What does the White House have to hide about President Barack Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal?
The Obama administration is refusing to allow a senior aide to testify before a House committee about his role in the deal, and controversial statements he made about duping the public.
Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser at the White House, caused a firestorm of controversy last week when he bragged to The New York Times Magazine about his role in silencing criticism of the controversial Iranian nuclear plan.
Monday, White House counsel Neil Eggleston said in a letter to the House oversight committee that allowing Rhodes to testify would threaten the president’s “ability to receive candid advice.”
Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz says Rhodes should have to explain and clarify his remarks.
Eggleston responded that presidents of both parties have invoked executive privilege and declined to allow aides to testify.
Obama went on the attack last Thursday over Rhodes, when White House spokesman Josh Earnest tried to brush off the request from Chairman Jason Chaffetz by casting the Utah Republican’s hearing as political theater and challenging the GOP case against the agreement.
“I think there are some people who have some explaining to do when it comes to the wildly false accusations that they made about the Iran deal. And it’s not the administration. It’s Republicans who are demonstrably wrong when it comes to the Iran deal,” Earnest said, accusing several Republican lawmakers, including Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., of being “wildly misinformed, mistaken or lying” when they made claims about the deal’s economic benefits for Tehran.
Chaffetz responded to Earnest on Twitter.
Dear @PressSec , @SenTomCotton will testify if @rhodes44 is man enough to show. Let’s discuss the truth. #IranDeal
— Jason Chaffetz (@jasoninthehouse) May 12, 2016
Rhodes, a speechwriter and top foreign policy adviser, previously said he created an “echo chamber” of supportive experts in an effort to persuade lawmakers to vote in favor of the legacy-burnishing deal in which Iran promised to curb its nuclear program in return for billions in sanctions relief, and also claimed Obama misrepresented the timeline of the negotiations in an effort to create a story line that bolstered their case.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
John says
Of course he is – he wouldn’t know a good deal if it bit him on his a _ _.
Let your minions make the important decisions and then take the heat – more time for you to work on your billion $ library, you putz.
Dee says
True, True, true!
Awake says
Can’t wait for the Obama nightmare to end !!
I need some rest!!!
Ray says
How much more damage can he do before he is gone? Too bad we have to see!
kenny says
with clinton you will have 4 more years of him and his adminatration, hell she might pick him for her vp , what a deal, i know she want to work bill into the office again to creat jobs, what a laugh, with nafca he sent more jobs over seas, he is the one that caused the housing crash not long ago, the trickle down affect, or ripple affect, how ever you want to load at it, just took some years to hit. we are screwed if she gets in.
Madukes says
I was always taught that if you have nothing to hide then defend your actions and reveal what you did. Obviously, he has something to hide, which I have to say has followed suite with his whole time in office. He could have saved the tax payers a lot of money by letting go of 3/4 of his advisers, because everything he has done has been behind closed doors, including his extra curricular activities.
Larry says
Another full blown lie and cheating, Where is the real Americans and those who would stop this administration. Certainly not the ones who never suffered for their silver spoons, Live in the liberal dream with no responsibility, and never worked long and hard to provide food for their families. You may end up living the hard life of depression because of your liberal attitudes. I hope you will wake up an and save your country.
Chucky says
Just another scandal compliments of Muslim loving Oblowhole and his cronies! His whole presidency has been a lie and bad joke!
Southern By Choice says
As Gomer Pyle said ‘surprise, surprise, surprise” Unfortunately the joke was on those who voted for this fraud. But the rest of us are having to pay the price.
Dane Wyrick says
OBAMA; One Big Ass Mistake America
wizard says
We can not trust anything Obama say or does! Do we really need or want another four years of this awful legacy?
I expected nothing less from the black criminal obama, lieing S.O.B who is putting all of us in grave danger with his idiot policies, and dealing with terrorist…………………………….
Justin W says
If Mr. Rhodes wants to hide behind executive privilege he should not be granting interviews. Executive privilege allows the president to get honest information from aides without having to worry that it will be made public. Once the person starts talking and bragging it suddenly becomes hard to claim that their conversation is due any confidentiality.
It is likely that the American people were deceived on the deal with Iran. This deal was more about helping Iran than aiding in the cause of peace. Maybe President Obama should consider moving to Iran once his days as president are over.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Nah! Kohmenie woul have him imprisoned as a spy like all the others that only went for a visit.
Joanne says
Well what do we expect from Obama and his minions the TRUTH about the Iran deal??? He has so many SECRETS to hide that he doesn’t know his A$$ from a hole in the ground. Any documents pertaining to his life are sealed so that no one knows a DAMN thing about his existence. He’s a FRAUD, a LIAR, EVIL, DECEPTIVE and a LOSER. Believe me when I say you will never hear a word of truth from his mouth BUT you will hear his continuous flood of lies. He’s a sad pathetic excuse of humanity who is a follower of the Dark Side.
