Responding to Donald Trump’s claim that he went easy on former President Bill Clinton’s alleged history of sexual assault at Monday’s debate, daughter Chelsea Clinton shot back in a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, calling the focus on her father’s past a “distraction.”
In other words, Chelsea doesn’t want to hear about alleged sexual assault victims, because she and her family have got bigger worries.
Disgusting? Clinton critics thought so… and one brave woman wasn’t going to sit in silence over that outrageous statement: Juanita Broaddrick, the woman who accused Bill of violently raping her in 1975.
Broaddrick broadsided the Clinton family in public Thursday — and her words quickly went viral.
There’s no getting rid of the issue now, Clinton family.
1. Here is my response to Chelsea Clinton's statement about her father's sexual misdeeds
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 28, 2016
2. Chelsea you said you don't remember a time in your life that your parents weren't being attacked.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 28, 2016
3. There's a very good reason for this—your parents are not good people.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 28, 2016
4 your father was, and probably still is, a sexual predator. Your mother has always lied and covered up for him.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 28, 2016
5. I say again "I was 35 when Bill Clinton Raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73. It never goes away".
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 28, 2016
6. The truth is what has brought the attacks on your family and you are smart enough to know that by now.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 28, 2016
Well said. There’s no excusing away sexual assault.
And dismissing one’s families alleged history of sexual violence towards women as somehow distracting from the real issues is outrageous.
We at The Horn News salute Broaddrick’s courage to take a stand.
— The Horn editorial team
Main Street says
Chelsea has a daddy who has been accused of rape many times. Her father in law is a convicted felon who pioneered scamming people over the phone. White trash with a big bank account and political influence.
jean urdiales says
rodney burke says
They Are speaking out and more and more will come out, speaking against two criminals who are convinced they are untouchable. Career FBI need to convict him before the whole world. We already know that bitch in Justice won’t do anything, he needs to be found guilty somewhere. Comey needs to be in jail so the career FBI will do their job. This is inexcusable corruption and Barry just showed us what a worthless prick he is.
debdell says
Right on!
Roly Luis Sr says
God bless your courage and righteousness, Ms B, the Lord be with you always, His peace and grace adorn your daily life.
R Burns says
Now let me get this straight, is it Barry who has the prick or is it Moochele ? I’m confused!
Bruce Wood says
I can’t believe nothing is being said or done bout the 40 plus murders or death’s they have been accused of having something to do with. It is plum scary at all the crap the Clintons have got away with. Hillary get away with the email scandal and every one that anything to do with it were given immunity by the FBI so no one can ever be charged with a crime over. We have to get the whole damn mess out of Washington and take our country and from now on make sure it is ran by the people for the people. God Bless America and May his will be done.
Elle says
Amen! God’s not DEAD!!!
KKen Hughes says
Jane Sampe says
AMEN!! Our Heavenly Father is way bigger than the Clintons, and I trust God to handle this mess.
This could be the spark that begins our restoration of America asGod meant it to be. Sometimes we need a new “wake-up -call” to give us a boost and get us going!!
lehigirl says
Very well said. I agree with you!
Nancy Stout says
Bruce Wood, you said it better than anyone could have – facts are facts and something should be done. How can she be allowed to run for President of the United States of America??? God save America, please!!!!!
ees says
Trump better be watching his back. The Clintons have a way of getting rid of anything or anyone in their way.I would like to see all the other women come forward to show the public that old Bill and Hillary were a couple of criminals who got away. There were at leasdt 20 that were known of , including <Monica and the blue dress.
Lucy says
Louise Hodges says
Jim Galloway says
I don’t know the Clinton’s personally; however, I will be voting for our “first” female President!
Jim Galloway
New York
Gina Horne says
Well you Sir are an idiot!
JY says
She has a job that pays a Fortune because of all of the MILLIONS that slick n CrooKilary accepted from OUR ENEMIES, she isn’t going to do anything to jeopardize that!!
jackpack37 says
Folks, Hillary the WHORE, took millions upon millions of dollars for favors and secrets to our most despicable enemies
all over the world. She is the WHORE of our precious country and always has been and always will be. She is the one who should be labeled ” Miss PIGGY”.
JMC says
We need to get rid of these POS once and for all!! Damn, it’s obvious that Comey and the FBI sold out when the evidence is overwhelming that Hillary violated the Espionage Act. FROM THIS TIME FORWARD, HOW CAN ANYONE ELSE BE PROSECUTED FOR VIOLATING THAT ACT AFTER WHAT HILLARY DID AND GOT OFF WITHOUT CHARGES!! And that POS Bill has even claimed he had sex with over 2000 women. How did he have time to be President? If that damn b—h accuses Trump one more time of being a sexist, he needs to let the Clintons have it with both barrels! She did everything she could to discredit all the women who brought up issues with Billy Boy, smear them, etc. DONALD, DO NOT HOLD BACK IN THE NEXT DEBATE! All you who will vote for Clinton, how in the hell do you justify voting for her? Nothing but a chronic liar, criminal, crook, etc. God help our country when we have such a POS running for President!
Annie says
Well said JMC! Totally agree!
JOHN says
Yes, she said she was available at 3 am. At this this the whole US is dark and sleeping and she can trigger WWIII. We don’t need this bitch to destroy us anymore then Obo the shit has done.
lehigirl says
Irene Elizabeth Grooms says
I’m with you all the way how can these people sleep at night when and if Hillary wins knowing that our country is in a mess and she’ll do much worst than that thing we have now in office.
Kathy says
You are so right !!! Did anyone notice number 2 is missing?
Maria says
What do you mean # 2 is missing?
R says
2. Chelsea you said you don’t remember a time in your life that your parents weren’t being attacked.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) September 28, 2016
Peggy says
Not on my computer. I’m sure there could be dozens more stories like this, but it won’t do any good to tell them. Now, criminals are aided and abetted by what is supposed to be the best law enforcement around.
Forever Being Impartial. Yeah, right.
Kathy says
You are so right !!! Did anyone notice number 2 is missing?
Barb Alexander says
I agree totally with you . these would be worse than dangerous times if Hillary gets in there
debdell says
Just be sure to vote for Trump and make sure everyone you know votes Trump. Trump needs to win by a landslide in order to prevent the slug winning by using voter fraud. Don’t lose sleep over it – Trump is going to win. If he is cheated it will be obvious, so the corrupt elite better find a good place to hide.
jrt says
YES WE DO. They need to be put down from their power
Mick says
Comey received money from the Clinton Foundation as his brother did the foundations taxes.
GS Smith says
Six million is a “drop in a bucket” for the Clintons. I`m sure he received lot more to keep his mouth shut. Comey is a “a tall drink of water” with no BALLS!! With him in charge the FBI has become the a fairy tell!
