President Barack Obama has said all of the politically correct things to the mainstream media, promising a smooth transition for President-elect Donald Trump’s team. But building tension in Washington proves Obama is doing everything in his power to sabotage Trump’s presidency — and the future of America.
Calling a peaceful transition “one of the hallmarks of our democracy,” and vowing to “show that to the world” in January, Obama proved once again to have no problem lying to the face of the American people.
It has critics in an uproar. In a letter to President-elect Mike Pence, multiple conservative groups addressed concerns that, before the end of his term, Obama will work to pass midnight litigation targeting American businesses.
The letter, signed by nearly 30 conservative groups, says, “It has come to our attention that a number of Departments and independent agencies are working furiously behind closed doors to bring significant, legally tenuous litigation against American business interests before January 20, 2017.”
It wouldn’t be the only way Obama is burdening Trump’s administration with legal fights. In just about every move since the president-elect’s victory, Obama has proven he wants anything but a smooth transition.
Directly following Trump’s election, liberals took to the streets across the country to protest his victory. Many of these protests erupted into violent riots which Obama failed to condemn. Instead, he encouraged protesters, saying, “I would not advise them to be silent.”
And that was just the beginning of his attempts to sabotage Trump’s success.
Trump has been clear about his hopes to vet potential terrorists, increase America’s oil production, remain loyal with our Israeli allies, and lower tensions with Russia.
In the last month, Obama has done everything possible to make those goals as difficult as possible.
On December 22nd, The Department of Homeland Security revoked the rules for the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, which was created by the Bush administration following 9/11 and required male foreigners from Muslim-majority nations, 16 years and older, to register with U.S. immigration authorities.
The system could’ve potentially served as a framework for Trump to vet immigrants from countries involved in terrorism and saved taxpayer money. Instead, it’s completely destroyed, an action that will force the incoming administration to spend time and money to create a system from scratch when there was already a working structure intact.
Trump has made other indications of improving our national security, which have been similarly sabotaged by his predecessor.
While campaigning, Trump promised complete energy independence from foreign nations. The Obama administration took Trump’s appointment of fossil fuel proponents to his Cabinet as a threat to his legacy, and banned offshore drilling to ensure the president-elect cannot fulfill his goal of U.S. energy independence.
On December 20th, Obama used his executive authority to ban the creation of “new offshore drilling in federally owned waters off the Atlantic coast and in the Arctic Ocean” according to The Washington Times.
The American Petroleum Institute official Erik Milito criticized the action, saying, “blocking offshore exploration weakens our national security, destroys good-paying jobs and could make energy less affordable for consumers.”
It doesn’t stop there, of course.
Who could forget the Obama administration’s shocking refusal to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israel? Trump criticized the move on Twitter, “We cannot continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect.”
Obama is making conscious decisions to stall Trump’s success once he takes office.
He is even still desperately blaming the Russians for Trump’s victory.
On December 29th, Obama ratcheted up tensions by imposing harsh sanctions on Russia as a retaliation for allegedly hacking the American presidential election — a claim disputed by Trump.
Four Russian officials and five entities were added to sanctions lists, while 35 Russian diplomats were suddenly kicked out of the country and two Russian compounds were shuttered.
Remember, these intense sanctions are without intense evidence. In fact, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who was responsible for leaking the hacked information during the election, provided contrary evidence to Fox News’ Sean Hannity, saying, “we have said, repeatedly over the last two months that our source is not the Russian government and is not a state party.”
It’s clear Obama is abusing his last few days of power to stop Trump from successfully and efficiently accomplishing the goals he promised to fulfill for the American people.
January 20th can’t get here soon enough.
— The Horn editorial team
Mike says
Another insult to add to your legacy!
bunky says
he lies and is a back stabber and compliments megyn kelly, both human garbage
JG says
he is an admitted illegal and a Muslin and he has admitted this but he is out to destroy the USA, which has been his goal all along.There is still the aspect of Marshal Lae hanging over us and you cannot believe anything the ah saays. Have your guns ready and plenty of ammno.
Mick says
He can now start attending services at the Mosque on a regular basis. I know this will make him very happy.
Ric says
Yeah, and bow down with his arse up in the air five times a day and fart at Alah.
relic211 says
Maybe they will throw him off a building when he returns to frequenting Gay Baths.
Scottie says
How would Muslims like it if an American would burn down a mosque or two, just like ISIS has burned down churches and temples. Guess they can just call it a freedom of expression.
RD says
Ric, when you bow down five times a day you have your arse to the WEST.
Rose T. says
Right On!!! Rose T.
Lee Walker says
Why not just destroy all of them (the mosques) on US soil and be done with it.
Charles Masterson says
Leonard Granger says
My brother and his wife visited the town in Kenya where Obama was born and they sell all kinds of items about Obama. They say his mother waited too long to go to HI on the airplane so the child was born in their country. She went a few days later to US and the documents were doctored up.
I in the military had a child born in Greece and she has a dual citizenship. Boys if they go back to Greece can be drafted in Army,
Wonder if Obama has a dual citizenship. Maybe he wants to go back???
