Is this the end of Republican Ted Cruz’s presidential run? Tonight, Cruz faces a high-stakes test for his slumping presidential campaign in Tuesday’s Indiana primary, one of the last opportunities for the Texas senator to halt Donald Trump’s stunning march toward the GOP nomination.
If he fails again, political analysts say, he’s toast.
Cruz has spent the past week camped out in Indiana, securing the support of the state’s governor and announcing retired technology executive Carly Fiorina as his running mate. Yet his aides were pessimistic heading into Tuesday’s voting and were prepared for Cruz to fall short, though the senator vowed to stay in the race, regardless of the results.
“I am in for the distance, as long as we have a viable path to victory,” Cruz told reporters on Monday during a campaign stop.
Trump devoted more time to campaigning in Indiana than he has to most other states, underscoring his eagerness to put his Republican rival away and shift his attention toward Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. While Trump cannot clinch the nomination with a big win in Indiana, his path would get easier and he would have more room for error in the campaign’s final contests.
“Indiana is very important, because if I win that’s the end of it. It would be over,” Trump said during a lunch stop Monday in Indianapolis.
Republican leaders spent months dismissing Trump as little more than an entertainer who would fade once voting started. But Republican primary voters have stuck with the billionaire businessman, handing him victories in every region of the country, including a string of six straight wins on the East Coast.
Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders also faced off in Indiana’s Democratic primary on Tuesday, though the stakes were lower than in the Republican race. Clinton holds a commanding lead over Sanders — she’s secured 91 percent of the delegates she needs to win the nomination. That means she can still win the nomination even if she loses every remaining contest.
Sanders has conceded that he faces a difficult path to overtake Clinton, one that hinges on convincing superdelegates to back him over the former secretary of state. Superdelegates are Democratic Party insiders who can support the candidate of their choice, regardless of how their states vote. And they favor Clinton by a nearly 18-1 margin.
Neither Clinton nor Sanders planned to spend Tuesday in Indiana. Sanders was making stops in Kentucky, which holds a primary in mid-May, while Clinton moved on to Ohio, a key general election battleground.
Clinton’s team has started deploying staff to states that will be crucial in November and is also raising money for the fall campaign. Even as Trump hires more staff to round out his slim team, he already lags far behind Clinton in general election preparations.
A showdown between Clinton and Trump would pit one of Democrats’ most popular and highly-regarded figures against a first-time political candidate who is deeply divisive within his own party. Cruz and other Republicans have argued that Trump would be roundly defeated in the general election, denying their party the White House for a third straight term.
But Trump is the only Republican left in the race who can secure the 1,237 delegates needed for the nomination through regular primary voting. Cruz — as well as Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who trails significantly in the delegate count — must try to block Trump in Indiana and the handful of other remaining states to push the race toward a contested convention.
In an abrupt strategy shift, Cruz and Kasich announced an alliance of sorts in Indiana. The Ohio governor agreed to stop spending money in Indiana to give Cruz a chance to compete head-to-head with Trump. Cruz has pledged to do the same for Kasich in Oregon and New Mexico, which vote in the coming weeks.
But that strategy, which appeared to unravel even as it was announced, may have backfired. A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll found that nearly 6 in 10 Indiana primary voters disapproved of the Cruz-Kasich alliance.
“After they made the alliance, their numbers tanked,” Trump said Monday. “That’s what happens when politicians make deals.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
I would love to see Cruz defeated. After all he is a foreigner trying to be commander-in-chief of USA army. And you morons TPs and Repubs allowed him to come this far. The guy is still young he may run again if you do not sue to stop him. He is a Canadian-Cuban faking to be born in this Big USA. I do not like when he bashes our president’s for his accomplishments. No doubt John Boehner calls Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh.” You remember when he caused government shut down -two people died and many resorts and restaurants went bankrupt.
Masanja–I do not like Cruz either. He had double citizenship { Canada & U.S. }, and he didn’t become a Fully U.S. citizen until 2014. My question to you is what accomplishments has Obummer done according to you. From the way i see it, Obama has only accomplished one thing and that is very debatable, is when they said Osama Bin Laden was killed. The reason i say debatable, is because they NEVER showed his dead body like they did Saddam Hussein .
That’s easy Jim , He’s …. and he’s …. then he’s …. Ok, so he’s never accomplished anything positive for the country. But he will when he leaves office, unless he needs to be forced out.
Obama should be throne out of the white house. I hate Obama, worst president ever in our history, thinks he is so great. All I will say to Obama, don’t let the door hit you in the ass, chump!
Right on, Johnnie. Well, said. But you left out the, ‘and the key locks you in!’ part.
All bad, nothing good from Obama!
After Trump POTUS, and a SCALIA-LIKE SCOTUS appointment, our next election cycle the people must rid ourselves of the Cruz’s and Rubio’s in Congress, along with the Reid’s and Pelosi’s
You people are very mixed up,I only you never feel the crap that is coming your way TED WAS THERE TO HELP YOU NOT HURT YOU,the man is as honest as the day is long.HE LOST BECAUSE people like you never would listen,he did every thing he was elected to do,and the big money people didn’t want him to win so as the saying go THE WON AGAIN.I pray you never will leave to regret your bad mouthing a good guy
Usama bin Laden died of kidney failure in a Saudi Hospital on December 15, 2001. Everything the phony occupying our
White House says is more of the same gigantic lie that he and his male wife have created with Israel’s and Rothschild’s Khazarian Jew Mafia and Media help.
Tomas, you are the only person to imply Michelle is a “man”. I have heard this but you are the first to actually post it. God bless you for your spunk.
Laura, forensic doctors posted this a few years back. As usual, the brain dead
could not understand them. Lke the photo of he/she in a tight dress and looks like a bo*ner.
When you come to think of Michelle’s body features like shoulders and fingers, they are much like a mans.
Obama in speeches has actually said Michael and I before catching himself. Interesting. I never referred to my wife with a male name, but then again she actually is a real woman.
I have heard it on MANY sites!!!
Right On!!
So refreshing to read the truth once in awhile Thomas. Thank you.
obama legacy is going to be the worst president this once great country has ever had. i always thought jimmy carter held that honor then along comes obama. a man who loved the poor so much that he created millions more. obama the worst, clinton belongs in prison and $15.00 an hour sanders is a joke.. how any body can believe clinton either doesn’t care or not smart enough to figure her out. she is a democrat and that is the only thing they care about as they now they will still get all the gov’t freebies. this person (i can’t hardly spell or say her name with out gagging) and her husband willie are a shame on this country!!
