It’s an excuse one would expect to hear from a 4-year-old caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“He made me do it!”
Is it any surprise to hear such a juvenile attempt to shift blame out of the mouth of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton?
She’s now trying to blame retired chairman of the joint chiefs and former Secretary of State Colin Powell for her email fiasco.
No surprise there, right? After-all, history has proven that Clinton is willing to do just about anything to avoid accepting personal responsibility for wrongdoings.
Powell served his country for decades. He has unquestioned integrity — but that didn’t stop Clinton from telling FBI investigators that Powell was to blame for her homebrew email server scandal.
According to The New York Times, “Pressed by the FBI about her email practices at the State Department, Hillary Clinton told investigators that former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell had advised her to use a personal email account.”
They quoted a person with insider knowledge of the contents of the FBI notes taken at the interrogation of Clinton during the email investigation. The FBI gave those notes over to lawmakers earlier this week.
Clinton’s campaign remains worried the notes will eventually made public — and with good reason.
This report proves Clinton is willing to drag anyone’s name into the mud to avoid trouble.
Clinton insiders have to constantly be wondering when they’ll be pushed fall on her sword.
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
Hillary and Powell are two phonies. Hillary is a habitual liar. Powell lied to the world in 2003 about Iraq before the UN. Thousands of Army officers saw more action in Vietnam than did Powell. The media portrays Powell as the hero of the Gulf War. In reality, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf’s courage and planning won that war. Powell was quick to endorse Obama. Hillary should have picked Powell as her running mate. The phony anti truth ticket would best describe those two.
Bud webster says
Colin Powell belongs to the Coucil on foreign relations, he like HILDABITCH are both Marxists. This is nothing more than a diversionary tactic to appear like they are adversaries, they are in the same Marxist party. Saul alinski deflectors
Sam says
No matter who advised her, she now accept that what was done is scandal! And she did it!
Catlady says
Sam, you are right. Not that I believe she was advised by someone else. Remember the famous phrase-“The buck stops here.”
Kay says
That was President Harry S. Truman. He had a sign on the oval office desk that read, “The buck stops here.” I remember it well.
JoseMRuiz says
Alan Humphries says
I was expecting her to blame Bush.
Robert Jensen says
The truth of the matter is that hardly anyone in Washington DC will ever take the blame for what they did. Obama still what’s the blame on former President Bush for all of his problems. At least he did before he started telling everybody that the economy is running great. That’s yet another lie.
Dawg# says
Depends on who’s economy we’re discussing, lol. If you are a Clinton or Obama the economy is great, otherwise you are SOL.
Mathew Molk says
Hold there kid, While I do agree Powell is a charter member of the RINO/Demo Establishment and he did stab appear to stab McCain in the back (Unless the fix was in from the start,) Lt. Powell was an infantry Platoon Leader. If you were ever in combat you would know that is NOT a good thing to be. The pecking order by the VC is kill the RTO, then the Platoon Leader, and then start on the platoon Sgt and Squad leaders. I was a combat Engineer but none of us wore a bars in the field. That was suicide, plain and simple.
So give the devil his due and concentrate on keeping the cackling witch out of the White House.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house
Nancy says
You make a lot of sense…………………..and I’m with you. I’m voting for Trump —
Main Street says
Matthew: He and thousands of others. Somehow the media makes his service as if it was more special. He lied to the world at the UN in 2003. Gen. Schwarzkopf was the hero of the 1991 Gulf War. He rose up the ranks too quickly. I’m sure their are many homeless veterans who the government has forgotten that saw more action than Bush flunky Powell.
Norman Wolfer says
Powell is not running for President. It is sufficient to say that Hillary is a scum bag and made her own bed, as she continues to do by blaming others for her mistakes. After all, she is perfect and can make no mistakes, so it must be others who are at fault when a mistake is perceived.
Lou says
I read Powell got a Purple heart for stepping on a nail in Nam
ron says
Clinton is trash!!!! Pure trash!!!!
Mary Obermeier says
Did Colin Powell have a gun to her head and TELL her YOU CAN ONLY HAVE A PRIVATE SERVER??? What a loser cannot apologize for her lack of judgment to put it nicely.
Do the American people really want her as the as the first woman to be elected as President of this Republic? I am sure we can do better.
