While billionaire businessman Donald Trump might lock up the Republican presidential nomination in the next five weeks of voting, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has been busy for weeks courting delegates behind the scenes that can act independent of voters’ wills — a system Trump has called “corrupt.”
Trump supporters haven’t been willing to take that lying down — and they seem to be unraveling Cruz’s work quickly.
According to recent reports, delegates who had committed to supporting Cruz could be ready to ditch him en masse, essentially killing his ability to force a contested Republican convention in July.
“It turns out that delegates — like ordinary voters — are susceptible to shifts in public opinion. And as the gravitational pull of Mr. Trump’s recent primary landslides draws more Republicans toward him, Mr. Cruz’s support among the party’s 2,472 convention delegates is softening, threatening his hopes of preventing Mr. Trump’s nomination by overtaking him in a floor fight,” The New York Times recently reported.
The Times added that, “Voters may be starting to share Mr. Trump’s reasoning that he would deserve the nomination even if he fell short of 1,237 delegates. A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that more than six in 10 Republicans believe the nominee should be the candidate with the most votes even if he does not have the support of the majority of delegates.”
Trump, for his part, is beginning to organize groups of supporters to make sure Republican National Convention delegates don’t deny him the party’s nomination.
Outside groups, including one led by longtime Trump political ally Roger Stone, and a loose collection of colorful supporters such as “Bikers for Trump” are organizing ahead of the July convention in Cleveland.
They’re soliciting money to pay for their transportation and housing, and they’re already trying to influence the mood of the convention with a social media campaign saying that anything short of a Trump nomination would be “stealing.”
“Our principal focus right now is Cleveland,” Stone said of his group, called Stop the Steal. “We want to bring as large a contingent as possible to demonstrate the breadth of Trump’s appeal so that the party can see graphically what they’re going to lose if they hijack the nomination from him.”
Stop the Steal and other Trump fans are pushing that message on social media and websites.
“The big steal is in full swing,” one online letter says, calling unfriendly delegates “stooges.”
The Stone-led Cleveland coalition includes We Will Walk, Bikers for Trump, Citizens for Trump and Women for Trump. Stone said the goal is to bring thousands of people to march peacefully in the streets.
“We are prepared to bring the Republican Party down if they mess with Trump and try to take it away from him by doing the dirty tricks,” said Paul Nagy, a New Hampshire Republican. He runs We Will Walk, a group that has collected more than 41,000 online signatures of people who say Trump deserves the nomination.
A different pro-Trump group, Great America PAC, also is raising money for a Cleveland effort. This one is led by William Doddridge, chief executive officer of the Jewelry Exchange.
Its commercials warn that “party elites” will try to seize the nomination from Trump at the convention and suggest that people stop that from happening by calling an 800 number and giving money.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
The USA and the world needs a strong president. We have had a cartoon character for 7.5 years. We now need a strong leader to fix all the messes created but obuma, hilary and kerry.
This is not a climate conducive to a Cruz campaign.
Maybe some other time.
Right Patrick!! Bye-bye Teddy Boi!! Get OUT of the campaign race, NOW!!
If this was the “Green Acres episode”, from years gone past. Mr Haney (Cruz) has been exposed by Mr Douglas (Trump) of the shenanigans Mr Haney (Cruz) keeps trying to pull. All in all, the GOP establishment doesn’t like Cruz anymore than it like Trump. Mr Cruz, its time to rally the conservative/republican base.
He is not getting delegate votes by rallying he is buying them with fancy hotel rooms and dinners and even vacations. He gives delegates fancy luggage sets and bags of goodies like they hand out at the acadamy awards. Reince Preibus said this was all perfectly legal. That is how lobbyists work in Washington every day. Mr. Trump plans to change this when he is in office so that we the people actually get who we voted for. This certainly proves to me that Cruz works both sides of the fence, if you can’t win them then you buy them.
He is not getting delegate votes by rallying he is buying them with fancy hotel rooms and dinners and even vacations. He gives delegates fancy luggage sets and bags of goodies like they hand out at the acadamy awards. Reince Preibus said this was all perfectly legal. That is how lobbyists work in Washington every day. Mr. Trump plans to change this when he is in office so that we the people actually get who we voted for. This certainly proves to me that Cruz works both sides of the fence, if you can’t win them then you buy them. If you think Cruz is for the people then you need to do some fact checking. Start with The Marshall Report.
Kathleen: Yesterday I heard a lady from Texas Kelly Buckley her name was and she said she is a delegate for trump. A Cruz campaign worker came by her house and offered here to pay here property taxes or other gifts exchange for here to be a delegate for Cruz!! She would not except his offer. She also said he asked her where her hotel room was booked for the state convention. Later she found out he canceled here hotel room which she booked a month ahead of time. There is also a article I came across someone on the boards had a link to which was titled Think you know the real Ted Cruz think again.. This article floored me. I knew many things about Cruz but this was unreal!!! I don’t have the link but it said think you knowthe real Ted Cruz think again by drartaud. Look it up and hopefully you can find it. The person who linked it was on the Conservative Treehouse web site. A very good site.
Kathleen,you are so right. I just wrote to Rush Limbaugh and asked him why he doesn’t admit that getting delegates to switch is only accomplished with gifts. Rush says “the banks paid Hillary $250,000 for 20-minute speeches and you can bet they are expecting something in return.” The same goes for Cruz. He’ll owe the delegates he steals. And they will own him.
Trump is doing that, not Cruz The d has all the money and is buying who he can. Sorry people can’t see it. Sorry for America
Drew, that would be a fun analogy if it wasn’t backward. If you think Cruz is wooing delegates ‘unfairly’ that ‘don’t represent the will of the people’, how do you come down on Mr. Trump getting 100% of the delegates in a state where he got less than 50% of the vote? Florida is just one example of where a majority voted for someone other than Trump and yet the rules gave him all of the delegates. I don’t hear the Trump supporters howling about fairness there.
you must be a Lyin Losing Cruz supporter (Trump 2016)
Fla is a state that voted to give the person that got the majority of the votes and not governing by percent. (Who ever got the most votes got the delegates). That is the way the voters wanted it by voting for it.
That didn’t happen – what are you smokin?
Jack: Florida was a winner take all delegates. They change the rules for Florida at the beginning of the campaigns. There was talk the reason they did that was because the RNC thought Jeb Bush would be the front runner. HA! HA!
Jack: Trump had the majority of the votes in Florida!!! Plus it was a winner take all delegates state 95!!!
Florida was a winner take all state. Do your homework !! Trump won fair and square !!
You are wrong!! Trump did not get 50% but he had the majority of votes cast because the other votes were for two people!! cruz and Kasich!! He garnered more votes, by a substantial number than either of the other two!! Quit lying, you are just like cruz and the establishment gop!!!
He tried hard!!!!!!!!!!! Forgot to mention his involvement with the Bush’s even dating back to George W Bush’s first presidential run, where he met Heidi and they have been actively been working the political system since. Why didn’t he renounce his Canadian citizenship until 2014 after he was already in the senate? Just asking. Donald got it right LyinTed
Wrong. Lying trump. They proved it on fox tonight. Cruz told the trump supporters what the d said and they called Cruz a liar. Fox showed Cruz telling the truth and d lying. But that doesn’t matter because you are all robots.
Not so long ago the Conservative Evangelical Christians were begging for a candidate such as Ted Cruz. Now it appears that these Christians’ support for Cruz is paper thin. Just remember, Christians, in states like Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, the Carolinas, you had a chance to vote for the Christian candidate that you had been begging for. Now you’re backsliding from your Cruz support and finding every excuse to vote for someone who doesn’t recognize the books of the New Testament. I don’t want to hear you crying in the future for this type of candidate. You had your chance and decided against it.
They realize that cruz isn’t what he tried to get acroos over them!! He lied and they figured it out!! Sounds like you didn’t get it!!!
Good job; I am reminded of the old sleazy Snake Oil Salesman standing on the tail gate of a covered wagon selling homebrewed cures guaranteed by the long nosed salesman to cure anything and everything that ails the people around him.
Cruz picked Carly to stand beside him as he struggles to retain what gains he had made. That, to many of us, was his second major failing! He tried a conspiracy with Kasich that failed. He now picks Carly who has a 1;4 win loose ratio to offer Cruz.
She started out as a secretary and worked way to the top of one of Americans top IT business’ (Give her a plus). When the business was in trouble she laid off 20,000 workers in hopes of saving her own job. (Give her a failure). Twenty thousand men and women joined the unemployment lines – AND – Carly ended up getting fired anyway (give her another negative.), She then tried to run in California politics and was beaten (give her another negative). In spite of her building patterns of losses, she somehow thought she could win her way into the White House – she failed and dropped out of the race; another negative.
Now Cruz picks her up saying she is a highly qualified person to fill the Vice Presidents seat. ] Does Cruz really have that little respect for the Vice President? ] – – – She has one win and three losses behind her; – – – Not who I would want on my team!
What ever; Cruz is failing; failing because even those he has worked with In Washington have turned their back on him, he has a terribly arrogant and distracting personality, and he will twist facts to build the stories he wants; a trait he shares with Obama.
AND – Cruz and Carly says they are working hard to get American workers back on a payroll (I hope that includes the 20,000 Carly laid off) – BUT – see no bills Cruz has submitted that supports his claim he is working toward getting Americans back to work – and this recent claim is the only time I have heard him comment about it in any way.
I think it was a company decision to lay off people. She was the fall girl, she didn’t own hp. I wouldn’t blame her.
What i find more laughable is that Carson – who got out of the race what? A couple of months ago, now?(or close to it) He got more delegates than the Luzer Cruzer…oh, and his veep Curly Carly.
Carly; a last, pathetic, desperate, transparent attempt to curry favor with Indiana voters, who are smart enough to vote Trump later this evening, thus relegating the Canadian to the slag-heap of American history.
Juan, you have every right to be as childish and immature as you care to. But, Trump-like behavior doesn’t flatter you. In case you haven’t counted, Trump has less than 40% of the popular votes, so, its not exactly fair to say that delegates NOT pledging to someone other than Trump is not the will of the people. I’m not saying all of those people would have voted for Cruz, but, I’m sure you’ll agree that when Trump got 47% of the vote in Florida but was awarded 100% of the delegates, that didn’t exactly demonstrate the will of the people, did it? Trump and his adherents have a loud megaphone when they want to point out things they don’t LIKE that are ‘unfair’, but they are completely silent when the rules are bent way in their favor.