James Cook says
Don’t you have to be a US citizen only to be president? Cruz gave up his dual citizenship with Canada over this stuff before the campaigning started.
fancee says
e the people have been saying ‘impeach’ for as long as I can remember and nothing has happened. It goes to show us that the corrupted system is saying ‘who cares’ what we the people says or wants. It looks to me like it’s going to take a war to rid ourselves of the ‘now’ system corruption, I’m sorry to say.
Danny says
If Trump can just prove his presidency was illegitimate because he is not born in the US then everything Obama has done will be null and void.
PattieA says
No, you are incorrect. Both are human feces.
ken s says
Glad to see this obama and megan kelly both finally go. Amen.
Susan Renee Geiger says
Why is he not in jail. IMPEACH THE P.O.S. He has done America nothing but harm. I hated him and his heshe the moment she spoke at the first Election stating that was the first time she could say she was proud to be an American…. You know what I said it then and I’ll say it again, They are both two Anti-American scum of the earth! Yea I’m talking about you Obama the Obamanation of Creation P.O.S
larry says
I am glad to finally be rid of this POS and his husband Michael!
David says
No its the Lame schmuck and ghetto girl
JohnG says
I wonder if Obummer’s exit speech next week will continue to blame George Bush for all of his problems while in office. Obummer has never accepted responsibility for his numerous mistakes. If Obamacare is his legacy, he’s been a 100% complete failure. We have been very lucky to have survived this Muslim president.
JG says
It aint over until 1/20/17 and Donald takes the oath and there will be fireworks from now until then and the illegal has stated he is not going away. Remember his only job before politics if you can call it job was Marxist organizer. The air heads in our country believe the illegal can do no wrong.. Lets recap he went to school in Hawaii, Ca, NYC, Mass all on a foreign visas He admits he is an illegal and they still do no believe it. How does a citizen go to school here on a foreign visa?. Lies, lies and more lies just like Hitlary.
Murders, traitors, corrupt criminal beings.
dennis penning says
He’s a real bonafide homo .I think he should join isis,,,,, then tell them ,hay I’m a homo,then see what happens. ,,But tell them while standing by a tall building.
David says
Every week another 2 high ranking democrat is under investigation for fraud or corruption
Angry Asian patriot says
Nice if Jeff Session starts investigating Hillary and other democrats. That’s why dems do not like him cuz he is the right one to replace AG Loretta Lynch, who’s another Clintons puppet
o'sure says
actually – mustefino – 1/16th – and that piece of crap is the best that that africans could put up !!
Ron Daugherty says
Mike, Obama has no legacy! He has become an embarrassing fool, promoting sedition against America and its citizens. He too should go to jail with Hateful Hillary, and pay back to the American people his and her wages for at least the last year. I’m absolutely fed-up with our governance – it’s total nonsense!!
Blue says
Neither he or Hilary should go to prison for their crimes against the USA and her people
They should both be the main stars in a public hanging on the White House lawn
Why would he be paid a salary for the rest of his life ? That’s just as ludicrous as his policies against the USA
This would show future corrupt politicians what to expect from the people they screw over
Emily11 says
Best post of the day!!!
Joan says
Amen, I want a front-row seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clara C Jones says
Right on…………
fancee says
We the people have been saying ‘impeach’ for as long as I can remember and nothing has happened. It goes to show us that the corrupted system is saying ‘who cares’ what we the people says or wants. It looks to me like it’s going to take a war to rid ourselves of the ‘now’ system corruption, I’m sorry to say.
RT440 says
Barry could use a good ole beat down.Traitor douche.I think President Trump is going to do WHATEVER he has to do to make every American prosperous.ANYTHING Obama does that has to be UNDONE will be, no problem.President Trump wants RESULTS not more political double speak blsht.He’s probably irritatated but not sweating all the stupid sht democrats are doing.
keith mc williams says
Obama is making an Historicle fool out of himself ! He needs a Spanking !
keith mc williams says
Can you imagine if Hillary would have won ! It would be the end of american civilization as we know it ,We would have become a muslim nation and been fighting wars on our own streets because they have not managed to take away a fraction of the guns americans have in there homes it un-fathomable what would have happened if hillary would have been our leader Thank you Jesus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scottie says
Amen brother!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fran Leard says
This sick miserable power hungry idiot will do everything in his power to try and destroy Trump reign.
Thank God the American people woke up after 8 miserable lying years of fraud, deception and cover ups and turned his back on our hero veterans and police officers.
Our country now has a President whom we can be proud of and fight for our country. God bless him.
Susannadanna says
This is WAY more than an “insult!” Obama’s lame duck behavior is CRIMINAL, and some of it is TREASONOUS. SURELY, this most crooked of all crooked lawyers in U.S. government is indictable for MANY things! For God’s sake–STOP THIS EVIL IMPOSTER!!
Nancy says
Yes not to mention what he plans to do on Jan. 15 with the infamous UN meeting to for all intents and purposes make it legal to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. They won’t succeed, of course, but it is another last ditch effort on that traitor’s part to create as much havoc as possible. He and Kerry are truly evil, evil, evil, evil.
Eugene C. Rasband says
Barbara says
Askjrsk says
Just another reason to hold this LIAR IN CHIEF accountable . GET THE ROPE!
