The British monarchy has ruled the United Kingdom and her colonies for years — but if a growing movement in Britain has it’s way, it will all come to an end soon.
Queen Elizabeth II is ailing, reportedly with a bad cold, and The Horn News wishes her a quick recovery.
But with the queen now at the age of 90, Brits are already looking to the future – and many are wondering if the nation might be better off without the pomp and circumstance of a royal family.
There’s a growing push for a different kind of “Brexit” in the U.K.
And this one could change the nation forever, ending centuries of tradition and redefining everything from the official head of state to the nation’s currency.
A group called Republic is urging the nation to hold a Brexit-like referendum when the queen passes, before Prince Charles has a chance to assume the throne.
“It will be the first time most people have seen a change in the head of state,” Graham Smith, the group’s chief executive, told The Independent last year.
Indeed, Queen Elizabeth II has ruled for a positively pharaonic 65 years. The only people alive today who knew life under the previous head of state are senior citizens!
“I think that’s going to be a slightly odd, jarring experience for a lot of people,” Smith said. “All of a sudden you’ve got this this other monarch who has been hoisted upon us and no debate about who it is going to be.”
That “other” monarch, of course, is Prince Charles.
And while Queen Elizabeth II has in many ways been the living embodiment of an apolitical figurehead, the same can’t be said for the crown prince.
Mark Bolland, a former aide to Prince Charles, said in 2015 that the would-be future king used his position in an attempt to influence policymakers, lobbying the highest levels of government.
According to the Guardian, Bolland suggested that Charles “routinely meddled in political issues and wrote sometimes in extreme terms to ministers, MP’s and others in positions of political power and influence.”
A series of memos the prince sent to government officials detailing some of his efforts were released to the public in 2015 after a protracted legal battle.
Would the prince be any less meddling as king?
The referendum would give voters a clear choice.
The first choice, of course, would be to continue with centuries of tradition. Charles would become king, and the monarchy would be preserved.
The second would be to do away with the royal institution.
The family would become ordinary citizens – albeit incredibly wealthy ones, even without their generous taxpayer support – but would no longer have the power and access that come along with their ceremonial roles.
Republicans who want to abolish the crown have a tough road ahead, however: A poll last year found that three quarters of Brits support the monarchy and want to keep it.
Then again, if we learned anything in 2016 – from Brexit to Donald Turmp – it’s to never, ever trust the polls.
— The Horn editorial team
Clive Phillips says
You talk complete bollocks! There have always been Republican chip on the shoulder idiots in UK but Monarchy has never been more popular. Get your facts right in future about UK!
Jason says
I agree. BTW in any a tempt of removing the monarchy is a crime and a really big one.
It’s called treason.
To do away with the monarchy would be over throwing the monarchy.
I am Canadian and not a chance here.
We love her so there would be a problem. We are obligated to save our queen or king so that would be an issue.
Australia would have the same issue and so on.
God save the Queen.
madmemere says
Long live the Queen!!
Andrew says
Why do we need a shape shifting robbing thieving reptilian monarch or anybody by birth that thinks they have Devine right?
Bruce Devido says
Hey Andrew we don’t, but we do have them… We call them politicians, I call them SCUM OF THE EARTH
Main Street says
The World’s most famous welfare family.
Main Street says
Strange as to how the politically correct press and establishment worship Britain’s royals. From Ireland to India, so much discrimination, pillaging and unfairness was committed “in the name of the crown”.
The Royal family work hard for Britain, supporting many charities and appearing at public events on behalf of the nation. They earn every penny they receive. Welfare? You’re an opinionated nimcompoop!
Bruce Devido says
Barbara, do you call going to and hosting parties is work… They hire all the help they need. The toughest job is deciding what color for the tablecloth and staying out of jail.
Ron says
Screw the royal family!!!!! I say, strip them of all their stolen moneies’ and feed the poor!
Bruce Devido says
I agree with RON, the rest of you must be Trumptards.
