Hillary and Bill Clinton’s controversial charity, The Clinton Foundation, has been criticized for years as representing a clear conflict of interest for the political power couple .
The foundation’s harshest critics say it is a shadowy organization designed to enrich the Clintons, no matter where the money comes from.
Now, a revealing expose has uncovered that the foundation has accepted a small fortune from a man with alleged ties to a notorious terror group.
And it lends serious weight to the rumors that Hillary Clinton is compromised by foreign influence.
The Los Angeles Times has discovered that billionaire Gilbert Chagoury — a close family friend of the Clintons who has written a million dollar check to their foundation — was denied entry to the United States in 2015 for his connections to the Islamic terror organization Hezbollah.
Of particular concern are Chagoury’s alleged business dealings and financial support for the group, which is listed by the U.S. Department of State (the same Department of State that Clinton used to run) as a foreign terrorist organization.
In other words, the Clinton Foundation contains at least one donor with such troubling connections that even our deeply flawed Homeland Security system flagged him and kept him out.
Let that sink in for a bit — even the Obama administration says one of the Clinton Foundation’s patrons is too dangerous to be allowed through our borders.
— sponsored —
Liberals are speechless over THIS shocking video
It shows Hillary CAUGHT… red-handed… committing her worst crime yet.
It’s bigger than her email scandal…
Deadlier than Benghazi…
And it affects nearly every American citizen over 55…
To find out what it is — and how THIS could finally be the nail in Hillary’s coffin — go here now.
Republican candidate Donald Trump in the past has pointed out that the Clinton Foundation’s continued existence — and dependence on foreign donors — would be unacceptable in a Hillary Clinton presidency, and it could compromise the integrity of our country’s highest office.
Chagoury is a prime example. The billionaire businessman has a long history of alleged underhanded dealings with dictators, terror organizations, and corrupt officials around the globe, according to The Los Angeles Times report.
He also has a long history with the Clinton family and their inner circle.
Chagoury has attended dinners at the White House while Bill was president, written huge donation checks to their foundation of at least one million dollars, and has even been invited to the weddings of top Clinton aides.
“By the time Hillary Clinton became secretary of State, the relationship was strong enough for Bill Clinton’s closest aide to push for Chagoury to get access to top diplomats, and the agency began exploring a deal, still under consideration, to build a consulate on Chagoury family land in Lagos, Nigeria,” The Times report says. “But even as those talks were underway, bureaucrats in other arms of the State Department were examining accusations that Chagoury had unsavory affiliations, stemming from his activities and friendships in Lebanon. After a review, Chagoury was refused a visa to enter the U.S. last year.”
It has the Trump campaign sounding the alarm.
“The fact a major Clinton Foundation donor was denied entry into the U.S. over ties to the terrorist group Hezbollah is deeply troubling, especially when this individual had access to top aides at Hillary Clinton’s State Department,” Jason Miller, Senior Communications Advisor at the Trump campaign, wrote in a press release yesterday.
“These revelations are yet another example of why the Clinton Foundation must be shut down and Hillary Clinton must demand the State Department immediately release her official schedules in full before the election. Voters deserve to know just how badly compromised a Hillary Clinton presidency would be.”
What are your thoughts on the Clinton Foundation? Comment below.
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
She is a political prostitute. Her only loyalty is to her bank account.
Elly says
Main Street – you are absolutely correct. I can only imagine what she can do to further the destruction of our beloved country. God help us all. The Clinton Foundation must be shut down immediately.
Jerry says
Lock her up!! Crooked criminal Hill-LIAR- y. Fit for prison not for president.
retired says
The Clintons as a whole should be shut down period ! and yet there are some if you want to call them who will still vote for Hillary….. Now is just hear a commercial on TV that Hillary wants to bring jobs back to america, really funny all of a sudden, since bill was president all the jobs started leaving the U.S. and Hillary was behind NAFTA 100 %. Now the bull shit and lies are coming out again because she want to be prez… and pardon herself and her hubby her daughter and anyone who was in with the Clintons wrong doings…. Sad state of affairs for the U.S.
There is only one answer to the corruption the Clintons and other Washington officials are involved in….
That is to get TRUMP/PENCE IN 2016 thru 2024 No pardons for any corrupted officials..
Gayle says
The money she has in their foundation should be given back an all deals she’s made to them VOIDED. This why she has 98 million to spend on her campaign ads to destroy Trump, so she can continue getting richer an more corrupt SEND HER TO PRISON!!!!!
Constitutionalist says
i disagree that the Klinton Klepto Krime Kollidge should be shut down.
It should be raided, in force, and after everyone goes home for the evening. No one gets in or out, no outside lines allowed to call in.