Peter Joffe says
There is no level too low for Clinton to stoop to. Wake up democrats, look a little closer and you will see where Hilary parks her Air Force One Broom. I have no comment on Powell other than I thought that he was a good man, so he does not deserve to be cited on the same page as Clinton..He was and is not self serving but the same cannot be said for HC.
cathy says
powell is a Illuminati puppet also, he a bohemian grove member ,check for your selfs ,
Ernst says
Powell was actually correct when he testified regarding weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The weapons ended up in Syria pursuant to the US invasion. Please read the following article and look to its links in NYT articles.
Main Street says
Powell will probably vote for Hillary. He was a Bush flunky after all.
Don King says
Main Street is correct.
C.Powell was a highly regarded man until he turned coats.
C. Powell preferred to support Blabama for sympathy.
It did not work out for him sadly.
He is now a ” character in question “.
Shirley Tolbert says
They are all alike
outlawliberalism says
I personally don’t understand why Powell calls himself a republican. He voted for 0bama twice, he’s either a liar or a racist or my guess would be both.
PattieA says
Because he is also a niggah who took advantage of being black to go to school. That’s why he voted for hussein obama – birds of a feather ….
Rose T. says
He is BOTH!!!!!
The Texan says
Powell is no saint. He may or may not have made such a suggestion to Hillary. If he did make such a suggestion she should have had enough brains to know better than to follow it. But this is one of the things that Obama and Hillary do best. Never take responsibility for your own mistakes and failures. Find someone else to blame.
Dem Komah says
Today, I do accept the notion that Hillary is not qualified be the president of any country. I remember when I told my five and half years old daughter to let a visitor knows that I was sleeping; my told the visitor, “My dad says that he is sleeping.” It doesn’t matter who advised her what; she is just not qualified to be elected the president of the United States of America, period.
dogooder says
Colin Powell was the one that wanted to end the bombing campaign when the Iraqis were retreating back into Iraq from Kuwait
during the first Iraqi war. Since he supported Obama, I have not been a real fan of his during that time. While it is true that we had the best intel at that time to preclude going back into Iraq to depose Saddam, even all of our allies and the socialist/democrat/communist party agreed with Colin Powell’s assessment at that time.
Ernie Weber says
Now, an African American to be president. It should have been Colin Powell!
Mathew Molk says
I agree, snakey Powell is, he would have been one whole hell of a lot better then His Royal Exalted Bomma.
But screw him. He is a total has been right in there with Mitt Witt and Baby Bush. The point here has NOTHING to do with Powell. It is that the Cackling Witch not accepting responsibility for her actions and always telling lies about other people.
Let’s forget bad rapping inconsequential people and stay on target and that is ……………
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house.
John G. says
We know her all too well – why would we expect any less of her, she’s a congenital liar and as such is immune to the truth.
Can you imagine the damage a Commander In Chief who is a congenital liar could do – it would be catastrophic.
Rob says
We already had a preview with her Secretary of state.
It doesn’t matter whether Hillary apologizes or takes responsibility for all her actions. She has the responsibility for all her actions, whether she says so or not. No proof is needed that she sent and received classified information, since all of her emails were on her private server from day one. If that were not true, then the State Department never sent any classified emails for four years. That is too hard to swallow.
Collier says
The President and anyone else that sent or received emil from her or to her knew it. The address of the sender is on the email! DUH!!
mike says
Know what? EFF Colin Powell! He’s a PLAYA and HAS BEEN for his ENTIRE CAREER. HE’S RESPONSIBLE FOR BLACKHAWK DOWN among MANY other things. Too BAD COLONOSCOPY, you SLEEP with PROSTITUTES you MIGHT just get AIDS!
mike says
AND, knowing him it was HIS suggestion just to gain more “Brownie Points”
Richard Aycock says
Folks, if my facts are correct, Colin Powell IS a Democrat now. I do believe that he switched parties a few years ago when obama was running and supported him.
Skirmisher says
Nope, sorry. He’s still in the GOP.
