They might be living very different lives, but it looks like billionaire presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Catholic Pope Francis have one thing in common.
They’re both equally admired by Americans.
In Gallup’s annual poll of the individuals Americans admire most, Trump tied with the pontiff for second place. Even more impressive, Trump beat out some big-time heavyweights, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the Dalai Lama.
President Barack Obama topped the list of most admired men, which is common for American presidents, although his support took a hit from previous years.
“Trump’s surprisingly strong and often controversial presidential campaign has made him a prominent news figure this year and, thus, top-of-mind for many Americans,” said Gallup’s Jeffrey M. Jones.
Trump wasn’t the only GOP candidate to make Gallup’s list of most admired people. Former executive Carly Fiorna finished fifth among women, and Dr. Ben Carson grabbed the sixth place among men.
Masanja Balele says
The article forgot that President Obama is the most admired and loved in America and the World. That has hurt Repubs and TPs.
rex ames says
Loved, really. I guess I never read anything like that . I thought other world leaders were kicking his but on trade and foreign policy. Hum, I must have missed something . With all that putan screwed him over but good, and all the destabilizing and having to take back territories. I must have missed something.
fred says
that is exactly why they love him they can take advantage of him and us.
ees says
I must have missed it too. I can not think of any respect Obama has. Remember the red line in the sand. From that time on, Putin and most all the foreign countries have no respect for the weak president. He in vacationing in Hawaii with his beautiful family on our dime. 74 million and going up for just vacations.
fred says
And somehow half of the country thanks that is wonderful??? No wonder we are in the position we are in / condition we are in
Keret says
You don’t see the weekly numbers of body bags coming to Dover…thank you President Obama….and thank you from saving the world from a depression in 2009…………and thank you for providing health care for millions of Americans………..evidently these subjects are too deep for dummies
sheryl says
Obama is NOT providing health care. Those of us who pay taxes are providing it and can’t afford it for ourselves
milton says
Yeah Keret and others comments.. for the debt for the crash and debt for the affordable hC.. from Odummie
Conjetta Condra says
Oh, honey, you Have TO STOP DRINKING THE KOOL-ADE. It is rotting your brain.
Annick Stiefel says
Exactly! Only ignorant and low informed people would admire him.
His hope and change was to destroy the Great America.
Liberalism is a disease and a dangerous one.
Barbara Keturoskey says
I disagree that he is the most admired and loved in America and the world. How he managed to get by as long as he has is a mystery to me! I’ll say no more lest I get on my soap box.
sheepdog says
Obama most admired and loved???? Bullshit.
These polls are created and manipulated by complicit agencies to present whatever they are paid to present.
To all intelligent people around the world Obama is an inept, narcissist causing death and destruction with his ridiculous foreign policies, his stupid prioritizing and his bankrupting policies at home. He denigrates veterans and senior citizens while eulogizing Muslims, baby killers, homosexuals and other freaks of nature.
Annick Stiefel says
Very well said!
Barbara says
Well said all of you that disagree with thye Poll that says Obama is admired. Obama is a disgrace to the United States.
Jack Wilt says
I assume you are Muslim
Dale Ralston says
If you think this you too are blinded or one of his asses that follow him. He is an insult to all Americans and our country. He’s not our president, his life is owned by Isis and his Muslims people. To sum it up he and you followers are one sick group.
Deanna says
you got to be kidding . No admires a coward and liar. Deceit is his full name. he is shouted you are one ignorant idiot.
Deanna says
Obama could not touch Trump he is such a liar a hide behind coward and very decietful Turmp is up front not a liar he is always up from and by all the attacks he has had shows he is not a coward too bad the president is so decietful and lies and runs behind others to keep people from getting to him, Even hawaii does not want him there.He is one negative person and I am sure his daughters and wife hide their faces in shame and embarrassment.
milton says
I agree deanna i bet odummies wife is sad she married him LOL. i believe TRUMP will surpass Reagan when it comes to getting us back on track but it will take awhile to turn around all the damage odummie has done
Jeffrey says
Yeah the most admired among the Pigs that he supports! For Real Americans he is last! Who but a Pig would admire him? Your comment is a disgusting wish from a Pig!
bud montague says
you must be on some really good drugs!