Obummer is the worst president this country has ever had. He came into politics with an agenda to destroy, has not accomplished anything other than kicking this country to the curb (exactly his plan). A vote for Hitlery will continue this destructive agenda and will be Obummer’s 3rd term. Wise up everyone. Take of the blinders! Trump may not be your choice, but he’s prevailed, cannot be bought, is fed up with what this country’s become so if you want a different direction for your country, let your vote go to Trump. He might just be the last hope for this country. You may not agree with what he says or how he says it, but he is not poisoned by parties looking for a puppet they can control. Rince, RNC and the entire GOP, stop your game playing, stand behind Trump, the clear front runner and pave the way to victory. Enough with your games already!
I cannot imagine anyone who is demented enough to vote for lying Ted or Kasich for President after they have proven their only ambition is to have power not the American people or the Country. If you are gonna vote for one of them why nor vote for hillary or bernine it’s equally anti-American.
Please give examples-not Trump talking points- when Cruz has lied. He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014, but was already an American citizen. He did t “become” an American 2014.
Give examples of how Cruz has been un-American.
He didn’t lie about Carson dropping out of the race, his staff simply reported what CNN had broadcast.
He didn’t disenfranchise voters in Colorado. It was a caucus which elected delegates to represent the voters. It was decided over a year ago to do so and it is done that way in 7 other states
Cruz is a nationalized citizen, totally opposite of Constitutional requirements for the office. Natural Born Citizen= the child of two (2), MOTHER AND FATHER, citizen parents!! That’s TWO not ONE citizen parent. He absolutely is a US citizen, but NOT a “Natural Born” citizen….as it is quite clearly stated in the article II of the constitution.
Please give examples-not Trump talking points- when Cruz has lied.
They are legion, starting with the fact that he has hidden his US citizenship information. His mother RENOUNCED US Citizenship to become a Canadian in 1968, nearly 3 years before Ted was born. She also voted in Canadian elections, which only Canadian citizens can do; in addition to that, she signed up for their healthcare system and got their social insurance, too. He and his campaign lied about Carson being out of the race, and his people PLANTED the CNN story that CNN dutifully reported on. If Cruz did nothing wrong, why did he apologize to Carson, #1, and #2, why didn’t he give the delegates he stole back? If you want more detailed info, just google “Cruz lies” and prepare yourself for an ear/eyeful. He claims he’s a “christian,” too, but is fully on-board with the NWO/OWG plans of the antichrist, as exemplified by the entire Bush family, as well as the corporate officers of Goldman-Sachs, where Ted’s wife works. It’s likely that he’s a philanderer and whoremonger, and is lying about that, too – or at least, choosing his words VERY carefully; when the Enquirer printed a story about Cruz’s 5 mistresses, he refused to categorically deny that he’d ever cheated on his wife, right?
He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014, but was already an American citizen
Prove it. Canadian law FORBADE dual citizenship between 1947 and 1977. His birth certificate says he was born in Canada, and both his mom and dad were naturalized Canadian Citizens at the time. That makes him a CANADIAN. Show me how he became a “natural born” citizen of the United States – for it is impossible for any human being to be a natural-born citizen of more than one country simultaneously. He’s commiting a great FRAUD upon the American people by soliciting donations for his campaign while he KNOWS he does NOT meet the Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 REQUIREMENT for serving Constitutionally…and upon conviction, should be a) required to refund every penny PLUS interest, and b) as part of his plea deal, be required to publicly apologize in a nationwide-broadcast ad to every one he cheated and swindled by deceiving them.
Cruz will not release his US citizenship proofs; why is that, do you think?
He did t “become” an American 2014.
When did he do so? Via his mother, who RENOUNCED her US citizenship BEFORE HE WAS BORN?
Give examples of how Cruz has been un-American.
What is this? Some test you’re trying to give students?
But the simplest and most straightforward answer is that he repeatedly lied to become a US Senator, and was a CANADIAN while in the office.
He didn’t lie about Carson dropping out of the race, his staff simply reported what CNN had broadcast.
Nonsense. His “staff” planted the story in the first place. Are you saying that Cruz has no control over what his staff does, and he’s not responsible for their doings? If so, he’s demonstrably incompetent to lead a flock of sheep.
He didn’t disenfranchise voters in Colorado.
True. Nevertheless, the “Colorado rules” prevented the Citizens of Colorado from having a voice in the selection of delegates.
It was a caucus which elected delegates to represent the voters. It was decided over a year ago to do so and it is done that way in 7 other states
Doesn’t make it fair, just, or right to trump the will of the People(no pun intended) by effectively silencing their voices, cheating them out of any semblance of fairness; the majority vote in each State should decide, not a small group of unelected party apparatchiks who ROB Citizens of their right to vote unhindered by “party rules.”
It is mean untruthful speech like this that will keep the Cruz supporters from ever voting for Trump, regardless of the consequences. Trump and his minions will learn the hard way you can not insult your way into the White house. We all hate the bitch but that loony woman will regrettable be our next President. Trump will certainly bring in a lot of blue collar labor voters to his cause but drive away the core of the Republican establishment. That’s a lot of valuable Republican voters. Many, not all, will just sit home. They are having a hard time deciding who Donald or Hillary is the most hated. Speech like this is making it easier for them to decide.
Reene by what means is there a need to have a hand full of people represent all of the voters in a state ?? Are hey ( the voters ) incompetent ??? Unable to travel ?? Stuck in a hospital ?? Is there some compelling reason to deny them their right to make their own voice heard ??? If not then those seven states stole the peoples right to make their own voice count !!!! And so took away their right to vote on who should be the party candidate !! But despite that malipalation it will still be Trump as he is the only one still standing now !!!
YOUR president (with a small ‘p’) deserves every disparaging remark that he receives. If ANYONE is deserving of being called “Lucifer in the flesh”, it is surely Barrack Hussein Obama. After all, he is a foreigner with a falsified birth certificate and someone elses social security number.
You remember when Obama stated “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your helthcare plan.. You remember when Obama stated “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Do you remember when Obama stated, ‘the ACA will save Americans trillions of dollars in healthcare costs. You remember when~~I could go on for well over an hour with Obama’s lies to the American public.
Personally, I would love to see Obama GONE!!!!
I’m astounded that obama is still in the Whitehouse. Everyone knows what we know, yet, no one dares do anything about it. This is why Trump will be president.