Anna McKinnon says
I am 70 and a royalist but I did read about Charles putting his nose on our politics and what his Christmas speech of Islam was for me the end of Charles
THE loss of Diana was bad but for crown prince Charles and future head of the Christian church to ask HIS CITIZENS to think of Muhammad during our Christian important day hit me hard
I’d have William anytime but not that ISLAMIC Charles who even dresses like an Arab visiting Saudi Arabia so often is unacceptable and will effect all Brits especially the BREXITiers
Bruce Devido says
Don’t we have enough problems with our own Monarchs than to worry about whats going on across the pond.. Our own Monarchs are driving this country to be on the same economic status as Mozambique..
Clive Phillips says
You talk complete bollocks! There have always been Republican chip on the shoulder idiots in UK but Monarchy has never been more popular. Get your facts right in future about UK!
Skipsart says
Say that again! I didn’t understand you the first two times.
Luo Hu-Shan says
He would but he can’t remember what he said.
Main Street says
We should be grateful for Lexington and Concord, George Washington, Paul Revere and the Patriots of 1775.
Rev. Tom says
It is my hopeful prayer that Queen Elizabeth II will choose her own successor and it would be Prince William! Prince Charles is a cheating loser and the way he treated his first wife, Diana is and was disgraceful. He is unworthy to wear the Crown of England! I join with our English sisters and brothers as they shout: “God save the Queen!”
Margaret says
I agree, Prince William is the better (and only choice in my mind). Prince does not seem to want to rule the country. He appears more content to live in the background, do his own thing and complain from time to time.
Christopher O'Rourke says
I totally agree with you there Rev.Tom, your are absolutely right in your comment. Prince William would make a better King than his father. The majority of the UK’s population in my guess is anywhere between the mid twenties up to about the mid sixties age wise, but I could also very well be totally wrong, if I’m wrong I take full responsibility for being wrong and admit that I’m wrong.
Dominique says
Seriously, might be time for you people who support this royal family to do some research. They are child traffickers and abusers. A international court found queen E to be guilty of kidnapping and murdering canadian children last year.
Hugh says
Where on earth did you read that ?
Jeanette says
Links, please.
Jason says
She cannot do that. Her oogation to the throne starts and ends at the throne.
If she abdicates she no longer has the power to do anything other than be a royal.
Hugh says
The Prince of Wales is a highly educated man who, unfortunately, married a good-looking bimbo. The Queen has no right to choose her successor. Upon her death the crown will pass automatically to the next-in-line.
Hugh says
Why ?
Lynnloiselle says
I know that William should be our King his father is not fit to be our King
Anna McKinnon says
Agree fully especially after his Xmas speech telling us to think of f…… pedophile blood thirsty Muhammad
WHAT in the name of Jesus was he thinking? Crown prince and head of church? Christian Church! We , his subjects to think of this savage animal that beheads Christians and stone women to death? I’m joining the republic
St. Edgar says
Britain needs to be governed by a strong hand. The liberal left has thoroughly infiltrated both the labor and conservative parties of parliament including the house of lords. Parliamentary democracy has failed England, and their culture has become an insane mess. Monarchs and their heirs are specially educated to rule and govern. Monarchy is best for England.
Hugh says
British monarchs reign, they do not rule.
Andrew says
All I can say is bullshit, I would say we do need to make democracies work for eveyone not for special interests and people with lot of money. Getting rid of the monarchy is just a first step.
Andrew says
All I can say is bullshit, I would say we do need to make democracies work for eveyone not for special interests and people with lot of money. Getting rid of the monarchy is just a first step.
Dave Woodward says
Sorry St Edgar but you are totally wrong. British monarchs do NOT rule even though the constitution of the United Kingdom says they do. They are more of a figurehead than a ruler. The Government of the day makes the decisions, not the monarch. Look back to King John who stole the crown while Richard the Lionheart was in the Crusades. He was eventually forced to sign and accept the Magna Carta giving democracy to the people. The Magna Carta is also the basis upon which the American Constitution is formed. Don’t believe me? Look up in your history books and you will find the answer. Oh and by the way I am British by birth and studied all this when I was in school, many years ago. The Monarchy will NOT be replaced for a long time and I will predict that William will become King after Elizabeth. Charles does not really want the crown and the responsibility, his damn wife Camilla, aka Godzilla, wants that
jim says
Long live the monarchy.
