Could this be the charge that finally sticks?
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is facing increasing scrutiny after reports surfaced last week that she intervened in a request forwarded by her son-in-law on behalf of a deep-sea mining firm to meet with her or other State Department officials, according to the recently released Clinton emails.
Now, an independent watchdog group, the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), has announced its plan to file a complaint with the U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE) today.
“As evidenced from her recently released emails, it appears that then Secretary Hillary Clinton gave a private company special access to the State Department based upon the company’s relationships with Secretary Clinton’s family members and donors to the Clinton Foundation,” the FACT complaint states.
According to the emails, mining company Neptune Minerals was concerned about pending legislation that would affect oil, gas and minerals exploration and was eager for meetings with Clinton or other top State Department leadership.
So one of the company’s major investors, Harry Siklas, used Clinton’s son-in-law, Marc Mezvinsky, to put in the request.
Siklas and Mezvinsky were former coworkers at Goldman Sachs.
In late 2012, Siklas wrote to Mezvinsky asking for help getting contacts at the State Department, and expressing an eventual wish to “get in front of the secretary herself.”
Aside from having a relationship with Mezvinsky, Siklas had contributed $2,000 to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 unsuccessful presidential bid. And while Siklas was at Goldman Sachs, the company donated millions to the Clinton Foundation.
Federal ethics guidelines warn government employees to “not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual.” But when Mezvinsky forwarded the request from Silas, Clinton demanded her staff begin work on it.
Clinton relayed a copy of the investor’s email to Thomas Nides, then a deputy secretary of state and now vice chairman at Morgan Stanley, a major New York financial services firm. “Could you have someone follow up on this request, which was forwarded to me?” Clinton asked Nides. He replied: “I’ll get on it.”
Clinton’s willingness to intercede as a result of her son-in-law’s involvement is the latest example of how the Clinton family’s interests cut across intersecting spheres of influence in American politics, commerce and charity.
A lawyer for an environmental group opposing deep-sea mining said Clinton’s action was “cause for concern.”
But according to FACT, it was an ethics violation, plain and simple — and the proof can be found right in Clinton’s emails.
“The ethics rules simply do not permit government employees to give this type of preferential treatment,” the FACT complaint alleges.
The FACT complaint can be found here.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
TexRancher says
Hillary’s list of ethics violations stretches throughout her entire adult life! She needs prosecution now for acts against this country!
Kathy Diamond says
Ethics ??? With ALL she has done, ( what the public now knows ) she should have already been indicited. She needs this to stop her from running for President and that is exactly why she as not been charged. Obama is once again doing dirty deeds to put another democrat in the white house, especially this once because she is EXACTLY LIKE HIM
Paul Coolidge says
I totally agree, she lied, and people died. It was a cover up for Queen Adolf Odumbass, and they both belong in Prison!!!
patrick Simoniello says
Yes she should be in jail no question about it but instead is going full speed ahead towards the presidency and she will get it if they don’t nominate Trump and he runs on a 3rd party ticket taking his loyal support base with him. Kind of makes me wonder if this whole election process isnt a set up and the people are being had once again. Keep in mind Trump and the Clintons are very close friends and trump don’t need the headaches of the mess we are in Unless he is a super patriot which I hope he is and this his final accomplishment.
Danuta says
He doesn’t run for 3-rd party ticket!!!!
John says
She belongs in jail now but we need charges against Obama first for his Impeachment, which is now, so he cannot pardon her. They are saying that she will be in history as the first lady running for president but this can be stopped. Lets show up at the conventions, yes the republican ones, with signs stating what Hillary has done and what Obama has done and that they both belong in jail. IT IS FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
Greer says
Start making my sign now
Budro says
Think about it—if she is charged I doubt very seriously if she can run and win the democrat vote for prez.Go get her and let the chips fall where they may.
Danuta says
And let’s take to prison all their supporters from both parties.
g says
so true
Banish says
Yes, and the Brain Dead Repubs. can’t figure out how to beat her. Because she is female they won’t attempt to tell it like it is! She is corrupt and a liar! BT
merle says
Absolutely !!!! She needs to be in prison right along with the illegal president and his traitorous ways !!!! How brain dead are the liberals anyway !!!
Connie says
Electrods hooked up, no activity. Walking zombies.
marymerritt says
Hillary has no clue about ethics if she did she would have followed the proper procedures for the emails that she had on her server these would have been government property and as a result she should be tried for theft also by keeping these documents she has allowed the possibllity of classified data to be available to any other nation in the world however since she has avoided being tried for refusing to tell the truth she feels that because of her status in the nation she is above the law although when we see the current status of our present leaders this should be no surprise if the president can bend the law to get his way so can she and to heel with the citizens of this nation because they both are in love with the idea of power and all the perks that go with reality no one is above the law regardless of their position in our nation hopefully tshe will receive the same result just like the Watergate crew did a few of them were sentenced to prison and a president was forced to resign if it could happen then then what is wrong with today
dora says
For how many years now have they NEEDED TO DO THIS!!! Someone, something needs to happen. It is unbelievable that she has been able to ride the wave this long & far! Presidential nominee??!! Go’s to show just really what our administration is made of & I blame more the GOP because this is expected of the democrats but the republicans? HAVE SHOWN US WHAT THEY ARE ABOUT!! Same old saying, “Bought & paid for!”
