Night court will be in session during the Republican National Convention.
Cleveland’s Municipal Court will extend its hours during the convention to deal with an expected increase in arrests.
The court normally closes at 4:30 p.m. It will operate from 5 a.m. to 1 a.m. during the convention that begins July 18. reports court officials also are making plans to use space in other buildings if courtrooms and jail space in the downtown Justice Center are filled.
The court typically processes about 200 people in arraignment and initial appearances each day, but it’s getting ready to deal with as many as 1,000 people a day.
Spokesman Ed Ferenc says the court will be the busiest it’s ever been, and he expects mostly civil disobedience charges.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Pretty obvious everyone expects Soros paid protestors, maybe LaRaza and BLM paid also, to show up and create violence, the fix was in when the NAACP and a couple other organization sat down with the RNC to discuss what would be tolerated and expected.
The court should TRIPPLE ALL FINES during that week.
Police on horseback, attack dogs and firehoses to wash away tear gas. One can only deal with criminals in one fashion, overpower them. Jail time for any violence AND FINES. All fingerprinted, illegals kicked out of the country, any Americans that have outstanding warrents shipped home for prosecution.
Make deals with a couple till they admit whom is paying them and televise the admissions.
I operated a street hot dog stand during John McCain’s convention in St Paul in 2008. I came to realize that most of the protesters were youngsters having a fun party. Sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll to the nth degree. Of course, they’re led by the career long political agitators. These older organizers are the dangerous ones. The Courts should pay special attention to these veterans.
Sounds as if the democrats have already lined up a bunch of thugs to start trouble. Why would the blacks want to know just what would be tolerated if they were not planning some s–t. And then they will say the Trump folks started it. I want to know how much they pay them. I may want to go to Philadelphia and riot (I meant protest) at their convention.