When Arizona Sen. John McCain ran for president in 2008, the mainstream media was fascinated with whether a 71-year-old was in good enough health to be president.
“How Healthy is John McCain?” TIME Magazine asked.
CBS News reported, “A Look At McCain’s Medical Records.”
“McCain’s Age and Past Health Problems Could Be An Issue in the Presidential Race” said U.S. World News and Report.
Yet ever since the nearly 69-year-old Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton launched her campaign, the corporate media has been largely silent on her health.
Could recent photos of Clinton needing two aides help climbing the stairs, captured by both Reuters and Getty photographers, and the social media blitz of questions by voters finally change that?
Stairs are a real problem for #Hillary. https://t.co/gYXwZj6hMG https://t.co/kYlKNWDhD6
— Pat ❤️s TRUMP 🇺🇸 Ultra MAGA (@grammy620) August 7, 2016
The photographs quickly lit the internet ablaze over the weekend, and tens of thousands of Americans took to Twitter, Reddit, Facebook and other social media platforms to discuss — and poke fun of — Clinton’s apparent health issues.
Preparing the White House for Hillary. #HillarysHealth pic.twitter.com/gh16wIuG2K
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) August 8, 2016
#HillaryHealth Hillary doesn't seem well.Needs help on stairs, short circuits & is confused. What's up? https://t.co/G2b7HZ18KW
— WineGuy (@WineGuyVenice) August 8, 2016
This sick evil woman is asking for your vote……Not a chance#HillaryHealth is a grave concern for America https://t.co/6raleuHNJj
— Patriot (@_DrainTheSwamp_) August 8, 2016
Clinton’s recent difficulty climbing the stairs isn’t the only health question facing the former secretary of state that have been noticed recently.
Eagle eyed Reddit users claimed to have spotted an apparent handler that appears to be ready with the anti-seizure medication, Diazepam, at a recent Clinton appearance.
In fact, since the beginning of 2016, Clinton critics have repeatedly pointed out a number of other serious health issues — reports of mysterious coughing fits, a high profile doctor’s warnings of an impending pulmonary embolism, and numerous rumors involving undisclosed multiple sclerosis and years of alleged fainting spells have dogged the Democratic presidential candidate among conservative opponents.
Yet despite her advanced age and apparent health issues, the mainstream media has remained mute on the subject.
Perhaps Clinton’s most recent difficulty with stairs — and the social media outburst that came with them — will finally change that.
Should the mainstream media discuss Hillary Clinton’s health as a concern for voters? Comment with your thoughts below!
— The Horn editorial team
dominic says
well lets make it very fair for the american public lets get 1 doctor who cab=n give the both of them and report of any prooblems either might have so we the american people know who we are really voting for someone healthy or not healthy
Babsan says
Whod would vote for a Criminal anyhow,whether sick or not?
Judy Ogren says
Amen,,,,,it’s called Karma , Hillary !!! Lord God, please intervene where corruption needs to be reined in on this subject !
Eileen Ross says
Amen Sister!
anita says
Eileen Ross ,yes ,Karma will kick in and we will be rid off that corrupt Bitch for good ,does she think if by a slim chance her Ass would be in the Whitehouse ,and everywhere she goes that the Secret service People will haul her Lard Ass all over the place ,she is nothing but a piece of Horse Dung, she belongs on a Manure Pile ,
Rudy says
cathy says
amen to that also
Chucky says
I hope the Karma gets her real soon!
Jack says
I would never rejoice in someones health issues. I just don’t think she’s qualified on any account. Too many reports agree that she doesn’t have the temperament nor the ability to function properly especially as President. She was only given the job she had because President Obama took her bid for President away from her! (As she considered it anyway).
Mike Carey says
If you watch the videos of Hillary, on youtube.com, having, what they are trying to say are, seizures, you will quickly realize that it has nothing to do with Karma, and more to do with demon possession.
Almetta says
Mike says
I’m not so sure….I think her coven (including Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Debby Schultz) protect her from demon possession. But maybe i just don’t understand the finer points of possession.
Sancora says
You got that right.! I leave her in God’s hands!
Bernie says
You hit it on the nail.
connie shiers says
You Trump supporters are all deaf dumb and blind…Trump is the worse person for the job..He knows NOTHING about politics….insults everyone that doesn’t agree with him. Doesn’t pay his bills declared bankruptcy more than once…Married three times…immigrant wives which he is constantly degrading…His mental health is more of an issue than Hillary’s…Sorry, but you need to take a closer look at Trump before you start on Hillary…You seem to think that Trump is clean…He has screwed so many people out of money owed them…but I guess you think that’s not a crime…we would certainly be looking at a world or civil war with him at the helm…Get a life and get off Hillary’s back…take a look at this clown before you vote….God help us if we are so stupid as to vote for this BULLY….
Robert Powers says
This is for Mike RE “demon possession”! Are the demons possessing her or she possessing the demons? If the answer is the latter then the demons are in much ,much trouble! She is evil incarnate and the demons just might be overwhelmed! Out-demoned if you will!!
Bebe Lunsford says
She is definitely demonic. Her eyes are cold as artic ice, a steely blue ice.
Ellen says
Amen on the demon possession !
amen to the statement, demon posessed, liar, power hungry, ugly, dangerous, unworthy, and out to destroy our country.it makes me tremble
Irvan Johnson says
connie shiers Has replied to this and made a ROYAL ASS of herself. I have yet to understand how ANYONE……even STUPID people like connie shiers can even THINK about voting for that LYING BITCH and out and out criminal.
Carl says
Mike Carey, Robert Powers, I agree with the likelihood of Seisures. It was the first thing that I summed up when I watched videos (however, within the understanding that presentations can be “fixed”). Demon possession is another thing, that I don’t shy away from, that’s another chapter. But it correlates with past stories I’ve read (yes, still trying to filter sources) of their “playing around” with that stuff. In any event, while I’m definitely pro-Trump (an EASY consideration when compared to the C-Machine, Bill and his 8 year WHouse events and their stealing ART from the WH upon their departure, and the NUMEROUS waivers and pardons, etc., etc., etc.,), our situation as citizens is so F’d up. And I WILL vote, as opposed to abstaining, as that’s a cop-out. Trump offers a face lift to our current circumstance, of career politicians who have lobbyist influence, guaranteed income for life, frequent incumbent security, etc. It’s TIME to change the water current that has gained force over the last 16 to 24 years. “If it works, don’t fix it”….Well, in my view, IT’S NOT working, and we GOTTA fix it!
Constitutionalist says
It’s well-known that The Liar – despite being a multi-millionaire – is notoriously cheap. She “forgot” to pay her exorcist, then got re-possessed.
Jeff Simmons says
Hillary & Bill were not very concerned with the health issues of all the people
they killed.
Jeff Simmons says
Bill & Hillary were not concerned with the health issues of all the dead people in Arkansas.
RSS says
thomas e smith says
how can we get them pic out on the news when all are for her someone needs to get them out on tv tom
Cheryl says
You Clinton supporters are all deaf dumb and blind…Hillary is the worst person for the job..She knows NOTHING about honesty….insults everyone that doesn’t agree with her. She has been corrupt since college days. Her and Bill’s body bag count continues to grow. Sorry, but you need to take a closer look at Clinton before you start on Trump…You seem to think that Clinton is clean…Maybe that’s because she has bought off, paid off, black mailed, made promises to or BULLIED everyone that is supporting her…but I guess you think that’s not a crime…we would certainly be looking at our country turning into a 3rd world country if Hillary is elected…Get a life and get off Trump’s back…take a look at the #1 Corrupt Person in this country before you vote….God help us if we are so stupid as to vote for this BULLY…. Get your head out of the sand!!! Maybe if it was your son who died in Benghazi….What if, just WHAT IF the reason they got no help sent to them was because the emails requesting help had been hijacked..
Rivera says
Amen you tell them it will come back to you for everything you do wrong in this life and if not now when you go in front of him amen amen amen.
Linda says
Trump has never killed anyone either. How much did OBummer know? Hillary can lie REAL WELL
Mark says
This is for Connie Shiers. I’ll bet any money you are one of the “Super PAC” that Killery is paying to combat Trump supporters on the internet. Give it up! She’s toast! God don’t mess around!!!
Phil says
Connie S. is a lunatic! Go on your PC and look up ” Hillary Clinton’s scandals”. You’ll be reading for quite a while. . .you idiot!
Wayne Perelman says
This comment is for that Obamtard Connie Shiers, who apparently hit the Cancel Reply: Get off Hillary’s back???!!! After she let Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Douherty, and Tyrone Woods die brutal deaths when she could have over-ridden Traitor Obama and sent help—-both she and he had ample warning but neither did anything! Haven’t you forgotten about her government e-mails (that, incidentally, just got a U.S. operative in Iran killed), haven’t you noticed that that photo of Traitor Hillary being helped up the stairs was from Reuter’s News Agency, a British news outlet and not an American one???!!! I am five years older than Hillary and even I can climb stairs by myself! Donald plays rough, no doubt about it, but it’s in his best interest to promote the interests of this nation and not degrade it as she and Traitor Obama have! And Donald is in MUCH BETTER physical health than Hillary and I might add, better mental health too! Adolf Schickelgrupper (Hitler’s real surname) would have LOVED a true believer like you who is completely BLIND to an aspiring leader’s faults as you apparently are! I am NOT blind to Donald’s faults, but on balance, America will be in better hands with him than with a physically and mentally ill, sociopathic woman like her! It’s absolutely APPALLING to me that there are so many blind and dumb creatures in this country such as yourself!
youknowwho says
RE: connie shiers says:
You hillary droids are the deaf and dumb ones.
He understands politics just fine. He knows they’re all liars and she’s the queen.
He led the companies thru bankruptcy because they were going out of business anyway. He just used the laws that rich politicians put into place and saved jobs not killed them. And you and your liberal ilk are the ones that want unfettered immigration legal or not.
Trump might be an egomaniac but Hillary is a pathological liar. Always was and always will be. Fired from NIXON’s defense team for lying. Plus she probably has brain damage from a head injury/stoke. And Clinton’s never screwed anybody of their money? Whitewater? Insider trading? What was that? You want somebody in office that can be and has been bought? She’d probably sell the nuclear codes. He might be a bully but she’ll have you killed if you get in her way.
Climb back in your safe place before someone hurts your feelings.
John Topper says
Connie S. I hear you. But obviously the bible thumping snake wigglers here don’t. You see, because they believe in fables, stories and myths. All produced to “lead” people to a supernatural “home” that doesn’t exist. They don’t even heed the warnings of their “Good Book” to, ” Love one another, as I have loved you.” They claim to be “Christians” but don’t listen to HIS words rather concentrate on the vindictive, Thou Shalt NOT portion of the Older dark side.
Sancora says
All her lying and stealing all these years is starting to affect her health. I’m surprised the Democrats are allowing her to run. She might not even make it to the white house.
JR-IA says
We can hope for that…something serious happening just a few short weeks before the election. What would the dems do then?
T4WH says
To Connie Shiers,,,WOW, I’ve heard of drugs that totally takes control of ones mind. You must have found some good stuff Connie,, when you down the only qualified person in America that has a chance of turning this Country,, our Country ,, around,, and getting it on the road to recovery, you have to be either looking for hand outs from the Dems or an increase on your welfare check which I helped you get. You may be the one who is in dire need of medical attention dear.
Only one Chance to save this once Great Nation Folks,, TRUMP- PENCE 2016 & 2020
Damn I love this Country,, Save it!
hope says
It says “we trust in God” and here you are.
Diva says
You are so right on your comment
What goes around , comrs around Hillary. It’s your turn now baby
The justice comes from the One who knows the best. Amen…
Marvin Foster says
Dee says
In Jesus name Amen
Brads says
Satin has his two favorites running for President, both liberals. There names are Clinton and Trump. One sits on the right of Lucifer and they other on the right. They are both ruthless and there power for money and greed. There is no compromise for evil!
retired says
Prayers may be answered
Trump/Pence 2016 thru 2024
No more clintons, no more obamas, no more loretta lynch, no more Comey, no more Kerry ..
Herb Shanafelt says
I SAY … WITHOUT Reservation the Entire National Media needs to have access to Hilary Clintons’ full HEALTH RECORDS . IF THE examined Sen. John Mcains,
Health Records… should Hillary Clinton be treated ANY different ??!
Wayne Perelman says
I’m with you, retired!!!!
John Topper says
Are you a Buddhist or a Faux Christian? Neither religion would will ill on some one. You talk of Karma and mention the Lord in the same sentence and disrespect the basic tenet of both. The political divide in the country has become a blood sport since the “Christian” coalition and the religious types have intervened and changed the dynamic of politics. Now you can hate someone because they don’t look like you, vote like you, speak like you and pray like you. Nice, good job folks and remember, as always, it’s Obama’s fault! What ignorance! And where does it all come from? Fox NEWS….run by Roger Ailes, the quintessential poster boy for the GOP. Old, White, Fat, Rich, Perverted, Protestant and Paranoid.
Carol C says
John Topper, you are an idiot. You did a great job of describing the political divide caused by Obama. And the angry looking liberals are the ones who cannot tolerate anyone having a different opinion than them.
I agree that most Christians, Jews, Buddists, etc. do not follow the tenets of their religion very well, but you don’t even know them. From the way your described the Bible you would do best by keeping your mouth firmly closed on the subject. In fact, you don’t seem to know much about anything.