Samuel Walker says
her and odumbo would have been in prison if the devil wasn’t protecting them…..
Billy Biggs says
That doesn’t make any difference. She’ll; be elected because she’s a democrat. They are so stupid that they will vote for a commie or a muslim sp. ???????.
Irvan says
Like the ol’ saying….The best money can buy.
Sara Parker says
soldierboy says
Just another in a lonnnnnng list of crimes, misdemeanors, and just plain skullduggery by Hitlery!!
Paul Coolidge says
Killary belongs in Prison, not the Lie House; she should not even be allowed to run for president!
James says
The Hill is one sneaky snake ……… Sneak and Slick … perfect together
Dave says
If you prosecute her you had better prosecute every other polite ion and every state and federal , presadent said , congressman, legastrater , and Govenor of every state. Not to mention military officials . They all do these same faverotisms just like most corporations that bring their friends and family members in and believe me not do to exsperiance. So you had better get busy .
Samuel Walker says
If you prosecute her you had better prosecute every other polite ion politician and every state and federal , presadent president said , congressman, legastrater legislator , and Governor of every state. Not to mention military officials . They all do these same faverotisms favoritisms just like most corporations that bring their friends and family members in and believe me not do to exsperiance. experience So you had better get busy .
Mundo Ramirez says
Hey DAVE & Samuel Walker: Show PROVE of what you say on Others doing the same as 666 Hillary.
ALL Accusations on 666 Hillary Can & Are Proven FACTS.
merle says
Open your mind for petes sake .
Paul Coolidge says
If I broke the Law, and was a blatant Liar like Killary is, I would be in Leavenworth Ks.; but she is allowed to run for our highest office! What kind of justice is this, anyway???
Steve Martin says
She should be in jail. Why is she above the law? How could any fair mined person want her to run for anything?
Samuel Walker says
No fair minded person would that’s why Ann Coulter wrote a book about how to talk to a Democrat if you have to…..
Heather says
There will be nothing done to her. She is a Demoncrat and they all get by with everything. They are killing our FREEDOM!
Samuel Walker says
He died more than 124 years ago, but Nathaniel Grigsby could be seen by many in America as a modern-day prophet. Said to have been a Kansas farmer, Second Lieutenant in the Indiana Cavalry, and “dear friend” of Abraham Lincoln, Grigsby left specific instructions for a carefully worded engraving on his tombstone.
Grigsby’s dire “warning” has been noted before in blogs and on news websites; but given all that’s currently happening in the country — considering the radical, unrelenting efforts of Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats to “fundamentally change” America no matter the cost or consequence to liberty or to the treasury — Nathaniel Grigsby’s cry from the past is all the more meaningful.
And by the way, multiple fact-checking websites have confirmed the authenticity of the prescient inscription you’re about to see…and likely marvel at.
Samuel Walker says
I forgot to mention what he wrote about Dems…..“Through this inscription I wish to enter my dying protest against what is called the Democratic Party. I have watched it closely since the days of Jackson and know that all the misfortunes of our nation has come to it through this so called party, therefore beware of this party of treason.”
Paul Valdez says
I think Hillary should’ve been in prison a long time ago. If this were a Republican or you or me I guarantee we would’ve been buried under the jail! She needs to be in prison for life with no parole. This liar would make a great actress, but I’ll never go see any of her movies. After the tragedy in Benghazi when she said “what difference does it make?” I’d like to see her say that to the faces of the families of the four men who were killed over there.
corky campbell,pc says
do she be a demokrat or a hoe
Gary Smith says
True but she will skate like she always doea
Aached Haazmatt says
Hillary will not be charged. She is the annointed candidate.
J.G. says
Should have happened years ago
Lina says
She doesn’t know the word honesty if it hits her face.
anita says
all this talk that she will be charges is Bullshit ,she is a Criminal ,the Goverment knows it ,but no one does anything about it ,she gets away with all her crimes and keeps braking the law , the average Person would be in prison for years ,she keeps committing crimes and the Democrats and Republicans ignore all her shit ,she can do anything she wants and keeps on grinning and committing any crime she wants ,the Bitch should not be able to be in Politics ,POLITICIANS START EARNING YOUR MONEY, AND DO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN ELECTED FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!DO YOUR JOB IF YOU WANT TO BE REELECTED <OR YOUR ASS IS OUT !!!!!
Peggy Starr says
And once again NOTHING will be done to this woman. NOTHING. How can people vote for a woman that’s not only a liar, murderer (indirect) and a thief for the job of Commander in Chief? HOW What the hell are these people thinking. This country is already in dinar need of change why would people want the same shit to continue??? It’s just maddening!
ivan says
Poor Miss Hillary is just misunderstood. I am sure she would put a boal of pintos on a table if there is a depression.
