WikiLeaks founder and editor-in-chief Julian Assange is no stranger to controversy.
Now he says he has a huge surprise in store — and it could completely shake up the presidential election in November.
Assange said on Wednesday that his WikiLeaks organization plans to release “significant” information tied to the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Asked if the data could be a game-changer in the election, the controversial whistle blower told Fox News, “We have a lot of pages of material, thousands of pages of material. I don’t want to give the game away, but it’s a variety of different types of documents and different types of institutions that are associated with the election campaign, some quite unexpected angles that are, you know, quite interesting, some even entertaining.”
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The single threat that neither Trump nor Hillary is ready for…
A new law threatens to restrict your access to your own cash in America…and the resulting event will threaten to shut down every single ATM. This threat will catch Trump AND Hillary completely unaware…
Congressmen and billionaires have already prepared – have you? Go here to watch the video presentation…
Asked by host Megyn Kelly if the information could reshape the election, Assange was coy, saying “I think it’s significant. You know, it depends on how it catches fire in the public and in the media.”
WikiLeaks’ giant data dumps have, in the past, rattled the National Security Agency, the U.S. Democratic Party, and the Saudi foreign ministry. But its spectacular mass-disclosures have also been controversial for their collateral damage.
Assange has been holed up for the past four years in Ecuador’s embassy in London, where he sought refuge when Swedish prosecutors sought to question him over sexual assault allegations.
You can see the Assange interview below —
Do you think Julian Assange’s actions are that of a hero, or a villian? Comment below.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
david alexandria says
Assange is just doing the job that our media are not doing. I applaud him for making the american public aware of what is going on. The U.S. media stinks and leans to the liberal side and only reports bad news if it involves the right. The public has a right to know no matter who it is that is involved and should then make their own decisions as to what is right and wrong.
Thomas says
AGREED!! The lame stream media are lap dogs for the Liberals / Communists / Marxists / Socialists.
ItsJo says
ItsJo says
Forgot to say: “Thank you Mr. Assange, for doing what our Liberal/Leftist Media WON’T.” America OWES you a BIG, BIG Thank You, as you KNOW what we ALL KNOW…Corruption is taking our Republic Down, so Again, BRING ON THE INFO..!
PattieA says
AMEN!!! And a million thinks for what you are doing. We need someone as ballsy as you to show who these crooks are. God bless.
Sue says
Thank you. For the truths you give to us the American people We needtotakeourcountry back.
aspergus Hermann says
You have to understand Soros was at one time envolve
with Hitler master race
Shirley Benton says
Assange is doing the job our media should be doing…but is not! That makes him a hero in my eyes!
Mikeyavelli says
You are so right.
Chris Wallace is a lefty trying his damndest to sound RINO.
Assange is tilting the election?
Scusa me but what I see is Assange giving out information that Chris Wallace is hiding to protect hilliar and the establishment that owns him.
He’s sleazy, never liked him.
Larry says
Right you are.
Glenn Trail says
I was just watching the weather on a Philly cbs station and saw a Clinton add that had FOX News Bill O’Riley (?) and that Kruthammer (?) guy in it bad mouthing Trump. Damn, I guess fox is as bad as the rest of the stations. As for the (?) I am not sure of the spelling. I am very old and did not have much school housing. So don’t worry about my spelling.
Marc says
Well said “ItsJo” ! I saw an interesting piece I was steered to listen to on You Tube called “Why Votes Don`t Count: Truth Explained Like Never Before” ! Please have a look see if you hav`nt already !
aspergus Hermann says
you have to remember Soros was once a Hitler’s master race supporter.
Dwayne says
Yes, against his own people….
Marc says
Maybe Soros doesn’t understand how the life cycle works ! He`ll end up on the same pile we ALL end up on sometime in our lifetime and a few years after his demise everybody will be saying, “Who`s George Soros?” Get in line George ole boy, ya can`t buy your way out of that !
CarleyTrump says
mfrad17 says
Amen to that brother!
Kenneth Stelter says
That is called Journalism – the Establishment only staffs their media with script readers – their script.
Patricia Valiquette says
Texas Voter says
Agreed!!! Assange is doing a great job! The media is EXTREMELY corrupt and its more obvious during this election than at any other point in history.
Ron says
Agreed. I hope the voters see through the media lies come November and also that this information helps put Hillary where she belongs………..behind bars!
Assange and Snowden are the only real media we have right now. The so called "media" is a sham! says
Assange and Snowden are the only real Media that we have right now. The so called “media” are nothing but a sham.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The media since the 1960’s has leaned very heavy to the Liberal side. The only Figureheads since then that the media likes and has liked
is Former Figurehead Bill Clinton the most, but has and hates the rest. The media is not only biased, but also bigoted at the same time. The media should & ought to be strictly neutral, not taking sides whatsoever except AGAINIST when things are wrong.