All computers and all files should be immediately seized, then turned over to the computer experts for secire analysis. Hidden room experts should be turned loose to examine the building and grounds, too.
No more of this “please, Mrs. Klinton, when you get done deleting whatever-the-hell-you-want, can we look at what you think is safe enough for us to see?” crap.
Petraeus got his ass RAIDED. No “we’ll be coming in about 6 months, so review all that you have and get rid of anything incriminating, first” Bovine Excreta.
ONLY on these terms should that criminal enterprise be shut down, that is, NO “TERMS” at ALL. Surrender. Those are the terms.
Besides, a BLIND man could see that “donations” come in from briber “a”, Bill gets a half-to-3/4 million speech at the court or home country of the briber “a,” then The Liar comes through for them, as the well-bribed bribee, and delivers the requested goodies.
Daniel Spickard says
Hillary Clinton is the whore of Babylon! She can’t be trusted! The only place Hillary Clinton should be seeing is the inside of a room at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba!
Dee says
I believe you’re right . She Perfectly fits the description. That’s So Creepy .
Julie says
AMEN! Walks like a duck, talks like a duck…
SUE says
JM says
Guantanamo Bay is to good for her. She need to be shipped to China. They have better prisons for her.
Jim says
Why not the Hanoi Hilton? At least she’d be with like minded (Marxist) monsters, wouldn’t she?
Jim says
As solutions go, the punishment would fit the litany of crimes for which she and that slickest of Willies are responsible, in my opinion.
john r. says
Hanoi jane and benghazi hillary Has a certain ring to it.
anita says
Jim her ASS needs to be shipped to North Korea ,they will execute the Bitch the same Day she gets there ,.and we can celebrate ,good riddens Clinton Bitch ,fry in Hell rotten Clinton Bitch ,
Buffalo says
Nah, Anita…The bitch would be honored there by little kimmy. Remember it was the Clinton administration, who in 1994 agreed to replace North Korea’s domestically built nuclear reactors with light water nuclear reactors, at US taxpayer expense, of course. Clinton policy wonks claimed that light water reactors couldn’t be used to make bombs, which is a blatant LIE. However, it was the Bush Administration that picked up the baton and finished their nuclear capabilitiy.
Laura says
I think she should be First Lady – First Lady on Mars ASAP!
Gary Smith says
Marie says
Yes, she is a despicable corrupt evil -itch and has no shame or morals. She needs to be locked up where she can’t hurt anyone ever.
William G Munson says
Well he probably wanted to know where they were going to air drop the weapons so he could get them and resale them are were they were stored ?
Jim says
Sounds a lot like my ex-wife.
pam says
I think our government doesn’t care about anyone that doesn’t benefit from their agenda. We all must stand up together no matter what ethnicity we may be and take back OUR country from these criminals!!!!!
Sharon says
Pam, I totally agree ????
anita says
the nasty Clinton Bitch is the Bride of Lucifer ,the corrupt Bitch has to go to Prison ,but the corrupt F B I Comey is on her side and got paid off big Money to keep her corrupt ASS 0ut of Prison , put his corrupt Ass in Prison too ,the Muslim Traitor Obama is in it with them ,he and the corrupt Bitch Lynch are all in it together ,ARREST THE TRAITORS NOW !!!
retired says
The Clintons have a reservation with the grim reaper……. after Hillary loses to Trump/Pence in 2016 and the super donors can not collect on all their donations to the Clinton Foundation ! Oh well the reaper will do the deed all or most legal american citizens are waiting for…..
In order to NOT let Hillary win in this rigged election, there MUST be a DECISIVE win for Trump! Just like there was in the Brexit vote– the vote in Britain was so overwhelmingly in favor of the exit from EU, so that they could not rig the election & make people think that the NO EXIT vote won!! If people vote for one of the 3rd party candidates (Jill Stein or Gary Johnson), then unfortunately the same thing may happen that allowed Hillary’s husband to win the presidential election in 1992, when the 3rd party candidate, Ross Perot, divided to anti-Clinton votes & got 19% of the vote- and that allowed Clinton to skate in under the radar & win with less than the majority vote that year. Hillary may be hoping for the same scenario this time. IN ORDER TO NOT ALLOW HILLARY TO GET INTO THE WHITE HOUSE, WE MUST ALL BAND TOGETHER IN A DECISIVE VOTE FOR TRUMP!! People– there is NO WAY that either Stein or Johnson is going to win!! Your vote for one of them will just be a wasted vote — no one will care except for you– Oh…. and of course Hillary– who is hoping to divide Trump’s votes and conquer by hiding behind these 3rd party candidates. The ONLY thing that we can do to ensure that Hillary does not win as president is to VOTE FOR TRUMP!! Even if you don’t like him…. If you don’t like Hillary MORE,…. JUST HOLD YOUR NOSE & VOTE FOR TRUMP!! WE CANNOT LET CRIMINAL HILLARY BECOME OUR PRESIDENT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO ”MAKE A STATEMENT” ON ELECTION DAY AND NOT VOTE FOR EITHER HILLARY OR TRUMP!! This is TOO important! Thank you-
Peggy Cunninngham says
retired says
well said vote for Trump/Pence 2016 thru 2024
The Clintons as a whole should be shut down period ! and yet there are some if you want to call them who will still vote for Hillary….. Now is just hear a commercial on TV that Hillary wants to bring jobs back to america, really funny all of a sudden, since bill was president all the jobs started leaving the U.S. and Hillary was behind NAFTA 100 %. Now the bull shit and lies are coming out again because she want to be prez… and pardon herself and her hubby her daughter and anyone who was in with the Clintons wrong doings…. Sad state of affairs for the U.S.