Ann Barnes says
The Chrisrian coalition has not changed the face of politics, but in my way of thinking the present White House is where the changes have come from. Our prez. Has definite Muslim leanings, and shows them regularly. How about the ransom paid to free four Americans, we are told it wasn’t ransom, that is was money owed to Iran. But I think ‘if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, it’s a duck,” the Iranians wouldn’t release the men, until the plane with the money arrived and was offloaded. Suspicious to me.
Pennsy says
You are crazy. Join the Libby tunes it will make you happy, perhaps!!!
Rose T. says
Amen to that !!!!!
Joy says
I thought you heard she was cleared of all. DID the emails do any damage- Start a war. . Your behind the times. Get on with Trump and his wives. He has cheated people out of jobs -sending them overseas. Taxes I guess he don’t have to pay any for he has not filed. at least she has. We all should take to reading about what people have accomplished in life, and not belittle because they cant find emails. READ about them.
Sandee says
Agenda2l NWO your for hillary she is for it. you are are traitor to America. You dont like the hard truth Trump talks? to scared to take a stand against one of the worlds largest criminal (h. Clinton) who care about trumps taxes I care about keeping America Alive.jeeze
Irene Elizabeth Grooms says
Barbara Walker says
l agree with you. Trump has my vote….wake up America, before it’s too late.The Clintons are just evil, evil.
michael says
Since so many idiots seem to be deaf and dumb and don’t seem to care that shes a corrupt lying thief and will still vote for her .Maybe she will stroke out or have a massive heart attack that would be KARMA
Dee says
Elaine Bobula says
Well, all I can say is what goes around comes around.
Leo butler says
Surely joy God has not blessed you with the mental ability of a rock. It is people like you that perpetuates the Clinton crime syndicate. Ask the Haitian people what Hitllary did with the money raised for them after the earth quake. Sleep tight moron,
She does in her filth.
Leo butler says
I apologize, I’m not sure if she’s a moron. Just a personal opinion based on original poster comments
Gary a says
Haitian people she Helped??? How about the 4 Americans she watched die from a drone over Benghazi?? How about the CIA agents she identified with her illegal server that was hacked so many time it was ike a hooker on the corner. How about the people that have died here from the muslim trash terrorists she and the other major pig shit asshole haveletin?
T4WH says
I have never asked for help from the Grim Reefer (Satin) but this is your time to come a courtin,, she’ll be excellent on the left side of your firey throne,, do America a favor,, take the !@#$%^& !~@#$%^&,, Thank You
Make this Country Great again people of America,, Vote your positive,,,,,
Trump Trump Trump all the Way,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I love this Country,,,,
Deborah Shields says
If you don’t want Hillary as president then pray for her. I think that may be why she is suffering. She’s feeling the prayers of God’s people…not to have something happen to her but for her to turn to God. It’s called being under conviction…We should pray even harder for her. This is what God’s word says to pray for our enemies.
Roy says
Negative. She was given a pass. She was not cleared, and she was cited for careless handling of classified/sensitive documents, which, if it had been anyone else would have resulted in being debriefed and charges. WAKE TFU. This woman is guilty of harming the country and its citizens. Its a fact, and if you still vote for her you are as evil as her and you are also ignorant.
Eileen Ross says
I agree with you Roy. Add mentally ill to that.
Norman Wolfer says
Let’s face it, Joy is just a shill. The only people in America who can, with or without a clear conscience, support a full on criminal like Hillary, are those who are on the government dole (unfortunately nearly 50% of our sick population), or those who are equally corrupt and stand to gain something from her residency in the White House (I can’t bring myself to catagorize whatever she will be as a Presidency). Joy is not the only sick puppy who responds to these articles.
Jo says
Agree 1000% Very sad to say folks are so blind to only see a female running and a demonrat to boot! Shows NO concern for WE the People or OUR country. She only see POWER and MORE MONEY! She will sell OUR country if the price is right. Already sold uranium rights, and she and dirty harry have been selling OUR land to foreigners. POOR example to set for OUR kids and other countries.
Bob says
Hillary’s followers are mental misfits and stem dead… Anyone who votes for her is a traitor to this country. She has committed felonies and perjury and it will catch up wit her and she can lie all she wants but it will not help her…
Eileen Ross says
The only thing that the Hildabeast accomplished was the Clinton Foundation, benefiting herself, of course, Bill and Chelsea. And, even though Hildabeast was cleared of the email scandal, that does not mean she is not guilty. How many lives do you suppose were threatened in order to accomplish that? The truth will come out. Please, wake up! Get some help if you must.
james keary says
1 man was executed in Iran because of hitlery eMails.!!!
james keary says
1 man was executed in Iran because of eMails.!!!
freedomsglory says
Hillary was not cleared of the email scandal. She was taken to the woodshed over it but just not prosecuted. Probably because Obama wouldn’t allow it. It’s quite clear the case is there. Comey laid it all out. We just need a president who will do the right thing.
Roberto says
The worst blind is the one that does not want to see. There is more than enough prove that they steal everything they can including furniture and other stuff from the white house when Clinton ended his presidency.
Marie reis says
Hillary is a traitor. Years ago it was called espionage when someone leaked government secrets to foreign countries. But the Clinton hoodlum empire threatened Comey to shut it down.
Skirmisher says
Most of us HAVE read about Hillary: White Water, Vince Foster, Monica, first hand reports from her staff, Benghazi and yes the irresponsible handling of state secrets, which by definition is treason, something YOU may want to READ up on, and lastly a complete inability to tell the difference between the truth and lying.
Larry mandrell says
An election should never be about the “party”, it should always be about whats best for
America, there is no way under the sun that a clinton could be considered good for
Chucky says
Hey Joy, you are literally to ignorant to insult! Go lay by your dish!
T4WH says
Chucky,, my new friend,, That Joy person really needs to have her chain lengthened, as she is really near sited,, what an idiot.
Thank you,, I’d send her a bone if I could.
Trump ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The only Way to Go,,,,,,,,
Pamela says
I suggest you see the movie – Hillary’s America before the election – know who YOU are voting for.
Ray says
Sorry for you, She is one big head of one of the biggest crime groups in America.. The Clinton family! How do you get over 200 Million in the bank working only in public office for over 20 years with out stealing it?? And what about the 2Billion ( yes, with a B ) for that crazy Clinton Foundation? Hillary sold our countries help for her personal gain while Sec. General. And the reports say that only 10% of that money goes actually to a charity. The rest is used for travel, people expanses, and guess who gets a 3 Million dollar a year salary,? You guessed it , Chelsey ? Probably spelled that wrong, but at this point,,, what does it matter !!!
Norm says
And you got that exactly right. Chelsea (or Chelsey or who cares) will probably go down with mom and dad over the Clinton Foundations scandal when and if someone actually investigates it. And it used to be called the “Arkansas Mafia” when Bubba was governor. Don’t hear much about the drugs coming through Mena Arkansas, some by train, while he was governor. Don’t hear much about the two teenagers who were found dead on the railroad tracks in Saline County. Don’t hear much anymore about how man people who had information on their murders, the drug running and the protection supplied by Bubba being murdered or dying under mysterious circumstances quite conveniently before they could give up what they knew on the Clintons. And we won’t even get into Whitewater! What a farce. One co-conspirator dies unexpectedly and his wife decides to go to prison rather than testify against the Clintons. (Probably a wise decision on her part.) Scandal after scandal after scandal and these Democrats that support the Clintons so fervently don’t remember or don’t care what they have done. Can they really be THAT stupid? Guess so!
will says
to coin a phrase from killery
Jo says
Hey folks, she is on many meds. Probably has DVT and on blood thinners. Also with blood thinners, you have to keep a certain level. (thick or too thin) This means drawing blood weekly, monthly, or? Someone is getting rich doing all these things and keeping it quite. Also arthritis, and other meds for high blood pressure can cause all the other mentioned problems. I know, I have the same things going on in my body. Most likely why she does NOT appear in public much. Some days I do not leave the house if I feel goofy. Other wise I get a clean bill of health as long as I take the meds and eat right, OH, and I walk slowly and carry a big stick. No cane for me.
Joe Claborn says
Joy–that is the point–what has Hillary accomplished? Stolen money, lied, cheated, etc, etc. Trump has made billions of $$ and created jobs for thousands of folks who needed the money.
Barbara Nelson says
Actually the news media reported the Clintons had to refile 5 years of taxes. Something about not claiming all the million of dollars of income from the Clinton Foundation they took for they selves. The IRS should have filed income tax evasion charges, but did not as they have been corrupted as well as the Justice Department and the FBI.
Joseph Stephens says
Joy,you would sound better if you had said nothing
Nancy says
What about the millions of things they stole from the White House when they left?? They were caught and ‘most” of it was returned.
They can not be trusted. I believe Trump is the only one who can save America. He didn’t have to run he did it because he knows and we know that he CAN save America. He’s not doing it for the title “PRES” he is doing it to save America!!!!!! She wants the
“title” and will ruin America.
K says
Trump was a citizen, trying to run a business in obamas messed up economy and debt!! There is a big diff in a 30 yr public SERVANT and a pvt citizen. She has had 30 yrs to make a
William says
freedomsglory says
I’ve watched the Clintons for over 40 years. They are the most corrupt people in politics today. I don’t know of any one with more dead bodies in their wake with explanations that just don’t make any sense. Hillary is a devout follower of Saul Alinsky and his solution to all her problems is deny, deny, deny, deny. Just never admit anything. Donald Trump has no record anywhere like the Clintons.
G.p says
But he didn’t kill them like Hillary did do you like that
Eileen Ross says
Really G.p! And I wonder how many people who were a threat to the Hildabeast are anchored at the bottom of the Hudson River by a cement block.
Norm says
Hitlary’s health worries me the least. Her character or lack of character, conscience and truthfulness are far bigger concerns for me. Electing Hitlary President of the United States is like making Hitler the prime minister of Israel. She is a Sociopath, a liar, a fraud and worse. I wonder how long it will take for one of the Secret Service Agents to shove her down the stairs? Ooops! At best she has a contentious relationship with the Secret Service and is widely known to criticize, embarrass and belittle the good folks who protect her. What will she NOT do to become President of the United State? Easy! Tell the truth! She just can’t bring herself to do that one thing. (See above under Sociopath and Liar.) And if the election is close, which I believe it will be, Bill had better be careful because she will want they sympathy vote. Think I’m kidding or being mean? Think again!
Lee Stickland says
Proverbs 21:1. The heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord
Rivera says
She mite have filed a tax return but that dose not meen she showed everything none of them do .
icemancold says
Hil-liary’s Record includes dead people starting with her being an Attorney in Arkansas and continuing at present. These are the facts Look and Read about Benghazi Where Hil-liary refused to send help to the Consulate resulting in the Deaths of four Americans. HILLARY should be facing four counts of PREMEDITATED MURDER for that.!!
Jackie says
I agree 100%. She should be tared and feathered. Actually that would be to good for her. The scary thing is if she got the presidency and her health became so bad or even bad enough that she died, look at that goon that would take her place. He is about the wimpiest looking idiot I have ever seen. I am not sure that he can wipe his own butt. You dp know that he was the DNC Chairman when Bama ran the first time. It has been said that , it planned that he, would step down, Wasserman Shultz would assume the position with the understanding that Hii liar would run in 2016 .Automatically , her running mate would be non other that whats his name. That was decided in 2008. Trump was so right, IT WAS AND IS A RIGGED SYSTEM!!!!!!!! It would not upset me one bit for her to have a major health problem in Florida and have all her followers mourn her demise. How about you?
She can’t find them cause she DESTROYED them…..FOCUS, please
Pam says
Wow Joy, please try to stay informed. Trump is not a lier, or thief. Hillary is both. And SHE is responsible for four Americans loosing their lives in Benghazi. Trump isn’t. But, I’m sure they will try to spin that as well. She hasn’t accomplished anything except distruction. The number of times Trump has been married has absolutely nothing to do with this election.
Billy says
Liar, Do your research before posting. Trump is not a civil servant yet, and never has been. He is a private citizen. He’s not required to show his tax records any more than you are!
Dee says
She was not cleared. FBI just said didn’t see any reason to press charges.
Investigation is still going on right now.
If she was a Republican charges would have been done already.
This situation with e-mails was worse then Watergate.
Bill says
Get a life Joy, It appears that you are just another Bleeding Heart Liberal who doesn’t care if she is a criminal or not, Better men and women have fallen for far less than she has done, and selling out America can not be tolerated
Jane Dean says
Not only is what you said stupid, you don’t even use correct English. Take an English course
Timothy Bowen says
Really? Trump has been audited every year for the last 10 years. Don’t you think some one would have said something if there was a problem? Quit believing the devil hitlary and do your due diligence and find the truth for your self.
Cld says
Joy. Get a real life.
Peggy says
What exactly has Hillary accomplished to benefit the citizens of America? Don’t deflect attention toward Bush or Trump. Simply list all of Hillary’s verifiable beneficial accomplishments.
Jean says
Peggy, Joy can’t there aren’t any. Even she can’t name any when interviewed.
steve says
Joy, Joy, Joy, You need to stay on point. How is a vegetable laying in a coma going to move our country forward
Meli says
WELCOME, JOY – a typical ‘low information voter’. Keep drinkin’ the Kool Aid, Joy. Please do the middle class and our country a favor – stay home on election day. It’s frightening to realize how many ignorant people are out there. In Joy’s defense, she’s probably getting some government freebies – who’d want to end the gravy train? Any other reason for supporting a disgusting, lying, cheating, mentally disturbed (psychotic) woman is inexplicable.
Too bad some think only of what they can get from the country and not what benefits the country, as a whole – but then, that is the Democrat Party.