Steve says
The question is: If all this is true and more coming out on Crooked Hillary, why in the hell is the FBI, CIA and all the other organizations NOT doing a damn thing about it? She still walks around like she done nothing wrong and she thinks her shit doesn’t stink. Someone in the government needs to get a set of balls and put Crooked Hillary behind bars.
gnb says
Steve: NEWSFLASH – The CIA and the FBI are “not doing a damn thing about it” because the mainstream corporate media is under the thumb of the CIA, and has been since the inception of OPERATION MOCK- ING BIRD. Bill and Hillary are high value CIA assets. Need I say more?
larogue says
Whyz/ Because their brains are in their bloody balls!
jim carroll says
I agree 100%, the reason is obumma has told the FBI,CIA,&DOJ to stand down on the HAG. The people in this country need to get together and try and get her indicted. All the people, that feel the same as I do, is have someone smart enough to write up a petition & get it circulating ill be the first one to sign, and I think we could get enough signatures to do something. As a senior citizen of this great country im tired of hearing about this lyiny,crooked,murdering,hag, if she is elected you can kiss your country good-by.
sandy jackson says
Jim , get your petition up , and i will be glad to sign it.
david says
cause the bozo in charge wont let them do anything to upset the playhouse he has built,for him and his muslim brotherhood cronies
jon says
100% agree with you. It is refreshing to finally get unbiased and factual reporting.
lpt says
Judy says
I agree!!
Carolynn says
I agree with what Steve said!!
Kieth wilson says
Good comment!hope it catches on.
Rod Roberts says
I’m looking forward to these leaks! I want the Clintons to go down big. I’d really like to see both of them in jail.
Michael Bovee says
For all of the “things” that the Clintons have been linked to over the past twenty some odd years, they both certainly belong in prison !
Michael Bovee says
I totally agree and wish that we, the people, could find more folks like Assange to bring out the hidden truths, especially when it comes to people obeying a totally different set of laws/rules from those we are subject to abide by !
Chuck says
Not only our media but our own government. They also have continually lied to the people of this country. They are no longer there to listen to the people they are there for their own benefit and the Establishments. They have showed us that they could care less about the Constitution unless it benefits them. They have lied from the time they took the oath to uphold the Constitution. They should be removed from office immediately.
Bill Stevens says
It’s past time for the right to start taking over the news media. They need to either buy out these morons or sabotage them in every way possible.
AforT says
Agreed. It does exactly as Obama orders. That’s how a controlled press works. This
country hasn’t had a free press for years. Face it.
keith says
Ditto Chuck !!!!!!!!!!!
William says
I do not understand how any body with any common sense would ever vote for the sick whore Hillary Clinton, that slut has lied and stolen from the American people and killed several people and is still walking, what is the matter with our laws and courts. Congress get the hell off of your asses and prosecute this sick bitch.
Jim Carroll says
William I agree with you 100%, obumma is the reason!
Victor- says
Assange and Snowden are hero’s that should be commended and given the highest award in the land of rewards!
ron lee says
lmao…assange a hero….the man has been hiding at the embassy for 4 yrs becuase of sexual assault allegations….he might be doing the right thing in regards to wiki but he is no frking hero….you people cheapen the word hero
Daniel Spickard says
I wander if the Main Stream Media is going to try and stick it’s head up Donald Trump’s ass after he win the election! I just hope that after he wins, and he will win, that he doesn’t let any of those media in the white house conference room! Let just those who haven’t bowed to Obama and him band of stooges!
Kerry says
No, they wom’t suck up to Trump if he wins. They will try to get him impeached. Ithink the news stations may be in collusion with the Clinton money machine.
Patricia says
Amen to that!! Hopefully he can stay alive long enough to give out the info!!
Joe B says
Assange and Wiki leaks are the last bastion of free speech in a so called free society! Keep up the good work and stay safe!
Jim says
Agree with you completely. I’m just wondering how she will have stolen the election, if, in fact, she does get herself elected.
Trump is a bag of worms, himself, but I’ll vote for him rather than the progressive/socialist/Marxist that Hillary and Obama are.
I consider it a shame that neither party could come up with a better candidate than they did. I’d love to have been able to vote for John Kassich.
In my opinion, America is screwed regardless of which megalomaniac is elected.
Greg says
Jim, With Kassich it would have been politics as usual. By the way, what happened to his honoring his pledge<
Marc says
I agree 100%
Bolaji isijola says
David, I agree……
I hope Mr .Assange stay;s on Track and let the American People know what they get with the Clinton’s back in the WHITE .HOUSE . NOTHING GOOD.
Henry vera says
allison says
I am amazed Assange that you are still alive. So many persons opposed to Hillary have had car crashes, airplane crashes or have committed suicide unexpectedly.
American Citizen says
Liberals are tantamount to traitors but lucky for them there are few real Americans who have a clue. Brain dead rules. Electing a woman is fine but make sure it is a real American not Hillary Rotten will do if the price is right Clinton. Tantamount to a no sex included hooker to my mind. Of course I can see why.
So true!!!
Richard Garrett says
Assange is a hero to the little people
with no power/influence.
tom says
Patricia Valiquette says
ed says
You do what you have to do
Cecile says
Assange is releasing information every American should know……Hero. He is!