Bud webster says
Legacy? Tyrantical tyranny against america as the first to ascend to the presidency as a total fraud. His father was never a naturalized citizen, and obama knew it. That is high enough a threshold for treason. He needs to be tried, when convicted, he needs to be hung. This would send a clear message to the progressive marxists to change they’re undermining of American sovereignty, sovereignty for their conquest of the satanic new world order. Obamas biracial heritage is no excuse as to why he hasnt been inpeached already. The progressive drone already calling for trumps impeachment, and hes closing deals before taking office hes done more than the dictator marxist know as obama
Beagle says
There is n excuse for him not to be held accountable except for the powers that be!
Rocky Venti says
obama; worst president(?) ever!
Now that’s a legacy for you!
Charles Rappa says
The first thing Trump need’s to do, is to deport this clown.. Put him in jail or ship him back to his home country, we know it’s not America..
Eugene C. Rasband says
What other DECENT country would have him? Execute him for is disregard for the Constitution!
He is just a low grade Bummmmm.
Ruth Smith says
He is really pissing me off what a piece of crap he is was and always will be, he really needs to be imported over to the middle east right in the middle of his buddies ISIS. They wont care who he is if he does them like he has done us Americans he will be headless.
Jazmin says
Obama Legacy of what he is doing will deminish soon after trump will be inaugurated.. I don’t pay attention to what se says soon as he is out in the White House Obama means nothing he is history Nada nothing …lol
William G Munson says
Let me explain something to the people the Bible states the the Devil or Satan is the Father of lies and the Truth in nit in him and can you tell that the truth in not in Obama Period ,a
Eugene C. Rasband says
Ever since O-bum-a took office 8 years ago, he has lied repeatedly to the American people. He should never been elected! We, the American people accepted his “reign” with deference and dignity. Apparently, he does not know know the meaning of these two words. He should be booted out of Washington and sent back to Chicago. (Maybe with a little luck he could be one of the countless murders in that city!) Once January 20 has come and gone, we should turn this sad page in American history and be glad it is over! Unfortunately, that will not be easy. He has done so much damage to our country and its standing in the world, it will be VERY difficult for us to regain our position in the world, if at all possible!
I was so hopeful years ago (even though I hadn’t voted for him) that he would do what was right for the U.S.A. He did NOT! We must undo every mistake he made with no apologies. It will be difficult to undo the boondoggle of ObamaCare. This legislation destroyed the health insurance industry in the U.S. and it will be difficult if not impossible to correct this MISTAKE! I can only hope that we can pull together to undo ALL that HE did to destroy this formerly GREAT nation. Patriotic Democrats (who I hope exist) must unite with conservative Republicans who wish to conserve this country and its freedoms to do just that, to CONSERVE this representative democracy, by undoing ALL the damage O-bum-a’s administration has done and restore the freedom of our citizens!
Debra Cherney says
JUST GET OUT!……L E A V E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Debra Cherney says
JUST GET OUT!……L E A V E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Salvatore DeNuzzo says
I can’t wait for January 20th. This man (Obama) is nothing but a, fill in your own words.
Dc says
Is birth certificate is a fake he is a Fake he has done everything to destroy America let’s hang the gay delusional ass clown, or at least send him back to Kenya where he came from .
And then try the entire Democratic party for treason for lying to the American people with all their corruption and globalist agenda.
Thank God for Donald Trump save America make America great again
Askjrsk says
All the words that come to mind are not printable. He’d rather start a world war than give up the presidency, he can’t get his head around that after eight years of failure ITS OVER.
Salvatore DeNuzzo says
I can’t wait for January 20th. This man (Obama) is nothing but a, fill in your own words.
MAS says
The only difference between bho and feces? One flush usually washes away feces.
gofigure says
Im hoping this will be the last of the democrats.I always voted democratic but now i am embarrassed to be called one.Between obama and hillary they have made me lose faith in their corrupt and childish party.I know of many many more that feel the same way. Good job aholes.
Giz says
Gave them enough rope and they hung themselves.
Justcause says
I agree with the ban of offshore drilling in the Arctic. Haven’t we caused enough damage by oil companies in the Gulf of Mexico and in Alaska because of the lax regulations a la Bush for drilling off shore. Don’t fool with Mother Nature.
Christine Cat Woman says
I agree.
Margaret says
I AGREE! The Arctic is too fragile WHEN there is an oil spill/leak!
RayK says
I too agree. Arctic = Off Limits! Same for fracking. I don’t think all that damage & pollution is worth the damage to our beautiful Mother Earth.
Askjrsk says
I agree. No more automobiles, heating , electricity trucking or any use of fossil fuels and no fires. Walking for the masses and warmer clothing and running to keep warm in the winter.
Carolyn says
Amen.Excellent liberal ” logic”
Askjrsk says
I agree. No more automobiles, heating , electricity trucking or any use of fossil fuels and no fires. Walking for the masses and warmer clothing and running to keep warm in the winter.
This is not a duplicate
Ban Prius and Tesleas they take coal consumption to run the power grids.
Eugene C. Rasband says
How true, but “environmentalists” can’t think that far ahead! Where does all this “clean electric energy” come from? Power plants! The only “clean” electric power comes from hydro-electric power plants! All other electric power comes from the burning of some type of fuel, gas, coal, etc.
Axon says
It seems that everyone is always quick to blame the oil companies.
The oil companies actually spend millions on keeping the environment safe.