William Hays says
What do you expect, with almost 50% of the country on welfare.
larry says
I guess everyone needs somebody to look up to but before you do just look at the facts and what he is pushing onto the American people a nation without God, Jesus and the holy ghost and what does that lead to. A nation lead by Satin total evil.
jo says
This is a joke. Obama is among the most hated and disrespected people in the world, including our country. It’s going to take years to repair the damage he has done. He has failed to uphold our constitution, bill of rights, states rights, and I don’t think he even knows what our declaration of independence states. His actions and statements intimate that he is Muslim.
Rose Szymanski says
Wake up Jo you must be dreaming!!!
Rose Szymanski says
Trump admired like the Pope? In whose world? which planet? what a joke!!
Lois Wenk says
Trump, H Clinton and Obama not respected nor respectful. They are racial bigots, liars, slanderers, woman haters and arrogant. None should be president past present and future.
james allen says
Ask the prime minister of Israel. Take your own poll within a ten block area , where u live u will be surprise . I think u got your head buried in the ground
c a Panek says
Show me the poll about Obama. Not only do Americans Hate him, the World thinks he’s a Low-life.
rex ames says
This no surprise. Trump is willing to lay it all out there, and what’s different about Mr. Trump is he actually willing to listen to the heartbeat of the people in America. He is willing to protect us and wants too!! Solutions to problems very often are not popular but the difference with Trump is he thinks like a logical smart business man should. The military does the same thing. What I’m saying is they identify the bottle neck, find the solution and then attack it. This is what a business man does, and that what a military man does too. Then after they fix the bottle neck they try to find the root causes so it does not happen again. In a nut shell, this is Trump !!
ees says
Trump has our vote, and we were Democrats in the past.
mary settle says
c a Panek says
He does not give specific answers. He is like a good General. Never give up your plans to the emeny until it’s too late for them……If you read between the lines, everything has meaning. Or Go to … for more details.
Arnobeaver says
Got to love someone who can change for the better
c a Panek says
We patriotic Republicans now love you. THREE *** to EES,
Sue says
Trump has my vote, I am going today to change my party affiliation to Republican.
c a Panek says
To Sue. Love crosses all barriers. And it’s contagious. Good for you Girl.
fred says
So he is willing to say what people are not ready to hear even though it needs to be said. In reality political correctness has no place
Keret says
trump has someone to read the papers to him……and then he lays it all out…speaks his alleged mind…..and people think – wow——–well trump has yet to come up with his first credible idea for fixing things. All he does is bitch about how bad things are………50 years ago he would have been called a communist for all the hate he spews on our government…………..As Jeb says, Trump is a jerk!!!! He gives all the other jerks a bad name!!
Annick Stiefel says
Great post! Vote Trump to restore America from Obama’s destructive policies.
Go Trump!
jo says
I agree Rex
Rose Szymanski says
You trump lovers better wake up before it is to late, unless you want ruled by a dictator because that is what he sounds like. If you want a dictator live in Syria
c a Panek says
and you need to go back to Poland. You just don’t get it.
Lois Wenk says
Trump does not listen
c a Panek says
Your not correct. He has listened for the last 20 years. And he didn’t like what he heard.
Dell Stone says
What an awkward comparison. In no way is Trump even in the same league with Pope Francis, with his constant bloviating and racism. He is pure theater and not much else.
Keret says
Well said Dell!!
Jeffrey says
That is right, Trump is far ahead of the socialist demon pope francis!
Trump for President 2016! Trump is the American choice!
God is our Savior, Trump is his Warrior!
