Could the Republican presidential race get any nastier? On Tuesday, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz blasted rival Donald Trump in a radio interview where he accused the Republican frontrunner of being a bully, inciting violence and using dirty tricks to intimidate voters and delegates, as Trump continued to rail against a nominating system he says is crooked and rigged.
In response, Trump urged his supporters to turn out next Tuesday in New York not only to support his bid, but to send a message to their party. “You’ve got to show the Republican Party that they can’t get away with this stuff any longer,” he said.
Using some of the harshest rhetoric of the campaign to date, Cruz said his billionaire rival is a bad businessman who has been surrounded by sycophants his entire career.
“Donald’s whole pitch is he’s a great businessman,” Cruz said in the wide-ranging interview on the Glenn Beck radio show, adding that given how he runs his campaign, “it appears he can’t run a lemonade stand.”
The comments came as both campaigns work tirelessly behind the scenes to secure delegates who will back them at the Republican Party convention this summer in Cleveland. So far, Trump has appeared badly outmaneuvered by a better-organized Cruz operation, prompting the billionaire businessman to rail against the Republican electoral system, claiming that the will of the voters is being denied.
“Our Republican system is absolutely rigged. It’s a phony deal,” said Trump at a rally in a packed airport hangar in Rome, New York, on Tuesday evening.
He pointed to Colorado, where he said the delegate-selection system was set up by “crooked politicians” to make sure an outsider like him could never win.
“These are dirty tricksters,” he said, placing the blame on the Republican National Committee. “They should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this kind of crap to happen,” he added, saying that both Republicans and Democrats have set up “phony rules and regulations” that makes it “impossible for a guy that wins to win.”
He went further a few hours later during a CNN town hall in New York City, suggesting the RNC was actively working to defeat him.
“The RNC doesn’t like this happening. They don’t like that I’m putting up my own money because it means they don’t have any control over me,” Trump said, arguing that the deck is “stacked against me by the establishment.”
On Monday, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus responded to Trump’s complaints, declaring that “the rules are the rules.”
Cruz, in the radio interview, unloaded on Trump over reports that his supporters were publishing the home addresses of delegates in Colorado and threatening to make public the hotel room numbers of delegates at the convention this summer.
“That is the tactic of union thugs,” Cruz said. “That is violence. It is oppressive. The idea that Donald is threatening delegates, we’re seeing that pattern over and over again.”
Cruz even compared Trump to the lead character from “The Godfather.”
“Donald needs to understand he’s not Michael Corleone,” Cruz said. “Donald needs to stop threatening the voters. He needs to stop threatening the delegates. He is not a mobster.”
Cruz also discounted the seriousness of the Trump candidacy, saying: “There was a real chance this was a lark, this was ‘let’s get some publicity, let’s have some fun.’ And I think he was surprised as anybody.”
Cruz joked that Trump is doing so poorly in securing delegates that if he were on his own reality show, “The Apprentice,” he would have to fire himself.
Cruz even got in a jab at New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who endorsed Trump after dropping out of the race.
“Chris Christie right now is trapped in his own private hell,” Cruz said. “When Chris was standing behind Donald holding his jacket, the look in his eyes. You could see the screaming.”
Meanwhile, Trump released a new radio ad, that referenced Cruz’s shot at “New York values” during a GOP debate, telling voters in next week’s primaries that “other candidates do not like us.”
Cruz conceded that Trump will do well in upcoming primaries, including in Trump’s home state of New York next Tuesday.
“He ought to win his home state convincingly,” Cruz said, setting expectations high for Trump. “If Donald isn’t substantially above 50 percent in New York, it will be a big loss for him.”
Cruz said he will fare better when the race shifts back west to Indiana, Nebraska, South Dakota and Montana, before finishing in California on June 7.
“If and when the people of California vote against Donald Trump, he’s going to scream that they’re stealing the election,” Cruz said. “Apparently when anyone votes against him it’s an act of theft.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
A democracy should count votes for and against the candidates and split the delegates accordingly. THE CURRENT PROCESS IS NOT HOW OUR NATION STARTED CHOOSING ITS LEADERS. SHAME ON US!!!
The Colorado system has been used 1912 to 1988 And then 2004 so its not something they just dreamed up this year. Most of the delegates were open to Trump but he never came & made a pitch to them. His Loss
Is that s why over 1,000,000 Republican’s in Colorado did not know about the new way of choosing delegates and did not even know there were community meetings to choose delegates? The 2004, 2008, 2012 Presidental selection process in Colorado were primaries. That is what the 1,000,000 voters were waiting for.. It never occurred to them that the Republican leaders were actually choosing the votes for the President. They thought the delegates the leaders
were closing were the people who would go to Cleveland to vote the PRIMRY choice candidate that the VOTERS chose.