The oil companies finance an independant company named CLEAN SEAS. They station men, equipment and boats at various points along the coast. This enables quick response to any spills, wheather by oil companies or other ships.
On shore there was a bridge or dam which the wildlife was using to cross, ASeperate bypass bridge was constructed for the wildlife, surprisingly after a short period the wildlife stopped using the dangerious bridge and only used their bridge and did not attack eachother.
The pipeline created warm areas where wildlife spend their time in the minus 60 degree weather
If you look at an area where they wish to drill, nothing is growing there because its to cold, it’s totally baren.
A friend of mine worked there for years, I asked him about getting colds. He informed me he never got sick out on the north slope, to cold for the germs.
The politicians always show you pictures of the Denali Wilderness area which I agree totally, It should be protected, IT IS, IT’S A NATIONAL PARK.
Askjrsk says
LNG scientists agree is cleanest fuel most efficient. If it should leak it turns to steam. It’s been banned by people who drive Prius. Folks can’t heat their house but plent of fuel for Priuses. They would never park and walk !
Jay P says
“Its relatively high cost of production and the need to store it in expensive cryogenic tanks have hindered widespread commercial use. Despite these drawbacks, on energy basis LNG production is expected to hit 10% of the global crude production by 2020.(see LNG Trade)” Just general information.
RD says
Mother Nature is the master of balance. The earth has gone through catastrophic events in the past and has survived. Man, however, may go the way of the dinosaur. An oil spill is like a mosquito bite in the eyes of Mother Nature. I do not think we will disappear any time soon. If it can be prevented, great. If it happens, clean it up and move on. Man-made atrocities happen every day. If it were not for adversities, man would not have survived this long.
Doris Rutledge says
Can’t get him out soon enough. ..never a more damaging President in American history. ..has set back racial relationships at least 60 years.
Jana D. says
Buh bye BO. You will be far less missed than you ever thought. Or there are those brainwashed minions who will always bow the knee to you, but your time is past. Hooray!!!!!
Gary says
This Muslim sympathizer President will go down as the most ignorant and inept sitting President in the history of the United States. Only 16 days until this buffoon is swept out of office to become forever irrelevant.
John says
America (at least the stupid ones) thought we were getting an African lion, instead we got a lying African.
He lies more than Bill Clinton and THAT takes some doing. Adios, loser.
Askjrsk says
Never had a president before kneel and kiss another leader of a foreign government. Wonder why OBAMA never got punched in the nose?
Justcause says
If anything, the US should be spending tax money on nuclear fusion. This is a cleaner option that will in fact bring the US energy independence.
Jeff says
Yeah! Can’t wait to get a nuclear pick-up truck.
Askjrsk says
Glows in the dark like my tomatoes.
RD says
Don’t laugh. Look over the shoulder of a twelve year old’s phone; that is tomorrow’s main news.
JEAN says
146 pages of evidence regarding Obama’s illegal presidency were sent to all members of Congress some years ago. Apparently they were all afraid for their lives to say anything. Now that Obama will be out of power, perhaps someone will have the intestinal fortitude to tell the truth. Then, all of Obama’s rules and regulations can be declared null and void.
Irene Elizabeth Grooms says
Its sad cause Obama could have been a president that could have accomplish many thing for America. But he chose the wrong path and that is why so many didn’t want that path any more.
J.E Hay says
Obama Needs To Have His Fucking Neck Stretched Along With All Of His Treasonous Accomplices In Both Houses Of Congress Like Chickenshit Chuck Shummer, Nazi Slut Nancy Pelosi, Etc. It’s Time To Remove This Trash From Our Government Right Fucking Now Instead Of Maybe Later Or Nothing Constructive Will Never Get Done And This Country Will Go Tits Up. Enough Is Enough Our Elected Officials Should do What They Were Elected To Do Or Step Down And Let The People Elect Someone Who Will Do Their Job And Do It Properly. Get Er Done Mother Fuckers!!!!!!
larry dawson says
Give them hell ,J.E ,well said!!!!!!!!!
PattieA says
James Richardson says
you said it just right,,!!!!!!!!!! lol
N Crosby says
I believe that Obama’s actions are those of a traitor who continues to use his remaining power not simply to cause problems for President Elect Trump, but to damage our democracy anyway possible. Fortunately he will no longer have this power after Jan 20th, but we should remain vigilant that he, & others of his persuasion are not able to continue as they have. I have never seen our country come so close to being overtaken by leftists!
Don says
Unfortunately, O’BLOW HOLE will be providing liberal/progressive commentary on EVERYTHING that President Trump does, and that garbage will gladly (dutifully) be carried by the lame street media.
He would do America a great favor by just shutting his pie hole and slithering back under the rock that he and his family crawled out from under.
Wan says
It is very sad. So many American can possibly vote for this guy.
Dennis says
He, BO. Stated that he would
Stand with his Muslim brothers at this point in time I believe that to be the only true statement he has made as president of these United States. It is also my personal belief he is a traitor to this country, and should be treated as such for his disregard for our laws and our people. Which is quite evident with his immigration policies. It is his duty to protect this country and its people before those of other countries, instead, he has welcomed into this country , foreigners who hate Americans and some of those foreigners have raped robbed molested and killed Americans, it was with in the presidents power to prevent this, instead, he enabled and promoted that makes him a criminal in my book and the courts should be deciding his fate, instead of paying him a yearly retirement for the evil he has brought to this country.