TRUMP 2016 get used to it LOL
Above all else we need a morally strong and selfless president. These are not traits commensurate with Donald Trump. He will only support things that will benefit him and his elitist friends. It has been shown time and again that he will only support who or whatever will benefit him. His the epitome of the political elite that the majority of americans despise. Ted Cruz has proven time and again that he will do what he says he will do. He is a constitutionalist and will support the constitution with all his will. He stood up to the Washington D.C. cronies just take a look at his political record. The reason he has no friends in Washington D.C. proves that he does not make backdoor deals, which is what we will get if Donald Trump is elected. Anyone voting for Donald Trump is supporting a continued downward and corrupt path for America. God Bless the USA! Vote Cruz!!
Aaron; you are wrong. Cruz has no friends in Washington, D.C. is because he is a liar and a jerk.
And we all know how much Trump is loved by ALL members of congress.
If you followed the actions of Ted Cruz in congress you would know that he has supported the conservatives, the people, and the Constitution the whole time, fighting against the “Establishment” openly. Before the campaign I was convinced that he was the one and only good candidate for President, and maybe he still would be. But actions by his campaign people surprised me and made me wonder if he was aware of some of the things that they were doing. But the longer the campaign has gone on the more it is his responsibilty to be sure his campaign is honest and above board. I have lost confidence in how his campaign is run and am turning more to Trump, not because I think Trump is any more honorable than Cruz, but because it looks like he will win the nomination, and if he does he deserves our support. Trump’s character is questionable, to say the least, but pray that he can beat Hillary or Bernie in the race.
Also loved by the Boarder Guards
Ted Cruz is one of the senators that did do what he said he would do. He is not a liar any more than Trump. They just see things from a different world view thar’s all.
CRuz gave one filibuster because he knew he was running as a conservative and he had to show face! THAT WAS A LIE TOO, as Cruz voted for everything OBAMA WANTED!! Ted Cruz is a Washington Globalist Puppet!
He suppors amnesty!! He only changes his tune when he saw that Trump gained popularity by saying that he will get rid of wetbacks and than refugees!! Then cruz switched over and would switch to amnesty again if he won!!!
Cruz stood up to the rino’s who rolled over.
He stood up to Obama.
He worked with house leadership to get rid of boehner.
He fought against gang of 8 amnesty which trump supported.
He took G.W.Bush to court twice.
He called McConnell a liar, on the senate floor.
He called them all out on their hypocrisy.
So the rino’s, the dems and msm have continually attacked Cruz and other conservatives.
Cruz is in the right.
But hey. . . mike Tyson, rapist , likes trump and endorses him. So does Putin. Whoopee!
I use to support Cruz, until I discovered the real Cruz? He lied & cheat in Iowa about Carson . He has turned into a liar & cheat . He is willing to steal the delegates & ignore the voters choice ! Hell no , I will never vote for him Now! He reminds me of Lyndon Johnson , a liar & cheat !
I did support Cruz, until I discovered the real Cruz? He lied & cheated in Iowa about Carson . He has turned into a liar & cheat . He is willing to steal the delegates & ignore the voters choice ! Hell no , I will never vote for him Now! He reminds me of Lyndon Johnson , a liar & cheat ! Trump is the only one that can & will save & make America great again . I will vote against anyone that is going against the voters choice ! All these rigged Delegates stealing the election! Maybe the end of the Republican Party ! No more rigged presidential nominations ! A new Republican Party is on its way , a party that truly represents the will of the people ! Instead of the greedy corrupt Establishments Special Interest !
Theresa: cruz wrote the document for amnesty!! He was the main force behind the gang of eight pushing for it!!!
It is true that Ted Cruz has few friends in Washington, D.C. Is that a bad thing? It should be a badge of honor. And this ‘Lyin’ label is something Mr. Trump grabbed when he saw there would be no backlash. Yes the Republicans don’t support Cruz: in fact they hate him and everything he stands for. He stands for everything that they claim to believe in-but obviously don’t. The way Cruz has been treated in this campaign will come back to haunt America.
Cruz was born in Canada,Cuban oil field hand father,mother American was not on military installation/Embassy.Not a USA citizen.Not qualified to run for the position ! What is all the noise about ? This is Trump’s Parade .
Amen Arthur! And he did not lie. It was someone that Cruz had no control over. He apologized over and over again for what someone else did. Nobody even gave him credit for that. A humble man is much better than a proud one. Remember pride commeth before a fall. We Americans need to be very careful what we are doing. God help us please. Show us the right way. Open our eyes.
Tell us then why Cruz records are locked ? Why ? What are the American people not supposed to see and know ? Tell us.
Jeane Greene-
Cruz is a citizen of the Romulan Empire.
Ok, technically, there’s just as much evidence that he’s a Romulan Citizen as there is that he’s a US Citizen.
After tonight, he’ll be done – cooked – stick a fork in him – but if any wish to assure themselves that Cruz is, in fact, a US Citizen, why don’t you go to his website and ask the question? For example, “Hey, Cruz! Show us the documentation that proves you are a US Citizen, and when you became one, please! I refuse to vote for anyone who is NOT a US Citizen.”
Then, wait for the squirming to begin, the long answer that is NOT an answer(if he deigns to GIVE that answer; he’ll probably ignore you and hope you go away) – very Tricky Dick of him, btw, who used to do the same damn thing – that is, ramble on about unrelated stuph, hoping and expecting that the questioner will become distracted and forget what he asked. Just watch any of the frustrated reporters who ask him a straight-up question like “If Trump gets the nomination, will you support him?” and watch Cruz slither and duck and dodge and never give a yes or no, a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, straightforward, unequivocal, non-dissimulating answer – no matter how many times the question is repeated or re-worded. It’s like nailing jello to a wall.
Not true. It’s because he fights for what is right and the establishment can’t buy him. He has morals which is more than trump has. I can’t stand hearing that trump voice anymore. He acts like a spoiled brat and has such a potty mouth. Not presidential at all. Too bad most people don’t care. We are hosed.
Then Lyin’ should go into preaching, because he sure sounds like one…and Carly can pass the collection cup around so they can “BUY” more votes…lol
Go Trump!!!!!
Amen to that! Unfortunate that so many cannot see the wolf in sheeps clothing. Trump is only out for trump. Just one example: He supported Tyson when convicted of rape so he could continue making millions in profit from Tyson fights held at Trumps venue in Las Vegas. He could care less about women and in this case this “woman” happened to be a teen queen. Trump has no values except money and power. We cannot afford another replica of Obama in the White House.
You don’t have a clue!! The “rape” was a set up by don king!! king stole millions for Tyson and Tyson file a law suit for that!! He was going to recover all of that money and king got rid of him!!!
Aaron, I agree with Ann. Besides, Cruz is not a natural born citizen. He was born in Canada. He became a naturalized citizen years later. In fact, he was not a citizen when he became a senator. Do you ever read about politicians before you decide that the politician is a valid candidate? Or you just listen to their speeches believing they will do what they say? History has proven they speak with forked tongue.
i agree with you that Cruz is Canada-born and not a natural-born US citizen. i have not, however, seen any proof that he was ever naturalized; in fact, i’ve never seen any proof that he was a US citizen AT ALL. What i have read is that at least one court – in Pennsylvania, iirc – has ruled that Cruz is eligible due to citizenship derived from his mother, but the judge must be either completely ignorant of the Purpose for which the term “natural born” was included in the Constitutional qualification for president, or he has NO IDEA what the words “natural born” MEAN, or he was pressured by someone to rule the way he did.
i recently watched a youtube vid in which several people in gov’t were questioned about Cruz, and no less a personage than former R presidential nominee Bob Dole is quoted as saying that Cruz became a Senator while still a Canadian, for example, and Cruz freely admits to not giving up his Canadian citizenship until May 2014 – but he has released ZERO info as to how or when he became a US citizen – like it doesn’t matter, or something.
IMO, he should be run off to Canada(where he IS – or was – natural born) and run for PM THERE, ‘cuz he sure ain’t qualified HERE.
Buh-bye, Snuz Cruz. Oh, and take your (LOL!) VP Curly Carly with you!
He was to an American citizen. He could not run otherwise. He was considered a dual citizen. He just denounced the Canadian citizenship. Read up people. I was born in Japan and could have had dual citizenship. His mother is an American citizen, as my mother is also. So that makes us, as children American citizens. This is a mute issue. If not Obama would not be an American citizen. He was born in Kenya. Picture shows his mom with him at the hospital right after his birth but she was an American citizen making him one. End of story.
Only the delusional will waste a vote on TURD CRUZ. He is a loser and has no chance of winning even a participation trophy—he’s pitiful –and picking the dog biscuit eating Carly Purina who is disgusting to listen to and worse to look at. The voters are flushing the Lyin’ Turd and his companion……..!
Aaron I’m so sad you do not get it Ted Cruz Will say anything to get what He Wants after 7:5 years of Barrack Hussian Obama who has hurt All Americans we simply Afford Lyin Ted and Ms Furineo said just the same thing a few Short Mounths ago. I hope you take a Sober look and Get it VOTE DONALD J TRUMP AMERICA FOR AMERICANS
Can’t afford trump, a democrat in every way, who just scotch taped an R behind his name.
Cruz sounds like minister and politics his religion!
I don’t think your take on corruption is accurate at all. I come from a family who has really been there and done that…..Donald Trump is about as far from corruption as any billionaire on the planet. He has had a lot of actually workable idea. He is the type to get great advice and use it. One of the biggest USA threats is our debt. Only Trump has offered anything there. We need to put America back to work. Trump is very clear on that. He also has made some very good suggestions to Bernie Sanders who is very straightforward and Hillary is truly looming as one of the USA’s worst nightmares. We need to combine some American values here and come up with a real practical plan to get our country back on track. Your attack on Donald Trump makes it clear you need to look a little closer ar what gets things done. Don’t like bullies or forceful speakers? Our media controls so much of what happens in the USA it is unbelievable. Yellow journalism brought us the cival war. They are dangerously close to bringing another one to us!
