Is there any better example of the rampant corruption that defines the administration of President Barack Obama?
The Department of Homeland Security is refusing to release a report that could reveal the truth about Obama’s failed immigration policy.
Why? Some say it’s because they fear the information will push Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump straight into the White House.
It would finally prove that Obama has been lying to the American people about the true number of illegal immigrants successfully making it across the United States border with Mexico, Fox News reports.
“Sources say it was completed in November and it shows roughly half of adults who attempt to cross the border make it – approximately 250,000 total.”
While the DHS claims its agents capture 80 percent of illegal adults, suspicions arose when the department refused to release the report for review.
When questioned about the suspicious delay of the report by Fox News, a DHS spokesman said, “The work is preliminary and requires further refinement, to ensure the new measures are accurate and reliable.”
But this contradicts what many sources familiar with the report have said.
The President of the Crime Prevention Research Center, John Lott, recently told Fox News, “The Obama administration knows that the number of illegal aliens successfully getting across the Mexican border is 159 percent higher than they are telling people.”
When the report funded by tax-payers was presented to members of the House and Senate, sources alleged that the data was tampered with to provide the results that support Obama’s claim that the border security is extremely effective.
Instead of counting just the number of adults who were caught illegally, known as Interdiction Effectiveness Rate (IER), this number was combined with those that turned themselves in, unaccompanied children, and other special circumstances.
This combination is what led to the finding that only 20% of illegals made it onto American soil.
Jessica Vaughan, director of policy research for the Center for Immigration Studies, said the information was likely suppressed because Obama wants, “people to believe that illegal immigration is a thing of the past.”
Another source claimed the suppression of the report was likely due to “political reasons… because it would look bad and help elect Donald Trump.”
With immigration being a staple in the presidential race, a revelation of such a large number of illegals would undoubtedly influence party platforms, and bolster Trump’s call for a wall along the Mexican border.
Obama has taken a stubborn stance throughout this election process, repeatedly expressing his disapproval of Trump. He and his wife Michelle, have hit the campaign trail with Trump’s opponent Hillary Clinton and formally endorsed her.
And it looks like Obama will do anything to avoid lending validity to Trump’s strict immigration policy proposals.
— The Horn editorial team
Frank says
Obama is an illegal inmigrant hiimself
Marlin Francksen says
Well said Frank!!!
Lori says
Yes he is…get rid of him now before he can carry out whatever plan he has in store for us.
betedid says
Yes, there was a report earlier in the year about busload after busload of Muslims coming across the US border from Mexico into Kansas and Oklahoma. No news reporter or news service reported this. Why??
You can bet it was approved by the president… Who paid for them??? Where are they now?? Get them out NOW !!!!!!
Nancy says
We paid and are paying for them. The American taxpayers. They hate us, of course. Just like all the other illegals in this country. What the hell is wrong with us. How could any of us vote for Hillary???? I’m so afraid, having said that, that many people will — and Hillary will cheat and win the White House in the end.
Baroness Danuté says
Obama is the wurst President we ever had.He does not care. Muslims are his brothers that is why.
Marcia says
Impeach Obama and his wife. If you want this done write to your congress people and tell them what you want. Do not take that it too expensive to Impeach it is not. I know. I write to all the people in Pa in the house and senate and tell them to impeach. they are fed up with me. I tell them if they do not impeach then you are out of a job.
Constitutionalist says
Impeach Obama and his wife.
Just arrest ’em, jail ’em, march ’em before a magistrate to set their bail, try them, and convict them – of any number of criminal offenses, up to and including Treason, but also fraud, perjury, malfeasance of office, wasting taxpayer dollars, personation, ad nauseum.
If D’OweBama is impeached – or if the impeachment process is even BEGUN – this will be a declaration to the world that he IS natural born and he DOES have the right to the office. He ISN’T, and he DOESN’T. Only LEGITIMATE officeholders can be impeached. D’OweBama is as illegitimate as his bastard birth.
