Previewing a rancorous fall campaign, Hillary Clinton assailed Donald Trump on Thursday as a potential president who would lead America toward war and economic crisis. She portrayed her own foreign policy as optimistic, inclusive and diplomatic, born from long experience in public life.
There was nothing diplomatic in her remarks, a clear indication of how she’ll take Trump on. Electing him, she said, would be “a historic mistake.”
During a speech in San Diego that was billed as a foreign policy address, the Democratic former secretary of state unloaded on her likely Republican election opponent, counting down reasons he is not qualified – and went so far as to claim that Trump would cause nuclear war and economic collapse.
“There’s no risk of people losing their lives if you blow up a golf course deal, but it doesn’t work like that in world affairs,” Clinton said of the celebrity businessman. “The stakes in global statecraft are infinitely higher and more complex than in the world of luxury hotels.”
She mocked Trump’s Twitter blasts and predicted he was preparing more as she spoke. Trump obliged her —
"@angeloftruth11: Clinton says Trump is dangerous. Who's the one who killed 4 Americans in Benghazi?"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 3, 2016
Hours later, the presumptive Republican nominee called the speech “a Donald Trump hit job.”
“That was a phony speech,” Trump said at a rally Thursday night in San Jose, California. He accused Clinton of misrepresenting his foreign policy views and revived a nickname he once reserved for former rival Ted Cruz.
“She made up my foreign policy,” Trump said. “She’s Lyin’ Hillary.”
He joked that it was “hard to stay awake” during Clinton’s speech and said she would make a lot of money if she delivered speeches to insomniacs. He also denounced Clinton’s suggestion that he was “temperamentally unfit” to be commander in chief.
“My temperament is so much tougher, so much better than hers,” Trump said.
Earlier, Trump got an endorsement he’d been seeking — from Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, who had resisted even after the businessman clinched the GOP nomination.
Clinton’s robust assault on Trump was widely carried on television, a change for the leading Democratic candidate who’s frequently struggled to break through coverage of Trump.
She is ramping up her criticism of the presumptive Republican nominee and trying to quell concerns within her own party that she isn’t ready to rumble with the famously combative Trump.
Clinton and Trump offer starkly different visions of U.S. foreign policy. Her proposals reflect the traditional approach of both major parties. Despite differences on some issues, such as the Iraq war and Iran, Democratic and Republican presidents have been generally consistent on policies affecting China, Russia, North Korea, nuclear proliferation, trade, alliances and many other issues.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Vince Lombardi said it best.
Practice won’t make you win.
Perfect practice will.
Hilary’s experience is all failures.
She was a terrible First Lady. A terrible Senator and a total failure at Sec of State. All she ever did was build a resume she has no accomplishments. You do not get advances for trying only in accomplishing
Couldn’t agree more.
I agree with the above statements. She needs to check her past before she jumps on others. At least she has cleaned up her physical appearance. I was beginning to think all she wore was the same outfit in twenty different colors.
Whenever her supporters is asked to list her accomplishments, they seem to lose their tongues because Hillary never accomplished anything positive throughout her entire time in the political arena. And her persistence in running for president despite all her scandals and crimes will only result in damaging her husband’s legacy even more than it already is because together they are the dynamic evil duo. Add Chelsea and it becomes a trio.
Her husbands legacy????
The guy is a pedophile.
As to Chelsea,,, Strong rumors indicate she is a love child resulting from a affair Hillary had at the law firm she was part of.
Wake up America!
We do not need crap like these people back in the White House.
Haven’t we already learn our lesson the hard way with another B.S. artist named Obama.
and the list goes on.
There are some people who will vote for Hillary, but in reality TRUMP will be our next commander in chief and well deserved after the beating he is taking….. Trump will bring down the biggest crime family in history and that would be our own government and elected officials…… ***********VOTE OUT ALL INCUMBENTS ************
Welcome to the white house President Trump
I wish she would look in a mirror ! She would frighten her own self . She is a mistake and a disaster waiting to continue . There is at least 2 or Three generations that were children when these two disgraced America . It is up to those of us who lived through that mess . America has been pushed as far as we can go . No more Hillary
What did Hillary accomplish during her time as Secretary of State? She neglected to send help to our American Ambassador in Benghazi, Libya, because of Hillary’s error four Americans died. Hillary then lied and said a Video caused their deaths instead of terrorists. How can she ever expect to lead this USA?
Where is he? Why are the Russians not coming forward with Hillary emails? They have them, so do the Iranians, North Koreans and Chinese. Where is Gussifer? pagliano opted out… he is one of Hillary’s first to commit suicide, dropping out and keeping his mouth shut is not going to protect him from the likes of Hillary and Bill…She is a witch that starts with a B…
good one , i agree ! how many would die on her watch as president let alone as secretary of state four that we know of and that was her decision and her lies.
