Is presidential candidate Donald Trump backing down, or is this another crafty move by the master of the deal?
It depends on who you ask. But, with his general-election appeal in question, Donald Trump’s senior team is promising anxious Republicans that voters will see “a real different guy” soon after the GOP front-runner claims his party’s presidential nomination.
“When he’s out on the stage, when he’s talking about the kinds of things he’s talking about on the stump, he’s projecting an image that’s for that purpose,” Paul Manafort, who is leading Trump’s primary election strategy, told Republican National Committee members in a private briefing late Thursday. The Associated Press obtained a recording of the discussion.
“You’ll start to see more depth of the person, the real person. You’ll see a real different guy,” Manafort said.
“He gets it,” Manafort said of Trump’s need to moderate his brash personality. “The part that he’s been playing is evolving into the part that now you’ve been expecting, but he wasn’t ready for, because he had first to complete the first phase. The negatives will come down. The image is going to change.”
The message is part of the campaign’s intensifying effort to convince party leaders that Trump will help deliver big electoral gains this fall, despite his contentious ways. Yet it also opens him up to questions about his authenticity.
Republican rival Ted Cruz seized on the remarks in a radio interview late Thursday.
“I’m actually going to give Trump a little bit of credit here. He’s being candid. He’s telling us he’s lying to us,” Cruz told host Mark Levin. “You look at what his campaign manager says, is that this is just an act. This is just a show.”
The Texas senator continued: “When Donald talks about building a wall, when Donald talks about enforcing immigration laws, when Donald talks about, I guess, anything, that it’s all an act, a show.”
The Republican National Committee gathered at a seaside resort in south Florida for its annual spring meeting. While candidates in both parties targeted primary contests in the Northeast, Hollywood’s Diplomat Resort & Spa turned into a palm-treed political battleground.
Senior advisers for Trump, Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich courted RNC members in a series of private meetings on the resort’s grounds, sometimes sitting at adjacent tables in the marble-floored lobby. Trump’s tightening grasp of his party’s presidential nomination dominated much of the hallway discussion.
“He’s trying to moderate. He’s getting better,” said Ben Carson, a Trump ally who was part of the GOP’s front-runner’s RNC outreach team.
Despite his team’s aggressive message, Trump was telling voters he wasn’t quite ready to act presidential. “I just don’t know if I want to do it yet,” he said during a raucous rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that was frequently interrupted by protesters.
“At some point, I’m going to be so presidential that you people will be so bored,” he said, predicting that the size of his crowds would dwindle if he dialed back his rhetoric.
Trump’s team also signaled to RNC members that he was willing to dip into his personal fortune to fund his presidential bid, in addition to helping the national committee raise money, a promise that came as Trump prepared to launch his first big television advertising campaign in a month.
His campaign reserved about $2 million worth of air time in soon-to-vote Pennsylvania and Indiana, advertising tracker Kantar Media’s CMAG shows.
“He’s willing to spend what is necessary to finish this out. That’s a big statement from him,” Manafort said in the briefing.
Manafort also insisted that Trump is prepared to work closely with party leaders, despite the candidate’s near-daily public attacks on what he calls “a rigged” presidential nomination system.
“Is Donald Trump running against the Republican National Committee? The answer is he is not,” Manafort said.
Trump is increasingly optimistic about his chances in five states holding primary contests Tuesday: Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. He is now the only candidate who can possibly collect the 1,237-delegate majority needed to claim the GOP nomination before the party’s July convention.
Cruz and Kasich hope Trump will fall short so that they can have a chance to turn enough delegates to win the nomination at the convention.
What do you think of The Donald’s move to soften his demeanor? Share your comments below.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
I’m voting for Trump. However, will Hillary show sound bites of him calling her great a 14 years ago when she was running for the Senate?
how do you know when trump is lying and when he’s telling the truth? if anyone of you trumpanzees can answer that question, then I might vote for him, otherwise I’ll just vote constitution party.
Exactly. Trumpanzees need to wake up and see through the smoke screen. It was exactly the same in Italy when the billionaire conman Berlusconi fooled the Italians to voting for him and which ultimately ended up in disasterous consequences for the country.
Has anyone ever heard of a “learning curve”? I would say that Mr. Trump has already demonstrated a steep learning curve, and understands that he must continue to learn at this same rate.
RELAX …. CRUZ and KASICH will continue to say anything in desperation because they have been mathematically ELIMINATED from GOP nomination at this point.
The RNC is also trying to help CRUZ and KASICH at the RNC quarterly meeting this week in Florida, announcing RNC plan to arrange more debates before end of June, and prior to convention.
TRUMP will likely not participate if he is smart, just like Ronald Reagan did in 1980.. More debates only help the losers, not the leader.
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Trump’s to old to change his ways
you still haven’t answered my question. how do trumpanzees know when he’s lying or telling the truth? trump rips cruz for calling an establishment senator a liar saying it’s not presidential to call a senator a liar, then calling ted cruz lying ted at every rally. maybe your candidate should practice what he preaches.
Ray, could there be any worse consequences for America than Obummer has delivered and will continue to deliver for the rest of the time he’s in the WH? I think not. I’m voting for Trump. We need a strong leader now more than ever to counter what has been done to our country. I’ve found it so hard to believe that the voters would prefer a Muslim Pres.over a Mormon. The Mormons haven’t sworn to kill us but the Muslims have.
Good for you!! So am I!!
The problem is the dumbness of Americans and the liberal influences in the schools. It really got going in the 70`s with the hippies and lack of respect and low morals with drug use. Those people are whats been running this country into the ground and the kids have been raised lacking a strong family base.Just watch TV and see the influence that is put on the screen everyday. LGBT, SEX,DRUGS, RACIAL and every kind of perversion you can thing of is put there for everyone to see and act out or believe.
Trump may not be perfect but he is the best of the whole lot and I think he will be the most diverse President which will best for 90% of the US if they give him a chance.
You are a true Patriot. God Bless You!
Hillary and Sanders are just as bad as Obladumbass
It will be naive to believe Trump can do something without Congress approval and public let him do wildly.
You’re an idiot. What do you think the moron in the White House has been doing? … have you heard the term Executive Order? He’s been using it because he doesn’t care what WE THE PEOPLE think or want. TRUMP all the way!!!!!!
Duh! You make no sense!
It makes no sense that we don’t know who you are addressing.
I look around this country now and have to ask myself how the hell could it get any more disastrous than it has gotten in the last 10 years.
Ironically, I have the same sentiments.
you can ask that question of any politician in the running… the only difference is that Trump has said exactly what the others are to afraid to say because of their political ties…… what the AMERICAN people want is to take back AMERICA from the politicians.. and the only way to do that is through Trump..strong leadership, without political coercion… He has proved himself to be the only candidate with a backbone and not beholden to anyone.
You just read an article explaining that trump is seeking establishment help.
He met with lobbyist just over a week ago in his DC post office building.
He has superpacs.
He lied to you!
And yet you follow him.
He promises to increase taxes. Will change healthcare to. Socialised medicine.
He thinks states should let men use women’s bathrooms.
His amnesty plan is just that. Amnesty via touch back.
He is lying to you.
” look at my left hand, ignore what’s in my right”
” only believe what I just said. Forget what I said yesterday. Tomorrow forget what I just said today”
“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”
Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Apparently you have NOT been listening! Can you name his super pacs? He said the states should DECIDE about the transgender (it is supposed to be the states decision, not FEDERAL, that is what he said). He did NOT say increase taxes for every citizen; he has a plan for that. YOU have been listening to the wrong people!!! Amnesty; he wants a wall; he wants ILLEGALS out; he wants ILLEGALS to come back like all other immigrants come to our country; the RIGHT WAY; he has said that dozens of times. You are not listening!!! The other points you made above are just HOGWASH!!! Go back and study up, please!
you see theresa, the only thing all trumpanzees have in common is that none of them think that trump was talking to them when he said he loved his poorly educated voters.
