“Boys, the old flag never touched the ground.”
Someone needs to read that quote to Missouri state Sen. Jamilah Nasheed.
Those immortal eight words were delivered to cheering Union soldiers by a grievously wounded Sgt. William H. Carney at the Battle of Fort Wagner in 1864.
Carney, an escaped slave who volunteered to join the Union army, heroically saved the American flag from Confederate forces after his unit, the Massachusetts 54th, was ripped to shreds in their assault of Fort Wagner. Under the cover of darkness, and with multiple gunshot wounds slowing his retreat, Carney crawled through a storm of rifle and cannon fire back to friendly lines — but through the entire hellish ordeal, he never let his country’s flag touch the ground.
For his courageous actions, Carney was the first African-American to earn the Medal of Honor.
Now, Sen. Nasheed just spit on Carney’s grave when she refused to stand while her colleagues recited the Pledge of Allegiance in the state Capitol on Wednesday.
The St. Louis Democrat says her disgraceful protest on the Senate floor was intended to show solidarity with San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
What? Really? Our elected representatives are taking their cues from pro athletes now?
Kaepernick refuses to stand for the national anthem at NFL games. He claims his actions are in protest of police brutality and racial oppression. Nasheed, who is black, says she wants to call attention to those issues and isn’t “anti-America.” Nasheed’s protest was met with silence in the chamber.
Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, a former GOP candidate for governor who presided over the Senate Wednesday, released a statement calling Nasheed’s protest an “occasion for great sorrow.” He said he worried about “the example she is setting, particularly for our young people.”
The Horn News agrees. Our lawmakers should take less inspiration from pouty little boys like Kaepernick, and more from courageous men like Carney.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
These “oppressed people” should stop taking things that the USA offers them like EBT, Sec. 8 Housing and checking off the right box at test or hiring time. They won’t stand for the anthem, but run for the benefits of the USA.
John Gedney says
Then keep their paycheck!
Kathleen says
Remember when Obama would not wear the flag on his lapel? He was the same way. Never should have been elected.
Ron says
It is amazing how many Americans ignored all of the obvious reasons that Obama was not entitled or qualified to run for president. He was born in Kenya. Ask his grandmother who said she visited him in the Kenya hospital when he was born. He was a member of the “God Damn America” church for 20 years, married his anti-American wife in that church, and even his minister said he only left that church so he would be elected. He refused to salute the flag, or wear a flag lapel pin “Because I don’t want to give anyone the wrong impression” of where his real loyalties ly. Millions were spent to hide his birth and academic records. Why was that? When Donald Trump pushed him to produce a birth certificate the one he finally released was a phony. The name of the hospital he was born at was not the name of the hospital at the time of his birth. The hospital was renamed to that well after the date of his birth. His loyalties have been to Islam and his Muslim religion (he claims he is Christian, but has a Muslim quote inscribed inside his wedding ring. How did the FBI vet him? It is the same FBI that gave Hillary a free pass. All of this was readily available with little effort for all to see yet he was elected TWICE! The joke of it is that it isn’t his fault he was elected, it is the fault of the blind people who voted for him.
OracleGuy says
Yesterday even Donald admitted that Obama was NOT born in Kenya. When will you morons wake up?
ron says
Ron …
. B HO probably was elected the first time due to the lies so many people believed. …
. #2 is a hole different matter ! …
. No doubt it my mind it was stolen. …
. If DJT really believes B HO was born in the USA that is very disappointing.
Johnny Appleseed says
You’re a fucking idiot Ron!
Stalwart says
Obama’s real father was Frank Marshal Davis, the notorious Communist. His looks, height, and mannerisms precisely match the late Mr. Davis. He carries no resemblance whatsoever to the late Barrack Obama, Sr. Obama the President was born, probably a home birth, either in Hawaii or Washington state. He IS a natural borne citizen. It’s the truth about his real father that is so troublesome and scandalous.
donnie says
i agree with you all the way, im so tired of all this racist BS coming from the racist democrats and the racist blacks in this country who are so oppressed. if they have it so bad here then why dont they all leave and go back to Kenya. I do not see any of the rich oppressed blacks giving any money to help the so called oppressed poor blacks. BLM is a domestic terrorist group and that’s all they are.
Robert Hagedorn says
@ OracleGuy: I have no idea where Obama was born, because I did not attend his birth. But I know his “birth certificate” is a fake.
1. The certificate clearly states Obama’s father was born in Kenya. But Obama was supposedly born in 1961, while Kenya didn’t even exist until 1963.
2. The hospital in which Obama was supposedly born in 1961 did not exist until 1978.
These could not possibly have been careless mistakes, because both facts involve the future, not the past. So why should anyone believe anything else on the “birth certificate?”
Myke Britt says
After he is out of office i believe we will find his college records show him as a non-american student as well as a Kenyan born and Indonesian trained Muslim!
bill Rees says
Amen brother, He is the only crook that has beaten’ the system with his phonie birth certificate and the crooked people that run the DNC party. The Republicans are such a bunch of wimps that I hate to even say I am one. When this is all over I will definitely change party affiliations to a party that really cares for the Constitution and the people of the United States of America. I feel that these people who won’t stand up for the national anthem should be send to a place where the like to be under a totalitarian government.
Arthur Hartsock says
Hey Ron, this article wasn’t about Obama. Did you read the article?
Thom says
Not enough one people like us, to turn an election…
SW says
The question of BHO is a moot point. He’s nearly out of office and the article in not about emperor and his pin or anything else that has been offensive so so many Americans. It’s about a senator and a multimillionaire jock,
Joann Holmes says
You are right in everything you said.
Constitutionalist says
You’re mistaken.
For “natural born” status to be conveyed, BOTH parents must be Citizens at the time of birth.
If you disbelieve me(and you’re welcome to), just google “First Congress, Second Session, natural born” and read what comes up.
One thing you should note is that the very PHRASE “natural born” was recommended for inclusion as a presidential qualification in Article 2 of the Constitution by John Jay, the First Chief SCOTUS judge, who was considered the American expert on Emmerrich Vattel’s ponderous collection of tomes entitled “The Law of Nations,” published roughly 30 years prior to the ratification of the Constitution for the United States. In it, Vattel writes that for EVERY country, ONLY those born of parents who were BOTH citizens of the country in question are to be considered as “natural born” Citizens of that country. Several subsequent SCOTUS decisions repeatedly re-affirmed the First Congress’ LAW(that’s their job, y’know – to MAKE LAW), starting with one called The Venus.
Carlo says
Agree completely!
Paul phipps says
Right on
chip Cnterbury says
Right, Ron.
michael lashua says
The not so blind leading the blind. They must watch news sources that agree with their personal views, not real news that gives the facts. We need to revamp the news to give the news ( the facts) and let voters derive their own opinions!
Buster says
The joke is on those that should have vetted Obama before he ran for office. He is a traitor to America. He is NOT my president.
OracleGuy says
Remember when you could be a partriotic American without wearing a piece of metal from China in your lapel? I do.
archipapi says
Why Donald said that……….do you know?
bibi says
..absolutely! My father-in-law made those pins in Brooklyn for decades, then when the unions tried to force him into ‘protection’ in the 50s and the steel industry ‘migrated’ offshore, i.e., Japan/China, he took his operation to Colorado, where he was in business for another 30 yrs. But, alas, the govt no longer contracted with American manufacturers to produce them! So glad I still have some of his collection! Proudly Made In America!
S strand says
We Realize the slanted, biased media is saying that, but they claim he says MANY statements, that aren’t real. They did the same to Dr. Ben Carson Many times, along with the disdainful statements that a NEUROsurgeon was incompetent.
Tadhg says
Doesn’t MATTER where he was born! To be eligible to be President you need to be a Natural Born American, this means BOTH your parents must have been US Citizens when you were Born. His Father wasn’t, therefore he was not legally qualified. However, apparently, Soros bought him by paying enough to bury any protest on legal grounds. The SoB is not legally in office!
bibi says
So why did you chose the moniker ‘Oracle’, because you’re all knowing? Think again! Our symbols mean something, even if you don’t want to think so. Look at history and the importance individuals have placed on their actions, using these symbols, achieving incredible heroic acts for our country and its people. These symbols are more meaningful than you want to believe. This woman has symbolically spit on the graves and the FLAG of those slaves who fought with unbelievable courage to gave this black Muslim woman a better place than the rest of the world in which to live, should be imprisoned for treason, or at least disgraced! She is an attention grabber. She shows she cares naught for America and works for her own political end, just as all other politicians have proved. They get elected, then want to stay for all the fiscal privileges, ’cause it sure is easier…And WE get to pay their salaries, retirement accounts, SS protection, insurance and cost of living increases every year, even after they retire! This woman along with the 49er’s K., who receives 19 million per year and 114 million over a 6 yr period, are PRIVILEGED PARIAHS in our American way of life who are hostile to its people, have no intention of protecting our high standard of principles, policies or our Constitution. If these PRIVILEGED PARIAHS, who are OVER PAID CRY BABIES, would come down from their ivory towers, stop the GRANDSTANDING w/ anti-American actions and verbiage, get their hands dirty by working in the ‘trenches’, working from a POSITIVE perspective instead of the NEGATIVE one that they are, there might be some progress, along with some respect. Until then, there is no respect or honor, as they sit in their privileged lives doing nothing about the problem, they are of NO USE to any one.