Dennis Buckley says
Remember Obama’s controlled and armed 80,000 blue shirts, and the many prisons around the country that are waiting for the president to declare Marshal Law to be filled. 16 days to go !
Alan says
There is only one word that explains this NON-AMERICAN. Actually there are many and I have used them all, but the best one I can think of is PATHETIC
Sieg H says
In a letter to President-elect Mike Pence please fix this
kenc says
What Sieg H says is a not so veiled threat to president-elect Trump and should be investigated by proper authorities.
Now who has the balls to investigate and publish the college and pre college history of Obama that has been blacked out of our history books and hidden from american public for the last ten years? My dad said follow the money. Who paid for his school? What is this about multiple names and and multiple social security numbers and visas used?
kenc says
This comment of president-elect Mike Pence is a not so veiled threat to the only president-elect Trump and should be investigated by proper authorities.
Now who has the balls to investigate and publish the college and pre college history of Barry’s that has been blacked out of our history books and hidden from american public for the last ten years? My dad said follow the money. Who paid for his school? What is this about multiple names and and multiple social security numbers and visas used?
snake hunter says
Can’t wait for the volumes of books tracing Barry’ escapades from his opening “Apology Tour” to his “Hast-la-vista” speech during his Only Presidential Visit to his home (?) town, Chicago. So many many scenarios, the mind boggles. How intense is the irony that he set national records in at least 3 Presidential categories : Golfing, Vacationing, and Transplanting Congressional Functions Into The U.N., all with his little LEFT HAND. Might there be a fairy-tale-formatted version for kids and snowflakes including a comforting ball of play dough for the delicate reader ? How about the opportunity for a Broadway musical, “Doing The Lame Duck Tango” ? How many MORE hand grenades can he toss over his shoulder as he exits the White House ?
RD says
Les Pullen says
The American voters have long memories, Obama and his cronies are doing their very best to destroy the democrat party, what a bunch of sore losers.
Les Pullen says
The American voters have long memories, Obama and his cronies are doing their very best to destroy the democrat party, what a bunch of sore losers.
Frank says
The American people do not know that Obama is going to live in Washington DC close to the white house after January 20 and the reason for that so he can create problems for the president elect. That Obama need to move to Hawaii and stay there to play golf and get the hell out of here.
Jimmy says
yeah,, thats the one thing I know he will, he dosnt want to move back to Chicgo , DC is alot better place ,,,lol
The Beck says
He is nothing but a lying jackass who has done any and everything he could to ruin this country.
Mr Bee says
Watch the swamp drain to half it’s size when O BOZO leaves office. Go Trump!
H Dean Gates says
It is surprising to me that more people don’t see that Obama is not making mistakes-a least according to his agenda. He is doing everything he can to make America just like the third world nations. Hussein is a Communist leaning Muslim that wants a One World government and Sharia law applied globally. It is not hard to understand why someone of his ideology would want to be POTUS, but why Americans would vote for him is a mystery to me. If one were with Obama in the Red Wood Forest in California and were ask him a question, he would rather ascend the tree to a 300 Ft. perch and tell a lie rather stand on he ground and tell the truth. Satan is the father of lies and liars and he has some special children.
We need to pray for our country and its leaders now more than ever.
j S says
Everyone sees the many problems which obama is making, unfortunately, few people want to point them out.
dolinda balch says
Very glad and happy to see the Obama leave. He was a total disgrace to our Country. The United States of America will be on a road to recovery when this traitor to our values is gone.
John G. says
Everything about Obozo the “Big Eared” Clown is a disaster and joke – with people like Shummer and Pelosi at his back how could he be anything, but a joke.
H Dean Gates says
Why do I get this bit that I have already written my comment, when this is all news to me. What you retort is insulting and untrue. If you want readers, you should seek nd report the truth. You can cancel me if this is your attitude.
Clearhead says
@ “H Dean Gates” — In accordance with the suggestion in your “post’, YOU ARE HEREBY CANCELLED ! ! ! ! !
H Dean Gates says
Why do I get this bit that I have already written my comment, when this is all news to me. What you retort is insulting and untrue. If you want readers, you should seek nd report the truth. You can cancel me if this is your attitude.
H Dean Gates says
Why do I get this bit that I have already written my comment, when this is all news to me. What you retort is insulting and untrue. If you want readers, you should seek nd report the truth. You can cancel me if this is your attitude.
Robert Taylor says
A word of caution to all…I am a disabled vet and have been voicing my opinion of Clinton and Obama in various news story posts like this one. However, I just learned the VA has withheld my whole paycheck (not very big to start with). They had told me I have been overpaid (more than 42 thousand dollars) but did not say how or when. I do know that they never gave me that amount in a lump sum and it only took 22 uears to get my disability awarded(?). So, now I am in a fight to prove I have complied with their requirements since the death of my wife in 2003. They say they did not receive a copy of her death certificate until over 10 years later knowing full well I cannot prove any different. So be careful what you write about him until he is gone.
