In their latest disgusting lie, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s cronies are politicizing children in a desperate move to convince voters that GOP candidate Donald Trump would be bad for children in America.
The National Education Association (NEA), which has endorsed Clinton for president, is spreading the rumor that bullying is on the rise because of the fierce rhetoric of the Trump campaign – or as they call it, “The Trump effect.” According to their rumor, kids picking on each other shows Trump is a bad role model for our children.
One problem: There is ZERO evidence that bullying is on the rise because of Trump. In fact, data shows it’s on the decline.
The report NEA based their findings on comes from a Southern Poverty Law Center survey, sent to educators who subscribe to their Teaching Tolerance newsletter — meaning they have already expressed concern about bullying issues in schools.
In other words, it was rigged — and they know it. The Teaching Tolerance website acknowledges the flaws in their own survey as, “not scientific,” and “not a random sample of teachers nationally.”
If their survey is considered accurate, then I could tell you that majority of Americans think that the Yankees are bad for America — if you simply disregard the fact that the survey was taken during a Red Sox vs. Yankees game at Fenway Park.
So what does objective data say?
Federal data from the U.S. Department of Education reveals that, “the reported prevalence of bullying among students ages 12 to 18 dropped to 22 percent after remaining stubbornly around 28 percent for the past decade.” That statistic is from May 2015, five months after Trump announced his plan to build a wall at the U.S. border with Mexico.
The director of education research for the nonpartisan Child Trends, Deborah Temkin, acknowledged, “We actually don’t know if bullying is going up,” and warned that, “It’s really risky to say a single factor is causing an increase in bullying — I think it can take away from some of the great research that’s been done in this area.”
And she couldn’t be more right.
If teachers start blaming bullying on the rhetoric of one man, they might miss the fact that a child is being abused at home, has a learning disability, is incredibly insecure, or one of the other proven causes of bullying.
Clearly none of that matters to the Clinton campaign and their pals. As long as her backers are helping to paint an image of Trump as a fear-mongering villain who is brainwashing our nation’s youth, the accuracy of the information is irrelevant.
While the NEA is spreading worthless stats about bullying, they are doing nothing to combat it. Instead, they are hitting the campaign trail with Clinton to target voters with ads and junk mail in swing states – further proving that their end goal has nothing to do with the students of America and everything to do with landing Clinton in the office she has vied for her entire life.
Hopefully America isn’t fooled.
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
The U.S. ranks 35th in education. Teachers should try to improve that number. Bill and Hill sent Ms. Chelsea to a private all wealthy school, not a public one.
Kris S. says
I have been a teacher for the past 20 years and am so tired of hearing the public blame only the teachers. In my many years of experience, I wish someone would say that it is not only some bad teachers, but mainly the administration. The reason so many schools are bad is because the administration does not back teachers, they put such a large work load on teachers it’s crazy! I have seen some administrators that are so mean to their staff, and then brown nose themselves to look good to the superintendent. Maybe, our country needs to wake up and look at administrators first, for it always trickles down from the top!
Main Street says
@Kris: It’s what you get when politicians get to appoint administrators.
Jeanne Witt says
I’m not a teacher, but as a grandmother, I see what the teachers go through at my granddaughters school. I think they have a good support system here in our county, and I know for a fact that these teachers at the grade school go out of their way to teach these kindergartners through 5th grade a well balanced curriculum. This includes saying the pledge of allegiance, singing the USAs patriotic songs, and teaching against bullying and being fair and kind. My granddaughters both love school and get good grades. They are 8 and 10. Thank you teachers everywhere.
Richard B says
The NEA has done nothing to improve education, on the contrary they have been fouling the system up for years. Another case of “get the federal government out and let the states and local school boards decide what’s best for their local’.
steven reid says
Great point, a few bad apples has the effect of ruining the whole crop. I beleive it does start at the top and it also has to do with accountability. Teachers pay should be based on the performance outcomes of the students. That is how a free market works. The problem is like you said th administration is looking at their personal benefits instead of what is being produced in the class in turn the teachers are out there shelling out their own money to get supplies the schools should already have. Good luck to you.