Rose Szymanski says
true true all blow and no show
c a Panek says
HMMMM, A bit scard are we?
Lois Wenk says
c a Panek says
Remember one thing about religion…It the only thing a person can sell, and not have to prove it. And I’m very spiritual.
But then again, if your a muslim just cut off the heads.
Lee says
fred says
change certainly worked though no not for the good of the country and is certainly given us cause for hOpe
Keret says
Lee………you misspelled WORST…..IT :I:S NOT SPELLED WERST……of course those who are spelling challenged are trump lovers………
Jeffrey says
That’s funny, you misspelled ” is ” ! So I guess you are a Trump Lover too!
Lois Wenk says
I’m spelling challenged I totally loathe him
c a Panek says
So Lois, tell us how great it is that our Vets who died to defend your right of freedom of speech is working for you.
Rose Szymanski says
did you want 1929 all over again and the aftermath of that
Suzi says
Worse president ever Obama, a community organizer not fit for the office he holds. Go Donald Trump you can make America great and respected again. Some people just don’t get it, Donald Trump could live his like without a worry, like the poor guy struggling to make a living and care for his family. Donald Trump loves this country and will work for the the poor working families to give them a better life.
ees says
Lieing Hillary is the one that bothers me. She is such a lier, and so many dumb people believe her. Trump hopefully he will bring out all the bad in her. She and Billy boy when they left the Whitehouse, they stole the dishes, silverware and many other things from Air Force One. When it was caught, they returned them all back. That makes her a common thief. The two of them have done so much bad. Remember the papers that were subpoenaed by the senate. The papers were missing from Hillarys possession, then all of a sudden the appeared in the map room next to Hillarys office, but she did not know how they got there. She also made 100,000 dollars from a 1000. dollar investment in cattle future in 3 months. That is not possible. She is a fraud and lier, but the people with their hands out will vote for her. There is many many more things she was involved in, too numerous to mention. I am hoping Donald Trump will brin g them all out in the open.
Jeffrey says
Exactly! She and hubby was involved in Land Fraud, Murder, witness intimidation and much more!
Rose Szymanski says
Elaine says
The devil has you with blinders on & has you hallucinating to what is before your eyes. You are supporting the bride of satan. Open your eyes.
c a Panek says
Hey Rose, CNN is looking for you. I’m confident they appreciate your humor.
Keret says
Suzi – how can you believe trump will fix everything when he has not come up with even one credible idea for fixing anything….And how can you say he loves our country when allmhe does is bitch about it….calling govt leaders stupid and morons….TRUMP IS THE MORON!!!
mary settle says
Jeffrey says
Why is it wrong to speak the TRUTH? You must like having the World laugh at us , thinking we are a Joke and a weak Country with No Respect, huh? You are the dumb one! Don’t you listen? Trump has come up with lots of ideas and why should he share them with the Morons that always attack him so that they can steal his ideas and claim them as their own? He will share when the losers finally quit! Not losers like you because you and those like you are to far gone to be saved! We’ll just move you to the middle east so that we can enjoy our Great Nation in Peace!
Kathy says
Kerit…what do you call keeping those from trying to get into our country out, stopping the babies born to those that entered into our country illegally from being an automatic citizen, providing a way for American companies not to start up plants in Mexico or elsewhere, so that we can have jobs here instead of providing jobs there, and dozens more…Listen to his town/city rallies-or better yet attend one. You might have trouble getting in, as they are packed. He happens to be a nice fellow in person. I’ve meet him on several occasions back in the 1990s when I was a Council Woman, county committee member , aide to a Senator and later in my last career move as an event planner planned several events at his golf course in New Jersey.