Muriel says
I agree wth Rev Tom. Forget Prince Charles and go directly to Princs William!!!!!
Sharon Jenkins says
I hope Queen Elizabeth chooses William to be King. She should do it soon. I still believe Charles had a hand into Diana’s death. Truth will prevail.
Jeanette says
Charles is next in line by the British rules of succession.
Perhaps Queen Elizabeth CANNOT skip Charles legally; perhaps that’s why she’s remained on the throne so long, when at her age, a drop in responsibilities and schedule might be a welcome change.
Dave Woodward says
Sorry but Elizabeth can skip Charles legally. The reason she remained on the throne for so long is that she wanted to outdo her ancestor Victoria as them longest reigning monarch. I agree that Elizabeth would have to get approval from the Government of the day, but that can be just a formality. Charles doesn’t really want the throne, Camilla does and she is the scheming bitch behind everything.
Jo Anne Mackey says
I am not a Brit, therefore, what I say really has no authority behind it. However, with the past history of Charles and the his adulterous life style followed by the some say accidental death of Princess Diana. Later Charles brought his paramour he committed adultery with for years prior to marriage, (she was married) and years after his marriage to lovely Princess Diana. Charles is unfit to be crowned as a King of anything.
That strictly leaves one decent and good man, the son of Princess Diana, Prince William, the first born son of a true Princess.
Jason says
Unfortunately that is how it works.
The institution is what it is.
Charles has to abdicate for that to happen.
As soon as the queen take her last breath the new king being Charles is king.
The second she has passed.
He still has to have his corination of course before he can wear the crown.
Hugh says
Please stop reading the supermarket tabloids.
Jeanette says
Are you saying that Charles did none of those things?
Because Diana certainly said that he did them.
Ag says
Congilio says
I believe that Prince Harry is smarter in ruler as the next King. If I am right, the Queen will appoint Harry to the Thrown.
Tom says
Total left wing drivel! The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a monarchy and the vast majority of the population are staunchly supportive of the Queen and The Royal Family.
Their value in terms of tourist dollars is also significant.
What I would say is that should anything happen to our Queen, god forbid, then I would like to see us skip a generation and have William as her successor.
Jeanette says
We non-Brits have no say, but it seems as though most commenters agree with you.
J.E Hay says
Great Britain Will Have To Change Their Motto From God Save The Queen To God Help Us All.
Giz says
So right!
Keith Rockefeller says
There is a mystique the monarchy has that does not often exist in a Republican Democracy like the US. We have had presidents who had some level of style like JFK, Ronald Reagan, and probably Donald Trump with wives who could legitimately be considered queens in a certain sense. For the most part we lack the tradition and class that the monarchy offers and the closest Americans can get is to go to our colonial roots with the British Monarchy. It would be sad to see that connection lost forever.
Jerry says
I’ve thought for years that the best thing for both the country and the royal family would be to get rid of all that nonsense, make all the “nobility” go get real jobs, and hire actors for all the pomp and ceremony that the tourists like to watch. Do a kind of a “Colonial Williamsburg” thing and let the actors go home at night to live like real people.
PattieA says
It’s “me” opining again!! Queen Liz better … not only return to her normal activities, but also, give that brat of her grand son Harry a good talking or maybe banish him from the family. Dating an “oreo” doesn’t go too well with many of us. He is a trouble maker and probably will never live up to the standards of being a modern royal.
PhilipCarer says
Horn News should keep out of matters it doesn’t understand.
Jeanette says
Don’t be so prickly.
There wouldn’t be any news if the writers all had to “understand” everything, since that would entail experiencing it. That would be fatal for reporting (for instance) Muslim beheadings.