John Stiles says
The liberal mantra has always been: “Promise them everything, give them nothing”! They are the devil on your left shoulder, opposing the Angel on your right shoulder! Remember that! It’s the one single truth you can take to the bank! Period!
RD says
grasshoppers are like that. They appear/disappear, in swarms, and then reappear. Impossible to get rid of.
Mark says
lets just hope there is enough Ink in Trumps pen to make it through Jan 22 so he can undo all the BS that Obama has done to this country.
FedUp says
Once obummer is out of office maybe someone can unseal all of his records )school applications, selective service registration, actual birth certificate, etc. Once it is proven that obummer is not a natural born citizen then everything he did as president is null and void. Obammacare, all executive orders, all legislation he signed, everything. He will not even be mentioned as being president and will face several criminal charges the least of which will be treason and he will spend the rest of his miserable life in prison. He will become a total non-entity.
Dean says
There is a lovely room the O-Bum can have, It’s weighting for him a Guantanamo!
Linda says
Can’t president elect Trump write an executive order to the NSA and recover all files deleted by the current transition?
Harvey says
Watch out for Martial Law, Lock and Load my friends.
jude2811 says
You Harvey are so aright-I’ve thought that from day one-“martial law-all those evil black BLMs-Trump must have the
Military ready on inauguration day-to physically remove that evil foreigner from your WH-
you have idiots like Bruce Springsteen who announced that he’s LIVING IN FEAR-because Trump was elected-
never mind all the other A-holes-it’s scary-again, I’m taking bets that he’ll try and declare Martial Law-
Carlos Sanchez says
Obama had his time? Now let somebody that knows do the rest bring back jobs and get rid off the b Clinton put her in jail where she belongs.deplorable B she should be lock for ever.And her husband as well he Reminds me off a Rabbit” allways trying ?Comy or what ever gave her a chance, but she is like I said a deplorable B.????????
jude2811 says
Donald invited Hitlery and boo boo to the inaugeration party-THAT’S BECAUSE TRUMP IS SMART-
Marvin B. Cohen says
The missing Kenyan village idiot is a true-blue Leftist Liberal Democrat politician. If his lip are moving, he is either spitting on real American Flag waving, Americans or he is telling lies!
lizaz says
Even after January 20, I believe this “monarch” will continue to butt in to PE Trump’s administration because he thinks he can have a huge effect on the new agenda. I hope Mr. Trump will ignore his comments and keep focus on his promises. Anything obama can do to distract the new administration will be a victory for the socialists. They are already whining about obamacare and how “chaos” will descend upon our country if it is repealed. They won’t admit it is already in chaos, Hopefully the socialists will fade into the background; however, they will be trying to stay relevant for the 2018 election…..all House representatives must run and about a third of the Senate…..get a list of the socialists (democrats) who have to run and keep an eye on their behavior for the next two years. Common sense, folks…….
Arizona Don says
The biggest mistake ever made in the United States of America was electing and reelecting barack obama president. That is where and when all this crony capitalism and corruption became a serious threat to the survival of our once great nation. There is little doubt political correctness bred crony capitalism. Political correctness is also a form of lying or not facing reality. Someone like barack obama who is so crooked he can stand and, looking us straight in the eye, obviously lie to our faces and expect us to believe him (and many democrats do) he would destroy the US intentionally. Just, I might add, like Chavez did in Venezuela. That is not freedom that is recognizable tyranny. If the last two democrat candidates for president (obama and hillary clinton) represent the best the democratic party has to offer they are in very deep trouble and likely will not survive this century. Perhaps not even another decade.
Governments are inherently corrupt. The American government is no exception to that rule. The larger the government the more the corruption. Americans have looked the other way regarding the acts of this government for so long it is going to take a Donald Trump to get America back on the correct track. Love him or hate him he has the personally to do exactly that. It is certain barack obama and his stanch supporter george soros are out to take America down. Eliminate the US influence in the world. That was the reason for his apology tour when first taking office.
America is no longer an expansionist nation like Russia and China or even Iran. But both Russia and China to some extent depend on American consumers for their very survival. As goes America so goes the world is more true today then 50 years ago. On November eight we elected a man who has the ability and desire to make America Great Again and intends to do just that. We shall take many nations with us on this greatness journey certainly America will not be the only nation to benefit from our recent election of Donald Trump.
Individuals who now demonstrate against Donald Trump will have the “opportunity” once again to pursue happiness and hopefully will, if they so desire, benefit from his expertise. However, the government gravy train is ending and those who have been on it for the past eight years will have to begin making their own gravy. That is good for America and the world.
Justin W says
President Obama is the worst president in American history. He is the closest thing to a tyrant that our country has ever known. President Trump will find a lot of his time is going to be spent cleaning up the messes made by President Obama and his administration.
Fortunately Barack Hussein Obama’s reign of error is about over. He will be replaced by a man who loves America and wants to restore our nation to its former greatness. America would have been better if Obama had never been born.
kjones says
We need to impeach him for as long as he is President for some thing can not be changed as long has he has the title of President. Remember we have to pay for his retirement as well. He change the amount of time we have to provide Secret Service to him for the rest of his life. I guess they pay at a certain time for that secret service. After about 10 years everything they know is worthless or many 5 years.