Greg says
Lori, I can’t believe Horn News is posting your remarks! They will not post mine!
Stell says
they should have impeached him years ago. when they finally decided that people had had enough they said it was a long and lengthy procedure so they would not have time. bunch of corruption all the way around.
SW says
It is quite possible that it would be lengthy. Our elected officials move at the speed of a giant boulder stuck in a hole on flat ground.
Maria says
We need Donald Trump, we need the wall, we need our country back!
bob jones says
Obama’s real father is Frank Marshall Davis, a communist KGB agent, which is why they often said he was born in Kenya. If they had told the truth, that he was the son of a pornographer, a commie and a KGB agent, he would never have been able to get elected for anything. Check out Joel Gilbert, the author of “Dreams From My Real Father” who exposes in great detail where Obama came from and where he got his values.
Rosech says
But Obama actually did state he was born there but as a Soros puppet that had to be hidden. By the way, he and moochelle went to “where he was born” according to her while they were in Kenya. He is an illegal alien and we allowed the DNC communists, Soros and voter fraud to put this caricature in our WH!
Jo Lee says
Stell says
they should have impeached him years ago. when they finally decided that people had had enough they said it was a long and lengthy procedure so they would not have time. bunch of corruption all the way around. He did go to school in Indonesia and they do not allow duel citizenship so he was a citizen there and could not hold any other.
Judy says
I totally agree. I believe he was born in Africa, not Hawaii and that he is a Muslim.
Petet Joffe says
Obama is more than that. He is a Traitor to ALL the values that Americans hold most dear. No decent judgement on him would be good enough. Savagery needs to be fought and destroyed. Obama is a curse on the United Sates of America! Obama has tried to change into the Disunited States of America. He is already 1/2 way there thanks to the Democrats who, lole Muslims love death and not life. Except of course the Democrats who love money more than they love America.
Nicole Chartier says
i agree….well said Frank
Jeff says
Well if they know this then why isn’t the military taking him out !! Why do we have to suffer with his traitorism!!! This is a hazard for all Americans over some votes Obama and his Muslim regime need to be jailed or put in mental wards! Who in the right mind would let him stay in office ! Our congress has been bought ! So let’s clean house of all these Muslims and Obama is not a citizen of the USA ! His birth certificate is a fake ! He was born in Indonesia !!! Where he needs to go back to !! With his daddy’s whoops
SW says
I hear Guantanamo bay is gorgeous this time of year. Beautiful white sandy beaches, cabana boys to bring you fresh towels and cocktails, picturesque sunsets, fantastic live entertainment, a spa with complimentary massages, warm clay masks to remove impurities……..oopsy wrong “resort”
Abe says
Barry doesn’t want to be deported back to Indonesia where he IS a citizen.
Stell says
Yes, they do not hold duel citizenship and he went to school there.
John G . says
He needs to be impeached and tried for “treason” and imprisoned for what he’s done and intends to do to the country prior to his long overdue departure.
Re says
If there was ever a reason to impeach a pres. This is the one with all of his hate and crimes against the us
betedid says
Absolutely…. and his $$$$ backer, Soros to go to hell with him..
Patriot says
Imprisoned? HELL NO. If and when convicted, EXECUTED.
MaryAnn says
Why Obama cannot be impeached.mhtml
Constitutionalist says
Thanks for linking to that article; it fleshes out what i’ve been repeatedly stating about how the criminal usurper should simply be arrested, tried, convicted, and evicted from the WH before being taken to the Big House…and that he should NEVER be impeached, as only LEGITIMATE officeholders can be impeached.
D’OweBama is as illegitimate as his bastard birth to a porn actress mom.
