Democracy is being hacked!
Foreign crooks are moving on from credit cards and social security number, according to a new warning from the FBI.
The Feds say hackers have cracked into at least two state voter registration databases. And they don’t know how far it has gone.
“This is the closest we’ve come to tying a recent hack to the Russian government,” a source told NBC News, adding there is “serious concern” Putin’s cronies are trying to undermine our election.
In one case, the hackers stole the records of 200,000 registered voters in Illinois. But “due to the ambiguous nature of the attack, we may never know the exact number of affected voters,” Ken Menzel, general counsel for the elections board, admitted to The Chicago Tribune.
In Arizona, the hackers didn’t steal any data – as far as we know – but Ars Technica reports that they may have left behind malware.
Matt Roberts, a spokesman for Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan, told The Washington Post that the breach was “an eight on a scale of one to 10.”
Both states quietly shut down their voter registration systems for roughly a week … the first known case of hackers taking our democracy offline … and state and federal officials have been trying to cover it up.
The FBI issued a “need to know” warning to state election boards and tried to keep the whole thing hush-hush.
“This is a big deal,” Rich Barger, chief intelligence officer of the ThreatConnect cybersecurity firm, told Yahoo News, which first broke the story. “Two state election boards have been popped, and data has been taken. This certainly should be concerning to the common American voter.”
A state elections official who requested anonymity called the memo “completely unprecedented” in an interview with Politico.
“There’s never been an alert like that before that we know of,” the source was quoted as saying.
If there’s any good news at all, it’s that the hackers weren’t able to change anything inside those databases – not that officials are willing to admit anyway.
“We have found no evidence that they added, changed, or deleted any information in the IVRS database,” Kathy Michael, country clerk in McLean County, Illinois, wrote on Facebook. “Their efforts to obtain voter signature images and voter history were unsuccessful.”
As a result, the feds are trying to downplay this major threat to the integrity of our election.
Tom Hicks, chairman of the federal Election Assistance Commission, told The Washington Post that the actual systems used to cast votes aren’t connected to the Internet anyway.
Just one problem: He’s wrong.
As The Post notes, more than 30 states engage in some form of online voting, often for ex-pats and service members.
They have the desire, and they have the ability.
Can we stop them before it’s too late?
— The Horn editorial team
Maybe just maybe the hacking was done to embarrass election officials after the election when election results show 140 % of registered voters voting in the November election.
And they always say it is Russia but really don’t know who is hacking them. Another ploy to divert attention but there are other countries very adept at hacking as well. The end result is that they don’t have a clue who is doing the hacking! Could even be someone in the USA!
And why should we believe the FBI after the botched investigation into the Clintons and The FBI Comey to refuse to say there was not enough evidence to indict Hillary……Yea right the FBI is a real HONEST source……or reliable source…….sounds like something Hillary and her cronies are saying….
Online and electronic voting is subject to fraud. We need to use paper ballots. Those paper ballots can be designed to be machine scannable. As an added security measure, random precincts should be hand counted to verify the accuracy of the counting machines.
Steps should be taken to ensure that our election results accurately reflect the intentions of the voters. In most cases those who would need to vote electronically would be a small enough number that their votes would not be able to sway most elections. Just the same, those votes could be done by paper and mailed back to the count center.
The 1 thing I did when I got my TRS-80 back in 1976 was write a program to see if electronic voting programs could be hacked. Yes, they can.Fact!
NOTICE to whoever is censoring my posts.
If you claim this post is a personal attack, hate speech, or profanity, you will see me in court. POST IT!
I’m not real smart so what is a Trs-80 please respond
Good recommendations and its use would reduce the hysteria. The Horn is trying to foment unrewst by predicting ‘rigged’ elections and fraudulent voting which just have not been proven to even exist since the Daleys left Chicago.
They were the head of the Chicago MOB in their day — the MOB is still there, what do you think you are saying, as if the Mob has changed???
Have you read the “black box report”?
FU, you lying POS.
to OracleGuy
The Daleys may no longer be in office, but Chicago is still run by the Democrats’ Party Machine.
Current mayor, Rahm Emanuel, is one of Odama’s cronies (appointed White House Chief of Staff in 2009) & was U.S. Representative from IL (Chicago) from ’03-’09. Before that, he was involved in Bill Clinton’s administration from ’93-’98. (Just hitting a few highlights on Rahm)
Hillary was born in Chicago (& raised in suburban Park Ridge) No surprise: there was Election Fraud in Chicago in the 3/15/16 “Ides of March” Primaries. You know the saying in Chicago: “Vote early & often”.