Constitutionalist says
THANK YOU! FINALLY, someone gets it.
The whole “birth certificate” thing was a completely unnecessary distraction, a diversion from the REAL issue: does D’OweBama meet the “natural born” REQUIREMENT(not a “suggestion”) in Article 2?
To end the mystery, no, he does not.
If any disbelieve me, simply google “first congress, second session, natural born” and read the LAW that they made as regards this issue.
And if any are disposed to believe that this Law has been superseded or subsequently invalidated, when Songbird McCain ran for office, questions were raised about his eligibility on the grounds that he was born in the Panama Canal Zone instead of in any State of the Union; the Congress that year, in S511, iirc, CITED that First Congress’ Second Session LAW in support of McCain’s eligibility, thus validating it’s continuity as applicable Law.
Irene Elizabeth Grooms says
Irish19 says
Yet millions put him office. If that didn’t wake up America nothing will. We have millions in this country and not just illegals who hate what America stands for. I say shame on us for putting these ungrateful haters in office . Imagine taking an oath to this country and this flag and then spitting on it. Nice going to all those haters who voted her in.
willie Kingfish says
And next hitlery will be put in to the W.H when she belongs in prison traitors all and all who support them
Tenderfoot says
That’s just one of the reasons to repeal the 17th Amendment. Few, if any, States have a recall provision for Federal Senators regardless of their stupid and/or unpatriotic actions. Prior to the 17th Amendment, States “appointed” their representatives to the Senate, to represent the interests of their specific State. When they failed to do so, they could be recalled. Six years is a long time for citizens to have to wait to rid themselves of incompetent and arrogant leaders. Now the Senators work for their own interests and can’t be recalled. Even ‘moral turpitude’ is inadequate reasoning. Sad indeed. God help our Nation. We sure need His help.
M Dean says
True! Now, you see where we are? This was the first display of his lack of respect that I remember; His non salute to our military exiting Air Force 1; Failure to place his hand on his heart; Michelle did the same; All this was done with such an arrogant & a smug look on their faces!
Donna says
Obama is and always has been the root to all racial discrimination for the past 8 years . The country was moving forward (a bit) in this area and Obama came along and so we are at square one again . Pretty soon it will be the whites sitting on the back of the bus !!!!!
michael Barrett says
HE WASN’T the election was RIGGED, hillery proved it when she got busted rigging the election that netted her the democrat nomination, there has not been TRUTH in politics since barry took office?she fits RIGHT IN with his program to BREAK AMERICA
Dave C. says
Jamilah Nasheed sounds like she is a black muslim too, just like Obummer.
Constitutionalist says
Dave C.-
This is where a “vote of no confidence” Amendment would be MOST effective. Americans should take a page from British politics and make it so that if ANY sitting president, SCOTUS judge, or CongressCretin acts this way, a simple vote REMOVES the miscreant from office long before the end of their terms.
Screw “term limits.” Make politicians FEAR Americans again.
Jack says
Oh you are so very right. I think his name should be expunged from the list of US presidents.
Hilda D says
I agree. Any elected official for any office that won’t stand and put their hand on their heart in respect to our many years of military losses and our great country, should never be allowed to hold office. The same goes for those that won’t put their hand on the Bible when sworn into office. We cannot allow a few to destroy our country. As for those playing any sport. The coach or owner’s should fire them on the spot. If our flag doesn’t mean anything to them, then don’t pay them with our money. Let them go to a foreign country. If it’s a school team, they should be removed from the team for the rest of their time in school.
What are we letting happen to AMERICA?
OracleGuy says
If they do their job, they are owed a paycheck. You loonies are more concerned with a dunderhead who won’t bow down to our flag than the rights of Americans to protest what they feel needs attention. One is a symbol, the other is response to life-threatening actions.
S strand says
“Our Constituition was made only for a moral, and Religious People. IT is Wholly inadequate, for Any other.”. Quote from our Founding Father, John Adams.”
JOHN says
It is like a lock on your door to only keep the honest people out. Why don’t the citizens have a protest on her street on a day when she is home having a party and make sure the news media that will cover it properly is there and not the media that are run by the government.
There was an article on Hillarys fall last Monday morning that was possibly bring out the truth as to her medical condition and as I was reading it it was removed from the computer.
Donaldo says
Then leave this country and move to one that treats them better
michael Barrett says
there is NONE that is why they come here ! the part they leave out is ASSIMILATING to where they’ve come ? NOT TURN IT INTO WHERE THEY LEFT!! like football they could NEVER find a sweet paycheck like here? but then want to show disrespect for the nation they live in ??
Jackie says
If you can’t be respectful to your country while at the same time working on problems, then you shouldn’t run for office. There is a difference between the freedom to protest and such a display of disrespect, contempt, scorn, disregard, and disdain. Remember that this was done by someone who voluntarily took the oath of office. She was not sent there to sent there to grandstand and to call attention to herself in order to make a personal protest. If she really thinks that there is a problem then she should do to the hard work it takes to correct it instead of participating in behavior that could be better classed as a manipulative attention getting tantrum. Productive work focuses on the problem and the need, not the person speaking. But that is, of course, self-denying hard work.
Hanko American says
Go away, OrajelGuy!
female tax payor says
Oracle. Not when you represent the USA. The Senator took an Oath of Office.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear TRUE FAITH and ALLEGIANCE to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
REFUSING TO PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE while held to your sacred OATH OF ALLEGIANCE is treason. The citizens have a right to be appalled and outraged by the Senator’s unjustifiable act. THERE IS NO EXCUSE.
Constitutionalist says
female tax payor:
What this woman did is not treason. Treason is the ONLY crime defined within the 4 corners of the Constitution.
What she did COULD be construed as Oath-breaking, however, which could also be seen as perjury, that is, lying under her oath of office – but i didn’t see any portion of the Oath which requires anyone to stand for the national anthem OR say the pledge of allegiance.
What she chose to do was certainly rude and disrespectful. Not criminal, however much one would wish it to be so. In fact, what she did IS a right protected under the Constitution!
But this is why America needs a “vote of no confidence” like Britain does; some officeholder – elected or appointed – gets the required number of “nay” votes, they’re OUT! No waiting until the end of their term.
Audrey Rountree says
The Flag is not a symbol. The flag is all of the American people. There was pain in my heart when such disrespect was shown toward us. I care not what he does, but I do not like the Hate he inspires on both sides of the question. Report what these people do, but let them go. We need to be warned. Turn off the cameras on both sides of the issue. Where a political figure is involved, help someone to win that does not share that disrespect. If you love America, work and give to the campaigns. If they advocate being a mentor and protector to mothers and children in cities such as Chicago, if they care about jobs for all Americans, if they want to protect Americans, If they do not class us as deplorable; past redemption. We shall lose to hate if we do nothing. I wish that I could do more. I am a ninety-one year old great, great grandmother. I fell recently, and am not fully recovered, but I can give a little, and I pray all day long for people that love my beloved Country There is so little I can do. A young lady once wrote while at Standford, I am from Iran, I am a Muslim. I would like to see America more Muslim. I can achieve this through America”s belief in freedom of religion. We have been so innocent; we could not belief that anyone meant anything but just expressing their American given freedom of speech, not an attempt to take over our government. They are intent to destroy our history. They have condemned our forefathers that designed our system that made America great. These people gave free Bibles to everyone in the beginning, because they said that a Republic such as they had brought into being could only be sustained if moral laws were established. The law had to be in the heart of each person. The heart has to be in tune. As we see in our Country these laws cannot be enforced from above–especially when the leaders believe in relative truth–no surrender or seeking Eternal Truth. Truth comes from a Soul that forgives, and a Soul that is forgiven. We must be vigilant; but we must learn to work for all. The groups have divided. Refuse to be a part of them; join these who work for all. My love I give to our desert, may it be watered with love and bear fruit.
Suz says
Oracle, your hashtag should read orafice of the rectal type! Your just plain stupid!
SW says
How many votes has she missed? How many times has she voted present, how many bills with tacked on stupid crap did she vote for. Unless you can support the doing her job part with attendance and voting record I’m inclined to keep my opinion of her disrespect.
Ron says
Government officials who do not support America are against America and anyone of them showing disrespect for America should be immediately removed from office. We already have too many anti-Americans in, and even running, our government. This is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote the Constitution.
John N Schoen says
Amen brother, could not agree more!
Inspector Tom says
Sounds like the people from her district should be considering a ‘Recall’ election real soon
Catlady says
You are right about having to look up to China merchandise. Are you sure you know who has put us into owing more and more debts to China. Think about the last 8 years including extended unemployment, expanded earned income credits, and more welfare.
Someone who thinks he knows it all needs to take a better look at himself.