Jane Scannell says
This is exactly why we have had more crime, more hate, and definitely more corruption due to our all hail to the “friggin” chief, biggest liar and “worst” president this country has ever had!
me says
obama doesn’t know what transparency is. Worthless. All these secretive “missions and money” but he refuses to take care of our vets or the American people. He is trying his best to hand America over to isalm. He is really packing them in AND paying them medicare, food stamps, etc… Not just for a family of 4, but for 4 wives and ALL their kids……………….. POS, HE MAKES ME SICK AND MAKES ME WANT TO GO KILL THAT BASTARD
Jane Scannell says
I’m with you!
Lori says
Patriot says
You and one hell of a lot of other American Patriots!
Hanko American says
It’s totally unbelievable that any REAL American would want anything less than a total death sentence for that MUSLIM CHIMP killing our country! What goes around, comes around!
Jean Blythe says
they get Medicaid, not medicare. Medicare is earned by people who work and paid taxes to this great country of AMERICA. Us Srs. get nothing for free. I and my husband are proud Americans and thank all the veterans, of which my hubby is one, for their sacrifice of keeping us free………………….until OBAMA.
Helen Higgason says
Ship this thing in the WH, out of the country, he’s bad for this country, folks, very bad, oh well, he’ll be out soon anyway, I truly hope he leaves , never to be heard of again!!!
Lloyd says
Just make sure you get all your friends and family to go out there and vote or we,ll be hearing from him for the next 4 years if Illary wins,i am soory I can,t vote myself,but my support goes out to Mr Trump.
Susan says
BO thinks we are stupid folks. Let him know he has cooked the books and we know it. Vote Trump and let’s send the illegal aliens back to their points of origin. Come here legally or do not come at all. In AZ we need to tell McCain to shut the damn door and NO more GANG OF EIGHT immigration bills with AMNESTY proposed. Trust me, he is going to help that abomination surface again. He was bragging about his bill for immigration in a response to me where I was complaining about illegal aliens after the IDIOTS in AZ gave him a green light by winning the GOP primary in AZ. I voted Ward, knew he would start his same old crap again and he did.
McCain is NOT listening and he is a RINO who likes the illegal labor force for his pals in big business and in congress. TRAITOR MCCAIN! That is what caused this overwhelming crisis of open borders and hordes of illegal aliens coming to this country. Of course they want the free stuff and our jobs and they are not here for any other reasons. And if they have other reasons then get in line with the other people who want to immigrate. Follow the rules and laws. And illegal aliens are oh so needy and gobble up everything that is free. Not to forget there are gangs, drug dealers, rapist, etc. among them. And none are vetted, none are checked for the health issues like zika brought here thanks to no health checks, and on and on. Boot em out!
And the rinos and dems want the cheap labor for their business chronies. Start protesting now cause this bunch in congress will try to ram that abomination bill through congress again. Guaranteed! NO AMNESTY in any flavor forever more!!!
Re says
He is a sneaky ailean himself .wnat about his ss number from a state he was never in at the time. This pressident has more secrets than you could put in a note his advisors valery Jarrett.etc. they are on his team that’s wants to turn the US into a third grade nation.the US has done so much to help the world but we get nothing but hate from other country’s
CJ says
If there’s nothing to hide then they shouldn’t be afraid to show this report.
Solo says
With everything he has done, as well as, his administration, I am surprised they are still there…pathetic!
SW says
There could be a viable solution, in many sectors of voters, we call it term limits. Our “so called representatives” will not fall of the gravy train power “high”. Insist or vote the parasites OUT. The Pres has term limits place on them by members of our “elected officials. And, please leave your hefty benefits, that we pay for at the door. Pay for COBRA then shop at the health insurance store and pay for it you can afford it
Constitutionalist says
i don’t think that Term Limits are the answer; i think a “vote of no confidence” is far better, for it has more IMMEDIATE results. Most politicians are reasonably secure once they’ve been elected, and do basically whatever the hell they want, mainly lining their pockets(and those of their supporters) it seems.