Wanda Kilbel says
Yes, A man has been hung for spying because he was talked about in her emails. Her emails exposed him as helping America..
Wanda Kilbel says
I am not allowed to comment here??????
Edwin Mccarty says
Got a Iranian hung this week a nuclear worker.
Jean says
JOY – She wasn’t cleared. Comey just said, HE didn’t recommend prosecuting her. She almost started a war because of Bengazi. His foreign-born wives don’t seem to have a problem with his immigration stance. He wants to temporarily stop immigration from countries who have a history of terrorism, put in place better vetting procedures, and YES, have the US law obeyed and not sanction those who break it by thinking they can just immigrate here illegaly with no consequences. Donald may have, as a private businessman, made poor choices, but unlike Hitlary, lived her whole life lying, cheating, and stealing (Whitewater, Whitehouse theft, etc). He has paid his taxes, there is no requirement or law that says he has to make them public that I have found, Hillary had to re-do 5 years of taxes because…oops, she forgot to state foreign income. You know the income she received from foreign governments so they can buy her. I have read about her, and she couldn’t not just find the e-mails, she purposefully tried to hid them by cleaning them out of her server. When you are a government official that’s criminal. I have one question Joy, and anyone else, I can’t find an answer to, even Hillary hasn’t been able to answer it when interviewed by some of the world’s best journalists is, “Name one accomplishment, not a position/title held, but an accomplishment, she has done? And, it can’t involve lying, cheating, or stealing, and you can’t use the internet.
Jim says
But trump hasnt had people murdered. 2 more in the last 3 days. Coinsidense i dont think so .their has been alot of them. Look it up and see for yourself.
Corinne says
I hope you’ll really take a close look at hers and Bill’s true history before voting them into office and giving Obama his third term… which is their plan..!!! God help us all..!!!
Judy says
she has cheated people out of money and took money under false pretenses. Just look at what the Clinton Foundation did to the people of Haiti. Check it out – don’t take my word for it.
did you notice how ignorant hillary supporters are, i bet they do not know anything about politics, all they understand is vote democrat so we can get a free pass, well i will get the last laugh because hillary will put them the screws and we can stand back and watch them live on beans and flour tortillas the rst of their lives
did you notice how ignorant hillary supporters are, i bet they do not know anything about politics, all they understand is vote democrat so we can get a free pass, well i will get the last laugh because hillary will put them the screws and we can stand back and watch them live on beans and flour tortillas the rst of their lives
Eltee says
Condemn a person because they divorced and remarried three times. Ridiculous. It’s not the point that a war wasn’t started over her emails. She shared classified material with all who could get in her account. Trust me, plenty could and did. If a military person did what she did, they would have been court-martial and sent to Leavenworth. Hillary lies and has been caught time and time again. She will continue to help Iran by giving them whatever they want for nothing in exchange. You just don’t make deals with Iran. Hillary has no knowledge of how to run this country. She has failed in everything and buys her way out of trouble. All she is can be summed up in one word–Obama.
youknowwho says
Joy You have a right to your opinion. But HRC has already said the bill of right needs to be overhauled. ythe safe plaou agree with that? you won’t have the freedom to state your opinion for long. Did you miss the part where she’s been followed by her behavior for most of her life. Thinks saul alensky is a hero. get your head out of your safe place.
Carol C says
Yes, Hillary’s emails have caused damage. The parents of one of the ones she had killed at Benghazi are now suing Hillary for the damage done by one of her leaked emails. I’m pretty sure that we have only started to see the damage that has been done. The Clinton cartel is worse than any gangsters from Little Italy. They have killed more people. They have stolen more money. You really need to take your head out of your safe place and take a look.
dullblade says
the dumycraps will cause there stupid
DD says
Norman Wolfer says
Another shill. Where do you people get the gall to compare Hillary and Trump? One is a highly successful business man, the other is a highly successful criminal. Her only accomplishment in life is to breath enough times for her to still be alive. Nothing in her entire life would warrant a bit of praise or recognition for helping or putting someone else first. If you had enough brain, I would call you an idiot, but obviously, you don’t. Sad.
Jo says
Sorry, I think you meant killery will take us not only DOWN but OUT.
Kay Reed says
I don’t think so. We will not have a country if Hillary get elected. Just more of the same shit as now.
Peggy says
John Hunter says
DD., How will Trump take America “under”?
Joseph Stephens says
Carol C says
Karen says
Apparently lots of them. Watch Clinton Cash and go see Hillary’s America!!!! The people that vote for her will not see either one of these, let alone both. Very eye-opening to say the least!!!!
Darrel Dunson says
Look around at your friends, neighbors, and relatives. Someone has to belying besides Hildabeast for her to have as much support as claimed. People are ashamed at what they actually do and don’t want others around them to know.
Speak loud, long, and vote Trump!
Wendy says
She’s not healthy. Brain clot 2012 on blood thinners now. Hummus her mooslum sisterhood “asst” says she’s confused a lot. Sleeps two days after a rally where 10 peeps show up
Nancy says
Unfortunately, more than 50% of the country, according to the corrupt media. They should definitely make her health stats available………………………she was a communist to begin with — now she’s sick as well. She’s scary as hell. You want her with the bomb at her fingertips. If she can even find her fingertips these days………………..
squeak says
Who cares… I call it “COME-UPPENS -TIME”… in other words they are getting theirs ! Thank God !
barb schaefer says
why is it not brought up of Hillarys seizers not being brought up severe epeleptic where she is bobbing her head back an forth an rolling of her eyes an freaking out the news broadcasters that were interviewing her it was freaky. This must be brought out soon. She is not mentally capable also very violent and anger outbursts
michaele carvell says
Asshole democrat motherfuckers
judy says
I agree, my household is voting for Trump who is for our country and us and not a CRIMINAL, LIAR, and CORRUPTED WASHINGTON ELITE.
Carol C says
judy, you are absolutely correct. Nobody is an angel, but I’ll take Trump any day. At least we know who we’re getting and he does love this country. He did not need to run for president. He is running because the way this country is headed makes him sick.
My household is voting for Trump, also. Period…
Bob says
Babson……there’s no shortage of kool-aid drinkers
doer says
Ed Jackson says
Killery is suffering from an excess of decades of LIES, which have finally filled her gastrointestinal cavity and would now be pressing against her heart, if she had one.
Rebecca says
correct!! Sorry but We do not wish evil people well.
Eileen Ross says
Just remember, the Hildabeast will meet her maker, God. I cannot speak for Him, but according to His Word, the Bible, she will join her mentor, Satan, in Hell. He will keep her busy stoking the fire!
Sancora says
You got that right.! I leave her in God’s hands! Amen!
djm159 says
Hillary in my opinion is just a plain, ordinary falling down drunk so don’t be too concerned about her “health” issues.
Mika Falealii says
Hillary is mentally and physically unfit to be president. Her sins are finally catching up with her. She might passed away before election. God works in mysterious ways.
Rc says
She doesn’t care if she lives or dies as long as she is voted in as the first Woman President of the United States of America. This is the only reason she is running.
DD says
William says
Jo says
WE get your drift, go away. I know the dem way is to repeat something enough and people MIGHT start to believe it! NOT the wise ones…………………………
Wayne Perelman says
Obamatards follow Hitler’s lead: “…tell a lie often enough and people believe it!”
Larry mandrell says
And you dont think hillery is, she arranged for bill and a broker to steal American uranium!
Dave Heinrich says
Are you THAT fucking STUPID? Oh, never mind. I reread your comment DD. Why would you vote for this careless human being (Hillary)? Did she help you get your rocks off when you were younger? Gawd, she is so butt-ugly!! I couldn’t fathom waking up next to this whining BITCH every morning. No wonder Slick Willy chases after all the skirts in the White House. Hillary is the one with a very LONG, LONG line of crap against her, not Trump. Oh, and, BTW, I’m voting for the future of this great country to move FORWARD, not backwards, like Hillary would take us. VOTE TRUMP 2016 AND 2020!!
youknowwho says
Trump didn’t make sure russia got their hands on un US uranium supplies. Besides Trump doesn’t do business with someone if he thinks he’s gonna ge the shot end of the stick.
youknowwho says
DD – It’s gonna be busy at the polls so a lot of areas have decided to be open for two days. Republicans vote on Tuesday, Democrats Vote on Wednesday.
will says
hi RC
we the people have to say no before that happens
gladys kindred says
I believe the media should inform “we the people” about any health concerns a candidate has no matter which party they represent. They are definitely biased and it’s not what journalists should do.
Joseph Stephens says
There’s been no journalists for several years,just puppets on a rotten strings
Eltee says
Agreed. Real journalist were Walter Cronkite and those during his era. Fair, didn’t side with a party, and reported only the truth. Today, they are just part of the political establishment and it shows.
Linda says
Zzg says
We need a healthy president. I don’t wish her bad, she got her own Karma…..”Clinton illness” in Google, shocking.
Trump had apendix out, he is healthy.
Watcher says
Maybe the ancient Greeks had it right and the Three fates are getting ready to unwind, measure and snip ?
Herc says
We need a sane & intellectually brilliant president like Hillary, but not an insane arrogant bigot like Trump!
Jo says
Define sane? Sorry you D/S all stick together. Find some where else to spout your B/S.
Joseph Stephens says
A real dumbocrat you are
Martha lawson says
What color is the sky in your world? Hillary got the IRS to investigate all the women who accuses Billy. She used a server that was hacked, hid emails, over 46 past ppl who were going to testify or did have “committed suicide, another just two weeks ago. She claimed as a senator that she was against gay marriage and now parades with them. She backed NAFTA and the War, now says she doesn’t. She takes a poll before she gives her opinion. That’s brilliant????? That’s a lying, conniving, unscrupulous money and power happy person!
Stanley Head says
On of Hillary’s questions during the time she ran for president was who would you wish to answer thw phone at 2:00 in the morning. I think we now know the answer now. September the 11: 20012 while our embassy was attack Hillary and oboma went to bed with no help for the Heroes that died. Go Trump.
John says
Hillary has shown that she is not trustworthy, she has said nothing and has done nothing in her career that would lend one to believe she would be a good leader. Mr. Trump is far from perfect, but we should remember he is not a career politician he is a successful business man, Hopefully his different approach will work well for our Great Nation. We will not know if we do not give him a chance. On the other hand if we elect Hillary we know what we will be getting and I think we all know that it would be bad for our country. with all of Donald’s faults He is Honest and shows a sense of pride that is needed to make America Great once again. My conscience dictates that I vote for Mr. Trump, I believe if you look at his track record you will find many many more successes than failures. God bless America.
Dave Heinrich says
Herc, you are one really messed up dude. Why would you insult everybody on this site with your comment? You can’t put sane and brilliant in the same sentence with Hillary. It just doesn’t add up to mean anything worth mentioning.
Lois Damron says
You must not read a lot!
Eltee says
You must be smoking puppy crap. If you love big government because you need someone to walk you through life and you love the handouts, vote Hillary. If you support liars, thieves, criminals, traitors, Iran supporters, and another career politician, she’s your woman?
Marvin B. Cohen says
When you vote for the Donald, you vote for the United States of America! I beg all true-blue Americans. Do not elect of proven habitual liar, thief, and a possible suspect in over 40+ homicides. I love my nation! I served under enemy fire in Vietnam. I fought for the dignity of my country. I will fight, again for her. I love my United States of America. I can not stand the thought that a proven homicidal, lying thief could take her from me! Please, PRESERVE HER! For my children (9), my Grandchildren (29), and my Grant-grands (3). They derserve her like I did. And, YOU!
Herc says
Voting for someone who has weak legs is much much better than voting for someone who is mentally ill like Trump!
You guys can throw to Hillary’s being all kinds of preposterous attacks, but you can never stop her become the next president of the United States of America! God bless you, Madam Secretary!
Joseph Stephens says
You got to be on welfare to be that deranged,just to dumb to see what killary has done
John Hunter says
What is your definition of “mentally Ill”?
How is Trump mentally ill?
Marsha says
I certainly hope you sleep well at night spouting all the crap you do for Hillary! If I wa your mother you would be eating bars of soap!
Eltee says
If my mom were alive, she certainly wouldn’t supports liars and crooks.
tom says
She has definitely something electrical wrong, it is like her muscles are firing wrong. First head tremors, balance issues, then she misfired when speaking?(lying) Something wrong needs full report issued before election
Jim Boatright says
I think Hillary’s problem is alcoholism. I have a lot of drunks in my family history that you can tell when someone is a drinker. Being drunk and forgetting things and dressing like an old maid she could have psoriasis.
Joseph Stephens says
Just maybe her lying abilities has caught up with her,only a idiots would vote for her.
Main Street says
I read in a suburban Boston paper an article by Hartford Courant columnist Gina Barreca stating that white dudes don’t like Hillary because they are sexist and oppose women in power. If it was 1974 I’d say wow. Not liking a crooked, unethical creep is sexist now? I don’t blame some men for not liking wealthy WASP ladies telling us they are oppressed and checking off the right box at hiring time.
They can buy any Doctor to give you the right Certificate of Health as easy as you can buy a Birth Certificate.A Question of Money.
William says
The answer is yes all candidates.
Susan Epp says
She seems very unwell.
Anna Matvchuk says
A neurologist on FB said she had definite symptoms of residual from her stroke. He said her coughing, her laughing longer than required., her involuntary head movements as she tried to hide it, her overvexagerated facial expressions and now her inability and needing assistance to climb stairs. She is a walking time bomb. Media is mute but it will all come out one day.
Anne Christian says
The HECK with the MSM — they are all LIARS, and will never stop supporting Hillary and LYING to cover up any of her faults or weaknesses.