Roy J. says
OracleGuy is just a leftist troll who shows his ignorance every time he post. His remarks do not warrant a response.
joan haman says
I agree 100%. No one that disrespects our flag and what it stands for should collect one Penney of tax payer money.. Tickets for a game come out of pocket. Booing is not enough. Ms. Congress woman should not get her paycheck. She probably will not earn it as some of her colleagues.who sit on their hands and play games on their phones instead of righting the wrongs in our country. VOTE TRUMP @2016.
Lule Melgarejo says
Totally agree. They should not run for an office in a country they don’t love much less respect any way. Get them out.
Hanko American says
Those who are not with us are against us!!
willie Kingfish says
they do not care about America or the Constitution hitlery already wants to re-write the constitution She has said she will dis arm us doing away with the first and second amendment as hitlery has said she will do All freedom will disappear soon after NO demonRat must be allowed to win this election at any and all cost this election will determine weather America will go forward as a free country or not we do not want to be a muSLIM nation as obamma would want, and clinton will follow obummers work to destroy America. All she cares about it money and power NOT America or our people it may already be to late WAKE UP AMERICA, before U.N peace keeping troops are on our streets and you and your Familys have no rites or privacy and will not even be safe in your own homes if you are even still allowed to have your own home
Nancy says
Who elected her? Don’t do it next time…………………its time to think before you vote. Study, understand what you’re doing before you pull the lever, or mark the spot, or however you vote in this confusing system we have. I’m sick of everybody messing with my country. If they don’t like it, why don’t they LEAVE!
Gary Smith says
Good idea
SW says
My thoughts exactly. The senator, not capitalized intentional, deserves NO respect from me. She can pay back all and any income attached to her “seat”, reimburse the taxpayers for her primo befits, and become the woman without a country. Get the freak out of my Country.
MangusColorado says
How about we make the NFL, NBA, Baseball and all sports even at high school and college levels meet the equal employment opportunities act requirements. Fire or kick off team all Blacks above 12% and replace them with Whites and other Minorities?
I bet they would say that is racist but having over 75% Black on sports teams is not? Can not have it both ways now folks so think hard.
Jimc says
Or if we made ALL BLACKS kneel for the national anthem, then we would get a rise out of them.
Lule Melgarejo says
Didn’t you read the article. Sgt Carney was a BLACK man and he saved Old Glory. I’ve seen how Black and Hispanic Marines protect and love my USA it’s flag and constitution. So please don’t judge everyone by the color of our skin. That woud be a grave mistake.
Sandra says
She should be recalled from her State and never be able to run for anything else, If she doesn’t respect our Country then get out,
RottenRollin says
Amen. It’s people like this that are what’s wrong with America today.
Them and our liberal media.
JIM says
The biggest problem is the people that vote for these generic Americans.
Lt. Joe S. Price Sr. says
Do the people know the Forty Niner quarterback is a confirmed Muslim and is married or engaged to a Muslim female. I think not or they wouldn’t support his disrespect of the American flag that many Americans have died for, which included several of my close friends. I don’t care what color they are, but those who do not respect our flag should not ever be elected to public office. The Missouri Senator should be recalled immediately and admonished severely. Lt. Joe S. Price-Retired Texas Peace Officer
Jack Scarpon says
Marilynn Reeves says
Wonderful plan
Snoopy says
Can I pitch in on her plane ticket?? ONE WAY of course!!
willie Kingfish says
One way ? Half way sounds better, because she will still work to hurt America no matter where the scum is located
If you do not like what the pro’s do just do not watch NFL or buy products indorsed on their commercials that will hurt them the most NFL= National Felons League
Bella says
Exactly Jack Scorpion! Ignorant people like her and Colin makes me vomit. How stupid can you be that you desecrate the very reason that you have a prestigious position here in America. It is sickening that they use their gifted forum to spread hate and create division…Get a f+++ life!!!
Hanko American says
What a great idea! Deport them all to a country that they belong in! The country I’m talking about–HELL!!
James says
not even the outhouse
moose in maine says
Amen Sandra. If she doesn’t respect this country she should get out of it. Never mind being put out of the Senate. Damn people like her make me sick. They can come to Washington and take all the graft they want but don’t respect this country.Wake up American these are the trashy people that take and take and never quit bitching.
Margie says
II agree!
Donna says
Snoopy says
And then deport her! That flag is the symbol the world looks to as “AMERICA”!
As quoted above, they RUN to our benefits but don’t like our flag?? Can’t have it both ways!
Donna says
Isn’t that the truth. Boot her out. I am so sick of these “few” people who don’t like something then the rest of us have to put up with their s-it and forget about the majority of people but let’s change this i.e. Because it is politically correct
JOHN says
We always give into the minority and this has to stop NOW!! Everything that was changed do to the minority should be brought back as it was intended to be. Put the pledge of alegence back into the school along with the prayer. If they don’t like it then do home schooling and when they don’t pass the test for a job they don’t get it, not given to them due to being a minority.
If you live in the USA then you respect all not part of our laws and stop trying to change them like the Assh–e POTUS is doing. Trump will bring them all back into being and take away benefits from the government that they were not intended to have back when the constitution was written. They were to run for office to SERVE our country as an AMERICAN not to have it as a full time job without having to do anything to keep it except BULLSHIT us.
betedid says
That is the GODS Truth !!!!!!!!!!!!
I think she ought to be able to run for the bus!
JOHN says
No she should crawl and if she misses it then she crawls back home to her original country.
benjamin bolin says
Sandra, Amen to that. What a A-S SHE IS. HOPE SHE GETS WHAT SHE DESERVES, THAT NO ONE IN OFFICE TALKS TO HER OR EVEN SPEEKS. I am so sick of these snobs not honoring our flag and the Anthem. They need to be kicked out of this country.
john says
Maybe we should continue with Abraham Lincoln’s plans and send the African “American”‘s back to the country purchased for them, Liberia.
S strand says
Yes, its a travesty the idiot, John Wilkes Booth, destroyed any chance of this happening. Grant wanted to ship out those that did not want to remain on our soil, also. There were many that did in fact, realize that the USA beat living in a country with a bunch of half-naked spear, chuckers, and were citizens that thrived and gave back.
David Ruff says
Kaepernick doesn’t benefit from any of the things you mentioned. Just the opposite is true. He risked loosing his well-paying job as well as the ridicule of ignorant people to stand up for what he believes in.
moose in maine says
Kaepernick is another one that makes millions and doesn’t respect the flag of the country that pays him. I say get rid of him. Send him where they will knock his block up for being disrespectful.
Eric Rohn says
We must “draw the line” somewhere, why not here? The public football fans will discipline Kas pernak, and the voters will take care of the senator. Obama is behind every minorities feeling of safety to publicly object to anything. What happened to the majority rules? Now that has been reversed. I suggest we wait until 1/17/17 then indite Obama for all his lies, contempt, and corruption.
ron says
Eric …
. Think about it, do you really want majority rules ? …
. In a republic (the USA) the rule is by law. …
. What I would advocate is that we go back to the original …
…US Constitution which is the real law in the USA.
All the white americans who attend these games should stay home and save the 75.00 and up for the seats they are paying…..Then lets see the owners pay the big salaries that 90+percent of the people would not make in ten life times…… REVOLT stay away from the games, do not pay, do not go, do not buy anything that is endorsed for the team and or player…… This can work both ways but the dumb as whites have to start sticking together, rebel do not pay to see the teams play stay home if only for one season… The owners would be claiming bankruptcy that same year! Look at the guy who was a CEO for a company and went through a drive through window at one of the local businesses and gave the girl a hard time…… He was FIRED for disgracing the company he was working for….
Too many bleeding hearts in america that are f-ing up this country very fast! Hit them where it hurts the most…… right in their pockets boycott the games..BOYCOTT THE GAMES.
JOHN says
Agree with the BOYCOTT and as far as the majority rules, in the comment above, the politicians are voted into office to uphold our law and not to be there to make an easy life for themselves and pass laws for them. They are voted in by the majority to uphold the law and maybe add something to it that the majority needs added and not the minority.
JOHN says
Send him and all those who stand behind him back home and take away all jobs and benefits from them so they will disappear by rotting away. If they have money and assets take them away NOW. It was that they had the freedom and right to do as they wanted but not the freedom to disrepect our flag.
Frank W Brown says
Whoops, it appears that he is NOT standing, and his beliefs are UNAMERICAN, PERIOD!
Donald Cutman says
He may not get the benefits but even if he were to be fired he still gets his millions of pay he has a contract you moron. He’s only protesting to make himself a name for something. The National Anthem is not something that should be protested over.
JOHN says
A contract is something that is made between two people to do and uphold what you say. To play in sports you are to uphold our flaly and constitution or else go to another country and play for a lot less. Once you break that contract, by not respecting this country, your contract should be ripped up and the check writer should have the ba==s to not write the checks just like a customer does not write the check that is due a contractor for doing his job incorrectly on their house..
Martha lorson says
Affirmative action, guarantees them a job even over more qualified white ppl. Food stamps for very baby the unmarried lady has, whether it’s six to six different men, welfare, free school lunches,low rent apartments,medic aide, and the ability to yell racism if they don’t get what they want. Yeah he should protest, we treat hem horribly, what about the blacks killing blacks, or how much has he donated to black causes?