You are correct. What Trump’s people are saying is that they are going to polish him up to speak more presidential and act more sophisticated. He will be taught Speech 101….not a bad thing..GO TRUMP!!!!!
hey becky, why does he have to act? I thought he says what he means and means what he says, unless he’s lying.
Cruz jumped on this a little too quickly, and is making a fool of himself AGAIN. He says Trump has been lying about the issues. RIDICULOUS wishful thinking on his part, or Cruz is just plain lying ( believe the latter!). Trump will change his tactics, not his BELIEFS, as Cruz wants us to believe. Cruz may be simply ”cooking his own goose”’.
Yes. I agree I’ll be voting for trump even if I have to write his name in. I firmly believe he is our best hope our country has to dig out of the hole that the last few presidents has put us in. I will be so happy when all this mud slinging crap is done. TRUMP 2016
Yes Vote for TRUMP> All the way
Very simple, like any other politician except he may be more real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump is not your typical politician, and never was. He IS real, and that is part of the appeal he has. Nobody cares if he is rich beyond most people’s dreams. He relates to the every day American who wants our country back. He loves our country, and looking back at many of the things he has said years ago, he is no different now. I’m tired of the non-listeners putting down the Trump supporters, and trying to make it look like the supporters are the low information voters. Sorry, it’s just the opposite.
Lola I agree with you Vote for Trump. I meet so many women who are voting for Trump.
And they say Trump does not have the support of women. That is simply a lie. Good for you, me and other women who are voting for Trump. VOTE FOR TRUMP.
Trump is a phoney. Trump is slanderer. Another 4 years of lies continued from the last 8years. Or we could vote 4 a criminal in Hillary Clinton. I will vote my conscience. Write in vote: Ted Cruz.
John, you might want to do some research about Cruz.
” STEFAN MOLYNEUX; ”The Truth about Ted Cruz
Also, look for the story of the Cruz family; there is much left out of that story. NO mention of Dominion Theology and the fact the father preaches that, and he has convinced Ted that he should be KING (just like obama thinks he is KING). The Cruz family has a ”sketchy” past, with the Father being involved with LEE HARVEY OSWALD, but not a mention of that in the story. The family moved fro country to county and back again that nobody seems to know the truth about their citizenship. Ted has conveniently left out of his EVANGELICAL faith that his ”religion” is Dominion Theology, but just lets us know he is Baptist. WHY would be not mention the true religion if he is proud of it. He ”holds up” the Bible in areas where he knows that is important, but hardly mentions religion in areas where it is NOT. You miight want to really listen to him when he says he has taken the HIGH ROAD in not bashing Trump; but the problem with that is he is bashing Trump in the same conversation. He cannot have that both ways. Just listen!! Think about this; if Cruz is not the nominee, you write in Cruz, and you have just voted for hillary!!
Ray ~ Donald does not lie, you have him mixed up with Ted, the Liar! Donald may change tactics, the best Generals do that, you know, but he doesn’t change the target, and that target has a photo of a beautiful White House. yes, it needs fumigation, but Donald is a builder, he knows what a great house should be like, inside and out!
I never filed bankruptcy 4 times I only used the LAWS that were on the books! Those laws were called BANKRUPTCY LAWS.
The woman did not want to sell her land for my parking lot so I back off! A court order stiopped him.
Trump university had a A rating with the BBB! It had a D rating when he closed it and opened it under another name got it rated an A then quickly closed it after scamming people for 356000 dollars!
He is scheduled for a May court date on this one if he can’t buy his way out!
I watch the lottery for Vietnam and my high number did not come up! 4 deferments for 1A then in 1969 got classified 4F!
First wife abused and made statement in deposition then after Trump decided to run recanted story.
Trump said his many affairs as a kid was his PERSONAL Vietnam????
Affairs on both previous wives and waiting for his next!
Supports ALL demon rats then claims to be REPUBLICAN but gave money to Oblammer Kerry and Clinton! Said they were great now they are terrible! Said he voted for Bush???Very pro life except recently saying he was for partial birth abortion AND that comes AFTER saying a couple of weeks ago the WOMEN should face SOME KIND OF PUNISHMENT??
He changes position in same sentence alot of times and SOME are too dense to hear it! I guess when you speak in RAMBLING incomplete sentences it is hard for some to catch!
ALL of this can be found online and in his book IF you are not too lazy to look!!!!
Keith, you hit the nail on the head many times over.
Keith and what do you find on line for the Clintons
True. The federalist April 18,2016 written by Susan wright.
Trump U opened 2005. Had to dfrop university name because it wasn’t an accredited school.
Spitzer was an at the time. Brought no action for fraud. He loses position. Trump gave 10,000 to Cuomo in 2006 for his AG campaign. Cuomo took no action.
2009 trump gives Cuomo 25,000 then another 5,000 for his run for governor. Many complaints against trump. NY didn’t investigate though other states started.
2013 trump gives 12,500 to Eric schneiderman for AG campaign.
Schneiderman started investigation into trump U for fraud, filed a lawsuit.
Trumps reply: gave 20,000 to schneiderman opponent. Then took Eric S. To court saying e extorted trump.
Court dismissed charges against the AG.
Trump is dirty. He was the donor propping up the establishment. He is also wooing them.
Open your eyes and ears.
With all his short comings, Trump is still the sharpest knife in the drawer. Judging from what you have said and considering all the scheming, dirty tricks, lying, embezzling, cheating, whoring, and slandering going on in Washington, I think Trump will be a grand choice for POTUS.
Totally correct!!
i thought by this time nobama would have painted the white house black
He has turned it into a Rainbow
Trump fans keep saying “ted lied” . just like trump says.
Pray tell; what exactly are you accusing ted Cruz of lying about?
Let me know because I will love to knock those arguments down!
they won’t be able to tell you because they rely strictly on feelings, just like the liberals that they are. wouldn’t surprise me in the least that trump winds up being the dem. nominee if hillary gets indicted.
I wish I could find a side by side that Cruz clearly lied about what Trump said his policies were. It would be clear as glass for you and all to see. Not only that Cruz lied about Carson getting out of the race and Rubio getting out of the race in order to get more votes for himself! Those are only 2 of his huge flat out bold faced lies that everybody but you saw! I can’t find it but that side by side video is out there to prove Cruz lies!
Theresa, Cruz speaks out both sides of his month. In the above article First Cruz says I have to give Trump credit. Then he says Trump has been lying. That is a stupid comment. And you do not hear about Trumps son Eric (I think that’s his name) He donated millions to St Jude’s Hospital. I think that’s wonderful. Please listen more closely to the comments that Cruz makes. He is just terrible like a little child. He has about as much of a chance as Kasich 9 which is nil) to get elected
A vote for Cruz is really a vote for Hillary.
I totally agree, he has her number, you know, as for lying Ted, he has changed his name, how many other things will he change. He is so great at giving orders, unfortunately, no one listens or obeys. Neither of the other two running, has enough backing by the people, they will go home to their states, and hopefully do some good. It will be a battle like never before, but Truth will win out!
hey eel, what about trumps flat tax that he said he was for? now he wants to raise taxes on the rich. I don’t claim to be the brightest bulb in the tree, but when you have a flat tax, everyone by definition pays the same rate, no matter how much you make.
EE River, Please do not give up hope. It does matter. Vote for Trump
Cruz needs to crawl back under the rock he crawled out from under. No one wants lyin Ted. Trump is going to win and he will make America great again.
Yes he will!!! JUDY you are 100% correct!!
Yes. I agree I’ll be voting for trump even if I have to write his name in. I firmly believe he is our best hope our country has to dig out of the hole that the last few presidents has put us in. I will be so happy when all this mud slinging crap is done. TRUMP 2016
Ted, the constitutionalist.
He has my vote.
He has a proven record of defending our country and our rights.
And BTW in 2012 he was calling for stopping illegals. And increasing border guards. Way before Donald threw in his hat. And actually ted was fighting gang of 8 amnesty that trump was funding.
And trump has said in derbates and again yesterday he is for touchback a!nesty.