Social Media soldiers, KEEP IT UP!!! The TRUTH is revealed at Trump rallies, and SHOULD ALSO BE revealed at Clinton small gatherings.
Only American citizens and their willingness to record and to share events on social media can TELL THE TRUTH about what is going on in the US — especially up until this November.
jo a pullins says
Hillary is a very sick women and if she doesn’t step down and get some serious medical care she will be dead before November. I don’t like her but I am smart enough to see that she needs help and soon.
Ethel L. Cenkner says
We definitely need to know about the health of both candidates–
Where is the media —in this question? Demand to know—-
ProudTexan62 says
She needs to release her health records and be up front and honest with it. She is not in good health and in no condition to be the Commander in Chief of this country. I can’t imagine anyone voting for a person like her in the first place but she will never make it through the rest of the campaign and the debates. She can’t take pressure and that disqualifies her for the job she is seeking in the first place.
Mr. Bell says
Every thing Clinton is bad to you at horn. Everything about Trump is good. The best. Just know you are making a big fool of yourselves. Did you read recent New York Times?. What it said about your precious Trump?
GMAC says
Given that the Republican candidate is demonstrably a paranoid schizophrenic, any health issues around Mrs Clinton pale into total insignificance.
You would have to be as mad as he is to vote for Trumpety, Trump Trump Trump!
Sybil says
All health records should be made public of anyone who is running for the office of President of the USA. This is an important job and a person needs to be in good shape. Stress can kill a well person.
Colleen Cummings says
I agree with you, but of course they can just pay the doctors off to say they are in good health, so it is doubtful that it would eliminate anyone.
Judy Ogren says
Yes, Colleen Cummings,,,,,,it seems the dems can buy anyone and anything OFF ! IE FBI !!! Hostage ransom !!!
Shirley says
Hillary’s health should be a big issue on top of her criminal background. Iam asking myself what is going on with the media protecting her and going after trump. This is not the America I came up in. I have never seen such unfit candidate as Hillary. America lets pray for a Trump presidency to save our country.
D. J. Hackney says
AMEN ! ! !
Zzg says
We need a healthy president. I don’t wish her bad, she got her own Karma…..”Clinton illness” in Google, shocking.
Trump had apendix out, he is healthy.
Jose Antonio Rodriguez Menendez says
Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are two-term Governors who performed efficiently and effectively. They would be superior leaders than a senile sociopathic liar with criminal tendencies and than a carnival side show.
Vote Libertarian Party in November !!!
Ruby Tillotson says
If you do, you are wasting your vote.
ProudTexan62 says
You would be wasting a vote on Johnson and Weld not to mention that I don’t want another pothead in our White House. Obama was quite enough.
George E. Shugart says
Anyone who would vote for a sick, lying, thief should have their head examined.
Joseph Stephens says
what head
Joy says
You see, Trump is in his finest achievement. He thinks he is more beautiful, more powerful than all of us Say I can do it all.. And as we all know, it has gone to his head. He thinks he is gorgeous, so mighty that he really thinks he could be better than all of us together . The defining marks of him are pride and envy of the Almighty.
Darlene says
Are you talking about Obama?!!!
Paula says
Trump doesn’t have to be better than all of us. He only has to be better than Hillary!!!! Vote for Trump!!!
Martha lawson says
Yep, you just describe Obama to a tee and Bill, I never had sexual relations with that woman, Clinton. Now lay down, put your legs up so the blood flow will get back to your brain. Just don’t do it in front of Slick Willy!
Marsha says
Bill and Hillary Think Bill is the gift that all women want and if the woman doesn’t want him she’ll get hime forced on to her. Check it out and stop defending these two criminals!
ProudTexan62 says
All he is doing is trying to save this country and make you and all your ungrateful friends prosperous again and all you know to do is demean and criticize him. If you get Hillary, you will deserve all that happens to you but this country doesn’t deserve it.
Laura says
Trump is a businessman; he knows how to deal with people and countries to allow everyone to “get some pie”. What better way to keep peace in the world?
Mary Barnes says
Mary from Arkansas. Ashamed and sorry Bill Clinton is from Arkansas. Wish he weren’t and Hillary had never found our state. We cannot understand how anyone so corrupt could be allowed to run for the leader of our country – only the Democratic Party. Any Democrat that votes for her needed to be deported because they do not love our country. Been reading about the original Jezebel and Hillary is that pattern.
Sancora says
They protect Hilary from everything! It is scary how much control she has. If it were anyone else it would be all over the news! The election will probably be fixed!
will says
sancora good comments
so what does she have on all the rest of the democ rats hat they like so well
ProudTexan62 says
I don’t think there is any doubt the election is being primed to be fixed like in 2012. All the polls you see now are cooked. Clinton can’t be double digits in front of a good candidate. They committed voter fraud in the swing states in 2012 and bragged about it. I’ve never understood why this country did nothing about it. That’s why the American people have had enough.
R Moravek says
Totally agree! We have to know who we are voting for. All health records must be released to the public.
Inspector Tom says
I think all that if a person wants to runs for a ‘public’ office then all pertinent records, files, such as ‘birth records etc. should become public, they should not have the right to ‘seal’ them. Just might be less problems
Donna C. says
I concur.
Mary Barnes says
I agree. The fact they are hidden screams fraud.
Bruce Amsbaugh says
Spot on!
Pat says
Colleen Cummings says
Hillary is most likely not going to even make it through the election, let alone 4 years as President, and yes, I believe the media is hiding her health issues, just like they are suppressing all the other negatives about her evil behavior. The main stream media is controlled by the liberal elite, it’s rare to find a true journalist in the United States, and when you do they end up dead.
JB says
I hope and pray every day that Hillary doesn’t make it thru the election. and also agree with you that the mainstream media is controlled by the liberal elite, BUT… it would be a blessing if Hillary were to collapse on stage at the debate with Donald and watch the mainstream media try to spin that one away…or even have another seizure while at one of her campaign functions or at a press conference while being televised…..like to see what the Joy’s, DD’s and Herc’s on this post would have to say about that…They being the morons that they have clearly demonstrated with their low-informed comments and opinions would probably blame it on anything other than what it is…Hillary is physically NOT fit not to mention mentally not FIT to be POTUS.
The Clinton’s have a laundry list of dead people that have been associated with them…latest is the Iranian scientist..the number is 50+ and climbing…Wouldn’t be surprised that Comey was threatened and with his knowledge of their major crimes was more than willing to back off to some degree for fear of his own life. The Clinton Foundation is a bigger crime organization than any in history and that needs to be investigated and the light shed on the American people. Just like Judge Scalia’s untimely death – the Democrats needed and still do need another liberal judge to have their majority so they can continue to make laws from the bench instead of judging and upholding the existing laws as intended and they were appointed to do. There is corruption in every branch of the government and it is about time that we have a POTUS that works for “we the people” and not “we the government”…just as outlined in our Constitution. We were not founded on Socialism…wake up America GO TRUMP 2016 and bury the immoral, greedy, corrupt, criminally minded Democrats and their sheep that follow and have their hands out for all the free stuff they promise. Forget the effing PARTY – VOTE THE PERSON THAT WILL BRING AMERICA BACK TO WHERE SHE IS INTENDED TO BE. GREAT AGAIN. TRUMP-PENCE 2016 I will even go so far to say Killery should go away by natural causes and it would be a blessing sooner the better.
Ernie Weber says
We are, and should be, concerned about the privacy rights of those with medical problems. However, should that still apply if a person wants to be commander-in-chief? The voters should know if a person is fit to serve.
Donna C. says
The government wants your medical records. Shouldn’t “we the people” have access to those that affect our decision about the medical health of the person who will be running “our” country?
Earl says
As soon as the media realizes that Trump will win, and later seek action for the media lies & deceptions thru FCC license renewals, the media will then crucify killery in hopes of staying in business.
James Morgan says
Not a chance. They are completely in the tank for Hillary and all Democrats to their last breath.
Cled says
Hillary’s health is the LEAST of her problems. She should be UNDER the jail for all of the things she has done.
Donna Slivka says
NOT the Teflon hitlery………..not a chance……..Why don’t they disperse pictures of her needing help going up stairs ?
John Gebhardt says
Hillary’s health is of less consequence as far as I’m concerned than that racist, bigot mesogenist lying sack of shit Donald Trump who we really DON’T need anywhere near The White House,
Patricia Delgado says
You need to go back to school, and take spelling 099. Mr. Trump would make a GREAT president, because, for one, he knows how to jump start the economy, and knows enough to surround himself with the finest minds available! Does Killary? No, she surrounds herself with people with minds like her own! That non-Catholic, Tim Kaine. A real piece of work!
Gregory Williams says
I would assume you have some sort of proof that Trump is racist then right?? Just because the media says he is a racist idiots like you will believe it. Democrats control the media, which is why everything about Trump is a negative, while KILLARY hides the truth from the American people. And then you go on about Trump being a liar?? If that isn’t the tea calling the kettle black I don’t know what is. She still denies she did anything wrong with the e-mails, even after the FBI director proved she was a liar!! But once again idiots like you believe her and mainstream media. Wake up and smell the coffee idiot!!
Ray says
John, I think you have it all backwards!! You really want that lying woman, and thief in the White House?
Joseph Stephens says
Old John walks around like the rest of the dumbocrats on his hands,not even a good joke
Mickie says
Many of the health problems that Hillary Clinton has but I think the biggest one is the fact that she can’t think properly, it’s hard enough to run a country when your faculties are in top shape heaven help us with a crooked lying Hillary
john G. says
Health issues shouldn’t come as any surprise – I’m certain all her physicals are conducted with her “Pantsuits” on – no one not even her doctors would want to see her sans clothes.
Pam says
If she’s taking that drug and drinking alcoholic beverages no wonder she’s having problems! It’s a wonder she’s not in the hospital! It tells you not to drink that stuff while on that medicine ! Most people have to give up their job too because it causes too many other problems! Why is she getting to start a new one? FOUL????
TONY says
holy grailer says
She was fired from her first law firm job— for of all things…….being a LIAR!
F. Alien says
the stairs she is climbing up are probably the ones to the Clinton Foundation where she is probably getting some of the billions of dollars that have been given to this foundation . Man what a rip off from willy billy and his cozin w/ muslim fanatics to hi i lie fraternization with big pharma, wall street,etc. Her job as a senator in n.y. is a travesty as well. she beats on her chest of how great she did for the employment of upstate ny should have been boasted by a lesser poitico sans city manager,councilman, state representative, at the most. And to crow of her achievments is also a falacy. No one gained from her B.S. unless of coarse you are talking about her cronies reaping results. God is a forgiving Creator but one must truly be repented. She (Hi I Lie) is not. Whay do you think Bill is so passive since she is the man in their marriage. when is the last time you saw in a dress. Pant suits and looking drag for sure. In contrast Trumps wife looks absolutely 1st lady material…LOL
Jack Leeman says
For a lawyer to be fired for lying is really some thing, it is expected. she and Bill both had their licenses pulled as I understand it. There are more in position’s of “power” but I can’t right now think of who. Many Many Many in government jobs. I think it is a requirement. Elect school teachers ,business men, factory workers and other people who live in real life and so understand.
Carolyn bridges says
Yes it should be released to the public. This country in in enough trouble with out holding back on the person running for commander and chief of this wonderful country
Connie pepples says
Children are required to have a physical exam to participate in sports. Shouldn’t our national leader be required to do the same?
mark says
given her health problems ties to so many scandles , her untrustworthyness no one should vote for her!
Fred Welch says
Clinton, health concerns should be revealed to the voters.
pat says
when Hillary said she short circuited when asked about the chris Wallace interview I knew right away she must have had seizures because when my husband started having seizures the doctor said his brain short circuited the problem with someone who has seizures is that every time they have a seizure they loose memory and the meds for seizures made my husband arguementative and aggressive it is very scarry Hillary may not remember some of her lies she told she really may believe what she is saying she told the parent of those killed in bengazi it was a video then she called the parent liars about it she probably forgot what she said to them she should not even be running for president with this health problem
holy grailer says
You’re being WAY too kind to her……she will do anything to get into the whitehouse…a couple of lies—pppfffffffttttttt.
Joy says
An interesting theroy. In her best interest don’t you think her husband and daughter would have discouraged her in this venture?
Gregory Williams says
Why would they discourage her?? They need that money train to keep on rolling!! And when you have Saudis giving millions to the “Clinton Foundation” you are obligated to run to keep that cash flow going. Oh yeah…..”theroy” is spelled “theory”. Another Clinton flunkie!!
William says
Joy !!!
They are both just a corrupt as her, and she means money to them and they probably now don’t give a damn about her, because they know her declining health and want to grab as much money as she can generate. DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THEY ARE CARING PEOPLE !!!!
Constitutionalist says
An interesting theory.
A theory is a conjecture. It’s public knowledge that she’s had multiple falls, blood clots in her brain, and at least 2 publicly video’d seizures(some say “demonic possession,” and it’s possible; she’s notoriously cheap, and probably didn’t pay her exorcist – so she was repossessed). So while her actual health condition is unknown at present, it’s NO “theory” that The Liar has serious and publicly visible problems; there’s even a lesion on – or a hole in – her tongue! (eventually, i expect it’ll be forked, too.)
In her best interest don’t you think her husband and daughter would have discouraged her in this venture?
Apparently, you have not heard about The Liar’s propensity for insane rages. She’s wanted the presidency every since BJ Billy had it, and she’s willing to die – and kill – to take the oval office. She’ll fail, but she’s going to try. Bill has been repeatedly beaten up by this madwoman, and i shudder to think of what Chelsea endured at her hands. There’s NO WAY that either of them would stand in her way.