Does he know one of the soliders that held the flag at the time Key wrote the anthem was black? He refused to allow it to hit the ground. He was the first black to receive the Medal of Honor. Colin is a disgrace to his memory!
S strand says
I believe they should be shipped to an Island, start their own society, (as President Grant wanted, and thought would help those that wished that, but would remain US citizens) and show us all how they would do it. I am quite fed up with the actions I feel are not only an insult to our Founders, and those that sacrificed their all, but acts of treason that will in fact lead up to the next Civil War, on US soil.
ron says
S …
. The black slaves did not come here of their on volition but in chains, is well documented and we all know it. …
. None of us had anything to do with that so lets move forward from there. …
. Remember most of our modern racial problems fall at the feet of LBJ so what we need now is truth in education NOT hate. …
. Who cares what President Grant wanted ?
deepthink says
For shame on them!! Maybe they should export themselves to Africa if they don’t want to Honor our FLAG!!
Richard says
Send her down the road and send all the people that do not want to honor all the people black and white that paid the price for the freedom we have in the USA. I will be happy to pay there way out of the USA.
Thomas G says
Me too
lin says
Well said.
CJ says
Amen! They should just leave this country if it is so bad.
Dennis says
I wonder what this Senator ever did to make a better life for those people she is protesting for. She’s a slob just like Kaepaneak and get out of the USA. What an example .
Dona says
She is really following our great leader the Pres. He has not been honorable at all in his way of an American . He says follow me and she is .also the people who go to the games where he is playing should not go to them and just watch what his boss will do , they will can them all . Dona
Linda says
1 word sums it up DEMOCRAT or I say DEMOCRAP
Lilly Putney says
You remedy people like that at the polls. Vote for her opponent.
Carol Manning says
You can’t fix stupid, plus what oppressions are her and her quarterback suffering. Give me eithers salary and privileges and I will sing the national anthem louder than most, even at the elder age of 70. A share croppers daughter who did not have color on her side to get a free education, free phone, free food, free housing, free clothing and my social security money that I worked so damned hard for and not a dime of it’s funding came from tax dollars. Just me and my employers and she gives it to anyone who does not want to work just bitch about wanting more. She needs to ask God for his freebees, if she gets there, and see what he has to offer.
janet says
Not surprising. Those “people” are the ultimate in ingratitude.
What else could it mean when suicide is made into a religion!– Sanctimoniously destroying lives the way they do…can’t get any more perverted or more ungrateful than that!
TRR says
They need to fire the bit !!!
American says
I bet the scumbag will take his paycheck however, why do they keep electing these anti-American clown that will do nothing but tear down America and the people they serve.
Maria says
There are many like her in gov jobs since Obama became presidents and they all think and feels the same way about this country, they hate the USA and all it stands for yet they love the cushioned job. I say kick her out!! If it can’t be done (now) then don’t reelection her.
JOHN says
If the one who signs her and others like her checks have any balls so they get no money then they would resign
Rosech says
I would like to think there are enough sensible people in MO to recall this idiot NOW or if she is up for re-election, drop her like a hot rock. We are sick and tired of not EXTREMELY VETTING candidates who are elected TO REPRESENT US AND NOT THEMSELVES! She needs to be removed from office pronto to save MO’s face! I grew up in KCMo with 7 ethnic groups and none of this garbage ever happened. Now, it seems we elect idiots and expect someone of value, character and ethics and just get the opposite. We need a check up from the neck and vote for America via a truly worthy patriotic American but vetting him or her down to birth!
Referee says
This is the same anti gun broad who was arrested carrying a gun during the Ferguson “Protest” Riots.
The level of hypocritical behavior is stunning.
Kathy says
Remove the woman from office. If not hold up her paychecks for the rest of her term. We taxpayers should not have to contribute to her wealth.
Nelson says
It sounds like he is another Gary Johnson the fake libertarian who wants to legalize drugs all across the America and have open borders for anyone to come in sounds a lot like Hillary’s clone. Anyone that spits on the American flag as a elected senator. Should be voted out of her position whatever state she is from she needs to go get the word out we cannot handle this Kinds stupidity anymore
gordon miller says
He should be permitted to do as he wishes and then, when his term expires, should be voted out of office.
JOHN says
If they don’t do their job which they are hired to do then they should be removed NOW. Lets get rid of all the ball less politicians that won’t impeach Obo.
M Dean says
Maybe she would like to go to another country where she can feel more motivated to honor their flag, statues, laws, military, & etc!
Joe says
This bitch is probably blach???? I smell recall!!
Peter says
I googled her and yes she is blach. Did you know she changed her name to a muslime one? Disgusting!
Chief G. says
I am a Vietnam veteran who fought for what this flag represents. There are many who don’t live up to our flat, but ha’s no fault of the flag. This low life Missouri state Sen. Jamilah Nasheed in the position she holds should be tarred, feathers, and hung as far as I’m concerned, and not necessarily in that order. I’m tied of those who don’t mind earning their money here, but will bad mouth a flag that represents free on and liberty for all. She should be eliminated from her position of office. With freedom comes responsibility and her actions along with others are detrimental to the well being of our country.
Gary McGough says
Just reflect for a moment upon people like Sgt. William H. Carney, Martin Luther King, and Dr. King’s brave civil right’s freedom fighters… They would all be astonished and outraged at the behavior of a Missouri state Senator Jamilah Nasheed, and certainly our current sitting president for trying to justify the ridiculously over-the-top behavior of a successful millionaire football star like Colin Kaepernick. It has never been about the actual numbers of police misconduct (which are low in comparison to legitimate black and white criminal arrests statistics). Freedom of speech gives us all rights to express opinions. The civil rights movement opened the door for minorities as well. But NO one – black or white, has the right to act as if our country deserves to be treated like trash, and we WILL hold these people in the total contempt they deserve. They will be accountable (the ballot box and the stadiums) for their methods and actions.
William says
Throw that no good slut out of the door and the USA as fast as you can, the f. Ing bitch
James says
What is more important , Being an American patriot or winning a football
game. If winning a game is more important then keep idolizing thies
over paid thugs. If being an American is more important. BOYCOTT the game.
Let them play in empty stadiums.
Texas gal says
She is an idiot. This whole thing is going to explode as Mr. Obama planned, riots, then Marshall law and NO election. This has been the plan for 8 years. Wake up America.
willie Kingfish says
and yet so many Americans are to stupid to see obummers plan well in to it play then the same traitors will vote clinton in it is going to be the end of a free America
Darrell says
Part of his plan to get the USA involved in helping the muslim population was to get enough of them into the USA and bombing us so we would get involved. He is the one that said if it came down to the USA or muslims he would go with muslims.
Wossene Bowler says
If she is a senate representative then she should leave the seat .She does’t represent America she represent color .If she is true American she fights for what she believes, respecting the flag !! their should be punishment to everyone who disrespect the flag. Americans should stop going to all games where the players protest. With out people buying a ticket they won’t earn their millions with out American flag their is no freedom. Whey do they think black & white die fighting for it ?
Lois Wenk says
The Constitution Party nominee proposes getting rid of welfare. His name is Darrell Castle. Vote for him. He is also for THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS. Also shrinking the Federal government. and enforcing states rights.
Emily says
She is soooooo Special. What is our country coming to….. I am embarrassed……
Judy says
Send her to prison along with Hillary and Bill.
Phyllis Schultz says
She should be kicked out of Congress, just like Kaepaneak should be forced out of football. Then give them a one way ticket out of the US, to somewhere neither one of them will be able to live as well as they do here, thanks to our brave armed forces, who protect us.
Dale Ralston says
Send her packing. How the hell did she get elected anyway? God Bless Our Country. It’s turning into shit with these radicals.
Darrell says
They should also ban her from the Senate Floor as she is so against the USA, she has no right to represent anyone.
bee says
Nasheed sickens me.
bill Jones says
What did the fool’s who elected her expect?
William says
Impeach the bitch right now.
nomeof your business says
how true. bitch wolf in sheep’s clothing.
john weaver says
It’s most unfortunate that some idiots are in the government , put there not to serve our counry, but to self serve .
What is the intent , who knows.
Mildred Mccutchan says
Nasheed should be removed from Senate she isn/t fit to serve if she doesn’t stand for the Pledge of the USA. She is a disgrace to the country MIM
Referee says
This is the same anti gun broad who was arrested carrying a gun during the Ferguson “Protest” Riots.
The level of hypocritical behavior is stunning.
Joe says
A piece of shit! What idiots choose this disgrace of a broad to serve them! She supports thugs and criminals over our police department. Time to sweep out the trash!!!
nomeof your business says
maybe lightening will get her
nomeof your businessj says
WHAT DOES HER NAME SUGGEST??????????? Is anyone surprised that she would not honor our flag…she doesn’t even honor our country,,,she is she is another obama out of her burka.
Patriote says
Us ‘deplorables’ work 24/7 to finance all these Anti-Americans trash
OracleGuy says
Patriote, if you work 24/7, when do you sleep? On the job?
ron says
OracleGuy …
. Too dense to realize “us” is plural ?
nomeof your business says
y ou got that right.
sandra Marshall says
I hope she won’t be reelected! Get rid of her.