There is only one answer to the corruption the Clintons and other Washington officials are involved in….
That is to get TRUMP/PENCE IN 2016 thru 2024 No pardons for any corrupted officials..
I heard yesterday on Fox News that Hillary is spending $63 million on ads this week. Trump is spending $10 million. Imagine that — Trump spends money out of his own pocket…. And Hillary spends the blood money she pocketed from the foreign governments, individuals & terrorists (for selling America’s assets like Uranium & guns to the Syrian “moderate rebels” aka ISIS)– in order to “play” the American people in ad campaigns. It’s a brilliant scheme– in an evil way.
Charles Masterson says
Guarantee I am with you, NO MORE CLINTONS In the White House and George SOROS, GO TO HELL !!!
Maxine says
Right on, Vote for TRUMP or loose America, that God blessed us with, and they were followers of God at that time and since falling away, so is our Blessings and one is America. God owns, sustains, protects – when trust Him and Obey. Many people know Him not (god) , as don’t seek Him with a desiring heart. I believe Trump is here for such a time as this..if we want back to Being America again.
I was not for Trump, I was for Ben and I sought out all of the rest when Ben was out ( they don’t want good people in destroying the control they have developed over the people, and they try to destroy them including Trump).
Vote for Trump – or you will have a country that doesn’t care about you. Take a trip to one of those countries before election run like ours would be and you will kiss the ground when you return. Vote Trump.
Maxine says
That should be God not god in my note above.
Connie French says
I totally agree. Why would ANY FOOL vote for someone who stole items from the White House and now wants back in? Her foundation is a scam to get money. She is so power and money hungry it isn’t even funny. She needs to be banned from the USA, but who would let her in?
dskap201 says
She is loyal also to her father the devil and his work she is doing well, but her best days are behind her and her greatest fear is soon to come like a thief in the night!
She can only do what Almighty God allows her to do to fulfill His purpose according to all He has predestined to be.
Come Lord Jesus!
Ronald Hamby says
I think you NAILED IT !!
Richard Hultin says
political nightmare
tricia says
i agree with that comment. i hope and pray that they remove her from her job and let her help and stand in line with other people who have nothing and are poor. maybe she might repent. NOT!!!! LOL HA!!!!
Mary Sandra Florek says
Hrc should be behind bars. She is so corrupt, but no one has the stamina to go after her! If she becomes president, she will give America away. Freedom will not have the same meaning! She is only concerned about power and money. She doesn’t care dilly squat about us! People need to wake up! In any profession, if you cheated and lied, stole, and jeopardized a company, you wouldn’t have a job! Why aren’t the Clintons held to the same standard? Shame on our president for running such a loose government. People are getting away with anything, and Obama only cares about vacationing on taxpayers dollars. I always believed the speed of the team was set by the speed of the leader….poor example of a leaders both Clinton and Obama!
Michael says
Texas will become similar like DC. And most state will join Texas, Washington will be no more, USA will be divided, civil war comes when Hillary gets in through fraud. No more liars in WH. We need honest person to become president not no killer or sick to run USA. It will happens civil war will becomes bloodier than the first civil war. So please do be prepare,hope most will have guns, I have plenty so I,m not worried.
John says
Obama ran a loose government by design. Then there’s this question, were they in it together? I’ve heard many times that they hate each other, yet the white house continues to run cover for her. I wonder why? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
James says
Jim says
They aren’t held accountable for anything due to the vast amount of dirt she collected on politicians, heads of corporations, and military equipment suppliers, while that slickest of Willies was in office.
That’s why she’s invulnerable to any, and all, criticism and prosecution for anything, be it legal or illegal, during her political career. Get used to it, pal. THE FIX IS IN. America has already been taken. All that remains to be worked out are the details.