If she’s LUCKY, she’ll have “health issues” that require her to end her presidential bid. If she continues, she’ll lose in a LANDSLIDE, and will then go insane(or more visibly so) – or when Trump takes office( assuming that D’OweBama does not pardon her on his way out of America permanently, because he also rightly fears prosecution), because Trump will UNDOUBTEDLY open a MAJOR investigation with an independent prosecutor and the resources of the entire USG at his disposal – and she’ll go to prison, where she’ll go “i love me jacket” rubber-room bonkers in a week, i predict – or she’ll do the smart thing and get on the first jet smokin’ out of the country the day after she loses the election, to become a fugitive from Justice in foreign lands that have no extradition treaties with the USG. But she won’t be a fugitive long. The Great Legislator of the Universe, the Ultimate Judge, will have her sooner than she expects…and she cannot lie to Him.
Back on earth, however, there has been a persistent rumor that the DNC “hack” and subsequent data dump was done by person or persons unknown at the NSA, because they are ROYALLY PISSED that she disclosed the names of HIGHLY SECRET human intelligence resources around the globe by using her hacked server, the Iranian nuclear scientist being just ONE of them that are at risk or in jail at this time. She didn’t even use the minimally prudent tactic of using code names for these people, but used their ACTUAL NAMES, the idiot(or well-paid Judas, hard to tell at this point).
youknowwho says
Croaking before the election is a possibility. Hopefully it will be a couple of days before so the dumbocrats won’t have time to regroup. Although if she croaks after taking office Bill’ll get her death benefits. He’ll need ’em since the gravy train’ll be gone with no one to sell influence. Oh, and Slick Willy hasn’t discouraged her from running cause the sooner she goes the sooner he can get back to his old tricks. This election crap is really cramping his style. There;s a lot of old dumbocrat broads that would love to give him the Monica treatment.
Doris Sticco says
Why not? Our country need a well leader not someone who has definite issues with their health. I say “yes”.
the old hag’s EVIL is catching up to her…………..
she’s a disciple of SATAN…….PURE EVIL……..
Dottie M. says
I cannot believe so many people can be so rash and unfeeling about anyone’s health or wiling t WISH SHE WOULD die. I agree she should not be President, and I will certainly not vote for her. But I do wish her better health and perhaps a few years out of politics would actually help her.
Dskap says
Her spiritual health is this: She is dead in all her sins and abominations and soon to meet her biggest enemy and greatest fear….the Lord God Almighty!
Hillary, you are soon to be cast into the eternal pit therefore….there is yet but a little time to repent and seek the mercy of God who can forgive even you!
amanda sanders says
we can only hope that God sees fit to expose this evil woman’s health issues and takes her out of the picture before further ruination of our beloved country.
amanda says
we can only hope that God sees fit to expose this evil woman’s health issues and takes her out of the picture before further ruination of our beloved country.
PatriotForever says
Whatever is going on with her,”Who cares and BTW: She deserves it. After all, “What difference does it make” She will eat those words the rest of her life and those words exemplify her hate for others.
Duncan Mulholland says
We are hung up “ON FREEDOM OF THE PRESS ” which I believe in, only when it is a BALANCED PRESS and not a corrupt press which is what we have today.
Robert/Nancy Enos says
She should not run for ANY public office. Get her out!!!!!!!
Chuck says
When a horse goes down they shoot it. Just an idea.
Jim MacIntosh says
Depends on whether you consider her a nag or a hag
Bruce Amsbaugh says
That would be a HUGE waste of a g shot. Better to to just push her into a deep hole and fill it with clay.
Byron says
Yes the media should insist a independent medical evaluation of Hillary’s health condition. We the people deserve no less of knowing the True Health Condition of any canidate for President!
Jo says
But you forget who the media folks are “rooting” for. Also too many in media are connected to someone in OUR W/H. The list for connects has been on several sites. Only told what to say and how to say it. Take the crying baby from Trumps meeting, media twisted it to say he kicked baby out for crying. Mother and baby were helped out and stood at the doors watching while her whole family was still seated. She, the mom said she was treated with respect and had help from police and staffers. RESPECT, when have you EVER heard a dem use the word and mean it!
brenda crawford says
windy1……..i won’t make fun of her illenesses but she’s not fit for office much more than health issues. she should take herself out of the race…it would be much more dignified than being run out….just one person’s opinion but i do believe donald trump can make a big difference in our country’s well being as well as all of it’s people and just getting us all on traack again…..
James Crumpton says
How can the public really be advised when the news media is under the control
of Clinton and the Demos. The American people are hit daily with things that
Trump does but you never hear about Hillary’s ups and downs unless an
independent source states it. This is why the Demos love her, because they really
don’t want to hear it or care about it, they like their Food Stamps, unemployment
and gov’t assistance. Why mess up a good thing and have to go out and get a job.
Mary says
James, You touched lightly on the BIG problem, which is the control the Democratic party wields over so much of what happens in the US. I could go on and on naming what the issues are, but they are obvious . Maybe people should read “Hillary’s America” or see the movie !
Sylvia Allen says
Hearing about Clinton’s health issues I’m reminded of the story “A Picture of Dorian Grey.” Not good,
Nawz Shitsu'umsch says
Don’t worry any more as for it is highly unlikely she will not make it as if the jailhouse doesn’t get her for her own brain tumor will and I’m voting for the tumor as for that way by not seeing a doctor as for she should then she will bring on her own demise not We the people as for she has truly short Circuits in her Speech as to say for the Middle Class that she would raise taxes Wow! That will anger all who work! as for if she keeps on about Attacking Trump for that isn’t going to help her Campaign all it will do is help the tumor in her brain grow stronger as the stress increased party of the DNC continues to push her on in to an early grave as for now you have heard the rest of the Story GoodDay.
JerseyJoe says
Her chickens are coming home to roost when it concerns this evil, corrupt, lying witch. Her health is what will be her downfall and it couldn’t be more fitting. Imagine everything she fought for, lied for, cheated for, and quite possibly killed for will be taken from her by ailments she can’t do anything about. Health is something all the money in the world can’t buy when it becomes incurable. Normally we would feel bad for anyone suffering bad health but in her case you have to feel that karma is real.
charlotte madar says
and so we would have ahma hubiden as our president in residence and care taker Billy
Suzanne OBRIEN says
If Hillary truly wished to be an asset in being president, being completely alert to her major physical and mental deterioration , she NEVER
would have run for this office..Personal GREED and POWER by which she is consumed dominate her every action.
John says
It’s her advanced mental illnesses and moral illnesses and her dislike of America and her dislike of Americans that is of vastly more concern! What did she ever do to America to show that she even cared about America, except for what she can extract from America for herself. I haven’t seen any answers to that! The big question is, “Why is America not asking?”
Alan says
Can you imagine if she is POTUS, and dies??? Then that little weasel she picked as her VP will be POTUS. OH SHIT. NO WAY. He is nothing but a pussy. He is not smart enough to be POTUS, or strong enough. If you remember SMILEY(Carter), everyone made fun of him because that’s all he did was smile, and was a pussy too. If this guy takes over, we are really in deep shit.
Mikeyavelli says
He’s as creepy as it gets.
He’s a giant leprechaun.
Tina says
I by no means a Hillary supporter.
But don’t you think her family should be concerned about her well-being, and the stress of campaigning can only aspirate her issues. I know how badly she wants to be the first female president but her health should come first. Shame on Bill and her daughter for not protecting his wife and her mother.
Xiomara says
Watch it!!
You Clinton lovers
If she kicks the bucket we all ‘ be stock with that vice smart allie Ohhh boy!!!
Her eye under bags sre huge !! And blue unless they make her up
Sunshine Nebraska says
Are we discussing mental or physical health or both. Mentally we all should be aware that anyone that is a habitual liar has a mental health problem. Physically climbing stairs could just be knees or hips which many have replaced at her age. That sums it up!
Her mental state makes her not qualified to be the President of the USA.
Jo says
She has already had lots of worked done. Look at pictures from months ago. Wrinkles do not disappear w/o help, and Lots and Money. The apple checks just appeared? The hair do, read where she pays $400 for each, dye, style, cut and comb out? Replace knees and hips also lots of money and I’m sure its NOT from BOCare. Also all the face work and body work take time to heal. Why no one sees her except when see heals and bruises are gone? Makeup artists can do only so much. EVIL WITCH All the $$ spent could help so many in real need!
Teresa says
There is an obvious ‘physically fit’ difference in appearance and energy between these two candidates. The Democrat is over weight, slow (both physically and mentally) and puffy-looking with the bags under the eyes getting worse and worse. Mr. Trump is as energetic as any 35-50 year-old man and is mentally very sharp. Although the physical ‘look’ of a candidate should not be a determination – the ultimate physical ability of a candidate is very much a determination for consideration of that high office! She, in my opinion, doesn’t fit the bill. She has selected what appears to be an energetic VP running mate but that shouldn’t be grounds for her to be elected and … is he goofy, or what?
Patricia Delgado says
I have read, just recently, she had a drinking game going on, with someone in her crowd. She was throwing down shots of vodka, one after the other. And, she supposedly out drank the guy she was up against. My gosh, that is like drinking pure rubbing alcohol!
name b free says
Mr Trump would never be able to keep the pace of his schedule at his age if he wasn’t in tip top shape!!Hillary Nixon has one live appearance every other day. There are days Mr Trump has 2 or 3 in a day in 3 diff states . He is the only one up to the task, both physically and practical experience. Hell The Trump Group, through its industry, creates more NEW non- government jobs in a year than Hillary has in her lifetime.
Rosech says
Trump not only IS healthy but looks years younger than the ailing Clintons as both look to be on verge of death! Trump has energy, and is working for America, while Hillary has no energy and is failing as usual to do anything that would help America. Venom in a person eventually causes their deaths. Those with more love in their hearts tend to live longer and better. Unfortunately, thanks to the democrats we have a lot of killing meds that are prescribed even for an ingrown toenail which means people are being killed by believing in miracle drugs and to date every “miracle” drug has failed. Trump doesn’t drink, smoke or take drugs of any kind, while we know the Clintons live the lifestyle of the rich and are paying for it with seriously killing conditions. We need a leader, healthy and ready to work hours at a time for America, and not some sick, frail, mentally disturbed old hag whose venom is now killing her!
Jo says
JjdooDah says
Before long she’ll have to drag out FDR’s wheelchair. Then how will she ever get to all the rooms that Slick Willie may have the Bimbo Interns hidden…..
James T. Larson says
My Grandparents were Democrats, and that was the way they voted. Strange how that is with the old folks. This job is way to important in this day and age, to let someone run for the POTUS of America. Our security will be at risk if she becomes President. I’m not bad mouthing her, it is just the facts. Sorry Hillary, I can’t vote for you. I have kids and Grand kids, and we have to protect them. JTCools here…
Jo says
In our parents day, the dems were GOOD and really helped their members when in need. Did NOT tell them who to vote for etc. AND the GOVERNMENT did NOT run those running the unions. What a change, and NOT for the GOOD.
Shannon says
I don’t like her at all ,she is a lair ,murder, trader,the blood on her hands will NEVER
Washington off ….She is not fit to be president…The press is unfair and unbalanced…who has seizure that affect
Her memory and balance…argumentative and
Very aggressive abitual lair,….
Their is something very wrong with killary health….
Joy Beck says
There have been concerns of her ‘dissapperance’ from time to time for two, three and even four days at a time. Makes me wonder if she’s had a mild stroke or some other medical event requiring a rest from time to time. She seems confused, will not do a media appearance, and her campaign appearances seem to be staged and word-for-word memorized. Does she have an ear piece that allows an aid to prompt her sentence by sentence?
The upcoming debates will be very interesting…..
Jo says
Maybe has to heal the bruises from all the body work. Face, lipo suction, etc…………………….Also some meds need time to work. Need to lose the fuzzy feeling and equalibrium, (sp) as well as queasy stomach, and puffiness…………
Some other things are hard to hide, that’s why she stays out of site.
Hillary is as corrupt as they come. It has been know for some time that her health is a major concern. I’m more concerned about her Mental Health. Why would a sane individual have so many scandals in their life. I would not put it past her to fake her illness just to make America feel sorry for her. She needs to drop to her Knees and ask for forgiveness before she meets her Maker along with her “Husband” Slick Willie. Hillary in the morning……”Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the biggest crook of them all”? You are Replied the Mirror on the Wall.
NoraB says
If she were subjected to a full medical exam, you would have to be POSITIVE the doctor was “independent” not “on the dole”. Clintons are rich and can buy anything they want.
See the new movie “Hillary’s America”. It is an eye-opener. If you can’t find the movie, read the book.