If by ”touchback aMnesty” you mean; build a wall, send the ILLEGALS out; let them come back in? NO, Trump said; BUILD THE WALL, send out the ILLEGALS, let them come back in when they are ready to come back in LEGALLY! Learn the difference between ILLEGAL and LEGAL! SEARCH; STEFAN MOLYNEUX, The Truth About Ted Cruz. You might also know there are some of his law professors who think otherwise about Teds CONSTITUTIONAL knowledge. DOMINION THEOLOGY AND TED CRUZ is another search for you.
what did he lie about?
Hey I was wondering. Can Kaysick (opps) crawl under the same rocktoo?
Sorry, there is no “constitution party” nor do we have any real conservatives. The USA was made a corporation!!! in the 1800’s meaning they couldn’t care less about our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I stopped being a conservative when those we elected immediately betrayed their oaths, promises, us and America for the almighty donor dollar. I don’t any establishment bought and paid for candidate just to lose to Hillary and communism – which has been creeping in faster these last few months helping the DNC’s 1963 Congressional Record publishing of the Communist Manifesto of 44 steps to overtake America. Might want to read that and learn a few real facts and why we need Trump who, thank God, is not a conservative, but like me for freeing up America and getting our country back on track. The other two establishment candidates are just helping bring about Hillary winning. You won’t like it!
if cruz is bought and paid for, why does everyone in DC hate him?
Mike we all know when Hildabeast is lying it’s as soon as she say’s something. As far as Cruz or Bernie they’re all politicians and that should explain it. So don’t try to characterize Trump as a liar he’s running against professional liars and the Hildabeast is the Antichrist of them all!
when did cruz lie? I’ve pointed out all kinds of trump contradictions. just give me an example of cruz lying.
how do you know when killery is telling the truth??? when her mouth is closed!!!
Trump is the best of a bad bunch as is the case with most country’s politicians. But at least Trump knows how to run a big business, a very big business whereas his opponents are happy to gamble with other peoples lives, money or even steal it. The USA is a big business and Trump has the runs on the board to make him the best candidate. It is a huge mistake to take all that candidates say as gospel as they need to grow and with growth comes experience and experience comes from making mistakes and correcting them. The biggest problem with Democracy is politicians. To modify what Satchmo says, “Without politicians, what a wonderful world it would be”. If you vote in a ‘know it all like Obama or Clinton, or Sanders, or Cruz you will get the mess that you got with “Yes We Can Obama.” If a candidate knows that he does no know it all and is prepared to change his thoughts and deeds as he gains e xperience then that’s who you need as a President. Trump did not become a billionaire because he made NO mistakes. He made more mistakes than anyone else but fixed them and progressed. Find a President who has not made any mistakes and you find a President who has not made anything at all.
the USA is not a big business! it’s a representative republic that is supposed to make sure of equal representation for all under the law. of course our govt. is corrupt which is why trump had to buy favors from hillary, schumer and others to get his corrupt business dealings done.
Peter, you are so right, but I don’t think you know even half of it. Obama’s ‘dead pool’ nachumlist”.
I just received this in my email and it is so scary, mind boggling, and unbelievable that I had to share it!!
An Australian (Fred) is now critical of a President who likes having his “DUCKS in a ROW”! OMG, this is unbelievable…is Obama working directly for Al Qaeda? OBAMA SHOULD LIVE WHERE HIS HEART IS…… IN IRAN! What a failure as a president.
Like “Ducks in a Row”
(The picture didn’t print out on this blog.)
The picture is of the five first line US nuclear carriers docked together in one place. Just like Battleship Row, Pearl Harbor , December 7, 1941.
This picture was taken February 2014 in Norfolk , Virginia. Obama ordered 5 nuclear carriers into harbor for “routine” (?) inspections. Heads of the Navy were flabbergasted by the directive but had to comply as it was a direct order from their Commander-in-Chief.
The carriers were all pulled out from the MIDDLE EAST and the Afghanistan support role leaving our land forces naked and exposed without the air support needed to carry out their missions!
NORFOLK, VA. (February 8, 2014). This is the first time since WWII that five aircraft carriers were docked together. (These are all nuclear carriers).
Picture of US nuclear carriers docked together in one place won’t print. These are our “Ducks in a Row”. Look on internet for story.
USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69),
USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77),
USS Enterprise (CVN 65),
USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75),
and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)
are all in port at Naval Station Norfolk , Va. , the world’s largest naval station. Knowledgeable sources stated that this breached a long standing military protocol in the Navy meant to avoid a massive enemy strike on major US forces. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan J. Courtade/Released).
This ordering of most of the Navy’s capitol ships into one place is unprecedented since Pearl Harbor !
I also have a list of all of our military elite that Obama has “retired”, mostly involuntarily, but the list of admirals, generals, etc., is so long I don’t believe this site can or will print it.
No one can state categorically anything about another person, Mike, but I will tell you some of the stuff I HAVE found out. You see, Cruz was a shoo-in favorite of mine up to around February. I’ll not say he has done no good at all, but his agenda is diferent than most people know. Because I am retired and disabled l’ve had time to do a lot of EXTENSIVE research, starting around July last year, ALL candidates and ALL parties . Yes, I was VERY disappointed in Ted, It was like a kick in the stomach, but then, such is life.
You can say what you want about Mr. Trump but I and the many others are calling him an honest, America loving patriot who can turn this nation back to greatness again. I laugh every time a liberal lies because they KNOW that we, the public, know they’re lying! We know by their past performance. Lord, deliver us from these oath-breaking, lying RINO’s.
I’m sure that since you are so well informed you know the SIX CORPORATIONS who own the liberal media and who also own ALLTHE PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS ( Look it up: free ) and it is they who throw such vicious attacks against Trump! (Do you know that each alphabet channel has a relative working in Obama’s administration? I can send you the list. Do you know how many Muslims are in this administration? Again, I can send you the list.) We’d all better stop and listen to what he’s saying! Donald J. Trump knows what he’s talking about! He loves America so he keeps up with everything that could impact America. I find that he is better informed than our “mainstream” liberal press (so-called unbiased news source?) but then, he butters his own bread! He doesn’t have to worry about which side it’s buttered on, either. He owes no favors to anyone!
Now here are the words of a retired wounded warrior: “Donald Trump has proven, by self funding and declaring he will not take a salary that he is not in this for fame or fortune (he already has both of those) but instead to help keep a nation, he loves as many other patriots do, from destruction that desperately needs help after a president who has, for eight years, tried to destroy it. I give him credit for doing something very few, if any, of us can do. The fact that he is not your first choice is not a reason to condemn him. His intentions are good as are several others except they will have to be beholden to donors and he will not. In our lifetime we may NEVER again see someone who will make such a financial sacrifice for his country.
In the final analysis however, there is no perfect citizen for a perfect president. Currently Donald Trump and Ted Cruz come closest. Are there others who have good intentions now? Of course! Can they be influenced? Again of course! Many, like Rubio, Fiorino and Cruz, have even “proven” they can be, therefore I will stick with Donald Trump.
Many who oppose Trump’s candidacy find fault at every move he makes. Mostly because they have another person they much prefer for varies reasons . However, none have been as successful or have the motivation of Donald. Work is actually his play. Trump is always busy and if you want something done and done right ask someone to do it who is always busy.There was not even a hint from these same people about the qualifications of the current president however, that historical fact does not qualify anyone including Donald Trump “to be” president. On other hand Hillary has no record of accomplishments also. If having opportunities to accomplish is a resume many are much more qualified than she. Her opportunities (senator and secretary of state) were failures.In the final analysis America is extremely lucky right now to have the quality of conservative men vying for the position of leading this once great nation. I suggest we savor the contest for that position rather then attempt to push anyone into, or out of, the position with force. It is the people who are assigned the duty of selecting the most desirable, qualified and capable out of this group. It is important we each make a decision for ourselves who we want as the next president and not let other make it for us. I feel confident if that is the case the best man will win for once! It could only enhance America if this process were allowed to proceed without interference from outside political party bosses. It is that outside interference along with perceived political correctness that “is” (not will) destroying our nation.
