Maine’s Republican Governor Paul LePage received a stay from impeachment charges that were expected to be introduced against him in Augusta today.
But the delay is not expected to last long.
Reps. Jeff Evangelos and Ben Chipman, who are co-sponsoring the longshot effort to impeach LePage, told the Bangor Daily News that they were holding off on the impeachment order so it could be introduced at the same time as a possible censure resolution from Democratic leadership.
That still means the impeachment order, which is being spearheaded by a handful of Maine Democrats and independents, will still likely hit the House floor this week.
“I don’t think it’s going to be [Wednesday], but we’re definitely going forward with it,” Chipman told the newspaper. “Everything’s a go as far as we’re concerned.”
The impeachment effort was triggered by LePage’s role in the the decision by the Good Will-Hinckley School to fire Democratic House Speaker Mark Eves as its president. LePage allegedly threatened to withdraw state funding from the school.
But the orders will include other alleged abuses by the governor.
GOP House Leader Ken Fredette has warned his fellow legislators, against taking actions to remove Gov. Paul LePage from office.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Maybelle Cross says
Those Democrats who are trying to remove the Republican Gov. from office are going against God’s will and will not succeed in removing the Godly Republican Governor. The Governor is the one in the right and he is on God’s side, so those who are on the Devil’s side will not win. God bless America!
USPatriotOne says
Yes the Communist/DemoRat Party lies about everything. Just look at the fraud in our WH…if he or his people are speaking, they are lying..PERIOD..!!!! And the GOP has their RINO’s that lie about everything as well..!!! That’s why Ryan (R- Speaker of the House) completely funded all the Commie/DemoRat/U.N. Agenda 21 projects for 2016! Completely sold “We the People” out..!!! Satan clearly has control of the Commie/DemoRat Party and this Governor is completely in the RIGHT..!!! God help us, PLEASE..!!!
Steve says
1, it is amazing that good people just stood by and watched this illegal kenyan born muslim in our highest office. They are all guilty of Treason and just may be held accountable.
Cricky says
While we are talking of the WH..How can an ex president who was impeached (IF HILLARY WINS) be able to live in the white house? Hillary is a wife of an ex president who was impeached! IS THERE a law that will clarify?
rick pate says
unfortunately he was not convicted. the Clintons have eluded justice every time. that’s why the are known as the Teflon twins
Len says
Teflon twins are accurate in my view of the Clintons, Bill /Hillary……is it just a coincidence that they married each other…hmmmm.
Anyway, God is close to coming, but our so-called “close” is not the same as His. So it may take a couple of years, I’m hoping for the opposite.
I have just became a Christian a little over a year ago and rapidly it seems that things are coming to a head so to speak. I read the Holy Bible, the quran and the BabylonianTalmud for perspective and there is no contest. I don’t know why muslims believe in their book the quran and some jews believe in the talmud…..they are both very demonic! But I digress.
Impeachment should be for satan follower obama. I believe that satan and his followers are at work not only in our government and so-called leaders but across the world through the muslims. Just my opinion.
Don says
Its amazing how innuendo trumps facts, and ignorance and prejudice are the basis for their conclusion. Traitors are those who publicly denounce their president to or in a foreign nation. Remember, we are one nation indivisible under God with liberty and justice for all.
Peace be with you, and with His Spirit. Amen
Rodney says
LePage is one of the best governors in the United States. Has Maine lost its mind?
tomwys says
No, Maine has not “…lost its mind” as their voters wisely put LePage into office. Its the Maine democrats who have lost it, and are trying to do by subterfuge what they could not accomplish at the polls.
Here’s a “factoid” you can throw at the misguided dems: The Portland Tide Gauge reads EXACTLY the same at the end of 2014, as it did in 1947 – to the millimeter!!! Do you have any idea how much we spent in Maine studying, researching, planning, and projecting the Sea-Level Rise that “just ain’t here?”