Look at the performance of this administration. Foreign policy? Economy? Performance of this administration? VA,TSA,Immigration, IRS,Iran sellout,Odummycare, Website cost 5 Billion and the damn thing isn’t done yet, Democrat losses at state level,national?
Obama is a great speaker but not much else. His results are a failure. Now that is a legacy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only a great speaker when he has a teleprompter. Without one he is a fumbling, bumbling, stuttering idiot.
Unscripted, obama has the syntax of an ’80’s shtreet dealer.
I have yet to see that brilliance the left credits to obama.
He speaks with a forked tongue.
This fight between Hil the hun and Donald is really getting to be a real comic strip show remember the KeyStone Kops.. Now she is the Pot calling the Kettle Black… It really amazes me to see all those children that praise her and believe the outrate lies that she spews to the media. then along comes Megan an empty headed Blond with her cute remarks. It makes me want to PUKE..
That damned NO GOOD ROTTON POS B@&CH Hitlery Killery ROTTON Clinton has a lot of nerve to tell lies about
all of her opponents, the typical Clinton way where they lie, cheat, steal, send hecklers, goon that start riots to their
opponents rallies, fix & rig elections. The Clinton’s love to point their fingers at other leaders elsewhere for being bad,
evil, wicked, venal, crooked, corrupt, lie, cheat & steal, but yet they are far worse than the ones they point their fingers
at, the damne POS white trash Clinton’s can sure dish it out, but they can’t take it! If they were to be asked about why
they point their fingers at other leaders & former leaders for doing the exact same thing they do, the answer you would
get if the Clinton’s decide to answer is, Oh, it’s okay for us to be crooked, corrupt, evil, venal, wicked, lie, cheat, steal
Fix & rig elections, send goons and hecklers to our opponents rallies, but not for the ones they point their fingers at.
The Clinton’s are professional criminals, professional hypocrites, and they make all of the other pathological liars look
very honest in comparison to them.
Accurate and correct.
This article is not quite accurate when it says Trump received an “endorsement” from Paul Ryan. If you read Ryan’s op-ed in the Janesville Gazette (, he says that in order for him to stay in power as Speaker of the House there will need to be a few Republicans elected somewhere. Accordingly, he will vote for Trump because the alternative is Hillary Clinton, who is a Democrat. Ryan has lost what little respectability he had by telling us that party loyalty is more important than a commitment to principle or to the good of the USA.
Also, consider the choice of the Janesville Gazette for this announcement. That’s about as good a choice as possible to hide what is being said from American voters – except this is the information age, so everyone eventually knows. He would have been safer if he had written it in a weekly shopper or the Rangoon News.
Did you guys hear this? Trump is whining a Mexican-American judge is bulling him on a case. Well Trump started it. Trump is trying to throw all Mexicans from this country. Well Trump met his equal.
Oh, PUH-lease!
Trump is NOT trying or planning to deport “all” Mexicans, or even Hispanics. He certainly wants our immigration laws enforced against those who are here ILLEGALLY! Let them go wave their Mexican flags back in Mexico! “La Raza” believes that California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona should be Mexican territory again, that’s all.
But i don’t care if you’re an illegal from Canada, Switzerland, Siberia or The Congo, if you’re not lawfully here, gtfo! Or be THROWN out.
Electing Hillary would be a HORRIFIC mistake! Her ineptitude has been proven time and time again. What scares me is that a vast majority of Americans get their information from the mainstream media, and this is not a reputable unbiased source.
Hillary said that all democrats were dumb and would believe anything you told them. The media never reports all the facts.
For all of the people that even consider voting for Hillary. Is it because she is a woman,then may your ignorance overwhelm your stupidity and you forget to vote.
Any other reason would be un-American,and you don’t deserve to vote. She and her husband both should be executed for treason, just for selling 1/3 of America’s uranium reserves to Russia(how much were they paid for that deal)who will turn around and sell it to n.Korea. Read the details of Vince Foster. The list can go on and on and on.
If you knew anything about the Clinton crime family and still vote for them at least you will never have to worry about brain damage, because you have no brain to damage.
Anyone that wants “Hitlery & Slick Willie” in the White House should be put on the front lines of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. They would be the worst things that could happen to the USA at this point in time. Republicans need to get these people out of congress and put their ass in the crossbar hotel. They are corrupt, pathological liars, trash can people and are professional criminals, professional hypocrites and should never be in the WH
The biggest historical mistake we could make would be to allow Hillary Clinton to be elected President. Her plans would shut down major industries and put more people out of work. Her spending would ensure an ever larger federal deficit. Her programs would see the further growth of an already bloated federal bureaucracy. She would fight for a continuation of the (Un) affordable healthcare act. She would keep our boarders wide open not only to the continued invasion by foreign nationals; but to drug smugglers, gun runners, potential terrorists and all sorts of other illegal activities. With the cooperation of her financial supporters in the middle east she would increase our dependency on foreign energy. She has accused Trump of being a threat to world order. Perhaps what she should have said is the he would be a threat to her new world order. If Hillary wins, America looses!