Patricia Valiquette says
tom says
It is about time that someone in this world tells it like it is, I don’t know his motives but I am sure that she isn’t going to make it passed the evidence that the FREEDOM WATCH GROUP IS GOING TO PRESENT!!!! She has been ordered to testify before a Federal Judge in regards to the first batch of emails to determine if she perjured under oath this time, she has to answer questions now about 85 donors getting a meeting with her after donating 125 million to the foundation. Then she has to deal with a new set of wiki leaks emails in October. Man no wonder she hasn’t campaigned in 10 days now. She is also unavailable to the press, wonder why? If she is not guilty you would think she would be granting every interview she could to offset the right wing conspiracy
Thomas says
Unfortunately it is only a series of questions that she has to respond to on paper, but she will be sworn in before she answers them. To bad we couldn’t have someone like Trey Gowdy, who is still licensed to practice law and was a Federal Prosecutor before he was a Congressman, go after this lying cheating bitch on the witness stand. She would definitely “short circuit” then!
Francisco Machado says
The written replies to the questions will be that – and nothing more. She will reply to the questions, not answer them. Nixon was a master of that art, and since this is not a face-to-face confrontation, the opportunity to say “Your reply did not answer the question – please answer the question” will have no effect until after the election, at which time it will be moot.
Jim Carroll says
The hags lawyers will be with her,you know their not going to let her incriminate herself,awaste of money & time
Wayne says
He is the biggest hero in the history of the world !! We all know that if Hillary ROTTEN Clinton is elected as president…The entire world economy will crash. Another 4 or 8 years of the same shit we have right now would be the end of America and the rest of the world will follow. If this man can keep this stupid, crooked, criminal bitch out of the white house…Trump should give him a top position in our CIA.
Harry K says
Lets hope this time Killery and Willy go down. We need justice for once
Thomas says
Hillary wants to arm the terrorists, but wants our guns, anybody see a problem here?
John G . says
Hopefully it will be the final blow to her ambitions.
ralph serpaas says
he has done more for Trump’s campaign than everyone else including Trump himself by proving what was said about her is true even if her support doesn’t believe it. She should be man (whoops) enough to admit her treacherous acts and withdraw from her campaign and issue apologies for her lying stealing and treachery. She can catch up on the murders and threat to national security later.
Awake says
Why wait?? Bring out the dirt now!!! I’m sick of waiting for the hag to be taken away. Lock the whole family up.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Put the entire Clinton family on Devils Island, have them wear only thick wool black & white stripped prison uniforms with a ball & chain attached to their left ankles would be the very best punishment for them. They can have any building on Devils Island they want for themselves, they will have to carry that ball & chain around when they move, it would most likely be the most useful thing they will ever do
in their lives.
CaptTurbo says
I’ve regarded Julian Assange as a hero from the start. I’m more sure of it by the day. Good hunting Mr Assange!
ItsJo says
Agree with your post. I too see Mr. Assange as a Hero to the American people.
I’d also like to add Mr. Snowden, as I feel He also ‘wanted the American people to KNOW, just What our Crooked Gov’t is doing Against “We the People” so he disclosed their “Secret Snooping, Lies, Tracking Citizens, and KNEW they would NEVER allow him to survive here in America-too many turn up Dead.”
We, the average public, cannot get the truth from our “well paid for” news services so we need to go outside to find the whole truth. Isn’t that a dirty shame? We don’t matter in this cash driven Society. What happened to freedom of the press? Or does that just mean that they are free to sell their facts to the highest bidder, no matter what.
Mary Sandra Florek says
I think if Assauge has things that Americans should know, he should release them. This election is to important to let crooked Hillary become president!
dave consalvi says
Assange should be very carefu. Others who have been a threat to the Clinton crime lords have mysteriously disappeared!
Don Old Guy says
This is a fear I have always had for those who speak the truth. When you begin to threaten the big money of corruption, the world is a very small place to hide.
Nadine Roberts says
I hope he takes her down! but so far everyone is covering for her – I wonder if they will back her when this new evidence comes out – I hope not but remember the Government are life long crocks and Hillary is the biggest one yet – So this will be very interesting!
James Clooney says
Julian is a hero in my books—he is definitely more honest and truthful then the media !!!!
John says
Bravo to Assange! Without him there are many things we’d never know! I see Snowden in the same light! They both have helped open the American Peoples eyes, about what our politicians, and and defense agencies are up too. Unfortunately most is bad news! I really hope they bury the Clinton’s, and their so called charity foundation!
gotrump says
Clinton has gotten away with things you and I would be jailed for. I’ve lost respect for the FBI & DOJ. Go, Julian!!
mrp says
Bravo to Julian Assange and Snowden. They are not traitors. They are patriots who want to make we the people fully aware of what is going on in our country. The media under the control of evil George Soros continue to cover up for Barack Hussein and crooked Hillary, and if it weren’t for the bravery of Assange and Snowden we would never know what Obama and Clinton are doing to destroy the USA. May God bless and watch over these two mrpgentlemen.