Maine democrats are working very hard to lose their credibility, and may actually succeed!!!
Fierce Look says
We are in deep shit because the “Re-PUNK-licans” have no balls to impeach the Muslim-Marxist jihadist! Unconstitutional Executive Order after Executive Order has been made by this demonic psychopath. His latest ruse with the crocodile tears would not have been issued if he had been impeached because: 1) he’d have had to spend all his time instead of golfing and implementing his communist agenda defending himself against the charges. 2) His state-run, fifth column propagandists of which FOX FAKERS are a part of would have had to report the charges rather than having them cover up the charges as they have been doing. 3) It possibly would have informed some of his uninformed, misinformed, drugged-up, dumb-downed and apathetic enough to have them realize the obvious: he is a Muslim-Marxist jihadist, NWO puppet, new Hitler and Devil’s Advocate! The communists, as much as I deplore them, at least stick together and attack the GOP and I respect them for that because at least you know who they are while the chicken-sh^t GOP feigns being one thing while always doing the opposite! We are on our own, the citizenry, because we have a two-headed, one party totalitarian oligarchy and that is why – REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION, Armr================================? mInr, NSA!
Elle McCarthy says
Love it!!! Love it!! Love it!!!!!!!
Carl says
Rihght on !
Carl says
We do not worship islam ‘s moon god, if muhammad was giving awards he would give it isis. AS the true follower of that devil. In 1400 years the ‘religion of peace’ has murdered 270 million people. Everyone stupidly says Obama just does not know what he is doing. However, that is far from the truth, he is the chief mover of the world caliphate.
Muslim Brotherhood controls the white house 7 members and 72 of the Muslim Brotherhood in DHLS [security] deciding if Islam is a threat to US citizens and Christian, their answer to you is of course not, “nothing to see here move on” but as posted by DHLS in their 2009 report, it is white vets and white Christians that dare to support the 2nd Amendment and not like Islam and remember it was work place violence, not Muhammad. So since Texas killed the Islamic attackers, Obama wants to eliminate the guns that stopped the attack the Muhammad drawing contest assault. Islam learned that Texas was not Paris or California with their tuff gun control laws. But Obama promised change, that includes gun registration and confisication, he even, like Hillary, want to follow the Australian Confiscation Law as their model. Be frighten this is history repeating itself.
Egypt declares Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group
Announcement criminalises all activities, financing for and membership of group from which ousted President Morsi hailed
IsaiahR says
Wow. And you can seriously call anyone else a “psychopath “. Your comments do not deal in facts so you, instead, try name calling that would just be foolish if it did not also reveal a sick and warped personality. Even Donald Trump admitted the President was sincere although he disagreed with him. You seem incapable of presenting your case in a decent way.
Steve says
R, your an idiot, first of all, oboma is not a President, he is illegally in our w/h with all his falsified paperwork. The supposed tear in oboma’s eye was fraudulent, just like his paperwork as to whom he is, his real name is barry soetoro, wake the fu$k up idiot.
JoCrow says
obama/osama/same had false tears. we all americans who love this country know that he is a muslim who does not love america. So, you either are a muslim, you are on obama’s payroll, or you are not aware what is going on around you. I doubt that you even noticed that obama/osama did not mention the most resent shooting in california where muslims killed americans who trusted them. obama/osama does not care and real tears could never be shed over any american being killed. Budda, he is a muslim and if you are a true american, your life is not worth anything either money or no money.
Marlene Langert says
And God bless GOvernor LePage. I lovae the legal actions he has taken during his administration. I do NOT believe that he has done anything illegal in any way and cannot be impeached. The dims are getting more and more desperate.
anita says
if they impeach Le Page ,then at the same time they have to impeach Obama ,obama has committed much more serious crimes ,go ahead you measly democrats,and at the same time get rid of useless senile Reed and useless Pelosi ,
merle says
He must be doing something good for the people . the dems can’t
stand it when the citizens get a say in what is going on !! We are just serfs to them .