Richard Aycock says
I stand corrected….the reply to my comment by ” Skirmisher ” on Colin Powell’s having switched parties to become a Democrat is in error. Powell is still a Republican. However…I did some research and found out he indeed voted for Obama twice according to a 2015 Washington Times report. Powell also made a comment to The Atlantic Magazine that the ONLY reason he remains a Republican is to ANNOY the GOP. What a traitorous ” PUTZ ” ! He is worthless to the GOP and is not worthy to call himself a Republican. He, like many others in the GOP Establishment, has shown his true colors to the American people. He just needs to go ahead and climb on board with Obama and Hillary and switch to the Democratic party. Thank you Skirmisher for helping me to set the record straight with this idiot.
Keith says
CROOKED COMMIE CLINTON what a piece of work if I had done half the things…. make that one of the things she has done, not only would I not be able to run for President I would most likely be locked up for sometime. We have the POTUS supporting her for all the crap she has done that right there alone tells me how corrupt our Govt is. Now we have these so called Republicans that are not going to be supporting Trump, nothing but a BUNCH OF LOSERS all DEMOCRATS IN DISGUISE. Yes sir PRESIDENT TRUMP is on to something when he says our Govt is corrupt they want to unify this Nation w/all the 3rd World Countries so they can line there pockets w/all the money they can like all the other 3rd world leaders have done to there people and leave us, “WE THE PEOPLE” out there. We(Democrats and Republicans) cannot let this happen, you Democrats you think they give a crap about you? You will be sitting/standing right there w/me and the rest of the Republicans in the concentration camp line(no offense intended). You people(Democrats) dont seem to understand we are 1 step away from genocide if CROOKED COMMIE CLINTON is elected and she continues what Obama started. You no why i call her Commie Clinton, because back in the 60’s if you were caught passing Govt secrets (as she did w/her unsecured server) you were labeled a Commie and if you were not arrested you would not even be able to show your face in America let alone get endorsed by the present POTUS to run for his position. So Democrats it is time to wake up and vote Trump or you’ll wind up in the Gulag line w/myself and all the other Trump supporters. Have a great day and VOTE TRUMP!!
Gayle says
You are so right!!! we all will wind up like the other countries starving to death, waiting in line for someone to cut our heads off. Obamama adminstration is so corrupt and for ISIS Trump is right in his statements. The Democrats are being lead to the slaughter for God sake open your eyes. i can’t believe they will support the Clinton adminstration in the shape of our world today it is absolutely Insane!!! Get real vote Trump!!!
Mathew Molk says
Dead on the beam.
The Cackling Witch MUST be incarcerated or worse. If she flees the country to somewhere without extradiction we should mount a mission, and bring her back here and send her where she belongs.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house.
Donna Childress says
Hillary and Trump are best friends – Trump is in the race to help Hillary.We are in bad shape.
Marycos says
I very much agree with your comments.
I just hope that those same republicans will wake up, and know the truth before they vote for Hillary.
I was a democrat for almost all my grown years, I switched once because I lived in a town that if you weren’t, you could not get a job.
Then like many dubs in America, I believed in Hillary in 2008. So I made the mistake, and got Obama.
I am now, just, understanding that our country will not survive on the democratic way. Foods stamps, housing, babies out of wedlock, drugs, fatherless homes, our schools, I see that for that party, they want to keep Americans down,beat, broke, and to add insult to injury, immigration policies. IF people DO NOT vote and support Donald J. Trump our homeland will NEVER be better, the people better, our complete life will be miserable for the poor, and middle class.
I love my America, I am 78 now, please I want to see our home truly United and GREAT again.
Mathew Molk says
Welcome back from the dark side. Together we can’t loose.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house.
Collier says
They (the Clintons) are as bad as the Mafia!
A McConihay says
louann says
Hillary knows darn well what she’s doing.If she didn’t she’s plain stupid and should not be where she is now.obama has always been a liar and a trader.powell and 90% of our government are corrupt. We are in trouble ! Look at what’s going on .
Marycos says
I truly think, she needs mental and medical attention.
Or they may be hoping that IF she were to win, God help us ) that if she was ill, Bill would require n the country and Americans would never know.
I hate that I have came so far, to think the worse about them. I did at one time, believe they started out to do good, then they become glory,greedy, and stupid..
God has this, that is my prayer and hope.
Marycos says
Technology. Require from, run the country. At least if they were going to correct my typos, make sense
Lorraine E Blazich says
Wonder if the black community will the pleased with hillary Benghazi clinton blaming a black general for her crimes. Or as she says “what difference does it make.” Probably the black community will never learn about hillary blaming Colin Powell.