RD says
Actually Phillip, I am amazed at how well informed Americans are about English matters. My father came to Canada from Scotland and I am old enough to remember the death of King Charles the 6th; the old, stand-up radio, with the large dial – in the center and the hidden drawer for the radio license. My parents were quite distraught when it happened. Elizabeth was the perfect heir to take over the monarchy and probably did hang on this long to keep a meddling, old fool (Charles) from taking control. If that cannot be avoided it may be time to disband and forego the embarrassment. What country, in this day and age, can afford such extreme pomp and ceremony.
Very recently; how many Canadians, Brits and Irish weighted in on American political matters, in this very media outlet? Tit for tat, I say.
Brian Smith says
Long live the Queen and the tradition of the monarchy whoever is to succeed.
John Watson says
If you go to the country you will find that there is a very large majority in favour of the monarchy. The monarchy brings a boom to the economy. Long may they continue.
Jason says
Come to Canada you will find lots here too.
Brits need not think too fast as Canadians the monarchy js our monarchy too.
We are obligated to protect and preserve.
That would be an act of treason to over thow the crown.
Jim says
You better review your research. QE has already chosen William as her successor. That is old News.
Hugh says
Sorry, Jim, William will only succeed the Queen if the current Prince of Wales predeceases Her Majesty.
Clive Phillips says
Time Horn news stopped publishing total crap! Monarchy has never been more popular. Yanks should stick to what they know best;electing a muslim, TWICE!
Jeanette says
It’s highly likely that we didn’t “elect” him; he got in with a LOT of fraud; that’s why so many people were so worried about fraud in the 2016 election.
Trump (who is no Muslim apologist) was probably elected by a much larger (legal) margin than is being admitted. By one calculation, just taking out the votes of illegal aliens would have given him the popular vote, and then there were the under-age voters; the dog and cat voters; the dead voters; the multiple voters bused from poll to poll; and the non-existent voters.
So we voted overwhelmingly across the country to solve numerous problems, including the Muslim problem, starting with the Muslim/Marxist/likely illegal alien, Obama.
Giz says
I totally agree.
Ag says
Larry Blockman says
All of us already have a Monarchy , The US and Britain, It is called the One World Order Does not matter who the figure head is.
Chris says
I wonder why we left the monarchy behind. Could there be a lesson there?
The Brits do love there pomp and ceremony. Politically speaking I agree with some of the comments on runaway influences needing to controlled. Draining the swamp could be very frustrating under their current political system. I think people are not happy, but haven’t a clue of how to correct it. Don’t ask me either, but I do think mucking around with the monarchy might not be the way to go. Just an opinion.
john says
they are not happy because of all the illegal muslim and others invading there country
Justin W says
The challenge is likely to come after Charles has been king for a few years. His mother has built up a lot of goodwill toward the crown but Charles will have the task of hanging onto those positive feelings. That may be difficult to do.
Senior citizens often have weakened immune systems. Ailments that would be minor for a teen or young adult can quickly become life ending for the elderly. Hopefully Queen Elizabeth will be able to recover from her cold, but she would not be the first senior citizen to die from a cold that got out of hand.
kjones says
Charles is very liberal. We know about liberals in this country – the Democrats.
alan broomhead says
our queen can trace her decendents back to Alfred the great,we have experienced one dictator oliver Cromwell,but reverted
back to royalty when Charles the second took back the throne.there is a certain element in the u.k.whose purpose is to destroy
all of our traditions, one example is the ending of childrens school Christmas parties,another example in fashion is calling the
Christmas holidays the winter break.all to appease the muslims and not to offend them,we have these people in our politics,
some even in charge of our local councils changing street names that have been there centuries for Asian sounding names
aided and abetted by our spineless central government to appease these newcomers for fear of being branded one tiny
villiage school liberal left wing inspectors criticised the school for not having any coloured children.common sense should have told them that such an out of place area doesn’t attract migrants,but they are too blind to see that is a inconvenient truth and is
easier to call them racist.m any of us here in u.k.wish Donald trump well and wish we had a p.m with his principles,but we can
only dream.