Bert W. Shaw says
Thats been tried, all that happened was the teachers gave the students test answers and passed them anyway, just to get their boness
Carol says
I know of one such teacher. She brought juice and breakfast food and snacks for her students. School supplies too.i think teachers shouldn’t be punished
for students that underperform because of students inability to understand English.
John says
I can’t agree with your statement that teachers’ pay should be based on the performance outcomes of the students, there are two many unmanageable factors to consider. First, and foremost, parental involvement has a huge affect on educational achievement for children. Students that consistently do well in school have excellent parental support at home, while those that don’t do well have parents that act like it is the sole responsibility of the school system to educate their children. I substituted for a First Grade class that had a student who had never gone to preschool and did not attend Kindergarten. That child didn’t know what colors were, much less know the alphabet. He was far behind the other kids in the class from the start. The psychological effects placed on such a child are huge, for they are treated as outcasts by their classmates, and they struggle just to survive in the class. His level of achievement that first year would appear miniscule on paper while in reality he could almost catch up with the class, if he received a lot of one on one attention from the teacher, which is very difficult to do when you have a class of thirty or more students.
That’s only one example of how many parents approach child education. If the parents don’t care about the child’s education, it follows suit that the child won’t either. This is only the tip of the ice burg when it comes to things that interfere with a teacher’s performance. To put that on the teacher and punish them through their pay scale is unjust and unfair.
Honestly, for you to suggest such an action makes me wonder what kind of parent you are. It is the non-supportive parents who are always whining to the Administration about something going on in their child’s class, while continuing to ignore their own personal responsibilities toward their child’s education.
James says
Notthing has like this has come up till last night at supper about Cilton being the most qualified now whe have told our son it’s not about what other people think it’s about job performance now and if you can trust the person I have taught my when you make a dill it should be Done with a hard shake and your word and your word is your honor and your life so I know they are some parents that doesn’t have the same value’s or see things differently but this should not be going on the NES has no business saying this because it is happening.
Ginger says
This is why we need school choice. Parents and children should not be forced to deal with dysfunctional public school systems run by ineffective school administrators. This is why many of our children are not being well educated, and why many of the good children are afraid to attend these public schools due to bullying. It has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with our corrupt bureaucratic system typically run by the Democrats who want to keep the status quo in place, even when it’s failing.
Edward A. Swisher says
Ginger….I’ve been saying that for years. I remember getting a swat on the butt in school back in the days where you were taught to respect others, had discipline, were removed from class and/or school for disruptive behavior, were taught right from wrong, etc. I substituted at a rural “consolidated” school district for a short while. After getting fed up with disruptive kids (whose parents were “pillars of the community” couldn’t be touched for their behavior I refused to sub again. I was there to teach the many kids that were there to learn… not babysit spoiled, disruptive brats.
Maurice triegler says
One voters logical answer; Vote Trump; Trumps Billary Lies! lee1233
Maurice triegler says
Stand by my response.
Nelson Beadel says
Trump was the top in class. He was well liked. People that went to school with trump said he was the best in everything that he did in high school. Top in his class. And the best athlete in the school. And the Horton business school. Was the best in college. To Hillary the killery. Wants to Blame trump for causing bullying in school then they need to fact check this.
OracleGuy says
Are you talking about DONALD Trump or Kim Jong Un. Your use of only superlatives makes me queasy.
Michele says
Hillary is teaching children to lies and get away with bad very bad influence not a role model
Nelson Beadel says
Everyone should read thii
Marc Lizotte says
The NEA can take their nose out of my backside as to who I am going to vote for ! BTW its NONE of your business as to who the people in your Org. vote for, PERIOD !