R. G. says
Where is J.Edgar Hoover when you need him, he would have never caved like Comey, He has no backbone and I think a back room deal was made, why is it that everything will be released after the election. They don’t want to upset the Liberal Left and want her to win to continue in the vain of corruptness, the Clinton’s are bad people and I predict that if she is elected she will never finish her four year term, because of her health issues and do you want the WH in the hands of Kane, he will never see that job, I believe a plan is in place to broom him aside and bring in someone else to run the country. Just my opinion of the situation. RS
John says
Everybody is in the same bed ln Washington
debdell says
Comey found a horses head on his bed compliments of the organized crime syndicate we call the corrupt establishment – members, Bush and Clinton crime families – globalists etc. The heads of all the big corporations are members – Starbucks just endorsed Hillaroid. Google, Microsoft, Verizon, ATT, Amazon, you name them, they are members. I’ve been buying “Peets coffee” it is the best. Corporations should remain neutral. Starbucks just alienated 50% of the buyers of their product to the detriment of their stockholders. Dear stockholders of Starbucks – If I were you I would vote out the current officers – do not give them a proxy. Anyone who would want a lying criminal to be president should lose his/her job for being stupid or corrupt.
Maria says
Well said. There day will come soon. She is ill. The Good Lord will take care of them.
sandy jackson says
im a firm believer in what goes around, comes around, its called KARMA.
debdell says
It’s not coming around fast enough. For 30 years these 2 have been living like royalty – owning 4 mansions, etc. She will not win, but if they use some massive voter fraud and does win she better have a security team bigger than the US Navy – there will be many outraged angry people – then maybe we will see the Karma!
Despicable Hillaroid and cigar Billy are worth over $150million – that we know about. Would it surprise you if they had foreign bank accounts under an alias compliments of all the foreign crooks they have been in bed with? They probably have a few hundred million over seas.
Elle says
The Clinton cartel is on its tail end. A bunch of people have died from their hands. So…What goes around comes around.
Paula says
Don’t count on it.! To Debdell I want to tell, the Clintons have EXTORTED over 200 Million $ and that is NOT counting Chelsea’s LOOT. That woman is not a little Angel she wants us to believe! She learned well from her CRIMINAL parents.
All the DONNATIONS they claim was done to the Clinton Foundation? How do we know it was freely given Donation??? From what I learned from my last trip to Europe it was a massive EXTOTION. One example Switzerland,
UBS Bank just went through paying a massiv Penalty/Sakedown over a Billion$ to our Government! That is a lot of money for a tiny little Country ! Over a 100 small Banks closed and a lot of people out of work! About 6 months ago UBS had to lay off another 2000 thousand workers!!!
After this debacle HILLARY CLINTON demanded that her HUSBAND be allowed to give SPEACHES to UBS and other Banks he collected MILLIONS in the Process!!! Why does anyone not INVESTIGATE this SCANDAL????? The alternative was that our government would bar the SWISS from using the ” SWIFT CODE ” ( the Swift Code is made in US $ ) and is used for INTERNATIONAL TRADE.
BILL CLINTON announced on TV that they were not at all worried when BARRAK OBAMA announced he was going to raise TAXES!!! THEIR MONEY WAS IN THE ” CAYMAN ISLANDS ” SAFE NO TAXES. Nobody ever INVESTIGATED!!!
Did anybody ,maybe the IRS ever Investigated the CLINTON FOUNDATION??? They Donnate less than 15% of that money ! WHERE DOES THE REST GO??? Who pays TAXES on that Money???
R Burns says
The Clinton voodoo masters are about to fail them, Christ Jesus is greater. Just watch.
Virginia D Calonne says
The Clinton family remind me of the family mafia. Hillary as the mob boss, taking over for Bill and Chelsea is preparing for “The Family”. I hope people see thru this diabolical scheme of the Clintons to control the country unlawfully and for their own agenda.
Lola Staples says
I totally agree with you. TRUMP HAS GOT TO WIN or this country is done.
Val says
Please God, Please help Donald Trump win! Please have mercy on our children and our grandchildren……
Peggy says
carol G Fowler says
My sentiments exactly. Please GOD, hear our prayers and protect our country from the likes of the Clintons – liars, murderers, whatever it takes to rake in the money and win.
Elle says
God is in charge and let’s all pray for the good of the country. Trump/Pence 2016!!!
Ruby says
Amen I have been saying that since the first day Trump announced. He has to win, Hillary will be ten
times worse than Obama
louann says
I totally agree! Chelsea is a big girl now. Trump tried to respect Chelsea ok that’s fine. Now it’s time to respect all those women that bill & Hillary put through hell.
debdell says
Trump should tell Chelsea that she should avoid the next debate because he is going to unload on the scumbag mama.
Michael says
TRUMP/Line of Arrest; Which no pensions will be tendered.all =/;-) Assets Seized. Trial by Military Tribunal laws.With out delays,a hangman’s Noose or death by Rifle firing Squads. for Every Bureaucratic Cabinet Appointment Under Obama since 09,Bush and Bill Clinton !
1.Hillary,Benghazi,Email,Scandals Theft using Her and Husbands with AL Gore Global Warming Colostomy as Sec of State.the Lies. 9/11 with Saudi Arabia.Hatered for Innocent Muslims & Christians,Jews and Negroes.Mexicans,Russians. Her favorite Ethnicity is German( Click Heelś Zeke Heil NAZI PARTY )
2.Bill pervert,Rapist Impeached ,Treason,Commie Sympathizer,KKK Negro hater.
3.Obuma/Biden,Kerry.. Joint Operation take over of The Ukraine.Illegal War in Syria and IRAQ and Turkey,Bad IRAN deal,and allowing causing Muslim ISLAM terror around the World.
4.GW Bush. 9/11 Stealing Money period.Not Taking the Oil fields.
5.GHW Bush Treason.
6.Eric Holder.treason against the US Bill of Rights and US Constitution Under the Decleration of Independance.
7.Loretta Lynch.See Obama, Clinton ,Holder !
8 Al Sharpton;Tax Evasion
9.Jesse Jackson Inciting A Rico Act ,Violation,to commit public Riots disguised protest Demonstrations.Using Tax dollars illegal gains in Stock Market inside info,while receiving Grants,for his Rainbow Coalition/Receiving Money from ACORN( Bill Ayers)Setting up the Michelle Obama Regime.
Gene says
you are right on target Michael
terry says
I so agree thank you for speaking for womens of us
benjamin bolin says
JMC, how right you are. she is a evil, lying peace of shit.
Les says
I do not think Hillary is worthy of being called a piece of shit……shit or manure has a purpose since it can be used as fertilizer for crops….Hillary is more worthless than shit….go Donald! Les
James says
Susan Ifland says
I am so tired of hearing about the Clintons. I hope Trump wins and they crawl off in a hole and we never hear from them again. We know she will get away with everything she has done and I just don’t want to ever hear their name again. TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT!!
Paula says
SUSAN , The Communists never DIE! THEY JUST lay low for a while and then came back with a Wengence! So they have done for a hundred years!!!! WITH GREAT SUCCESS!!!!! Look at how many Country’s they have won!!! Our own COUNTRY is about to loose our CONSTITUTION and our FREEDOM!!!!
Don says
You got it right Les. If all the SHIT that came out of her mouth could be bagged , you would have enough fertilizer for EVERY FARM IN THE U.S……………………
Richard says
Thank you for speaking up don’t stop we somehow need to get it out there.