Rosech says
No news here as she is on a serious blood clotting med and, yes, could suffer a pulmonay embolism and pop off (goody), but also I have noticed she is having TIAS, seizures, even her staff knows how often she faints, and her chattering and somehow spacy statements all indicate no blood getting to the brain and she is definitely severely ill but being stupid and stubborn she won’t drop out,but if this continues she could drop dead at any time. The DNC is caught between the devil (Clintsons) and the deep blue see because she is also their hope of accomplishing the final step or steps to One World Government/New World order communism which has been creeping in almost daily via Obama’s edicts and her statements that the government should handle (she means control) everything in America, that it is okay to bring in more invaders on our soil, most evil muslims like Khan the con (you know the one whose son died 12 yrs. ago but now speaks about him?), and he also belongs to CAIR, has done the Clinstons (phony) stax returns, is selling illegally E permit to bring in more of his kind, he is pushing for sharia laws instead of ours, he also made the mistake of calling America a democracy when we ARE A REPUBLIC, a whole different governance where we, the people are the government, and those we hire/elect are just mere employees and that has to stop and they are afraid of us and Trump causing the whole house of cards to collapse on them. A democrat knows nothing but taxation, controlling, ruining our education systems for more than 5+ decades, and our supposed republicans have almost all betrayed us for the almighty donor dollar because they sure come out rich, don’t they? and work only a few weeks a year, and grant themselves perks and pork (ie, Byrd, dec’d, Feinstein, Pelosi, Reid, and more who use their supposed “influence” to get okayed to rip us off by their conning members in Congress and WH, and the DNC have never, ever cared for us since their corporation was founded (based on Tory desire of government control) in the early 1860’s, and that is still their mantra!
Thomas J says
Bravo Rosech. Note: I form my comments on news articles past and present. So what say you regarding publication
of HJillary’s proposed medical program wherein any doctor who provides medical service not in conformance
with her specifications committs a felony? AND, Jerry Browns request that wee we willie explain Hillary’s and Vince Foster’s financial scandal in their home state? Recall how W.Clinton bullied Jerry into silence?? Has anybody
fully explained Vince Fosters death? Well, just remember WC said that in his presidency the country would receive
two for one…Billy 1 and Hiilly 2. O.K. So vote for Hill and you will get Hill 1 and Billy 2. AND THEN they both can
fight it out to see who gets the next Monica, first.
Charlie says
So the country may be wising up to this criminal. Maybe we can get rid of her yet. Thanks Reuters for the photo!
Clif says
Since Hillary will not finish her term due to serious health issues, and since Bill is not mentally fit to assist her through a dibilitating Presidency, and since neither can let go of the seduction of so much potential power to let Bernie take the reins now, then who the heck is Tim Kaine????
unionquickpicks says
When the Olympic rowing events occur, just remember the how the rowers are exhorted to synchronize their rowing with “Stroke, Stroke, Stroke…”
Should that be our election chant?
ben says
one lie to cover anouther her and our so called president are both evil satan demons and well be punished
Louise Cave says
I’ll preface this with the admission that I have reservations about the Clinton platform anyway. That said, if the stated health issues are correct, voters should consider other alternatives regardless of how liberal or conservative they classify themselves. So far, candidates promise much for the country without revealing any clues to their means of fulfilling those promises.
believer says
That has Been a problem for 30 years keeping the OBVIOUS TRUTHS from the public.People have AWAKENED and there not as smart as they would like you to believe.
Hillary is really sick with a BIG HEALTH problem. But understand ,The democrats Know it. AT the last Minute the Illuminati will replace her with trying to skip the Constitution and try to get Obama a third term . WATCH IT AND STOP IT BEFORE IT HAPPENS. There Afraid if TRUMP gets in the key to THE CANDY STORE Will be over.
Take time top know the real TRUTH. It will be worth the time to read it to the end.And you will see how we Have been BETRAYED by the very people we TRUSTED.Please there aren’t enough people interesed in the truth and that is why they get by with so much, WERE deemed STUPID by Obama.If you read this he will lose control of all the DECEPTION and CRIMES he has and is COMMITTING EVERY DAY HE IS IN OFFICE
DCB says
I have noticed for months, anytime Hillary has to ascend steps to a platform/podium to speak at a campaign stop some one assists her at the top of the steps. She walked very stilted/unnaturally on the platform at the DNC convention…and that was a level surface.
Gary says
Maybe it’s karma time. Sooner or later karma will get you. Every dog has it’s day. Looks like Hillary’s is ended. Oh so sad. You get what you sow.
Sloughfoot says
But if she can hang on until elected it really does no one any good. The democrats have some idiot ready to step into her place. In the mean time Obama is doing as much damage as he can.I really feel like this country is screwed
Wanda Crosby says
They should of course be explained, but would we hear the truth about them? I can tell you NO we would not! Investigations should and better be done and by credible people then reported before this election!
Jerry says
I watched her come out of a church and grab the rail on her left with both hands. I thought I never do that. She is ill, She is a blatant liar, She lies because its better than the truth. I think Donald Trump will be a Greater President than what a lot of people think. Once America get used to having Order and sane conversation about reasonable decisions Our country will run smoother. Its hard for a party to stay supporting a Lying, Cheating, law breaking, Enemy protectionist, Muslim like Obama. They have to tell and support so many lies no matter how ridiculous they are. They will be glad and a relief to get out from under that. But they probably won’t stop lying about themselves
Sloughfoot says
The Democrats brag about what an even tempered soft spoken reasonable president Obama is. They think it is okay that he wields his pen and changes laws single handedly. He has them convinced that he can’t get anything done any other way because the congress won’t agree on anything with him. He is forcing thru his own agenda and the democrats don’t see it as corruption. It is very obvious Hillary is physically,mentally and morally ill and her handlers really don’t care. She is just a means to an end. Bill has become a shell of his former self and contributes nothing. Just a warm body for show of support. I pray that the american people planning on voting for Hillary open their eyes and see the truth.
Brian Markevicz says
If the “Laim Stream Media”&Democrats (sama/same),don’t care Hillary is a criminal,why would they give a crap about her health?As long as she wins,then they’ll figure it out from there!!!!ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS
Neil Greiling says
In 1962 in Escape,Evasion,Survival I learned about the 41 point program to take this country over without firing a shot and that included the media,politics etc.by the then forces of social beliefs of the cold war of the time.
Look at the history and you can see it all coming to be now by the low information voter.
Barbara A. Nelson says
If anyone besides this person were involved, they would be in Prison not running for President of our country. It is to bad that both the Democrats and Republicans that make up our congress, are so afraid to have a Business Man come in and clean house, that they are running scared. I’m not saying that Donald Trump is the perfect person, but given our choices I like the way he thinks. God is in charge and we need to get out of the way. Four more years of what we have had will be the end of our country as we know it!!!
Nicole Hunter says
Don’t count on the lame stream media picking up on this. She’s got ’em all in her pocket, and they do only her bidding. So, Hilary gets in, and after all is said and done, look for “President Kane”…. arrrggghhh!
jim says
it proves all they need is a puppet
Sloughfoot says
As a woman, I am ashamed that Hillary is allowing herself to be used like this. Many women are starry-eyed about Hillary becoming the first woman President. It sickens me.
Kathy Lanning says
James says
Come on folks every body knows about the fall Hillary took about a year or so ago and hit her head on a bathroom fixture and was in the hospital for a day or two under survaliance and has had balance and mobility issues ever sense but is being covered up by her staff and political cronies in the Democratic party. A major risk to the country that’s Hillary.
J. P. Roberts says
would love to see how she gets off & onto Air Force 1 if elected–best advice, don’t elect her and we’ll never have to be concerned!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The Air Force would have to use one of their covered lift trucks to lift Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton off of Air Force 1
and also lift her up to Air Force 1 if she is our country’s next Figurehead. With HKRAKC’s health problems being now mentioned and even
photos of her being helped up & down a few steps, she’s not at all healthy enough to be running for Figurehead to begin with in the very first place. The Waco & Benghazi murders, the Vince Foster, Steve MacDougal, John Ashe & many other murders the Clinton’s have ordered and had done. HKRAKC is the very worst choice for Figurehead of the United States.
warren says
She is not only physically ill she is mentally ill as well as any idiot stupid enough to vote for her. If a person is only as good as their word she is good for nothing.
LINDA B says
Hillary’s health should be a HUGE concern, If she gets elected and soon after has a heart attack, stroke, seizure, Dementia, and more, she’s not worth it. She seems completely worn out from all the stress. If she can’t handle this stress, she can’t handle the stress of being President. I imagine she has to takes naps before she speaks. She won’t be able to clearly react when she should. She would be a danger to the Country! Get rid of her now before we have to take her nominee for VP if something happens to her. If something would happen to Trump, His nominee for VP would be a great replacement. Think about it.
Sloughfoot says
When it is so obvious to so many that HC is physically and mentally and morally not fit to be our presidents, why are her supporters still staunchly holding on. Are they all deaf, blind, and dumb??? Or are they just concerned about the welfare checks and other freebies being taken away? I know many democrats that are not on welfare and it is like they are brainwashed and refuse to hear or see anything truthful about Hillary. When was this country so dumbed down??? I don’t want to live under someone like Hillary and it seems people are totally powerless to do anything.
Ec says
Well this all very interesting . This women that let her man take advantage of all the interns that he could God knows who else wants to get him back into the wh again . U falls that have been forgetting what he got away with the last time the two of them were let into the people’s house.
Remember BILL’S words “it depends on what the meaning of the word is is .
Never let a lawyer back into the people’s house . Especially a Democratic one . Remember he lost his Law lick and she never passed the bar .
She should have been put in jail 30 yrs ago for some of the s–t that she got away with then .
warren says
With her medical issues they could easily kill her after being elected and make it look like an accident. She wouldn’t even have to be killed and dumped on the white house lawn and accused of committing suicide like she and Bill did to their lawyer Vince Foster.
Harvey Schneider says
My guess is that “Over the Hillary” is suffering from the effects or of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It may have occurred from her many lesbian relationships or might be related to the over 2000 women her sexually addicted husband, Silly Willy, has reportedly had intercourse with.
If it isn’t a STD then it is possible that it is a “Short Circuit” in her brain which she admits to having problems with. In either case she is clearly unfit to be the first lesbian or transgender President of these United States.
Ralph Ormsbee says
I’m not at all worried about her health. If she dies tomorrow I would be a little concerned for I would not have all the help I needed to get the Party started
Jim says
Hillary, aka: Teflon Donna, may be elected regardless of any health issues she may have. Remember FDR?
That’s beside the real point. She touts herself, in her speeches, as being a progressive (in my day, that term was commonly known to be synonymous with communist). If the American electorate is collectively stupid enough to elect her, we deserve what we get.
Trump is another bag of worms. The bottom line is that America is toast regardless of which of these two megalomaniacs is elected, in my opinion.
Joan M. O'Neill says
How about her drinking problem????
Ken says
@ JOY,
You are the one who needs to get up to speed hon. There is no way on many fronts that Billary is qualified to run for president. Her qualifications fit better behind bars, she would fit right in at almost any prison. If you want to live in denial for the rest of your life well I guess that is your right. Unfortunately you are not alone in your thought pattern and that is what is unnerving for those who know what has happened and is still currently going on.
“IN GOD WE TRUST” and that is what the American people need to do to win this problem we have allowed ourselves to get caught in!
jwb says
you people are all sick and need to be in jail, what a bunch of jerks here …………..VOTE FOR lyin’ Donnie ……….good luck
Texas Belle says
Back up your claim that Donald is a liar. I haven’t heard anything that would relate to the security of this country that he has lied about. Hillary put our security in danger with her careless use of an e-mail server. She has been lying ever since she appeared on the national scene and apparently it is a genetic trait from birth. She has no business ever holding public office, much less that of the Presidency.
jwb says
I agree that she should not be prez, neither should lyin’ Donnie, mr. make it as he goes ……..obviously you do not listen to his trash, he never repeats the same story twice ………..
dprato says
Well of course it is obvious she is also mentally ill because she has been proven to be a pathological liar many times over. Sane people don’t do that as a regular part of their free speech. Anyone who support her types of behaviors is equally morally and ethically bankrupt as she is.
Scott says
FBI Director James Comey, at the press conference, said he will not recommend an indictment against Hillary Clinton
though he found ‘evidence’ that she might have violated the law. It is puzzling why the bureau stopped short.
Director Comey is a man of character and honorable man, he is known to be a straight shooter!
Was his personal or family safety threatened?
F. C. Hilnbrand says
He WAS told by Obama what to do OR ELSE. If the Media and Congress and the House do as Obama says do you really think he is going to go against him? He is NOT stupid. Just look at our AG and how Bill was able to get on to her plane as it was getting ready to take off and she did not have him escorted OFF and tell him she can not talk or be seen with him in a private setting. NO. You can take it from here. He did and does NOT have the BALLS and just did what he was told to do.
James Murphy says
Maybe he has some things in his closet he wants to keep in there?
Nikita 63 says
If there is any justice in this world, Fate will render unto her the same fate she rendered to the Benghazi victims of her thirst for power and unsurpassed privilege though she is in fact, a totally malfeasant , derelict in duty, cognitively impaired witch . it would be a most fitting way for her to go; institutionalized for her own safety and OURS, before she could possibly be elected to the presidency when she is totally UNQUALIFIED and would be nothing but an Agenda controlled tool of Obama behind the scenes and the U.N. and for which every American Citizen would CONTNUE TO SUFFER NEEDLESSLY!
F.C. Hilnbrand says
If anyone believes that the Media is NOT being told what they can and cannot tell us then they need to remove their heads from up their butts. This is why we need to get TRUMP into the White House because he tells it like it is. He does not lie like Obama and Hillary do and have been doing for YEARS. We have put up with Obama now for almost 8 years and Hillary for over 20 years. I want a HONEST President from now on and the same goes for Congress and the House. They also need to have limited terms. This lifetime is for the BULL as well.