Hillary is the last person to be criticizing someone about foreign policy. Under Hillary’s watch the world became less safe. Hillary’s time as secretary of state was one of epic incompetence. It looks like the Clinton Foundation benefited financially from foreign interests looking to buy her favor.
Hillary Clinton is a corrupt politician whose incompetence is legendary. She is the last person that should be questioning Donald Trump’s competence. I fully expect that President Trump will have a cadre of advisers to assist him with foreign policy decisions.
What about a presidential pardon,that means she gets away with everything and as far as I know she can still run for president.
Less than 6 months ago, the Gallup organization found that Donald Trump was the 3rd most admired man in the whole world – in a virtual tie with the Pope – and that Hillary Clinton was the most admired woman in the world for the 14th year in a row. Now, all I hear is what scum these two are and have always been. What does that tell us? Why should we believe anything the media says or any of the comments here? Too many people have opinions that are molded and changed by whatever they are told by the organizations that control information.
What you have said is exactly why folks need to know the Constitution or at least the Preamble, and then make their choice according to what will benefit the Country as a whole instead of voting for the one who runs the Country into a hole!
It would be even better if we the people who make up the country would take the time to understand even the absolute bare minimum basics of the whole constitutional framework. I don’t think most of us are going to do that. For most it is enough to be able to say that it is “we the people” who have formed the union. The question then becomes, who are “we the people.” Does it refer to just the landowning white men over the age of 21 who attended the Constitutional Convention; or to the landowning white men over the age of 21 who were the voters; or to all US citizens (though there were none at the time); or to all of the people who made up the country whether they were citizens or not; or to the people that the Constitution counted as a whole person, and not those who were only 3/5 of a person? The answer is important to the way we think, even today; and it can’t be given intelligently without at least that basic understanding of the whole Constitution.
Poor old Grandma Clinton……she bills her speech as her “foreign policy” and spend most of it trashing Donald Trump. She is so afraid of him, it’s incredible!! And as far as her “foreign policy” goes, I have just one word……Benghazi……..
To me, it’s interesting to note that BEFORE she worries about Mr. Trump, she should be looking over her shoulders for Bernie Sanders. I truly believe ‘the Bern’ will beat her in the Democratic primaries in Taxifornia, one of the most ‘Progressive’ states in the union.
In watching her on the news programs, it simply amazes me that she can backbite Mr. Trump on foreign policy with a straight face.
EVERYBODY knows that HILLARY has the blood of AMERICANS on her hands due to her ineptness and arrogance.
The bitch belongs in PRISON.
From the Horn article:
Hillary Clinton assailed Donald Trump on Thursday as a potential president who would lead America toward war and economic crisis. She portrayed her own foreign policy as optimistic, inclusive and diplomatic, born from long experience in public life.
As she’s a liar, the exact opposite of what was stated by her is likely to be true, i.e. “i, The Liar, will lead America toward war and economic crisis.” and again “My foreign policy was and will be pessimistic, exclusive, and undiplomatic.”
There was nothing diplomatic in her remarks, a clear indication of how she’ll take Trump on. Electing him, she said, would be “a historic mistake.”
Indeed, electing HER would be a “historic mistake” of epic proportion, a mistake an order of magnitude greater than electing her husband, the rapist/pedophile/coke dealer/money launderer/seller of US secrets to foreign governments.
During a speech in San Diego that was billed as a foreign policy address, the Democratic former secretary of state unloaded on her likely Republican election opponent, counting down reasons he is not qualified – and went so far as to claim that Trump would cause nuclear war and economic collapse.
Observe her actions as POS SoS: in virtually every instance, she opted for war and never tried diplomacy at all – unless by “diplomacy,” one means saying “Nice doggy! Nice doggy!” until you can find a stick to beat it with. It is HER policies which would lead directly to nuclear war/economic collapse. She’s engaging in disinformation again, as has been her husband’s and her MO’s for years, that is, to accuse your opponent of EXACTLY what she herself is guilty of.
If you want a preview of what America will look like should The Liar take office, just scan Libya…compare now with what it was under Q’uaddafi, the richest, most beautiful country in Africa, where the citizens prospered and were given abundance, including a world’s first: a man-made river. Now? Half the country is devoted to the Islamic Caliphate, and the other half at war with itself. They’re selling Libya’s oil to fund terrorism and war.
NEVER Hillary!
Obama is a mistake of TREASON against We the People that may never be overcome but by force. The Criminal gang known collectively as progressives or liberals are fascists thieves seeking to steal everything including we the people as slaves of the state.