Shirley says
He is a hero. Someone has to bring the Clintons criminal behavior to the forefront so the Americans will realize what Hillary is all about from cheating bernie out of the election, to Clinton foundation, to rigging the election against against trump,the email lies,I could go on and on. It is obvious what Hillary refuses to fo a news conference because she knows she will be eaten alive. Come on Hillary and come clean with what you and bill have done for the last year 30 years for power and power alone
wandamurline says
I hope he takes the witch down…..but, watch your back sir….there are 47 deaths surrounding the Clinton Crime family.
Jan C says
I truly hope and pray that this is something that will bring the clintons down, but I’m not holding my breath. They seem more powerful than all the people in America and seem to slide through the mud each time. What boggles my mind is all the people claiming to be moral, decent intelligent humans that are still backing her and her dark and questionable past.
Victoria Barrett says
What a shame Americans have to depend on truthful important information from someone outside of the country. What a blessing we have in Assange. The information he imparts would be sealed up behind the locked doors of our very suspect liberal government if it weren’t for him and his organization. Than you! Thank you ! Thank you Assange !
ronnie daigle says
Don’t look for this to be investigated by Kelly. She is a Clinton sympathizer, who is starting to even act like Rachal Maddow. I will only watch this to see how she treats his allegations. I don’t care for the guy, but then again, the public deserves the right to know just how much of a criminal she is.
Kelly has admitted that she has ‘freinds’ at m.s.n.b.c. maybe she should join them !!!!
Tobiah says
In my opinion, this would be good for the nation, however, how much of it will actually be seen by the very people that need to see it most? In truth, the mass media propaganda machine will never allow any of their followers to even acknowledge that such information exists, nor will they ever offer any opportunity for people to determine their own thoughts on the matter. Since the mass media now comes under the direct control of the White House, you know they will immediate attack any that dare to expose the truth of the Administrations investments with Queen Hillary and why they can never allow this information to ever be fully exposed. I fully expect that Obama will attempt to find some way to force Ecuador to remove their permanent guest so that federal charges can be brought against him in order to fully discredit him, and delay if not outright remove any and all incriminating evidence he may hold. The White House has invested too much money and time in Queen Hillary not to be expecting a sizable return on their investment, and they can’t receive it if America turns on Queen Hillary.
Kenneth Stelter says
Like Snowden – they have to hide from OUR Establishment controlled Government
bob says
Maybe this will be the final nail in the coffin. I hope hillary gets incarcerated. She will look great in an orange pantsuit. I am a lifelong democrat, but Trump is our hope for the future.
Debbie says
I’m just curious as to how the Clinton’s have gotten away with all the crap they have over the years. I was sent this link, it’s long but well worth watching.
shelly says
this has to be stopped someone has got to testify and forget her running for president. she and her husband have done digusting things. she hasn’t done a thing for black or Hispanic people she uses them to get in and then does nothing. r cty is turning into a communistic cty the last 8 years and she is following that road.
m. milano says
Julian leaks the truth and has to stay in hiding lest be shot by you know who. Snowden spills the beans on how the government is spying on citizens and is deemed a traitor and is exiled in Russia. Hitliary has thousands upon thousands of unsecured emails. thousands of crooked and illegal dealing and the bitch is running for president. When are you people going to smarten up and see the lying bitch for what she really is.
Malcolm Proctor says
he is a hero but please release the documents now why wait.
lizaz says
He’d better release his documents well before Nov 8….remember, there’s early voting out there and it will take some time for the uninformed to digest new information……
Hector Mazariegos says
Yes, Mr. Assange is a hero from day one. Whenever Mr, Assange uncovers dirt on a Democrat like Hillary “The Hag” Clinton every Republican calls Mr. Assange a hero, and the same thing with Democrats, whenever Mr. Assange uncovers dirt on a Republican, the Democrats call Mr. Assange a hero, but both party followers call Mr. Assange a traitor or evil when his uncovering of dirt on their own political party is negative. He’s a hero whenever his finding favors their political parties.
Let’s be real all the time!
masr says
I will believe it when I see it happen.
The liberal/progressive/Democrat/Marxist/Communist/(Muslims) will find away around illegalities and the foolish government-schooled mainstream media indoctrinated AmeriKans will be clueless.
Philip McKee says
You sure got that right masr, those that will vote for a lying crook Hillary Clinton are for sure “CLUELESS”.
Hillary R. Clinton belongs in the Big House, not the White House.
Or face a firing squad, for treason.
Texas Son says
Is anyone really surprised that there is even more “scoop” on Hil-LIE-ry? She’s nothing more than a lying sack of SHT!! And she wants to be the president of the United States of America? OH HILL NO! NEVER SLICK HILLY!! LOCK HER UP!!!
Susan Ross says
Dealt with Killary in the past. She said “The elderly and disabled are useless and will never amount to anything. I will not ever throw money at them”. She used the “N” word frequently
But her in chains!!!! Look at the number of times failed to vote favorably on bills trying to help these folks.