Many criticize Donald but few, if any, are willing to look at the sacrifice he is making for no personal gain (as a matter of fact it costs him personally in more ways then time and money) but instead to, as he says, “Make America Great Again.”
When Trump says something, the American people do listen, or haven’t you been watching the polls? Every time he says something, it turns out he is much better informed than the media. After the liberal garbage has called him a liar and other derogatory names, he turns around and proves them to be the liars and for some reason or other, are covering up something dirty for the present administration. Do you think MOST of the American people can’t see this?? Donald Trump speaks the truth. Instead of feeling “offended”, listen and check it out. ”
If the democrats “win” this election, it’ll be with rigged and fraudulent polls, bought votes, so-called “naturalized” citizens voting, intimidation at the polls, etc. But then poll rigging and fraud goes back more than a couple of decades. The libs/dems know all the dirty tricks, and now we find the republicans are doing it, also. . How do you think Clinton and Obama “won” past elections?? Please, just do your own research and stop listening to the liberal media, GOP and RINO’s. You can learn so much on the internet. Yes, I’ve put in a lot of time on research because so many people work and don’t have time. I post all pros and cons, even against one I really liked and trusted, but everyone will have to make their own decision and vote their own pick. But please, check everything out first. I really don’t know if I WANT to know any more about the professional politicians we have in office. Some of it is awful – and frightening.
Hey mike:
It all depends on what your definition of “Truth” is. If you are looking for truth in any of our longstanding politicians, then all I can say is good luck. George S. Patton once said: Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth and Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of Politician.
Trump may very well be a loser, but even on his worst day, he will have to be better than what we’ve got. The only thing that any of the politicians have done is screw up a good thing and then run on a platform to fix it……. Trouble is, it never gets fixed and you know That Is “Truth”.
I suspect from your voting in reality for Cruz by the tone.
Sorry I was trying to reply to Mike but the forum won’t allow me to. It gets kicked to the end where you cannot address the initial person’s comments
Then it tells me I’ve already “said that” what’s up with the editing?
@Mike at 10:32AM since I’m unable to reply to the person I was addressing, there are sure a lost of cruzers out today
Probably but he was a business man then. Now he is for the people who has been defrauded all these years. I believe he will build a wall and I do believe he will redo the trade deals. As a crafter I have to buy a lot of my materials from China. It always takes a long time to get them and the shipping is out of site which means that I have to charge for what I make.
People change, and she sure did, and not for the better!
When i look at the other choices i shudder to think of them in the drivers seat, for the ride will be into hell! I see a fat Cat in trump but i have studied this man and i see one thing many dont He truly took a small fortune from his fathers estate and turned it into an empire. I have spoken with people wehi have worked for him and have yet to find one person who didnt come away with a postive thought on the man. I asked him to look at the Hammond family in Oregon as they need help and responded.Ive never sen a person of his Stuture ever really care about the masses and their plights. I know one thing that if he is elected He will be better controlled by the people since JFK.
IOs this the New JFK is this a reincarnation of God wanting us the people to be able to combat this New World Order. Ideas are power within themselves for once started they cannot be stopped. A simple gesture may show all of us what Gods intentions are and prayer is that window. You who are shills rememebr you too are are part of the masses membership and if we get this wrong all of us peons shill and all will feel these chains.
sorry fo the typos im in a hurry today.
Trump is playing a game. America’s future is not a game, a deal. He changes his mind more often than his clothes. If he was to be presidential, prove it now and stop enticing brawls, stop his threats, stop calling everybody liars, take responsibility for his actions, his words. If he can’t organize his campaign to acquire delegates according to century old rules, how is he going to change America, by executive order? We have that now and it is deadly!! He is show boating just because he can. He is not a conservative but a cry baby that throws a fit when he doesn’t get his way. Russia, Iran and North Korea could care less about his fits!!! We need a proven conservative, a man that has proven he will fight for Americans constitutional rights, even if it makes him unpopular, a man of string principle, a Godly man and that’s Ted Cruz. If Trump truly wants America great again, he will man up and support the nominee if it’s not him and help fight to defeat the democrat nominee. It’s time for Americans to stand and fight for our country. We have to unite to fight the liberals, democrats, or we will be leaving America. This election is crucial. Let’s be responsible, not shoot ourselves in the foot!!!
Dear Ted, you are soooo behind in delegates and common sense. It was last Summer that Trump stated that when the count of candidates was reduced a lot that he would then change his approach as a truly presidential candidate. I was driving to work and heard him. Where were you? Helping Heidi with One World Government, enjoying your position as a bought and paid for establishment patsy? Hoping with the GOP to block Trump’s going up the ladder to nomination and that, somehow, you might actually be our chosen candidate. Time to get off the “stuff’ and wake up to reality. We want a REAL man, a non-politician, not owned, get things done and has all the skills and abilities to get our America back after thrashing the mentally and physically ill Hillary. We do NOT want communism and if you think helping the GOP at the Convention block OUR candidate, I can tell you that you will not love communism and probably will not live long after it has completely taken over OUR America. Spouse has been there and managed to escape. I lived and worked under socialism, the first step to communism. Just drop out now because you have no character and have loss all credibility aiding in voter cheating in Utah and Wisconsin, and now several states, including your Texas, and Oklahoma have started investigations into voter cheating.
Donald J Trump promises to completely change once he is our nominee ! Are you kidding ? Once a sewer rat always a sewer rat ! He will probably pick Hillary as his VP because he is really a democrat pretending to be a conservative Republican ! Wake up America please do not vote for this man ! He has been Lying to you and once the REAL Donald shows up it will be too late ! Hillary will win the White House and it will be over !!! VOTE TED CRUZ and turn our country back to the states and to the people !!!!!! Trump is STUPID. ARROGANT FOOLISH LIAR DECEIVER A SLEAZY CAR SALESMAN WHO CAN NOT BE TRUSTED !!
You need to wake up. Where do you get your information? You have no idea what you’re saying. OUR POLITICIANS SUCK.
No that’s your President!!!
Your voting for a liberal fool. And we all will have to suffer for stupidity!
If you thought of this Hillary’s staff has thought of it too!!
I respond to a comment, and you put my answer 20 clicks down the page. Now everyone really thinks I’m stupider than ever!!!
We desperately need that brash personality to get things done in this country and who’s better at saying “YOU’RE FIRED “
what if he says you’re fired to someone who wants smaller govt.?
Mike ~ Why would Donald do that? He is all for smaller government. He wants the Schools, etc. – back in the hands of the states. The Board of Education did pretty well for a number of years, and when things go wrong, it is a lot easier to handle the problems of one state, and not the whole country. He also wants that disaster, Obamacare, done away with, and medical coverage chosen by the patient, wherever they can get the better deal for their dollars. There are very important topics that the government should handle. Security is one, the armed Forces come under the Government Special Departments, Likewise Federal taxes, etc. They should not be involved in individual states decisions, as every state does not have the same budget, so must handle important decisions separately, not lumped together.
Trump believes in big govt, not small!er.
A constitution defending Cruz is the one pushing for te limited govt under the constitution.
Trump is going to put everyone on medicare and medicaid. Sept 13,2015. How is that a smaller govt?
Trump should get a academy award! But then again you can fool some of the people but not all the people. I remember a guy named Obama who also is a liberal conned these same ignorant people.
@Dorothy Whalen April 22, 2016 at 12:12 pm, I agree wholeheartedly with your comments
I double second you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is he going to fire? He can not get any Congressman fired. He can not make the majority of Congress fund the crazy things he wants done. Trump can not bully Congress to do his bidding. Just like Obama nothing will get done. The people have been brainwashed by Trump and the Rich Media to get what they want. Once again the American people are being fooled. Wake up America before it is to late.
Curtis ~ If Donald Trump becomes our 45th President, he will arrive in that White House with the majority of the people backing him. They know how to get rid of useless Congress people. We do need a big change, but Rome wasn’t built in a day, and cleaning out those wannabees, who think they run this country, will take a little time, but eventually, I guarantee, Washington, D.C. will be a much better place for the citizens ~ and those in Congress will know the people come first!