Steve says
hillary has been a loser he whole life, everything she has done, she has failed at except stealing 90% of the donations from her foundation, that was a way to get moneys to them from china as a way to say thanks Bill Clinton for all theTop military secrets that he just flew over to china and gave it to them. He should have been STOPPED and put in jail for TREASON
Cindi says
And they impeached Richard Nixon! Imagine. This woman and Obama should be hung for treason
merle says
Ronald E. Riggs Sr. says
It Time to lock up this woman that thinks she is above the law..
Jack Wilt says
Clinton violates ethics all the time. You can’t be corrupt, a liar and a fraud without doing it. Nothing would delighted me more than to see her sentenced to prison.
kvetinka says
Hang them high!
Peter Joffe says
There are more criminals per capita in governments than there are in the rest of the country. The bad guys become politicians so that they can get richer and protect themselves from prosecution.
tom says
News Alert, Does this really surprise anyone, REALLY. This woman is so dirty, with everything she has done in her lifetime, it is sickening that no one has had the Ball$ to put here in His place. Not a Misprint. Hey Liberals she does not have your best interest at heart, just listen when she speaks. It is all about her!!!!!!!!!!!!, I want this I want, I want. Get the Point? I am hoping that the FBI finally starts pushing Barack to move forward with the Dept of Justice, after all he is the one who got the FBI involved. Remember when slick Willie and Barack went golfing together a few months ago? Would have loved to have been a fly on the golf bags. Can you imagine that conversation. Youuuuuuuuuuuu can’t prosecute Hill,, cuzz we got your nu^$ in a sling and we will let the world know you prefer men!!!!!!!!!!!!
MLT says
Isn’t it just grand that Hill……has such a close-knit family screwing us all?
Ann says
But will it ever happen. She slips through all these, what I call “Crimes” like a greased pig…. No reflection on the pig… but I am a farm girl and that is what comes to mind from my county fair days of old!
Jay Bell says
The Clintons have been suspected of influence-peddling for years but no one has been able to prove anything. This may actually be the first time–even though there won’t likely be much of a penalty for Hillary to pay, except in the disillusioned eyes of her potential voters. Some won’t care and vote for her anyway–but she will likely lose a portion. It may be just enough to hand the nomination to Bernie Sanders. At least, as far as anyone knows, he’s honest (if misguided).
[email protected] says
She has her defenders, whatever she does. Imagine what she will do if she is POTUS.
Ann says
God help us if she wins the election!
Jennifer says
In response to “no one has been able to prove …” God knows what is right and wrong and he does not have to prove it! Jenny
J.G. says
Is she should be elected president, our great country is gone!!!
Danuta says
Our great country is gone already.But all destoyers should be punished.
Samuel Walker says
My Family was what people used to call a yellow dog democrat meaning they would vote for a yellow dog if it was labeled a Democrat but as soon as I was able to think for myself I became a conservative, there is nothing wrong with wanting to hang onto your own money and not give it to people that won’t work for theirs…..
james mattison says
glenn says
This like everything else she has done will shed off her like water from a duck’ back!
She truly is above the law!
Vince Diana says
Samuel Walker says
Nobody wanted to get Murdered, just wait it won’t go anywhere…..
marie tripodi says
If the country lets her get away with all these lies and unlawful doings then WE ARE DONE as a COUNTRY!!!!
Maggiemae says
AMEN TO THAT!!!! People really need to wake up and smell the rot that will continue in DC and get even worse with Killary at the helm.
Samuel Walker says
I was reading a book by Clive Cussler and one of the people in the book said if the Americans just knew of all the dirt going on in Washington they would burn it to the ground…..
Jay Bell says
Unfortunately, that is only too true, Samuel Walker. Washington, D.C. is the proof of the statement that “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Even the Old Testament affirms this, in the tales of the kings of Israel and Judah. Once upon a time, we had legislators who were believers–like, Senator, Daniel Webster, who said, in 1823: “If truth [the Bible] be not diffused, error will be; if God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy; if the evangelical volume [the Bible] does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will; if the power of the Gospel is not felt throughout the length and breadth of the Land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end.” Until this country returns to the eternal verities that this nation was founded upon, corruption will reach its logical conclusion and make the United States into just another failed nation state, full of the horrors that Webster foresaw.
Sara Parker says
Amen! We are DONE if another Democrat is elected!
soldierboy says
Heck Marie, what have they done so far? NOT A THING! Congress doesn’t have a backbone!
james mattison says
Robert Rawlins says
With all the mounting evidence against Hillary Clinton concerning all the laws she’s broken, how is it she is still allowed to run for the highest office in this country???? She needs to be put in jail for her crimes against the people of the United States
Sara Parker says
soldierboy says
You of course, are right, but good luck on it actually happening!!
DemsRconfused. says
Her influence peddling with regard to uranium sales to Russia was never fully investigated.
Why wasn’t she censured,impeached or indicted for that ?. She & Bill have become multi-millionaires thru their political connections.
lou says
Yes and the messed up part is she got rich on taxs payers money!!!