Masanja says
Colin Powell is a gentleman this country has ever seen. Clinton is not blaming Powell for anything. I cannot stand it anymore. Can’t TPs and Repubs in Congress stop talking the damn e-mails and Benghazi! I have told them those are not violation of law or scandals and therefore everything to do with those two issues are waste of time. How can you accuse somebody of perjury when there no issue to charge? Repubs and TPs are taking advantage of gullible people on this site. Repubs and TPs in Congress have nothing else to do other than showing off on TV to get more women or impress their women in offices. Thank God FoxNews is now dead. Maybe we can breathe fresh air of relief and freedom that FoxNews, which is Hezbollah sponsored cable, is no longer with us. It died a happy death last week when its leader Roger Ailes was accusing of groping women in his office for 20 years. There are no perjury charges and if these morons push it too hard, I will ask President Obama to use his pen and tell them to clamp their mouths. TPs and Repubs in Congress were abused at birth. That is why they act as racists, bigots, women bullies and therefore primitive. Please vote for Hillary on November 8 at 9 am.
mike says
Yo, go CRAWL BACK UNDER that FAKE-ASS rock you crawled out from under. And take your FAKE-ASS typo accent with you!
S. Pitzer says
Masanja, YOU are Not an American, so your opinion DOES NOT MATTER TO US THAT LOVE OUR COUNTRY AND WILL GIVE OUR LIVES TO FORCE YOU BACK WHERE YOU BELONG. We have won our Independance and survived a Civil War. You can not win! You very likely are part if the Muslim Maniacs our Children are being forced to endure. GOD has Condemed you to Hell for following Satan’s decendants. The followers of Our Lord God in Heaven, who know the truth in the Bible and of your lies, are directed to stand up to you and be the Light & Truth to those who might fall for your lies. So stand down, back off, because I will stand up between you and our lost Americans and Country. God will protect me, I know you will fail.
Gayle says
You are Insane if you can’t see Hillary for what she is!!! You don’t need to vote at all if you can’t see what is in front of your face!!!!
Mathew Molk says
That’s the way to follow communist doctrine kiddo. Deny any truth that doesn’t suite you agenda and when caught in a wrongdoing don’t defend yourself – Just accuse your adversary of something worse.
That’s a good little useful idiot, Comrade Masanja.
Cindy says
Dear Masanja,
I believe we all have the blessing of our own opinion and perspective. My husband works for the government. He deals with classified information. Each and every year, EVERY government employee, from the newest to the most seasoned and most influential are REQUIRED to annually take a security course, This course reviews without question, what can and cannot be done with emails and various documents. It outlines what the penalties are for any infraction, My husband shared that if he or any other superior managers did what Mrs. Clinton did, they would be arrested, go through a trial and be locked up at this time.
With regards to FoxNews. It is the ONLY tv and online news organization that gives any information that is not completely one sided. ALL other tv news is completely slanted Democrat. I use to be Democrat when I was younger. Then I began to look at the effect their legislation had on our society. I am a person who likes harmony and everyone to help each other. I donate many hours and money helping people. I believe this is the right thing to do. However, I would like to explain it the way my daughter explained it to her children who are 10 years old and under. During the Obama/Romney race, at Halloween time, they asked about the presidential race. My daughter asked them to bring their Halloween candy bags to the table and pour it out in front of them. She teaches them about tax by asking for “Mommy tax” which is usually a few pieces of their candy for her makiing their costumes and taking them out to acquire the candy. In this situation, she took a few pieces of candy and said, this is my mommy tax. The rest of the candy is your’s. You can share it with each other or one of your friends who may not have any. She explained that this is a Republican perpective. She gave them the candy back She explained that she wanted to show them the opposite perspective and took handfuls of candy from each pile. The children protested and began to get very upset and told her they didn’t want her to take that much. She said that she would give it to people that didn’t have any and this should be ok. The children said, it was ok to share but not THAT MUCH. They became upset. She gave the candy back and explained that this is the Democrat view.
The mistake that people make is thinking that Republican’s don’t want to share. This is NOT true. I have many friends both Republican and Democrat and we ALL share to help others.