But Dorothy-
To Congress, the People really DO come first – if you’re rich. If you’re poor, fuggetabowdit.
i think that the only way CongressCretins will truly reform is if they fear arrest for Oath-breaking on a continual basis. After all, why require officeholders to TAKE an oath if you can’t hold them accountable for the terms of it? Judges charge courtroom liars with perjury every day. Why don’t Americans hold CongressCretins feet to the fire of their oath of office?
As Benjamin Franklin put it: “When the People fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the People, there is liberty.”
If there are no consequences for lying under an oath of office, they’ll just keep on doing whatever the hell they want, without fear of penalty or punishment.
Hello, Mr. Constitutionalist. I was trying to reply to your rant farther down the page but there is no Reply there. The Constitution mentions Natural Born Citizen but never defines the term. Mr. Obama and Mr. Arthur were US Presidents with one parent US Citizen and the other not. Andrew Jackson, Buchanan, Wilson, Hoover had one or both parents not born on US soil. There were challenges to Goldwater, George Romney, and Lowell Weiker because of this argument. The fact is that US Constitution never completely explains Natural Born Citizen, and lawyers have been arguing ever since. Congress has to introduce new legislation to settle the issue. Or the courts/lawyers will keep arguing.
I believe he will get things done. He does not mind calling individuals out to the public when they need to be. Those people don’t want to lose their jobs. He will do much to end the corruption in both parties because he knows how the system works. He is the only choice we have to get a government that represents the people. If we don’t take that chance then we may never have a free country any more. Our rights are being taken away from us more and more and the government is gaining complete control of our lives .
Your right. Our rights are being taken away.
That’s the reason we need Cruz, who has fought for our constitution and won. He took UN and international law to court, to protect our sovereignty.
He wi!l govrern through the constitution. That is the only way to guard our rights and shrink govt and stop illegals.
Now more then ever.
It is plain to see from the past that the Dem’s can not run the USA. This is about talking
care of the USA first and foremost. I feel that TRUMP can and will do this. Not that helping others is not important, yet we have so many homeless Vets and Children is the USA.
To may children being shot in front of there own homes. Let take care of the USA FIRST.
Should have checked the spelling. I meant taking care of.
When both “parties” are scared to death that TRUMP WILL get the Presidency, THAT alone makes me want to vote for him.
The dirty tricks, lying, crony capitalism, and bribing will come to an end I am afraid, when Trump takes the wheel.
Trump HAD to stoop to the “Politicians” level to get his point across. The non-PC speech from Trump was a refreshing change!
In MY opinion, he was only saying what a LOT of American people are thinking, but were too afraid to say. Our Country is in deep trouble IF the same-old same-old PC CRAP is allowed to continue. THIS is what scares the daylights out of the “politicians” and their minions… The Political gravy train will be halted and the Country can again start to “heal”. Think what you want, But people HAVE to admit TRUMP has brought out more passion to get involved in the “process” than has EVER been seen in years past.
Cliff is1000 % correct !!!
And what do you think Trump can do to get his point across? NOTHING is the answer. Like Obama he can not work with Congress and nothing will get done. Have you ever seen a rich man not want more money? Trump is playing a game with the voter and it is working. The people have been brainwashed.
Larry ,you are wrong! The people that would vote for Clinton,Sanders,Kasich,or Cruz are the one that has been brainwashed with their lies and ideology .None of 4 people have one ounce of common sense. They have noting in common with the American people.They have lived off the back the American Taxpayers. Yes , Mr. Donald J Trump can do a lot for the American people. If we vote the corruption out of Washington. Every one of them will come up for re-election in the next 4 yrs. Vote them out.They work for the American people. Mr. Donald J Trump is not playing games with no one! He doses not have to. Why do you thank a person would put his life and his family life on the line to be president ? They have sent death threat to his son and his sister . He sure doesn’t need the money and he has not asked for one cent from anyone. The other 4 beg for money every day. He has told everyone that he would not take a salary or retirement . He sure is not beholding to no one. That the reason Washington Elite don’t won’t him to become president.
Too bad you have not actually listened or read anything Cruz has said. You haven’t watched him on squawkbox, or in committee against sierra club.
yet you blindly accept what ever trump or his surrogates or info war says.
Again trump has met with DC lobbyist himself last week looking for money.
Manafort is with lobbyist this week looking for money.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
Cruz is not qualified to be president; he’s not a “natural-born” AMERICAN. He’s a natural-born CANADIAN.
i though that maybe – just maybe – if i told you 10x, it’d start to dawn on you. You canNOT be a Constitutionalist and simultaneously violate it’s precepts and requirements.
Either the Constitution matters to you or it does not. If it does NOT, then that makes you an Enemy of the Constitution. If you declare yourself to be an Enemy of the Constitution, then every righteous man and woman who honors their Oaths of Office also considers YOU their enemy, for they have sworn to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United State against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic” – and if you don’t care that the Constitution IS the Supreme Law of the land whether you like it or not, THEY DO. Personally, i don’t want to make enemies of Delta Force, SEALS, Rangers, Green Berets, et al. You may have different priorities.
For years, the people in this country got too comfy, let those decisions be handled in Washington, that is what they are paid for ~ so now take a good look at what we have, no jobs, higher taxes, the country is bursting at the seams with illegals, who suck up our medical facilities, and our hard earned cash, we have corruption everywhere, as other politicians follow suit as to what goes on in Congress. Now Donald has awakened the silent majority, and yes, they will be heard! The Republican Party had better wake up, because if we all switch, maybe start our own Party ~ all that would be left in the RNC is that motley crew who have been pulling all the chains these past 8 years. Enough is enough, but we have to start somewhere, with someone ~ and Donald Trump fits the bill, he won’t take all this thievery, He makes the deal, take it or leave it ~ shape up or ship out ~ and yes, he will make America Great Again!
Great job Cliff Exactly what i have been telling people – He has them all scared to death and rightfully so !!! Go trump 2016
Damned if you do…damned if you don’t. Trump’s reaching to the “silent majority” voters who are delighted to hear someone who articulates what needs to be said…the delivery might be called brash but Trump is saying what people want. So…if Trump modulates his delivery that means he’s lying…brash, he’s selling the deal, moderating tone, sealing the deal. Too bad nobody chose to scrutinize POTUS’ other side…Rs had to rant on Romney’s “cult” religion…and look what we got/have.
I’m voting for Trump no matter what.
Me to…..
No Trump No Vote.
Trump is a Liberal Democrat ! A very Nasty, Rude & arrogant man. I have been conservative my entire adult life. Trump is what 69 ?You don’t change at that age.
Trump Has been a Rep sense 1988. His mind has not changed at all. He the same person Opra interview back in the 80’s. Being a conservative is one thing ,But being ideology is a nother.When you are so stuck in ideology that you can’t find the truth is a nother. How many people have gone to Washington telling us they are conservative? Then when they get there we find out they are no better than the corruption that are there for power and greed. Mr. Donald J Trump may be Nasty,Rude.and arrogant, But he has made the American people wake up to the Corruption in Washington and the RNC. He the only one for the American People.Ted Cruz is the one that is lying .He is the one that for open borders.North American Trade Deal . Border open from Mexico to Canada. One world Government and The New World Order. His father and Glen Beck think he is the anoted one to rule over the world.To bring in the 7 mounton religon.No Trump No Vote
In 1991 he was a democrat expert speaking to senate, on cspan. He said reagan 25% tax for the top rate wasd too low. He blamed Reagan for real estate prob?!ems.
Trump praised obama and said he is excellent president. Just as he praised Clinton for being a great senator then sec of state.
What part of that is republican? Its NOT
NAFTA took place in 1990’s under bill. Ted was not a senator and did not vote for it.