Btw: Trump Tower in Chicago was struck by lightning on “that” Super Tuesday, 3/15.
I live in Northern IL (Republican territory for the most part) & have had quite enough of Chicago Dems trying to infiltrate our agricultural communities with their projects. If Chicago seceded from the rest of the state, many of us would be relieved.
Grateful that I didn’t have to be a registered Democrat to vote for Bernie Sanders in the Primary (as the case with many other states). I will never join the party nor vote a straight ticket. I will vote down ballot for, & IF Sanders became the Dem Nominee after all, I would vote for him. Bernie is/was/remains an Independent (part of his appeal)
Without Sanders on the ballot for president, I would vote for the Greater Good: Jill Stein & Green Party are now on the ballot in about 40 states; my adult children living in other states & I would be able to vote in unison for Jill as we did for Bernie (for the 1st time & hopefully 2nd time in history of our family) I’m done with having only 2 non-choice candidates foisted on US.
Since Hillary would win anyway (rigged General & Odama planning to override states rights, as The Horn also reported) we aren’t limited to deciding “the lesser evil” of the 2 broken parties; we can vote for Jill, Gary Johnson, or anyone else running & it won’t matter in November..
We need to focus more on stopping the TPP & preventing our loss of Sovereignty after 240 years of Independence to become just another part of the Global New World Order. If you don’t know about the TPP, look for videos on YouTube from RT news & The Humanist Report; Thom Hartmann has focused on the issue in several of his programs. We need to take control of issues that we CAN influence.
Okay — got carried away as usual. We the people need to pull together for US. Best Wishes to US.
truth is the politicians want the ability to keep doing the shaft game to Americans, Paper ballots with security tags is only thing, and also high sentences for voter fraud!!! (20 yrs)
Couldn’t agree more. Paper ballots are the best. Also there are times when we need to take a step back to see the full picture. Also sometimes the old ways are indeed the best ways 🙂
agreed but obumscum’s rats still stole da last election with machine ballots ,i was a demo committee man but for romney and not one R counted in da 9th division duh, obumscum lost but won by cheatin crocc country ///
And according to the news last night – the feds want to take elections away from state control and take total federal control of the elections – that’s just what we need – would rather have the Russians – at least they would make no pretense of rigging the votes.
and that ladies and gentlemen is the beginning of the federal government taking control of all voting and taking it away from state level.
Get ready for Martial law Obozo style where you have no rights and no freedom and him in charge to declare the government is corrupted and disband the Congress, Senate, and Judicial system leaving him in charge.
You are absolutely correct. The Feds would love to control OUR elections. Taking control of elections will be the last nail in the coffin for the USA! DC & it’s oligarchs will appoint whom they wish to ascend to the Presidency, House, Senate, Courts, etc. We The Sheeple will be expected to abide by whatever they dictate. Say goodbye to ALL of our rights as TPTB will decide every aspect of your life for you!
Now there’s a reason for anarchy! Remember the flag the liberals hate? “Don’t Tread on Me”?
Sure do remember. The Flag
Sure do remember. The Flag
Hacking into State registration databases is not the same as changing election results. To completely different databases. Possible use could be to target political advertising, get some personal info on people. Generally most Counties have their own voting systems. This would require hacking into thousands of systems to change the outcome of an election. If your precent has electronic voting machines that do not make a printed copy to validate the count…..complain. It is imperitive that voting has a solid audit trail.
Agreed! However the votes can be changed, uncounted, counted erroneously. It’s all up to those that PROGRAM the units. There’s only a few companies that provide the programming and cannot be held accountable. Don’the you miss the hanging “chad”?
Dangerous for whom? Make it paper ballots exclusively with people from both parties watching the counts. Ut!!! That doesn’t figure into the Soros ran electronic machines!!!
Hillary and BHO are trying to stir up trouble with Russia and rig our elections. It seems more likely that they have planted someone in Russia to hack into our voter database. BHO wants to destroy this election and continue on in the White House. Hillary wants to start war with Russia. Putin keeps pleading with reporters to inform the American people about what’s going on over there.
Agreed, she is insane enough to start a war with another nuclear power.