Maria says
I hope the additional info coming out gets the publicity it deserves and that it hurts her. She is no good !! Lock her up!!!
Maria says
I hope this new information gets the attention and it hurts her campaign. Lock her up!!
Barbara Whitfield says
Snowden and Assange are the only real media we have right now!
The rest of what is called the “media” is nothing but a sham. It’s the “Billery” news network.
jerry says
With hillary and bills body count could assange get life insurance now ?
Grace Justice says
Very, very doubtful.
Bill says
What is left to be disclosed on Hillary Clinton, i.e., that she worked for Hidie Flese as a call girl in DC for 6 years before she met Bill Clinton? Well no worries, this just in to the news desk, it has been reported by inside reliable white house sources that wish to remain anonymous that Hillary Clinton not only worked as a Call Girl but she also was a Pole Dancer to boot, pardon the expression. Yep, that’s right folks, old grandmother Hillary Clinton, the far left wing loon, weren’t nothing but a filthy flat-back whore, doing as much flat-backing as she could ‘fit in’ so to speak, “wouldn’t you know”? For gawd sakes man, is nothing holy any more, a wife of a president a flat-back stinking ho. Geezzzzeee.
Frank M says
You are right….what needs to be brought out now more than ever is her emotional health. This “bitch” is not only not qualified but is a mentally sick puppy. Congress should call all the secret service before them and let them testify about the abuse she gives them and everyone and judge her mental health. She is and will be dangerous as President of the USA. I think because of the corruption of the Justice Department and FBI that this is the only way the Clintons will be brought to justice. God help us if she becomes POTUS.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
All rock music radio stations nationwide should have the Rolling Stones song When the walls start tumbling down ready to play on the radio when Donald J. Trump is announced the winner of the 2016 Figurehead election on 11/9/2016 and when The Clinton’s are arrested & put in prison. My vote
is for the TRUMP-PENCE ticket. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRUMP-PENCE 2016 & 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huey says
He is a national hero. Thank God for what he has leaked to this date.
Xiomara says
Assange , thank YOU!!!!
A man who does this tremendous service to ENLIGHT AND TRY TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY, from IGNORANCE!!!!!
deserves to live freeee!!!!!! AND WELL.‼️
It is unbelievable how our media has been taken over by SOLDBUTTS WHO USE TRUTH TO SHOVE LIES!!! Adultered news!!
Manipulating minds!!! And supporting a harmfull government who sunk us in the pit of hell economicly very close in debt for
And we see the clinton fundation going for more$$$$$ SHAMELESSLY!!!! It must BE
SHUT DOWN AND DEFUNDED!!!!!!!! The money was obtain with malice!!! Supported by
Others who in exchanged for favours also
Corrupted!!!! Put that money towards our debt !!!
Tony says
Neither a villain or a hero, but I believe he is truthful and agree with releasing the documents. I recommend an excellent interview with Mr. Assuage and the Russian Times RT. His responses are thoughtful, carefully crafted and appear truthful
JR says
Although I’d love to see Hillary sidelined, I’m not sure why there is this constant scream about “coming soon”. If it is truly shattering, give us something now to prove it isn’t just another Sheriff Joe prattling about coming info that will shatter Obama that ended up having zero effect. His comments also make it sound really weak revelations about whose donated and supported the beast. That’s not going to do anything to the witch.
chip Cnterbury says
Does Chris Wallace still have a TV show ? I sure hope not.
Xiomara says
From day O N E I SAID IT AND I WILL VOTE FOR MR. DONALD TRUMP !!!! There is no one else, but MR. TRUMP !! God bless USA AND BLESS, dear Father, these strong great men!!! ANOINT THEM ASSANGE AND TRUMP !!! And SNOWDEN!!!!! Their TRUTH IS VALUABLE!!! We have too many here fanatics and blinded !!! Follower of hayenas and vipers!!!! GREAT LACK OF
Shame on those who follow LIARS AND MAKE US ALL LOOSE OUR FREEDOM AND LIFE QUALITY!!! And allow us to be invaded with people who openly here hate us and even burn our flag !!!! Enemies here!!!! But still do not see the need to control investigate each person before they come in!!!!
TRUMP FOR US!!! ❤️????‼️
randy says
Go Jilian.
Our new hero.
Bring it!
Yadja says
Well thank Assange that somebody, somewhere is speaking up and out and doing something to stop this tsunami coming our way. We sure don’t have any main media in America that will do it. You go Assange and watch your back they kill people for less than what you are doing, the Clinton Mafia stretch across the globe.
Xiomara says
Assange , thank YOU!!!!
A man who does this tremendous service to ENLIGHT AND TRY TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY, from IGNORANCE!!!!!
deserves to live freeee!!!!!! AND WELL.‼️
It is unbelievable how our media has been taken over by SOLDBUTTS WHO USE TRUTH TO SHOVE LIES!!! Adultered news!!