Masanja, You Obama supporters fail to see or admit the truth as badly as Obama himself! It was HE who threatened to and caused the government shut down because he didn’t get his own way. He has used that same threat over and over again. Just because he and the biased media blame the republicans for the shutdown, that was done by Obama himself and he owns it. For once admit the truth. Obama’s accomplishments are what? He’s undone 50 years of MKL King’s hard work to diminish the racial divide in 7 short years. He’s filled the country and the Whitehouse with muslim terrorists, has give illegal aliens a free pass to flood here, has lost billions of tax money on failed “green projects”, has put coal miners and coal companies out of work, has tied the hands of border patrol on catching and detaining illegals, bailed out big banks who used the money to give bonuses to themselves, signed an executive order allowing himself to detain and/or kill AMERICANS without probable cause, has bowed to our enemy leaders and alienated our ally nations and spent time on the golf course while 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi. Need I go on? Let’s not forget he freed several Taliban leaders in exchange for a deserter and left an innocent soldier in a Mexican jail for nearly a year with no attempt to get him out. It was a few of our congressmen who handled that one and got him released. Now tell us again about all his accomplishments.
Excellent post!!!
Can’t stand Ted Cruz. His rally in indiana seemed like a Revival. It is time for him to crawl back under the rock where he came from.
obama is an illegal and the potus so why not cruz?is it maybe because he is not black?
he is also a fake senator !!!!!!! in order for a person to BE a senator, or to be in a government post, like a senator, he has to be a NATURALIZED citizen of the US for at LEAST FIVE YEARS !!!!!!! he never even renounced his Canadian citizenship until he decided to run for the senate !!!!! he is not even THREE YEARS INTO his naturalization !!!!!!!! he is ILLEGAL to be not only a senator but to also be the president !!!!!!!!
Your broken English belies who is the REAL foreigner here in these United States, and it ain’t Cruz.
Your hatred of Tea Partiers also shows your hatred for our traditional, Constitutional conservative ways which our country was founded on, so whatever else you said is tripe, as far as I’m concerned.
I am a supporter of many of the Social Conservative issues that Ted Cruz champions. I am reluctantly shifting towards Trump, but I don’t believe the BS about Ted Cruz being a liar. He isn’t, and Trump knows he isn’t. It’s just political BS used in a political campaign. Just watch- Trump will call off the dogs as soon as he gets the necessary delegates for the nomination. And he will patch things up with Cruz, because he needs Cruz’ support and the support of Cruz’ voters. I’ll vote for Trump with the hope that he’ll keep most of his promises. I know he can’t keep all of his promises. It’s not just up to him. Congress is involved. And, Donald, you’ll be making lots of deals with these politicians soon. So don’t badmouth political deals. That’s what Congress is all about!!
If Trump proves that Ted is NOT a US citizen and never has been, then calls for his prosecution for committing a great Fraud upon the American People, supplying his evidence(s), Cruz is a gone goose, and “his voters” will rightfully abandon him in droves; if you disagree, ask Cruz to provide ANY proof whatsoever that he’s a legitimate US Citizen…and you can’t get that from his mother, who RENOUNCED her US Citizenship in 1968 to be a Canadian and work her husband’s business.
The point to remember is that between 1947 and 1977, Canadian law SPECIFICALLY FORBADE dual citizenship, so the whole “Ted has dual citizenship” canard is yet more evidence of his brazen lying.
You supposedly know everything about this issue. Why aren’t you arguing on a much larger stage? I have nothing to say about the US Supreme Court and the State Courts that haven’t overruled Cruz’ citizenship. Mr. Constitutionalist, get your behind off this website and take your argument to where it will really count. Like I’ve already said before, Congress will have to specifically say what Natural Born Citizen means. Good luck!!
You apparently have a difficult time with comprehension (or you didn’t read my reply on this issue before); the First Congress, in their Second Session, DEFINED EXACTLY what “natural born” means – ergo, no reason whatsoever for any subsequent Congress to verify it – just some half-assed google-searches can prove it to anyone with a shred of honor and honesty. MULTIPLE subsequent SCOTUS decisions CONFIRM the “2 parents required for natural-born status” LAW which Congress made, starting with The Venus. Google “Natural Born, SCOTUS” for a bellyful of additional cites.
In addition, the 110th Congress, when declaring McCain to be eligible to run as a natural born Citizen(even though born in Panama), CONFIRMED that this definition is correct and true – that McCain was (and still is) Constitutionally eligible to BE the president because he FITS THE DEFINITION as made by the First Congress, Second Session.
i made several suggestions for you to research the issue, but you apparently do not wish to avail yourself of the truth. So be it. Your choice.
In addition, i decline your snarky suggestions about what i should do with my time and my life.
It was the corrupt establishment elite globalists that allowed Cruz to go as far as he did. Many republican voters were fooled by his fake anti-establishment position, but most saw the truth and Cruz was just another lying shyster lawyer just like Obozo.
And what praytell. Does the much needed shutdown of the oversized government have to do with two people dieing and a resort hotel going bankrupt ???? Those two things happen evwrday somewhere even when the oversized government is not shut down !!! Post real facts like how much money was not spent on government waste !!!!
Go home Canadian!!!! And take your communist family with you!!!
TRUMP 2016!!!
YES!! TRUMP 2016!!!
She’d dump him so fast when she sees there is no road to power there
Ted is not wanted in Canada, he was deported to the US. lolo. Trump will help Canada build a wall to keep Ted in the US. He is all yours, Sorry for ending up with the loser.
Technically, Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship in May, 2014. They didn’t kick him out; he kicked HIMSELF out. May he have many years to repeatedly experience more kicking of himself…especially after his conviction for perpetrating a FRAUD on Americans by soliciting donations for a campaign for an office he FOREKNEW he was completely unqualified to either seek or assume.
Oh all the nasty people you are,here a man is trying to help you and all of to get the corupt out of washington, dear god you small minded people.The sad part is that us people have to suffer too. Shame on you
that also goes for the commie muslim in office now!!!
Cruz is now completely American based on his mother. And he’s certainly not Communist. His father has first hand knowledge of everything wrong with communism. So why don’t you try to say something intelligent, not just yell some stupid BS.
Cruz is now completely American based on his mother.
Nonsense. i assume you’re referring to the mother who RENOUNCED her US Citizenship in order to stay in Canada? THAT mother? The one that signed up for her Canadian Social Insurance? The same one who VOTED in Canadian elections?
Look, Canadian law forbade ANYONE to stay in Canada longer than 30 days after their tourist visa expired. Canadian law ALSO forbade dual citizenship from 1947-1977. In order for Elisabeth to STAY in Canada, she would have been REQUIRED to renounce her US Citizenship to become fully and ONLY Canadian – like it says on Cruz’s birth certificate? Once it’s renounced in official paperwork, it STAYS renounced. And according to the eyewitness cited at the link below, she ACCOMPANIED Ted’s mom to where she relinquished her US Citizenship in 1968 – well over 2.5 years prior to Ted’s birth – as well as helped her sign up for other Canadian bennies.