David Vranish says
It all makes sense! Chelsea would be hooked up with the same crap as she came from. Con artists, thieves, rapists and killers.
WT says
We all have wondered if Chelsea’s father is really Bill. She is almost a spiting image of Web Hubble.
Ruby says
Her biological father is none other than Webb Hubble. She had plastic surgery to erase some of his features. Look it up on the internet even Bill says he might not be her father
JOHN says
She should be prosecuted along with her mother and father for the Clinton Foundation Scam and it should be started NOW
jrt says
IRONIC that spoiled Chelsea is the same age now that Broderick was when her father raped her
Maggie says
I really believe that Mr. Trump needs to stay away from Slick Willie’s “sexual horrible past”. Voters know about them and it’s a shame that they forgive him, but it’s a lost cause even though it continues after 30 plus years with 100’s of women. There are so many more important issues Mr. Trump needs to stay focused on during the next six weeks and especially the next two debates. She is a “master” at debates at causing her opponent to get off point. This cannot happen during the next two. Mr. Trump needs to sit down and practice with a “Killery” stand in on her tactics for sure. He needs to gain the majority of the Undecided and Millennial votes to WIN! KEEP on point and don’t let this DEVIOUS Witch win. I just read the comment below and think it pretty much sums it all up.
Newsmax….Bob Johnson…September 29, 2016
With everything going on today, the lies, the cover-ups and the millions taken into the Clinton Foundation by Hillary while secretary of state, why would anyone NOT think that FBI Director Comey and the Justice Department is not being paid by the Clinton’s to cover-up for them?
Let’s face the facts; Bill & Hillary Clinton have been and still are the head of the largest Organized Crime Syndicate the world has ever seen. Using the pay for play tactic their Clinton Foundation has managed to become so wealthy that they are able to buy their way out of any situation. Their big money donors are among the richest companies and organizations in the world, and these same people are donating millions of dollars to Hillary Clinton’s campaign for President. The very people that are responsible to indict the Clinton’s are most likely the very people that are receiving large sums of money from their foundation to protect the Clintons. Anyone that tries to get in the Clinton’s way always ends up dying by some unfortunate circumstance. Something called the Clintons body count lists over 50 people directly connected to the Clintons that have ended up dead under mysterious circumstances. Is it just coincidence? The Clintons own people in very high places, such as the United States Department of Justice, FBI, Attorney General’s Office, all the way up to and including the Presidents Administration just to mention a few. It’s not very likely that Bill or Hillary Clinton will ever be indicted for any laws they have broken over the years.
If Hillary Clinton ever wins the Office of President, America will never recover from the damage that will occur, and our children and grandchildren will never know the freedoms that we once had for over the past 200 years.
There is only one last chance to prevent America from falling into the hands of these people that want to use this country to enrich themselves, destroy everything that America stands for and essentially turning America into a tyrannically run country that will have dictators changing every aspect of our free country into something less than a third world country. Even though you may not like Donald Trump or agree with what he says and despise his way of hitting back at others, Trump is an American that grew his businesses here in America to become a multi billion dollar organization. Trump does not need the money or the recognition; he already has both and can live comfortably anywhere in the world he chooses. He has chosen to live in America and volunteer his time during these latter years of his life, to become our President and “Make America Great Again”. He knows how corrupt our government has become; he knows it because he has dealt with their corruption over the years of running his companies. He knows exactly how the inside works making themselves rich off of the people and businesses that have made America great over the years. Trump wants his and our children, grandchildren, and future generations to experience the same freedoms he and his parents have enjoyed over the years. Why else would he run for President? He has everything he will ever need being worth over ten billion dollars.
If you choose to vote for Hillary you are choosing to destroy America and everything America stands for in the world. It’s your choice, think of your children and your grandchildren and what kind of future you are choosing for them. When you are in that voting booth on Election Day, will you choose to save your children’s future or destroy their future? You decide.
Gail Davis says
No, I do not think Trump needs to stay away from Slick Willie’s rapes. These debates are on college campuses and viewed by millions of people on TV. This younger generation does not know that Bill Clinton was impeached as President, Hillary went after these women after he raped them. Bill Clinton could not keep his zipper zipped. Trump needs to go for the jugular. Our country is at stake. To hell with Chelsea, she is a big girl now! Talk is she may not even be Bill’s daughter. Being nice to them won’t help The USA. TRUMP. 2016
jrt says
He/she was quoting media NOT agreeing…. And it is Broderick not Trump here that exposed and does Trump a HUGE favor for us all to see
jrt says
exposing not agreeing the poster says
Samuel Crabtree says
Trump, I think, should not dwell on Bill Clinton’s sex life. Trump is not running against Bill. The sexual “indiscretions” of many past presidents, including some of our finest that had mistresses, did not seem to detract from their performance as President. And being sexually moral hasn’t concurrent with being an effective president – Carter was probably the most moral president in my life (I’m 81) and probably the worst PAST president. What Trump might dwell on is Hilary’s abhorant actions in trying to cover up Bills criminal actions, including rape. Also on Hilary’s actions in berating the women that Bill raped.
obamasmutt says
You’re right, Trump should not focus on what Billy boy did, he should focus on how Hillary reacted to women when they brought it to light; he needs to keep pounding into AMERICA who all the donors are to both the foundation and to the campaign, I not sure those on the left are smart enough to realize – nothing for free.
Les Horton says
It would be important to show how much Hillary supported a young
woman who was savagely raped back in the early 80s. Hillary defended
AND WON THE ACQUITTAL for this POS, KNOWING he was guilty!!
She was caught on Film discussing and Laughing about this after the
Trial. She’s a cunning, deplorable, lying, cheating Devil!!
I’m rather concerned that the ELECTORAL COLLEGE , who decide
WHO becomes the nextPresident! This is definitely an issue that needs to be changed, as well as limited terms for SC Judges, and legislators.
God has invited us to our knees with this election and ONLY will HE
Be able to save us! Please join me in appealing to HIM to Bless Us and America!
Judy says
Shame on Bernie Sanders for supporting her. Perhaps she’s buying him his 4th mansion. I found it very interesting that he was campaigning as a poor man and as soon as he dropped out, he bought a 3rd home, hmmm… poor guy.
James Rogers says
All you have to do is read between the lines when it comes to Sanders
Joyce Thompson says
Have you not heard that the Clinton Foundation gave Bernie Sanders $600.000 to drop out of the race and probably to support Hillary…the Clinton’s also gave that Khan Gold Star family $350,000 after he attacked Trump at the Democratic National Convention….Hey, Clintons…..almost a million dollars well spent!!!!
discussed says
Well put. Wake up America
Lester says
Very well written. How do you get the link cards. food stamps and welfare recipients to understand this ????
Ruby says
Have them take a drug test before they get any freebies. That will eliminate almost all the the people on welfare. They can buy alcohol, cigarettes and Cola’s by the case. Can you?
truth seeker says
I thought conservatives were God fearing, loving people. I guess I was totally wrong. It’s easy to sit in judgment . But the Bible says, ” Judge not, that ye be not judged; for with what judgement ye judge, ye SHALL be judged. If the Clintons are as bad as you all seem to think they are; and the Bible tells us that “the prayers of the righteous avails much”, Pray for them, because ALL of you seem to be soooooo righteous! Can I get an AMEN? Oh and by the way “THE HORN”, what do you consider HATE SPEECH? Personal attacks and profanity?. ALL of the above was exhibited in the dialogue I read here. It’s sickning. I am all for disagreeing, but must we so disagreeable? So hateful? So nasty? So unGodly? Father forgive US!