Jerry says
She can trace her descendants to Charles, William, and whoever. She can trace her ANCESTORS back to Alfred the Great, et al.
One thing the internet has clearly demonstrated to the world: everywhere we use the English language, the schools are pathetic.
MrTruth says
Hillary Clinton says, “When the queen dies I’m available for the job!”
Myke H. says
I wouldn’t wish HRC on any nation…lol
Giz says
So right.
RD says
Poor Hillary couldn’t afford the wardrobe.
MrTruth says
Soros will pay for it.
Myke H. says
I don’t think it matters who King after the Queen moves on…I’m not to sure about the political structure in the UK, but it’s all for show right, I mean the Queen or King has no REAL power right…but also getting rid of all that comes with that process would leave money better spent elsewhere….
Ralph White says
Why are you criticizing another country? We should be expending our energy and wisdom(?) RETURNING OUR country back to most successful country jn history. :a constitutional , Christian nation.
The ROYALS ALL have JOBS, and DUTIES and they preform SERIOUS OBLIGATIONS EVERY DAY. I’ve seen a SCHEDULE, for the QUEEN, and also for DIANA, and I would be hard put to keep all of their obligations to SERVE. Let ENGLAND figure out how they’re going to replace all of the funds that they raise in the course of attending all of those EVENTS for those in need. GOD SAVE the QUEEN and SKIP CHARLES!
Uncle Buck ofama says
And don’t forget, with Charles, you get a BONUS! You get the lovely (gag) Queen Camilla, everybody’s favorite broom rider.
G10 says
First of all, Brits would take exception to the Horn’s phrasing that the Republicans (in a Brit sense) wanting to do away with the monarchy are ‘conservatives’. Look up the word ‘conservative’ (with a small ‘c’). The advocates for the abolition of the monarchy come from different strands but would be better roughly classified as ‘liberals’. Years ago, there was a more serious debate on the matter. I think that what won it for the status quo was the idea that various people, including the armed services would, instead of having to swear allegiance to “The Queen” or “The King”, swear it to “President Thatcher” (many of those liberals would be unable to say her name without spitting at the same time). Many Brits love the Royal Family and some hate them, but they have stability and class that a “President Thatcher” (or a “President Any Named Politician”) could never, ever have. My guess too is that they are more popular in the US than in the UK. Not that the UK would want its colonies back. The UK could never want to afford the baggage that would come with it.
Stuart Roy Callaghan says
I agree with Clive Phillips Absolute Ballocks, and that idiot Rev Tom? If he had bothered to read his Bible he would have a better
Under standing of the Royal Family.
No1 The Queen has not the authority to choose her successor.
No2 I don’t think William would usurp his father.
No3 Her majesty’s descendents will be Rulling the United Kingdom not just England untill the Second Coming.
Try getting rid of them?
Barb says
Alternative Medical Doctors have successfully used Hydrogen Peroxide to cure a lung infection or pneumonia with an IV drip of the solution. It takes a couple of hours and the lungs are clear within 24 hours. Hopefully, there are some alternative medicine medical doctors in the UK working on this now. This is not the Hydrogen Peroxide in the dark brown bottles for sale at the supermarket or drug store. It is a medical grade and cost me $125 to get the treatment done in the doctor’s office. Works like a charm! Far superior to other treatments.
Don says
I have a pet ant hole in my front yard. (I’m not kidding!) I call them “The Brits.” Here’s why:
I have lived on this acre for 30 years; on several occasions I thought they had died out, but behold, one day here they would come again, digging back out on top of the ground. Strangely, they would move several times during the season as though they got a little “antsy” where they were. About the second time they disappeared, my wife told me she thought they were gone for good. But I told her, “No sweetheart, you just watch: next year they’ll be back out on top of the ground.”
She said, “How do you know?”
I said, “Honey, as long as the queen is alive they will always come out on top!”