Rose Szymanski says
Rose Szymanski says
Elaine says
The same way ones believed obama when he said that he would. So, what’s the difference? Why can’t we give trump the same benefit of the doubt because he can’t do no worse than obama has done or what hillary will do. Obama talked a talk but did not walk the walk. What more proof do you have to have to know that obama is setting us up to be taken over by the terrorist of the world like Isis. So, when you have them to come to where you live and change life as you now know it then & only then you might decide to change your ways of thinking.
c a Panek says
Trump is the Smart General that never gives up his plans until it’s too late for the enemy.
Would you tell your employer you plan on leaving your job until you have another place to work?
You really need to get a grip Rose, and try not to be so jealous. Or maybe your one of the Dems that needs to keep her job?. Killary, is that you?
Lois Wenk says
Get l life. Trump never was poor or down on the dump. He was always rich. Find out the truth first. Rich is one thing Trump is. Trump needs not be poo pooed.
James Ivester says
Who are these sick stupid sob’s that
voted this sick sob the most admired
man.He is by majority the most dispised person In the Real World.
fred says
ridiculed and humiliated be more appropriate and I suppose incompetent as well
c a Panek says
James, is that really you? Or a Killer of Benghazi plant?
Jjb says
I’ll say it again, this so called “POLL” was / is rigged from the beginning.
I would love to hear how the questions were phrased AND the options given?
See I could say:
Who do you love most?
A. Obama
B. Jack the Ripper
See? Obviously Obama would win.
Now you say: “Jj. that’s just silly!”
Is it? Do you know what the questions and options were? Well do you???
I asked a number of on-line friends / contacts from various parts of the world. Those who have and have not been part of POLLS. Funny – not one of them got asked and strangely they asked around their internet world friends / contacts and NO ONE KNOWS ANYONE THAT HAS BEEN ASKED. But as stated, some of these people have been part of other various sundry POLLS.
So until we can see some verification / validation of this – aka – Audited and Vetted . I put this up there with when Obama Won the Nobel Prize and Al Gore did.
ees says
Obama is more worried about global warming than ISIS. I would loke to ask him what caused the glaciers to melt 30,000 years ago when there were no people driving cars or burning oil. Obama is so dumb he has no clue . He has got rid of all the great generals who run the armed forces. A civilian who never served in the armed forces is our defense secretary.
Jjb says
You do not even have to go back that far. There were / are extreme HOT – COLD even in the early 1900’s – 1800’s 1700’s – 1600’s ….
These “swings” are not at all out of the norm. That is why they tell us, “We limited it to a 20 year data limit.”
Well DUH! If they started to go back further – there is a:
P A T T E R N.
fred says
ridiculed and humiliated be more appropriate and I suose incompetent as well
as with everything else in the Obama presidency, ask ana scam
ees says
I agree with every word and a few more.
Jeanne Zaccagnini says
There is no way that Donald Trump can be compared to Obama. Mr. Trump is a man that knows what needs to be done to help make our country great again. Obama has made our country a laughing joke to other nations and ruined our economy. I feel Obama is most respected, the people of the UNited States are fed up with the way he is trying to run the country like he is a dictator. Trump loves the United States and will not put our country down when talking to the people in other countries. My vote will be for Donald Trump for President of the United States in 2016.
Jeanne Zaccagnini says
I had a type error is saying respected when what I meant to type was disrespected. Thought I had better correct that error, because he certainly is not respected by a majority of the American people.
Rose Szymanski says
This country is great we do not need a dictator
Danny says
Well, Obama when he went in to the office of President said that the Constittion was more less outdated. He took the oath to abide by it and he has done everything but do so. An our leaders and ( I use that term loosely) have let him. So as American Born Citizen and (not really sure where he was born) I have very hard time even thinking about admiring him, as our President. An as far as Hillary I personal think she should be in Jail, any body else would be. That’s All Folk!
Rick Worthngton says
Well said, Danny. Just to put you in the picture as far as Obama’s birthplace and real name is concerned:-
He was born in Indonesia, to Muslim “black” father and “white”mother. His real and birth name is Barry Soetoro; He had an Indonesian birth certificate with that name on it. He and his mother went to Hawaii and she got him another Birth Certificare there – but it was never certified with a U.S. stamp. Go check on Google..