M Dean says
Thank you for summing it ALL up for us! You have been stated it so well for us! I can’ t think of one issue that you haven’t covered! Thanks, again!!!!!!!
Ron says
Tell them, lets let the whole world know what they are?
Judy says
You said it…white trash.
retired says
Maybe the lady can still bring charges against Slick willie……….Look what is happening to bill cosby……. and others, i guess there is no statute of limitation on RAPE CASES………This may be another one of the reasons all of the Clinton emails were destroyed or may not be destroyed…… Maybe the black mailers are getting black mailed now!
Tasha says
I think it’s time the Clintons started to pay for all the times they hurt people and made us ashamed of them. We can’t award them by allowing them to be in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the Person that knows how to treat people and do good, not bring all their garbage in.
Trump may not be lily white, but he has a heart and will do his best for his people.
Juanita Broaddrick, my prayers are with you, Stay Strong, and let no one stop you.
TruChristian says
May I add that her mother is a lying bitch who used the State Dept, to enrich themselves, and is still using the State Dept. to get away scot-free from her crimes.
TruChristian says
May I add that her mother is a lying bitch who used the State Dept. and her tenure as a Senator to enrich themselves, and is still using the State Dept, with her co-conspirator, the POTUS, to get away scot-free from conviction for all her crimes.
Elena Timofte says
Kathy says
ron morrison says
Chelsea needs to know if Webb Hummell is her real father ,Hillary was just as much as a whore as Billy was !! Who’s your Daddy Chelsea ?
jackpack37 says
HIS REAL NAME IS WEBB HUBBELL. Just a correction in spelling. No offense meant because you are right on.
Elena Timofte says
Kathy says
DONALD Coder says
Does anyone else get tired of the endless complaints about this infamous family? Will it be a wonderful day when all reports of them stop appearing; no more stories of evil, rape, crookedness, and lying.
Catlady says
Thank you for being courageous. I am quite certain you are not alone.
verdi says
All anybody needs to see, concerning the Klingons(Clintons) is DVD called ” A NOBLE LIE”. Trynot to loose your dinner.What bothers me more than anything else though, is the amount of people that totally dismiss all their crimes and treasons. The abject stupidity AND ignorance….its overwhelming to see what we have become. How we can be so easily duped by monsters…..I truly am starting to believe that this whole wretched system is so badly broken, including the mentality of America as a collective whole(which isn’t saying much lol ) tat in order for the people to truly appreciate what our founders sacrificed and meant for us, the whole damned thing will have to crash and be reborn. Unfortunately after such an event, we won’t come out the other side looking anything like what we were intended to become. Order out of chaos you say? Yea…A New World Order is what is in store for us.
Please ascertain copies of ‘ You Know Something Is Wrong WHen’ /An American Affidavit for Probable Cause by Anna Maria Reizinger….also ” The UCC Connection”…OMG and …’Hope and Tragedy’, a condensed version by Joseph Plummer. An Incredible work about Carole Quigley. 20 years of sitting in like a fly on the wall, taking notes on the Bilderbergs, the Steering Committees and the Council on Foreign Relations. His initial book was such an affront to the elite, they coerced the printer to break the plates on his book only after 8000 copies. ALL these books belong on your bookshelf……especially if you want the TRUTH.
John Boanerges Redman says
No she does not (have a daddy who has been accused of rape many times). Wade Hubble only allowed a slut he slept with become a partner at Rose.
gBune says
I am so happy someone had the courage to say that. I’ve been waiting until the criminal circle was completed. Chelsea’s father-in-law, former congressman, spent 5 yrs in federal prison for embezzlement. He even ripped off his own mother for millions. He owes 9+million in restitution.. Don’t you think Hillary would take care of all that as potus???
Thanks again, Bless you
Hondo says
Oh! You didn’t know he had a military career?
Bill and Hillary got a combined $20 million for their soon to-be written memoirs. Here’s some help for them since their memories are getting old.
Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964, accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft. Selective Service Number is 326-46-228.
Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.
Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.
Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States Army
Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority of COL. E. Holmes.
Bill Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment.
Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at the University
of Arkansas ROTC, September 1969.
Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969, as enlistment with
Army Reserves is revoked by Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now
AWOL and subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2) (a) –
registrant who has failed to report…remain liable for induction.
Bill Clinton’s birth date lottery number is 311, drawn December 1,
1969, but anyone who has already been ordered to report for
induction is INELIGIBLE!
Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive from justice
under Public Law 90-40.
Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General (1976), while a
fugitive from justice.
Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977, from President Carter.
Bill Clinton becomes the FIRST PARDONED FEDERAL FELON ever
to serve as President of the United States.
All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests, public
laws, and various books that have been published, and have not been refuted by Clinton.
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S. Military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia , which killed 19 and injured 200 U.S. Military personnel, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 1998 bombing of U.S. Embassies in Africa, which killed 224
and injured 5,000, Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished.
After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured
39 U.S. Sailors, Clinton promised that those responsible be hunted
down and punished.
Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people in New York and Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania who are now dead would be alive today.
It is a strange turn of events:
Hillary gets $8 Million for her forthcoming memoir. Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet to be written. This from two people who spent 8 years being unable to recall anything about past events while under oath.
Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)
CAS DEE says
Steve says
CAS DEE, I think you misunderstood MS LINDA. When she said the Clinton’s hands ” weren’t white ” I’m sure she was talking about their hands being soiled. It’s a figure of speech used to bring attention to their criminal past. It wasn’t an actual remark about skin color. I hope this helps you.
TruChristian says
Hi Cas, don’t worry. I don’t think Ms. Linda meant to say their hands are black, they are DIRTY, that’s for sure.
Mike W says
There is a lot of blood on them hands. I hope people all over the country wake up and smell the coffee. Don’t take my word or anyone else’s look it up, it is still available online. After that look at the cocoaine smuggling stories while Clinton was governor of Arkansas. Said to be all lies by his supporters, but, if so why did his brother Roger go to prison for dealing Coke? He was later given a pardon by guess who? Talk about a conflict interest. Then all the rapes 26 at least, possible pedophile – linked to Jeffery Epstein who went to prison when caught, but even though flight logs, phone records and the girls present said Bill was there he was able to get former FBI director Louis Freeh (a Clinton appointee), to get him out “of a jam”. Funny how they keep going back to FBI directors. Look at the 2010 earthquake in Haiti and the money missing after the Clinton Foundation under Secretary of State Hillary Clinton went to down to take over helping rebuild. I wish we could get a fair impartial hearing on all of these accusations instead of the cover up. They say Trump is accused of raping a young girl too. If that is true he should be indicted too but it does not get the Clintons off of the hook. Chelsea may have to hang her head in shame after all of these “distractions” are brought to light. She supposedly has a good college education, but she looks like the lights are on but no ones home. No school would ever fail the child of a former president.