Manipulating minds!!! And supporting a harmfull government who sunk us in the pit of hell economicly very close in debt for
And we see the clinton fundation going for more$$$$$ SHAMELESSLY!!!! It must BE
SHUT DOWN AND DEFUNDED!!!!!!!! The money was obtain with malice!!! Supported by
Others who in exchanged for favours also
Corrupted!!!! Put that money towards our debt !!!
Blessings to you, MR ASSANGE!!! WISH YOU ONLY THE VERY V E R Y BEST!!!! ❤️ Thanks!!!!!
Xiomara says
GOOD !!!!
Fabian says
Assange is vital to our democracy. Some are embarrassed? Big deal. I haven’t seen one of these embarrassed people lose his/her career for that.
Xiomara says
Always TRUTH I S good DOES
GOOD !!!!
me says
Justin W says
There is always a chance for an October surprise. Hillary is an easy target. We also need to consider that the surprise will come from some person or group that is not in the spotlight at the present time.
During the Clintons time in the White House in the 1990s they seemed to move from scandal to scandal. Let’s remember that Bill Clinton won reelection even though there were plenty of Clinton scandals out in the open at the time.
Xiomara says
This is why i suspect a rigged election issss planned for her! To HER FAVOR!!!
Cant trust her!! Actually
Can t trust THEM!!!!
Penny Hoffman says
I am so tired of the news media being so one sided AGAINST Donald Trump. I never believe anything in the National news. It consists of lies and paid for news. Always showing the the bad side of Police very rarely the good side. I’m sick to death of BLM. Go to Milwaukee and check out the 53216 area. These people cry “no jobs”. BS, they don’t want to work for $10 or $12 and hour when they can steal and sell drugs for 10 times + that amount. R U kidding me? They use every little excuse to vandalize , kill, etc. Thank God for Wikileaks. Keep up the good work. I know I can trust in everything Wiki reports. Thank you
Bill Stevens says
If all is fair in love and war, why aren’t we acting like we’re in a war? War is blood and guts, not people posting their thoughts in a helpless way. We have taken up arms against far less threats and sent our military out to die to save our country from evil. Hillary is far more dangerous than ISIS because ISIS has a limited number of small attacks available while Hillary can take down the entire country while we sit on our asses and do nothing. Where is the televised outrage? Where are the marchers? Where are the real American heroes? Your way of life and freedom is at stake while you do nothing to show your resistance to the Clinton Mafia.
KG says
Mr. Assange and every American that want’s to “Make America Great Again”, please fill free to pile on to this record of corruption, criminal and anti American activity that Obama and Clinton’s have indulged in, in their attempt to bring this once great, democratic nation, down to pure socialism. How much more garbage is it going to take to convince every true American that Hillary Clinton and Obama are the true demons of America and need to be put away for life.
I am voting for Trump. Trumps colors do not run! Donald Trumps colors are Red, White and Blue.
For Hillary’s color you have to go here.
[Hillary Clinton 45 American’s watchtower January 23, 2008.] [type into your browser and READ]
Muslim U.S. Army Officer Kills 13, Wounds 31 at Fort Hood.
Trump! Do not apologize! The Muslim Brotherhood Khan started it, now you finish them off. When you become president, force them to leave this once great country with the rest of the Muslim scum. Look at Europe’s Muslim mess, do you really want this Islamic hoard on U.S. soil? Obama has deposited 30,000, Hillary want’s a half a million. STOP IT NOW!!!!
How did Hillary get this far with all this crap dragging along behind her, How did this happen?
Our only hope is for the majority of the electorate to vote her out. Stop Hillary now.
The following covers all the reasons you do not want the Clinton crime family back in the White House:
Here is how Bill and Hillary are going to make America Great Again, LOL :
If you do not vote for Mr. Trump, here is what BILLY BOY and HILLARY are going to give you next January and eight more years.
