President Barack Obama last week stopped Congress from scuttling his Iranian nuclear deal, despite warnings from GOP leaders that Iran could not be trusted to honor the pact.
And it’s starting to look like they were right.
The head of the U.N. nuclear agency went to Tehran Saturday for high-level meetings as he tries to accelerate his probe of allegations surrounding Iran’s work on nuclear weapons — especially at a facility known as Parchin.
The agency has identified that site, southeast of Tehran, as where some of the suspected nuclear weapons work took place. And the Iranians appear to already be hiding something there.
Yukiya Amano of the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency arrived Sunday for meetings aimed at “clarifications of past and present outstanding issues” linked to the agency’s probe, spokesman Fredrik Dahl said.
Iran denies it has ever sought nuclear weapons, and insists Parchin is a conventional military site. But Tehran has refused to allow inspections of its military sites as part of the nuclear deal.
Amano got nothing more than a ceremonial tour of Parchin — but he told reporters in Vienna that he saw clear signs of what he’s calling “recent renovation work.”
He appeared to be referring to the building where the agency suspects that weapons experiments were conducted. The agency has frequently said that subsequent renovation work at and near the building could hamper the IAEA probe, and could be seen as a sign that the Iranians are trying to hide something or destroy evidence.
Western nations have long suspected Iran’s nuclear program has a secret military dimension.
The diplomats, who are accredited to the IAEA, demanded anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss Amano’s agenda.
The trip is significant; it comes less than a month before an Oct. 15 deadline to gather information on allegations that Iran tried to build atomic weapons.
A final U.N. assessment is due in December, and that will feed into the larger July 14 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers, helping to determine whether sanctions on Iran will be lifted.
The Associated Press contributed to this story
Look back over the years, has anyone accomplished what this dishonest, lying, cheating, man OBAMA has accomplished? NO not one, ripping our nation apart a piece at a time. And he still has 1 1/2 years to go. I believe firmly that when Israel strikes Iran and their nukes (which I believe is the event that will start the last 7 years bible prophecy) he will declare martial law. If not then at some point he will figure out a way to stay in power. This man is evil smart. Everyone needs to look at their life and get prepared for the next several years; it’s not going to be pleasant. The politicians that were elected in our government are all anti-Christ, proven when they booed God at their convention. At that point in time all changed overnight, everything that was right is now wrong.
This amnesty law and open boarder policy is a joke and was done for one purpose only. To eventually give an open door to let Jihadist’s into our country which he is currently working on. If he can get Sharia law passed he will then have complete control. They will show no mercy.
o What amazes me is the fact that most everybody is not getting what is happening to America. Most haven’t a clue where we are in bible prophecy and probably wouldn’t care any way. They will though, when they lose their country and that is exactly what is happening today. From the day Obama stepped into his cushy office we have been paying him to destroy our country. For him that is a great deal, he gets to play golf, take selfies; he laughs when caught in a lie and thinks he is better then and over everyone. It seems he puts everyone around him in a trance as they follow like sheep. It is possible that he is setting himself up to be the Muslims 12th Imam? I could make a list here of the minuses for Americans and the pluses for the Muslims he has accomplished but you all know what they are. If he can accomplish the destruction of America the Muslims would worship him forever. He has already placed Israel in a box just as the bible says. I am not sure if any of us can do anything about this situation though as our government has been taken over by him and his Muslim friends and it’s getting to late to change what he has accomplished. Our Lord, that is the Christians Lord, told Daniel in chapter 12:4 to seal the words till the end times. What was so horrible that He wanted the words sealed? The sealing was done for one reason and it was to cover something so horrible it wasn’t to be known till the end times. Folks were very close to the last 7 years and the words Daniel sealed are now unsealed. You will not like what is advancing toward us at avalanche speed but you need to know. What Daniel covered is a nuclear war and not a little one. I cannot cover in detail here what I have to say but for those of you that are not faint of heart you can find the prophecies detailed and the time element as well in a book The judgment of babylon you will not like what you read but you will be glad you read it. Your family’s future is at stake.
If Jesus Christ is not on your “todo” list I suggest you get with it. There is a prophecy that states the Lord at some point will send a strong delusion that you will believe the lie. Then it will be too late. Washington has already bought the cool aid.
o Copyright © 2014 Roger King
Dear Roger,
It’s not clear to me whether your fears arise from the actions of Obama OR from the prophecies of your Christian God. If the endtime is God’s Will, then how do you think the President of the US could prevent it??? One of us is VERY confused!!
Would be indebted if you would elaborate on this for me or give me what I need to Google. Thanks.
“The politicians that were elected in our government are all anti-Christ, proven when they booed God at their convention.”
Gee what a surprise.
Absolutely shocking!…. Hard to believe that they would cheat!…. I’m aghast….. (sarc)
Obama, Kerry and the “ruling class” of democommies and GOP elitists in Congress are all working together to destroy America. What they expect to get out of it is incomprehensible because when a nation is overthrown or collapses politicians and the intelligencia are the first to disappear. Not speculation just historical fact. As Germany and then Russia expanded their reins of terror over Europe what happened to the politicians and professors of the countries they absorbed? A few got away but most permanently disappeared.
Israel isn’t going to sit around trusting the rest of the world to protect them. When its information indicates that Iran are nearing completion of a nuclear weapon, Israel will deal with Iran.
President Obama seems a master at failure. The Iran deal will seal his legacy as America’s worst president, which will take that dubious honor from Jimmy Carter.
By the way, this deal is unconstitutional. Treaties must receive a 2/3 vote from the Senate. The current agreement falls short of a treaty status and will hopefully be discarded by the next president.
“…dishonest, lying, cheating…” Sounds like the perfect description of the Republican Party to me. Does anyone remember Weapons of Mass Destruction, or are we pretending that this never happened? Just keep your checkbook out so that you and your kids and their kids can pay the Republican bill for the insane wars we’re in for the next hundred years or so, if we make it that far…
By the way, PolitiFact runs analysis of the truthfulness of candidates statements and Trump comes out as an abysmal liar, although none of the Republicans do very well on the truth-0-meter. Obama? He’s a shining star compared to this tribe of morons…
I remember the weapons of mass destruction do you ?? they actually found 2000 tons of enriched uranium what percentage of enrichment is unknown though it was only when it reached its port of destination port of Montreal that it was disclosed …so do you consider 2000 tons of enriched uranium a weapon of mass destruction if you don’t then you are a lefttard…
President George W Bush was given information from military leaders stating they believe there are weapons of mass destruction. The president supported the military’s belief. I am neither Republican or Democrat but I was 8 years army. Don’t be stupid. Politicians are all corrupt. Democrats Republicans liberals. if you tow a party line then you are a complete moron in my eyes. All parties have wise ideas. If you blend them all together then you have a successful country. If you don’t blend them then you will fail. Why don’t you try to grow a few brain cells.
When replying to someone’s comments, it would be very helpful if you would identify that person…Otherwise, we have a hard time understanding your comments….Have a blessed day!
Walt – How soon did Liberal Democrats forget Hillary and John Kerry and most other Democrats voted YES to the war based on the same information that Bush had. Anyone who quotes Politi-fact is a Liberal, That opinion column is so left leaning it is a joke. If you read through their opinions and don’t see the bias you are drinking too much Kool Aid. Hillary’s worst lies are ancient history and no mention of emails, or Benghazi.