DisTrusTED Cruz, I have yet to hear what the “Canadian Born” Cruz has accomplished. Grandstanding for the 2nd amendment, good. He shows his true colors when he “Lobbies” for delegates! And cancelling delegates reservations! So only those that vote for him will show up!
“CROOKED Cruz”! That is a dirty trick the unions would use, or “HELLery”.
I have listened to him speak, and have yet to hear about all the wonderful bills he has sponsored.
LIke “Crooked Clinton”, what the two of then done? Traveling millions of miles is NOT an “Accomplishment”! “Curly FiaRino” was right on that.
Ted Cruz voted for and defended TPA . He is no constitutionalist. He drops his support of the constitution when it proves inconvenient. He spent three years grandstanding in the Senate to get himself a quick reputation but was quietly voting to suspend the constitution.
Blinders my friend. A vote for Cruz is a Vote for Hiedi Cruz and the NWO. Both Cruz have proven they can’t be trusted, they ,cheat,steal and have got in bed with the establishment elite. Wake up and vote Trump.
Aaron..Lyin Canadian Lucifer Ted Cruz should go back to Canada if he wants to be president! Trump will be the POTUS!
Oh WOW, when I first started reading your comment about “Above all else we need a morally strong and selfless president.” I was sure you was talking about Donald Trump. (Great family that believes in their Dad and from what I can see even the in-laws like him also, plus he is financing his own campaign that could cost over a Billion dollars. Rich people don’t throw money away on some whim at least that much, but when they see something they love going down the tubes and I am talking about the USA here they will. Many times I have watched Trump in this campaign, when he talks about his family, the USA, our Veterans and the sincere voters in this country, I see a very humble and sincere man. He sure has my vote and I will stand up for him any day. (just so you know who I am I am a veteran I was a veteran when being a veteran wasn’t cool, I was proud to be one than and am still proud to be a veteran today). My alliances run in this fashion. My God my Country and my family, without the first two what’s left is a sad situation. Go TRUMP.
Thank You: you said exactly what I feel about Donald J, I am a Veteran also and this my feeling God, Country and Family. Trump is the only one running that has said anything about the veterans, NONE of the other four that running mentioned anything about helping the VET’S. GOD BLESS THE USA AND GOD BLESS DONALD J TRUMP
My thoughts exactly. Trump will help the vets. They deserve much better than this. Thank you for your service.
Can’t afford trump, a democrat in every way, who just scotch taped an R behind his name.
I do believe I heard him say he will recoup some of his money
I agree! As a Vietnam Veteran also, and a “Tincan Sailor” that rode out two hurricans, I am behind Trump. Also a “Biker for Trump”. He has done many selfless deeds to help those in need. Paying off someone’s mortgage as thanks for helping him.And not “Broadcasting” it, is the sign of a Christian.
Immigration, Veterans, and the USA are topics “The Donald” spoke of first. All “DisTrusTED Cruz” has done is rail about his opponents. I haven’t heard “DisTrusTED Cruz” talk about the bills he has sponsored and gotten passed, have you?
When I returned from my second tour in ‘Nam, I called draft dodgers and people running off to Canada to avoid serving, cowards!! And it ended up on the local tv stations!! My family received more threatening, obscene phone calls that you would believe possible!! I carried a pistol everywhere and let everyone know who I was if they didn’t already know!!! No one had the nuts to say a word to my face but talked behind my back!! I am a dem since JFK, and I vote TRUMP!! He is our only shot at helping us make AMERICA GREAT again!!!!
You are nuts if you think cruz will give you anything other then what youve had for the last almost 8 years. The only one who cares about America and the people is trump. Open your eyes
cruz is a canadian cuban. He is not qualified under article 1 ,his father is cuban born,he was born in canada not on the us soil as requires he must be born on the soil to parent born on the soil.
cruz is a canadian cuban.
i believe that at the instant of Cruz’s birth, both his parents were naturalized Canadian citizens, since they lived there for 3 years and voted in Canadian elections, which only Canadians can do. That woudl make “Ted” a natural born Canadian, and qualified to run for office THERE, not HERE.
He is not qualified under article 1
Technically, Article 2(dealing with the powers of the president and the Executive branch), Section 1, Clause 5. Article 1 is for Congress(both Houses).
,his father is cuban born
Yes. He became a naturalized Canadian citizen prior to Raphael Edward’s birth, thus negating the Cuban citizenship.
he was born in canada not on the us soil as requires
That’s 14th Amendment citizenship.
he must be born on the soil to parent born on the soil.
No. In order to be “natural born,” both parents must be Citizens – it doesn’t matter if they were born in America or not, just that they were citizens, or even WHERE they were born. For example 1, a male Ecuadorian comes here legally, takes the test, passes it, takes the Oath, and becomes a US citizen. He meets his wife, who immigrated from Latvia, who has also studied and become a naturalized US citizen. Their CHILD is a “natural born” citizen EVEN IF the two of them travel back to Ecuador on US passports and the child is born in Ecuador. Worked for McCain, right?
In example 2, let’s say that a pregnant Chinese woman comes here and bears a daughter on US soil, then takes that child back to China. That daughter is a 14th Amendment US citizen. Suppose she grows up, moves to America, and marries a naturalized US Citizen from Israel. The child born to them would be a natural born US Citizen and eligible for the office of the presidency.
Or let’s try example three: John McCain, born in Panama to two US citizens, is “natural born.” He adopts a child from Panama who was born in Panama, and that child grows up to become a naturalized citizen of the US. When that child has a child of it’s own, that child would be natural born, too, assuming that the spouse of that child was also a Citizen.
Here’s a short rundown:
Both parents citizens at the moment of the child’s birth: natural born citizen, eligible for the presidency. Place of birth irrelevant.
Born on US soil to parents who are NOT US citizens: 14th Amendment citizen, not eligible for the presidency.
Born in a foreign country(say, Austria); becomes naturalized US citizen. CAN become governor of California; canNOT be president(see Arnold Schwartzeneggar).
Born in this country to a US citizen mother and a foreign-born father: native born, NOT “natural-born,” a citizen, but NOT QUALIFIED to be president.(BOTH parents MUST be citizens)
In the case of Obama, both of his CHILDREN are natural-born, and qualified to run for the presidency. D’OweBama is NOT natural-born, and should be removed from office for FRAUD or Personation immediately – and SHOULD have been arrested and charged as soon as he repeated the words of SCOTUS Chief judge “I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear or affirm”.
Sir, you continue this rant over and over about Cruz’ citizenship. It’s almost comical. Look at the numbers. Trump has a huge lead. Start thinking about what you want Trump to do if elected. By the way, the US Constitution never clearly defined Natural Born Citizen. And according to your beliefs 5/6 US Presidents were elected illegally. So you need to campaign to have Congress clearly define Natural Born Citizen. So you won’t be arguing this in the future.
If you think the truth is either a rant or irrelevant, i’d be ashamed to claim you as a fellow American.
The truth is that Cruz KNEW, prior to announcing his candidacy, and KNOWS now that he’s NOT “natural born,”(in the US, at any rate) and he’s been perpetrating a FRAUD for which he should be immediately arrested and tried, and upon conviction, be required to return every penny he collected for pretending that he was eligible for an office he’s NOT QUALIFIED for…PLUS interest. He should also be required to pay for at least one nationally-broadcast ad in which he publicly confesses to his fraud and apologizes for it, IMO.
Did you read the title of this thread? It’s called “DeserTED, Delegates Deserting Cruz in Droves” meaning it’s ABOUT TED CRUZ! He SHOULD be “deserted in droves,” because he’s a damned liar and fraud, a charlatan pretending to be “christian” so he can betray them with his NWO/OWG support for(and from)the Bushes and the banker-gangsters; his WIFE works for arguably the largest of these “too big to fail” monsters.
As to your point about “having Congress clearly define ‘Natural Born'” they in fact did: First Congress, Second Session, the VERY LAW that the 110th Congress CITED when declaring McCain eligible for the presidency. S511, 110th Congress. Look it up instead of making a damn fool of yourself. If that’s not ENOUGH proof for you, just google “SCOTUS, natural born;” the first ruling dealing with Congress’ definition(which comported with Frenchman Emmerrich de Vattel’s definition in his exhaustive “Law of Nations”) has come to be known as “The Venus.” Headed by Chief Justice John Jay, considered to not only be the American EXPERT on Vattel, he naturally confirmed the First Congress’ decision in re; their definition, because Jay was the one who suggested that qualification for the president be in the Constitution in the first place!
There are several more SCOTUS decisions also confirming and RE-confirming the definition of “natural born” as requiring TWO(count ’em, 2) citizen-parents to convey the natural born status that qualifies one for the presidency, at least 2 post-14-Amendment, as well.
i feel certain that you’ll not bother to educate yourself; no one likes to be proven wrong, especially overwhelmingly so…and your research would only reveal your ignorance, something that very few have the humility to acknowledge, much less repent of. Hence the “dumbing-down” of America(don’t take that as a personal insult, please; it’s a general observation).
“What a blessing it is for rulers that the people do not think!”
~Adolph Hitler
And let’s remember that Cruz’s mother denounced her US citizenship when Ted Cruz was born to her. Which brings another question – how can a Canadian citizen become a US Senator ?
According to this alleged neighbor of Elisabeth Cruz in Canada, she gave up her US citizenship in 1968, and the neighbor was there when she did so(Ted was born in 1970, in December of that year):
(if you read down in the comments section, you’ll find that Still located this woman, and was attempting to arrange an interview; if he’s successful, this will blow the lid off Cruz’s deception, torpedo his hopes for the presidency, and probably permanently sink his chances at being elected to ANYthing in America again.)
Do you know who is now running the Cruz campaign? Neil Bush, the youngest brother of the Bush family. The Cruz campaign is now, maybe not at the beginning, but he is now being run for all the power Jeb was going to have, open borders to America, cheap labor, etc…Cruz now owes them big time. The only chance in this election to take control of our country is to elect Trump. This is NOT politics, the Establishment in Washington is desperate to keep their control, by not uncovering and stopping their corruption, that is how ALL of the Establishment have become millionaires over the years. In fact. the Bush family and the Clintons are very close.