Halal says
Oh, Hillary!
Oh, Hillary!
You’re going to jail
For one to three!
(Christmas carol sung to “Oh, Xmas Tree”)
Angelita789 says
Worse yet – if Hilllary doesn’t “repent” to God and to the United States and take her punishment here on earth- Hillary will definitely go to Hell and Damnation for an Eternity of punishment in Hades!! Hillary! You know that’s TRUE!! It’s not worth it Hillary – Run, Run – fast from your presidential run – because it’s just leading you to Hell – Get out of that tunnel of “running” for POTUS before it’s too late!! Hillary, you know what you have done in the past and continue being a “Hell-bent” candidate. Stop before it’s too late – for YOUR SOUL WILL BE LOST FOREVER IN THE LAKE OF FIRES FOREVER!” You know that’s true too!!
Mark says
Not to mention the fact that dear old Hillary is a lesbian and a child molster. Want proof than just google You Tube under Hillary says eat me too a little girl a teenager Oh my God eat me! She ought to be put in a mental ward for Santanists only. And no visitors either.
Tony says
Isn’t this the norm for the Crime Syndicate in the Whitehouse? Why should Hillary, The BITCH be treated any different than the radical muslim extremist IDIOT IMPOSTER DICTATOR running the world?
Sara Parker says
Thank you!
Pam Ela says
Lying lawyer career politicians like Hellery will destroy mankind. Hellary is bought and paid for by foreigners. That is why she wears head scarves and her top aide’s name is ‘Huma’. Money is more important to her than morals. The only reason she stayed with Bill the Sleeze was for money and power. She is a disgrace to her gender.
jyrine says
She and Bill are disgraces to humanity. SEMPER FIDELIS
robert says
Obama should be impeached….. Hillary for prison 2016 Obama her cell mate
Tony says
Forget it!!
Mike says
Here we go again. Why doesn’t someone lock her up and throw away the key.If she gets to run for president.We might as well not have any laws that politics have to follow. They won’t be worth the paper it’s written on. GOD help us.
Sara Parker says
D/D says
George says
Naw.This country is circling the drain.Too corrupt.
Angelita789 says
GEORGE – It’s never too late!! God is listening to all our prayers!! He is disappointed in our Country, but He knows most of us love America and want her to succeed in being Great again – before He returns for us, as we are in the End Times – Truly!!
Mark says
You are right about America being in the End Times Angelia! But, try getting a liberal or a Democrate to admit it! Then, we will have accomplished something! FYI Pope Francis is corrupt too & a major commie/socialist. The pope, and O’bama met several times to discuss who knows what.
They’re both climate change zeolotes too! And I personally don’t care for the false charasmatic pope Francis. I preferred pope Benedict myself!
J.G. says
Good thinking!!
Mark says
That is if the 70% get the chance to do something. But, my sixth sense tells me that’s its already too late!
Both the corrupt Democat’s & Restupidcan’s won’t do anything and so the corruption & joblessness climbs sky high till none of us will have jobs. That’s what the truelly corrupt parties want. Every one on the Government Dole. And they the corrupt politicians almost have succeeded in this goal.
George says
The Clintons represent the worst of what DC has become.In dollar terms,the most corrupt government in the world
Mary Barnes says
Hillary is guilty of treason on this country many times over and look at all the lives she is responsible for ending. When will she get what she deserves. We all know we are told – your sins will find you out. It IS TIME for Hillary to pay. She is a thief, liar, and murderer Her victims’ families deserve satisfaction not her having the freedom to enjoy her “grandchild”. Does everyone know that her son-in-law’s father is a “jailbird” having served time in prison.
sy says
Francis Pollock says
Put the _itch in jail already and leave room for OBAMA. Investigate Clinton’s so called charity organization. Almost all of that money goes to them NOT CHARITY, what a disgrace. HOW CAN CITIZENS ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT SHE IS GOOD FOR THIS COUNTRY. WAKE UP PEOPLE.
Sara Parker says
Wake up is right!
Dennis Bunce says
I’m afraid obama will pardon himself and hellery before he leaves office.
Cliff Blake says
With the Clintons’ it is ” Hooray for me and F&@$$k You!
Tracie Englen says
I hope something gets done about this….she has done everything short of murder….oh wait she is in the process of murdering America!….I WISH SOMEONE COULD GET THIS INFOMATION TO TRUMP AND THE LIBERALS.
Charles Hood says
Wait a minute what about all the unexplained deaths of people who close friends of the Clintons who knew tooo much and were scheduled to appear in court?
AnthonyAlexander says
Amazing! These crook (hilarious) has been getting away with murder for too long..
Thank you to the millions she and d her pathetic husband have been stealing for years; they can get the best lawyers the money can buy.
They both should be in jail.
Everyone knows she didn’t have ANY experience in foreign affairs she got the job because obiama gave it to her as a political token.