Ken N. says
It has been very tragic to have in the office of the Presidency a President such a Obama for such a long time. He has messed up the health system of the USA and he lied about the things it would accomplish such as health insurance would be cheaper. (baloney, it hasn’t happened. Everyone on could still go to their doctor,( more lies and baloney.) There has been a multitude of Americans who have been out of work since Obama has been in office. As everyone knows our country is 20Trillion dollars in debt and who knows how long it will be before we reduce the countries debt. Obama said in the beginning of His term that he would get our troops out of the middle east and eights years later many are still there getting killed and wounded with a loss of their limbs and other types of wounds. Obama, you have lied, lied, lied and deceived the American population for eight years. I am glad that you will be out of office in a very short time. Try Obama to leave without doing anymore damage or harm to those coming into office.
Joanne says
Stan says
15 more days and we will have survived this Manchurian , Muslim President’s all out effort to bring America to it’s knees.
Finally, a man will be in charge ……………………………
John says
Impeach Obama
Timothy Thompson says
Trump should turn Obama’s last minute betrayal into a good reason to make Obama feel when he leaves office he’ll be a hunted man. Form a crack investigative team to once and for all prove he is legal or he is a fake. If he is indeed a fake every piece of legislation/Executive Orders won’t be worth the paper they were written on. It will give the Americans who supported Trump the power to stand up and say I told you so. We deserve to know the truth about the Democratic parties criminal activity, Obama fostered on the American people Obamacare forcing Americans to buy a comodity regardless if they needed it, wanted it for the first time in American History. Trump has the unique ability to turn the forces the Democrats used on use to his advantage. Reid created the nuclear option and made 51 votes necessary to beat the Republican majority in congress now it’s come back to haunt them Trump can’t be stopped for the exact same reason and you have to love it. Obama deserves payback and Trump should make sure it hurts him in the long run. Obama’s legacy for eight years will be he did nothing right and everything wrong. He has nothing tangible to show for it but failure.
Joanne says
jerry says
I was a dedicated democrat till obumma and michael got in the white house and did everything to destroy our great America. Take your muslim a#= back to Africa where you starve to death. Thank you MR. TRUMP for make America great again. Bye bye obama gays.
kjb says
Calling a peaceful transition “one of the hallmarks of our democracy,” and vowing to “show that to the world” in January, Obama proved once again to have no problem lying to the face of the American people.
Obummer can you please stand down for awhile- so we can all breathe after a heated 1.5 year debate to election night!!!
I guess that too damn much isn’t it!
ric says
OBOOOOOMA – the magnificetn – has nothing in miind short of totally reeking havoc on POTUS ELECT TRUMP on January 20th, 2017. OBOOOOOOMA – th emagnificent FARCE – will pull all the punches he can to derail the PARTY on January 20th, 2017.
RAY says
Just proof that he hates America and Americans….He is a Traitor and should be locked up….He has done everything to hurt America and everything to help Muslims….He would make America Great Again if he was put in jail or left America….
Clearhead says
Howleyesque says
MISSING from this list is the worst thing he’s done! Hidden IN the military appropriations bill he signed is? The CREATION OF a “ministry of propaganda” that will make it possible for the government top PREVENT US from EVER AGAIN learning the TRUTH about corruption and collusion by BOTH our politicians AND the Lame Stream Propaganda machine! In short, HE SIGNED AWAY THE 1st AMENDMENT!
Ahhhhhh, the fool’s love of being in the crosshairs because of malicious intent and arrogance with no purpose other than to cause harm……..I really do not think that tax paid security is going to of any use to this Fraud…..
o'sure says
On December 22nd, The Department of Homeland Security revoked the rules for the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System, which was created by the Bush administration following 9/11 and required male foreigners from Muslim-majority nations, 16 years and older, to register with U.S. immigration authorities.
this is easy to understand —- the mustefino – being a muslim – would have to register as a terrorist for giving aid and comfort to the enemy isis – and could have been deported to his homeland , kenya
WhiskeyMan says
The ‘Insult to America’ is that taxpayer money has been, and will be, paid
to an undocumented illegal ‘so-called president’ (more like an illegal usurper)
after he has caused the national debt to nearly triple (his giveaways & ‘free stuff’)
since the unenlightened let this POS occupy our Nations White House back in 2009 !!!
Hope says
Obama acts like a 3-year old kicking and screaming to get his way. That is not presidential, has anyone told him that? Trump is much stronger than that but, unfortunately, must waste time to undo the damage. It will be a difficult 4 years.
drbhelthi says
In his last official days in the POTUS slot, the alias, Barrak Hussein Obama, maintains his consistency. With “end spurt” gusto, he does the opposite of what he promised. Consistent, evil, deception, equal to that which he has shown, is matched only by Judaism and Judaism´s MOSSAD. One example, unveiled by former MOSSAD agent Victor Ostrovsky, is found in “By Way of Deception”, pp 288-291. In other books, he unveils others.
The answers to three questions will reveal the identity of his string-pullers, the evil entities who have used him to TRY to destroy the USA, as their organization used Adolf Hitler to try to overtake Europe and the earth. 1. Where was the alias during the period he was allegedly “enrolled” in columbia? 2. Which organization employed him during this period? 3. What was his assigned goal upon his transfer to Chicago?