J Smith, while Colorado held presidential primary elections in 1992, 1996 and 2000, it has used the caucus system every other year. The only difference this year is that the caucuses did not include a nonbinding straw poll. In the past there were straw polls, but the chosen delegates were still free to vote for whomever they thought appropriate. In the 2012 election, for example, the Colorado delegates backed Mitt Romney even though Romney was not the winner of the straw poll at the caucuses. You can read about the procedure at many places,including the basic overview that is found at
That Canadian Cruz is trying to throw crap about TRUMP. That slandering will not work. Cruz spent millions of his politico buddies monies by doing the same old politico thing PROMIS THEM JOBS IN THE GOVERNMENT. That’s how he got elected to the senate. Look oeople, CRUZ IS JUST A TYPICAL POLITICIAN. STAY AWAY FROM HIM. VOTe FOR TRUMP.
Thanks for posing this link. I was trying to look for the one that basically said, it’s up to the state ergo delegates, and the American people should not vote with their “emotions” for the presidency (an example is George Bush winning the delegates and Al Gore winning the popular votes, we know who won). All others are done that way but not so with the presidency. The Federalist papers, specifically James Madison, explains why this is so. Yes, I questioned our voting process until it was made clear why it’s done this way…make sense now whereas before not so much.
In hindsight, I’m glad Al Gore DIDN’T win the presidency, “An Inconvenient Truth” to say the least.
Yes it was absolutely a case of keeping people in the dark. This whole thing is beyond disgusting. They should PUBLISH EVERY DELEGATE THAT WAS SENT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP AND SOLD US OUT. They should also publish every delegate who was denied the right to vote for the candidate they were sent to vote for.
The whole process is a setup from the start. If Colorada is following the rules, how come so many delegates were refused at the convention……. Just because they were Trump supporters? How can delegates be sold to the highest bidder….. Is this part of your Democratic process? If so, then you are not far from a dictatorship in America….. Well, we already have a Muslim Terrorist Sympathizer as POTUS and a sorry lying murderer and a socialist/ Communist that want to replace him, so we are not far from it……
Dictatorship naturally arises out of Democracy……. (Plato)
I still say this guy in the white house will call out the militia so he can stay in office. He IS a dictator — we’re already there!!!
Neither “Obama,Jindal, Cruz, Santorum, Romney nor Rubio are legally eligible to be in the Presidential office”. I like, respect, Canadian Ted Cruz to represent us in the U.S. Senate as a naturalized citizen that has held DUAL citizenship until 2014. He has been SPECTACULAR! Senator Cruz would make an AWESOME Attorney General, but he is not constitutionally eligible for the office of President………………
RE: Cruz, Rubio, Romney, Santorum and Jindal…
BOTH PARENTS must have been U.S. CITIZENS AT THE TIME OF HIS BIRTH in order for a Presidential hopeful to qualify as a “natural born citizen” under our U.S. Constitution. As popular as they are, Ted CRUZ, Marco RUBIO, Santorum, Romney and Bobby JINDAL are NOT “NATURAL BORN CITIZENS” and are NOT ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR OR OCCUPY THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!
“Natural born” is VERY different from any other category of citizenship, i.e. “native born”, “naturalized”, or “citizen by statute”. At the time of Ted Cruz’ birth in Calgary, Canada, his American-citizen mother and Cuban-citizen father RESIDED there. He was born a resident of Canada with dual-American/Cuban citizenship. No one with dual citizenship at birth is eligible for the presidency. Cruz is neither a “natural born” nor a “native born” citizen of the United States but rather a “citizen by statute” as clarified here: undisciplined
As constitutional conservative Ted Cruz, himself stated at the May 2013 National Rifle Association convention in Houston:
“The Constitution matters. ALL of the Constitution. It’s not pick and choose. It’s not take what part you like and get rid of the parts you don’t like. … Every word of the Constitution matters.”
Upon his victorious election to the Senate in August 2012, Cruz proclaimed to his supporters, “We did it., millions of Americans are rising up to reclaim our country, defend liberty and RESTORE THE CONSTITUTION.”
If Ted Cruz is the staunch Constitutionalist he claims to be, he would be doing voters of all parties an ENORMOUS DISSERVICE BY RUNNING for the U.S. Presidential office in 2016 and subjecting our nation to further “natural born citizen” confusion. Assuming their respective wives Heidi, Jeanette, and Supriya were themselves American citizens at the time they gave birth, then Cruz, Rubio, Santorum, Romney and Jindal can take great comfort in knowing that THEIR sons and daughters WILL be eligible to be President of the United States one day.