Texas Belle says
Hillary could be in a wheel chair and unable to speak and her minions would still vote for her. She is a phony, a fraud, a liar, and is unfit for any office in the country. Apparently a lot of folks don’t care about the country; they only want to vote for a woman for President for the first time. Very sad.
crossroads says
From the many video’s that I watch on YouTube, pictures have shown that she has a Hole in her Tongue maybe from cancer, she could be on cancer treatment– I know this is tacky but it Appears Hillary the Evil One’s Lying tongue has finally caught up with her. Grandma always said what you do in the Dark will sometime come out into the Light to show the Real You. The Clintons have a very Evil Past from Mena, Ar. all the way to the White House–Read the Clinton Chronicles to see their Twisted, Sinister,Past, Present and Future…
Justin W says
Considering the age of Clinton and Trump there is a possibility that the winner’s vice president will finish out their term. While both claim to be healthy, personal health can change fairly quickly once a person reaches their seventies.
Ken says
How much can one expect from a person such as Hillary Clinton and Bill for the matter to be all that healthy.. First off they have done a major share of illicit drugs since college to the Arkansas mansion to the White House.. Now she is on who knows what with having so many physical and mental impairments.. Definitely not mentally or physically fit for any public paid office.. I’m sure if Hillary was up for the challenge to have both candidates have medical valuations done prior to election, that Donald Trump would concur.. He knows he is in much better mental and physical condition than Hillary…. It would have to be done by doctors without outside influences of any kind…
The Texan says
Hillary very clearly has some health problems. There was the recent quirky incident that she referred to as a short circuit in her brain. In the past there have been incidences of dizzy spells. One of those resulted in a fall and bump on the head that put her in the hospital. And often when she is being interviewed or questioned she has lapses of memory or coughing fits. She has to have support going up or down steps. And when she is placed in situations of stress she often responds irrationally. She does not appear to be physically fit enough to function in the office of President.
Darrel Dunson says
The mark of a great criminal is not whether they been arrested, convicted, but whether they been caught. Clintons resume of “never been found outs” is much larger than those you write about here. They are better criminals than you previously believed. Give them credit earned, but please don’t give them the chance to continue their plans for the demise of America. Yes, believe they have the next 8 years planned out and you, we aren’t in the survivor portion of those plans.
Wouldn’t it be poetic justice if the Clinton foundation were dissolved, assets confiscated, Chelsea unemployed (unable to get food stamps), Bill & Hill at HARD LABOR for the rest of their days (which may be very few).
Think about this; money from foundation towards national deficit, foreign aid toward deficit, Americans at work on the wall, activated in capture and deportation of illegals, welfare and other aid taken from illegals and their families applied to vet benefits and even some to Social Security, job and financial benefits of Trump economics to America. Requiring a balanced budget each and every year with pay down of deficit.
I’ve only touched the surface but, can you see the possibility of these events bringing America and the dollar to greatness again in a couple of years? Why would anyone in their right mind vote for the people who dug this pit and shoved us into it? There can be only one answer to that and it is up to us to see to it that this ends and changes here and now!
Glenn Schmoll says
HiLIARy is already taking blood thinner for her blood clots ever since she hit her head when she fell! Ironic that she is now dependent on pharmaceuticals that she has helped PROMOTE to an uneducated public to cause the addictions that has helped her Big Pharma cronies rake in the billions from their ILL-GOTTEN GAINS! Does it occur that even if her health records are released that from her treachery that those records won’t be “DOCTORED”
Speaking from EXPERIENCE as a civil service clerk back in the late 50’s, under orders frrom ‘”THE BRASS” I falsified government flight records for CAPTAIN STANLEY A. GUESS, who flying solo in a B-66, misjudged his distance on approach and crashed 500 feet short of the runway! GUESS didn’t have enough hours to fly solo in the B-66 nor did his Instructor Pilot, Robert A. Ross have enough hours to qualify him for Instructor Pilot in the B-66 until my TYPEWRITER added THEM! This as well as my exposure of the CONSPIRACY of SALLY STEINHART, practicing attorney in Santa Rosa, CA, who committed “THE PERFECT CRIME” and is GUILTY of FEDERAL INSURANCE FRAUD, will be in my forthcoming autobiography, TAKING LIBERTY WITH JUSTICE FOR SCHMOLL–DIRTY BIG SECRETS!
Robert F says
I have been watching her left eye for a few months and there is something wrong with it. Sometimes it seems normal but most of the time it seems weird. Could this be a symptom of her bathroom fall? Is it a symptom of a mental health problem? If you see something please let me know.
Richard Palais says
I only wish she stinking liar would have a heart attack and drop dead! Soon! VERY SOON!
SlyFox123 says
Well, as “luck” would have it. Some of you out in the land of Clinton, are under the impression that she is so good, well, look, whats your remarks about her “ODD” conduct?. But while your working up a reply, here’s some more information about Mrs. Clinton, as a U.S. Senator, she told those people in upstate New York, that she was going to get about 20,000 jobs for those poor folks, well, they are STILL waiting for those jobs. Then she tells the American public, that her and Bill and there kid, departed the WH “dead broke”……anyone, that’s ANYONE who believes that BS story is really too stupid to have a drivers lic. but if that story is really not enough, well just how in the world can she and Bill and that kid, become sooooooo rich in again such a short time as she is and was the Sect. of State. Well, lets try several ideas on for size, maybe she sold the American Country, yea, she sold access to this country, then, what’s with these big “talks”, for the love of GOD, this woman is not that smart, to be paid 3/4 of a million dollars per speech, that only lasts 30 to 45 min’s, just what in the world were these speeches about? again, has she sold the country out has she said to these big international banks, that she will be giving them massive tax breaks, whils the guy walking down the street will be paying for that TAX BREAK.
Folks, we had better wake the hell up and do it soon, Hillary Clinton, is NOT LOOKING OUT FOR YOU, SHES LOOKING OUT FOR THE CLINTONS and always has and will always be looking out for herself. That woman could give a “tinkers damm” about you or me.
CaptTurbo says
So, you’re sayin’ that we can hold at least a small hope that the Marxist criminal witch could possible drop over dead drowning in her vomit before November? It might not be much but it’s something.
Don says
My dearly departed mother always told me as a youth, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all”.
All I can say to Hitlery is, “Die Bitch”, and please do it BEFORE the election.
Sorry mom, it needed to be said.
Lee says
What amazes me most is the depth and breadth of stupidity still alive and well in this country. Millions of illiterate people who can’t read, or refuse to read so they can be enlightened, will poison our voting booths this fall and pull a lever for a woman who should be serving time in federal prison instead of running for the highest office in the land. Hillary and Bill Clinton are complicit in so many crimes that it defies logic how they have stayed one step ahead of America’s criminal justice system. Cronyism, murders, lies and payoffs from one of the biggest and most deceitful money laundering enterprises ever – The Clinton Foundation- will be their legacy. And this is what the Democrats are proud of calling their nominee for POTUS.
Dick says
Hillary doesn’t need Diazepam, she needs a bed pan and a diaper. We are tired of your SHIT Hill. Change your own diaper. You won’t have to worry about going up stairs, because your going down. Peddle your shit somewhere else besides the US. GOOD BYE……….
Thomas Ryscavage says
Seizure – Dilantin. Drug addiction – Diazepam. Hillary is ADDICTED ! Great because so many people want to vote an active drug addict into the Presidency. Where did this country go off track so, so, so off track.
Gerald Blum says
You Democrats who have posted your comments here have no idea the crap you’ve been fed lately. You’ll believe anything Hitlery Clinton and her campaign have said to you as gospel. No wonder you are called the “Low Information Voters”. Your about to vote for a “Pathological LIAR”, murderer of four good men in Benghazi, her email server, where she stated, “I have not sent nor received any classified material” on her personal computer where it was found to have numerous classified documents on it by the FBI. Hitlery has not been exonerator for her demeanor. Director Comey of the FBI said a lot of things in his testimony that were contradictive of what Hitlery stated in her disposition. He also stated she was very careless in the protection of these documents. She was never indicted for her crimes, because of the secret meeting Bill Clinton had with the DOJ Loretta Lynch on her plane where a secret deal had been made. The DOJ stated she would accept the comments of the FBI and this would be her answer as well. Lynch obviously got to Director Comey and said, if Hitlery Clinton is indicted for her email server, there would be severe problems for not only him, but the country as well. Director Comey thought about what he would say at the hearing before he testified. Why do you think all members of this panel were absolutely dumbfounded Hitlery Clinton was not indicted? You Democrats are unbelievable. Do your research on Hitlery Clinton before you make the biggest mistake of your lives. Show some backbone and see what Donald Trump is about and what he plans to do with America. Don’t believe anything Hitlery Clinton is going to say to you to get your vote unless you’ve researched her statements. Don’t take her word for it. Look and see what Hitlery Clinton plans to do with new taxes on the Middle Class if she’s elected to office. There are many Democrats in America who are jumping ship to vote for Donald Trump, because of what they know about Hitlery Clinton and especially about her Clinton Foundation. How many of Hitlery’s lies is it going to take to get you people to see who she really is? It’s amazing how you can sleep at night knowing you are putting America at risk of failure due to your arrogance of the facts. If she is elected, she will continue the failed policies of Obama and we as Americans will lose all our liberties, the Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Think about this for a moment before you vote this November. I know a lot of you will say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about or he‘s just a lunatic. You mark my words. Hitlery Clinton will be a disaster and will be the worst President this country ever experienced. She will be worse than Obama. One other thing you should consider is Hitlery Clintons health issues. Can you explain the seizures she experiencing, falling suddenly and needing help up the stairs by her security detail? Her doctors have stated she should leave her campaign because of these very issues. She is in danger of collapsing or maybe something even worse before we know it. God help us all.
youknowwho says
Jimmy Carter Was the worst president we ever had…. until obama was elected. If hillary is elected obama will be in second place.
Lorene Grassick says
Let’s Face It Folks, our choices are extremely difficult, fraught with potential disastrous consequences for our entire country and our personal lives. Neither candidate is the one we all want, and both vp’s are even worse. Yes, we must vote, and to vote for a third party candidate is likely to be the same as not voting at all. Vast majority of voters are unhappy, undecided, as am I.
Bruce says
Good thing people didn’t know about Roosevelt’s health for the 12 years he was in the white house. Otherwise we might be living under Nazi rule.
Bruce says
Of course a few people on this site probably wouldn’t mind.
Look up the definition of Pathological Liar. As you read each phrase of the symptoms, pause briefly and insert the initials of a prominent official.
See the correct set of initials at the end.
If you chose, ‘HRC,” you are correct and you are an astute judge of the most pathological Liars for your selection. Congratulations. Very good since HRC just edged out BHO.
Babs says
All of your “Hillary Lovers” need to see the movie “Hillary’s America” and “Clinton’s Cash”……However, you Hillary worshipers are to closed minded to believe the truth if it slapped you on the head…………………..
Frank says
I remember sometime last year Hillary was shown saying to someone that she didn’t sweat. That is a side effect of some medicine one called Topamax… it is an anti seizure and migraine medication that can cause all kinds of dangerous side effects. Who knows however.
Not So Free says
If Hillary dies of a brain embolism, how long do you think it will take for the left to blame Trump?
youknowwho says
Or Bush?
Frank says
I receive Horn News regularly but have not come across one with so much vile, vicious and evil-intentioned comments as I have just read on this one. All this talk about KARMA, and evil wishes that the Clintons, including Chelsea be punished by God??? I have followed the Clintons for a long time – the early days of Hillary from her college days, Law School, community legal pro-bono defence attorney days, Arkansas, First Lady in the White House, US Senator, White House run against Obama, Secretary of State, Benghazi (including the wasteful and failed House Committee inquiries aimed at nailing her), and now her ongoing run for President of the United States. I also followed Donald Trump from when he left college in Philadelphia, through his Trump Organization activities, through the Republican Party primaries and now that he is the GOP Candidate for the presidency. I only wish that all these commentators educated themselves on these two candidates and that they (the commentators) mean well for this country. Unfortunately, they don’t and I don’t think they ever will. If, as it appears, these commentators have only depended on Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’reilly and the rest for their news and information, then they have themselves to blame for this exhibition of extreme bad blood, unbridled/unfair hatred, abject ignorance of bare-faced facts, a total absence of basic human charitableness and a sheer show of, yes, UnGodliness that is so blatantly depicted if virtually all these comments. I have no doubt that Horn News is well served by these types. Luckily for this country, these commentators and their candidates are bound to fall on their faces, come the November elections. I am sure that the rest of America and the world at large for whom these commentators have no respect anyway, will be around to handle the fallout of any tantrums you may throw as a result. You can take that to the bank.
Constitutionalist says
You can take that to the bank.
Somehow, i’m having trouble believing that anyone can deposit a tantrum in a bank – much less, a seizure.
If what you’re saying is that The Liar will win the election, i have some prime real estate in the Everglades for you to buy.
The polls are rigged and are lying; the “rallies” that The Liar has have had additional crowds photoshopped in to make it APPEAR that they are more well-attended, e.g. the one in Florida recently where the dad of that Mateen guy who killed 49 people in a gay nightclub was featured prominently in the VIP section? Total attendance less than 200 people.
Trump, OTOH, is routinely drawing crowds nxs of 10K, often more.
What few appear to be calculating in their reckoning is the Monster vote, the one that doesn’t get interviews, that doesn’t get called by pollsters – and based on how many NEW people Trump brought out to vote for him – more than any candidate for the R nomination in history, btw – The Liar will not only lose, but lose in a landslide. She’ll be buried knowing that she was unable to steal the election, a total failure at everything except cheating human justice while accepting more bribes than anyone in world history – but then, she’ll have to deal with Divine Justice, and there’s no lying or murdering, no bribing or intimidating that will help you escape THAT.