Patricia Krenik says
No, it is a phrase that was used some years ago, white hands being hand that were clean, in the sense of “he did no wrong.” You may be right that there is some southern origin dating way back, but if so, no one knows or uses that that way now.
Please don’t take offense.
Zmart says
like James Comey all 3 should reread theoth of office that they took. Comey than should put his hand on the bible an swear again in front of the people of the UNITED STATES on TV. HRC if she wins could swear on a stack of bibles 10 feet high and I still would not belive her. If she wins there should be an inventory of every thing in the white house so that we get every thing back when she leaves the white house. You see I do not belive any DEM-O-CRAFTER. All they do is lieeeeeeeee.
S. Webb says
Swearing on the bible means nothing. It needs to be on the US Constitution.
Roberta Chezik says
oh yea since obama used the koran instead of a bibile
Martha Sullivan says
He is the lowest from the lowest and she is the same.And nothing has been done about him or her.except they made millions of taxpayers backs. They have told sooo many lies the are confused which is the truth and which are the lies… He should have been now in Leavenworth doing his time.But he never will and she will not either.and this are the people
Chucky says
The paid off FBI will let them plead the 5th. Wonder what else was promised to Comny?
Inspector Tom says
That he and his family would still be alive tomorrow!
jackpack37 says
I’ve been saying this for a long time.
Inspector Tom says
I’ll try again since the first posting of this was deleted.. That he and his family would be alive tomorrow!
Inspector Tom says
I’m sorry to say that my comment has been censored twice so I cannot tell you what I think was promised to Comny
RD says
Very well said sir. I salute you for your service.
Jeanne Stotler says
Thanks for your service and printing what everyone who is thinking of voting for Hillary should know. I am an Army brat and my Mother and Step-father both worked for BuOrd, USN during WWII, so I am no stranger to Military protical and the Clintons and Obamas discuss me. My BIL and his 2 first cousins, and my grandfather are in Arlington, anyone needing a lesson in what our Military does, needs to just start at Ft. Myer gate and read the names and dates on the stones there, go to sec. 12 and read the average on those graves, these were WWII boys brought back after being buried in Europe, the average age is somewhere in the 20’s
Tony says
Everyone needs to read this one. I never heard about this till today. Please forward all over the net.
Bubbamax says
Thank you for this info- it should be much more widely known- I will post the info as a comment where possible.
Your final comment about their memoirs while claiming no memory really hits the nail on the head!
The big question is: why does the main stream media and DNC support these low-lifes? Do the Clintons have dirt on every Democrat in congress? And what about the media- are they ALL invested in the ‘foundation’. They are truly the despicable, devoid of all morality, leading the naive uninformed American public to the slaughter. Clinton will be a disaster for this nation.
jrt says
blackmail. The Clintons store it for use
Annie says
Thank you for your information. We just keep learning more about the entire crooked family. No wonder everyone wants Trump for President!
Michael retired US Navy says
Trump is a business man and raised his family with no troubles. When your business is in real estate, you are hoping to buy more real estates when market is down. of course, you could say ‘hope the market crash again’. that is not a political statement, it’s a business statement…and he’s not an insider politician who knows how to talk and sell himself too much to get into the white house. all he wanna to do is help our country get back on track, secured it, so we will have peace of mind and not afraid of being attacked by terrorists and criminal. he will be the Law and Order….and abide the constitution. if we love our country, for our future generations, let’s help one another and put him in the white house!
jrt says
Very Soon God will put them both where they belong
no worries for us any longer
SW says
So, who was grooming him and who paid the military off? It has to be a group who are orchestrating this whole mess. To them that much power has been given, much is expected in return. The people that have risen to this level have failed their part of the deal.
retired says
Well written, to bad the Hillary and Clinton cronies still would not believe it and vote for her…. sad state of affairs for this country……i really believe if Trump does not get in bad things will start happening at this point in time all legal american people know there is no justice any more…. Look at the FBI, corrupt the DOJ corrupt, the president corrupt,
AG corrupt, the clintons corrupt… There are a lot of old time vets who are fed up with this administration and just do not give a shit any more what happens to them !
Michael retired US Navy says
all these corrupted politicians need to get out from their positions, that’s why they were trying to take Trump down..their pay for play will be finished!
C. H. Dyer says
Correct. I served, you certainly did, Sir. But the rules of Pstriotism that apply to most of us, well I am no longer sure it applies to us since we are deplorable, and it certainly not apply to corrupt folks like the clintons.
Tom says
Please send this draft evader to info@
He would have more am to show that Hillary will pardon herself for evert hung is she wins! Hillary can pardon her self just like Bill Clinton did in
Article 2, Section 3, Clause 1
That is how and why these crooks need to be in power in the White House!
obamasmutt says
Well said. I always wondered how they could make a president out of someone who AWOL, I guess he and the Hildabeast were to busy doing drugs and pointless orgies.
Monika Murphy says
Thank you Commander !! My late husband spent 30 years in the Navy (proudly I might add ) !!! This Clinton deserter should be publicly held up and be dethroned !!! Yuk!!! What a piece of slime !!!!!
RottenRollin says
We’re toast if HagHillary wins.
It will be the frog in the pot slowly heated up, and we’ll thread water until we’re done for.
Liberalism…… IS a mental disorder.
Chuck Baker, former 82nd Airborne Div. says
He should have been jailed. Terrible record!!
paul says
Lock um Both Up & throw away the key.
Ronald Hamby says
You are right about Obummer being the gate keeper , but if Trump is elected , Im willing to bet there WILL be charges brought up . GO TRUMP !!
Marie Nichols says
I’v e said it before and I will proudly repeat myself, Both of the Clintons and Obama too belong in prison. Not a federal “hotel” either, in a state prison . marie
Inspector Tom says
Amazing that you can post this and not be censored while I try to post what I thought Comny was promised for coming up with the ruling he did
Bruce says
even if they bring up all of the crimes these P O ST have done …any one here think that Obama “WON`T” Pardon them on his way out the door? I don`t like it .. But you all know that “Man” will do just that..
Helen Higgason says
Convict after obamas gone, that ought to work, right ?
Elizabeth says
I don’t really think Obama will go out the door.
He will stay in if Trump wins. He will see to it.
I read about that somewhere, but could not find it again.
I put it on face book but they would not let it on.
Rick says
After you throw the key away, the only thing they should be given to drink is espresso, so they’ll be wide awake when you set the jail on fire.
Marvin B. Cohen says
Killery Hillery and Toad-Face Chelsea are security guards of the bridge where The Troll Raping Willie lurks. Beware, the piece of pond scum is very active! All females young and older must beware. He has no age borders.
Sharon says
Unbelievable????wake up USA people????what a piece of work !
Lots of Stupid voters out there????
Trump put down by Lier Hillary about his tax returns and many other issues!
Talk about the Pot calling the kettle Black????the Clintons have no Concience ! Shame on Them????