This is the tip of the iceberg, please type into your browser the following headlines:
1. Hillary: She throws coffee in marines face. [type into your browser]
2. Hillary: Children in hospital. [type into your browser]
3. Hillary: FJB. [type into your browser]
4. The Hillary letters, Saul Alinsky correspondence revealed. [type into your browser]
5. Exploring Hillary Clinton’s ties to Saul Alinsky & communist doctrine. [type into your browser]
6. Hillary hides her Panther fling. [type into your browser]
7. Hillary: We didn’t lose a single person in Libya. [type into your browser]
8. Dissing health care execs who offered solution. [type into your browser]
9. Why Hillary makes my wife scream. [type into your browser]
10. Clinton’s Loot White House. [type into your browser]
11. Hillary Clinton is a career criminal. [type into your browser]
12. Charles Krauthammer: What has Hillary Clinton done as Secretary of State? [type into your browser]
13. All the terrible things Hillary Clinton has done in one big list. [type into your browser]
14. Bill and Hillary Clinton: A life of violating people. [type into your browser]
15. Who is Chelsea’s father? [type into your browser]
16. The Benghazi shuffle. [type into your browser]
17. Five lies Clinton told in the debate. [type into your browser]
18. 3 big reasons Hillary Clinton should NEVER be president. [type into your browser]
19. The Clinton Crime Family Exposed. [type into your browser]
20. Stopping The Hillary Express. [type into your browser]
21. And Her Fans thought Hillary Was Smart. [type into your browser]
22. Beirut Lebanon Marine Barracks BILLY BOYS WATCH [type into your browser]
23. The U.S.S. COLE. BILLY BOYS WATCH [type into your browser]
24. The Twin Tower’s dynamite truck bomb BILLY BOYS WATCH [type into your browser]
25. List of people pardoned by Bill Clinton: Commutations 41, Pardons 151. [Type into your browser]
26. Hillary Clinton’s Pardon Scandal. [type into your browser]
27. Clinton Corruption Is Ongoing. [type into your browser]
28. Pardon gate: Clinton blocks Release Of Pardon Papers. [type into your browser]
29. Pardon gate Play-By-Play. [type into your browser]
30. Hillary’s Greed Is Destroying Her Presidential Campaign. [type into your browser]
31. Covering Bill’s dirty deeds. [type into your browser]
32. Filegate: FBI files on GOP enemies. [type into your browser]
33. Hillary’s ‘Muslim Brotherhood princess” Huma Abedin. [type into your browser]
34. Vince Foster’s 1993 death. [type into your browser]
35. Emailgate:’ She should go to prison for this’. [type into your browser]
36. Chinagate: Sale of high-tech secrets. [type into your browser]
37. Travelgate: Always room for friends. [type into your browser]
38. Whitewater: Jail for friends, but not Clinton’s. [type into your browser]
39.’Landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia. [type into your browser]
Trump for the win! Red, White and Blue. Be done with Hillary!
Charles Masterson says
And the list go’s ON AND ON !!!!
Kaye Williams says
HERO!!!!! He is only doing what our liberal press doesn’t dare do!!!
Howard Vidal says
Why is the Department of Justice just sitting on their asses? Selling out America is treason and Hillary needs to be in jail with her impeached husband. I’ll tell you why – the Obama Administration is trying to cover it’s own ass first. If you or I, the average Joe, tries to move $10,000+ from one checking account to another bank, even though the accounts are in the same name, it now takes almost an act of God to do. The mental equivalent of a strip search to move your own money because the National Security Agency is watching you for money laundering. Yet Hillary can move plane loads of cash around. Our country’s top watchdog is watching us, and letting her go for billions. The whole bunch of them are on the take. This country is as morally corrupt as a country can get before it dies. Bernie got totally screwed right before our eyes and we do nothing. No wonder everyone hates America! We suck big time. God Bless Assange or we wouldn’t learn shit. I suspect his next call is bloody murder and he is taking the time to do it right so the proof will all be there.We need do our part by acting as a group and demanding that the Department of Justice operates independently and immediately confiscate the Clinton Foundation’s assets and put the Clintons behind bars forever. And how much did the little Clinton serving twerp Obama know and when did he know it? I suspect he was totally settled into office before he realized anything. Almost all hope is gone. There is no one left in our Executive Branch with morals, not one. Back when God was removed from the equation with the excuse of implementing the constitution’s “separation of church and state” clause we became a rudderless country and now the Department of Justice watchdogs are just sitting around licking their own asses clean. We need to remove “In God We Trust” from our currency and put Hillary’s photo with the words “Fuck You” there instead because that is truly what our government has become thanks to the money corruption. We need a John Kennedy Jr. to rally around and he’s not here. Instead we have Trump. It’s a poor substitute but it’s what we’ve got and we must rally around him. In his behalf I don’t feel he’s corrupt or evil, he’s moderating his harsh statements and changing some in the right direction. Just maybe he can pull this off. He’s going to have to clear out Washington with his New York crew. He needs to start by attaching a ball and chain to Hillary. He has my vote there. Free Snowden. Give him and Assange a Medal of Honor and the freedom they are protecting.
warren says
The only people trying to put this man away any way they can are the crooks and gangsters in everyday life as well as political that he exposes for just what they are. He is a hero in every sense of the word.
Merril Dail says
Thank you!
DONALD Trump for president!
sam says
Eric and Julian are hero’s in my book. Any one or any country that gives us the truth our media won’t give us should truly get a Nobel peace prize!
L. McKenney says
My congratulations also go to Ecuador for protecting Assange.
How wealthy is Ecuador? I am concerned they will be paid off and Assange will be killed or transferred to Scandinavia. He must be highly trained in hacking, and valuable to someone in Ecuador that has been wronged by the NWO Corporate billionaires.
Frank says
It would have to be something epically, majorly, and catastrophic information for the main stream media to even mention it as their ending credits for the newscast going off the air is rolling.
Anjila says
thank your Julian Assange!!! with out his courage and dedication to exposing the truth we would have very little hard evidence of the lies and deception that the Clinton campaign is full of. I am most grateful for his work and courage!!