Please note how easily socialism transitions into Communism.
Everyone points to some countries in Northern Europe as being successful socialist countries, but on closer examination it turns out that they only apply certain humanistic social principles, while maintaining a Democratic free enterprise system of government.
Hillary’s give away programs are unsustainable financially, while appearing to lay persons, to be “the right thing to do.”
The intended result, as Hillary well knows, will be
to bankrupt America, and hasten the demise of the USD as the World Reserve Currency. Hillary is every bit as Marxist as
Barak Obama. Her election will mean another 4yrs of Obama’s failed policies.
As far as I see things, America is toast regardless of which of these two megalomaniacs is able to get themselves elected.
Constitutionalist says
Technically, there’s never been a Communist government on the planet. They’ve all been stuck at Socialism, which in reality means “party elite vs. barely surviving everyone else.” Marx was decidedly unclear as to how the “worker’s paradise” was to be achieved – and in practice, they simply murder millions upon millions and take their wealth, while imprisoning millions more to work at prison factories.
“The test for whether one is living in a police state is that those who are charged with enforcing the law are allowed to break the laws with impunity.”
— Jon Roland
No autopsy for Scalia, even though the Law requires it;
No Treason arrest for D’OweBama or The Liar.
Snowden and Manning risk their lives to reveal massive criminal acts by tens of thousands of gov’t employees, all betraying the public trust, and the results? Manning imprisoned, Snowden in exile, Assange in a defacto house arrest – and not a SINGLE public servant so much as indicted, much less arrested.
Welcome to the Police State, soon to become the United Soviet Socialist America – until it’s replaced with the Caliphate. Let the beheadings begin!
Well, unless a lot of Americans are willing to fight for their liberty again; far too many have accepted far too much, becoming gov’t chattel, lily-livered cowards afraid to rock the boat lest their pittance of a stipend stop coming(even though once the “dollar” is crashed, there’ll be no more Uncle Sugar checks for anyone, anyway; why do you think that various USG agents have been training and stockpiling against “civilian unrest” while stockpiling completely illegal hollow-point ammo and maintaining Camp Fema’s all over the US?).
Karen says
Agreed. The lack of integrity displayed by the Clintons, Obamas, and a large part of Congress calls for serious investigation and removal from office/incarceration for crimes against the people of the United States.
John says
Where is the follow up on the unaccounted for $$$$ millions when Hillery was SOS???
Jim says
Anyone involved with those “unaccounted for”
millions of dollars has either been paid off, for their part in the deal, or has been “neutralized” by whatever means considered necessary by the thieves themselves, in order to conceal their various crimes. Who, in their right mind, is surprised?
gail says
Now will Chagoury suddenly come up dead of suicide?!?!
Inspector Tom says
I doubt that with his funds and resources, he may be more untouchable than the Clintons
Jim says
A sudden heart attack is the more likely scenario, wouldn’t you agree?
Kent says
Agreed, Hillary must be shut down immediately as she is a lethal weapon to America!
Alan says
This is totally unacceptable. For her to be POTUS. If people would only WAKE UP and see what a corrupt POS she and Slick Willy really are.
anita says
if by some horrible reason that Clinton Bitch ends up in the Whitehouse you can bet on it that the Bitch and slick Rapist Willi will rule together and see how many Millions they can wiesel out of the foreign Country’s for Favors that they will never honor ,,GOD BLESS AMERICA and rid us of the corrupt Clintons Cockroaches now ,
Jon says
Lock her up!!!
Daniel Spickard says
Someone needs to hack into the news network and bring all of these things to light for all to see for themselves! Once this is done, she will be finished. I wander what will happen to her and Bill once they lose this election? I bet that there would be a bounty out on their heads by those who gave all that big money!
anita says
I hope their corrupt ASSES end up in Prison as soon as Trump is in ,
Shiree says
Hillary caught with her hands in the boiling pot again. This doesn’t surprise me at all. Well if our election is rigged by the Russians I hope they rig it for Trump to win.
M Hennesy says
Shiree, it is not the Russians rigging anything ….that is the Marxist Democrats propaganda ! It is OBAMA and the Democrats allowing thousands and thousands of illegal invaders to cross our border and get on welfare. Then they register them and VOTE THEM …ILLEGALLY. The DEMOCRATS WILL RIG THE ELECTION …not the Russians. The Clintons love the Russians , Bill went to the Soviet Union during the Vietnam War when the Soviets were helping the North Vietnamese KILL AMERICANS. Who gave the Chinese …..our military secrets ….for cash …the Clintons. Remember …Loral Corporation ….Bill sent them over to help the Commie Chinese with their ICBM problems. You will see so many Chinese communist connections to the Clintons and cash in their pockets. That is why the ex UN guy ,…who supposedly dropped a BARBELL ON HIS NECK,….had to be silenced. Wake Up America ,….the DEMOCRATS are destroying America. It is why they BLOCK VOTER PHOTO ID LAWS !
retired says
The time is coming for some vigilantes to go out and get done what the FBI,Obama, Loretta Lynch,DOJ, & Kerry were afraid to do.