I don’t want a Trump whinning cry baby bully to be the next President, our country is better than that! All along it has been Trump that’s the liar, divider of our country, talks down to women and minorities and thinks he is God, he said he would never ask God for forgiveness, he’s prideful, arrogant, rude, and his words and actions would only be a disgrace to our country! Vote Cruz for President, Cruz is not ashame to tell the world that Jesus is his Lord and Savior, Cruz stands up for the Constitution, his wife doesn’t pose naked for anyone like Trump’s wife, he is very intelligent, humble, has common sense and I believe he is the only one that can beat Hillary and defeat ISIS. God bless America and God bless Ted Cruz!
Thank you Grace! A voice of reason!
I so agree with you Grace. You said it well. I just can’t understand for the life of me what Voters , even some people that I respect are voting for Trump. It is like they believe he is gonna win, and they want to be with the Winner ??? I am voting my faith , and I can’t believe anything Trump says, cause he is changing it to what ever group he talks to. He reminds me more and more of Obama who he says he does not like. I am broken hearted for this country that says they want to make it Great Again, but yet they will vote for someone that is not willing to even tell the truth, let alone anything else. I agree with the person that wrote in asking what Ted Cruz has lied about. Please , let me know. I wish someone would answer that. Also, your Trumpster, Please ask Donald to turn over his taxes, What is he hiding ??? Open your eyes before our Great America is a thing of the past.
I think Trump is doing the right thing. He just needed someone to help him with the way he comes across, but you have to realize that Cruz , Rubio and Bush were pushing him and Megan Kelly too. He fought back and they played the innocent ones. Donald Trump is the only person who has been honest and forthcoming. I am looking forward to having him as my President. And he also has a very intelligent and working family.
Trump has been lying all along about everything and people are too “dumbed down” to see it for what it really is.
A true shame that people are uneducated about him and also all of Hiliary’s lies.
This country is already lost…..
I agree with you Karl. Try not to be so upset that you have thrown in the towel. I am trying everything possible to reach as many people as possible. I know that we are not going to convert one Trumpster. But we need to get those 20 million christians that did not vote for Rommey to get off their but and VOTE .
I think Trump is doing the right thing
Sorry to tell you but Ted Cruz is not a American
Citizen. His parents did not registered him at the USConsulate in Canada when he was born
Big mistake. It happened to me ! I had to Naturalize my son when I returned from abroad
As he was not considered American
I did go to the US Cinsulate but was told I
Had to been living in the USA for five years
Note. I was two when I moved to another
Legally Ted Cruz is not an American Citizen !
Mr Trump has been endorsed by a petiphile
( can’t spell ) for Trump called him as such, & he is no one as Mr Ben Carson, Mr Trump is not truthful, him & ” Hell ary ” are Pepto & Bismol.
Pedophile. I don’t be!ieve Carson is one.
Trump back handidly called Carson a pedophile. Trump lied.
yep, then Carson supported him. He sold his soul to the Devil ! !! Shame on Dr Carson
A leopard doesn’t change it’s spot. Running for President, why wasn’t he acting presidential from the start of his campaign. His behavior, ridiculing and mocking his opponents Saul Alinksky style, is not acceptable. Bragging about how great he is and what he is going to do without telling us how, is all hot air.
Then why is Obama president?
I have been a conservative republican my entire life also!! And I have evolved
I have learned that the so called “conservative republicans” are NOTHING but whining,sniveling RINOS
I think CRUZ, who so many say is such a “constitionalist republican- is a BIG JOKE. He is a typical lying lawyer. Typical creepy, greedy republican.
Kasich took millions from Ohio. He is worthless. And again, creepy.
Trump is the only one that is willing to work FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. and NOT take our money!!!
TRUMP will FIX this country!!
I still have my conservative views. But right now- I want AMERICA to be fixed. I don’t give a crap what TRUMP has done in the past. I want solutions and he is the ONLY one that has the guts to say what is WRONG with this country.
I want solutions and people like you are part of the problem. Use your head and stop with the “conservative republican” crap. That is null and void now. Not one of the idiots running is conservative really. Cruz with his hookers, Kasich with his gay roommate etc etc. We live in 2016. Look around you. You need to change your paradigm and realize that TRUMP is the ONLY SOLUTION.
Live your life like you want, but please open your eyes and realize that the BEST choice for OUR COUNTRY is TRUMP !!!
If this is true, if what Trump has done so far in this campaign is all an act, if he’s planning to change at some point, then he’s obviously not being himself now or he’s not going to be himself later. You don’t know what he stands for or what he’s going to do if he’s elected. You’re voting for “a pig in a poke!”
Why don’t you vote for someone who actually has principles? Why choose a guy who’s not genuine, who’s saying and doing what you like just to get your vote? Why not find someone who will do what you want done because he, also, wants what you want and would do what you want done even if no one, including you, were telling him what to do? Aren’t you tired of being duped?
Jeffrey Moore-
Your suggestion??
They all lie. Every single one of them.
Trump has a plan. And he has many intelligent men and women behind his plan. He will continue to do what is best FOR the people.
The other Buffoons are doing it for their bank accounts. He doesn’t care about money. He can make $$ on his own. He doesn’t need anybody telling him what to do.
He is working FOR THE PEOPLE.
TRUMP 2016
Tell me one Cruz lie. Trump lies everytime he opens his mouth, and he has the audacity to call Cruz a liar. America better wake or or we will get Hillary. Trump will not beat Hillary.
You make more noise calling everyone else name to draw less att. to what you are really saying, a well known political strat.
. Constitution requires NATURAL BORN CITIZENS to be POTUS. ……………..19th century SCOTUS decision in Minor v. Happersett confirmed definition of natural born citizen: One born in the country to two citizen parents. (mother and father) Cruz as a supposed constitutional scholar should have known the requirements to be POTUS. If he didn’t, he’s a dummy, If he did, he’s a sneak and a liar. Either way, he’s still not eligible. He’s not an outsider, but a Bush insider, an establishment elite puppet. Ted Cruz is the ultimate insider, former top Bush 41 policy aide and globalist, Ivy Leaguer, and establishment insider.
Read more:
………………………………………………………………………… Obama is an Usurper. (Kenyan father not a US citizen). The Clintons were the first to expose this fact. Crooked judges have kept Obama in power. Can’t have this happen again with Cruz.
Tommy G ~ Every time he opens his mouth, a lie comes out! Just who is he, Raphael, ~ he had his records sealed ~ why? He is not born here in the USA, – he cheated in almost every primary, and now that he hasn’t enough votes, he is sneaking around, having special meetings with delegates ( and you know, one thief can recognize another ) making deals, you give me your backing, and I will take care of your states needs ~ that is what we have now ~ he is part of the system ~ he knows who is willing to go against their own people. Donald knows all about those deals ~ he has won over the best of them and will win now ~ with so many fighting to keep him out, ~ to protect their nest egg ~ they have secret meetings, trying to find the answer, but Trump rolls on, no PACs no quiet money, he is paying his own way, that’s more than Cruz can say, He is collecting from the state of Texas, for a job he is never there to fullfill ~ meanwhile has the backing of PACs up the gazoo, and yes, they pull the strings, and the puppet dances to the tune.
The first lie he A natural born citizen of the USA. He is not. The next lie Dr. Ben Carson is was dropping out in Iowa. A lie. Then lied again said he didn’t know anything about . A lie.The whole thing was planned 2 weeks before.He lied about the picture of Mrs. Trump. His staffer Jeff Roe bought copyright from GQ. I could go on for hrs. He nothing but a lying hypocrite. There are plenty of proof out there . Instead of being ignorant look it up the information .But I guess it to much to ask, of someone that is so deep into ideology.
According to 1790 naturalization act signed by Washington, Cruz is a natural born citizen. And the past few weeks this was taken to court a d Cruz won each one.
As for Carson. Huckabee had suspended his campaign. Immediately after CNN tweeted that Carson was not going to new Hampshire but back to Florida.between that time and when CNN said the same thing on TV first time, Cruz campaigners sent this info to all Cruz ppl. Carson ppl were at same caucus places. Not one questioned it? Noone even said they changed their vote.