Voter outrage can and SHOULD be expressed MUCH sooner than the next election via the “no confidence” vote. Should 2/3’rds of voters from their precinct(if Representative) or 2/3’rds of voters from the State(if Senator) or 2/3’rds of US voters(if president, VP, or SCOTUS judge), it’s “pack-yer-bags” time!
Bert says
Of course they will tell you the report isn’t final because they have to cook the report to there advantage first. More of Obama’s B.S. The report should be released as is so we the people can see the facts instead of what they want us see.
Patsy Martin says
Tfere is little can be said that will make a difference at this point and he knows this.I have understood from the beginning how someone who has three different birth certicates from three different countries, has two separate sucial security cards under two different names was ever allowed into theWH inthe first place, white, black, biracial ,like hm, or any other race, it should never have happened. But it did, and look what we have to show for it.An inIslamic foreigner turning our country into a breeding ground for ISIS terrorist.
Marvin B. Cohen says
I just hope everyone seething with anger, pain and political frustration take this to the polls in November.
Joanne says
Who needs to see a friggin report about illegal immigration based on lies. Just look around your community and see for yourselves. Unvetted immigrants are coming out of the woodwork in my hometown which is disturbing. They are automatically ENTITLED TO FREE RENT, FOOD, HEALTHCARE AND THE LIST GOES ON ADNAUSEUM while the LYING SCUMBAG POLITICIANS IN OUR NATION ARE FLEECING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHO ARE TAXED TO DEATH. ENOUGH I SAY ENOUGH OF THIS $HIT.
Dona says
I am a widow my husband never had life insurance so I only get my own Soc.sec. Which I earned on my own and that is only a small amount each can I get get a section8 free help free rent where does the line start I am in my 80’s
Constitutionalist says
i am sorry about what you’re going through.
If you wish for help from government agents, i’d suggest you start with the phone book’s Blue Pages; look for virtually ANYthing with “el der” or “elder ly” in the description, call them and ask to speak with someone about your situation.
You might also try Social Services and see if you can’t get a social worker assigned to your case, as well.
30 years ago, i would have suggested that you call your spiritual leader, whether of church, synagogue, or other, for assistance; unfortunately, it seems that most churches these days are co-opted CINO’s, i.e. “churches in name only,” who have shirked their primary duty: to assist the orphan and the widow.
If you are tech-savvy and/or have friends who might be, you may also wish to consider starting a “Go Fund Me” page, too.
It appears that President Obama will not be returning to his home town of Chicago after his term as president has expired.
warren says
His preacher that he Idolizes says “It is not God bless America it is God damn America ” Obama has done a great job of fulfilling this belief.
Roberta says
It is a shame that many Americans cannot see what is happening before their very eyes! President Obama has sent our country down the wrong path and has opened our doors to anyone that wants to come in. I have no problem with legal immigration, but do have a hugh problem with those coming into the US illegally. The middle class is working very hard to keep their heads above water but paying more and more in taxes to give illegals most of what they need for FREE. There is a definite problem in our country and Mr. Trump needs your vote to try and fix it…..he will certainly TRY and that is more than what President Obama has done! VOTE FOR TRUMP!!
Rick says
WELL FOLKS – what else is new about this magnificent FARCE we have in the white house . ???????????????