Steve in Tampa says
I think is is ironic that it is the Democrats that are trying to subvert the will of the people with impeachments of elected governors while Dem. President Obama skirts the Constitution and continues to “serve”.
Barbara Gooch says
Amen Obama hasn’t been impeached no one should
James says
That is very correct. Impeach Obama first. He always threatens to withhold money so he can get bills passed.
Steve says
Steve, one of the problems that American’s have is calling someone with fraudulent paperwork a President,,,, oboma is not and never can be a United States President. Now, he is illegally in our w/h.
Hugh Buckingham says
Jesus Christ, people!!!!!!!!!!!ll
What does Allah’s Will have to do with the so-called “Governor” of our Franco-phone state of Maine ????
Sue Petty says
Move to California if you dont like a republican governor and let us know how you like it there.
merle says
We have A Republican governor and people love him . He fights for us , doesn’t always win but at least he is trying
James Cloony says
take your cult values and move out of this country—Muslim
Bud webster says
Trying to make a point with emphasis is one thing, using Christ the Lords name in vain to make that point as you to lose the weight and brevity of your augument. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords has earned his respect, and perhaps you have lost yours hugh.
1American1st says
Why don’t they call for Obama to be impeached? He illegally traded 5 Taliban leaders for a deserter… ILLEGALLY!
Why haven’t the Republicans in the House been as outraged over that illegal swap as American Citizens?
kenny says
I agree
The Republicans are scared to death of being called a racist and continue to let the Chicago hood walk all over our constitution. This man has done 10 times the criminal acts of Richard Nixon. His latest blatant dictatorial executive order on guns is minor compared to other infraction of the constitution and law. He has filled his administration with people of the same mind set and that is that the American public are stupid, stupid, stupid. Sad part is they could be right as we keep sending the same people back to the District of Criminals.
Bob Arters says
I like that term, District of Criminals, That they are & my OUR GOD help us get them out of there.
Fr. Tom says
Why don’t our GOP congressional leaders begin impeachment procedures against Obama????
USPatriotOne says
90% of the GOP are bought and Paid for…PERIOD, that’s why NO Impeachment..!!!
Bill Dehner says
Agree totally…
Rinos with no gonads!
Aspergus Hermann says
Yes, The stimulus money Obama had the congress provide for him on the on set
is paying these creeps and frauds in congress to see every thing his way
kenny says
Sue Petty says
Because they would also have to impeach themselves. Traitors to the US Constitution, all of them.
JoCrow says
The muslims have had 7 yrs in w/h and I am betting that obama got in on false votes to begin with if it is ever audited. Our own taxpayer money has probably been paying for muslims infiltraring america and put into high powered jobs by obama. They are going to try to take america within on our own soil using our own laws against us, but they have to disarm americans first, but now a very large percentage of americans know what is going on. We the people may have to take the white house and yank him out. Congress is either infiltrated with muslims, paid off, or know what is going on and scared to death to say one word. We need one strong person who is not afraid to start impeachment and thousands up thousands of americans will stand behind and beside them to get the infestation cleaned out. If we do not want to lose our freedom and our country, we must do it. D&R do not need to fight each other, but rather work together to take our country back.
walt says
Because they are more interested in votes rather then being concerned about your welfare as a citizen and they think anything they do to Oblunder will be construed as racist, because now the anointed failure has revealed his true colors. Oblunder wants that hag Clinton to win the election because that will be an extension of his policies. Ryan and McConnell are both closet democRATs and will do nothing to jeopardize their salaries Ten moths to go …..VOTE Republican… and remember not casting a vote is a vote for HagHilly
ees says
This is just the way democrats work. I think Obama should have been impeached a long time ago, and then kicked out of office by the senate.