(If you read down in the comments section, Bill Still has found this witness, and is attempting to get an interview with her to get her (and her documentation) ON THE RECORD so there’ll be NO DOUBT what a lying POS Cruz has always been.)
Constitutionalist, you are spot on….
Ted’s colors are really shining through now. To think I actually liked this person at one time. He is a total fraud just like Hillary and Bush 43. In fact Ted is of the same cloth. Also like Bush, he’s playing the Christians of which he is not. Ted Cruz is a faux Christian…, and has been preparing a long time for this high office run.
Instead of calling Cruz a rat face, I see him more as a “Dark Raven”. People don’t let those soft looking eyes and half frown do the same thing to you as the Obama’s did to his followers prior to his current 8 year reign
If Trump were to win, it means CORRUPTION & STUPIDITY wins, and the faster falling of America. With two of America’s biggest mobsters, and the blind followers refusing to see, all we can do is pray for a miracle. GOD help America if TED is pushed out.
Poor, lemmont, let us all guess, liptard to the bone, huh. LOL
Typical, how typical – fools proven they cannot take responsibility for their own actions.
This is not my original, but it is so true, if Trump wins the election: This will be the first time a billionaire will move into Public Housing after a Black moves out.
The word is “Lemming,” not lemmont. (What the hell is that?).
But this shows the intellect of the Trumpist … can’t see the genuine deal when it stares you in the face. Who the heck has been standing strong against the corrupt establishment these past years. Hint: it’s not Trump, who has made his billions goosing the system (and supporting the likes of the Clintons) vs. trying to stop it from destroying us (as Ted Cruz has been doing his entire political life). Cruz has without fail supported our traditional, conservative American ways, even in the face of a massive force of leftists he took on in the Senate, time and time again. He is the ONLY one in this campaign who has been consistently for our natural-born,God-given rights as espoused in our Bil of Rights and by our Constitution.
That being said (and true), *IF* Trump wins the nomination in the end, there is NO QUESTION that I will vote for him vs. any of the leftist clowns who are his potential opponents. At that point, we can only hope and pray that Trump will come through with more than just policies that will benefit his pocketbook, (but do nothing for restoring the individual rights of man through returning our country to it’s founding principles and its Christian-based moral values.that sustained its success and that, as it were, of the world’s these many generations).
Lemont: You are so misguided concerning Donald Trump. He is brilliant, surrounds himself with intelligent people and is a strategist. Cruz on the other hand is a shifty lying politician.
Exactly!! Totally in agreement Joanne.
He reminds me of back in the day we had door to door oily snake salesmen lolol
For all of those whom find Donald to be the only viable candidate, and disparage those who view thing differently, Can you identify when Donald became a person with a conservative view on life?
While I find him marginally more palatable than Hillary (based on his social issues), I have yet to see this great business man whom surrounds himself with the best people. If that were the case, he would have had a better grasp of the delegate issues in the various states, as those rules were in place prior to a single ballot being cast, period. To chastise others for playing out the cards they were dealt to the best of their ability, is reminiscent of a losing team crying foul over a “series” where they accumulated more points, but lost 4-3 in games.
The rules are that a majority (55%) must be achieved, not a plurality (47% ->35%). Just having more only positions you better at the convention, not assures anything. If DT has surrounded himself with “the Best” people, he will win at the convention, regardless. If anyone else wins, then DT didn’t surround himself with the best people in time, and only has himself to blame.
Mireign: Donald Trump has more skin in the game then you realize. Once he’s in the WH he will take total control delegating to those he trust and surrounds himself with for the good of our country. We currently have the worse President now let’s elect the best.
That would be the day He started hiring Employees.
Please give verifiable examples of “shifty” behavior.
Trump is a womanizer who cheated on his wives, refers to women a “pieces of ass” and has said he can’t think of anything he has ever done that would require him to ask God’s forgiveness. He is pro choice and ok with partial birth abortion.
He has NO idea how to develop foreign policy, he has said he would not openly support israel – our most important ally in the Middle East, but would remain “neutral”.
He equates risking unprotected sex with facing the same danger as a combat soldier and says he probably knows more than the average soldier about the military because he attended a military school.
The man is a a bigger narcissistic loser than Obama!!!
Renee, where in Hell do you get your
un-truths? everything in your post is pure bullshit! Trump divorced Marla Maples because she was
caught under a lifeguard stand having sex with a security guard! She was whoring around and Trump
simply divorced her as he should
have! The point is, Trump gets blamed for things he was not
responsible for. You need to get
ALL YOUR FACTS before you open your lying mouth presenting your stupidity before the world!
Apparently, you have yet to see Trump’s first official foreign policy statement:
LEMMONT…why don’t you leave America like all the HOLLYWEIRD LIBTARDS!! Do us all a favor!!! IDIOT!!
lemmont washington, so you would rather see a corrupt Hitlery in the WH. a liar, murderer, corrupt to the bone politician in the WH. Okay, i understand. your brain dead. good luck bottom feeding the rest of your life.
Trump is the ONLY way to go. Lying Hillary,Cruz and Bernie Sanders is to damn old to be president and the very first time a big problem comes up, Sanders will have a heart attack.
Now JIm that’s not fair; The lying monica belongs to Ted. How about Horrific Hillary, or Treasonous Hilary, or Horrendous Hillary?
I call her Hillarious Clinton. It’s an oxymoron just like her.
Trump name calls and insults people who disagree with him or point out his mistakes. His responses are juvenile. He is NOT presidential material
Renee, there you go again……bellowing out bullshit! Absolutely
NOTHING in your post is truthful! You are putting Trump in “your” world where he doesn’t fit. Your world is filled with
liars, do-nothing losers,
and total failures at any success whatsoever! Donald Trump has more character and integrity in the tip of his little finger than you have in your entire body, and
more than you will EVER have!
Corruption & Stupidity is already in The Oval Office. We The People are tired of business as usual by corrupt politicians. Maybe a billionaire businessman can get our country out of the financial landslide its in for its a certainty the politicians running will keep spending money that we are borrowing from China. I’m voting Trump.
spoken like a true worthless liberal
Lemmon Washington, you are so full of bullshit you can’t see reality. Every word you posted is progressive liberal propaganda….i.e. BULLSHIT!!!
Well, one thing about it if Trump gets elected he has experience with bankruptcy. I wonder how fast
it will take him to get America to a national bankruptcy? Just like a lot of his other endeavors.