NoraB says
Yes, there are LOTS of stupid voters who will vote for Killary knowing what a dastardly and corrupt person she is – they don’t care! They like what she promises – but don’t understand that she doesn’t follow through on promises. The e-mail server alone should be enough to throw her in jail.
David Vranish says
Some are stupid and some are on the take!
JoAnn Graham says
Knowing what a LIAR she is, you’d think these people would also understand that all her promises about the “free stuff” she’ll give them are ALSO LIES! The abject STUPIDITY of a LOT of the voting public in this country is a SERIOUS problem, and I don’t know how we can fix that. It’s getting to the point that we are LIVING the movie IDIOCRACY, and these FOOLS are the MAJORITY!
I blame the damned sheep factory public schools for dumbing down and BRAINWASHING kids. This IDIOCRACY is the inevitable result of that–and EXACTLY what the COMMUCRATS intended–makes it easier for them to get in power and STAY THERE because many people are too brainwashed and STUPID to vote them out while we still CAN.
truth seeker says
That’s the pot calling the kettle black. Trump is also a liar and crook and his voters are also misinformed! Just because you think, people for Hillary are stupid, doesn’t make it so. They call Jesus ALL KINDS of names, everything in fact BUT the Son of God. Just because people say it,doesn’t make it so, and that goes to and for ALL you so called conseratives.
Brenda Reese says
This is utterly ridiculous. I can’t believe that these two people get by, unpunished for everything they do. So wrong. So very wrong. Nobody needs to vote for Hillary Clinton for president of our United States.
I did not know this & I like to keep up on history. I don’t recall any of this being talked about in media( no surprise ) I HOPE THIS GETS OUT ALL OVER THE SOCIAL MEDIA , as standard media has not , & probably WILL NOT , tell this important detail of POUS, BILL CLINTON‼️???????? THANK YOU ‼️????????
NoraB says
How have they escaped punishment for their misdeeds all these years? I don’t understand. Others went to jail for shirking their military duty and other misdeeds. Their daughter has been raised to think like them, so she’s no better. She just hasn’t been caught – yet.
Frank says
Isn’t she the one or one of them he practically bit off her lower lip? Had t have surgery?
Woopdi says
They are dropping the Statute on Rape Cases ,, so Charge that POS Pervert with RAPE ..
politicallyincorrect says
This should be no surprise to anyone and everyone should sound off to all their representatives demanding Comey resign and reopen Clintons investigation or we will vote them out. That is what should be done which I already emailed my representatives
Debra Cherney says
Isla York says
Lock them both up with Obama in Gitmo and then throw away the key!
James tibbs says
The clintons should indeed need to be arrested and punished with extreme predjudice once and for all.
John G. says
It’s long overdue (arrest, trial and jail for Slick Willy the rapist, child molester an all around bad guy who still holds rallies for his scumbag wife Hillary the “Hun” attended by the “Moron” Liberal/Progressive Elite Leftist who are just as guilty for supporting this pair.
Dennis says
Lock them both up and make them do hard labor for all the lies and deceitful doings they both did.
Frank says
Sorry Chelsea, if it is “something of the past” you have to deal with it . When people are running for high places, the whole family’s past is always relevant concerning criminal acts. Particularly unprosecuted ones.
Frank says
Hook Bill and this lady up to Lie detector equipment. In a neutral setting. I’d say they would be afraid when Bill lies it would cause the nation Power Grid to go down from a large surge of electricity.
JoAnn Graham says
Lie detectors don’t work on sociopaths, Frank. Because they have NO CONSCIENCE, they don’t exhibit the same physiological signs of lying that the rest of us do–like heartbeat, sweating, eye and finger movements, etc. I bet Hill and Billy could lie all DAY and the needle on the lie detector would stay steady as a rock!
CAS DEE says
Clarence Clark says
MAYBE she is looking for just that, One can never tell what a Clinton is thinking or planning.
jackpack37 says
With Her Pervert for father, and a Whore for a mother, what do you expect Chelsea to be? A SAINT?
Sam says
Ugly girls aren’t usually rape victims , who would want to have sex with that girl, she would mist likely enjoy the attention.
truth seeker says
You sound just like Trump!
jackpack37 says
I bet Bill would try to screw her. He’s not her real father
Chucky says
Isn’t dear, sweet Chelsea the same one dodging sniper fire in Bosnia! LIE! How bout receiving call about terrorist attack in Bengazi? But stood by lying mother as they stood in front of caskets arriving because of a video? LIE! The apple fell next to the tree! They are all the same, criminals!
JoAnn Graham says
How come digging up some pscyho beauty queen with a VERY questionable background from 20 YEARS AGO to spew venom about Trump is OK, but the CLINTONS’ “past” is out of bounds?
Justin W says
The Clintons are against sexual harassment as long as Bill isn’t the one doing the harassing. Hillary Clinton is for women as long as it is convenient. Chelsea is following in her mother’s footsteps. If Hillary loses the election the Clintons will lose a lot of their ability to attract big donations to their foundation. This is all about money and power for the Clinton gang.
I remember during the Clinton administration that the upper level of the administration went on a retreat one weekend to determine their core values. That said a lot. The Clintons only core value is whatever it takes to get all they can. All the rest of this trashy family’s values are negotiable.
Dr. Dale Smith says
Our history reveals the true American way????
Nicole Hunter says
This has to only be horribly painful for Juanita. Kudos to her for stepping up and keeping it out there! You go girl!
Debra Cherney says
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Thank you everyone! I thought I was alone in the thinking of “THE CLINTONS” I hope there is alot of secret Trump supporters out there!…….And even so, I’m afraid there might be other problems, Hillary wants to win so bad I don’t think there’s is anything she wouldn’t do to win. I just don’t get why so many people are against Trump. Why are some so against him? Even some of the Republicans are having a hard time supporting him, and the “FBI” (what they did!??!) WHY? What am I missing?…..You’d rather have Hillary????????????????? I just don’t get it! Someone PLEASE EXPLAIN!
JoAnn Graham says
@ Debra Cherney: I’m sure the “real” FBI loathes Shrillary just as much of the rest of us. But the reason they are not allowed to take her down is that OBAMA was involved UP TO HIS NECK in every CRIMINAL act she committed, and he KNOWS if she goes down, he’ll go down WITH HER, and the nasty little narcissist is worried about his damned legacy if that happens. So he is forcing the DOJ and the FBI to look the other way and give Shrillary a pass. You could TELL that Comey was NOT happy about announcing that Shrillary would not be indicted at the time he did it. Mind you, I have NO respect for him caving to these lawless pukes. If he had as much integrity as everybody said, he would have RESIGNED rather than be a part of t his sordid and BLATANT coverup. However, he DID pretty much spill his guts about the evidence against her, so now the WHOLE WORLD knows that she is guilty, and that our corrupt CRIMINAL-in-Chief has decreed that she is not to be prosecuted for h er crimes. At LEAST Comey accomplished that much.
jrt says
Soros is funding her fraud to steal the election as he did for BO in 12. Trump is a sitting duck unless God intervenes as he did on 9/11 by bringing the witch to her knees.