Mindy Zumba says
He was born in Hawaii. He IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ELECTED BY OVER 51%….deal with it you idiot….get your facts straight so you don’t look so STUPID…give up the koolaid…
Rose Szymanski says
trump is going to get rid of the constitution and the bill of rights don’t you people listen to him with both ears
Robin Boyd says
I feel the same about both of them. They are both egomaniacs who only work toward their own agenda with very little if any regard for the people they are supposed to be representing.
Adrienne says
Sheepdog! You have it covered! Good post.
Suzi says
You bet Donald Trump will fix America. He is right most of them are morons and care nothing about what they have been elected to do. All you have to do is look at our country today we are the laughing stock of the world. Trump does not have to say what he will do, he will just to it.
Rose Szymanski says
Kerit you forget one thing congress or is trump going to get rid of that ,too like bill of rights and the constitution
Mindy Zumba says
you are an indiot AND a fool!
William Hays says
Article should have said “Presbyterian Donald Trump and mega-billionaire Pope Francis”.
Justin W says
President Obama is the most admired man? That’s enough of a reason to dismiss this poll. Anyone who admires this president is a poor judge of character.
Mindy Zumba says
you are an indiot AND a fool
Richard says
I read ongoing commentary dividing the “bad” Muslims from the “Good Muslims”. If there is such a thing as the “Good: ‘uns, why have we not heard a peep out of them from 9/11 on, describing the “other muslims” as BAD. OR why have we not heard a peep out of any of them – especially the U.S. Citizen Muslims condemming any of the behavior of their “brothers”?
Mindy Zumba says
…I doubt the line “trump admired as much as Pope Francis….” NO, NO, NO he is not….someone got their facts wrong here, if anyone rates up with the Pope, it would be President Barack Obama, not the bigot, racist, misogynist, hommophob, xenophob dumbo the strump….
raymond urias says
GOD say.It is true People who dont like them self or their lives do the most finger pointing.
and thay all way’s try to undermine people.
Elaine says
“People”, there is a saying that” If you do what you’ve always done you’ll get what you’ve always gotten”. So, with that being said we the people of this great united states of AMERICA through out time has tried to elect accordingly to be politcally correct. The demorcrates & republicans of yesterday are no longer. We are dealing with politicians that are so far right or left to where it is truely not about we the people anymore it’s more about trying not to offend , hurt or insult all of the different races, cultures, & religious institutions here in america. When I was a child I remember when the elephant & the donkey were together not apart because even though they had each their own agendas their common goals were to come together for the people but, not anymore. If we went to other countries with the agendas of a lot of foreigners that come here to america to freely speak out, to practice religious preference, or to even try to change their government in any way we would be imprisoned, exported out of their countries, or even killed. So, at some point in time we will be forced to say to foreigners that come to america that you can be free here but, if you cause any problems in any way that goes against what we were founded on then they will be sent back to their countries with no chance of ever coming back. So, with what we have been doing which is not working we need to change our efforts to get a different out come. If we dont change what we are doing we are going to keep getting what we’ve always gotten. So, why not if given the choice of a hillary clinton or a donald trump that you would have to ask yourself what is the big difference between the two. Well, one tells you lies and thinks that you don’t know that they are lying. The other tells you the undenying truth that evidently a lot of people don’t want or care to hear. Why is it that we are to except individuals that are willing to lie to be politically correct, & are unexcepting of an individual who chooses to tell the truth wether we like it or not. So, for me I would rather be excepting of someone who is straight foward and up front than someone who would think that I was stupid enough to believe their lies even though you could see right through them. So, people please change what you’ve always done so that we as americans won’t get what we have always gotten. Pray and ask for guidance that we all vote for GODS choice which will bring us back in alignment with his will.