I agree with you Donald Trump is a liberal democrat posing as an republican. I don’t understand why people don’t
see that.
Make America Great Again………VOTE………..”TRUMP”
You’re absolutely right Mr. Walters.
Robert, I’m with you on that……………….TRUMP.
Yes!! TRUMP 2016!! GO TRUMP!! GO INDIANA!!! THEY’LL BE GOID TO TRUMP!!! Brilliant people!!!
Hey Lyin Ted!!!! Even 10 yr olds know YOU SUCK!!
Thank you 10 year old, Awake. Go back to sleep.
Me I Am
You’re drinking the bong water again, aren’t you?
TRUMP 2016!!
Over the many years that I have voted since I am now 89 years old, I have never seen anyone who should not be allowed to vote like Ted Cruz. He is not an American Citizen, and that should settle his ability to run for President. Our constitution says that the President should be born an American Citizen, and that is what should happen. People should get their heads in gear and know the constitution before voting. Regardless of where they came from.
Obama is the worse president in U.S. history.
I have to 100% agree with you Andrew!! No truer words were written. OBAMA IS THE WORSE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.
Obama is America’s first black eye.
some pretty cool cars in the 30’s im giving Trump a chance..GW Bush an B Obama have proven any one can be special skills needed
The Horn obviously is pushing Trump. If Trump wins the nomination I won’t be voting.
That would be a dumb move. I’d vote for a goldfish before NOT voting against Clinton.
Amen. ANYONE is better than Hellary.
I vote for B.S. B4 I voted for BILL’s BIMBO
SO, you just lay down and cry like a moronic child? My Way or the Hiway!!!
It’s FOOLISH people who DO NOT REALIZE that by Not voting that they are actually voting for the other side and, even worst, that they are voting for the “I don’t care PARTY” that DC knows full well is the other 50% of US who DO NOT VOTE and therefore they get to do whatever they want when they want!!! All because YOU STUPID PEOPLE don’t care enough to vote or will NOT……
So, Damon, you are not voting for Mr. Trump? Me thinks you are not very bright.
good !
Respectfully, there is only ONE “IF” to be considered here. “IF” Obama should lose faith that Hillary will continue his “Fundamental Transformation”. If he believes in her intentions, She IS the 45th. President!
It doesn’t matter a wit what does or does not happen today in Indiana, Trump IS the Rpublican Nominee! His supporter should celebrate, rejoice, throw multiple party’s, drink too much booze! They’ll need the remembrance of this joyous time on the morning of November 9th., when they FINALLY realize that their exciting….victory(?) was the largest, most destructive Pyrrhic Victory in American History!
And your vote will do what? We have already LOST!!! There is really not much more to loose in this house of cards…. I wish and hope I am wrong, but I don’t see much of a future coming out of the same o’ same old *DC* FAIRY TALE…….
Ted Crawford, you are the perfect example of a leftist moron. On November 9th. we will be rejoicing that Mr.Trump is the next President. You sir, will be left weeping. You are probably on one or more of the Govt. Free Cheese Programs. Lazy freak!
Well you can go to Canada with Teddy and vote for him.
He can’t come to Canada. They took away his citizen ship. He is NOBODY. Maybe Cuba want’s him. He can become Castro’s little slave.
Ted Cruz, citizen of the Klingon Empire:
BE STUPID..that’s your choice!!! IDIOT!!
Be stupid..that’s your choice Damon.
Thank you Damon first bright thing you have said in a long time .. PS can you also join the wierdo train leaving the country , really would love that : ) : )
Spoken like a true Libtard
Damon, if you call yourself a republican and you refuse to vote for Trump this makes you very UnAmerican……very selfish ……and totally self-centered! What “you” want is more important than what our beloved America truly needs to be placed back into her rightful place of honor.
Another zero post from Damon. Then you are a Hillary supporter?
WOW, how does it FEEL in Indiana to be PLAYED like FOOLS by these two PIGS (Politicians In Government Service}!!!
They don’t give two shits about YOU or YOUR State!!! They are using INDIANA as the **SUCKER STATE ** in order to steal the PRESIDENDCY by NOT listening to the VOTERS!!!
WOOOO HOOOOO …… Trump 2016. Cruz …you lose!!! Go home to Canada or Cuba …. doesn’t matter. Just GO!!!
This is a key primary election today. Ted Cruz has what he has wanted for this entire election. A one on one run against Donald Trump when Trump wins tonight Donald will be able to look at Ted squarely eye to eye and tell him Ted I beat you one on one, so now what is missing?
You ran against me one on one continue to lie about my policies and the people has now chosen who that want to be the Republican nominee. So Ted go home and stop this nonsense. I though you want the party to unify yet you are being just as divisive as Barrack Obama.
Your behavior currently matches all the values you say you can not tolerate! So Ted if tonight you lose it is time to united the Republican party and get to work to help Trump beat Hillary.
If you can not and will not do this, you need to get out of politics for ever.
Actually, We U.S. love anyone who LOVES this Great Country and is willing and capable of TELLING it Like it IS…. We need to take the trash out before we can clean up!!!
Jobs, jobs, jobs !!! Many of the problems both foreign and domestic will be reversed and begin to resolved with a strong economy and a high employment rate. Although Trump has many negatives I believe he is the best candidate between both parties to get the country back on an economic turn around. Americans need to focus on America first at this time before we can help the rest of the world. Vote Trump.
That’s all Trump SUPPORTERS are really trying to say!!! He’s not the BEST, he is just MILES and MILES ahead of the rest of those morons…. We are voting for HOPE and BELIEF that this country can and will be great again……
Can anyone of you believe that the moral decay of this Countries Nation Debate is now centered around who Can and Can Not use the little girls bathroom!!!
Trump had dumped ex-wife’s (that lived him)! He has declared bankruptcy more than once (hurting business he left owing).
But you are buying his B.S.
I want to be there when the sh_t hits the fan. Grab your ankles and get ready to kiss your ass good bye!!