Donna says
Amen to that!
Robert Early says
This creep should have never been elected; and now that she has violated her oath of office, should be immediately recalled. She’s a total disgrace.
S strand says
Ronald Sarson says
Bit–s like this make you wonder if they even qualify as Americans. Perhaps they should try another country (If any will have them).
nomeof your business says
agree, why don’t these freaks stay where they belong,,,and fix their own country, instead of coming here and start right away to try to destroy ours. I for one would not want to live any place that people didn’t want me around,,,whey don’t these misfits just leave or maybe we have to have a government that makes them leave.Just look at all the people in Minnesota that are on the dole and demanding that OUR PEOPLE provide them with their special Muslim food. Either eat what you are offered o eat nothing.
Peter says
Let’s hope the voters in her state remember this when elections come around and vote her out. I wonder how she got elected in the first place. What did she promise the voters? No class.
Kris says
If she doesn’t represent your values, don’t complain. Stop with the vitriol & Start a recall petition.
Helen Higgason says
Sandra Neff says
Remember this name and vote him out.
SEN. JAMIL AH NASHEED. if he cannot honor our flag he doesn’t deserve a seat in our government. He is a traitor. VOTE HIM OUT.
S strand says
I believe the picture I saw was that of a woman. Of course, kits not always easy to tell, now adays.
John T Koszalka says
Our Country Is A Band Of Brothers, And Sisters who have given there LIFE for the Freedom we have today. WE HONOR THEM WHO GAVE THERE LIFE FOLLOWING THE FLAG WHICH REPRESENTS BLOOD SWEAT, AND TEARS.
russell holck says
Helen Higgason says
This idiot senator, should be kicked out of office, they simply make me ” sick” !!!!!’
Cliff says
This is yet another example of someone that needs to be removed from office. The OATH you take is a solemn PLEDGE! Not just some random “words” so you can sit on your BUTT and collect “we the people’s” TAX DOLLARS and “make a statement”
You want to “protest” DO IT ON YOUR OWN TIME. NOT when you are SUPPOSED to be doing the PEOPLE’S Business.
Catlady says
Does her name mean anything? A nd, why put the blame on someone else?
Pamela says
ABSOLUTELY and she might think about moving to Iran.
John G . says
She shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the Senate – she’s nothing more than an “Liberal/Progressive” ignorant asshole.
If she were a man she would deserve to get her ass kicked for her actions.
Marine says
I agree 100 percent. She should get her ass kicked even if she is a women. She should be thrown out of the senate.
Cathy says
Move her a___ out! An elected official of the United States of America not honoring the flag???? What is she doing in office? This is such BS for anyone to be dishonoring the flag. When you receive benefits, income from the government, how can you deny your place in this USA? This really sickens me. The football players as well. Who do they think is paying their $114M income packages? I wish someone would pay me that much for many hours of hard work, 60-70 hours a week.
BeachBum says
If a person is to dishonor this country and its symbols of our Freedom and Liberty, let them go to the country of their choice, and give up the rights and benefits that those symbols reflect and stand for!
“Love it, or leave it!”
Alvin bell WWII navy retired I love my country and flag. says
I advise if she doesn’t like our flag move to another country.We don’t need her here.That is for all who hates the USA.
ron says
Alvin …
. Yep, but if you stay work to make it better !
john weaver says
The creep is typical for the Norman Evans etal ,
RottenRollin says
Should send this abomination to Gitmo.
nomeof your business says
And once a poor excuse for a human is put in gitmo,,,NEVER let them out..NO special food, no special food, no special anything, IF they don’t eat let them die. they are fodder in their own countries,,why aren’t they the same here. They deserve no special consideration about anything. If they do not honor out laws, our flag, our people, out religions, then they do not deserve anything else..we did NOT invite them here. At least i didn’t. We may be a country of immigrants, but only the GOD loving ones who came to this country and assimilate into out society, not carry on their own little crap country and take up space and use our resources up that good Americans could be using. Most decent good citizens of America don’t want to or need to take advantage of the welfare programs that are offered,,,UNTIL ONE CAN GET ON THEIR FEET. There is nothing wrong with anyone having to ask for help at one time or another,,but DO NOT MAKE IT A WAY OF LIFE,, generation after generation,
Arthur Marzani says
She should be thrown out of office,elected official doing this should disqualified ,disgusting action
Ed says
Give this Bitch a Ticket to Aferica..I know you won’t post this ..
ch says
Here is how to contact the disrespectful BITCH. Send her an email and let her know what you think and those in her district let her know you will recall her.
.201 W Capitol Ave., Rm. 328
Jefferson City, Missouri 65101
(573) 751-4415
Email [email protected]
Hanko American says
Just sent the unamerican bitch an email to let her know there are still Americans that won’t put up with this shit!! DON’T TREAD ON US!!
ch says
I did too and posted it here, but the must have censored it.Will try again
jamilah nasheed (name not capitalized as I do not respect you)
I see where you just disrespected our country by not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. You think you need to disrespect our nation because of oppression. How did you get your job? You worked for it. Rather than play into the hands of the thugs and those that do not care to work and make something of themselves, why don’t you get your Ass out there and start teaching your black community what it takes to get a good paying job.
There will be a recall for you and I hope it works, if not, don’t expect to get re-elected. You work for the people, that means you honor this country and the people who elected you into office. You just spat on every person who ever served and died for this country and those that fought to free the slaves.
Oh and by the way, why is it that YOU DemocRATS are oppressing the black community, does that vote mean that much to you to keep YOUR people down trodden.
Mary Morgan says
This attitude seems to me a somewhat racist group think. Just my personal perception of all this BS.
Mary Morgan says
Mary Morgan says
Will try this again. This attitude about not standing during the national anthem appears to be a form of racism based on the majority of the actors’ ethnicity. They are free to express their disdain for all things patriotic though. Just my personal perception of all this BS. If anyone is offended – oh well.
Linda Lee says
She needs a whippin from Sgt Carney and all black Americans, white Americans, yellow Americans, red Americans. Get my drift! If you are a citizen, you have no color; you are an American.
Ohio Fats says
Judging by her name, she must be foreign. Maybe Arab, Afghan or Iraqi. She obviously holds America in disdain and should be recalled from her elected post and offered deportation.
Sue says
She’s not oppressed unless it is her religion doing it. She is protesting the flag because Muslims don’t honor any flag except the ISIS flag.
Doug says
She clearly violated her oath of office and should be impeached. This is what happens when the criminal element takes over the government, The gangsters in power run as fast as they can to emulate a Central African cesspool.
Jane Scannell says
What a “friggin” bitch! Boy, this burns my ass! Supports the rotten football player? Throw them out. Let them pay for their own tickets!
Joan says
She is a disgrace to this great country. She should choose a country
Of her choice and leave ours immediately!
hubbert says
Their trying to get her impeached for instigating roits in Missouri. She’s a 43 year old to good for most of us snob. Theres pictures of her standing in front of the huge wall emblem of Missouri sticking her tongue out. Recall this piece of garbage.
Texas Son says
Samuel W. Kittle says
Sen. Nasheed The St. Louis Democrat An elected official of the United States of America not honoring the flag???? What is she doing in office? when she refused to stand while her colleagues recited the Pledge of Allegiance,She shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the Senate The People in St. Louis should Kick her to th Curb come Voting time for her again, and let her finf out what it is to WORK for A Leaving .
Paulus says
Unfortunately, most of the voters that put her there are black and they might agree with her, along with other black muzzies.
John says
A large number of my generation are lying in a grave in France because they believed in and died for something that this woman has no respect for. Those of us who survived, are sick and tired of these cry baby socialists. If they are so concerned about “equality”, they need to go to someplace like Venezuela where everyone shares equal in the misery.
Hap says
Hello and where are we going from here. Can any one Please get her Office number and post it so those whom wish to express there thoughts to the Lady Senator are able to have the same right of expression as we are in titled to. Free speech. May her phone ring off the hook with candid comments. She needs to know how the people feel.
ch says
My email to her
jamilah nasheed (name not capitalized as I do not respect you)
I see where you just disrespected our country by not standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. You think you need to disrespect our nation because of oppression. How did you get your job? You worked for it. Rather than play into the hands of the thugs and those that do not care to work and make something of themselves, why don’t you get your Ass out there and start teaching your black community what it takes to get a good paying job.
There will be a recall for you and I hope it works, if not, don’t expect to get re-elected. You work for the people, that means you honor this country and the people who elected you into office. You just spat on every person who ever served and died for this country and those that fought to free the slaves.
Oh and by the way, why is it that YOU DemocRATS are oppressing the black community, does that vote mean that much to you to keep YOUR people down trodden.
CS says
Instant RECALL!!!!
George says
Anyone giving aid and comfort to our enemies can be charged with treason Give her the punishment authorized.
Randy Birchall says
Go figure! We have let these jerks into our country and they just want to destroy what America stands for. Hillary Clinton supports this way of thinking as does the current “president”, (not my president by the way). Deport to SOB’s and ban them from public office with benefits forever! We don’t want to hear from them! God bless America. Obama go to hell!????????