Frank says
You sure cannot be helped. Please do not ever say the words Divine Justice because you are definitely one of the many here that use the name of God in vain. No, Hillary has not “failed at everything” because the facts state exactly the opposite. You definitely will benefit from available knowledge if you broaden your perspectives and read widely not get totally immersed in Republican Party talking points. Then you will find that this woman is not a liar. She was big enough to admit her mistake in using a personal e-mail server for official business, she stated very cogent reasons why she did so and she has repeatedly apologized openly. But do you guys really believe that someone of Hillary’s caliber, with all her lifetime of dedication to this country and its needy citizens, would intentionally put out or give access to our sensitive documents for the enemies of the United States to see and use??? And that exactly is what all of you are saying in this e-mail brouhaha. If the CIA Director says that out of over 30,000 e-mails, there were only 3, inconspicuously marked “confidential” should this be material enough for reasonable human beings to still demand she be locked up? Of course we all read and heard all the testimonies about the e-mails, such testimonies that were put out in balanced media, not the conservative talking points to which you guys are so dedicated to a fault. And let me digress, if anyone in tune with world affairs (to which I seriously doubt any of you were so disposed) did not initially think that the rioters at the Benghazi post were motivated by the various riots around the world at that time on account of the “blasphemy” against Mohammed, then it is a confirmation of my point. However as soon as the real facts became available, the State Department put out the real reasons for the attacks – terrorism. Hillary and State Department operatives did the most anyone could but the requested assistance did not arrive in time for outpost to be saved. All this was very clearly articulated during the repeated Congressional hearings to which Hillary was subjected. By the way guys unless you are all very daft which I believe you are not, how much firepower can even the marines muster to thwart the mob activity of several hundreds of determined rioters in a desolate US camp in a foreign developing country? Are you really serious? And do you really believe that the Congressional hearings that were heavily stacked in favor of Republican lawmakers would have not indicted Hillary and the Presidency if there was any substance to the allegations? And you are still hear calling her a liar on that account? What kind of people are you? And for the women on this forum who have consistently railed against Hillary for not divorcing Bill or throwing his suit cases out on the street in front of the White House (as you would certainly do to lesser men) on account his indiscretions I would say get off it. She sure is smarter than all of you because she is by all accounts in a far better, dignified and more successful today than she ever could have been raising Chelsea as a single Mom, an unfortunate staple of too many American women and which they have embraced to their own and society’s detriment, bigly!!!
Constitutionalist says
Then you will find that this woman is not a liar.
So, when Comey repeatedly stated, under oath in front of Congress, that The Liar lied under oath during the Benghazi hearings, he was lying?
What color is the sky on your planet?
It is quite difficult to help those who deny reality. Personally, i hope that all criminals receive Justice, both in this world and the next. Justice for The Liar would be (in this world), a perjury conviction at a minimum, depraved indifference murder or treason at the max, with a range of possibilities in between, e.g. obstruction of justice, intimidation of witnesses, drug money-laundering, subornation of perjury, bribery, and so on. In the next, it’s entirely possible that The Liar’s soul will be sent back in time, into the bodies of everyone she has had hurt or killed, and she will be required to re-live the experience in the victim’s body – perfect justice – and perfectly in keeping with “As ye would that men do unto you, do also unto them.” “Give, and it will be given unto you.” “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” “With the measure that yet mete, it shall be measured unto you again.”
It is a fearsome thing to fall into the hands of the Living God when He’s angry.
If i were you, i’d worry a bit more about working out my own salvation in fear and trembling. You needn’t concern yourself about mine, but thanks for your opinion, all the same.
retired says
Trump/Pence 2016 thru 2024 Make the wise choice this could be our last chance…
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
TRUMP-PENCE is the best & smart way to go. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
All of the evil that the Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton & former Figurehead Sleazeball, draft dodger Bill Clinton has done is slowly
going to eventually catch up with them. HKRAKC having stress from running for Figurehead, cheating & stealing primaries from opponents, allowing the
Benghazi & Waco murders, plus other murders & bullying they have done. HKRAKC can’t run a fair & clean political race. With her health problems she
has, she needs to drop out of the race. The country doesn’t need her in the White House. We need Donald J. Trump & Michael Pence now. TRUMP-PENCE 2016, 2020. TRUMP-PENCE ALL THE WAY.
Captain Nicholas Gravino says
Hlllary takes shots Diazapam She also suffers from “SHORT CIRCUITS” plus Ocularrectilitis
Jim Evans says
Not wishing her any bad luck, but i hope she dies of cancer. LOL !!!! Yeah, i said it.
Joseph says
Reading the comments expressed by Connie Shiers sounds a lot like something my daughter would say. My daughter, mind you, is a very well educated female who so stupid he couldn’t pour pee out of a boot if the direction\s were written on the heel. Connie, are you sure you’re not really my daughter using a false name?
David says
Yes, MSM SHOULD report on HILLARY”S health. But I’m realistic, THEY WON’T. They’ve been ‘in the bank’ for the Democrats FOR YEARS (at least 10). Hillary’s DOCUMENTED concussion in 2012 and her SEIZURES ON FILM & her handler at appearances having a hypo with some medication in it should DISQUALIFY HER from being President!!!!!!!!!!
Jennifer says
Well, we can only pray that God truly has His hands in this election. Since she’s gotten away with killing, lieing, cheating, stealing and not being indicted for emails…..just maybe her health will take her out.
Ivana says
I would never vote for a president who promotes laws that allows the killing of unborn babies even up to the ninth month.
I do not want the blood of those innocent babies on my hands I do not want to be an accomplice to infanticide. I just love these abortion politicians (Obama, HELLary, Pelosi, Biden etc….) when they say God bless America. Which God are they invoking? HELLary who are the personification of pure evil. If you get elected our country is finished. May God help us all!
Top Gun says
You know SS used to be tax free, until Bill Clinton got in to office. He signed it in to law for SS to be tax. So if Hillary get’s in to office what is she going to do about SS. Cut SS or tax’s us higher.
Scott says
She will lose in November and that puts all things to follow in the right track. If she had been indicted, after losing the elections Obama would deinitely pardoned her for all the wrong things-emails-Benghazi-lying to the American people etc. But by not being indicted, after her losing the elections there is nothing to pardon her for since she poses to be clean as a whistle. However, within the 6 yrs of statue of limitations the courts will do the right thing in Donald Trump presidency.
Shelba says
I don’t wish bad health to any person alive, but, it is obvious that hillary is in really bad health physically and mentally, physically her coughing fits, her seizures and her inability to clime steps without help, mentally her so called misstatements, when she can’t even read her prompter cards correctly and last but not least when she made the statement to a press conference about Trump being her husband when she realized what she had done she backtracked quickly, comparing hillary to Melanie I bet Trump didn’t appreciate her claim
Scott says
Correction: is to read “definitely”
Thomas J says
I did comment via the Reply to Rosech’s writing. However, note you voting Demorats in your fights with Republicats that the
Coronation of Queen Hillafry Dillary can occur with your leftwing media’s program. So…since she becomes Commander and
Chief of our Obamer’s degraded Arm Forces, kindly have her poke her head through a battle tanks hatch wearing a camouflaged GI helmet. I thank you!
Beano McReano says
Investing anymore in her is a WASTE OF TIME! She is a sickly mentally ill people. The next few months will be very interesting. She may be even DIE on stage!!
Even her husband looks sickly!!
paul says
I would love to see both Clinton and trump thrown out of this race for president and start all over again.
Neither of them should be running the U.S.A
Supersoul says
Nice people, all you Trump supporters, and so sophisticated in your appraisal of your presidential candidates. As I am not from the USA, I can only look on in amazement. Somebody once said that democracy is closely related to mob rule – that person was so right. I hope you get the candidate you deserve – and God save America, and the world for that matter.
Craig Hundelt says
Hillary is serious flawed candidate for POTUS. Her health is another major issue.
John says
Considering her apparent health problems, I can’t help wonder who she calls on to carry out her political assassinations. Five of Hillary’s problems unexpectedly dead in less than two months?
Whoever they are, they are professionals.
What intelligence groups might have reason to prop her up?
Any ideas?
clarence lipscomb says
It Cannot be expected that the MSM (Main-Stream-Media, including the unbalanced FOXNEWS) will accurately discuss Hillary’s obvious health/mental issues. They will very creatively SPIN her chronic, preexisting conditions as superficial/psychosomatic symptoms of “exhaustion” due to her having been working such long hours lately to defend us naive Americans from a Presidency of the horrible, racist, unstable, mean, blankety-blank Donald J.Trump. That totally erroneous, lying mischaracterization of Donald J. Trump to explain her chronic conditions is of course expected. Snakes bite. It’s in their genes.
What we truth-seeking Americans need in diagnosing the Hildabeast is for someone (maybe even Wickileaks) to hack into the HRC medical records at the MEDICAL INFORMATION BUREAU, INC.(MIB) whose main office is located in Boston, MA. The critical, pertinent information will only be obtained surrepticiously by either a hacker or responsible Trumpster (MIB employee) trusted to unmask the truth about the Hildabeast/HRC.
Someone’s responding carefully to this information will yield accurate, truthful, timely information which will sink Hillary’s battleship and SAVE AMERICA ! VOTE DONALD J.TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THIS NOVEMBER 2016 !!!
Dawn says
Hillary’s health is fair game. There is a Star Trek episode where the planet’s culture has devolved into a Nazi imitation and the leader is sick and they just prop him up for speeches. We are heading right for that sort of totalitarian regime with Hillary as the propped up figure head. How knows who will really be in charge making the decisions.
Cap'n Kirk says
Hillary has way to much baggage… her health is a major issue as is her corruption and lying…god knows what else…
Francesca Gonzalez says
Hillary Clinton supporters have been brainwashed to think that she would make a good president or that she should be given the opportunity to run for president. Would you support a family member that lies, steals and keeps her mouth shut from a sexual abuser? I would not. Hillary Clinton has been a political crook for over 30 years. The reason she gets away with her white collar crimes are because she is a female. If Hillary Clinton was a male he would be jailed. Hillary Clinton has no love for anyone but her own self. She is greedy and vicious. Donald Trump is a successful business man and he of course is not perfect. But he has not committed the crimes that Hillary Clinton has. She is not fit to be president of the United States. In fact, Obama presidency has been the worst president ever. I voted for him the first time and have the worst regrets. I didn’t see the truth. I bought the bad goods. Donald Trump has been a successful business man, great father and has been married three times. He is very good to women and minorities. That I can say. Hillary Clinton just uses people and disposes them as she goes along. She is evil and cares only about herself.
Frank says
Hillary will make a super President and you will be a witness to that when it happens in about five months from now. She is “a liar” only because Republicans and so-called conservatives say so. Can you name the lies based on real and true facts, not by the lies you have been hearing about Hillary for many years now? She has been best for children, women and minorities and the whole world knows and recognizes her for that. You do not because you have allowed yourself to be blinded by right wing propaganda on Hillary for too many years. Even your writing style exposes that. And are you one of the American conservative feminists who would only be satisfied with Hillary if he threw Bill’s suitcases out on the street in front of the White House and raised Chelsea as a single mother? Don’t you see what is wrong with that? Do you not know that under Obama, Wall Street is back in business with the bailed-out banks fully paying back to the Federal government and with profits to taxpayers as a result; Dow Jones Industrial Average rose from 8,149.09 when Obama took over from your Bush in January 2009 to 18,495.66 today; the unemployment rate fell from over 10% in 2008 to 4.9% today; the auto industry that was on the verge of collapse when he took over is now competing with the best in the world; regular gas is approximately $2 per gallon today when your Republican elected officials were predicting over $5 per gallon in the few years following Obama’s inauguration; over 20 million American now have health insurance thanks to Obamacare, this from reliable statistics that 43,000 Americans were dying yearly as a direct result of not having health insurance (do you really understand why that was so?); my home that was under water in 2008 is appreciating steadily and surely today and no longer under water; most US troops are back from Iraq and Afghanistan where America lost over 4,000 soldiers fighting primarily for 9/11 that took close to 3,000 American lives – remember that Obama was usually at Dover Airport to receive the caskets, all this for a war in which America was lied to on weapons of mass destruction by Bush and your Republicans and you guys have the gut to call anyone a liar today?; America, contrary to the lies by your elected officials, is respected and loved around the world today much better than the gun-slinging-yankee image that your types projected for America before Obama’s regime; immigrant children and their families can now breathe a sigh of relief and not fear deportation because of Obama’s executive order, and, finally, Cuba will soon be open for business after decades of highly unproductive shutout of that unfortunate island, thanks to Republican party-backed policies of exclusion for Cuba. And all this stellar performance was achieved by the Obama administration with practically no support from Republican Party elected officials who, at the same time as Obama was being inaugurated for his first term in office, swore never to lift a finger to help his government; and do you forget that your senate majority leader took on his primary goal of “making Obama a one-term President”, his own words. With the foregoing listed stellar accomplishments of Obama who will undoubtedly be recognized as the Best Performing American President in the modern times, could you imagine what would have been if, upon winning the elections, he received the support of his fellow Americans of the Republican Party and so-called conservatives. America has surely been denied of a much stronger economy and a higher plateau in the comity of nations on account of this unbelievable level of intransigence and sheer hatred by fellow Americans for whatever reason your types are so disposed. This is nothing less than evil and for which nature will undoubtedly reward its perpetrators.
Larry says
It’s bad enough in fact terrible, that she is a cheater and criminal, but to have her mentally unfit (which I believe she is) would be the worst possible happening in my lifetime. Wake up America!
jwb says
Right, vote for liar Donnie the chump, he is the chosen one, according to himself. And we all know he is the most truthful, because he says so ……………………