It might be a stretch, but remember that State Dept Hillary had several dealings with Russia. Perhaps it would be advantageous to both to share that information. Remember Prez Bill had the FBI turn over (to him) dossiers on any and all Washington beurocrats. He just recently reminded Washington DC he retains those records.
We are all Doomed. And this is the outcome for what our fore fathers fought for, with many of them giving their life?
Where there’s Life, there’s hope. Don’t give in or give up too easily, and don’t counsel others to despair and surrender without a fight.
That is a fact!
Where I am, if we know Hillary got a majority here we’ll know something is up. We’re all electronic as well. This county has not chose a Democratic Candidate for president since Jimmy Carter, and I’m in Arkansas. So you all know they had another Democrat that we would be stereotyped as to have voted for. We did not, however, neither in 92 nor 96. Hillary also got very few votes in the primary.
No media covered the 2012s when Absentee/ overseas and Military somehow came in too late.
I remember the media reported it. There was even some investigations created. Of course nothing came of it.
And HERE we have the Just-In-Case Trump wins EXCUSE to SUSPEND the RESULTS and to INVALIDATE them due to “Foreign” HACKING! Them “Sneaky ROOSKIES” are at it AGAIN!!!
Seems like there was a quick assumption to blame other countries. They are not trying to control our voting. Looking at registered voters would separate the groups, Rep, Dem, Independent. WHO would have interest in this? Candidates, AND the administration which wants to control voting. That idea is not to be sure of untampered voting but TAKING control of the votes. Not surprised. Why would they try to keep this on a LOW key.
I hope most people are aware that the votes are registered on Diebold machines
that are owned and controlled by that filthy, traitorous ,Nazi collaborator George
Soros.Then for some unknown reason the votes are tallied in Europe !!!!
Why the votes aren’t counted in America is a complete mystery to me !!!!
I can only assume it is done i order to make cheating easier !!!Bring back
paper voting !!!! A few “Hanging” or “Pregnant ” chads wouldn’t be enough
to completely alter the result of the election.
We were never founded as a democracy, once ignorant Americans excepted that form of government, the slide downward increased substantially. To the republic for which it stands, one nation under GOD. INDIVIDUAL rites vs mob rule and polls. Choose
Now when I walk by a homeless person with the sign that says, the end of the world is near. I believe him now.
Really, I think this is a joke, no one knows who (if anyone) hacked the voter registration, Personally I think with the way Clinton has been campaigning (or lack of) the election is already rigged otherwise she would be campaigning like all presidential candidates have in the past. This is just a cover up from the gov’t for when they put her in office. I have no faith in the election system, the gov’t not the media.
Each Party already has access, legally, to their party voter registration info. Why someone would hack basically public domain info data is beyond me. Do not confuse voter info with votes. Completely two different things. Hundreds of entities have access to the records in the database.
You are so right….she does not have to do anything because those who are going to count the votes are in her corner.
i think you’re spot on regarding hillarys mysterious laid back attuned toward, her almost non existent, press conferences and her one and only, life time proclamation of pure, truth and nothing but the truth, so help me, new world order, she would be found unenditable at the end of the f b i’s investigation. month after month as we watched in disbelief, as she repeated over and over again, “the truth is, in the end no one will lay a glove on me”. i think we all would agree, not even the most brilliant and talented legal scholars of our time, would dare to appear so arrogant as to predict the out come of any f b i criminal investigation, let alone with such equivocal certainty. no flip flop, no hip hop, just nothin but net. let me leave you with a few words of wisdom, when she appears to keep her head when all those around her are loosing their’s, she can’t resist showing us her little tell, that she’s got this one by the balls and they’er ours.
Politically incorrect-
You may wish to have a visit to, to learn from a long-time investigative source just how easily voting machines are hacked and the votes changed.
If you tire of that, try visiting youtube and putting “vote hacking” in the search window.
Educate yo’se’f.
How can a foreign hacker hurt our elections any worse than the corrupt political parties already have? But this shows that the only elections we can trust are the local elections. Not as much money involved in mayor or city council elections.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the Clintons are behind this.
That is my thought exactly….with the rise of publicity about the discovered e-mails and scare of Hillary’s health and the steady drip drip of information, the logical outcome would be that the Clinton Machine knows that they will have to do everything they can to rig the election in her favor…….I believe we should insist that everyone who votes have a voter id, dip their pointer finger on the right hand in black ink (so they can not vote more than once) and furnish proof that they live within the voter precinct…maybe an electric bill or other proof of address…..I do not believe that the Russians are hacking into our election information….the Clinton Machine, well, that is another matter.