Gary Little says
One sorry senator. Our men and women have died for this flag.Me, my father, uncles, and and brothers served. She is a disgrace along with others and BLM people.
warren says
Just one more ungrateful black that needs to be deported to her country of her ancestors.
Thomas G says
I thought you had to be educated to run for office? Lowering yourself to the mentality of a spoiled over paid disrespectful kid proves you’re incompetent to hold office because your judgement and interest isn’t for all the people.
Al E. Gator says
She is a PUTZ an a SMUCK, an she should be RE-CALLED, she probably has some fraudulent actions, in her skeleton closet
George says
Reinstate the draft. Require everyone to serve four years in the military as a requirement for citizenship. Would teach them to respect the country where they live.
ron says
George …
. And at least 2yrs enlisted to start.
Bert says
She’s a piece of crap!!!! Needs to be removed immediately.
JerryD says
She has broken the Oath of Allegiance to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies Foreign and Domestic, She should be removed Her name sounds like she is a muslim anyway I guess one of Obama’s appointed sleepers. I for one hope that Trump gets elected and instructs the FBI to investigate Obama and Clinton. They are both sleepers, neither one of them has been charged with any crime so they can be charged at a later date. Clinton and Obama should both be charged with wrongful death or murder of those in Benghazi. There are many more that should be charged with crimes in the entire administration.Obama and Clinton are both racist they don’t hide it very well a Kerry is taking orders from his iranian son in law.
Solo says
What really bothers me is that you have people in position, who are millionaires and/or pretty well off, who complain and want to make a statement, but yet, don’t want to do anything with their position or wealth to help others….Let’s Go!
Corsica says
Are you kidding? They’re not going to share their wealth with the dregs of their society! That’s a hallmark of their “culture”. “Get yours from the gubmin, not me”.
Phil says
Stand Up Bitch or Go Down For Life!
Phil says
Modeerate this you ass holes
T French says
I’m ashamed to say I’m from Missouri! I believe that this protest is misdirected and wrongful. Do people not understand what the US flag meaning an representation. Our entire history of sacrifices to get our current freedom. She stated that she is not “anti-American” but this is a clear understanding to me that she is anti-American! If she wants to protest then direct your protest accordingly to the people who can make the laws or change actions for your cause. Not upon thousands of people who gave their lives so you can sit where you are now. I was shocked when she was voted into MO senate. Nobody that I knew voted for her. This makes me wonder if we have voter fraud in MO. Someone please research that when she declares an oath to be in state senate, doesn’t she have to respect the flag for which it stands. Is this a cause for impeachment?
female tax payor says
T French, Yes, taking office the senator took an Oath of US Office solemnly swearing allegiance to the United States & swearing to support and defend the Constitution. “So help me God.” While serving under that obligation of allegiance, it is both treason and an act of admitting you committed perjury at time you took the oath of office to then disrespect and denounce your obligation of unwavering allegiance. So yes this is grounds for impeachment & perjury.
Silent Hammer says
She was arrested at Ferguson, MO at the Michael Brown circus. She was DRUNK, protesting and CARRYING A LOADED 9 mm HANDGUN. I understand HOW she got elected, with voter FRAUD and all. Now, I hope her “constituents” are asking WHY she was elected. She’s an embarrassment to people of color, and to the U.S. and State Representative Government System. She is only wanting notoriety and a high paying cruise-job. This little incident should play well for her next election. mMay she rest in jail.
Linda says
This senator should be recalled from office for not respecting our flag, our country’s pledge, and our country. I cannot the oath they take but I am sure she is not honoring that oath. The people of the state she represents should be embarassed by her actions
TexRancher says
State senators take an Oath of Office when elected to the State Senate. As such they all swear a loyalty to the U.S. This senator just displayed a lack of loyalty to this country. Low lifes like her don’t deserve to live here and represent real AMERICANS which she has just declared she’s NOT!
clarence lipscomb says
Here is how we handle this situation:
The other elected officials in that Missouri chamber have to TOTALLY IGNORE HER. She will forever after get the SILENT TREATMENT. She DOESN’T EXIST ANYMORE in the eyes of others. She JUSTIFIABLY GETS ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT. This policy will be most effective.
Her disrespectful, despicable attitude FEEDS UPON AND DEPENDS UPON THE REACTION of everybodyelse who disapproves of her conduct. Therefore do nothing overt.
Silence most deftly speaks loudest. She’s not invited to any functions, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. If she ‘crashes’ such affairs, IGNORE HER.
She has become an outcast, a pariah, a despised person. Kinda like diarrhea. It has to run its term. Just don’t let it get near you for obvious reasons. She’s counterproductive…….dangerous,…….not to be trusted with any information. She is desperate to turn anything she can glean into an act against you.
If the chamber agrees (unanimously if possible) she should be expelled, recalled, whatever. But first make sure she has no viable recourse.
I feel that the least complicated policy is to ignore her.(If somebody ‘passes wind’, we just ignore it. Right ?)
Wendell Johnson says
Fuck.all nigs
Brenda says
Kick her and her anti American buddies out
Bub says
She’s just moronic muslim trash. Those that voted for this girl are the bigger problem.
Marlon says
If an individual has no respect for our Country’s flag then they should not have a Government job in this Country……
Corsica says
Aren’t there rules of conduct in these legislatures that she should’ve been censured for, for not following them? These blacks continue displaying their phony outrage and theatrics over things that don’t exist. Kaepernick claims that blacks are being oppressed. His net worth is $16 million. Wow, give me some of that oppression! As far as unarmed black men being killed by police, yes there have been a dozen or so incidents that should call for the death penalty of these officers to calm the howling black mobs. But the killing of cops by blacks resisting arrest WAY overshadows those incidents. Kaepernick should be protesting the black criminality and lawlessness that non-blacks across this country are subjected to 24/7/365. Now that would be a noble cause.
Jerry says
Lets see a picture of the loser
Manuel says
That woman is a bomb threat and with that last name you cannot ignore her as a potential sleeping cell of Islamic extremism. Vote her out!
Leatherwings says
Eeeugh!! This infuriates me! As a MOC, she’s pledges to defend the Constitution, serve honorably, instead, she commits this treasonous act. Refuses to pledge her allegiance to the flag, where, I wonder does her allegiance lie? I wouldn’t let our Flag touch this dirt!!
Jorge Badillo says
Why do people keep electing trash like this for government office is beyond belief. Politicians are like magicians, always able to pull rabits out of their asses when it comes to rise taxes, lie, and say or do stupid things. Morons!
Vito Geneovese says
Sorry to say to all of you who believe she should not be re-elected, she will be because she comes from a black majority St Louis they elected her because she is black!!! you think they care about her qualifications or respect for this country? Absolutely not, they elected her because she is black and will support all their freebee’s and will continue to disrespect and fight against what America stands for. She is a piece of garbage just like all of the rest of them that disregard and disrespect this country, lesson no. 1 it is all about them!! they are the racist and bigots, if you are not black your against them (in their minds)
They should all be exported to a country of their choice and let them find out 1st hand how great this country is and we do not need pieces of shit like them anymore enough is enough. OI for one am sick of the handouts we give them and it only gets worse, they believe we owe them.
Get the hell out of our country if you don’t like it and take all of your friends and relatives with you
Tex says
Very well said Vito :
Tex says
Yeah, these POOR oppressed people are mainly BLACK, making all kinds of big money, and they think that the black’s have it so bad. Maybe they should get off of their lazy butts and quit selling drugs, they might have something. The little protest’s that they are having, will get them nowhere and only make them look like a bunch of idiots.
jack says
Did this person run for office as an American, or lie to get in office and stay there like a lot of politicians do, we are finding out. Problem is that at least 70 of elected representatives in Washington have allegiance to communism today, and, there in shows trouble for America. Blame it on us as voters and/or some slick politicians, but once exposed, outs them.
RON says
Tex says
It is probably a Muslim , by the looks of the name.
Kathleen says
This woman is a renegade in more than one instance. She purposely blocked traffic in Ferguson – looks like she is part of the BLM crowd. She was arrested and it didn’t seem to phase her. In June of this year she was arrested with a loaded gun, extra clips, and she was drunk in Ferguson. Yes she takes an anti-gun stand. Guess that stand is just for citizens…not thugs and criminals. Going back a little further, 2014, during a small protest in front of the Ferguson police station, after the police had told the crowd of people that anyone who blocked the street would be arrested, she and another person walked right out in front of the cars and sat down, blocking traffic. She was arrested, but it didn’t seem to phase her. This woman is bad news all over. She and the whole BLM anti-American bunch need to go find a place to live they would like. Lets send them to the middle east- for there American is disrespected too. Maybe they would like it better, but if not, oh well! They don’t belong in a country they hate.
American says
He will have no problem accepting his pay check, bet on that, but he hates America, why do they elect these kinds of people, they do nothing for anyone but themselves.
Mary says
Kick her out of the senate, and put her on a boat to one of the Muslim country’s .
Idiot monkeys says
Send her back to kindergarten . What a teacher would do with the child has such an unacceptable attitude in class ? Time out of her working place . Call her parents in for a meeting . And if it is a public school then send her out to private school . We can not pay tax to support such an wrong doing
clarence lipscomb says
So much to say. So little time…….
jamilah nasheed of Missouri is a disgrace !