You are so wrong Trump 2016 not Lyin Ted
Cruz is corrupt and owned.
In 2010 Cruz and Goldman Sachs got together and planned a run for the presidency. Cruz copied Obama’s game plan – be a senator for a year and then run for president. Cruz determined that he needed recognition and decided to act like he was against the establishment (Goldman Sachs and others) while making a name for himself. He got nasty with other senators calling them liars etc. which worked and got him known as going against the establishment. To get elected as senator in 2012, he “borrowed” $1 million from Goldman Sachs. If he lost, how would he pay back the $1million or would they forgive the loan? Ok, so Cruz won. Then he did his thing – trashing various other senators. I believed him at the time. I thought he was a constitutional powerhouse going after the corrupt establishment. What I didn’t know was that it was all an act. Cruz and Goldman Sachs (the leader in the 2008 crash where $1.4 trillion was stolen from the public) conspired to do what Obama did and so far were successful. Now running for president – how did Cruz pay off his $1million loan? He used campaign contributions from his presidential run to pay off the $1million loan – is that ethical? Did Goldman Sachs give over $1million in presidential contributions to Cruz? If so, the $1million loan was an illegal bait and switch. So, now Cruz is running as an anti-establishment constitutional senator, but is he really anti-establishment or is he a liar and fraud? Being a stock market broker, I can tell you that the insiders make billions every time they crash the market, such as the market crash in 2008. When you have inside information, you buy put options and sell short to make money on the crash. This is why the establishment elite crash the market around every 10 years. Goldman Sachs has their former employees throughout the government – you can bet that is no coincidence. If you have any doubt that Cruz is owned by the establishment elite globalists, then watch the following video – they did all the research and present the facts.
You must watch this video, search youtube for V9K9Xedk5eM and you will see the video “Rick Wells vs Ted and Heidi Cruz and the one world government”
NEVER LYING CRUZ…NEVER LYING CRUZ>>>we want a real AMERICAN president !!!
Aaron: If Cruz was a constitionalist he would not be running for president. Please research Cruz!! he is a big phony!!!! Think you know the real Ted Cruz think again by drartaud!! Look it up!!! The real reason they don’t like him in congress is because he is such a big liar. Not his policies!! Like John Boehner called him Lucifier in the flesh!!! He sure got it right!!! Please wake up and research him thoroughly!!! This article think you know the real Ted Cruz think again bydrartaud is not the only one I came across exposing Ted Cruz. There was another one a letter by a lady who was a Ted Cruz supporter until she realized the lies he has been saying and other things and finding out more truths. She was a avid subscriber to Glen Beck and ditch him because of all the things about Ted Cruz lies and other things. She respond to Glen Beck in a letter why she can not any longer support Cruz or Glen Beck. I don’t remember her name or the article exactly but I just came across it yesterday. She had some really good honest points and truths with evidence for the lies and other shenigans and History of Ted Cruz!!
I feel sorry for you, you sure got it backwards honey !!
Denigrating Trump saying no morals, etc. is plain stupidity and jealousy. He has been upfront and straightforward as our VOICE. You can vote for whom you wish, but hopefully you will vote for Trump as the nominee. Otherwise, you will be telling Americans that you are not a patriotic American and we will wind up with Hillary and pure communism. Please start realizing Cruz ain’g making it and should give in to Trump as a gentleman. Unfortunately, if you really research Cruz, he is not only a liar, cheat and coward, but lacks ethics accepting delegate plainly won by open voter fraud in Utah and Wisconsin. No moral values here. He spouts Christianity but belongs to some weird sect. He says he is a conservative but several of his votes in the Senate have been against America and not for America. He is establishment and a politician and Americans no longer want a supposed conservative but a real LEADER.
Apparently, you didn’t care to see Trump’s amazing foreign policy speech at a Center for the National Interest in DC recently:
If you want to vote for Cruz, go ahead – but first, you might want to ask him for documentation proving his US citizenship:
IMO, no one with an ounce of integrity will vote for someone who is committing a great Fraud upon the People of every State, by soliciting donations to win an office he has zero lawful right to hold ab initio.
At one time, although I was not a fan, I accepted Cruze as a viable candidate. HIS CURRENT ANTICS AND CHOOSING A VP WITH LITTLE HOPE OF SUCCESS
Trump turned 1 mill into many billion. He knows first hand how corrupt the political elite are.
Yes he paid for favors, try being even a small business owner and u will experience the stench of corruption.Try to get a zoning change in a little SHITTY town without some influence. The middle pats the freight and the top and bottom get the spoils!!!!
Bill Bartus You Sir get it haveing had a small machine shop I know you to have sightened the frount of some folks Pay check and small businesses is Eat or be Eaten. Thank You Sir VOTE TRUMP
This clearly shows the difference between conservatives and socialists. Conservatives will not stand for unethical or downright illegal candidates and are showing their displeasure to anyone who practices such. The Dems on the other hand embrace criminal, unethical, and a complete phony like Clinton.
Trump is not a conservative. We don’t know what he is. Ted Cruz is the real deal. He may say something you don’t like but he does not lie. Why do many senators hate him? It’s because he fights them. The establishment just wants to get along and make deals with Obama and the democrats. Cruz has fought them and he will be a productive president if elected. Trump is a gamble. Cruz is the real deal. Do you want real change to undo the damage Obama has done or not?
Damon I bet you can’t Name one thing Lyin Ted has got passed other than Gas to get things Done takes a Deal Maker wake up VOTE TRUMP
The HELLER case in the Supreme Court.
You only asked for one.
Jim Mackeneven a blind Hog Will find a Accorn once or twice accident of course wake up Sir TRUMP IN 16 REMBER REGAN WENT THROUGH MUCH THE SAME AS TRUMP IN 16
Mr. Trump will have to deal with Congress/Senate if he is elected. So far he has no experience with these Legislative Bodies. Good luck, Trump.
Damon: You are so wrong about Trump not be a conservative. I think you need to revise your thinking on conservative. My guess is Donald Trump if elected as President would serve one term and then search for someone else to carry the baton in this save America Race. Trump is not a liberal at all!
Cruz wouldn’t do backroom deals? His whole campaign is a backroom deal. He could not win by the vote of the people so he decided to win by cancelling the votes of the people. Honest? I think not. Outsider? I think not. He has shown just how well he can use insider strategy to erase the people’s voice.
Cruz is a lyin say anything wanabe to get elected Trump 2016 not LYIIN TED the Loser
Cruz is the real deal if you consider the real deal to be a lying corrupt shyster lawyer who is owned by the corrupt establishment elite. Big Cruz lie – he calls himself an outsider, but he is a senator and you can’t get elected senator unless you are an insider and owned by the corrupt establishment.
Cruz doesn’t lie..ha ha ha ha What comic books you been reading ?? Lying Ted is done, fiinished, gone along with the skanky crooked wife of his !!! Even SHE admitted he was an immigrant in a speech the other day !!
Demon,the problem with Cruz is this: His wife – council on foreign relations. and also Goldman connection. That is a real problem. I was looking at Ted Cruz as a potential candidate some time ago, until I looked up the facts. – Add a few minor slimy moments – like when Ted’s staff – without his knowledge – said that Dr. Carson is going home – not just once , but 2x…and the glitter fell off his Peter Pan cape. No way Cruz.
No way Heidi Cruz. No way lying Ted !!!
If Ted was a Real Estate broker, and his staff did a fraudulent statement such as they did about Dr. Carson’ s campaign he would be called to the court of law, as a broker he would be liable for what his staff says and does. Too bad that it does not seem to work that way in politics.
America when are we going to realize a government that has so much power can do what they want to us. Donald Trump is giving us an opportunity; an opportunity that the political elite will never give us again if we do not take advantage of it now! Does our country have to be reduced to the level of the hunger games before we listen? They have already proven that they cared nothing about our opinions or choices! This is our only chance to have a bloodless revolution if we lose this country it will be our own fault. this is our chance. TRUMP 2016!
Trump lies and curses all the time. I’ve never heard such a trashy mouth running for anything. It is so discussing. Makes me sick.
Patrick–you’re so correct, Trump is our only hope to regain our country’s greatness.
I agree wholeheartedly with Rich T. and Bryon. Save our country and vote TRUMP. He truly wants to make America Great Again.
You left out the Republicans who seem to like what is happening to destroy the nation. For what purpose? There could be a number of reasons. Foremost it could be a prelude to convincing the population that the NWO can save them. If that is the case the major international corporations will control (hold ransom) to countries that refuse to accept one of their rules. After the NWO is established the same corporations and the elite wealthy will establish one world government. So, things may be worse than we may think.
Maybe NO other time!
People need to watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DUdn1-NUVI
Thanks, Referree-
Still lays it out concisely, and cites several authorities as to Cruz’s ineligibility. Well done!
I think that since trump and his followers are issuing death threats and lesser degrees of harm it is having an effect on the delegates.
They are staying quite, or giving mere mouth service to trump. This is to spare themselves pnhone calls to them and their friends & families as has been reported. These trump people are intimidating, threatening to even their loved ones.
So, during the convention they will vote. And not for the ones claiming to harm them. Or riot.
Who needs 3 months of grief? No, they will wait to have their say at the first, then second ballot.
Remember these are mostly grass root people. They do not rely on trump or the msm to deliver the facts. They go online, to the radio and other news besides fox and infowars etc.