I recently saw Dinesh D’Souza’s moving, “Hillary’s America”. He points out things that I have been saying for years. Please, if for no other reason than this, see the movie so that you will know the past history. I am not saying that you should not be Democat, I wouldn’t tell anyone to do this. I feel it is VERY important that we know our history. I wish you the best.
Keith says
GFURSELF CROOKED COMMIE CLINTON is a liar a thief and most likely a serial killer
Polly Carper says
Think about what Powell said. Yes, you need to use a personal email. He was probably saying “separate your personal from business”. That is clearly wise advice (even though I am not supporting Powell). He did NOT tell her to use personal and state business on same SERVER. She could have had a gmail account like half of the world uses for her personal communication and it would have not been a problem. The problem with the story is that her personal is CORRUPT CLINTON CAPITAL FUND RAISING which was more important to her than state business. She was more concerned about HER secrets than the secrets that keep Americans from death.
Mathew Molk says
Just based on track record I have no reason to think Trader Powell ever said the words eMail or Server to the Cackling Witch. She will tell a lie when the truth would sound better.
Not very American of me, but for some time now I have thought the Hilrat is guilty until proven innocent,,,,and she hasn’t ever been proven to be innocent. Get a rope.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house.
mike says
“Wasn’t ME it was the N—–R”! How’s THAT for RACIST BS there BLM People? LoL
Mathew Molk says
Target,,,,Fire for effect !!!
Granny Smith says
Hillary Clinton can’t win on honesty so she makes up lies and blames EVERYTHING on others. She is really a piece of work. Whether Donald Trump can win is not the issue right now, when can we hear some truth from Hillary-never that is. Our country is really going to hell in a hand basket thanks to Obama and his cohorts.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
It started with the Bill Clinton administration when the Clinton’s were in the White House in 1993-2001 and has only grown out of control
when Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton was the very worst Secretary of State of all time.
william smith says
Chris it really started with LBJ!He was in on getting Kennedy shot and he started the great society liberal stuff and it has gotten worse ever since..
Mathew Molk says
The clown that’s in there now can give her a good run for her money.
Question, Can the RINO/Democrat establishment get ANYTHING right?
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house
female tax payor says
You got this wrong. The Dems twisted Powell story to give false support to Hill while Powell did not. Private servers were banned.. Powell had a separate e address for non-classified that went through the gov. server. Get it! Powell had 2 e mail addresses served by the same Gov. server. All his family & friends communications, business & government talks used one e-mail address & talks about restricted used another address, both .Gov addresses. Hillary put a non-gov Private & secret server in her basement bypassing Gov. and an e address & phone from her secret server for vast majority of all her gov. business plus foundation & stuff to HIDE everything she was doing & yea keep Gov. from being able to store & access her e-mails.
Gayle says
Mr Powell is not under FBI investigation but HILLARY IS AN SHE NEEDS TO GO TO JAIL!!! NOT BE OUR NEXT PRESIDENT!!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton blaming Colin Powell, that’s HKRAKC for you, always blame someone else and lie about it constantly, deny it, and nothing will ever happen to that damned POS white trash, Facist, racist,bigoted, selfish, greedy, lying, cheating, stealing, rude, snotty, arrogant, pushy, bossy, evil, wicked, venal, crooked, corrupt,murderous, snobby, power hungry, whinny, cry baby, spoiled brat B@&CH who is above and exempt from the law. She did that e mail server herself for her own gain, put the country as the very worst Secretary of State of all time at risk, committing the highest case & degree of treason. HKRAKC, her husband former Figurehead Sleazeball, draft dodger, POS, white trash, racist,Facist,bigot,egotist,whinny,coddled brat, cry baby Bill Clinton, their brat Chelsea & brat so in law, all their pals who are members of their damned exclusive club and those they own all belong in prison on Devils Island, wearing thick wool prison uniforms in black & white stripes and have a ball & chain attached to their left ankles being they are Liberterds.
Larry342516 says
The point is that Hillary passed the blame onto someone else. What happens if she tells someone to push that N button on the wrong country? “Oh, I met North Korea he should have known better” Oh well, China can fix their country back to where it was am to busy on my vacation with Obama.