Kathy Walker says
Ms Clinton and Obama should both be in jail for crimes against humanity. They have both put us all in danger. The Clintons are the biggest Crime family. The Obamas hate Americans he should have been impeached long ago by Congress who are a bunch of theives.
kvetinka says
they are like prince Charles and Kamila- ruthless
Jjb says
I’ll believe when I see it actually happen …..
I’ll believe when I see it actually happen …..
I’ll believe when I see it actually happen …..
Ronald Cleveland says
Hillary is above the law….and the great unwashed masses. Law enforcement will never investigate her or anyone connected to the Clintons……unless she tells them to. Law enforcement is used to keep the great unwashed in line and to confiscate the money they toil for. The money changes have already said it is either Bush or Hillary for president…….and that is why the news media covers up any & all scandal she commits……GOVERNMENT is FORCE……!!!!
Harold Gross says
Hillary’s one time BEST FRIEND and maybe more violated the Constitution by ordering by GUNPOINT the return to Cuba of that poor innocent boy his mother risked her life to bring him to our land for escaping the Dictatorship of Cuba. ILLEGAL. He should have remained in the USA for Peace & Freedom!
CWH says
I want to have access to Washington inside advantage too ,as well as many others citizens so we can make lots of money too. So Hilary, how can I get in and who do I contact now since your not there? !
Please forward an email to me but use the state department email server. I hear it’s ok to use for such communications these days !
Sara Parker says
Good one!
howard white says
how can someone get away with so many wrongs? she think because of her power she can get away with anything!
Angelita789 says
If Hillary doesn’t repent – She will lose her Soul!!! And, God has a place for her. That’s really true and very sad!! God bless America!!
Hap Harris says
I’ll believe It when she is convicted. By then she will be President and will pardon herself.
George Rivera, Jr. says
Ethics violations!?! If it had been you or I, we would have been cooling our heels in a Federal Penn months ago!
Sara Parker says
stephen leonhard says
The real tragedy is that thIS corrupt couple will gain the white house and will then expand the dreadful policies of Barack H. OBAMA. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY continues in power by buying votes with taxpayers money!!
Sara Parker says
[email protected] says
lets get the charges against Hillary,bill and Obama all together for a scary read. we’ll have to have a winch truck to move it. how are these jerks walking around free. hope our country wakes up in time.
Mary Allen says
Even if this doesn’t stick, it will be a dark cloud over her head during her campaigning. She will try to lie out of it or make it sound like she has done nothing wrong. It needs to dog her trail consistently in the news in every category as well as the social media.
Olddog1 says
Babayaga has no ethics. For years the Clintons have engaged in corruption, cronyism, and influence peddling. One would think with all Babayaga has done to sell out America for her own personal gain, along with her record of ineptness as Secretary of State, that sooner or later her malfeasance would catch up with her. With her record, virtually any other American citizen would be in prison. And that’s where Hillary Clinton should be — not campaigning for President of the United States.
Justin W says
Hillary Clinton is an ethics violation factory. The Clintons will sell anything to make a fast buck for their Foundation’s money laundering operation. Once again we see that the Democrats may tell the gullible they are looking out for the little guy, but the “little guy” is U.S. currency not people.
Desert Lion says
Oh, please – this is an obvious forgery. Hillary has repeatedly said she didn’t use email for official business…
hippybiker says
Those are some good drugs you are on today, or are you just stupid?
Mama T says
We all know that the Clnton;s are “ABOVE the LAW.” Bill used her office to get speaking engagements, then charged hundreds of thousands of dollars to speak. I’m sorry, but I would not pay to hear that womanizer speak! Hillary, when in the Bengazi inquisition, smirking the whole time (I wanted to reach through the TV and slap that smirk right off of her face!).
howard white says
you want to believe Hillary did her share of cheating, don’t forget white water. Why do you think it was so easy for her to forgive billy boy!!!!
glenn davis says
According to George Stephanopoulos she is a paragon of virtue. And you know that you can trust George, he (attribution to Howie Carr) is not like the others. Everything negative concerning Hillary is nothing but the spite and hatred being spewed by the VAST right wing conspiracy. Remember, you can trust George, HE is not like the others.
Janet says
A long list of illegal & criminal acts have been following Hilary since she was the First Lady!! She is a devious lady who will stop @ nothing to win the Dem nomination/Presidency! She should be in prison! What don’t intelligent people get????
Dhyan S says
Ethics? Is THAT the best they can do? She gets nailed for this and the other charges miraculously disappear. It’s the least of all the evils she has done and the one charge that really doesn’t have any teeth. Certainly it doesn’t carry a jail sentence. Pretty smart of her, to accept this charge and manipulate the others out of existence.
Angelita789 says
The real Tragedy is, she will pay in the end. The end times are here – and God is the Judge!! We will all see that!
lou says
I watched this talks show called books and the guy speaking said that Bill and Hillary came into politics with hardly any money and today there rich all on the taxpayers money. I love the way Dem. speak of being for the middle class and poor and distribution money from the rich to the poor, yet they keep sticking more more money in their bogus charities for themselves while this country is going broke, what a bunch of liars and thieves
Thomas Best says
It maybe wrong or right on what ever she does, but no one has the guts to press any charges against her. She has crossed the line and made so many felony cases in her Washington days and before but no one every presses charges. You can forget this it’s just another way to put things in the news and let people hope but you can forget it. She and Obama are to pea’s in a Pod and nothing is happening to either.