For what you are asking neither of the front runners can deliver. You’re right, we need a strong leader to fix the mess: the only one who can prescribe the medicine needed to kill the decease that has infected our way of living by way of the liberal rule of “political correctness,” is Rick Santorum. Yes, he’s out of the running – or, is he? Perhaps the delegates will come to their senses when and if there’s a brokered convention. This man had the political foresight to predict the trouble with Iran, a decade before anyone else; pushed through the the federal Welfare Reform Bill; the mettle to take on the Supreme Court and actually caused them to rescind a decision; placed the family – once again where it belongs – at the center of our culture…and, is the only candidate to debate HC while both were in the Senate – and win!. “It’s the economy, stupid,” can be heard again as in 2012 and where did it take the RP? Where Clinton is most vulnerable is not her habitual lying, it’s social conservatism, the antitheses of the power grabbing rule of “political correctness.” The problem is many of the electorate who claim to be for “religious freedom,” “family,” “patriotism,” and against “abortion,” ” same sex marriage”…are lukewarm on these issues (how many times have you heard, “I am against abortion but….”). On the campaign trail, Santorum was showing the way how to beat Clinton and, through a straight-forward narrative, how to put to rest the liberal policies that are destroying our country. The republican establishment feared his straight talk almost as much as the democrats – and Clinton. He was, therefore, not allowed on the first “tier.” All media outlets, including individuals who supported him last (Glenn Beck….) gave up on him for the same reason the republican establishment did ; “…he’s too dangerous…” and, yet, he did take eleven state primaries in 2012. With hindsight one could say if he were the nominee – instead of Romney – and had the financial backing Romney had he might’ve…just might’ve taken on Obama (as he did Clinton) and win. On the basis of this, he was and is the only person who could rally the electorate to accept true conservative policies and take back the presidency and the country. As an Independent and citizen I am for drafting Rick Santorum – there really isn’t anyone else with the mettle and experience! e caused by the rule of “political correctness.” One who has PROVEN he has the mettle AND the experience to straighten every back
Sorry for incoherent sentence at end of my post.
AMEN to that; – only ONE of the five still seeking the nomination for President has not been in and/or a part of the political mess we are faced with!
The messes that has turned our government into a totally untrusted organization, that has destroyed the efforts and advances of years and years of improving social and interracial acceptances in this country, greater respect for law enforcement and our educational systems, affordability for the American Dream; Whether they have been or are currently in the federal government or state government the candidates have had an opportunity to fix, or make hard efforts to fix, the MAJOR problems this country faces. They FAILED. In most cases they did not even try!
Now they claim they have “the plan” to fix all that is wrong with Washington! They were in positions to make a difference BUT they failed us in the past, there is no reason to think they will do better if we “kick them upstairs.”
There can be NO JUSTIFICATION for rewarding failure – Hillary, Sanders, Cruz and Kasich have failed us. They had the opportunities to take personal action and efforts to bring the fight to their counterparts in Washington; they failed us, they failed America and on many cases, they failed the free world.
WE CAN NOT, SHOULD NOT, AND HOPEFULLY WILL NOT; send another looser to the White House!
Amen, if Trump can fight off all the Hundreds of Millions spent against him by these Washington Jackals, hopping fences to still get to the People when they send in the Paid Thugs,the Mexican Government and most of the rest of the World, CAN YOU IMAGINE THE FANTASTIC JOB TRUMP WILL DO AS PRESIDENT? Trumps insightful intelligence is nothing short of impressive!
Cruz is a immigrant. And a liar Even his wife admitted it.
Hillary is a crook and liar and has American blood on her hands
Kasich lies and has stolen from Ohio
Trump is the ONLY one that is FOR the people!!! Trump is an honest business man. An honest American that wants the BEST for America.
Trump 2016!!!!!
Yes, of course he needs his people to build his kingdom.
Alica your Canadate Ms Bengazie who never paid the same wage to a woman that a man got for the same work will surely save you. TRUMP IN 16 AMERICANS FOR TRUMP MEANS AMERICA FOR AMERICANS
You sound like something killary would say, trump don’t have to do this for us, but he’s tired of our vets getting screwed, and all the jobs leaving, and killary is not she wants to take off where Obama leaves off you must have so much money that you don’t care about they tax us, will I for one just live off of SS and it’s getting where I don’t have enough to eat, you want to come and look in my freezer??
Trump and the word honest are anethema to each other.
Go back to Canada TED!!!!
I don’t think Canada wants him.
Jana you are Spot on the Canadians were glad to be rid of LYIN TED VOTE TRUMP
Jana D-
I think you’re right. Cruz foolishly repudiated his Canadian citizenship before acquiring a US one – so let every potential Cruz voter FIRST ask Cruz to provide the documentation proving exactly when and where he got his US citizenship – and although his mother was at one time a US citizen, she gave that up to live in Canada years before Ted was born there…and she not only voted in Canadian elections(something ONLY Canadians can do), but she applied for and got an Alberta Health card, again, something ONLY a Canadian citizen can do.
Ted is not wanted back in Canada. He was deported. He is all yours now. Good luck with the phony idiot.
Send him to Mexico.
why not Cuba where he belongs Trump 2016
Why do you all hate so much…it is so sad. The name calling is pathetic. We deserve Cruz. Maybe he will teach us how to love instead of hate and call people names. How sad. God help us all.
Awake I Really like the way You Have with Words. God Bless You And GOD BLESS AMERICA WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP I LOVE THE RING OF THAT VOTE TRUMP
Like the way with words…then God bless. Those two don’t even go together. God is love. This name calling will kill us all. Stop the insanity and be nice. Show it. His dogging Cruz all the time is sick. Do you not know he is a human being just like you and trump. Trump should be an example and stop name calling and show some godly love.
I want trump…….. Ted turns more crybaby every week……..
We need a real honest man to lead the United States back where it used to be before Obama became president. We need to get our military back one hundred percent for our safety. We don’t need someone we can’t trust to be our leader (Clinton). I vote one hundred percent for Mr. Trump. I am 72 years old and a veteran and really love the United States Of America.
Obama isn’t the President. Has he proven that he is a naturalized citizen? NO Has he done anything that will help the people of the USA? NO Has he really done much of anything except flood America with radical Muslems wanting to kill Americans? NO but Hell NO. We need Trump to remove all the bad thing this terrorist has done to America and its people.
It’s about time that ALL American people are waking up to truly see what the GOP and RNC and Cruz has been up to. It’s past due, but NOT too late. Trump For President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know the rules going in if anybody’s the cheater it’s Donald Trump. And a major liar and dishonest businessman and what about equal time has anybody forgotten about that? No Ted Cruz will be on next president whether you like it or not and I’ve heard he’s taking delegates fairly by the rules and I can’t wait to the second ballot let them walk we don’t need them we will win against Hillary anyway
Cruz and his games are up….vote for him in your primary—but his name will not appear on anything other than the also ran list. Trump is running away with the nomination and its over for his haters except the crying part. Turd Cruz is done politically and we are thankful to get his lyin’ azz out of the running for once and for all.
I once supported Cruz until deluxe toilet paper (TPP, no disrespect to a perfectly legitimate product.) I once thought he’d be a good Supreme Court justice. No more. To quote the greatest modern President, I didn’t leave Cruz; he left me.
To David: This is another David. I disagree completely with your calling Trump a cheater. Right now a batch of liberal extremists are trying to Sabotage the Trump movement. Our National debt will soon make us slaves and take away retirements, pensions, and loot everything we have. Want a return to worthless Greenbacks? That time is just around the corner. Want Fiscal Martial Law? It is on the near horizon! Trump understands this. How much daring and foresight does it take to leave the comfort of your home and practically begin a crusade to save America? Trump is trying to save our great country. The other candidate that is NOT a cheater is Bernie Sanders. Those two speak without forked tongues. But offering free education, free this and free that is not very realistic. And printing worthless paper money sure won’t work for much longer. We need to ALL pull together and get this right, before we are all in a no win fight to the bitter end!
Why did Ted lock his records? Has he got something to hide like Obama did.???
Verna,please say this again…and ask this on all forums you attend.
This is so very important. Yes, what should people not see about Ted Cruz when he is supposed to be so pure ? Is it his connection with the DC Madam ? Or his Canadian citizenship – what is it ?
Hello this is Lyin Ted what can i give you today for your vote
I’m with David!
Hillary and trump could be on the same ticket:
Increase taxes
Ban guns
Amnesty. Yes, trump has always been and still is for amnesty.
Rid of 1st amendment.
Eminent domain to enrichen tax base and private business.
Big govt, not limiting its role to that of the constitution.
No change to social security or medicare to ensure its continuance.
Hillary and other dems, including boehner and McConnell were funded by donor and supporter as business as usual Washington DC.
Neither will change DC one bit.
The only conservative constitutionalist is Cruz.
Constitutional not liberal activist judges for SC.
10% individual flat tax, 16% for business.
Use constitution to limit govt to only what it is allowed to do.
Using laws on the books to stop illegal aliens and sanctuary cities.
Change social and medicare for the young, but leave benefits as they are now for the seniors and those close to retiring.
And ted does not praise rapists either, like trump did in the 1990’s. Or blaming the victim either, again like trump did.
You know the rules going in if anybody’s the cheater it’s Donald Trump.
Name some examples of Trump’s alleged “cheating.”
And a major liar and dishonest businessman and what about equal time has anybody forgotten about that?
Give some examples of your alleged “major liar” and “dishonest businessman” canards. What the hell do you mean about “equal time”?
No Ted Cruz will be on next president whether you like it or not
Um, no. Cruz can provide ZERO documentation that he’s even a US citizen AT ALL; the only documentation he HAS released are his Canadian birth certificate and his Canadian official paperwork acknowledging he’s renounced his Canadian citizenship. This ALONE proves he’s not eligible for the presidency, because you cannot be “natural born” in TWO countries simultaneously. So your assertion that Cruz will be “on next president whether you like it or not” is ROFL hilarious. (really? “on” next president”? What does that even MEAN?)
and I’ve heard he’s taking delegates fairly by the rules
Perhaps, perhaps not; i know that in States that DENIED the people thereof a voice in determining who THEY wanted to support on the Republican ticket, Cruz did ok. Where the People at large were able to freely vote, Cruz LOST by WIDE margins – hell, last Tuesday’s delegate votes, he came in THIRD! To loser Kasich, of all people! Dayum.
and I can’t wait to the second ballot let them walk we don’t need them
Trump is right around 300 delegates short of hitting the 1237 number; when Cruz Luze’s Indiana tomorrow, Trump won’t be stopped from reaching NXS of 1237.
we will win against Hillary anyway
Assuming H “I Liar” is still around at all; she could be under indictment by then, and tied up in court proceedings(which will hopefully stretch out beyond the date when traitor, con-man, and fraudster D’OweBama can pardon her sleazy behind).