Many lawyers agree that automatic citizenship for anchor babies such as Rubio, is unconstitutional and could therefore easily be challenged in court.
• Amendment XIV
Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
When a child inherits the citizenship of their father, they become a natural-born citizen of the nation their father belongs regardless of where they might be born. It should be pointed out that citizenship through descent of the father was recognized by U.S. Naturalization law whereby children became citizens themselves as soon as their father had become a naturalized citizen, or were born in another country to a citizen father.
These ANCHOR babies are legally the citizens of their fathers Nation..NOT America ! Hence they are NOT under the jurisdiction of the USA because they are born of illegal aliens…so they are ALSO illegal aliens.. !!!!!!.
Obama is a FRAUD .. we have NOT had a legal president since 2008! Don’t REPEAT the mistakes you’ve made in 2008 and 2012.. VOTE for a legally qualified this time!! CRUZ is a FRAUD just like Obama. TRUMP/CARSON 2016
I have been saying this for YEARS !!! I am a proud American naturalized) citizen since 1969, when there was such a thing as meeting ALL the requirements: speaking ENGLISH, knowledge of American history, naming of the congressmen, senators, and general lessons on civics, etc., of the state where the future citizen resided. All the interviews were conducted in English and also you had to show literally your life history and background check. Now, the political prostitutes give away the ridicule answers in every language imaginable to become INSTANT citizens and vote regardless of their lack of knowledge. BABIES BORN OF ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE NOT AMERICAN (UNITED STATES) CITIZENS … PERIOD AND SHOULD BE END OF THIS DISCUSSION.
Nonsense except for the fact that Obama is a fraud like Trump. You would be hard pressed to find any Constitutional scholar that would agree with you. If Trump was not a liar and a fraud he would be running as a Democrat nd not as a Republican as he shares no conservative values.
I’m sick and tired of trump bashers. No truth comes from there mouth. shut the h–ll up. Cruz every minute slams trump. That’s all he has. Trump trump trump trump
(same one that used to post @ b-net?)
You obviously did not follow the link provided earlier; had you done so, you would have found DOZENS of “legal scholars”(incl. SCOTUS judges) who are all in agreement as to what the phrase “natural born” means…and virtually all of them refer back to de Vattel’s “Law of Nations,” starting with John Jay, who suggested that REQUIREMENT for the presidency at this country’s founding. So, hardly “hard-pressed.”
Abraham Lincoln only had 22% of the delegates when he got to the convention. He got the nomination
on the 3rd ballot.
Hey Cruz , he might not be a mobster ,but he might can get the mobster on you. LOL
For sure!
Go Trump!
Those super delegates can change their votes however they want whenever they want and the candidates pay them for their allegiance; admitted by a member of the rules committee. In fact he actually bragged abut it.
Time to get behind the front runner. Only one winner here is,” Donald. ” Hard to swallow,” Lying Ted” is DONE….
If you call him Lyin please tell us the lies
Cruz makes the accusations about Trump intimidating and threatening delegates, acting like a mobster, etc. but where is the proof for his accusations. never has he shown any! he just makes these inflammatory accusations but is never willing or able to provide the proof. Also, he states Trump is having trouble wining delegates, hmmmm, at last count Trump was way ahead of Mr. OH-SO NICE, NEVER SAY A BAD WORD CRUZ. MY SUGGESTION: GET A LIFE CRUZ!
Roger Stone Ally , Friend of donald Trump has stated may underhanded things
This is just one:
March on Cleveland. Join us in the Forest City. We’re going to have protests, demonstrations. We will disclose the hotels and the room numbers of those delegates who are directly involved in the steal. If you’re from Pennsylvania, we’ll tell you who the culprits are. We urge you to visit their hotel and find them. You have a right to discuss this if you voted in the Pennsylvania primary, for example, and your votes are being disallowed.
I find this inflammatory & very Saul Alinsky tactics
Forget getting a new life, go get a blue collar job if you have the guts.
Take a very good listen to what Cruz is saying. He puts a picture of trumps wife naked on the Internet and all they talk about is his wife’s picture, now he has something to say regarding the Italians. And women he has plenty of women working in his company. We all know what he is saying now is the truth re voting and delegates. He owes no one anything.
You know very well he had nothing to do with that. It was a super Pac that is just anti Trump
They were for Bush, Rubio all of them but Trump. It is illegal for any candidate to have any association with a PAC. No one would even think of doing it.