Another Politician in OUR Guvmt.?? Please ! Not That ! IF this country was ever in need of a Good Financial Manager, IT IS NOW ! I don`t see Anyone else ‘ filling That Bill.’..But Donald Trump. He May be a Bit >>Boisterous , even over-bearing at times…But SO What ! At least he says it like he Sees it.. And When the Time comes to Back IT UP.. He will Do That too.. I Do wish you Morons out here Who Keep on Questioning him About “”What HE Has in mind TO DO.. as far as the Foreign issues are concerned… ( After all, Who in their Right Mind is going to give away Future Moves He Will be Making..Before HE IS even ‘Crowned >>??” And How he Is going to Manage Issues of Personal magnitude are concerned. …Is a Bit far-fetched and out of do. Isn`t it about time for some Space be Put Between the Here And The NOW..AND THE LATER >… until HE IS THE President ? Why Give away the FARM ?? One thing is for Certain..Trump will Handle Whatever comes up..But will do so, only After he has Surrounded himself With Some of The Most Knowledgeable and qualified for the job,.. ( People who ARE acquainted with What IS Going on in This World. ) NO ONE can Come into The ‘Position of Presidency Knowing All the Best Answers… BUT HE will Know enough about Things to Build ON ! What Makes Anyone think that just because you have been a Fixture on the Political scene all of your What is required to Be able to Qualify for the Position of The Presidency ? Trump exudes Confidence And .HE isn`t afraid to let you know IT. That IS Good.
I do believe HE has Many of The Same Good Qualities That Putin has. That is Why I Know Those Two men will be Able to Work Together..For the Good OF Both Nations. SO>>Stop Lambasting Trump and Give him credit where Credit is DUE. Thank GOD he is not Another Obama.. Nor is he Anything Like McCain .( And His LIT’LE” REBEL !!!) What Ever made McCain think he and Bimbo were a Good Match ?? WOW !! as for who Trumps` ‘
‘running mate could be ? I don`t think we should Have Anyone Anything LIKE SCOTT , though. HE is Too indecisive and He and Trump would Surely Clash for that very reason.
Merely my own opinions, mind you ! I`ve got mine. You`ve got yours .
i have been watching this race since june. i knew nothing about donald trumps tv shows. never watched the apprentice. i have seen ted cruz evolve from honest to deceptive right before my eyes.. i dont see any body in the rep. elites or others, who would do any better than trump. this is gods will, and we should never!!! go against his will. i am 73 years old and just maybe i can see things more clearly. vote gods will , or stay home and complain.
I’m not a Trump fan. I have grown tired of the “lyin’ Ted” remark. Mr. Trump is a coarse jerk. I can’t believe anyone would want their children to aspire to be like Donald Trump. The sad part is that after tonight we are left with having to support Trump or Clinton. America is in deep trouble when these two are the best we can do for leaders.
If it wasn’t for the fact the next president is likely going to appoint 3 or 4 Supreme Court justices I would work for Hillary’s election and hope for a better Republican candidate in 2020. I will likely hold my nose and vote for Donald in the fall.
Agreed!!! There is JUST TO MUCH at stake to do anything other than Wade through the Crap and do our DUTY to the future that we hand down to our children and GRAND CHILDREN….. No matter what we think of TRUMP he certainly a whole lot better than what we have or what the that CRIMINAL BIMBO will bring with the OBOMA doctrine….
I don’t necessarily disagree with the notion that we often have only a choice of the least of the evils but I will say this about Donald Trump. While he does come on very strong, when you read the real stuff about him he does a great deal of good for people at his own expense and is probably better qualified to be President than most because he is NOT an establishment politician and in business has learned how to work with people and compromise, something Obama knows nothing about. I believe he is the best Republican for the job and far better than Hillary who is a criminal and certainly will be far better than Obama. So while he might not be the best we could ever get, he certainly is the best of the other options we might get stuck with.
How can Cruz be a president when he was not born in USA, and besides the word Cruz is never an american. GO DONALD TRUMP you the next president of USA.
I hope that Indiana comes through big real big for Trump!! An that we will see Cruz go down like the baby he is!!
Cruz is nothing but a lying cheating worthless IDIOT just like the rest of them we have in Washington DC right now!!
An if the GOP/RNC tries to steal the nomination from Trump and give it to some one else they will be dead in the water for sure!! We the American people will see to it that the GOP will not see any Senator or Congressmen re-elected again!! The GOP will lose all support of the American people period!!!
We the people know who we want as our next President and its not Cruz, or Sanders, and God forbid we sure in hell don’t want Hillary Clinton as our next President!!!
GO TRUMP…GO TRUMP…GO TRUMP!!!!!! Our next President of the United States!!! Remember GOP don’t screw it up because if you do the out come will be bad for the GOP period!!! We the people will see to it to never support another GOP candidate or to re-elect and GOP again!! An you will have no one to blame but yourselves!! You are all nothing but a bunch of damn worthless IDIOTS!!!!!!
GREAT POST ALLEN NOGA!! I totally agree with you 100%!!! GO TRUMP!! WE LOVE YOU TRUMP!!! AMERICA NEEDS YOU!! Cruz is dead in the water..thank God. We will be great again!!! TRUMP 2016-2024!!!
Cruz is a typical politician that has been bought by his biggest contributors. That is the political game. You say whatever it takes to get elected and then you sell your influence to whoever will contribute to you. The more important you become in the Government, the bigger the contributions get. Then, when you decide to quit politics, you just take all the money that has been contributed to you and you haven’t used to get re elected, and go home. You don’t even have to pay tax on it, or you didn’t used to have to pay tax on it. I don’t remember if that was changed or not. Trump does not have any big donors, therefore he hasn’t been bought and is not beholding to anyone. The Republican establishment and bigwigs have tried their best to hurt him, so they aren’t going to be able to control him either. They are all panicked because they are going to lose all their power over the President if he is elected. Personally, I’m sick of all these moron politicians that know nothing yet they are running our country, and doing a piss poor job of it. It is time to have a sharp businessman in charge.
Cruz will lose it all tonight. But I would love to confront Cruz on so many talking points…….such as how he condemns Trump on past donations but never mentions the past faults of his father and how he changed his mind regarding amnesty to building a wall, etc.. Sound familiar Cruz? Cruz has earned his nickname from Trump…..Lyin” Ted is NOT listening to the voice of the voters, typical member of congress, not representing “WE THE PEOPLE”!
Wow…….there are some “charged up” people on thus forum today……..I love it…..people are thinking and becoming involved…….may possibly be a RECORD number of voters in the general election in November despite the threat by so many of you to “stay home” on election day…….folks, you need to be this enthused…you need to be involved… need to be concerned…you need to get off your rear end and go vote….it’s your president…it’s your government…. it’s your country…’s your future………TRUMP 2016!
Agreed with everything up to the last 10 digits of your comment!
Cruz is Pathetic. He is quite a whimpering spoiled child. Would not vote for him in any election.