Politically incorrect says
This could be a good thing and from what I figure WikiLeaks hasn’t really showed either way who they support for the oval office race but they are more about throwing anyone under the bus that is doing dirt. Which I commend WikiLeaks for. But on the other hand I am hoping this isn’t just more hype as stated in many new releases (I.E. Clinton foundation bomb shell, Trump blows rally with immigration changes.) All have been big hype stories and the email scandals are just old news that everyone knows nothing is going to happen.
If and when WikiLeaks drops this so called surprise, if it changes the polls and puts Trump on top on Nov 8th then it will be well worth it but if not then it is just more hype to keep this god forsaken presidential race in a uproar which for one I will be glad when it is over. All I can hope for is the Trump gets the white house come Jan
RK says
Thank you Julian for doing what the press won’t do – report the TRUTH!, but I hop you have bodyguards because the Clintons seem to have bad luck with associates or people commiting suicide ,being murderded
or having accidents
jon says
So refreshing to finally have unbiased and factual reporting. This man IS a hero in my book. It is about time the true Hillary is divulged for what she is. Please keep up the great work……
Henry vera says
Assange: be carefull, the u,s,a and England are planing to take you out by force.
the have spies next door to were you are, a assault on the ECUADORIAN EMBASY
froggy57 says
The media is a business. It is in business to sell news papers or ads on their channels. Nothing more. Nothing less. They are not there to be fair. They are there to please their masters and make money.
Constitutionalist says
First, to answer The Horn’s question – Julian Assange is indeed a hero.
One would do well to remember, however, that he is just the most visible spokesperson for Wikileaks, which is FAR more than just him. There are a LOT of people, many of them anonymous by necessity, who support the work of disclosing the Truth – and this Truth is, by far, not limited to JUST America.
Second, it certainly is my sincere hope that the Wikileaks disclosure he’s sitting on will devastate and destroy The Liar, for white trash such as she should indeed see the Big House from the inside – and never see the inside of the White House again for the rest of her life, except in her fading memory…or on teevee.
That said, however, i’d like the gentle reader to consider just how many gov’t agents were revealed to have been routinely committing FELONIES by Manning’s release via Wikileaks – then recall just how many of these SWORN public servants have been so much as ARRESTED, much less convicted.
Moving on, when Snowden revealed massive numbers of sworn US agent’s felony crimes, please tell me just how many of THESE were so much as arrested?
An earlier poster was quite correct, though he didn’t go far enough: the CIA has agents in most “news” organizations worldwide. They allow just – and ONLY – what they want public to BE public, and attack any REAL truth that gets released. Wait and see how CCMSM reacts to Wiki’s new release, and you may begin to have a clue-by-four.
The NWO/OWG goons, the globalists, the NeoCons(emphasis on the CON) are the super-rich behind the scenes, pulling the strings, attempting with all their might to rule the world to prepare it to be handed over to the Antichrist. They have the money, the intelligence network, the lackeys, sycophants, toadies, lick-spittles, and shoe-shine boys to accomplish their overall goal, and they will not hesitate to use ANY government toward that end, friend or enemy. Their motto is “Order out of Chaos,” so they strive – and succeed – to create chaos and war all over the globe, every kind of war imaginable, too.
Assange is one of the Incorruptible ones – unfortunately, their numbers are quite small – therefore the PtB want him destroyed. The Truth is like a bright light on a vampire, and is the ultimate enemy of the State and all liars, great or small. This is why the Truth needs to be “managed,” in their eyes, “spun” or manipulated such that the People can remain deceived, led to the slaughter by the millions, so that the PtP can emerge triumphant as Masters of the human race, a race demoted to serf/chattel status, who willingly work to support their perverse, deviant lifestyles.
I strongly suspect that the Ecuadorian government has had EXTREME pressure and MASSIVE bribes offered to it to ensure Assange’s demise; may Our Father continue to bless them and strengthen their resolve to continue to protect him! If they do, their reward will be great; if they betray him, their reward will be that of Judas.
At present, it seems to me that Trump and Assange would be natural allies; however, this remains to be seen. If Trump is sincere AND is elected, there remains a chance, however slight, to frustrate the plans of these few wealthy criminal conspirators, and bring a taste of Liberty back into the world. If not – if Trump turns out to have been a liar and acts like the rest of the puppet Preznits for the last 50+ years(since JFK) – then gov’t of the people, by the people, and FOR the people will indeed perish from the earth until Christ’s return.
Personally, i put no faith in princes of the earth…but where it truly belongs, with the Savior of all mankind…or perhaps i should say “Whosoever will.”
Jan says
Wallace is a MORON!!! in the likes of the Libtard Media and Killary…. VOTE TRUMP!!!!!
Butch says
Mr. Julian Assange most Americans don’t know there birth certificate been made into a bond then sold on the New York Stock Exchange in there capitalization name please report the true so people in America can understand the difference between US citizens and America Citizens. And the eruptions that happened in the Revolution War and everything that happened since to date, before its to late the world to heal.