The singularly, consistently patriotic congress-woman in the last twenty-five years, Cynthia McKinney, reveals some hints in her home-page of the internet.
Dr.X says
I just heard that Obama signed another order that is supposedly unbreakable forcing us to import Yemen terrorist for 18 months. I don’t know how that is possible but I’m sure Trump can find a way to stop it…it’s time to arrest Obama and try him for treason.
GoNavy! says
If only Obama would go golfing for the next 16 days. Our country would be better off.
F. C. Hilnbrand says
Obama is nothing more than a POS. He does not know the meaning of promising a smooth transition. He has lied from day one and he will be remembered as the one Presidnet who has done NOTHING for the USA because he is a hard core MUSLIM and this is what they do. In the begining he had people fooled by his gift of tongue and people beilieve him. Now he is showing his true color. Brown just like crap. So this is what he will be remembered as. A MUSLIM TURD!! I HOPE an PRAY Trump gpes after him and brings him up on every charge they can find. WE the PEOPLE need to stand by TRUMPS side so he knows we are with him.
RJintheUSA says
Obama truly is the worse President in American history and in reality is nothing more than a petty dictator and tantrum throwing man child. I would hope with his final actions against America and the American people he will hammer the final death nail in the coffin of both Democrats and liberalism so all Americans can see how hateful they are towards this great nation and the God we trust in.
Gary johnson says
He may have a bit more of a legacy than appears…. Many years of planting poison Muslim seeds…. Judges , Military Generals
some Mayors,. Congress men, Governors .. Etc… Not that obvious yet but given time and a few terrorist personnel ….
willy bee says
how come no one mentions the fact that the democratic party has a minimum of 70 communist party members!!!
willy bee says
what do you mean by moderation – look it up they are card carrying members of cpusa.
Dan says
Kind of makes ya think maybe the democrat party should be disbanded, discarded, abolished the way they always act when any of their elected positions are lost to any other party. Wonder what damage this time around they’re going to do to the White House.
Michael Valgos says
Obama has sabotaged everything that he has touched that would help the tax paying citizens of our country. I will continue to say that Obama is the lowest scum on Earth. I served in the Marine Corps for 10 years, and we always respected the President, but with Obama you have a very difficult time showing him any respect. I have always lived my life with the idea that respect is earned, and not given. With the group of whore’s (Obama and his wife included) they demand respect. That only goes to show that they know nothing regarding respect. It is just another word for these commies in drag. I feel that Obama his going to get his sooner or later. My hope is that is will be sooner than later. We need to this whole group of losers and users on their merry way. I hope that they do clean out a couple of cells in Gitmo for Barry, and Hillary, so they can watch the Cuban sunset for many years to come. The moral to the story is, don’t be a lying, cheating, thieving fucking asshole and the good citizens of our country will not want to barabque your ass.
Lon Spector says
Lawrence D Rogers says
So BARE ASS ! Obama is a liar? Who ever would have thunk it? If i was a Democrat I would have a feeling of Shame ! But of course Socialists do not have such feelings as they are Godless and worthless !
NAN says
Not So Free says
I just wonder if they will steal everything in sight and vandalize the place like the Clintons did when they left.
Dean A Fritch says
Disgusted Dean Says:
I really Liked what Ruth Smith wrote on Jan 4 th.” And I totally agree with her that Obama be
deported !
I have thought this for some months now: Put the whole family Including the golf clubs on a
1940’s -50’s equivalent in to a Cargo plane or 4 engine passenger plane used in that period
DEFINATELY NOT AIRFORCE ONE. There should be enough people mad enough at this
lying, thieving,- – – trator that would gladly fund his departure by donating no more than $5.00 to purchase the plane and pay the pilot to take them there and pay their return trip expenses.
ALL the Assets this bum has taken from us SHOULD BE FROZEN and returned to the government and the hard working CITIZENS of this country. Oh yes we should show him our gratitude for wrecking our country by giving him somewhere around $250,000 just enough to take care of him and the family for the next two years while he looks for a job he
can handle.
My idea was to land the lane in the middle of the Nirobe airport – – – then leave as quickly as possible! Nothing splashy and not with tax dollars going out for this one!
norma hill says
January 20th can’t arrive quickly enough. Obama was a complete mistake for America.
Roy Barnard says
He also wants a bigger pension for playing fcuking golf for 8 years, give it to him in lead one at a time.
robert says
Obama is a lowlife. He has done his best to hurt America on his way out the door. What should happen is to put him in jail for the criminal actions he helped Hillary do and I have no dough he was involved. He was (the biggest) contributing factor in putting America where it is today. He bankrupted the country. He needs to go to jail. He did it deliberately. That cock sorker is a traitor if there ever was one. Between him and Hillary they devastated the country .Prison is too good for these two. They should be ejected from the country ,but the money they stole needs to stay here. Drop them off in Iran or Somali and see what happens .I’d guess there heads would end up on a stake. Now that would be justice.
Kevin Beck says
So, first we have Obama and his lackeys complaining that Donald Trump might not accept the results of the election, and would try to frustrate the “peaceful transfer of power” to the next administration.
Then after the election, we see Obama and his zombies doing everything possible to frustrate the peaceful transfer of power, while also acting as if his personal legacy is more important than America and its legacy.
The departure of Obama from the White House can’t come soon enough.