Paper ballots. Paper records. Problem solved. (Yes a longer wait for election results, but I would trust them more.)
Hillary’s new boogeyman is Russia. After bombing arabs and destroying one muslim country after another, this bloodthirsty idiot wants to start confrontation with Russia. She is dengerously insane…I think she is crazy enough to start a nuclear war.
I think they need to go back to paper voting, they may have to pay more officials to count, but it would be better than someone trying to rig the voting. How cruel can some of the candidates running for office be, it’s not right and if they find out that they rigged or tried to rig the voting they need to be put under the prison not in it.We do not need someone in office that’s like that, they need to be honest with good Christian Morals.
Paper ballots.
Nothing is safe today.
The more we know and the more we invent, the more we will realize that we have lost more than we have gained.
Believe me, our grandparents lived better than we do now.
George Vreeland Hill
“The truth is the politicians want the ability to keep doing the shaft game to Americans. Paper ballots with security tags is only way, and also stiff sentences for voter fraud! (20 yrs)”
(and this should include EVERYONE from the oval office, down!) fat chance when we have a lawless administration and everyone affiliated with it. pathetic crooks.
Wheres our Cyberforce?? From DoD, DHS, CIA??
Or Pvt Companies.
What gives.
Mess with registration of records & to cheat one would simply add names to the rolls so ballots are printed for fakes to vote or change addresses on mail ballots so an accomplice gets for example a republican’s ballot & mails back Dem votes while depriving the Rep. of a ballot or deletes names who then won’t get a ballot. We had ballots issued to dead people & fake citizens in primaries because they were on the registered to vote database plus real voters were mysteriously deleted so rolls are disgrace to begin with. Who’s gonna clean them up? Who would notice if a few more illegals & deads & fakes were added. The Dem. States want illegals to vote so they’re just refusing to clean up rolls which opens the door for them & really anyone to rig those databases. Everyone on the database gets either a mail ballot, or can show up at the designated polling place on their sample, sign next to that name & be handed a ballot regesteredd rolls are important understand? Other hand maybe the hacker was concerned citizen who copied the roll of Arizona, high illegal population, to then look for improper & gee wishful thinking once he gets those pegged will hack back in and clean the rolls up. But yes ultimately the concerned honest citizens have to get involved in volunteering any way they can (work on cleaning up rolls of willing / voluteer to man a poll, or simply watch who’s showing up in your neighborhood to vote that doesn’t live there… there are on line sites that are organizing & educating in what the people can do to reduce voter fraud this election… to reform, once again we need to vote in representatives who will pass laws to stop voter fraud & election fraud. That’s on Trump’s ticket, folks.
This is ironic. Our own government is trying to hack the election. Hillary can’t even fill a high school auditorium and this administration is paying people to go in and listen to her. Trump has thousands of people inside the rally’s with thousands more outside who can’t get in. But the feds are setting it up so Hillary will be the president. Trump can win by a huge landslide but the voter machines votes will be changed to Hillary, dead people will vote and many communities and even states will have more people voting democrat than they have for their population numbers. Illegals will be voting and many will vote over and over and over again, and nothing will be done to stop it. Then we have the prisoners that can vote, the illegals that are not yet here in our country that will be given permission to vote and will be told who to vote for and what they will be given for doing so, and the states that will not even have voter ID requirements. In the end we could find that Hillary had 4 times the population of the whole country voting for her and she couldn’t even fill a high school gymnasium. Putin sees this…. He said he can work with Trump, but that if Hillary gets in there will be war. Personally, I hope the soviets get their way. Maybe they can force the fraud to stop somehow, and get a real vote from the people.
Maybe the FBI is just telling fibs
In considering this be sure it isn’t paving the way for a surprisingly large Clinton vote in the presidential election despite what is generally recognised to be the peoples dislike and distrust of this candidate – i.e. is this simply setting the stage for another of the many `false flag’ situations now an integral part of today’s ugly political patchwork so no one knows any longer who or what is actually responsible for any situation that arises.
Back to Paper ballots with security tags is the only way for an honest and trustworthy election. Wouldnt that be nice for once in this mess to have something HONEST happen!!