Mathew Molk says
I hear she is taking Golf Lessons.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house
Polly Carper says
Hillary knew she was doing it WRONG which is why she did it. She has no clue what it means to follow a path of integrity. She is clueless on the real rewards in life. From the looks of her health issues, she is on a downhill spiral anyway. A sane person would have said, I want to share life with my devoted husband Bill and the grand babies and be thankful for the use of money from the laundry!!! It would clean her up!!!
angelika griffin says
Of course she does, Obama is just like that, political correctness comes to mind, in part it says; Acts as an excuse for any crimes committed in its name, also another PC line, “RESENTMENT of TRADITION”…..This is exactly how she and Obama are presenting themselves, and then they lie, lie and lie, at least this is how we see it, for them it’s only “I misspoke”….ooops. Never the less, they would NEVER take blame for anything, they are too big of a people, so they think. I just wish that they will get hit by our real justice system some day, I think I still have enough time left to wait and see if the American people, with a little luck, find some loophole, anything, to get them all indicted, one way or another…..
lizaz says
Poor mrs. clinton….she just can’t get it right. The thought of her in the WH again (with billy chasing interns again) is just horrifying!! She’s making all these ridiculous promises hoping people will believe her….some will (those looking for free stuff) but many like us know it’s just for show…same as obama did promising the moon and we now know that was never going to happen. Time for people to wake up and take responsibility for their lives. We are tired of paying for all the deadbeats!!
Dick says
Colin Powell told me to do it. You know the rules stupid , don’t through the blame to someone else. You made your choice, now live with it. Your the one that got caught. I wouldn’t let you watch my dog you bumbling idiot. Go change your diaper and put on some decent cloths. Walmart has a better selection of rigs then the things your wear. God help you, you LIAR.
simms says
Where is Colin on this lie? He is against Trump, pals of the Clintons and a good friend of Obama. This is what you get when your in their circles.
Mathew Molk says
It’s what all the commies do with the useful idiots….Use ‘um and then loose ‘um
Hope the rest of the useful idiots take not of this and realize what she will do to them in she wins the election.
AW says
Don says
I don’t see a lot of differences between Powell and the dark queen. He lied to the UN to help Bush justify his invasion of Iraq and the dark queen voted for and was solidly behind the whole stinky mess. Let’s not foeget Col. Powel’s role in the My Lai whitewash in Vietnam. He has a lot to answer for as does the dark queen.
law5960 says
Reading the comments about this article would be highly amusing if they weren’t so frighteningly absurd. Look at the facts, people. The biased article did not say, except in the meaningless headline, that Hillary Clinton blamed Colin Powell for her use of a private server. It said that an unidentified source has said that the notes taken by the FBI indicate that Clinton was advised by Powell concerning his use of a private email server. Powell has admitted that he sent her an emailed memorandum describing his use of a personal email account for unclassified messages “and how it vastly improved communications within the State Department,” to use his words. That does not affect the issue of whether the use was legal or authorized or proper. It is simply a statement of fact concerning the FBI investigation.
The result is that too many people have made gratuitous derogatory comments about both Powell and Clinton, as well as the FBI. I invite any reader to go back and look at some of those comments, and ask himself or herself is there is any wonder why the vast majority of Americans sit around making demeaning jokes about those they call “trumpsters” or “trumpettes” or “trumpkins.”
Mathew Molk says
That’s a good useful idiot. Support the lies of your leader and take one for the team.
You are a very useful idiot,,,except n0 one is buying your bullshit. – (get lost, comrade)
Skirmisher says
I invite you to ask yourself why you think, to quote you, “ask himself or herself is there any wonder why the vast majority of Americans sit around making demeaning jokes about those they call “trumpsters” or “trumpettes” or “trumpkins” is not a question? Punctuate much? Furthermore, the vast majority you refer to is the silent majority who do not demean Donal Trump. You don’t even know they exist. But you’ll find out soon. They’ll show up in November and throw you a party.
law5960 says
I don’t want to explain different clauses to you, but notice that the subject is “I” and the verb “invite,” making it a declarative sentence and not a question. I don’t have time to correct you punctuation and spelling at the moment (who is this “Donal Trump”?); though I don’t think you would even appreciate the advice, if I correctly understand the teaching of Proverbs 1:7.
dprato says
People need to realize that Hillary is Hillary and once a degenerate always a degenerate. As far as Colin Powell goes I used to have a great deal of respect for him but since he retired I have heard a number of comments he has made on different issues and quite frankly I think he is a first class AHole. Sorry but I just don’t agree with the man on many of his positions.