A superpacs by Lisa Meir? Sent the PX okf melania on a Facebook ad. Jeff roe did not buy the PX. The superpacs is a nevertrump PAC. It is not a Cruz PAC. She just made another ad about trump and what he says about ivanka. The creepy things he has said.
So, no, ted didn’t lie.
In case I didn’t make it c!lear- Cruz’s ppl are accused of passing on CNN info.
Donald Trump cares more about more power and money than anything else. That what narcissists and egomaniacs do! They love the attention. It is all about me, me, me. He boasts about himself all of the time. Egomaniacs love talking about themselves and brag about themselves all of the time. Hitler, Mussolini etc. were all egomaniacs and narcissists. Pride, arrogance, bullying, name-calling, are the lowest of the low of human qualities and yet all you Trumpsters run after him like dogs chasing rabbits. It is absolutely amazing to me how he has conned all of you. If you ever did a search of his business dealings, your hair would probably stand on end. Some of it will come out at some point. Construction in NYC is ruled by the mafia…..anyone who has lived in NYS knows that. So Trump was probably greasing the palms of them also to get more money. It is a joke and the joke is going to be on all of you he has conned. Some of the public will believe anything. Time will show you all the promises that Trump has made that he will not produce. Good luck Trumpsters. Unfortunately, all of us who know better will have to suffer the consequences with you.
I so agree with you Sandra. They think they see Ted lying cause that is what Donald is saying. Poor Donald doesn’t have anything to talk about but how bad everybody else is. Please tell me how wonderful Donald is, and please ask him to release his taxes. Ted Cruz release 8 years of taxes. What is Donald heading ?? Oh , maybe after the election you will find out. Maybe ??
Trump told Erin Burnett in 2007 ( buzzfeed by Christopher massif, 4/20/16) that you can’t have ppl smarter then you around you.
He also told students in de pere Wisconsin (guy Benson,3/31/16, townhall) that ” if you want feel successful, always be around unsuccessful ppl.”
So no, he will not hire the best or brightest to the wh to help him.
Just look at the incompetent campaign he’s running!
If he can’t runs campaign why do you think he can run a country?
Well said Theresa
Wow! Just wow! You have drunk the whole pitcher of kool-aid. Trump will lose to Hillary in a LANDSLIDE.
There are two candidates in both parties whom exude Faustian tendencies, continuing their anathema toward their respective parties and the American public.
Both will say and do whatever it takes to get a vote. If this in itself is not enough for any rational person to have second thoughts, then let’s consider this.
In 2008 a first term senator who had a way of convincing the unsuspecting public that there had come a time for change in our country. And there was a new hope in him to achieve the changes needed to make America great.
Does this rhetoric sound familiar to the two top runners in the race to the presidency?
If you are not happy with how things have become now, why would anyone with half a brain want more of the same?
Both Trump and Clinton will deliver more pain, taxes, and institute more government programs to accommodate the promises they have made. Resulting in less freedom, and more restrictions of the public’s constitutional rights.
Just as Obama has done in the past 7.5 years, so will continue under any of the two front runners administrations.
I assume you are probably leaning towards cruz?? Lol
You better do some research on CRUZ. Just as a small example. And to prove he is pretty creepy – back in 2004 he was signing some sort of creepy thing about dildos. That’s right! Dildos. Keeping them away from people. Now- that seems like certain people will be losing that freedom if you vote for him ,doesn’t it?? And WHY on earth is he involved in that???? He is a creepy sociopath. And I think he is promiscuous, yet wants everyone to believe he is a good bible loving man. He lies. He cheats. He steals. I don’t trust CRUZ. And Kasich stole millions from Ohio. They both are only in this for ONE thing. Themselves. And they will continue our country on the path to distruction
You Trumpanzees are hilarious. With the issues facing this nation you are bringing up “dildos”. What’s wrong with you Trumpbots. Go read the facts of the case before you spout off.
Tommy G
The ONLY reason I brought up this dildo fact is that Cruz keeps saying he wants freedoms for Americans and he is a constitutional republican. Yet- he tried to take some people’s rights away.
Ted Cruz is a sociopath. Sociopaths are very dangerous. Read the definition of a sociopath. He shows all the signs. He was raised by communist cult leaders that believe he is king. There is videos of HIM saying he wants world domination. He lies constantly He has also stolen all of TRUMPS ideas ideas that we the people Agree on. He keeps saying he will beat Hillary. That is impossible. Look at his poll record in NY. People like you are brainwashed by Lyin Canadian Cuban cruz. You keep drinking your bong water. He will NEVER ever be able to abolish the IRS. No candidate will be able to do that. Ever.
Cruz and Heidi want to vacation for the next 4 years on the taxpayers dimes.
Wake up idiot.
So agree with you Tommy, Trumpsters don’t read facts, They let Donald tell them what is TRUTH ???
Cruz was I n AG Texas office. The case about dildos was to prevent the advertisement of them,not the use of.
That was the states position and asx his job he fought for that position.
Simple as that.
NAFTA took place in 1990’s under bill. Ted was not a senator and did not vote for it
TRUMP is the ONLY ONE that will work FOR the AMERICAN PEOPLE and AGAINST the ILLEGALS!!!
Thank you ANDY!!!
TRUMP 2016!!!
Trump will lose to Hillary in a landslide. Wake up America. The only one running who has a solid core of conservative principles and stands as the only constitutional conservative is Ted Cruz. People better wake up, or Hillary will be the next president. Trump is a charlatan. Trump is the biggest liar and con man running, next to Hillary.
Tommy G if you thank Ted Cruze is a Constitution conservative you better thank gain. When you take away people right to vote. That tell the USA people that is not brainwashed just who you are. Ted Cruz walk around with a bible in one hand spew lie out his mouth. I have seen more pole than the one that the Lame Stream Media is putting out. That have hundred of thousand of people voting , they have Trump up over Hillary and Cruz both. Get you head out of the sand and quit spreading lies. They are people that can see threw Cruz lies. If he were A Constitutional Conservative he would not be for One World Government,and The New World Order. The he and his wife worked on for the past 16 yrs. We are the USA we live in democracy, not a dictator ship,He won’t to rule the world, Not be president of the USA.
He is not a one world govt person.
The fact is he took the UN to court to protect the sovereignty of the USA.and won!
Right on Theresa !!!! Ted Cruz has Brains and Intelligence and mostly INTEGRITY Donald has $$$$
I don’t think Trump is changing his message – just the method of delivering them.
He has to stop the negatives and focus on the positives. Being a conduit of our anger is one thing but now he needs to offer solutions. I will vote for Trump. He certainly can’t be any worse than the last 8 years and that is what Hillary is offering. He needs to meet with members of his party and mend fences. He needs to move on and drop the whining.
As for giving money to Dems and Rep. – that is what a businessman does. He hasn’t done this since deciding to run for Pres.
Trump has brought the issues to light but really has no way to do these things but to GREASE THE PALMS of the Congress,
( called PORK ISSUES ). The art of the deal is his road map and it will finish off the Republic as we know it. We need to get back to the BASIC PRINCIBLES that the founders laid out at our beginning. Sure the times change BUT THE PRINCIBLES DO NOT.
Limited Government as to the National Defense , free commerce between states . ALL ELSE BELONGS TO THE STATES OR THE PEOPLE.
And Trump greased those same palms when he needed something done so he could make more money! Who are you kidding and who does he think he is kidding! Not all of the public is as gullible and stupid as some!
Cruz has lied his a$$ off since day one.
He says he is not for amnesty- yet there are videos of him saying he is
He told people in Iowa that Dr Carson was dropping out
Every time CRUZ opens his mouth, he LIES.
And people that follow cruz- are brainwashed and are his cult followers. His communist parents raised him in a cult,believing he is king.
you Better wake up!!
The man is sick. He is a sociopath. And he is the last thing our country needs.
Trump is FOR THE PEOPLE!!!
Trump 2016.
Andy !!!
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!
Hillary is heading to prison. !!!!