By the way the pictures were taken on Donald Trumps Plane before they were married with his Okay
for GQ magazine,
You all seem to read one thing then run with it over & over again
But Donald Trump Himself did attack another mans wife in his tweets. You should be ashamed of him for that action but you are not
Actually Ted Cruz did not do as you and the leftist Trump claim.
Yes, he did. AND YOU KNOW IT! It’s all over for Cruz. He’s had his fun and now it’s time to maybe accept a position in the Trump administration.
Cruz is a big P_ _ _ Y! He can dish the shit out but can’t take it when Trump fights back!
And yes, whether Cruz or his pac were responsible for the naked pics of Trump’s wife, they are one in the same. Cruz started the mudslinging. Cruz realized this was the only way to get attention and so that is how it went! Of course it has backfired on him and backfired good!
Donald Trump is too smart for Cruz and he knows it. He’s grasping at straws but it won’t work!
Donald Trump started the mudslinging at the debates/ No one else wasted their precious time on stage for that except Donald Trump. He couldnt win by honest debate
as he knew nothing about the issues so he would attack them one by one causing chaos
& disarray
Wow, BC: Isn’t it obvious? Teddy’s made all kinds of deals with the GOP to get appointed as GOP Nominee, and now that’s all falling apart. Just Jeb with a different name. IF the COGOP had been open about the new rules, how come FOX and others are questioning their tactics, and repeatedly saying THESE role changes are about 9 months old? And why are so many COReps so angry with this event? No, your Teddy is DONE, and HE”S the one who’s whining. Are you a democrat?
If you had read my prior comment. These are not new rules they were in effect from 1912 to 1988
and then put back in again in 2004 until now
It was his own camp that messed up & he as well
The delegates were open to Donald Trump but he never came around to woo them into his
camp so they went wit Cruz
You Snooze you lose!
No Im not a Democrat I am a Christian Constitutional Conservative
Ted Cruz has never made a statement after losing that he was robbed or cheated on
He behaves like a gentleman & goes on to the next state. Trump has been calling him and others names since the debates, when everyone was aghast at his brutishness , He has been vulgar at times, made fun of others frailties, calls certain people ugly. Hey, he is really Adult
He whined and spoke like a poor sport when he lost Wisconsin, something to be proud of
Its about time Ted Cruz speaks up. Donald Trump has no problem with that
He has lied many times even after the truth was known to him , just for attention
until the next thing comes along to get him in the limelight
Vulgar? Who really cares? There are much more important things to focus on, like Christians being persecuted, and trying to fix all of Obama’s current screw ups. So if you want to focus on vulgarity, don’t think for a minute that lyin Ted isn’t vulgar. He may hide it but he is a lying troll, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can support Trump!
The origin of the lies is with Trump. The Trumpbots simply parrot their leftist leader.
The first lie is that he is a legal U S citizen. The second is that he didn’t have any idea that his campaign was saying things that were untrue about Carson. The third was that he also did not know about the photo of Trump’s wife being published. The fourth is that he has been a great senator for his state of Texas.
He reminds me of Ponious Pilote. He represents the name of “lying Ted”.
Wow, people should use Frank instead of Snopes or fact check. It is so because Frank says so.
Who wants to type that much. The real questions should be; why would you want to hair a person you know is going to lie to you and what percentage of truths are woven into his lies.
man I hope you’re right I no he’s got our votes…and he’s the only hope for america
Everybody with an ounce of brain knows that Cruz is totally demonic.
I am so curious, if Trump was not in the picture, who would be your nominee?
It would have been Carson!!!!
I like Carson for Sergon General.
Fox just did a report that quite a lot of the Trump supporters had never voted before
so not necessarily Republicans. They just follow Trump
Yeah, FOX. Lol Bought and PAID FOR BY POTUS!!! Liberal media at its finest
Cruz makes the accusations about Trump intimidating and threatening delegates, acting like a mobster, etc. but where is the proof for his accusations. never has he shown any! he just makes these inflammatory accusations but is never willing or able to provide the proof. Also, he states Trump is having trouble wining delegates, hmmmm, at last count Trump was way ahead of Mr. OH-SO NICE, NEVER SAY A BAD WORD CRUZ. MY SUGGESTION: GET A LIFE CRUZ!
have you even considered the reason none of the people you referred to as having never voted is because they never had a candidate worth voting for. Now they do in Trump, who is pulling in those people.
and FOX point is? New voters mean growth and not the death of a party. So Donald Trump means growth. Ted Cruz is a lying dirty rotten attorney turned politician. One of the worse politicians alive. He will never win the nomination.