Anthony says
Rats seek a way out when things heat up.
drbhelthi says
Colin Powell and Hillary Clinton share two similarities. Both are puppets of George Bush Sr., and both were promoted and protected by the Bush Crime Family. “The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed,” 2000, by retired Brigadier General Russell S. Bowen.
Former general Colin Powell was one of the Bush stupes who promoted the lie that Sadaam Hussein possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction, disregarding the three inspections that repeatedly found none. The wiki provided history of Colin Powell was sanitized to document a fraudulent history of promotions, among other elements, as per std. for wiki.
westnlas says
Both the WMDs and Hillary’s servers are the result of “faulty intelligence”
steve smith says
i cant see why you want to blame my general he was and is still a great man so just stop blaming others for your fucking lies that will come to bite you in the ass which wont miss that big target you and your puppets will all either be in jail or impeached for all the bullshit that ya are trying to do or have done that is NOT what the want hope you all go to jail ALL of your bad followers
Mathew Molk says
Not real likely, but if elected the Cackling Witch COULD be impeached for her lies and perjuries and then removed from office if convicted by the Senate.
Also, with her record of gross carelessness in n the handling of Secrete and Top secrete material, any security clearance she ever had shroud be revoked and she should not be granted another clearance. — Wishful thinking, I know, but wouldn’t it be interesting to see how a president could function without being privileged to any classified material.
Mathew Molk says
Just a thought. With her constant lies and carelessness with classified materials how can she keep a security clearance? If they do not revoke hers, any one denied a clearance will be litigating for being denied equal protection under the law.
We can make all this moot in November, though.
Trump for the White House
Clinton for the BIG house!
Lou J Apa says
IF IN FACT hilly told the FBI that powell was her inspiration to do the email thing, then she deliberately lied to the FBI, which IS a crime. If powell also, in fact, did tell hilly to do this thing, as he worked toward doing himself, then he broke the law and also committed a crime. P.S.: powell denies that he told hilly any such a thing!!
John Deacy says
Colin Powell is a loser, traitor & a Democrat. He lied to the World telling the United Nations that there definitely was Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in moving trailers in Iraq, I watched him say that on tv, only to have him later complain that the Administration made him say all those falsehood’s. I have no respect for Powell, he hid out for several years after No WMD’s were found! We don’t care if he was a Platoon Leader or Battalion Commander he showed his true colors when he denied being responsible for telling the UN there were WMD’s in Iraq. Let’s not even get into Powell voting & supporting Obama!
Terry says
The Ds are the party of blame. That is, blame others for what we did/do. And is #1 strategy on the D party platform. The purpose of “the blame” it to make their opponent the issue so they do not have to reveal their real face of patronage for votes. Always for patronage for special interests because it is easy to make them “victims” of some majority.
Justin W says
Just because a previous job holder did something a certain way doesn’t mean those who come behind him should do the same. The stakes for hacking are higher now than when Colin Powell was secretary of state. Hillary, not Colin Powell, is running for president. This email scandal is a reflection on how careful and trustworthy of a president she would be. The only thing that is keeping Hillary’s White House hopes alive is that Donald Trump is also a flawed individual. In the end many of us are likely to vote for Donald and hope for the best rather than vote for Hillary and expect the worse.
Terry says
Blame is the mask Ds wear. In modern terms, it is their burqa so no one will know who, what, why, when or where they are. Especially o. No one knows where he was during the Benghazi episode but we all know he is vacationing, again and again. His records are sealed. So who is he? He is like Mo? We only know what he wants us to know? We only know what Mo says that Allah told him and only him? With Jesus we know about His birth, His death and many things in between. Mo didn’t even know how to write?
Craig Apelbaum says
Hillary Rotten Clinton needs to be shot in front of a firing squad.
Keith M says
Clinton is one of those people that if they say it is a sunny day outside, I’d have to go outside and look up just to make sure she is not lying. Democrats are the type of people who would not know the truth even if it fell on them like 20 tons of bricks.