Even IF H “I Liar” happens to “win” the Democratic nomination, everyone with half a brain will know how she did so – by repeatedly cheating at the polls and by working backroom deals with “superdelegates” to trump(pardon the expression) the will of fellow democrats voting for a MUCH more viable democratic candidate, Bernie Sanders. (even though i don’t personally like him, and believe he’s being “run” by Marxist handlers.)
Because of Trump’s unabashed support for American ideals, especially capitalism, the only democratic candidate that might have a legitimately honest chance of defeating him would be the Communist Sanders, because communism SOUNDS good to a lot of fools – at least, the ones who have not personally lived in a communist country.
“A communist is one who studies Marx, Lenin, Engels, and Stalin: an EX-communist is one who UNDERSTANDS Marx, Lenin, Engels, and Stalin.”
How do you know all this ? And why are Cruz’s records locked ? He is so pure, so what is there to hide ?
This Independent voter is leery of another career politician which is why I lean towards Trump.
Randy, I agree for sure..
It is about time we elect a businessman to run this Country as it should be, not a “cash cow” for crooked Politicians.
I have faith that TRUMP, will seek out advisers that will steer him in the right direction to get this Country “righted” again, and get rid of the “deadwood” (which is what the “elites” in BOTH parties are so terrified of)
Cliff I agree with you Sir I wish I could be as Elagent as you Sir with so Few True Words. TRUMP IN 16
Agree and respectfully stated! We as the American people need to voice our opinions BUT respectfully otherwise you look foolish! I will vote for Trump as he is not a politician but a man who knows business! He knows how America is loosing money and will fix the immigration issue for it to be a fair process. These are just a few of the issues that confront the person who becomes our next leader! You have to ask yourself why would such a wealthy man care as he does not want for anything except he wants to make America what it once was– Great!
Let’s at least back him in his plight because we most certainly cannot afford to have Hillary be president! We will be doomed! Thank you and God Bless!
Seek out the best? You’ve got to be kkidding!
He told a group of students to hire and keep less successful and less smart people around you.
And look at his campaign. That’s who he hires. As well as thugs and terrorist supporters.
You are blind.
Learn more about Ted Cruz by listening to Roger Stone on the 4/14/16 Caravan to Midnight web site. After learning about his history I would never support or vote for Ted Cruz. He isn’t what he presents himself to be.
Trump is the rino you hate. He is the elite supporter of the establishment you hate. He has hired illegals and supported the open borders politicians you hate. He supports big govt that you hate.
And he 100% supports (for decades,) socialized medicine that you hate.
He supports higher taxes that you hate.
He is lib, through and through.
I don’t see what is the draw of a bully, yelling, shouting, threatenin, non-qualified person like Trump? He only knows how to buy his way. Do you really think that North Korea, Russia, etc. will SELL OUT to Trump because he yells and threatens? Cruz is highly qualified, more than any candidate I have seen in my decades of voting. Even Reagan wasn’t as qualified to be President as Ted Cruz. Keep you unreal comments to yourselves. Remember millions of us knew what Obama would do …and he has…
Obama made a name for himself as the worst president of the U.S. ever.
Jerry I live in Georiga and Jimmy Carter is happy happy that mr Hussian got the last 7:5 years I’m a older guy I REMBER The mess Carter Made and send Lyin Ted To MEXICO VOTE TRUMP
I’m with David!
Hillary and trump could be on the same ticket:
Increase taxes
Ban guns
Amnesty. Yes, trump has always been and still is for amnesty.
Rid of 1st amendment.
Eminent domain to enrichen tax base and private business.
Big govt, not limiting its role to that of the constitution.
No change to social security or medicare to ensure its continuance.
Hillary and other dems, including boehner and McConnell were funded by donor and supporter as business as usual Washington DC.
Neither will change DC one bit.
The only conservative constitutionalist is Cruz.
Constitutional not liberal activist judges for SC.
10% individual flat tax, 16% for business.
Use constitution to limit govt to only what it is allowed to do.
Using laws on the books to stop illegal aliens and sanctuary cities.
Change social and medicare for the young, but leave benefits as they are now for the seniors and those close to retiring.
And ted does not praise rapists either, like trump did in the 1990’s. Or blaming the victim either, again like trump did.
Theresa brex:
~~ What is in Ted Cruz’s records that they are sealed ? Why are his records wide open for all to see – when he is so pure…
~ When did Ted become a US citizen, since his mother was a Canadian at the time of his birth ?
~ What was his involvement with the DC Madam ?
Those are the questions that millions of GOP voters are asking right now.
~ Do you know the answers to these questions, or you just getting paid to post propaganda ?
With the help of Ted Cruz! Just because Cruz is a constitutionist doesn’t negate the facts that he has lied and cheated to get ahead in this election process. Not very American is it? Also, he is not an American citizen by birth he is Canadian. He’s gone to great lengths to hide it
So you are willing to throw the future of self, family and children away for your belief in Dishonest Donald.
You all call Cruz lyin Ted. Yet you fail to see the total dishonesty of Trump the CHUMP as he continues fanning the moil of negative narratives. Depending on the uneducated in his unrelenting desire for power.
Ted Cruz’s mother give up her American citizenship when she married a man from Houston,Texas they moved to England and she divorced him in England and married an English subject had a child by but the child died around one year old and she divorced him and came back to the U.S. And Met Ted’s father and was married and children by another woman. They to Canada and started a company called R.D.Cruz & Assoc. Then along came little Teddy boy and there are Canadian records showing that Ted mother was Canadian Citizen, because voted in Canada. All this can be researched with a little bit of digging.
So you can make comments and that’s fine, but if my comment is different from yours I should keep it to myself. Grow up.
K time to wake up it was just a nitemare TRUMP TRUMP
You definition of a bully seems to have NO realty for what the media distortion is doing! Donald Trump knows only a loud voice is heard in a din of commotion. You need to listen a lot more carefully to what is said. We need a leader. We don’t have the luxury of having a quiet spoken person when Hillary has a media backing which seems Hell bent on leading us deeper in debt, deeper in trouble, and taking every persons pension and life savings to support the big banks and privileged few who do not need guns to protect themselves as they have Secret Service, men close by with auto weapons, and see themselves as the New World Order. If you think Donald Trump is a bully you have never had the KGB at your door, or a SWAT team ready to shoot you on sight, or been visited by the SS (Third Reich). Our media is trying to lead us into a situation that is a very long way from the USA we knew and loved in the past! Don’t like bullies? What about when the people come to take your house? What about when your family has to go to a refuge camp? The media is the real bully ere. Telling you what do do, who to vote for, and soon issuing you a cot and blankets to lie in while you can only long to your past memories.
He meant cling to your memories, the USA media seems to want us oppressed and in shackles. Trump has great ideas. They are being degraded for the lack of foresight!
K, Heidenfelder-
Cruz is highly qualified, more than any candidate I have seen in my decades of voting.
Cruz is Canadian, so you’re right; he’s “highly qualified” for any office IN CANADA!
Right now, he’s perpetrating a Fraud, because he KNOWS he’s ineligible to be president, yet is soliciting donations AS IF he could lawfully take and hold the office of the president of the United States. He should be immediately ARRESTED, tried, convicted, and ordered to repay every penny he collected during the operation of the Fraud, PLUS INTEREST, and disgracefully retire to another country and/or apply to be a naturalized citizen of the US, on a par(legally) with Arnold Schwarzeneggar…who is also barred from running for the presidency, btw.
No, Cruz is destined to be just another criminal tossed on the slag-heap of history…especially after D’OweBama leaves office.
It would be great if Trump becomes the next President of the United States. But even greater than him becoming president, would be for the American people to know the TRUTH about the FEDERAL INCOME TAX which has NEVER been owed by them!!!!
The economy would get the biggest boost of all time IF the American people would just STOP paying this tax which can ONLY BE PAID LAWFULLY BY FEDERAL WORKERS under current law of 26 U.S.C.
You’re partially correct; Federal workers all must pay federal income tax.
However, anyone who engages in a “privileged” activity – e.g. stock market, commodity market, rental income from property, etc. – ARE liable, because they have been involved in activities which fall under the definition of an “excise” tax.
The vast majority of Americans have never owed a federal income tax, yet they pay it anyway, out of fear of the collection agency for the internationalist banksters who own the Federal Reserve Board banks – the IRS, which is incorporated in Puerto Rico, iirc, and according to Reagan’s Grace Commission report, doesn’t turn over a DIME of what is collected in tax for ANY government product or service; ALL of it, EVERY PENNY, goes to “pay” JUST the interest on the national debt.
Here’s the exact quote:
“100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt … all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government.”
– Grace Commission Report, submitted to President Ronald Reagan on January 15, 1984
Lately, though, courts REFUSE TO ALLOW defendants to show juries SCOTUS decisions which are completely exculpatory, a travesty of justice; in fact, i’m aware of a relatively recent case in which a judge ordered a defendant to RECANT her testimony, and when she refused, JAILED HER on contempt of court charges – this “decision” was appealed, and LOST ON APPEAL, too, thus confirming the utter depravity and extinction of any vestiges of true justice in America. So much for freedom of speech or conscience, right? It now appears clear that if you hold a sincere belief that you can prove is correct(were you allowed to) judges can order you to CHANGE that belief or go to jail.
Wotta racket.
IMO, these “judges” should face criminal charges themselves, and serve appropriate time after being stripped of their judgeships and required to forfeit all benefits whatsoever.
You won’t hear about this in CCMSM; hell, you won’t hear a peep about the income tax except that you owe it and better pay it!
Dozens of former IRS agents have quit the IRS after being unable to find any law, statute, or regulation that specifically requires most Americans to pay the Federal Income tax too. Sherry Jackson and Joe Banister come to mind immediately.
What is amazing is that the “money printing press” trigger happy Federal Reserve collects INTEREST on the money it so happily prints , and LENDS to the US government. Now that is something the Main Stream Media forgets to report on every time.
Here’s how i’ve learned that the scheme/scam works:
The FRB calls up the US Treasury, and requests that they print up x number of 1’s, 5’s, 10’s, 20’s, 50’s and 100’s. It “costs” the FRB a bit more than 2c each to have them printed(but since they “pay” in the notes they created out of thin air, no loss for them). These debt-notes are then lent to the Federal government in exchange for their promise to use the taxing power to repay the FACE VALUE of each note in circulation PLUS interest.