I have come to believe that Trump is a Trojan horse candidate and is still a far left wing liberal getting his kicks by pretending to be a Republican and being deceitful. He only registered as a Republican less than two years ago just in time to enter the Presidential race. His actions and his words to most of us reveal his true attempt at deceit. I do not believe that he has suddenly had an epiphany and saw the light that the Republicans were right after all. Recently he has revealed in the debates, by accident, that he is still a far left wing liberal as he has been his entire life. He showed the hand he was holding when he said that he would be funding his own campaign. Trump is a business man and such an action is totally and completely foreign to his character. So the intelligent among us that are not deceived by his ploys and realize that his candidacy is about making money and not just spending it except to make even more money and enrich himself. Trump has made a deal with the devil which is the Democratic party that he will run as a conservative and Republican and insure that no Republican will run if he wins the nomination. If not he will run as a 3rd party candidate and divide the Republican vote to get Hillary elected. How can anyone be proud of a deceitful, lying pretender like Trump. A good number of Republican conservatives, acting out of gullibility, have believed the ruse. As a result his candidacy will insure that a Sanders or Hillary will be elected. Now, some may ask how will he profit from that scenario and it is simple, the Democrat that he helped to get elected will make sure that he is awarded with government contracts that will make him the richest man in the world. So Donald, you have not deceived everyone but only the gullible and no true Republican conservative will vote for you because we have followed the money and understand your practice of greed. I want to throw up every time I see you and your despicable lack of civility illustrates that you are one of the worst of humanity.
Ted Cruz is the most qualified person for the presidency in my lifetime. Trump is the least qualified but he has no intention of becoming POTUS anyway. His candidacy is about splitting the Republican vote to get his best friends wife as POTUS. He cannot beat Hillary. Only Cruz can beat the Democrats even though one of theirs Trump is running as a Republican.
What are you smoking? Must be a potent hallucinogenic. You’re rant is ridiculous. Since when can’t Trump beat the hag? Look at the new polls out, sir. Pay attention. Cruz will be exposed gradually as is happening now! No more wins on the horizon. Bye Bye Lying Ted!
Latest poll shows Hillary ahead of Trump by 49 to 37
Why would you believe that stupid pole. Trump will eat Hillarys lunch at a debate that old corrupt hag should be under the jail.
cruz is a lyer
Elmer Fudd Gantry Cruz proving his lyin’ anointed king self as usual. He now is endorsed by earth-killers Monsanto with their GMO poison! Whichever way the wind blows & the money flows, it’s Lyin’ Ted!
Exactly. Plus, Cruz didn’t care about the health of the first responders in 9/11 and voted against giving the health care.
My family experienced first hand the underhanded tactics used during a GOP caucus in Mo. They voted to not allow us to participate in the caucus without even allowing us to voice our opinion – and in doing so “broke their own rules or order”. I was left with the feeling that guess it’s ok to cheat if you are supporting a possible cheater !!
Cruz is a lawyer,and do you know of any lawyer that will not lie,cheat,steal,or cheat on their wife as I think TED has done and If he gets the nod as top dog the DEMOCRAT’S are going to have a field day with him and the DEMOCRAT’S will win.
B.C. Some of the lies Ted Cruz has told are that he had “nothing to do with his staff releasing the story at the Iowa Caucas that Dr. Ben Carson was dropping out of the race” CHEATING and STEALING his votes!!! Dr. Carson proved the timeline to LYINGTED and showed he CALLED and told him 2 MINUTES after hearing this LIE, yet CHEATING LYING TED DID NOTHING TO STOP IT!
Regarding Iowa
CNN released the story (And never apologized) All the Campaign camps used the info but the
media only centered on the Cruz camp. He fired the person responsible he apologized and
seemingly the Christian candidate did not forgive him
The info was also used on other TV outlets saying that it looks like Carson is leaving the campaign
I personally heard it said myself
It was a Cruz operative/apparatchik who PLANTED the story in the FIRST place! So when CNN et al reported it, Cruz cleverly blamed the very media his people manipulated by lying to them in re: Carson dropping out of the race. Oy, vey.
This devious Canadian needs to go back to mama before he gets arrested, tried, and convicted of any number of crimes; i think the statute of limitations has run on his whoremongering(unless more recent examples pop up), so it looks like all he can be prosecuted for now is voting fraud, simple fraud(taking donations for his presidential campaign when he KNOWS he doesn’t meet the “natural born” REQUIREMENT) and felony perjury for lying under his oath of office.
Cruz is an asshole. Vote for Donald!
wth is Ted Cruz saying. His complete pitch against Donald Trump is his success in business? Donald Trump has so much money that Ted Cruz looks like moron suggesting Trump is failing in business. You people who believe that crap are nut jobs. I dislike politicians so much because of Ted Cruz stupid crap. I can tell you that if Donald Trump wins New York at the margin he won Florida then Ted Cruz needs to exit the race pronto. Ted Cruz won one large state which is Texas his home state and just over 50% so he needs to follow his own advice and exit the race. The rest of the states he won are small fry compared to the success of Donald Trump wins. Get out of the race Ted Cruz because you are done.
