,,, will wait and see. i truly hope he’s as good as yall all think he will be.
Nadine Colvin says
Thank God, Donald Trump will be moving all the Muslims and Liberals out of the White House when he is inaugurated! We do not have to worry about a Muslim being ahead of Homeland Security, or Attorney General, or anything else!! Go President Trump!
RJintheUSA says
We need term limits, I don’t trust Congress, especially when the majority of them have become millionaires while in office.