Frank Conover says
As usual Hillary (rotten) Clinton will get away with it like she always does. She is one EVIL Lying BITCH.
kRp says
killary for prison-2016!!!!
jay says
Federal Pen for both her and her slimey fake hubby. SO many crimes over the years they are much worse than anyone could imagine. The selling of nuclear fuel to russia and iran is TREASON!
Janette Anderson says
Our one hope is that when we get a Republican president who honors the Constitution they can prosecute Hillary! She has sold America out big time!
Linda Wolfe says
Hillary would look very nice in an orange jumpsuit.
Cecil Highsmith says
You’ve got to be kidding, thus far the FBI investigation on her is still pending. Had all this been done by anyone else in this administration they be under the jail. It’s time we the people demand her charged. They already have enough to charge her and her husband but Loretta Lynch will do nothing. God help us and Americans wise up when you vote this year lets get not new Democrates and Republicans this trash we have in DC now is a joke. Go Trump….,
AW says
Steve says
Stop talking about it and do something already!
tanana says
My thoughts exactly. At 73 and disabled there isn’t a bunch I physically can do but when the revolution actually occurs you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll be there supporting it, walker and all. If we believe we’re already defeated then we are, personally I don’t believe that. Unfortunately until then few will rise until DC which is chock full of its own hubris makes a big mistake which impacts everyone to the point they no longer can live in denial. I may only have a voice left to let my thoughts be known but when that day comes I’ll be right there using every bit of it.
Kimberly says
This is all moot. She has been seen doing terrible things before and has never had to answer for them. Only God will be her judge.
Bruce Krenk says
I can’t believe all the. garbage that the radical right is throwing out there. I imagine
all republicans are scared to death when Hillary. becomes ‘President’. Bill was one of
our greatest presidents and his wife will be just as good. I’m really looking forward
to having Hillary and Bill in the White House for 8 years. So God bless President
Obama, he’s had to put up with all the crap the republicans dish out.
If any politicians should go to prison, it should be George W Bush and Dick
Cheney. God Bless America!
Charles Hood says
Take off your rose colored glasses and see what is reality and separate lies from truth. If you can not see the crimes of Clinton what is wrong with you? Are you a slum slime who has been on the take and drank so much Democratic cool-aid that you can not think? Look what has happened to this country thanks to Odumba acd Clintons we have lost the respect of other nations and our country is crumbling and you don’t see it?
You can educate the unknowing
You can train the untrained
but you just can not fix stupid.
Dawn says
God help us. Have Mercy on us for not standing up for our rights along time ago. I am scared not just for myself but for my grandchildren who have no idea how awful their lives will be if Hilary/Obama continue to get away with destroying our country.
Jay Bell says
You are correct, Bruce Krenk–George Bush and Dick Cheney SHOULD be in jail for what they did during his tenure. BUT what makes you think that Bill and Hillary are cut from any different cloth? They are ALL part of the New World Order Statist nonsense that the uber-wealthy are desperately seeking. Ever wonder how Bill Clinton could be BFF with George H. W. Bush? It’s because they are ON THE SAME SIDE! It was Pappy Bush who came up with the whole New World Order junk and was the first inhabitant of the Oval Office to blather on about it. They are all traitors to U.S. sovereignty. The RINOs in Congress are part of the same gang. The late (and not lamented by any right-thinking individual) billionaire, Maurice Strong let the cat out of the bag, a long time ago when he said that since the West was such a large part of the “crimes against the environment” we have an obligation to destroy the Western nations. What do you think the U.S. invasion from the south and Middle East is all about? it is to destroy the middle class in the Western nations–the backbone of those nations and the engine of prosperity. When you make everyone poor, they have no choice but to become dependent on the all-powerful State. Obama has done everything that Saul Alinsky suggested as a way to bring in a socialist state–EVERYTHING.
Nancy Keel says
Why do Democrats who support Hillary Clinton want to stick their heads in sand? This kind of leadership that Bill and/or Hillary would provide our wonderful country could completely destroy everything our forefathers fought for and built the greatest nation in the world. Bill barely escaped prison and it is obvious that Hillary should be judged for her responsibilities for so many corrupt things that she is guilty of, including, the deep sea mining firm activities.
R. McK says
Pam Ela is correct in her blog. Hillary is bought & paid for by foreign interests. With drug money and Global money, there are none in Congress or any Obama appointees, that can refuse the temptations. They even rat each other out for a few dollars more, in the lower levels to gainfavor with the King and Queen. Communists for 70 plus years have trolled the universities looking for people like the Clintons. Everyone in current Congress has been screened, and they know to vote as they are told on the RED PHONE, told by whoever is in power, or their States get no Federal monies, and they do not get re elected.. They tell one story on TV, but look @ how they vote, or when they “abstain”.