Colc says
It’s still amazes me how money, and the liberal media can stop justice for our own Jezebel (Hillary), because if this was Bush that had ties to Hezbollah, he would have been run out of the country on a rail, money or no money, the media would of hung Bush out to dry!
Justin W says
Hillary would open the door to anyone who gave a large enough check. This is the problem with the Clintons. They have developed an enterprise where they personally profit from selling government access and information.
anita says
Justin W ,that is why their corrupt ASSES have to go to Prison ,I guaranty, you and I would be in Prison for 10 Years or more ,I bet they have a lot of Dirt on many Politicians and that is how they stay out of Prison ? 99 Percent of them are corrupt and Dishonest and they cover each others ASSES ,that is what you call Politics ?start with the corrupt Clintons ,then work down the Line and clean House ,the Muslim Adolf obama is as bad if not worse ,,but Hitlary Clinton has to go to Prison ,she will finish the damage the Muslim Obama has started, with those Cockroaches America will surely go under ,ship Killary tricky Willi Comey and the Lynch Bitch and Obumer to North Korea and we will have a better Country ,
Malcolm Proctor says
main street you are spot on with your comment on the evil clintons.wake up america.save your country and vote mr trump
Southern By Choice says
Amazing – reading about this guy, if you didn’t know better you would think the article was on George Soros.
Phil says
She is probably one of the most corrupt people in this country yet the American people are srupid enough to vote for her. People like Meg Whitman, Marc Andrusen, Robert Kagan, Max Boot, Laura Bush, and Peter Mansoon just to name a few have claimed they will vote for her, these are supposed to be republicans. They don’t seem to care what happens to the supreme court or the U.S. It blows my mind how this can happen but then the bible says in the last days people will call good band and bad good so I guess this is the fulfilling of prophecy. SAD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DustyFae says
Whoever they support and who support them can best be said corruption is involved.. Think about it — Obama is backing Hillary . But there is something more deadlier then just Obama backing Hillary. Are they going to impeach Hillary once she is elected president so Obama and the NWO can have their real puppet in there. ?
Or are there going to be a Martial Law to call off elections. ? Either way, a real threat to USA is behind our Government.. No wonder so many people are against USA. I think if all world leaders and their people just say enough is enough, they can throw people like Soros and his goons behind the bars and just take their riches away from those corrupt rich people.
If you look under the right rocks, you can find these sakes and put them where they belong.
James says
Whoever supports Hillary is an enemy of the USA, that includes the potus, neighbors, congressmen and women, state representatives, celebrities,illegal aliens, friends, family, or framily. Whether they know it or not…….. Stupidity or ignorance does not excuse supporting a traitor to the US who will destroy the American way of life.
Catherine Pizzotti says
She is a crooked bitch and she will bring this country to its knees we were going down with Obama know she will finish the job we I’ll be a third world country all the refugees coming into our country we will be digging our own graves .Trump is our only hope!!!!!
alberto gomez says
How can hezbollah wind up with a candidate for the office of president of the United States unchecked and continues unchecked as if she were above the law, Please FBI wise up!! will you at least verify and act responsibly?
NCconservative says
How did a corrupt “community planner” end up president for the past 8 years? An uninformed electorate which ignores the truth or refuses to broadcast it.
anita says
NConservative ,I guess when they elected the Muslim Traitor obuma everyone who voted for him was Brainless and eaten up with total Stupidity ,WE who did not vote for that Traitor are being punished and have to suffer till that total ASSHOLE Obumer leaves ,hopefully out of the Country and joins his Muslim Brothers ,then we bomb the crap out of him ,
Charlie says
I say, if they believed the Clinton Global Initiative was to help those in need in the world, then why not give all the money from it to Haiti, which they both screwed up royally after the earthquake in 2010.