She’s been ‘dipped in’ the influence of George Soros who unfortunately for all of us lives primarily somewhere in New York State here in our beloved United States of America. Soros’ support is the primary genesis of this unpatriotic gesture by nasheed and others of her persuasion. (He is the unique problem to America as well as all these other countries he has contaminated. You please check him out ASAP !) Soros is the Sole and Primary Financial Supporter of Black Lives Matter (B.L.M.) to the tune of tens of millions of dollars annually !!! Everybody please CHECK HIM OUT !!! His goal has always been to BRING DOWN OUR BELOVED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA !!! HIS DARK INFLUENCE IS PERVASIVE HERE IN THE U.S.A. !!!. CHECK HIM OUT !!! HE IS THE INSTRUMENT OF ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT (OWG) IN THIS HEMISPHERE !!! CHECK HIM OUT AND BECOME INFORMED !!! YOU WILL BE SURPRISED WHEN YOU FIND OUT WHO IS BEHIND HIM. IF YOU DON’T ALREADY KNOW, PLEASE DON’T CONTINUE TO BE IGNORANT. nasheed is just a symptom, a tool of his.
Ken Arnold says
I found a great web site that is pro gun, pro military, pro law enforcement and anti left.
Ann says
Perhaps Senator Nasheed should do a little more studying before aligning herself with a spoiled athlete. The Pledge of Allegiance does not oppress anyone! – I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
Nor does our National Anthem! The stanza that has been referred to in the anthem is one that I, at the age of 58, have never heard before and certainly have never sung!
Ms. Nasheed’s protest should not have been met with silence but with spoken condemnation and, in the next election, the voters should show their disgust by not re-electing her.
John Armesto says
This country cannot afford to give every Black person $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00; and that would not be enough!!! Let’s just accept what we can not change and let them sit while we stand and move forward for generations to come.
Dew says
As people vote, without checking out the person running, so goes this Nation.
Dr. Charles Catanese says
All this anti American behaviour is a NWO plan to destroy our national sovereignty. Their mantra is
down with America and up with the NWO.
Gregory says
It is not the elected officials that are the problem. It is the people that elect individuals that act the way she does.. we are putting people in office that reflect our values and morals. If this is who is elected.. then we deserve what we get. America .. you need to look in the mirror .. this is what the MAJORITY put into office .. only way to change is remove them by voting in some one with a different take of where we want the nation to go. You elect incompetent or un American individuals then expect that kind of leadership.
Bill says
A piece of Shit! Most representatives are.
Charles Masterson says
Impeach that low life BITCH !!!
Marc Jeric says
B. Hussein Obama was born in Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in Honolulu, Hawaii. Four simple questions must be answered here:
1. Back in 1961 people of color were called “Negroes”. So how can that Obama’s “birth certificate” state that he is “African-American” when the term wasn’t even used at that time? Also – he could not have been an “African-American” since his mother was white; at best he should have been classified as an African White.
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama’s birth as August 4, 1961 and lists Barack Hussein Obama as his father. That “long form” certificate was fabricated after the “short form” certificate was shown to be a rather sloppy computer-generated fabrication that had to be eliminated from circulation. At the time of Obama’s birth, it also shows that his father was 25 years old and that he was born in “Kenya, East Africa” in 1936. This wouldn’t seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama’s birth, and 27 years after his father’s birth. How could Obama’s father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the “British East Africa Protectorate”.
3. On the Birth Certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is “Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital “. This cannot be, because the hospitals in question in 1961 were separate entities called respectively “Kaui Keolani Children’s Hospital” and “Kapi’olani Maternity Home”. The name did not change to Kapi’olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978? Why hasn’t this been discussed in the major media? Let me repeat this: Let somebody explain to this former refugee from a communist hell how come our Main Stream Media have been not only silent about this affair but more than that have been condescending and rather inimical to us “the truthers”? Their silence and their cover-up have made them the co-conspirators in this ongoing crime.
(Note: the state employee who invented this full-form “Birth Certificate” was flying on the inter-island flight with a dozen other passengers when the plane was forced to land on the ocean surface. All passengers and the pilot were saved – except that state employee who mysteriously “drowned”.) Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaii official who verified his long form birth certificate was the only casualty in a plane crash not too long after she did her old friends, the Obamas, this favor.)
4. Another clue comes from Obama’s book on his father. He states how proud he is of his father fighting in WWII. B. Hussein Obama’s “birth certificate” says his father was 25 years old in 1961 when Obama was born. That should have put his father’s date of birth approximately in 1936. Now we need to remember that WWII was between 1939 and 1945. Just how many 3 year olds fight in wars? Does that mean that Mr. Obama is a liar, or simply chooses to alter the facts to satisfy his political purposes? No, Sir – he is a liar.
My own question is this: How come a President of the most powerful country in the history of the world could not secure services of better professional forgers? Not only that – but this mess to happen after the short-form “birth certificate” was shown to be a really low-quality forgery that had to be speedily retracted!
Jeanette says
I think that the message of the obviously forged birth certificate is: “I know that this is one of the worst forgeries of all time, and I’m deliberately posting it on Whitehouse.gov just to show you that there’s nothing you people can do to me, no matter what I do!”
LaLoni Kromer says
She needs to be kicked out. Why was this even allowed? People in office need to stand up to the ones that do this. We voted you in you are speaking for us! That is not speaking for us that my Be your thoughts but it’s not the thoughts of the ones that voted you in. You need to step down from office and head to a country that will let you do this. We as Americans will not stand for this.
Denine McMillan says
I was taught that two wrongs don’t make a right. America is a great country. One to be respected in all ways. If you don’t like and respect it, find another country to live in that coordinates with your views. America is not perfect in any way but it still is the best country in the world. Ms. Nasheed was elected to represent the people of her state, not a few from another state. If she doesn’t want to do that, she should resign. I am proud to be an American, respecting the flag and all it stands for, as well as those who have/are serving to keep this country a land to be proud of, not always agreeing, but to be proud of and respected.
Robert F says
I served in the United States Marine Corps to protect these a****oles right to say what they want and to demonstrate their rights to the Flag. But I did not serve to give them the right to disrespect all who served and those that paid the supreme price to give them their rights. Their protestations of supporting the “downtrodden minorities” is a bunch of crap. They should be required to go to Parris Island and learn what this country is really about.
Remember, the flag flaps and ripples not from the wind but the last breath of those who died serving.
Hanko American says
Robert F–I have NEVER heard anyone say ANYTHING more meaningful about “old glory” than your last statement! GOD bless you & this country! Thank you for fighting for our freedom! You da MAN!!
Oren says
Recall my butt! It’s about time we return to “tarring and feathering” and then “run them out on a rail”. Now think about that. Boiling hot tar, feathers and then tied on a pole by their feet and hands, hanging like a stuck hog, and then carried out of town, dumped and left to fend for themselves. I think that would be an apt punishment. Either that, or tied to the hitching post and flogged, publically. For crowd control, just shoot the SOB’s. As you can see, I’m tired of all this crap.
Boomer11 says
If this sorry piece of trash can be elected to public office by the people, then they can be unelected. Make it so. People that don’t respect our country, or the flag that represents it, have every right to voice their opinion. They also have the right to leave our country and be free to be themselves somewhere else. Please take your friends with you when you go.
Bobby Wills says
You can thank that idiot that some call President, and his no class trash truly racist spouse for being the root of this.
Me, I am color blind. Who cares what color, liers and racist trash come in all colors.
Then of course some would say both of the Clinton’s add fuel to that fire.
Slick Slimy Bill Clinton lying repeatedly under oath in congressional hearings
His scum bag wife doing the same.
Who cares if they are Republican or Democrat. A lie is a lie. Disrespect is disrespect.
Those that do not respect what our constitution stands for should pack and leave.
Go to North Korea and enjoy their lives there or to Pakistan perhaps.
Thom Jefferson says
Yes, the Missouri voters can end her political career at the next election. Many of us may suggest that we all send her out of the country, first class. But at the end of the day, the problem is not so superficial. We have allowed a culture of entitlement to overwhelm a large percentage of our population. A leader such as Ronald Reagan could start turning back the tide, if only he were alive today. A leader like Trump may be able to put a dent in it. I hope and pray so.
Bobby Wills says
This red neck cracker thinks that Dr Ben Carson is one helluva great man.
I had hoped he would be selected to be VP by my candidate Sr. Trump.
I watched the debates.
Who shined the greatest.
It was Dr Ben. What a classy man.
Who got 2% attention.
Who was getting the attention…..
You had bummer bush, whiney cruz, kasich, Rubio,
“loose mouth dont think, just be heard” DT.
the others were mostly ignored.
Dr. Ben was truly disrespected
because of him being a standup classy guy, he withstood.
Had it been me, I would of been standing on top of the podium screaming at the bias interviewing idiots.
I was pro Cruz until he started with the whiney on Trump and connecting with the Koch boys.