Mark my word: English royalty will never die as long as there is an England. It’s in the soil, in the air, in their clothes, on their tongues, in their speech. But that’s not all—the whole world knows there will always be an “England” because in every mind, that very word wears a crown!
RD says
I just wish I could copy and paste some of these comments. I often come to the Horn News comment section for entertainment.
James Clarke says
The Royal Family, along wit the rest of the Royals, and as well all the Dukes, Duchesses and miscellaneous other aristocrats belong to the past. They should have been history long ago. They help to perpetuate the ridiculous class system which still prevails in Britain. Most top Government AND Civil Service jobs go to people who have gone to school at Eton or Harrow, or to Oxford or Cambridge Universities. Likewise MOST military Commanders who go to train at Sandhurst are from similar backgrounds. Most top jobs in the city of London also go to the same types. Most of them look down upon the rest of the population as peasants who only exist to serve their masters. It is time to STOP ALL OF THIS NONSENSE. The starting point is to abolish the Royal family. Next–close Oxford and Cambridge OR make it mandatory that more than 50% of the students MUST have come from schools OTHER THAN Eton and Harrow. That would be a good starting point.
From a very angry peasant.
James Clarke says
Mr. or Mrs. Moderator. I do not understand why my perfectly valid comment on the Riyal Family and the class system in Britain is under moderation. It would appear that anything that explains the truth about the class system in Britain is not wanted. That is very disappointing. I have NOT used any foul or abusive language–that is not my style. Just a perfectly rational argument for abolishing the Royals and all their hangers-on. Many people in Britain feel the same as I do.
My message is neither hate speach nor anything else that could be classified as unacceptable in a so-called healthy debate. If my comments are not used–I will know that so-called healthy debate is not encouraged. I will not be the first to discover this. It is, nevertheless, very disappointing.
British Peasant
James Clarke says
Could you please tell me how long it takes to “moderate” or review a comment? I would not have thought that it was necessary to a long delay such is now occurring with my comment. As already stated, I have not used hate speach, I have not been involved in personal insults, nor used bad language. It should only take minutes to understand that my comments is well thought out and is in line with the thoughts of a great number of the British people. I realise that, being American, you may not be so used to hearing these comments, and you may not have a strong grasp of British history (which is NOT a subject to be proud of)–but that only heightens the need too publish, rather than to censor. You have my email address, so I would very much like to hear from you.
James Clarke says
I have reviewed a number of other comments that you have allowed. Some can easily be described as very insulting. Others clearly not at all well informed. You have allowed them to be printed. It makes it all the more difficult to understand why you do not wish a well-reasoned argument to be printed. It can only be because you don’t care about the odd bit of slagging off–but you do not want readers to have a glance at the reality of the situation. That is very sad indeed. Very sad. Your editorial policy needs to come under some scrutiny–as it is nothing like what it is alleged to be. I see that you are not wanting to comment me–despite my invitation. It is clear what that means. It means that my comments are too close to the truth–and so you are unable even to have a healthy debated about them. How very sad. Jim
James Clarke says
Now you have shown your true, very cowardly colours. You have censored comments with which you did not agree. You only wish to have quick quips–rather than well presented arguments. You are a disgrace, and your job may now be at risk
RD says
James, every moderator has a different personality and belief system. You have posted late in the day as have I. I have a comment under moderation and another that just disappeared. Repost tomorrow and get another moderator that may sympathize with your values and allow them to go on. These comment sections usually stay around for awhile.
Stephen Russell says
Privitize Royal family budget with Corp, UK sponsors alone
Use for PR events only IE Ascot Opening Day, New embassey erected etc.
Only for PR for UK.
Open up palaces for Hotels for the public ( sections away from Royal Family Hqs for $$$)
I know Id love to stay in Buckimngham Palace vs any hotel in Mayfair alone & have Own entry, lobby, rooms, kitchen for Public use ( locals & tourists alone) id be awesome.
ALL palaces in UK owned by Royal Family & maybe sell one for Public use as a Hotel?? Resort.