The Global money is looting America. The oil comes from Arab and Communist lands. The drugs come via Mexico, and used to be flown into Mena, Arkansas, when Hill and Bill were in power.
Jerry says
As I understand there were suspicions that the Clintons had many hidden Foreign friends who tried to influenced them with large sums of financial assistance that were made to the Clinton foundation and also provided financial assistance to Bill Clinton’s election and his re-election to the US Presidency which would have been considered highly unethical if there was any solid evidence that this is what had happened. I often wondered about this and whether in return for such foreign financial assistance . . . . were there any favors expected and provided by the Clintons?
We all know that It’s highly unethical for any elected official or one running for election to willingly accept assistance from a foreign entity – especially if it’s financial assistance – because that could be considered as allowing a foreign entity to directly influence our elections!
The brilliance of the Clinton’s tactics was that their tracks were so well hidden no one could ever follow the money trails accurately from any foreign donors (if there were any?) directly to the Clintons doorstep! Nor were they able to come up with any definite details on what was going on with the donations made to the Clinton Foundation that came from outside the US. If so, the pertinent question would have been; Were these donations made as bribes for favors? Oh well, Large Corporations make donations to politicians all the time – don’t they? AND we know they’re all expecting favors! So I guess that’s how politics works these days in the USA – just as corrupt as ever!
D. Mark says
She is the worst of the worst and she thinks she is going to be President of the United States of America? Another problem is that the Democratic leadership is willing to back her knowing she is untruthful!
Roy says
If you look at her record or bills this would explain what slime an coruption is all about, to put it she and billing are waste of human flesh, they both need to be in jail already. And we call other counties corrupt, this country is going to hell with the help or this bunch of coruption in our government. It is time for the people in this country to wake up, and the left calls the tea part evil how f–king blind are they, just like climate change , I have been told about this crap since grade school. And here we are thinking we can out smart mother nature, still 50 years later. We should all study history all the way back to the Roman time and just watch were we are headed, if we don’t make big changes in our values and stop this madness in the Congress and Senate. To start with term limits fo both areas or we will never change. Well now I feel better
Martin says
You think that’s bad? What about Dianne Feinstein who was a small potatoes worker in San Fran then was elected mayor and then senator. Now she’s worth over 100 million. Imagine that. She got rich because the state of California and the USA gave her husband (Mr. Blum) many government contracts…Geeze…I wonder how he got those contracts that are making him millions upon millions…I bet he knows a politician high up in government huh? hahahaha what a couple of a holes. Impeach the old hag!
Neal says
Much as I hate to say ti, I believe “Slick Britches” Hillery will never be indited for ANYTHING!! Congress, both DNC AND RNC are a large part of the ESTABLISHMENT and will DO NOTHING! Neither party’s members will go against the money people who get them elected, and keep them elected, namely the Establishment. It will take some private individual who believes in and wants the USA to survive (and with deep financial pockets) to bring a Suite in Federal Court against her for her wrong doings. Not being a Lawyer, I don’t know what it would take to do this, The real question is: Do we have any takers, from the money side of our country, willing to see Justice done?
DixieBelle says
What the article falls short in reporting is that the mining company donated several million dollars to the Clinton Foundation after the transaction was completed.
There are several more criminal acts committed by the Clintons while Hillary was SOS, that the media has not allowed to come to light. If you want the complete lowdown, you need to pick up a copy of “Clinton Cash” by Peter Shweizer from eBay of Amazon. You’ll learn things about the Clinton crimes that will make your jaw drop, but you will never read them in the news.
We don’t need this woman making decisions for our country.
Mark says
Dear Dixiebelle,
Bill Clinton is one of Rockefellers’ bastard children. He’s untouchable! Or so he thinks!
That’s why Bill & Hiildabeast get away with BLOODY Murder every time! GO Satanists. Both Clintons are Iluminati like the Bushes, & Kennedy’s & Rusks,et al!
mikki says
This will only make her more popular with the democrats.
Flexkc says
It’s time to take back are country from these cash cows . It’s time ?
Pat says
Oh come on. How about all those contracts given to Haliburton when Cheney had millions in stock. Or all the contracts given to Caryle Group when the Bushes had stock and George Bush I worked for them? Or when the SEC stopped investigating Bush for insider trading.
tanana says
What’s going on has nothing to do with which political party stands for true Constitutional values; neither of them do, that’s just fact via simple observation. Its also observable fact that both the Bush cabal and the Clinton cabal have been in cahoots with each other for more years than we’ll ever find out. Both cabals, all their cabinet members need to be tried for treason. As long as they can keep us in this fantasy that there is anything different between either party we’re going to be stuck in this whirlpool of their making which is nothing more than a simple but effective trick called ‘divide and conquer’. Just look at this nation, everyone has a puny petty gripe which has been encouraged to become a full blown issue. In the meantime while we’re all scrapping over these petty issues they are making plans on how to further take our legal rights from us and their succeeding. Wake up America, we’re all Americans; we already have a well established set of rules and laws which for years successfully ran this country called The Constitution and The Bill of Rights. What we need to do is ban together and make our ‘collective will’ heard, “Either abide by the laws of the land and the will of the people or your out even if we have to take you out ourselves physically if necessary.”
warren says
Hilary should have been jailed a long time ago but her spider web of crooks reaches into the justice system which is more corrupt than she is. The result will be that nothing will done to her. Birds of a feather flock together.