Ron Paynter says
This piece of trash shit bitch should be impeached. I’ll be the first to sign the order. How could this asshole who was elected to represent her consituents stoop to disrespecting the flag? What a disgracuful act by someone who is charged with running the country. It’s no surprise she is black. It would be interesting to see what she would of done if the football player was white. Completely different I bet. When do the actions of a disrespectful football player dictate actions in the Congress. She is a worse disgrace to her profession than Kapernick or whatever his name is. Throw this bitch out. Oh,if only this was possiblel!!!!!
JerryBranson says
This article has created quite a firestorm. Well it should. It began with a jerk in the NFL and is now snowballing. I do not blame anyone posting here. This whole issue is disgusting at best and absolutely horrendous. It likely would not upset me or others if there was some justification to the issue. But few of the shootings by officers are in any way an error on the part of an officer. Shooting a young person, which has now happened twice is questionable but in both those cases, the young person was pointing a firearm at the officer. He does not have time to stop and chat with the offender. That is tragic but often unavoidable. I am sure there is some racism perhaps involved with these shootings but very few. I do not live in a large city but I do not live in the backwoods either and I did live in Virginia for five years in a mostly white trailer park surrounded by black people. There was one incident in which a black young person killed a tenant in the trailer park while I was there. Once in five years was too often for me. I moved elsewhere very quickly.
ronald applewhite says
t served in the U.S. Army from 1964 to 1981 when i was disabled and med-a-vac from over seas, and just want these people to be thanked for telling my wife and kids how stupid i was to love this country enough to fight for her. also i am willing to give part of my disability pay to send them to a country of their choice. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
Mike W says
When we have worthless people like her in leadership roles, it is no wonder the rest of the world doesn’t like us. Thank you for your service.
Keith says
Sen. Nasheed needs removed from office. If it will not go on her own, do whatever you have to do to remove Sen. Nasheed. That POS is NOT an American…….
Peter says
I googled this person and you all are right. She was arrested for carrying a loaded 9 mil on her with extra rounds. And she pushes Anti-gun legislation. Typical politician “do as I say, not as I do”. I think she might have a mental issue. Why did she change her name? Check it out.
James Stevens says
She is a closet Muslim and has violated her Oath of Office as have about 50% of all of you jerks on capital hill. jwstx
James Stevens says
Obama is a closet Muslim. His every action for the last 8 years shows it. Obama was never a US Citizen. His tenure at the university was as a foreign aid student. He was born in Kenya just like his Grandmother said before she died. jwstx
iris cross says
Sen. Nasheed and Kalperrnick are both wrong THIS is a big problem America faces today The problem starts with the president Lack of respect for this country. PEOPLE OF ST. LOUIS GET HER OUT. PEOPLE OF AMERICA STOP GOING TO SEE THIS INDIVIDUAL GAMES ,TO SEE HIM PLAY.
Mike W says
This is the same Anti-gun senator who when she was arrested for public intoxication – she was carrying a 9mm. Nuff said.
Dennis says
Why is it the one thing that we should all be as one and proud of it is the American Flag and some asshole has to use it to prove a point. Leave the Flag Alone! You can prove your point in a decent way, not by dishonoring our flag and nation! Now, where would you like your remains buried after public execution?
Al Wood Sr. says
Justin W says
The best thing to do is to expose the politicians who are unwilling to show the proper respect for our flag, pledge and national anthem. The voters can then decide whether these are the people they want representing them.
Peggy Golden Ewbank says
Everyone is missing the point. It doesn’t matter where the fake chief was born because his mother married Lolo Sotoero and took him to Indonesia. His step father was high in office there and after he adopted O he renamed him Barry Sotoero. He was raised in Indonesia as a citizen of that country and as a muslim. Where are the documents that say he applied for US citizenship??? The only thing that he applied for was Federal aid to go to our colleges. That is why all his college applications have been destroyed by Soros, his sponsor. O has said all along that he is going to bring America to her knees on TV and in his book. God is still on the throne and He will have the final say.
vivian says
Hey Missouri!!!!…You finally are getting noticed…Aren’t you the “Show Me” state?…whatever that means…Well, we’re “showing you” that you Missourians are weak trash…pitiful ..How dare you elect someTHING like Nasheed…AND, you are just sitting by watching…not doing a GD thing…when YOU COULD!!!!!..Are you all feeble brained????? I now think of Missouri as a bunch of “wusses”..No backbone for sure…If you had one….YOU WOULD HAVE HER KICKED OUT..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RON says
AW says
Senator Nasheed, being STUPID, obviously does not know what country she lives in. She can go to hell, along with Kalpernick, who makes millions because he is in this country! GET LOST, and take the Clintons & NFL protesters with you…….and throw in RICH Hollywood actors & actress, who have nothing in common with the average American. You all can BUY your way for anything. And please get rid of the USELESS MEDIA! DISGUSTED WITH THIS CORRUPTION OF AMERICA!!!!!
RON says
Mary says
Her bio: “Born Jenise Williams, she was raised with her three brothers by their grandmother in a St. Louis housing project. Her father was shot dead in a drive-by shooting several months before she was born.[2]
She attended Roosevelt High School in St. Louis.[3] She later took classes at Florissant Valley Community College in 2012.[4] As an adolescent, Nasheed began visiting a mosque on Grand Boulevard. After two years of studying Islam, she converted to the religion.[5]” (Wikipedia resource)
Now that we know this, she probably did not use the Bible when she was sworn in. Muslims are not compatible with our culture. They do not conform to the laws and have no allegiance to this country. How she was elected after she was arrested is an indication that people do not do their homework before voting.
“Nasheed was taken into police custody on October 20, 2014, in front of the Ferguson, Missouri police station. News reports indicated she was in possession of a firearm at the time of her arrest.[10] She was criticized for possessing a weapon after having sponsored anti-gun legislation.[11] Nasheed did possess a valid conceal and carry permit at the time she was taken into custody.[citation needed]
Another protester said Nasheed refused to get off the street even after police gave instructions to the protesters to do so. After police smelled alcohol, they prompted her to take a breathalyzer, which she refused to do.[12]
Nasheed went on record publicly saying “Sometimes you have to break the law”[13 (Wikipedia resource)
Scott says
Any dirt and skeletons in her closet must be exposed and have the arrogant gov. handouts receiver removed from office.
Mr. Greg says
A State Senator from Missouri? If this is the best that Missouri can come up with, I feel sorry for them. God bless Missouri. It needs it.
Shelba says
If the people that elected this witch(B) are dissatisfied with her already there must be a way to get rid of her ASAP so why don’t they get together and recall her
Politically incorrect says
Anyone in office or military are not allowed to be actively protesting and subjected to discipline but because she is a politician nothing will come of it. The ironic thing is she is in a place of power that can bring a bill into congress but instead of actually doing her job she decides to protest.
The house and senate should bring it to order to have her removed but that won’t happen and being that the democrats have been controlling many of the torn ridden cities for many years I find it funny that there is nothing on record where she is fighting for change and will most likely be reelected and continue the democratic legacy and even if she is not reelected she will still have her 100% pension and 100% health care paid for thanks to the tax payers.
Cal gal says
DockyWocky says
Nasheed, that’s a name that resonates with an islamic background.
What else would you expect?
Cal gal says
She’s a disgrace to her race.
There have been many comments somewhat unrelated to the new story, but very interesting.
If both parents have to be citizens of the U.S., I guess we won’t have any anchor baby POTUS…that is, unless they find a better forger.
Robert Taylor says
The woman in this debate should read a little of what the flag means. For example “From the National Encyclopedia, Volume 4:
“Flag, an emblem of a nation; usually made of cloth and flown from a staff. From a military standpoint flags are of two general classes, those flown from stationary masts over army posts, and those carried by troops in formation. The former are referred to by the general name flags. The latter are called colors when carried by dismounted troops. Colors and Standards are more nearly square than flags and are made of silk with a knotted Fringe of Yellow on three sides…use of the flag. The most general and appropriate use of the flag is as a symbol of authority and power.”” There are also Executive orders that cover flags and their sizes, use, and other items. She totally disrespected every military person that have lived and died for that symbol of freedom. Because a person may be allowed to do something resulting from that freedom does not mean they should. A very disgusted DAV
Robert Taylor says
The only way to remove a person from Congress is this way…Under Article I, Section 5, clause 2, of the Constitution, a Member of Congress may be removed
from office before the normal expiration of his or her constitutional term by an “expulsion” from
the Senate (if a Senator) or from the House of Representatives (if a Representative) upon a formal
vote on a resolution agreed to by two-thirds of the Members of that body present and voting.
While there are no specific grounds for an expulsion expressed in the Constitution, expulsion
actions in both the House and the Senate have generally concerned cases of perceived disloyalty
to the United States, or the conviction of a criminal statutory offense which involved abuse of
one’s official position. Each house has broad authority as to the grounds, nature, timing, and
procedure for an expulsion of a Member. However, policy considerations, as opposed to questions
of authority, have appeared to restrain the Senate and House in the exercise of expulsion when it
might be considered as infringing on the electoral process, such as when the electorate knew of
the past misconduct under consideration and still elected or re-elected the Member. Such a shame that even those who selected the person cannot recall their selection.