If Chelsea thinks calling her fathers past and sexual escapades a distraction, what does she call her mother’s references to things
in Trump’s past none of which never equal the atrocities committed by Mr. Clinton. At least Mr. Trump hasn’t spent years soliciting
donations from oil rich middle east countries like Ms. Clinton has for the Clinton Foundation!
JoAnn Graham says
The only reason the Clintons keep harping on what a “sexist” Trump is, is to distract from Shrillary’s MANY criminal acts and scandals, and the fact that the ONLY record she has to run on is a record of bad decisions and disastrous consequences for those decisions.
Trump needs to hammer her on THAT point, state what he wants to do to get the country back on the right track. Then he needs to say he will not engage in the gutter politics that are the Clintons standard operating procedure, and let ALL the Clintons wallow in the gutter where they belong without him getting down there with them. Heard Newt Gingrich talking about that on Hannity last night, and he was absolutely right. If Trump will do that, I don’t think Shrillary will have a chance in HELL of getting elected. I truly don’t think she has much, anyhow–which is why they are pulling this crap to try to throw Trump off his game.
CJ says
Someone should let dear little Chelsea know that rape isn’t a “distraction”. It’s real.
Helen Higgason says
Her daddy is a rapist , for a fact, if all the women came out and spoke, you might be surprised, or maybe NOT,…..go trump!!!!
GB says
I just pray that all the folks that are responding to this will show up at the polls and get Trump in office. If Killary wins, it’s over.
Helen Higgason says
These two are not Christians, if they were , they wouldn’t be thought of in this manner, but you see folks, these Clintons are really evil people, he rapes, she lies , and does all sorts of really bad things, there have been murders committed for the Clintons, it’s true folks, this is a fact, trust me, please!!!!!!!
Phlipitt2Mee says
The perfect one word epitaph for the Clintons would be,…..SHAMELESS
Phlipitt2Mee says
Hillary was dismissed from the Democratic Committee investigating Nixon, for her lawlessness and dishonesty.
Rick Kirschner Sr says
Donald need to bring up the 2 murders in North Texas this past weekend by a person that was deported 2 times and has several alias. Just saying.
Harold Berndt Gross says
Every active Military and all Veterans should be informed of CLINTON’S Military activity, how many Trump votes would that total? MILLIONS, enough to win the election!
Then add what he & Killary did not do as POTUS & Secretary from all the attacks against us resulted in thousands of deaths, that is enough to start a Revolution against THE CLINTONS!
j says
Them that have the power and no morals evidently rule. What law? What Justice Department? Even ow deserters aren’t punished for that would cause OB to have egg on face for his bad deal and support of Bergdal Sgt family.
Silent Hammer says
It’s clear that the Clinton FAMILY is EVIL. Do they know what they are doing? Oh Yeah. Are the actions they commit wrong? Do they damage others? Are they profiting from their actions and in spite of them? Do they lie and avoid the truth? Which of these merit a “no” answer? These women who were DAMAGED by Bill Clinton require recognition, and the Clintons require judgement. It’ll happen– wither here or hereafter. And for you women….I admire you and hope for your healing.
Roberta Chezik says
please don’t forget about vince foster was his death really a suicide, They leave a trail of dead people behind them
Phlipitt2Mee says
When Bill’s term in office ended, Hillary stole Whitehouse furniture and artwork worth thousands of dollars. She was forced to return them. She is a disgrace to America.
Roberta Chezik says
the white house was so destoryed that it was shameful
DanS says
Why is comment number 2 missing from the list of Juanita Broaddrick’s responses? It goes from 1 to 3. Just wondering what the second comment was.
jrt says
saw that too. It was posted on drudge yesterday just not above
jrt says
Chelsea and Hillary both have the attitude that makes you want to smack their arrogance right out of them.
BUT fear not. God has this….. just as he put the Kennedy’s where they belong
Patti says
Sheila Bilyeu says
I too agree that the Clintons are EVIL. I have been assaulted too, but not sexually. The Clintons attempt to destroy people’s live who do not play their game. When Clinton was president, I started being gassed, sleep deprived, and having negative and vulgar words transmitted into my head. They cause pain and then goad me about it. They can break my car and then goad me about that. They have tried to get me to commit suicide after I am all run down by being gassed and sleep deprived. There is nothing they won’t do to win. When I was not conforming and glad she announced her candidacy against President Obama, I was knocked out and landed in the hospital. They popped the N. word out of my mouth to embarrass me and have popped other word out. I KNOW the Clintons started this torture and it is still occurring periodically. Please also go to : theforbiddenknowledge/hardtruth/billclintonscriminalbackground.htm and You can also read a lawsuit I filled against Clinton at the Supreme Court. Go to: and click on to the different words at the top.
martha says
One thing I give credit to Democrat, That is they are covering Clintons no matter what and they all united to cover up year after yea
r and gate after gates. Look how many gates they have been through( whitewater gate, china gate, file gate etc….) but all came out to be free and clear. And the other hand Republicans never can get together to unite to get this couple ( Hillary and Bill ) down. I’m so sick of them time to time ( republicans). This couple knew nothing is going to happen to them no matter what they do, They knew they are above the law. Wake up Republican !!!
Tasha Lacy says
I think it’s time the Clintons started to pay for all the times they hurt people and made us ashamed of them. We can’t award them by allowing them to be in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the Person that knows how to treat people and do good, not bring all their garbage in.
Trump may not be lily white, but he has a heart and will do his best for his people.
Juanita Broaddrick, my prayers are with you, Stay Strong, and let no one stop you.
My first post was not posted, so I will repost it is.
Tasha Lacy says
I think it’s time the Clintons started to pay for all the times they hurt people and made us ashamed of them. We can’t award them by allowing them to be in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the Person that knows how to treat people and do good, not bring all their garbage in.
Trump may not be lily white, but he has a heart and will do his best for his people.
Juanita Broaddrick, my prayers are with you, Stay Strong, and let no one stop you.
Not sure why this is not showing up. well I’ll keep posting or post it somewhere else.
Tasha Lacy says
I think it’s time the Clintons started to pay for all the times they hurt people and made us ashamed of them. We can’t award them by allowing them to be in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the Person that knows how to treat people and do good, not bring all their garbage in.
Trump may not be lily white, but he has a heart and will do his best for his people.
Juanita Broaddrick, my prayers are with you, Stay Strong, and let no one stop you.
Not sure why this is not showing up. well I’ll keep posting or post it somewhere else.
Tasha Lacy says
I think it’s time the Clintons started to pay for all the times they hurt people and made us ashamed of them. We can’t award them by allowing them to be in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the Person that knows how to treat people and do good, not bring all their garbage in.
Trump may not be lily white, but he has a heart and will do his best for his people.
Juanita Broaddrick, my prayers are with you, Stay Strong, and let no one stop you.
Not sure why this is not showing up. well I’ll keep posting or post it somewhere else.
Tasha Lacy says
I think it’s time the Clintons started to pay for all the times they hurt people and made us ashamed of them. We can’t award them by allowing them to be in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the Person that knows how to treat people and do good, not bring all their garbage in.
Trump may not be lily white, but he has a heart and will do his best for his people.
Juanita Broaddrick, my prayers are with you, Stay Strong, and let no one stop you.