Hickory says
Just visit the Clinton Foundation website and see for yourself what they are up to, globalism…and getting stinking rich. Then run a search on the site for the word “America”. You will find several pages of references to meetings across the country for the GCI (Clinton Global Initiative). There is nothing I can find about helping America. These criminals are trying to clinch the United Nations totalitarian global Socialist Government by helping Obama finish the ‘end of America’ campaign. Speaking of globalist billionaires, how about that murdering snake George Soros? The only hope we have left at this point is to elect Donald Trump and help him restore this great republic before it goes completely down. These globalists have been secretly killing our country for many years by installing their ‘establishment’ rulers. They have ruled through the fiat currency and the IRS which is the collection arm of the foreign “Federal” Reserve. The almost completed plan is to infiltrate, debase, and conquer. Beware!
Julie says
“Hilary Obama”, her real name now, is a corrupt, power seeking, pathological liar who will do anything for herself at the expense of the good of the Country we all love.
retired says
The Clintons have a reservation with the grim reaper, too much money wasted on a dead horse……
When Trump/Pence move into the White House, wait and see what happens whey the favors can not get done…
Wayne A says
Satan is the father of lies … So Hillary Rotten Clinton must be the sister of lies. Vote Trump America.
Lloyd says
Mother of all lies.
REV Jim Hastings says
jwb says
Yes, absolutely. Since lyin’ Donnie the moron is owned by Russia, lets get him in there. What a fool will vote for either candidate and this continues to be the embarrassment of the century. If the almighty really has a plan, the whole election should be thrown out. If anyone really thinks the the almighty has hand picked Little Donnie for the job, is a bigger idiot ………amen
John G . says
jwb – just add this to Benghazi, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Russia, her e-mail issues and the latest Abedin/Weiner debacle and you’ve got to be kidding. You must look the fool walking around with your head up your a _ _ you dimwit.
jwb says
I do not support HRC you idiot, get a life, you need one ………
Jo says
None of us may have a life if she gets in! Get it? Or are you very rich and well protected and beyond needing your freedom?? WE DO NOT want her in and running bo 3. Never compare MR TRUMP to that lying, evil, greedy, heartless, phony, treason ridden, pcs of S.it. He never PUT country at risk for money, greed or power. She and billboy need to move far away and live in shame for all they have done to OUR COUNTRY!
M Hennesy says
Where has Donald Trump lied ? You want a LIAR ,…YOU got one in Hilliary Clinton ! Trump is the ONLY ONE SPEAKING THE TRUTH about what is happening to the USA . The illegal invaders crossing our Border many of whom ARE RAPISTS, MURDERERS and Human Traffickers …TRUMP is right about that ..just research it . World Net Daily has multiple articles exposing what is happening ! LISTEN to the FAMILIES OF THE VICTIMS ,….MURDERED BY ILLEGAL INVADERS . TRUMP is right about OBAMA BRINGING IN THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS from terror countries. 10,000 refugees year to date,…only 56 Christians …the rest Muslims …who ARE THE ONES PERSECUTING THE CHRISTIANS. THINK and research and learn my fellow Americans ,…what TRUMP is saying IS THE TRUTH. We are headed the same way France, Great Britain , Germany and Belgium are headed for …IMPORTED JIHAD . Watch David Wood’s short videos on YOU TUBE ,…on the QUR’AN , MUHAMMAD , ISLAM, JIHAD and SHARIA. See what IS COMING !
pam says
Hey jwb, how can u support someone who has proven time after time she is a lier and criminal ? Mama says ” stupid is as stupid does!”
jwb says
I do not support either candidate, they are both idiots. Total unethical and unfit for this office. Pray for a total reboot …………………
REV Jim Hastings says
Mike dar says
There’s much worse than that.. try a Billion dollar donation and Hillary keeping BOKU of the Terrorist list for the Donator…
thousands raped, disfigured, killed by machete and gun or sold into sexual slavery.
I can only surmise that is being held for later, or people simply are scared of the size of the corruption and terrible tragedy Hillary helped in.
Larry says
With all the evidence we have on Hillorat and her sex neophyte why hasn’t someone who isn’t on her payroll stopped this crook? America is run by demorats and Republicanidiots who are crooked as the snake river…
Catlady says
And this too will be denied and quietly disappear. WAKE UP liberals. This group is not interested in the people. They just want world control.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The Clinton’s love terrorists, the KKK is a satanic devil worshipping cross burning terrorist group that gave $20,000.00 campaign donation to HKRAKC’s
campaign. The grand wizard of the terrorist satanic devil worshipping cross burning cone headed KKK endorses Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton. That Clinton foundation is the Clinton’s welfare. The Clinton’s are racist bigots through & through. The Clinton’s look down on veterans, the military, the Working Class, the Working Poor, the senior citizens and have used racial slurs many times when they were in the White House.
Paul Bouffard says
ho hummm who would have thought says
what’s new?? where’s the story??
M Hennesy says
ho humm , you are so dense …you…. WON’T WAKE UP until right before ….some Muslim jihadi kills you with a dull knife for being an infidel .