John says
Just like Obo
CJ says
Hitlery blames all the country’s woes on Donald Trump. My God, if it were to rain tomorrow it would be because of Donald Trump. She’s a sorry excuse for a human being
OracleGuy says
Really? Trump blames Hillary for ISIL (which existed years before she was Sec of State) and for just about everything he feels is wrong with the U.S. I think the U.S. is ALREADY great and he feels we are the pits. He’s just wrong – again.
Vickie says
Did not exit YEARS before. Other sicko muslim factions existed. ISIS belongs entirely to Obuttwipe and the hildabeast. PERIOD!
Les says
You sure shes human???
Wilma Devers says
Hillary has no problem lying. She will lye about lying. You would think American people would be smart enough to figure her out.
She is the most corrupt person we have ever had to run for president.
OracleGuy says
Yet Trump is the one keeping the fact checkers busy with the stuff he makes up. Birthers seem to forget that debacle he started and funded.
Vickie says
More likely than not, obummer was born in kenya, went to our schools on a foreign visa. That’s why all his records are sealed. Hence his Connecticut ss#. It is just not PC to say it.
gerald serlin says
Hillary and Donald are BOTH liars. Gary is the only candidate worthy of your vote. When he makes a mistake and he has made a few big ones lately, Gary merely acknowledges the mistake and corrects himself. Neither Hillary, or Donald would ever do that.
Ernst says
US unions have been damaged by Obama and will be hurt worse by Clinton. The globalization and unrestrained immigration will put even more pressure against unions and will lower salaries and standards. Trump has respect for Americans. GO TRUMP!!!
JCP74 says
Hillary has lied so much she has forgot what the truth really is. She would not make a good dog catcher.
PattieA says
Please, do not debase the dog catcher job. hitlery is not even fit to clean the dogs’ feces … too good for her.
shopdrop says
She has lied so many years she even believes her own lies and her supporters are use to the lies and now they believe them too. When she says she doesn’t remember, she is caught in her own lie and her excuse is don’t remember. Can you imagine her as president with all the decisions that are required and she can’t even remember anything. Give me a break!
dissapearing class says
The NEA is just one example of money being spent on politics instead of what they should be spending it on. This is also the type of spending that has Hillary wanting to do away with the right to work laws.
Patsy Martin says
Again, I will say we need to pray for he and her husband. It is obvious they are overcome by demons that control their every move. Satan is a liar and the Father of lies. He cannot tell the truth. What does that tell you about Hillary Bill has a lust demon her cannot evade. It is with him at all times. We need to pray for these people, pray them out of the WH, out of politics, and maybe out of the country to a place with no extradition because I have a feeling all their house of cards may be ready to fall. God is not happy right now, and he is probably about to do somethig that will put even this country o it’s ear.
chuck says
The obama demons need prayer to help them move into hell, for a better earth…
Justin W says
Hillary Clinton’s dishonesty sets a bad example for students. Do we really want a president who has elevated lying to an art form?
OracleGuy says
Did you mean to say Trump when you said Hillary? He has shown that he is the master of lying.
Vickie says
You are most likely a paid troll sent here to cause strife. We do not need or want you here. You are for the problems plaguing this country. You are confused. The serial liar is Hillary or obuttwipe. They lie when the truth would serve. Trump with all his warts is a million times better than the lyin’ bitch of Benghazi.
Bert W. Shaw says
HERE HERE HERE No truer words ever spoken and OracleGuy put a sock in it you Stupid Azzhole
Hondo says
I do pray for Bill and Hillary….I pray the angel of the Lord chase them, let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise our hurt.
Let them be as chaff before the wind: and let the angel of the LORD chase them.
Let their way be dark and slippery: and let the angel of the LORD persecute them.
Let destruction come upon them at unawares; and let their net that they hath hid catch themselves: into that very destruction let them fall.
Dee says
“Bullying” is a term that Hitlery is Very Familiar with . She has perfected the verb . All of Bills mistresses can attest to that . Her bullying however who all know has taken the Extreme . You look at All the deaths of close associates to the Clintons . No Couple on earth has had that many people come up dead . Weird , wouldn’t you say ?