Sonia says
And prosecuted!!! Why with all the evidence uncovered from all the investigations from all the scandals, this guy has not gone to jail already. He has put our national security at risk by his many cover-ups, as well as abused executive power to have the number one terrorist country, Iran, get a deal which is good for them, not for the US or Israel. obama, in the name of legacy ??? has committed many crimes and misdemeanors.
Joe Bush Sr says
When you’re in office you are in an aquarium and being watched, people know when there is something not kosher and when someone continues to impose his will out-side of the norm it is noted. Some politicians develop a big ego and eventually think they are above the law or the law doesn’t include them. It effects their personality in that way; Hitler and other ego-maniacs passed through this stage. Luckily, there are checks and balances in our system and yes, if there is enough evidence from a lot of people, impeach him!
Mary Lou says
Before they take the time to try to usurp the PEOPLES WILL with the Maine Governor…how about the “American Peoples Will be done” and impeach OBAMA ALREADY….Consequences coming to this do-nothing self-serving bunch that has forgotten the people they were sent to Washington to SERVE !!
Joe says
I’m can’t say enough about the appalling state of affairs that were in because of this inept President and his staff of clones that are bent on destroying our once strong and beautiful country. God if your there,please help us,because no one,or other country will!
Richard Wienshienk says
The ignorant Republicans who somehow think Jesus, God would be a Republican are indeed crazy. Any reading of the New Testament will show that Jesus was a complete socialist and expected the wealth to be distributed evenly among all people. How truly dumb are these people.
Orville Weyrich says
I suggest you re-read the parable of the talents before suggesting Jesus favored socialistic “share the wealth equally” schemes. Or consider Saint Paul’s admonition that “Those who do not work should not eat”. Or consider Christ’s reaffirmation of the Old Testament “Those who work are worthy of their wages” – which he applied to his own disciples whom he sent out to heal the sick! Yes, we should care for those who cannot care for themselves, but in the time Jesus was on Earth, that was implemented as a “second harvest” where the poor were allowed to glean their own food in the fields as “left-overs” – not the same thing at all as forced wealth transfer!
JoCrow says
Amen Orville, well said. Trump for president 2016. Impeachment for the scum obama/osama. Soon we will have a leader to start impeachment and we the people will follow. Dust your feet on Richard weinshienk who is either a muslim or an athiest who just wants to stir using our lord Jesus Christ to do it & you just proved that he knows nothing about the bible or Jesus.
Bud webster says
Richardhead, are you really that stupid? Who on this blog, or any other suggested Jesus was a republican? Also are you of the devil? You sound like a progressive, if that is indeed your choice then you are. You will also pay for subverting the words of God. Jesus said to render onto Cesar what is Cesar,s and give to the Lord what is the Lords. When the rich man asked what he could do to insure his way to Heaven, Jesus said sell everything you own, and give to the needy. He knew the rich man wouldn,t thus he choose his richly processions here, and didn,t store them with God. He made his chose. How then can that be defined as redistribution of wealth? Jesus came to set the captive free. And you, and your Marxist pals want to inslave America, then the world.
Judy says
Because they are afraid of him! Look what happened to the speaker of the house. I don’t know what Obama threatened him with, but it must have been bad. He quit pretty fast.
merle says
Don’t hate so much
Russell Mahrt says
Read all of the above comments: stupidity! Bless our intelligent President.
Bud webster says
There is no Blessing given to a pagan religion or it,s leaders. Obama will give an account as we all will, and idiots like you will Bear witness as the rest of us will. Obama will then be exposed by the Almighty. He,ll need more than a teleprompter to snake his way out of this one.
Judy says
The day will come Russell that you will know that the man that is called our president is a traitor to this country. All knees will bow and every mouth will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. My faith is in Him not that idiot, Obama.
merle says
Russell , I am really sorry for you .
scott ukshe says
Richard please read the scriptures before lamenting on them. Christ suggests he does not command. We are created equal with the right to become unequal. Be charitable while taking care of those who cant take care of themselves. Widows, orphans like that. No were in the bible does it say to put it in a bath tub and all get an equal share.You only have to look at unions to see that method falls short. Probably why they tore down that wall.