Rafael Cruz is a greesy scumbag from Canada. He keeps saying the lie he isnt establishment he is a Senator he is a lieing piece of crap. He lies about the women he has been with. He lies about the fact that he didn’t know he duel citizenship with Canada until 2014 . This is how Congress operates. This guy doesn’t know a thing about hiring anybody. Except all the dames he’s been with. I will write in Trumps name and vote against the rest.
Most of you people know nothing about Congress . You spew all this rhetoric & you dont even know what your talking about You say derogatory things, call people names and accuse them of slander that is not even proven to be true.
LYIN TED:START WITH OBAMA’s SECRETLY NEGOTIATED 7 yr TRANSPACIFIC PARTNERSHIP-really a TREATY, worse than the IRANIAN NUCLEAR “DEAL,” also a Secretly negotiated TREATY. LYIN TED ACTUVELY RECRUITED OTHER SENATORS TO SUPPORT OBAMA’s TPP, & then, with Lyin Ryan, Co-authored& co-Sponsored TPA (TRADE PROMOTION AUTHORITY) GIVING OBAMA PASSAGE OF USA DESTRUCTIVE TPP WUTH ONLY 51 SENATE VOTES UNSTEAD OF 67 CONSTITUTIONALLY REQUIRED VOTES FIR A TREATY. Now TPP, really the Treaty in question, us so SECRETIVE THAT THE ATTACHED “Living Agreements” yet unwritten. BUT BINDING, WILL BE SECRET FOR 5 Yrs! So pass it, then write BINDING AGREEMENTS, which will be SECRET BUT BINDING FOR 5 Yrs! Pelosi around? ALL AUTHORITY IS GIVEN TO THE UNITED NATIONS CORRUPT WORKD BANK, DOMINATED BY ISLAMIC ARABS! ALL DISPUTES TO BE SETTLED BY INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNALS; that’s International, Federal, State, Local! WHAT DOES TPP PRIVIDE FOR? “FREE TRADE,” meaning 1) No Borders; 2) No Restrictions on PEOPLE, MONEY, GOODS, SERVICES, GOODS, MEDICINES, etc for starters; 3) JOBS: NO LIMIT ON LOW WAGE FOREIGN WORKERS & THEIR FAMILIES COMING TO USA (Welfare, Obamacare coverage US Taxpayer supported), & MORE BUSINESSES RELOCATE ABROAD; 4) Unlimited USA Debt Ceiling; 5) NO CONGRESSIONAL OR SUPREME COURT PROTECTION AS ALL POWER IN HANDS OF UN WORLD BANK; 6) NO LIMIT ON NATIONS INVOLVED (currently 14, Red China has been offered membership)…….WHAT BENEFIT IS THERE TO AMERICANS? NONE! WE GET TO PAY FOR IT ALL, & HAVE MORE FOREIGN LOW WORKERS COMPETE IN USA FOR OUR JOBS! EVEN RELIGION & ENVIRONMENTAL RIGHTS ARE ERASED FOR USA! Guess what, “Lyin Ted” SUPPORTED TPP, & Wrote TPA to ENABLE Obama’s passage, then VOTED FOR TPA, before he felt political pressure to SAY he was no longer for it, & he’d “brung jobs home”… FOREIGN JOBS? Recall, Cruz left Washington DC, returned to Texas to run for Political Office. Then after ONE (1) Yr in Senate, he formed his campaign for President 2016. Oh, something about LYIN TED CONCEALING GOLDMAN SACHS MONEY FOR HIS SENATE CAMPAIGN. and Something about his Staged Obamacare Gov’t shutdown while HE had Heidi’s Elite Goldman SACHS Policy FREE, and of course his nasty Carson “quit” along with a false intimidating letter sent to voters in Iowa; his Campaign Manager buying the Rights to MELANIA’s modeling pic (of course Ted wasn’t behind it), his foreknowledge of RUBIO’s Camp’s info on Cruz’ bedroom endeavors & Blaming Trump knowing Trump had no knowledge-an old minstrel show tactic like Clinton used…..oh I don’t know, Colorado “Caucus” DISENFRACHISEMENT – “sorry about that”….list goes on
One simple comment He voted for TPA BUT AGAINST TPP
On the Goldman Sachs he borrowed 1,000,000 to run for the Senate it has been paid off to between
$50,000 and 100,000 while donald Trump has borrowed millions from Goldman Sachs & CiTIbank which he has
paid off or was discharged in his bankruptcys. I believe he is also a shareholder in Goldman Sachs which
I think would make him a lot more concerned about their financial situation then say, oh, Ted Cruz
and the Carson thing & Melania I have answered prior to this
But this is all you Trump people say. You read it in some ones blog than on & on ad infinitum
Find something Real
Hey Trump fans, it’s a nasty business. Harry Truman said ‘If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen!” Mr. Trump is finding that these politicians are dirtier than the mobsters he’s dealt with in the past. Just learn as much as you can from that political expert that you just hired. Let him talk-you listen!!