John says
What does it say for those idiots who voted for him! The next set of idiots will do the same for Hillary and her cabal. Anything that they can get free from the gov. equals a vote for her. She is so corrupt and most of the Dems really don’t care. Obviously many are ill-informed, stupid, ignorant or just don’t care unless something is taken away from the. Just like the stupid coal miners who believed Obamas pabulum in 2008. Boy, did they learn a lesson hopefully! But many will still vote for Hillary because they can not help themselves!
Constitutionalist says
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it…
…there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment…I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people confident that with your help, man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.””
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, murdered for daring to institute a currency that competed with the FRN…which keeps us as dependent slaves.
“Secrecy is the beginning of tyranny.”
Robert Heinlein, SF author
vincent marcantelli says
Well…….wait a New York min. Lets ask our self’s a very simple and a direct question [would you really believe anyone who’s name is “Josh Earnest”] really??????. Does anyone remember a spokesman in Iraq, who we called “Bagdad Bob”, Mr. Earnest reminds me of old Bagdad Bob, always has a quick answer, it may not be the truth but it’s the Party line!
Go……..Bagdad Bob, aka Josh Earnest!
Barb Holtz says
When you said “party line”, did you mean “party lie”?
Thomas Ryscavage says
The entire Iran Deal was for only one purpose – money. The good reporter always knows to ‘follow the money’. Reporters today are taught to only do this if the person in question is a Conservative. However, reporters, if you have the courage to follow the money you will receive a Pulitzer without question. The money is going somewhere but not Iran. Look here in this Country.
Marcia says
My grand daughter went into a bathroom at a store and some woman that is a man put his cell phone under the partitician and she grabbed it and kept it. The transgender person complained about this and my granddaughter said she had no idea what he was talking about. She had seen the pictures of her sitting on the toilet on the phone and called the police and they were there as the man walked out of the store and my granddaughter gave the police the phone and he was arrested
Obama policy at work Just love the tSOB
abbott says
I believe Obama made a side deal with the UN to funnel money to them as well as the Iranians the question is how much? And
was it taxpayers money being redistributed to enemy’s of America as in the Iran deal. If the American people don’t wake up to these schemes to steal American wealth and end Obama and Michelles rain of theft on America. Posing as a president he has followed in the foot steps of Bill and Hillary laundering questionable possibly dirty money with tax payer money thru there so called foundations. While putting up a smoke screen to hide what their doing from the American people. They have bought powerful influence to keep the truth from the light of day. Investigations must intensify to uncover the sheer arogence and betrayal of the American taxpayer. The UN is a fraud and is purpose is to impose one world communism on all nations. It was in its origin after ww2 was to be and organization for promoting peace. Obama is there bag man sent by grocery clerks to collect the bill.
abbott says
Transgenders gays have the instincts of preditors in are society. In order to perpetuate the disorders. Unfortunately many conceal the fact that the root of the disorder is they themselfs were either subjected to tramatic sexual abuse as children or extreme violence and chaos at a early age that affect the normal sexual identity and development. Sex can be addictive as any disorder, eating, self humiliation, anorexia. This Obama knows as being a gay male from a disfuncional past. I believe the reason he wants transgender laws is that the best way to destroy and perpetuate this sickness is thru tramatizing your innocent children in public places away from parents. The agenda is sending a message to all the disordered perverts its open season on your kids. Like serial killers that instinctivly select their victims. The last vestiges of your child’s safety are on the chopping block of Obama’s Radical PC. It also attacks every one of us. This should never be allowed.
Solo says
The president is shady and corrupt….simple as that!
West Hunt says
Obummer gets his jollies doing his crap just to piss us off.
Mark Schull says
The whole deal was sold to the Amercan public as a way to ensure our safety. We “bought off” Iran in trade for what? A false sense of security. As Thomas R says above follow the money. As A former teacher of U.S. History I always taught students to follow the money to dig out the reall truth of history.
I’m posting the following link because I want as many Amercans to see it as possible before it’s too late. Its an hour and a half, but worth the watch. Some may be offended, especially Catholics, I was and I’m Catholic. I didnt find anything in this documentary that I felt was pure propaganda. I have seen all of this coming together for the last 7+ years, but this brings it all together.
you’re going to have too copy this and paste it in your browser.
Good luck to all of us and trust in Jesus, never relent in your faith in him.
Jim Evans says
Well, Obama does have to help out his Muslim friends.
Jim Evans says
Remember when Obama said his administration would be the most transparent ever ? What happened ??