I sure hope Indiana sends Cruz running for cover. Originally I carefully considered several candidates. A few were no brainers right off the bat like Jeb, Christy, Rubio etc. But then I watched Cruz and Trump duke it out and the longer I watched the more I saw Cruz showing his true GOP colors. When he is desperate he gets very nasty. So I chose Trump because firstly he is not a politician, second he loves America, third we don’t need another lying do nothing Republican as president. Cruz reminds me more and more of the little rat face weasel Ross Perot. Come to think of it he even sounds like Perot.
lotta these comments show lotta yrs of pent up political frustration..Trump is the one.. in a healthy way thats given people hope and ability to release that stored up.. fed up type frustration..Im giving Trump a chance
You mean like you gave Obummer a chance? Just a guess!
I have been very disappointed with the candidates and the campaigns this year. Still, I have learned a few things about what a lot of people want or don’t want in a typical politician running for president.
People don’t want someone who supports mandated health coverage and socialized medicine. Donald Trump supports those things.
They want someone who promotes American jobs and will be tough on illegal immigrants. Donald Trump hires undocumented workers, has products he sells made in China and other non-US countries and said less than a year ago that there needs to be an amnesty for illegal immigrants because “you have to give them a path, you have to make it possible for them to succeed.”
People also want to cut the size of government and reduce the burden of federal taxes. Donald Trump has proposed another $5.7 trillion worth of taxation, which would be the biggest tax increase in history.
Many people are ardently pro-life, and feel that the sanctity of life is the most important issue in modern politics. Donald Trump has said that he is “pro-choice in every respect” and does not even oppose partial birth abortions.
Some, many of whom have made comments here, feel that Hillary Clinton is and has been evil and incompetent, Donald Trump has said that she would make a great president, and he said, “Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman….I really like her and her husband both a lot…..I think she works really hard and I think she does a good job.” Trump has backed up those statements by contributing over $100,000 to the Clintons.
People want a leader who is proven success. Donald Trump has failed with four bankruptcies, Trump University, Trump Mortgage, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, and the list goes on.
And mostly this year, people seem to want someone who is not a part of the crony system using government and politics for personal gain. Donald Trump has given money to the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Charles Weiner, John McCain, Mitt Romney, the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee and many others. He explains that “I give to everybody. When they call, I give.” That is because, Trump says, “When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call and they are there for me.”
What a lot of people seem to want this year is Trump for president. I still can’t understand that.
Excellent points, too bad most who are placing posts on this site will not read it, or will not understand the truth in the words you have written.
Keep up the good fight my brothers/sisters.
What a lot of people seem to want this year is Trump for president. I still can’t understand that.
Look at the other “choices” CCMSM provides:
An ancient commie, “feel the Bern” Sanders, unlikely to last 4 years sans heart-attack;
An ancient-evil crone about to be indicted for multiple felony charges
A Canadian – or more likely, a Stateless person since he a) renounced his Canadian citizenship and b)can provide ZERO documentation of his US citizen status – when he got it, how, etc.
A governor who drove business out of his State, thus ruining many lives due to the job losses
So, which of the foregoing “choices” do you like better than Trump, and why, for God’s sake?
Lyin Ted has resorted to Calling Trump a pathological liar.
Ted Cruz is EVIL. He really is lucifer in the flesh. I use to think he was a sociopath- but, now, I know he is a psychopath. He has evil in his eyes. He is LOSING and he just can’t have that. He has been told his whole life, by his communistic preacher man dad, that he is special and he the chosen one. The king.
His whole family is in a cult. And they are all immigrants and they need to go back to wherever the heck they came from. I know Canada doesn’t want them.
Cruz is ineligible. And he has been in politics ILLEGALLY for years.
I cannot wait for TRUMP to MAKE America GREAT AGAIN!!! And so many people’s heads are gonna roll. The SIHTF. And I can’t wait to watch!!!! goooo TRUMP!!!
Poitics aside, Ted Cruz so irritating with his whiny , nasal pitched voice, it is like listening to nails on a blackboard. And yesterday when he started his preacher approach, with animation, I had to change the channel, Irritating as heck.
He reminds me of a funeral director in a 40s movie. No wonder the guy has so many people that dislike him. His former college roommate called him weird, Weird Ted,.
Opposed to Trump’s college roommate who have nothing but good things to say about him.
These guys talk about character, who knows us better then our friends.
I say let’s give Trump a chance and hopefully he will keep his promises, certainty can’t be worse then the Clintons.
Gotta love the TRUTH versus the “Ole Baffleumwithbulshite” snake oil salesmanship pitch
Lyin’ Ted calls himself an outsider, Well I have news for You! He is very much an INSIDER, since the Bush administration! that was his first lie. Then the lie’s got BIGGER & BIGGER & BIGGER. Oh excuses me! His first Lie was that he is an American Citizen. Vote #TRUMP
Pretty blonde no brain talking.
It appears this news site has become no better than Fuax News; who at the first were more fair and balanced, yet have transformed to be just like all the rest of the major networks having their noses firmly planted in the rear of Trumps butt.
The opening remarks of this story elude to political analysts saying this and that mostly in favor of Hillary and Trump.
Are these not the same analysts who predicated Trump had no chance of winning earlier in the race?
I truly hope Cruz can make a showing of support with the people of Indiana as this would be the only hope this country will have to stop the eventual total demise of this country and the people who inhabit it. If any other person is elected to the office of President we are most assuredly going down in every aspect imaginable.
Dishonest Donald is spreading false propaganda against Cruz because he is so afraid of losing, being willing to say and do anything he feels necessary to gain the seat he seeks.
If Cruz was to strategically place his people and offer free doughnuts, water, coffee and sandwiches to the delegates like Trump did over the past few days. How do you think Trump would respond against his opponent?
I think I know. He would be calling them names, saying how the process is broken and that the corruption of the opposing group is nothing but the establishment trying to take over the nomination.
Yet since it was his group providing the bribes, having now gotten support from the very politicians he claims who have been the problem in Washington, all is as it should be in the world according to DECIETFUL Donald.
I wonder how much Trump is paying the networks to proliferate the headlines of him being the winner of the RNC. According to the networks, and I would not hesitate to say Trump himself thinks he should be inaugurated in July and forgo the November elections.
I know this statement is ludicrous, but so has the way this election cycle has been presented to the people of this nation.
Trump has somehow elicited the lie against Cruz of not being a citizen of the country, the same rhetoric he boasted of Obama, and we all know how that turned out. HE WAS WRONG THEN! Just as he is WRONG NOW! Only a true IDIOT would continue to proliferate these lies as truth.
When that didn’t work as well as he hoped, now he has begun spreading more lies against Cruz’s father. Just how deep will this moron Trump, descend into the cesspool before the public says enough! And starts to call HIM: out on the lies he continues airing.