Rocketman says
Which would be better for the people of GB, no monarch at all or Charles? Considering what I have heard about him I would say none at all If I were Queen Elizabeth when she passes I would make her grandson William the next king because he seems to have a good head on his shoulders.
ABA says
The American Press needs to stay out of British Politics. Look how negatively the British people reacted to President Obama’s telling them they needed to stay in the European Union! Which appeared to many Brits as interfering in their business. Or worse was he actually using reverse psychology to get them mad enough to vote for Brexit to see if he could do lasting damage to Britain?
Dominic says
I fail to see how King Charles is going to help the UK? He already sold it out to the EU Zone, loss huge assets of the Crown, including Hong Kong, that should never had been hand-backed. He also sold out to the Muslims and Islam where he allowed to be taken Over by Muslims, and even his wife he sold out to the Muslims. He dumped her for a Camilla. Diana wrote her husband was going to kill her in a car accident. Everyone assumes that was Charles, but this letter she wrote was 10 months after they divorced, so he was not the husband she mentioned. It was Dodi the Muslim, who planned it and his own suicide like most Muslim Terrorists do, in fighting unbelievers. It was Diana who did not want Charles to sell out to the Muslims, but he wanted none of that, dumped her and ran off with Camilla. What was Diana to do? She was trapped by the Muslims, and Paparazzi, and he killed her. Essentially Charles handed over his wife to the Muslims, and they killed her. Is that Murder? The Magistrate will say no, but the fact is it is. Because that is how Muslims are, they believe in Murder, taking over countries, installing Sharia Law, raping and marrying Children, and having many wives as slaves. If you leave the religion they will kill you, so the people are forced to stay Islam or die. This is how sick Islam is, and how stupid Charles is. And he is going to be to King of England? There won;t be a UK when he becomes King. He should be tried for Treason, and his son becomes the living Heir and King, as his mother Diana would want him to be.
Dominic says
I fail to see how King Charles is going to help the UK? He already sold it out to the EU Zone, incurring losing huge assets of the Crown, including Hong Kong, that should never had been hand-backed. He also sold out to the Muslims and Islam where he allowed London to be taken Over by Muslims, and even his wife Diana he sold out to the Muslims. He dumped her for Camilla. Diana wrote in a letter before her death, her husband was going to kill her in a car accident. Everyone assumes that was Charles, but this letter she wrote was 10 months after they divorced, so he was not the husband she mentioned.
It was Dodi the Muslim, who planned it and his own Jihad suicide like most Muslim Terrorists do, in fighting unbelievers.
It was Diana who did not want Charles to sell out to the Muslims, but he wanted none of that, dumped her and ran off with Camilla. What was Diana to do? She became drawn in a romantically involved at times, but she did not want to be Muslim.
She was trapped by the Muslims, and Paparazzi, and he killed her. Essentially Charles handed over his wife to the Muslims, and they killed her. Is that Murder? The Magistrate will say no, but the fact is it is. Because that is how Muslims are, they believe in Murder, taking over countries, installing Sharia Law, raping and marrying Children, and having many wives as slaves.
If you leave the religion they will kill you, so the people are forced to stay Islam or die. This is how sick Islam is, and how stupid Charles is. And he is going to be to King of England? There won;t be a UK when he becomes King. He should be tried for Treason, and his son Prince William Duke of Cambridge becomes the living Heir and King, as his mother Diana would want him to be.
Mike E says
There are many Americans with family blood lines rooted to England and many who are aware and proud of it. With this some still have an interest in the “Crown” just as much as in the Presidency. We have fought each other and we have fought others together over the years and I would be concerned if the crown was to be worn by someone with Clinton or Obama values with what it could mean for the future of freedom. Lets hope and pray that the next wearer of the crown is worthy for all of us to admire and respect as much as the Queen has been/is.
Kevin Beck says
I see this as the continued attempt to shove Prince Charles aside in the future of Great Britain. He has become a pariah ever since the death of Princess Diana.