Bolaji says
You are so right! She is totally and utterly compromised. She is so compromised anything or anyone goes! This person does not know when to stop.
We should give her an ultimatum between her so-called global charitable whatever or the White House (if she wins which I really doubt)
And the White House period…..
The future of this Country is at stake and all our lives and our children’s children’s lives, and half of the black people in this USA will deign to choose this one as the president of this Country: Why!!!
Somebody pls say something in the name of Yah!!!!!!!
Jerubbesheth says
The Horn News shouldn’t be surprised. No one in America should be surprised. The Corrupt Communist Clinton’s are the darlings of the Communist Democratic Party.
Patricia says
Hillary is a power hungry, lying, greedy, crooked, two-faced bitch. She will say and do anything for a vote. If she wins we will be overrun with muslims and our freedom and country will be gone. Sold to the highest bidder. The “shadow government” (Rothschilds, Bushes, Rockfellers just to name a few) wants her in office because she will be their political puppet. They want one world government. So no telling what is going to happen
robert says
Money nets power. So many of our leaders have been bought. The ones not bought have been controlled through black mail, intimidation or fear. Its a proven fact those speaking out have short life spans. I can understand why there is a cloche of silence in Washington. What I don’t understand is why America has not stood up and with one voice say ENOUGH. The signs have been there for a long time but we do nothing. Millions of people see what’s going on. The media covers up wrong doing at a staggering rate but still we know the truth. Where is the leader this country needs. So far he or she has not appeared. I’ve listened to Bernie Sanders, Elisabeth Warren and wondered why one of them have not been a much better choice by the American people to help the country. When congress and government votes on bills that are not in the best interest of America, when they clearly show preference to special interest groups (and there are hundreds of examples ),why are these crooks not kicked out of government? We are on a fast track to destruction and most of America is setting back ,doing nothing. We need a mass revolution to join hands and say ( get it right or get out).We need to put the crooks in Washington ( IN JAIL ) .Take back the money they stole and reclaim this country. Time is short to turn this thing around. Excuses will be made as to why this can’t be done.( bullshit ) It can. We can get it right.
Ken says
It’s been game over for Hillary R. Clinton. The problem is her supporters and the naive American democrats are too busy living their lustrous lives or are so deeply bedded with the dream of the first female president…
Dragon says
For all the law enforcement agencies and personnel, to see this and do nothing to protect our Nation, remember you are Americans too, so are your families and neighbors, and “you” are part of the “We The People”, your loyalty should be with the Nation, not for just a few influentials. Just like we are Americans and citizens of the USA, so are you. We care about our democracy. End the corruption, you been give the credentials to do it, we don’t want the corruption here in the USA.
M Hennesy says
Dragon, A lot of brave Border Patrol officers have spoken up about Obama and his corrupt administration at risk to their jobs. They also want to protect us from illegal invaders but aren’t allowed to. I was so mad at the GW Bush administration when they prosecuted 2 US Border Patrol officers for shooting a drug trafficker from Mexico in the butt after he ran and reached down to pick up something. They had told him to halt and put his hands up, he refused and ran, and they didn’t know that he wasn’t reaching for a gun. This kind of crap is what our law enforcement people have to put up with today.
Marvin B. Cohen says
He owns property in Lagos, Nigeria? How does he get his money? Running Nigerian Advance Fee Scams? Internet scamming in Nigeria is so common, Nigerian Law has a specific Stature for it. The Statute number is #419 under Nigerian Criminal Statutes. A perfect group. A Nigerian Scammer and a compulsive liar, thief and occasionally, a murderer. Perfect couple.
Please, my fellow Americans. Please do not let this lying, thieving bitch live in the White House. When she left the first time, she and her womanizing sexual-pervert addicted husband stole mega-thousands of White House property! They returned only a portion of the items. THIS WAS OUR PROPERTY! AMERICAN PROPERTY! She is a compulsive liar and she wants to own all the money in the world! That is what the “Clinton Family Foundation” is set-up for. Hundreds of millions dollars have gone in from gullible contributors. None has ever gone out to any needy charity or cause! The Clinton’s raised millions for Haitian relief of earthquake horror? Not one dime ever went to Haiti?? All she wants is power, revenge on America for earlier embarrassment when she was caught lying under oath as a young attorney and all the money in print! I find it hard to believe that some many people believe she has Americans in her hear! SHE HATES AMERICA my fellow Americans. This election has little to do with politics. It is the election to determine American survival! PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS COMPULSIVE LIAR, THIEF AND MURDERER OCCUPY OUR WHITE HOUSE!!!