Is he demented? Are his supporters as demented as he? Only time will give us the answer.
Let me say this at the outset. I am a Trump supporter but would have voted for Ted Cruz as a second choice if he had been the nominee. That has changed for the following reasons: Cruz like Obama fails to realize the buck stops with him and when his campaign made errors which he did apologize for he claimed he didn’t know those things happened. Lame excuse. As a supposedly non Establishment politician he has accepted a $31 million donation from a Wall Street Hedge Fund Manager who now owns him and Cruz’s wife is a Wall Street insider. He bought off Carly Fiorina with a $500,000 donation to keep his alleged affairs with one of her campaign people a secret. He has, also, accepted the help of Establishment Republicans and joined the stop Trump movement. Seems to me if you are a legitimate person you campaign to win by getting the votes not by stopping someone else so you can use back door politics to get what you want. To me that is being disrespectful of the voters in the party and all this nonsense about stop Trump or anyone else I find to be an insult to the Rank and File Republican voter. I live in Colorado and had no opportunity to vote for the nominee. No caucus and no primary. All the polls I could find had Trump well ahead of Cruz. Cruz got all 34 delegates. I will never vote for Ted Cruz even if he is the nominee, I will not support any Republican Candidate from Colorado, and I will become an Independent and leave the party if Trump does not get the nomination because of all this back door politics.
I am also a resident of Colorado, and had the same disillusions of the process. We too had no opportunity for discussion, or mock votes to see how the group in attendance were thinking or to whom they wanted to see on the ticket. There were many participants in the meeting who felt disenfranchised with the whole process, and just walked out!
At that moment I decided to take action and volunteered my name as a delegate for the precinct that I live in; thus in hope to serve as a voice for my community. I have learned allot about the process since that time, and would suggest this same action to see the process for anyone who thinks the system is broken.
The only way to make changes is to become involved, and voice your opinions to the groups responsible in making the rules. Or to campaign to become the chairman of your district, then having the ability for instituting your own brand of justice as you see it.
The problem of this could possibly be, your brand of justice would be considered corrupt as well.
It is either this or stop participating all together since the stress is too great for some to handle.
Jim D, I also live in Colorado and several elections ago I did what you have done. I went to the caucus, got elected as a delegate and went to the state convention. Shortly after that I decided that neither major party represented my views or interests very well, so I changed my voter registration to independent. Consequently, I have not been able to participate in the caucuses and nominating process since then. I have served on the local school board, which required me to go through an election; but that was a non-partisan election. I commend you for taking the time and effort to participate.
law5960 says, Thank you for sharing, I am sorry about the decision you made causing disappointment of your view of the process. It is true that the only way to provoke change is by taking part in the process, having voice to make the changes.
Sadly, this year has caused me to reconsider my support for the Republican party due to the shenanigans brought on by its leadership. It is too bad there is not a third politically recognized conservative party of which true Americans who still believe in the values what the country was founded, can place their support in eliminating the establishments death hold on the peoples government.
This will probably be my last Presidential Election because of my age and I want Donald Trump so badly to be our next President…I am 85 years old. I am praying for Donald Trump’s victory in winning this election. I am involved so deeply mentally and physically. I go up to people on the streets I don’t know and I will say, “I am for Donald Trump…I am so excited about him being the new President …I love him …and the person will smile back and say “I am also.”
My two sons, are as enthused as I am….One of them is working the polls today.
Hang in there, you’ll probably live to be 100.
Recent polls show Trump can beat Hillary, that most Republicans support him and the Establishment Republicans and delegates are now moving over to Trump. After he gets the nomination and the Republican Establishment realizes he is going to win they need to get behind him and make sure it happens. Once Trump debates Clinton and her lying is exposed either by the Justice Department, Judicial Watch or Trump in the debates, ball game over for Hillary.; Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States by a landslide.
I want to state at the outset that this comment has nothing to do with this article in particular. I am interested in sharing some bipartisan thoughts about the topic, We Are The Party, and address it to both Democrats and Republicans alike.
This election cycle has focused my thinking about the process we go through in both parties to select a candidate to represent us in the November elections. During the Democratic primaries Democrats vote for their choice but the “Party” has super delegates who are not beholding to the rank and file Democratic voter. On the Republican side it is apparent that when they don’t like who the rank and file Republicans are voting for “they” the “Party” try to decide who is going to be the nominee over the choice of the majority of their members. In both cases the Democratic and Republican parties forget that in reality you and I “Are the Party” and we should be the ones that ultimately decide who represents us.
To this end I am suggesting a voter “Revolution” where people push back hard on their respective parties and remind those in charge that you and I are the party and we really don’t care for these rules that take the ultimate say away from those of us who are also registered Democrats and Republicans. I would urge those of you who agree to write and call your respective Congressional, State and Local representatives to complain about the “process” in addition to the DNC and RNC depending on your party affiliation.
I think its time that the people involved in the political process understand that they only derive their authority from the People when we give it to them and WE need to recognize that when we acquiesce and let them do as they wish we are abrogating our individual prerogatives to have them represent us as we would like to be represented.
Those of you who feel you agree with my sentiments are free to use this statement in any comments or letters or conversations you have. It is my intention to insert this statement in the comments of every article I read online and to hopefully start a movement that will hold both political parties accountable to their members.
Thanks for reading this whether you agree or not.
I too am an elderly lady and at 87yrs. this may be the last election I vote in. I admit I am so confused with it all. I do believe that Donald Trump has the strength to tell it like it is and that may be what we need against our enemies in the Middle East. He says America first and I agree with that. Let the other countries settle their own problems instead of us sending our young men to help them and come back to us wounded so terribly. I don’t trust Ted Cruz because he is more about running the other candidates down than talking policies. I liked Dr. Carson but enough others did not so he lost out pretty quick. I am praying that God will help the right person win and whoever it is will make sure that all people have freedom of religion of their choice. I do not want to see Hillary win because I think she is more interested in being the first woman president than helping our country.
Yeah, i heard that tonite, too; glad he’s out, now prosecute his lyin’ ass for fraudulently soliciting donations to get him into an office he KNEW he was NEVER qualified for(and never WILL be, either)!! Make him pay back every last dime to those he defrauded. REQUIRE him to make a PSA in which he apologizes to the American People for the Fraud he subjected them to, as well…or face additional years in prison for perpetrating the fraud.
If Trump is smart – and i hope he is – he’ll not give Ted a job as a pooper-scooper or any other gov’t position. Buh – bye, Luzer Cruz.
But wait – the irony would be delicious – let Trump offer him a position as Ambassador to Canada! ROFL!