Fred says
Ask the women that frolicked with Bill about bullying from Hillary
Hers is considered strong arming with threat of suicide if you talk.
Rocky Venti says
If we can get Trump elected the country just may be rid of the clinton’s for good!
Connie Fischer says
If the NEA supports Killary, it’s only because they don’t want to lose their precious union that keeps ensuring they are paid no matter what their performance is. I support teachers but I know there are lousy ones out there that make the good ones look bad. When you get the Obama backed common core crap crammed down teachers throats along with the tests that they have to ensure their students pass, you lose the whole focus of real education.
OracleGuy says
Commo nCore would ensure that a graduate of school in city A demonstrated the same skills as a graduate of school in city B. As it is now, some are turning our braindead non-thinkers while others are turning out creative thinkers and problem-solvers. I think it’s the least we can do for our kids to ensure consistent results.
female tax payor says
Hillary is a horrible Bully. Not just constant name calling, & spreading lies about anyone she wants to destroy…Billy’s women, political opponents but she GOES to sick extremes….
RLS says
Hillary and her Progressive party are the Basket of Deplorables who are against the American People.
John G. says
With her track record it’s hard to believe anyone with 1/2 an ounce of sense would ever consider voting for Hillary the “Hun” especially with the “Munchin” at her side.
But then it’s obvious when you look at the “Liberal/Progressive” loons standing behind her at her nearly empty rallies.
Alice Weber says
Lets get rid of the Clinton TRASH!!!!!
What a sick bunch!! The trouble they have caused!!!!!
Lets get Trump elected and change this USA!!!!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
I agree with you there Alice, the Clinton’s are not just trash, but racist,bigoted, bullying,murderous,sleazy,evil,wicked,venal,crooked, corrupt,
greedy,selfish,finger pointing, fault finding white trash. They had sent their brat Chelsea to money rich private school, but not public school at all. When former Figurehead Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, that state ranked dead last in education of all 50 states, the nations capital, the 4 U.S.Territories that are ignored and the news act like they never existed at all, and the Department of Defense Dependent School System schools that are located at several military bases where our military is world wide and the American International Schools located in many countries which totals 57 school systems for the United States. The DODDSS(Department of Denfense Dependent School System Schools) and the American International School System Schools are always ranked number 1 & number 2 every year in education
The American International Schools are in countries whose schools are far better the the U.S. Public schools and the DODDSS only hire the very best Creme of the crop top notch school teachers, plus they have smaller class sizes, and the Admirals & Generals want dependent children of active duty military to excel in school and want the best for the military dependent school children. There’s no NEA that is meddling where they shouldn’t at all.
lizaz says
The moron liberals will do ANYTHING to win…..and they don’t care who it hurts!!!
Bill Reese says
We need to abolish the Federal Department of Education and put education back into the control of the States. Common core is a true disaster. A second thought is we need to bring both the US Constitution and the Bible back into our schools giving the student a sense of responsibilities and of our history.
We are a nation that was developed upon the use of the Bible as a learning tool and our forefathers were more responsible that our young people of today.
Charles says
The system needs to be fixed from the TOP. There are a lot of good teachers doing the best job they can. Unions also have an effect as well, some teachers are just going along, putting in their time, collecting their check and usually that small majority has a bad liberal attitude.
james says
Hillary is a bitch, Comey is liar. & Obama is a isis leader.
Marvin B. Cohen says
Trump may at times been a lousy husband?? However, there is no history he was unfaithful while he is married. If there was, those other women and the Clinton camp would be out in force spreading the dates. Unlike Bill Clinton who had laid on top of or shoved his wanker in most of the mouths the moment he took time to say “hello” too. And, Trumps history of being a father and a loving dad is well documented. There are no extra-fidelity Trump children out in the world just waiting to raise their hands..If there is a bully in this Presidential race, it is Hillary Clinton. She hates black people with a passion. She fake hugs them for the act. She abuses her Secret Service staff as this is well documented. What bullies do is tear down you feeling about yourself then abuse you as a weaker person. Just like she does against trump.