Cruz, since when did he become so squeaky clean? Why doesn’t he just put a lid on it and cut the crap. I’m sick and tired of his ratchet jaw whining complaints. It would be in his best interest to quit his campaign because he’s just not presidential material. Donald Trump on the other hand would be the best leader for this country and I’m hopeful that he will be the nominee.
Am I the only one suffering from Donald Trump fatigue?
From what I’ve read the Colorado rules were approved last summer. Based on that assumption I’m surprised that the political process has taken the Trumps by surprise. Yesterday we learned that two of Donald’s adult children missed the voter registration deadline. Donald keeps getting surprised by the fact that each state has their own primary/caucus rules. I would have thought a businessman of Mr. Trump’s level would have known the importance of hiring experts to assist you. Did he not see the need to hire campaign strategists familiar with the political process in each state.
The campaign process is an early test for those desiring to win a particular job. If Mr. Trump is ill-prepared to manage a campaign can we really trust him to be up to the task of managing the country? Whether he likes it or not, the government runs on politics. Each branch has its on rules and procedures. Every time this candidate is shown on TV whining about being mistreated because of something he didn’t know, I lose a little more confidence in his ability to lead the nation if he is elected.
This Primary, Caucus season shows the American people that WE are NOT a free and open society able to elect who WE favor and want to select as OUR President of the United States. I AM APPALLED; and if this Primary season has show “WE THE PEOPLE” ANYTHING it has shown US how they GOP/RNC think of US or how little OUR voice counts. That’s why Washington is such a mess of corruption, bribes, lies, distortion and money and power seeking; and why so many are so DISGUSTED at OUR government. I am going to become an Independent and have stopped all donation to them. I use their letters to tell them how dismayed and disgruntled I am with their shenanigans and manipulations of OUR freedoms and rights. Join me and become an Independent. If your state is a closed Primary just change back and forth before and after the Primary.
I have been an independent for 20 years and had to switch to republican to vote in my state primaries and I am ashamed of the Republican Party. All these parties are corrupt and. Need to Go. It’s just a small group of thieves that have been on the gravy train which will stop when Trump gets in. Trump 2017
I have been an independent for 20 years and had to switch to republican to vote in my state primaries and I am ashamed of the Republican Party. All these parties are corrupt and. Need to Go. It’s just a small group of thieves that have been on the gravy train which will stop when Trump gets in.
Cruz & Glenn Beck can go F themselves. #NEVERCRUZ
What goes around comes around. I notice that every time Trump comes up with an original statement Cruz now repeats it.
Trump “Cruz uses gestapo tactics”, vs “Trump is threatening delegates”, Trump ” Hillary will go to jail if I am President” vs Cruz
“I will put Hillary in jail if I am President”
Apparently Lyin Ted doesn’t have any original thoughts.
I want to state at the outset that this comment has nothing to do with this article in particular. I am interested in sharing some bipartisan thoughts about the topic, We Are The Party, and address it to both Democrats and Republicans alike.
This election cycle has focused my thinking about the process we go through in both parties to select a candidate to represent us in the November elections. During the Democratic primaries Democrats vote for their choice but the “Party” has super delegates who are not beholding to the rank and file Democratic voter. On the Republican side it is apparent that when they don’t like who the rank and file Republicans are voting for “they” the “Party” try to decide who is going to be the nominee over the choice of the majority of their members. In both cases the Democratic and Republican parties forget that in reality you and I “Are the Party” and we should be the ones that ultimately decide who represents us.
To this end I am suggesting a voter “Revolution” where people push back hard on their respective parties and remind those in charge that you and I are the party and we really don’t care for these rules that take the ultimate say away from those of us who are also registered Democrats and Republicans. I would urge those of you who agree to write and call your respective Congressional, State and Local representatives to complain about the “process” in addition to the DNC and RNC depending on your party affiliation.
I think its time that the people involved in the political process understand that they only derive their authority from the People when we give it to them and WE need to recognize that when we acquiesce and let them do as they wish we are abrogating our individual prerogatives to have them represent us as we would like to be represented.