Important Notice:
Due to recent Presidential budget cuts, the stock market crash, and the rising cost of electricity, gas, and oil, the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.
If the dumb-ass Leftist Liberals had any bit of common sense, they could be registered Republicans!
M Hennesy says
Exactly, Marvin Cohen ! Well said !
John G . says
Why would we expect her to have associates of a different mind set – “birds of a feather flock together” all are crooked, thieves, liars and general no accounts.
Politically incorrect says
First off, If the FBI and the gov’t has known about this for a long time… The only question is why haven’t they done anything about it and wait until election year to bring it up? 2nd. This article failed to mention that Gilbert Chagoury also owns a mansion in CA, not sure when he bought it but if it was after he was listed as a security risk then why was he aloud to purchase the house?
The gov’t and FBI are allowing these kind of BS without investigating. Reason being because everyone is so scared of losing their jobs or worse come up missing and I also blame the media because they find things like this out but do not make an issue out of it. I am totally disgusted with the FBI and corrupt gov’t and the lack of actually journalism that is going on and I am sure Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave at the journalist we have today. Bill O’Reily is about the closest you will get to Cronkite and I really miss the most trusted man in journalism.
james shipley says
It is hard to believe that you can pack that much pure evil in one pants suite. Even that really wide one.
RLS says
America has been bought piece by piece from foreign donars to Hillary…. Pay to Play.
retired says
Gilbert Chagoury maybe he and Hillary had a secret meeting telling her that if Trump wins the election the Clintons are finished totally out….. Too much money being wasted on a dead horse…..
Trump/Pence 2016 the only way to vote
Kent says
She needs to be in prison doing hard time. Take Slick Willie and Chelsea along as well. All the Clinton Foundation is is a massive money laundering scam. Of course, Slick Willie would need to be neutered first.
Bud says
Please tell me how any one with the record as bad as this BITCH Hillary has can first run for any public office let a lone the President of the USA.
Plus be as reported being in the lead of another candidate that has not committed one crime against the United States or the Citizens of that country.
All I can say is I smell a bunch of f****N rats.
Good people of this country had better keep a really sharp eye out on all of the bull s**t that the Democrats are going to pull to get the worthless good for nothing witch elected so if she is elected no one will be able to get her for anything her and her ped husband slick willy have ever done to this country.
Then everyone can sit back and watch the smirk she has on her face while she sits back and says, ” I can do anything my little gangster heart wants and these worthless citizens of this worthless sit back and watch it happen country just sits back and watches it all happen.
Sooo Sad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charles Masterson says
May this BITCH along with her soul rot in HELL !!!
James G. May says
Carolyn Matzura says
According to Hillary, “What difference does it make?” Unfortunately, all the Democrats believe this and blame her lies, her illegal actions, her racketeering foundation, etc. on right wing witch hunt. She could kill someone in broad daylight with a video verifying the incident and lie her way out of it. She obviously perjured herself, she committed obstruction of justice by Bleach Bit of her e-mails, she broke her contract with the State Department about protecting classified documents with use of her private server and also violated her promise to keep the foundation and State Department. separate. The pay to play is obvious, but no one will investigate it or follow the money, and we know through her e-mails that she dealt with foreigners with access and probable pay to play. Sure she dealt with terrorists, or anyone who allow Bill to speak or give a huge donation to the Foundation (and we know that money minis 15% was funneled to the Clintons). How else did they amass the wealth of hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years? It is time to get rid of all of the Clintons, the lobbyists, and term limits on all politicians with punishment of violators to lose all of their benefits. That should clean up America. Also, be sure to vote for Trump. He is wealthy enough and not beholden to anyone. He is America’s only chance to recover from this profound political corruption.
jwb says
yes trump, go dude, you appear to be the savior of this, you are anointed …………just great
Nolan Raborn says
She needs to be executed so that she can never get out and fuck with us again!
Shelba says
What would be true justice, after shutting the clinton foundation down confiscate the money they said they collected for charity and give to the different charities
Sammythbull says
Money is the root of all evil and the Clinton foundation is it
Dawn says
Hillary will sell out the US every time and she will sell out human rights to Sharia Law in the process.
whaabit says
every free thinking woman in America should be mortified and be in extreme fear of Hillary being president . by free thinking im referring those not controlled by media. she advocates for sharia that oppresses woman and brutalizes them. god help them! lies compulsively to get what she wants she acts like a female gangster. and that’s how she comes across. its become the norm breaking the law for her. .isn’t that what they sell to the youth thru the media. gangster is cool. they have done the job well .and because of it we are losing to dark spiritual forces unrelenting in there plan to control everyone at the expense of your freedom. if we don’t wake up to what she and her controllers are doing they will destroy everything that is good about our country.