Never got a straight line out of this FARCE YET . //////////////////////////////
OBOOOOOOOMA – CARE is the bigest FLOP tha ths happened so far . ///////////////////////////////
Gale says
Obama is a ‘Trojan Horse’, He is fulfilling the ‘deal’ he made with ‘The Brotherhood’ when they paid mega-bucks to get him into Columbia for his Jr. year at college. As he admits in his book, his Freshman and Sophomore years at Occidental U. were spent smoking pot, enjoying an ‘unusual’ social life BUT getting horrible grades. HOW then was he admitted to Columbia, an Ivy League school? The Summer before his Jr. year, he and his MUSLIM roommate visited the Middle East and Obama met many of the RADICAL MUSLIM fighters that his Father had fought with. At that time, he was penniless and had a very POOR GPA. Those credentials do NOT get you into an Ivy League U. without significant clout & big $$$ behind you. His Sr. year he went to Harvard, even higher on the Ivy League scale. I believe his PAYBACK is exactly what he’s done to America the past 8 years. We are bankrupt because of the enormous debt he’s increased. the jobless rate is staggering, although the Official Fed. #’s don’t show it ,,, ANOTHER SET OF REPORTS THAT THE FEDS HAVE DOCTORED TO MAKE THEM LOOK GOOD. If you’re smart, you will doubt EVERY FEDERAL REPORT ON EVERY SUBJECT. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO OVER AND OVER. HILLARY LEARNED WELL! We have the worse race relations since the 60’s, cops are being targeted and killed, our Veterans and Sr. citizens are being denied the services that their PAID tax $$ and their Service to our country guaranteed them, but the illegals are showered with welfare, food stamps, special school perks, etc. Obama has granted clemency to countless jailed felons as well as Gitmo detainees, many of which are again killing Americans. Our Military is again depleted and dejected ,, just like B. Clinton left at the end of his terms. Nations across the World no longer respect America. BUT, as far as Obama’s PAYBACK to the Radical Muslims, he’s done a STELLAR JOB! If that isn’t a ‘Trojan Horse’, show me a better example!
Barbara says
Michael Sanders says
I can’t agree more with all these comments! Why in the hell are the US people putting up with this bull? If we would all vote out each congressman and senator then we would have term limits! We need a complete new bunch of “leaders”. Hold your nose and vote Trump!
Michael Phillips says
Although I believe most voters will vote for a Republican (Trump) or a Democrat (Clinton) as president just like they have done in the past and are convinced that there are two parties (Democrats, RINOs and Independents, one party all headed in the same direction and supporting each other) there simply are not two parties in this country. There is a viable option for America. A second party that supports America and Americans. Though the main stream media has shut this second (Libertarian) party out.
One must ask, why is the establishment afraid of the Libertarian party to the point of limiting knowledge or media coverage of them? Is a second party that scary to them? Time is short but even Trump will get nowhere with his plans without the RINOs in congress behind him. Just as congress has not impeached Obama, though there are plenty of reasons to have done so, as they are on his side.
I would suggest to all voters looking for real change to check out the Libertarian party at and if interested check out Gary Johnson/Bill Weld, presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Libertarian party. Both ex governors with good records.
How long will it take for voters to realize that no matter which of the supposed two parties is in the majority in congress things continue to deteriorate in this country? Change will not come without doing something different now.
Justin W says
Barack Obama is just as corrupt and lawless as Hillary Clinton. He is better at avoiding scandals. Neither Obama nor Clinton are fit to serve as president.
Mike W says
When you look at the videos of these muslim immigrants look closely. Where are the old people? All I see is military aged men, yes there are some women and children but look at the majority. Also notice that the women a lot of the times are carrying everything, belongings and kids, while walking barefoot. These military aged men are walking with empty arms (except maybe a cellphone in their hand) and all wearing shoes.
Mike W says
When you look at the videos of the muslim immigrants, look very closely, where are the old people? Mostly what I see are military aged men. Yes there are some women and children but the majority are men. When you look also notice that the women are carrying everything, belongings and kids, and walking barefoot. The military aged men are walking with empty arms (except maybe a cell phone in their hands) and all wearing shoes.
Politically incorrect says
He allows more Syria Muslims in the Christians and very little is said about the forged petition that they found out a few months after he won the office the first time and because there were 287 forged signatures and some had been deceased if this was brought to light instead of being held in secrecy that he would not have been able to run but because they didn’t find this out until months after his presidency started.
To late to impeach him now but he has already shown that he is doing everything he want without congressional approval and is going to help ISIS in bringing this country down. He is a piece of crap and at this point it doesn’t matter where he was born all the damage is being done.
RON says