This would be like me lending you the only apple on earth, on the promise that you’ll repay an apple and a half at some point in the future; can’t be done.
Oh, and if you want to buy stock in the Federal Reserve system, leave your debt-notes behind, and bring tangible assets(gold, silver, jewels, crude oil, etc.), because they know that debt-notes are a fraud.
This nation has been suffering under “Keynesian” economic theories since 1913, and here’s what Keynes himself had to say about his scheme:
“If, however, a government refrains from regulations(taxes, fees, etc., my note) and allows matters to take their course, essential commodities soon attain a level of price out of the reach of all but the rich, the worthlessness of the money becomes apparent, and the fraud upon the public can be concealed no longer.”
— John Maynard Keynes(1883-1946) British economist
Source: The Economic Consequences of the Peace, 1920, page 240
It’s about time the delegates get on board with the only true viable candidate. Donald J Trump 2016
Right on Denise!!
Donald Trump is a patriot. The rest are money grubbing career politicians with their snouts in the public trough.
America needs patriots. America does NOT need money grubbing career politicians.
It’s Trump all the way. Trump is the only candidate I & many friends & family, will vote for. The GOP may just as well hand the presidency to Hillary if Trump doesn’t get the nomination, period! I will, however, exercise my duty to vote in the presidential primary in November. I will simply write in Donald Trump….all over the ballot in big red permanent ink.
Trump 4 president I want my America back
LYING TED YOU AND YOUR NEW MISTRESS #6 CARLY SHOULD LEAVE and go home together now and Heidi will leave you and go back to goldman sachs !! we all know about your wife finding out you are sleeping with carly and they went at it and Carly said to Heidi i thought you were ok with that he came on to me and you know i am the fist one he has cheated with AND AMERICA DOE NOT WANT YOU EITHER AND SHE WILL DIVORCE YOU IH YOU DO NOT GET THE WHITE HOUSE SHE WANTS AND YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET IT MOVE ON LYING TED
Stop the insanity. If you don’t want him to be president vote for someone else but don’t trash him. He’s a person just like you. Show some respect for man kind. Is this the way you want people to treat you? Think about what your saying or tying before you do it. Pray about it…how would Jesus treat him? Have you no feelings for others? Like spitting in the face of your brother.
Butch, when is the National Inquirer going to break this soap opera to tens of millions of Americans ?
Of course, the way he touches Carly is a dead give away.
Cruz is to much of a shyster – Sorry I don’t trust him at all !
Neither does his wife who filed twice for divorce for infidelity……
Check out Still Report 823 for the truth about Ted Cruz
Time to play TRUMP…..It’s TRUMP or Muslims…always a lot of crime when the Dems are in office.
At the bottom of this story there was a pole for who will win! Trump or Hillary. All I can say is who will lose if either of these two clowns are elected.
And that my friends will be the people of this Nation first, and the rest of the free world second.
Jim D wake up Sir and Smell the Coffey that Lyin Ted has served you oh that smell ain’t Coffey I hope you take a look at Lyin Ted if you do I know you will Vote DONALD J TRUMP IN 16
Your comment seems to be contradictive for several reasons, most of which just came into light over the weekend.
Ask yourself, doesn’t it seem odd that allot of the republicans who have been hated and called self-serving A-holes, seen as being the problem in Washington, have now turned their support to Trump.
Who is in bed with the politicians NOW! This is the question that should be being asked by all of the electorate, no matter who they support. If you are truly upset with the way Washington is working wouldn’t it seem that someone who is standing against it and found not to be in favor with the establishment; would be the likely choice to a rational person. The problem I see is most supporters of Trump are irrational and seem to be off their meds at the moment
Amen to that, Jim D. – Donald the Magnificent is a shill for Hillary. They are both East Coast Liberals with an agenda and it ain’t pretty. It’s pathetic that we have no better alternative. So sad! I can’t think of a safe, sane emigration destination.
I never could stand to watch Ted Cruz with his holier than thou attitude. He’s a little to sneaky for my taste. Trump is rough around the edges but I think he’s in this for a better America.
We the people are fed up with the lies and deceit of the greedy politicians who think more of themselves than the people they represent. They are a group of self-righteous individuals who capitalize on every opportunity to benefit themselves. Our voice is being heard loud and clear. Politicians, you will mistreat us no more. We will elect a person who is not a politician and cannot be bought. One who is on a mission to take this country back and restore the greatness that it once had. We will elect a one Donald J. Trump. And so it shall be.
Your comment seems to be contradictive for several reasons, most of which just came into light over the weekend.
Ask yourself, doesn’t it seem odd that allot of the republicans who have been hated and called self-serving A-holes, seen as being the problem in Washington, have now turned their support to Trump.
Who is in bed with the establishment politicians NOW? This is the question that should be asked by all of the electorate, no matter who they support. If you are truly upset with the way Washington is working wouldn’t it seem that someone who is standing against it and found not to be in favor with the establishment; would be the likely choice to a rational person. The problem I see is most supporters of Trump are irrational and seem to be off their meds at the moment!
Jim, I think a lot of people are starting to support Trump now because it looks like he might be the nominee. They want to support him now because they certainly don’t want him as an enemy if he were to become president.
This was on the inside cover of a book I’m reading entitled Term Limits by the late Vince Flynn. It seems appropriate to quote in this volatile political atmosphere.
. . .Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government…it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.
— Thomas Jefferson —
The Declaration of Independence
Wonderful words that most Americans have never studied, nor are aware of their existence.
Lets hope you are inspiring others to follow your lead and learn some history, the see how this country became the light of freedom to the rest of the world.
Jim D-
As brilliant and insightful as the DoI has always been and remains today, it is, unfortunately, not law.
i downloaded a copy many years ago, and read it often; i have cited the passage that Joanne cites on multiple occasions myself, in various debates – and i often draw attention to the long list of complaints Americans had about King George, and ask the reader to substitute the words “US Government” for King George to get a clear picture of where we are today.
i’m also particularly fond of the following passage in it:
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
This is why i often promote the cure of routinely arresting, trying, and convicting officeholders for Oath-breaking; after all, if judges have a right to arrest, try, and convict liars in their courtrooms, Americans have a right to use that Oath to hold their Public SERVANTS and public EMPLOYEES to account, as well – and for the same exact reason: lying under oath.
If Americans cannot receive Justice this way, the only other choice will be to resort to arms, which was the purpose of the Second Amendment, without which the First Amendment cannot be enforced…especially against Oath-breaking Criminals and their police and police-type agents.
It is also a GREAT way to terminate Public Employees PRIOR to the expiry of their terms of office, too…that is, to arrest, try, and convict them, not shoot them. Who needs a recall vote? Just have them prosecuted and removed from office upon conviction, that’s all.
But it is my opinion that unless and until officeholders are as routinely prosecuted as are perjurers, Americans stand ZERO chance of regaining control over their government agents.
I wonder where this crap is originating
It isn’t from the delegates…
Cruz needs to get out now and support Trump. He is a young guy and has plenty of time left for him. His fighting will hunt him down the road. He will face Rubio in future again. But this is not his time. The timing is everything. I hope someone would convince him. Would he listen ? Stubborn TED. ! ?
Observation performance 112th. and 113th. Congressional Delegation. Name one member who challenged Barack H. Obama, II lack of eligibility under Article II; “shall be a natural born citizen.” Article II has never ever been amended. Only by the amendment process can Congress, the Supreme Court, the Main Stream Media the DC Beltway power Brokers totally ignore one of our Constitutions most significant eligibility requirement to stand as a candidate for president. A persons true character is defined by their ACTS. The ineligible Obama stands exposed by his apology tour, his refusal to define the worlds leading threat to world peace is factually “radical Muslim terrorist”, his constant drum beat to close Gitmo, his rewarding Iran with a path to nuclear bombs, his disrespect for our friend Israel, his protecting Hillary Clinton for her Benghazi disaster stark MURDER of Ambassador Chris Stevens by Obama’s undefined radical Muslim terrorist, his complete abandonment of the middle east battle field leaving superior US armaments behind which actually armed the radical Muslim terrorist, his anti secure our border and refusal to immediately shut down sanctuary cities the list of his “dereliction of duty” is endless. History will soon teach that this ineligible acts were by design; not ineptness. The legacy of the ineligible Obama will soon demonstrate to one and all the fallacy warned about by John Jay who became our nations first Supreme Court Justice in his letter to George Washington; “the Command in Chief must be protected from the possibility of foreign influence” ; this foreign influence can be identified by Obama himself in his own words found in his book “Dreams from my Father” as it turns out was a foreign citizen with deep socialist beliefs. lee1233
I believe treason is the word but fear of being called racists is affecting people. No excuse but a reason
There are likely many reasons why D’OweBama was not confronted over the “natural born” issue. First, the Constitution does not define the phrase, although it’s meaning was commonly understood by all those at the debates for the Ratification of the Constitution; to remedy that situation, and mindful of their posterity, the First Congress in their Second Session defined “natural born” almost the same way that Emmerich de Vattel, the Frenchman, had defined it roughly 30 years prior, in his great work “The Law of Nations.” That definition said that “natural born” status is conveyed ONLY when both parents are Citizens at the moment of the child’s birth, with exceptions for those born prior to the Revolution. In addition, that Congress made law (that’s what Congress does, ya know) that it didn’t even matter what Country the child was born in, either – just as long as both parents were US Citizens, that child was natural born, and eligible for the presidency.
In fact, the first Chief Justice of SCOTUS, John Jay, was considered to be the American expert on the Law of Nations, and it was at his suggestion that this presidential qualification was included in the Constitution’s Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 in the first place. There have been multiple SCOTUS rulings which confirmed and RE-confirmed the “2 citizen-parents required for natural born” status subsequently, as well, starting with one called The Venus.
Although i have heard it asserted on some of these pages at The Horn that the words “natural born” were re-defined in some “Immigration and Nationality” Act, during McCain’s run for the presidency, the 110th Senate issued S511, which CITED THE FIRST CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION’s definition when approving the Panama-born McCain for the presidency – which indicates to me that THEY certainly thought the original definition still applicable!