Rottenrollin says
The NEA endorsing Hillary is another great reason NOT to vote for the witch.
Hanko American says
The NEA isn’t very educated to be endorsing Hill-Da-Bitch!! No wonder our kids are so messed up!!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
The NEA is one of the unions that’s for Anti Union Clinton. The AFGE is for Donald Trump, so is the FOP(Fraternal Order of Police), United Mine Workers Union, United Auto Workers Union and United Steel Workers Union is for Donald Trump, that’s the smart unions. I’m in the AFGE which represents the Border Patrol, the Border Patrol is for Donald Trump, the AFGE local I’m a member of is for Donald Trump.
The Unions that are for Donald a Trump remember that Bill Clinton stabbed them in the back, Hitlery Killery ROTTON Ayatollah Khoemeni Clinton will stab the unions that are for her right in the back also. The NEA needs new leadership and need to wake up & smell the coffee.
The Clinton’s never cared about education at all, and never will.
RLS says
Hillary and Kaine are not desireable candidates, they are really very repulsive with their comments on Basket of Deplorables, and Basement Dwellers. Do we think their policies had something to do with children living in their parents basements because of the economy…(You Bet)….Hillary and Kaine are both career politicians that talk a good story but never deliver!
NAN says
Willie says
I am and have been a registered democrat. This past year alone I’ve Learned more about the truth of politics than ever before. Today I sit here in shame and angry to have called myself a democrat. I will vote for Mr.Trump and Mr. Pence and there’s no doubt in my mind that this is the right thing to do. I have been talking to family members and friends about my decision and it is unbelievable how deep these lies are engraved in them. The power and control this administration has over them is in itself mind boggling. It’s like talking to people that are sedated and nothing can awake them. I feel free and blessed that I am able to a make rational decision and vote for the change this country badly needs. I hope and pray for God to guide us all in the right direction as we are in desperate need of good, and honest leadership to lead us. The entire world is dependant and counting on this nation to lead the way. Let’s do this.
Annette says
Bullying is nothing new. Bullying has been going on since the very first school opened centuries ago. Bullying can NOT be blamed on Trump because he’s not that old. If you stop and look at this campaign it’s been Old Lady Clinton who has been attacking Trump more than Trump attacking Clinton. So, who’s the REAL bully? Clinton and her Liberal scumbag friends are so scared shitless of Donald Trump they’ll say anything and make up anything to try and disgrace him. All this just to get elected. Well, it’s not going to work this time. Donald Trump and the American people are going to wipe up the floor with Clinton on election day.
Doug says
My oldest daughter was bullied at her high school. It got so bad that I threatened to send her to school with a can of pepper spray, if it happened again. “Oh, you can’t do that. She would get suspended for bringing a weapon to school.” I was shocked. The school ADMINISTRATORS would do NOTHING to stop it, because they said that they didn’t see a thing. I thought, OK, here’s what we’ll do. I sent my daughter with the most alcohol-ridden can of hair spray then on the market, and told her to aim for the eyes. If she got bullied after that, I didn’t know about it.
warren says
I am 74 years old and I watched my grandmother teach eight grades all in a one room schoolhouse. She had the authority to discipline the children. You could hear a pin drop because every child was there to learn. Every child was a great reader and writer as well as great at math. They all saluted the flag and recited the Lords prayer every morning. There were no free lunches or school nurse. .All of the children played with one another during recess.. Education was as it should be today. Great kids getting a good education learning resect and knowing how to get along with one another. Somewhere along the way America has lost their way I believe it is caused by too much government control telling everyone what to do and what not to do.
The Texan says
High school bullying probably has little to nothing to do with politics of the day. While there are some who do, most high school students don’t pay any attention to politics. And those that do pay attention are not typically the sort who bully. High school bullying has more to do with the environment and culture of the school. It is all about attitude.