Joe Pivotgis. says
Americans, you people talk too much, allow the polls to decide who will govern you people in the next four years and pray that whosoever that will win, will not finally lay united states of America to the grave. Rather, will bring back the glory of America and the pride and police of the world. If God’s own country collapse, the world will be imbalance and will be plunged back to Hitler’s era. Let the best and one who will restore the glory of united states of America win. Among the two, Personally, I believe Trump may restore US glory better than Hilary, long live the united states of America, long live the police of the world.
El Tejas says
Same old Hillary. She will never change. She is has corrupt and deceitful as ever. Of course she will always blame someone else her own mistakes and failures.
George lett says
I had planned to respond to the comments made by Masanjia until I read your comments Cindy. You were much more considerate than I would have been. I will just add that this is still a free country and Those that hate it as much as she should know they are free to leave. They should maybe move to one of the Arab countries.
I am one of the few left that has lived through the recession of the 30′ and WWII. I was fortunate to live during the time when most of the citizens had pride and respect for their country. As a veteran I served my time during the Korean war. This country has lost it’s moral compass. We will never be a great nation until we can again develop a generation that has some national pride.
The path to socialism is not the way to build a great nation. just look what happened to the USSR. We turned a two year
recession in 1932 into a seven year depression. It is easy to do. All that is necessary is increase the taxes to the point that
there is nothing left to invest. I am 85 so does anyone of the younger generations know where the tax rates went under Roosevelt??? Maybe I should first point out that there was no payroll tax deductions before Roosevelt. Anyway the tax rate
started at 20% on all over 400 dollars. The rate increased as income increased until it reached 92% on everything over $100,000.00. They were generous though an set the top so the government would not take more than 72% of the total. We are going back to that higher tax situation by electing Hillary. More socialism and less jobs until we wake up.
We must first find out who we are as a people. Once upon a time we actually acknowledged the fact tat we were a Christian nation and we grew and prospered as no other nation on earth. We have been told to study and if we did we would know what is happening to us as a nation now. We and Great Britain and United States. been recorded in prophecy since chapter 31 of Genesis. Too long to explain here but for those that would like to study a little you could just google ‘United States and Britain in bible prophecy. You will see why Britain grew to control 20 % of the world population and then lost most . Makes some interesting reading. We will eventually find our way but I am afraid we still have to live through some bad times.
A vote for Hillary is a sure vote for a depression in 2017 and 2018 . The problems begin this September 30 when the World votes to remove us as the “Reserve Currency”. The best we can hope for after that is a recession for two years or a Hillary depression that could last for seven years as before.
marko says
Madmarmot says
Can anyone tell me the difference between “extremely careless” and “negligent” or even “reckless”? Understand my point? Anyone familiar with what it takes to be guilty of a crime?
Ken Sears says
Hillary Clinton loves talking about her “personal e-mail”, as if that were really what this was about. Clinton ALWAYS talks about what “it’s not” whenever what it IS points out, yet again, her congenital deceitfulness.
Nobody would care if Clinton had a personal AOL account that she used for personal communications.
What Clinton DID, though, and what she obfuscates at every opportunity, was set up a private e-mail SERVER in her home where she commingled personal and government business (because of the latter making the server the property of the American people!) and then DESTROYED the evidence, to stop the public from knowing what was in the server…and it sure wasn’t because she found her e-mails about yoga embarrassing….
But in Pathological Liar Style she references, with a smirk and her trademark “Who, me?” shrug, that Colin Powell had “a personal e-mail” (even the syntax is tortured, much like hubby’s difficulties with interpreting “is”) and even recommended that she have one, too. She simply oozes insidious lawyerly truth-gaming—the aim is to win the case, not arrive at the truth.
Whoever you’re for or against in this race, or “neither of the above”, you have to recognize—unless you are truly “drinking the Kool-Aid”, as they say—that this is the approach our likely next president takes to reality. It’s all about how you run the line and win the case; the concrete actualities are irrelevant at best, a nuisance at worst. This is the soulless cynicism likely about to reign in the Oval Office.
If Powell recommended having a separate e-mail account for personal, non-work-related communications…so what and who cares. Utterly irrelevant. But irrelevancies are Clinton’s favorite ammunition, of course, whenever the spotlight gets too close to her insidious machinations. Irrelevancies are her safe place. It works well for her, but is unlikely to do the country any good.