Those of you who feel you agree with my sentiments are free to use this statement in any comments or letters or conversations you have. It is my intention to insert this statement in the comments of every article I read online and to hopefully start a movement that will hold both political parties accountable to their members.
Thanks for reading this whether you agree or not.
Ted Cruz was born on December 22, 1970 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada where his parents, Eleanor Elizabeth Darragh Wilson and Rafael Bienvenido Cruz, were working in the oil business. His parents owned a seismic-data processing firm for oil drillers. Cruz’s father, who was born in 1939 in Matanzas, Cuba, as Robert T. Garrett of the Dallas Morning News has described, “suffered beatings and imprisonment for protesting the oppressive regime” of dictator Fulgencio Batista. He fought for Fidel Castro in the Revolution when he was 14 years old, but “didn’t know Castro was a Communist.” A few years later he became a staunch critic of Castro when “the rebel leader took control and began seizing private property and suppressing dissent.” The elder Cruz fled Cuba in 1957, two years before the revolution, at the age of 18, landing in Austin, a Cuban émigré, to study at the University of Texas, knowing no English and with $100 sewn into his underwear. His younger sister fought in the counter-revolution and was tortured by the new regime.[26] He remained regretful for his early support of Castro, and emphatically conveyed this remorse to his young son over the following years. The elder Cruz worked his way through college as a dishwasher, making 50 cents an hour, earning a degree in mathematics. Cruz’s father is a pastor in Carrollton, Texas, a Dallas suburb, and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2005. Cruz’s mother was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware, in a family of Irish and Italian descent. She was the first person in her family to attend college. She earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Rice University in Houston in the 1950s, working summers at Foley’s and Shell Oil. She later worked in Houston as a computer programmer at Shell. Cruz has said, “I’m Cuban, Irish, and Italian, and yet somehow I ended up Southern Baptist.” Cruz’s parents returned to Houston in 1974, after working in the Alberta oil fields, when a slump hit the price of oil and they sold their first seismic data company. They divorced while Cruz was in law school.
Article Two of the U. S. Constitution states.
Article Two describes the office of the President of the United States. The President is head of the executive branch of the federal government, as well as the nation’s, head of state and head of government.
The office of the Vice President is also established by Article Two. The Vice President and the President are both elected to serve an identical four-year term. Section 1 specifies that the Vice President succeeds to the presidency if the President is removed, unable to discharge the powers and duties of office, dies while in office, or resigns. The later 25th Amendment clarifies this.
Additionally, the original procedure (replaced in the Twelfth Amendment) for electing the President and Vice President is contained in this article.
In order to qualify to serve as president, a person must be a natural born citizen of the United States or a citizen at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, at least 35 years old and a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. The first president to be born an American citizen was Martin Van Buren.
Also did you know that Mr. Ronald Reagan WAS CALLED RED Ronnie by all of his Hollywood Friends!!!!
According to the Horn article, this is what Cruz is doing:
“he accused the Republican frontrunner of being a bully, inciting violence and using dirty tricks to intimidate voters and delegates”
So Cruz is taking a page from the Klinton Krime Kollege playbook, that is, to accuse your opponent of EXACTLY what you are guilty of, yourself! He’s a lying weasel who should hightail it back to Canada before he’s busted for Felony Perjury, voting fraud, simple fraud(for KNOWING he’s unqualified for the office of the President, yet soliciting donations ANYWAY) or any number of other crimes and/or moral turpitude questions like “Is he a slimy, greasy, hypocrisy-filled adulterer and whoremonger?” or “Is he a shill, puppet, and sycophant for the New World Order/One World Government Satan-worshippers?”
We the people have a right to know who our delegates are and how to contact them NOT threaten them
A lot of comments were laughiable quite a bit,of them gave me a big chuckle Well I feel like cruz is not as honest as he claims,and one other thing if you are far right conservitives,why didn’t Ted Cruz sue someone when that article about his numerous affairs came out ,.I don’t think it’s because he is super nice guy ,to me it was a silent admission of some guilt.If you think Cruz will get the job done remeber he has borrowed lots and lots of money from the big interest groups,who do think he is going to work for first,along with other policies he has endorsed America will be the same predicument they have been in the last 7+ years.Trump owes no one anything ,remember he as a business makes 380 million a year.
What the screamers don’t seem to realize is that the candidate with the most delegates may not have any support outside his own delegates. Trump has alienated so many people with his crassness that he probably falls into that category. In that case, Rubio’s and Kasich’s delegates could easily choose Cruz as their second choice, rightfully giving him the majority.