James Rogers says
I think it’s time the Clintons started to pay for all the times they hurt people and made us ashamed of them. We can’t award them by allowing them to be in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the Person that knows how to treat people and do good, not bring all their garbage in.
Trump may not be lily white, but he has a heart and will do his best for his people.
Juanita Broaddrick, my prayers are with you, Stay Strong, and let no one stop you.
James Rogers says
I think it’s time the Clintons started to pay for all the times they hurt people and made us ashamed of them. We can’t award them by allowing them to be in the Oval Office. The Oval Office is for the Person that knows how to treat people and do good, not bring all their garbage in.
Trump may not be lily white, but he has a heart and will do his best for his people.
Juanita Broaddrick, my prayers are with you, Stay Strong, and let no one stop you.
jrt says
Ballistic is the wrong word to use Horn….
30 years later …..she is retaliation
She was afraid back then of the machine
Now at the end of her life she only fear not letting the truth be known
jrt says
Blackmail…. The Clintons have stuff to hang over the corrupt party that will ensure their safety.
jrt says
blackmail…. the Clintons use it…. to ensure their covers
Clark says
If Bill Cosby can be prosecuted for sexual assault, but Bill Clinton won’t be………………..
Hey, all you Black Lives Matter folks, when you gonna wise up to the fact that the double standard is alive and well in the Democrat party you cling to so fervently …………………and you can’t even realize it.
J E G says
Elizabeth, Obama is creating all of these riots because it Trump wins, he can then declare ” martial law”. If obama declares martial law, he can
also shut the down the 2016 election. On a different note, back in 1964 the democrats pounded home that a vote for Goldwater would mean
we would go to war in Vietnam. They said Goldwater had a temper. Over fifty years later, the democrats are saying the same thing about
Trump. The one to has the temper is HC. Bill had to take chelsea out of the mansion in Little Rock, Ar, many times when HC would get
violent and throw objects. She also called disabled children “F***ing Retards”. After HC learned about Monica, it was widely known that
Bill had to have medical assistance. Not that I think she cared about Monica, but didn”t want the world to know about it.
J E G says
Sorry folks, I had a senior moment. I meant to say if obama sees that Trump is winning, he has the option of going forward with martial law.
Dean Anderson here says
You all have revealed many lies about many transgressions by both Bill and Hillary! Both should be housed at Gitmo.and live on the Government, but not as they have been for 30 years! We certainly need a Trump win to sweep out the corruption in Washington, including the DOJ ad FBI. Donald should ask for Comey,s IRS to determine where he acquired $6 Million dollars! Is it FBI salary? If so he should be fired today. Keep Trey Gowdy in the investigation (in paid commercials) for many to see and understand how deep the corruption goes. BUT AT THIS POINT, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT REALLY MAKE? (HILLARY QUOTE) It makes a big difference in this country’s future! BUT BEWARE!, Obama’s fame is as a community organizer, meaning he can get out the votes. Some legal! We must get conservatives registered and get them to vote for Donald. Especially in swing States. And pray for our country and children and grandchildren. Dean here
Dean Anderson says
I have made changes required
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
All of the sexual assault victims that were raped, harassed, humiliated, insulted, beaten by the Clinton’s need to band together, tell that pro Clinton media now about the damned POS white trash Clinton’s and how they really are for the entire world to hear & know, it would be out in the open where it
should be. The Clinton’s need to be stopped now! November 8th., vote for the Trump-Pence ticket.
Ron says
The whole family are a bunch of pos. Chelsea is no better. Its a damn shame all these women are a distraction to this family of criminals and enablers. I am sure the women that were raped felt the act was an inconvenience on their lives as well. With justice there is a degree of healing but when you have been denied justice, the pain and anger never leaves. The Clintons are a family of scum and shame.
Lex Price Sr. says
Face it folks, the Clintons are above the law and have been for a long while. More and more people are seeing this and hopefully Hillary will get swamped in November. The FBI, justice department and Obama administration are all guilty. Trump can have them charged after he wins the election. Go Donald.
Rita Antonucci says
IF the Clinton Cartel is found to be guilty of ANY charges Obama will pardon them before he leaves office.(Mark my words) How in the hell can you fight this corruption? So far, Juducial Watch and the Heritage Foundation have been somewhat successful in their attempts to uncover all of the garbage in Washington. Trump is our the only hope for the U.S. If he loses in Nov. we will have lost our country.
NAN says
Jeff Smith! says
Unfortunately for her, she was probably corrupted by the age of 14….God, can you imagine being an honest person and having THEM as your PARENTS? A LIAR for one and a father who wants to sleep with ANY woman other than your mother!
Jeff Smith! says
Leeroy Smith says
It is beyond comprehension that 175 million people(half the population of US) can be so ignorant and blind. The Clintons have made the US look like a lot of “Dead People Walking”. 175 million people that can not see the forest for the trees. I would believe Hitler, Stalin, Adolf Crustraf, Idi Amin, and others before I believed a word that Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea have said or will say.
RLS says
Well said Juanita Broderick, the Clintons are immoral corrupt individuals. They are the worst kind of leaders we have ever had.
vIET nGUYEN says
Hillary foundation, Huss must be out. All corruption has to be adjusted and clear…
Jarhead 669 says
I would like to see all of the victims of Bill and Hillary stand together on one stage and tell their story. I think it would have more impact than one here and one there. Any Super Pac’s out there listening. Ads across the country. Bill and Hillary victims ( you know who you are) contact a super pac. Stand as one. Jarhead669
FRAN Bourdon says
Hillary’s slogan should be changed from “together we will make the next chapter in America’s history” to “together we will make the LAST chapter in America’s history” FB
El Tejas says
They had to back twenty years to find a derogatory remark that Trump made about a woman? No one has to go back that far to find far worse actions toward more than one woman by Bill. And has Hillary never made a derogatory comment about anyone? This is not even an issue. Why is it given so much attention? It is a matter of trying to establish character? If so. then Hillary is in as much trouble as Trump. Neither of them has a very sterling character.
RON says
This may not be able to be proved by me but We all know Chelsea was an only child.We also know that Chelsea now married has two young children.This is good.It is thought by a lot of people that Hillary may have had more than one abortion before she had Chelsea.It was told to her she needed a family if she wanted to become famous in politics.CHELSEA. Chelsea may know why she is an only child. Maybe does not want this for her child or children.Good for you..The pattern for Hillary’s ambition was molded at an early age,however without Bill and family she would not make it. Nothing but nothing will stand in her way of her goals.NOTHING.
iris cross says
John E. Norton says
William Jefferson Clinton needs to prosecuted for raping more women than any serial rapist in prison today. He also needs to have his Presidential retirement pay not paid to him ever, and everything which has the Clinton name, except Chelsea.
Donna Atchley says
If Hillary is such a ‘pro-women / pro-children’ advocate than please explain why she defended the RAPIST of a 12 year old little girl? Not only did she defend him, but she got him off……..and has been filmed laughing and joking about it!! DIsgusting!! It may have happen several years ago, but it still happened. They don’t have any qualms about digging up stuff on Trump that is nothing close to this horrible that went on 20-30 years ago!!