Second, they were likely scared of opposing the First Black American President, and what that would have done to race-relations and/or the likely riots that would ensue, both physically and in the Media, which would’ve have fried and roasted any CongressCretin man enough to stand forth.
“In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man: brave, hated, and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”
— Samuel Clemens, author writing under the pen name “Mark Twain”
i also like what ol’ Sam had to say about being a patriot in general terms, too:
“The first duty of a patriot is to protect his country from the government.”
I got the FEELING, You can just feel it and see it Donald Trump will be the next President of the United Stated of America. Finally a great man for the President
As a Bible believing Christian I can say that my heart is not troubles for God is working out all things for His glory. Amazing the Trumpists are willing to take him to prevent Hillary. Industrialists and Evangelicals lined up behind Hitler to do away with Communism. Hitler was a Socialist which puts in his political family tree Obama, Clinton Sanders, Jimmy Carter, and others. In the 30s and first half of the 40s it didn’t work well for either group. For a Democracy to work an informed electorate is needed and we do not have one by and for the large part.
For the evangelicals. They are about 5 miles wide and a quarter inch deep because as Falwell junior lines up behind Trump he is not looking through a Biblical prism. Donald Trump is not a Christian and proves that when opens his mouth and says that he has never done anything wrong whereby he needed to ask God’s forgiveness. He just called God a liar according to I John I:8. Also, his egomania will bring about his ruin. The Bible says over and over that God is opposed to the proud. God also says that He will judge the proud. Moreover, Donald is unable to handle a marriage. Divorce is a sin and the Bible says God hates it. Donald needs to take an lesson from Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4. He lifted up arrogantly his heart and was literally put out to pasture for 7 long years living like an animal until he repented and declared that the God in Heaven deserves glory. When he did that he was restored to his throne and ruled humbly and righteously from then on. Trump needs to be careful the way he treats Ted though because some of the things he is saying are lies and it is breaking the 9th commandment.
As for Hillary, her sins are being charged to her account as well. She too professes her faith but has put herself above God’s laws. She also has covered up sins and has an evil wicked heart. It is a heart that is full of double standards and proves that above all “The heart is deceitful above all else and is desperately wicked. Who can Know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9) She also needs to repent or she and Donald Trump will end up at the same place.
Cruz unfortunately has gotten himself tangled in a mess he never should have and I am sorry about that. I was hoping for Cruz. Cruz will look back on this and learn. He was right to call McConnell a liar out in the open. He was right for shutting down Washington. He is not right for attacking Trump and getting sidetracked. He needed to focus on issues. I think his time has come and he needs to give up the ship.
As for Bernie, he is a socialist and the fact that people in this country support him tells me all I need to know about 20and 30 somethiings. Stupid and and not wanting to get any smarter, they are going to find that willful ignorance in the Bible is 100%incurable.
Kasich to me is a a very selfish and self-serving man. He will get what comes. A man of faith perhaps but acting foolishly.
All I can finally say is that whenever people die, they better be on the right side of Jesus Christ or they will perish eternally to the Lake of Fire. And the reason hell is ongoing is that sin is ongoing. Through Christ and his work on Calvary can man be rightly related to God.
Reverend you are correct God does punish sinners. But you do not support anyone for President. what do you really stand for.
Well, Cruz is who I would be supporting as he has done what he promised. The real problem is the fact that I am not sure that elections matter because the Republicans do not do what they promise. They have these pretend floor fights and then go play basketball and have extravagent parties with their so called political opponents. To me, they are lower life forms than Democrats. Democrats are not moving off their vision while it is evil as all get out.
Republicans are moral cowards in the vane of Hermann Goering, the number 2 Nazi. He, at any time was more popular than other Nazi leaders, was a brave man and a true war hero, didn’t really precsribe to the Jewish genocide but wanted a life of luxury. He could have stopped Hitler and would have been an effective leader. He was nobody’s fool but in the end he was a big fool because he said that he was a Christian but couldn’t accept the teachings of Christ.
On the other hand Wilhelm Keitel cried when he read the Bible and said he was blown away by the fact that Christ could die for sinner like himself. He prayed on his knees and went through Bible studies with the chaplain and righted himself with God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Pretty amazing considering he signed the Night and Fog decree.
As for the Republicans and Democrats, Jesus said it best when a cruel harsh Pilate was mingling sacrifices in blood in a total and disgusting affront to God. When Jews brought this to Jesus, The Lord simply answered and said to them, unless you repent, you will end up like him. (Luke 13). In other words you better make sure you are born-again and repent before you die or else face eternal damnation at the hands of a holy and righteous God.
Cruz is a fraud, a natural born Canadian citizen when Canadian law FORBADE the holding of dual citizenship.
He’s also a known philanderer and likely whoremonger, thus giving the lie to his pretense at being “christian.” He’s a hypocrite, and the worst kind, one who preys on those who are believers in order to betray them.
You have been deceived. If you honor the Truth – and God IS the Truth – then you should watch this video and learn your lesson:
Reverend, do you happen to know WHY are records of Ted Cruz sealed ? What is in them that the American people should not see ?
Hillary said on a local network. We must stop Trump and not let him destroy Obama’s Legacy??.
Insecure people who lie usually have sweaty palms that are wet and clammy when you shake their hand. I will bet Ted’s hands are sweaty
Too bad the SuperDemos don’t feel the same way. I’m afraid Trump is the only candidate Killary can beat, and she’s got too many supers committed to her regardless of the popular vote.
We need a person that thinks America First. Not liberal or conservative first because some ideas are good for America and consistent with the idea of govt for the people even if they are liberal or conservative. We have had a govt for the lobbyists by elected officials funded by bankers/establishment for too long now. IMO the primary system now used to seize a nomination is a system designed to enable the super rich to control the nominations. It must cost millions of dollars for a candidate to campaign in so many places over such a long period of time. Plus the press sits in judgement of what the GOP says, coming up with creative ways to “profile” the candidates as bullies, dispatch protesters, or whatever for those that are a threat to the well established establishment. Plus they appear on TV with trailers from time to time to keep voters .”informed” about the wondrous deeds (but not the debt) they are engaged in for the people. But they just don’t say which group of people will benefit from the flow of patronage out of the Horn of Plenty. DC is much like a castle where our royalty lives with a moat of money to keep out the undesirables, the infidels. Their attitude is “We are divine” an led by one who is the messiah, or caliphate and thus can say. I am divine. To quote Caesar or the emperor of Japan during WWII. It takes your breath away to realize we now have a president who thinks he is divine. Hell, oops hiel, oops hail to the chief.??
No brokered convention!
No contested republican convention!!
Laying Cruz urges Indiana voters ‘Not Give Into the Evil’ – He is the Evil. He has no honesty.
Indiana you are smart not to give him your vote. He was very good at steeling the delegates in some states by taking peoples’ right to vote.
Cruz said that he talked only a few words w/Boehner = BIG LAY
Cruz was Boehner’s lawyer in 90’ sometime (Seattle News reported after Cruz said he nearly knows B)
The politicians are the enemy of the people.
Lets face it. Government is a political operation but the owners of the fed res system have been operating it is a branch bank, or an investment for 100 years+. It generates great cash flow for them, called interest on the National Debt. I read a quote several years ago there are the 3 Gs. God, Government and gold. And whomever controls the gold controls the other two. A govt employee, probably a civil service person, made the quote.
While you’re probably right about whomever controls gold controls the government, i believe you’re in error as regards possessors of gold controlling God. The Maker is never controlled by what is Made.
I am a marine Vietnam veteran. Everything that Donald Trump stands for is what made this country great years ago. Our country is not doing so well & we need to change our direction. Donald Trump speaks from the heart & that is what we need. Lets make America Great Again. Jim Taylor
What he says may not be what he does. Cruz is the constitutionalist. He studied it in high school and went around teaching it.
If Trump wins the delegates, he should receive the nomination. If Cruz was to try to contest it, it would make me wonder what kind of president he would be–dishonest, self-serving? I voted for Cruz in the primary, but I am beginning to think Trump is the better person to lead this country. I really like the fact that he can’t be bought. We need an outsider who isn’t “owned” by Wall Street or others. While there are many things about Trump I don’t like, I think he’s a decent human being who can’t be persuaded to “behave” according to rules set by the liberals. I’m tired of Washington not representing how I feel. Trump supports Israel, from all I can tell. I think I trust him more than Cruz. I will be carefully watching the convention to see what happens.
Someone commented that Obamas 2 girls are natural born US citizens..There is no available birth certificate for either girl.on the Internet. They were supposedly born in a house on the East Coast by a friend of Michelles….. To the Reverend..the Bible also says “not to judge”.
I ‘m for Trump,, but besides being his comical shows..I have not heard much from him about our country We, the American people, should demand more fact..less show from him.
turd cruz is a damned Canadian and is NOT a natural born U.S. citizen. He is Constitutionally INELIGIBLE TO BE POTUS, V-POTUS or even the senator he is!!!!! He should be run back to Canada on the next rail!!! He’s disgusting and despicable. Anyone who thinks cruz is a conservative is stupid and ill informed. And anyone who would waste a vote on him is more stupid and more ill informed.
We will see in the next four years how all you Trump /Hillary voters are enjoying the results of your votes because they are cut from the same cloth. Trump is big on promises and hasn’t a clue on details. I have family in Europe and with Obummer we are the laughing stock of the world and with Trump they see him as a bullying thug who gets his way with threats and payoffs.If he thinks that the health care system works just fine in Scotland he obviously has never needed it there ,as I have ,and it is worse than this country as ever seen. Hope you don’t need surgery ,other than emergencies, as you can wait for months only to be seen by some doctor who couldn’t care less about you as he is being paid by the government.
So congratulate yourselves on defeating a man who would have made a great president. Thank you Ted Cruz for a gallant fight .Your time is not yet , but when the country sees what a travesty they have made with Trump maybe they will come to their senses before it is too late.
Is there a part of “Cruz is not a US citizen” that you do not understand?
Due to the circumstances of his birth, he – exactly like Rubio, almost – is not now, nor will EVER BE “natural born,” ergo the both of them are FOREVER BARRED from the office of the presidency under the “natural born” REQUIREMENT(not a “suggestion,” either, but Supreme Law of the Land).