Tommy G
You obviously are one that voted for the illegal Muslim because he was part black.
Go away TROLL.
Two faced liar will not show voters the truth. Trump is a psychopath
Donald Trump is the biggest phony walking. He cannot change his “narcissistic personality disorder” because it is a psychological disorder. He has conned every one of you Trumpsters just like Obama did. Why don’t all of you take off your blinders and see this egomaniac for who he truly is — a boastful, bully who acts like a five year old instead of a man. Calling people names, whining like a baby and inciting people at their lowest extremities. It is embarrassing to me and I will never vote for him and I hope the majority of others won’t either. I don’t care if Hillary gets in if this is the only candidate you can select to represent our party. It will be your fault for picking such an obnoxious person. When Trump starts threatening other nations like a bully, one of them might just call his bluff and then your children and grandchildren will be fighting the wars his loud mouth has started. And I will say, “I told you so.”
You know for sure that you will be extending the Obozo mess with Hildabeast, Cruz or Kasich so i believe we have a chance with Trump and not a guaranty of disaster.
Talk about someone acting like a screaming, selfish, angry child I see one in Cruz as he keeps on crying about DONALD TRUMP. Cruz is desperately trying to keep afloat. Cruz is drowning in his OWN comments.. Games are for kids and this race is about America’s FUTURE… GO DONALD TRUMP GO…
Teddy Cruz should not even be using the word LIE to describe someone else….since Teddy can LIE WITH THE BEST OF THE POLITICIANS….
I don’t believe that Cruz is a liar. But I do think he is an inexperienced Senator who has made some stupid political mistakes. Often Senators/Representatives will vote differently on bills depending on the situation. Depending on what ammendments may be added to the bill. This is sometimes called making the sausage. And someone can look through any Senator’s/Representatives’ voting record and see discrepancies.
Trump is the last chance to keep this country free and pull it out of the clutches of the New World Order. If enough of the people in the US will get behind him and help him, then, God willing, we can save our country.
Trump can’t do this all alone. He needs us to back him up. If we don’t, then the loss of this country is our fault, not his. It will be our fault that our children and children’s children will never again be able to enjoy the gift of freedom.
Trump is doing everything possible to save us. He desperately needs our help. Our decision, do we stand with him or do we hide our head in the sand? It’s now or never. We will never have this opportunity again. Think about it.
God bless
Don’t believe any poll. My Poles confirm that Hitlery will get two terms. Stashu and Wanda say that she will get 10-20 for espionage and 20-50 for murder.
One year ago the rino rats saw El TRUMPO ON THE HORIZON. They said we must crush his chances so we will make a rule. If he wins the peoples vote we will give those votes to Jeb Bush. Then Bush washed out, They said let’s use Rubio to take out Trump but Rubio washed out. Then they said lets back Cruz to take out Trump and once the bigger threat is gone we will take out Cruz on a legal technicality. Then we will shove our favorite Rinorat down the peoples throat. The demo commos are with us. The communist media is with us and even the Conjobservatives are with us. Trump is completely isolated and we can get away with anything. The only group that is more treaherous than us is the Klinton Klan. They have the all inclusive party but the all inclusives are not allowed to run. The Klinton Klan will think for the suckers.
I have been offended by Donald Trump for a long time. It’s sad that he may be the Republican nominee. I have lost all respect for this guy during the primary season. I may vote for him in the general election but I don’t want to damage my reputation by displaying one of his campaign signs in my yard. I don’t plan to campaign for him. If he is the nominee, Rand Paul is the highest ranking Republican candidate I will campaign for.
Maybe the question should be what flavor of Donald will we get once he is elected.
You cannot teach and old dog new tricks — Trump is to set in his ways and so he is a man of many faces — I do not like or trust him especially as a potential president. Ted Cruz is the man to choose and I hope he gets the nomination and wins the presidency. Good Luck Ted.
Now, a mini rant. For years ‘Christian Conservatives’ have been begging for one of their own to run for public office. Cruz is one such candidate. He has a track record of honesty/integrity. Tea Party followers elected him to the US Senate from Texas, and he went to Washington, D.C. and kept his promises to these voters. He was one of the FEW strong opponents to ObamaCare. He didn’t roll over to Mitch McConnell or to Mr. Obama. Now his reward. Many of these ‘Christian’ voters failed him in many primary elections. These ‘Christians’ voted for a man who can talk/promise but has an inconsistent history/record. Yes, Mr. Trump. And part of Trump’s political game is to label Cruz a liar-which is false. You Christians had your chance. Hopefully you won’t be regretting your choice in the future.
All you people that agrees with people like Theresa and Peggy should go live with Cruz.. Cruz is nothing but a political puppet and the RNC is pulling his strings… Hell, he’s not even an American citizen, and don’t give me that crap that the judge said he was because it was a Texas judge that ruled on it…… DUHHHHHHHHH .. . If Cruz gets in, may GOD help us… 4 more of the political bull crap and the working class keeps paying for it…. The only person that can turn this around is TRUMP.. He’s a business man and he’ll run this country as a business…. Granted he made some mistakes in his business ventures… They all do..Hell, I would love to have just a quarter of the money he has, and not live from pay check to pay check or live in fear of loosing your job.. All you A HOLES that thinks Cruz or anyone else besides Trump is better qualified for the White House will be in for big surprise if they get in… They’ll tear this country apart….. We need TRUMP in the White House.. He has NO political ties to anyone, a self made man and from what most of the country sees He’s done a a great job of it… What has Cruz done?? NOT A DAMN THING..besides ridiculing TRUMP ..CRUZ has POLITICAL ties. YOU PEOPLE backing Cruz or Kasich BETTER wake up and smell the coffee…
People like you had better hope that the Donald is the second coming of JC. If he turns out to be an average politician, then what will you do/say? You’ve obviously swallowed the political Kool-Aid. Too bad for you that you can’t believe in the good in anyone.
If Trump is so wrong, why have so many people who have never given a thought to ever voting before been coming out to vote? He is winning by a landslide and I am one who hopes and prays for it to continue to take him on into the White House. I am 71 years old and remember what this country used to be like. I have memories of Truman as President and have seen the changes over the years as our freedoms have been taken away. The way the country is going now it won’t be long before we’ll be a socialist nation with NO freedom at all!!! My husband served 25 years in the U.S. Navy and ALL the military people we know (past and present) are Trump supporters. According to some of you that makes us all dummies I guess? The name calling is discus-sting. Why can’t people just let others vote their own conscience without trying to put them down and calling them names because of whom they think will best represent them? How childish and petty. Everyone has their own arguments that can be made and reasons why they think their candidate is the only right choice. So What? That is what makes our democracy so great…we have our own choice. Just make YOUR OWN VOICE HEARD!!! REMEMBER. if you don’t vote…. you have NO right to complain about anything.
Look People!!! Has either Ted Cruz or John Kasich been asked a question that their only answer was to complain about Donald Trump and what they “THINK” Donald would say? They are out of this race!!!! Donald has won by his own volition and the voters who support his agenda. If the rest of you can’t stomach it, then vote for Hillary! Donald will become the nominee at the convention and if you get your feathers ruffled and stay home and not vote for the Republican candidate, then what you get with Hillary will be your just due. Don’t you think all of us “Donald” supporters would vote for the party and get our personal opinions about the candidates out of our a–es and suck it up and do what is right for our COUNTRY??!! Or would you rather see the Republican party dissolve itself from within? Mr. Trump has more votes by more people than either of the other two candidates put together. For whatever problem you have with Mr. Trump, you better put it aside for the good of the party and do what is RIGHT. Otherwise, we will have another Obama for the next 4 years and NO ONE will have a job by the end of the 4… we will be a 3rd world country who cannot defend ourselves from within or outside.
@Ann S April 24, 2016 at 10:18 am, I’m with you Ann, I really agree with your comments even though this will probably show up in a random locations that you may never see due to the format here.
The whole dayum system is corrupt, it is a “SCAM” you are (STEWWWWWWWWWWWWWPI)
it is all Propaganda for you to enjoy,