Michael says
The people need to vote and just vote them all out of office put all new people in their place and if the new people don’t do what they are put in office to do then vote them out after their term plus lower the pay they get and no more perks
They work for the people if they can’t do the job out they go
Rob says
Kind of diverging from the main point, but I have to go along with Michael in that if enough people actually got involved with the current events/affairs and went out and voted, a lot of this crap would go away. But keep in mind, Obama passed federal law that states you CANNOT REQUIRE VALID ID’S FOR VOTING. What does that mean?? Anyone can go and vote (illegal or not) and vote several times. In the end, it’s not who is actually/eligible to vote, it’s the total (corrupted) amount…
Judy says
Rob I certainly agree. Here in Cherry Valley Arkansas we are not allowed to vote unless we show a valid I’d. I just wish that the other states would follow that example.
Solo says
Kind of funny that they want to impeach LePage without first taking a look or considering what the President has done. Maybe, they need to re-evaluate their options and take the time to really look at what what is going on and who is doing what…if they are honest and truthful with themselves and the people of this country, they will realize that they are trying to impeach the wrong person.
Keith says
Rick Perry did nothing wrong either but a case is still pending that even other libs say is nuts!!! It’s not their money to WASTE in court decisions! It’s the people of Maine’s money and they need to recall their legislators that are doing this then vote conservative to fix what has been brolen by the Demon Rat horde!!!
Joanne says
Gov. LaPage is good for the State of Maine. It’s the Democrats, i.e. the Liberal nut bags I can’t tolerate and which I believe are “political whores.”
Phil says
The Democrats well oiled machine is still working perfectly and has been for years. Look back at how the Federal Reserve started at Jekyll Island. They have been laughing at the American people ever since, go to youtube and watch what it says about the antics of the Democratic Party at Jekyll Island they are definitely a left wing communist organization for the New world order. It’s going to be interesting to see who will try and knock this down. It would be very hard to pick out the evilest people in the Democratic Party as there are so many of them. We can’t leave out some of the Republicans that are also trying to help the Democrats destroy the greatest country in the world the United States Of America. Freedom of speech is given to all American’s even those left-wingers whose goal it is to destroy America.
I say Obama isn’t an American citizen which the Democrats support and even some of the Republicans do too.
You have to look beyond all the B.S. that the all the media throws at us they hate Donald Trump you can look at everything they write about him and are turning a lot of people against him if Donald Trump does what he say’s he is going to do America has a chance to be great again.
The media left can’t have that happen, the Donald tells it like it is some people don’t like the truth be told that’s why the left wants to destroy him.
Don’t hold your breath to have Obama Impeached it won’t happen as he is doing such a masterful job for the Communist/Muslim cause. All infidels which are Christians and Jews or any other religion that aren’t Muslim will be slaughtered unless we pay complete allegiance to and pay money to Allah. There is too much to cover so if you don’t want to save the USA then run for cover you won’t be able to hide.
Get some pride or courage and stand up for America before it’s too late
Judy says
Thank you Phil, you hit the nail on the head. All the people that say the Bible is just a book of fiction. Well all I have to say is for a book that was written thousands of years ago it sure tells us that all these things that are happening, will happen before the end of time. THAT TIME IS NOW HERE, AND THE ANTICHRIST ARE NOW TRYING TO TAKE OVER OUR COUNTRY.
DixieBelle says
There seems to be a lot of animosity here. I don’t know much about what is happening in Maine, but I’ll tell you what came to mind as I read the article, and I welcome your comments and thoughts.
The FBI is close to indicting Hillary on criminal charges, and this is the Democrats way of threatening the Republicans, because that is all they counld find to use. It sounds like something NK would would do. I believe that is the reason they have put it off – to see what is going to happen with her.