Neal says
Much as I hate to say it, I believe “Slick Britches” Hillery will never be indited for ANYTHING!! Congress, both DNC AND RNC are a large part of the ESTABLISHMENT and will DO NOTHING! Neither party’s members will go against the money people who get them elected, and keep them elected, namely the Establishment. It will take some private individual who believes in and wants the USA to survive (and with deep financial pockets) to bring a Suite in Federal Court against her for her wrong doings. Not being a Lawyer, I don’t know what it would take to do this, The real question is: Do we have any takers, from the money side of our country, willing to see Justice done?
geeme says
Stupid people, why are you guys still thinking about that crazy Hillary. She’s evil and liars broad. She has no reason to be there in president.
Vote for Mr Donald he is the very best president of U.S. America. Wait until he goes right over to the White House. He is not going to be happy for what Obama and Hillary Clinton did in the office. Wait until you hear about everything went wrong. Go for Trump. He has my vote for him 100%. He will be the best president leader for our American country. Go Trump.
Henry says
Hillary’s dead body should be hanging from a noose. She is pure evil and an Enemy of the State. If she gets her claws and fangs in the White House, America will become a bloodbath.
Ann Smith says
Alanhastings says
I honestly believe the that the only reason that congress has not charged The Bushes, Clinton,,Obama, Holder, Sharpton Jessie Jackson and about 75% of the Obama administration of treason is That those elected officials with the power to have them arrested and convicted knows that the DHS has enough dirt on 95% To take them all down with prison terms so large they would never get out alive.
Is it not strange that someone can be elected to a government job being so broke that do not have a pot to piss in then once they have a job paying less that two hundred thousand a year suddenly become multi millionaires in less than 3 years time. The math of an honest person does not add up that way. Not only that the bastards do not even do the job they are elected to do.
While on the subject every elected official should be made to not just read every bill but to be present while everyone is read outloud and every bill should be a single bill with no riders allowed to be attached and written in a way that a third grader can understand it. Also every member should be required to work just as many days as any other full time worker and only two weeks a year off paid vacation.
Barney Blankenbeckler says
I’ve heard it over and over. hillary is being charged with this, and this and this. Same with obama. Do it and I’ll believe and not until.
Ethel says
What you, the American oeople are saying is without
a doubt true, but it is really The Lord God Jehovah who has the final say!! HE is the one who puts mankind up ofr down!! He IS THE LAST JUDGE, WHO HASN’T SPOKEN YET! We need to all pray diligently about this very serious thing and repent America . – We put in government the people we believed would work fairly for us, and look what has happened! God said ” If MY people, which are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face,and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven , and HEAL their land!!” Are we really in earnest about America’s troubles? Lets all get right with our maker and do as HE asks!! ” The prayer of a righteous man avails much!! Lets pray that God gives us what we need, and NOT what we deserve!!
Jim says
I’d like to add a request to the people who run the debates: besides asking her about her corruption, she should be required to take drug tests (mostly for stimulants other than caffeine) prior to taking the stage and right after. It’s clear that this low-energy fraud is using something, because she goes into reclusion for days after the effort.
I doubt she could spell her name without a stimulant, and I suspect that the DNC Chair, Debbie Doberman, is limiting the number of debates because too many of them, in a stimulant-induced state, would give her yet another srtoke.
tanana says
That’s an interesting observation Jim, one I noted also. Then again we couldn’t get that lucky, the woman has enough money to buy every medical specialist in the US to hide any and everything and then some..
Jay Bell says
All Democratic Presidents since JFK have been into some kind of drug or another. LBJ was a booze-hound, (so was Nixon, by the way). Bill Clinton was a total drunk (as was Hillary) and now I think you are correct that she is on some kind of stimulant. Obama is obviously on something–my guess would be cocaine. But, Bush, Jr. has a long history of alcohol and drug abuse too. The bleakness of the New World Order Antichrist vision lends itself to all kinds of debauchery.
Jimmy G says
Why is any body in the whole wide world would be amazed that Hillary if a liar and a thief. When they left the white house they(Clintons) took some of the furniture and had to replace it.
Their daughters marriage was a merger not a wedding . His mother and father are both convicted crooks.
The Clintons make every Ponzi sham look like a walk in the park. Ain’t America great. A Chicago hoodlum in the white house with a wife who has spent more money on vacations for her mother her kids and herself We are the laughing stock of the world.
valerie ziebarth says
Hillalry should not be allowed to run for president for sure- She doesn’t even have the necessary qualifications to run for dog- catcher. But, there are soooo many noodle-heads out there that won’t even bother to check her out – they’ll just vote for her because she’s a democrat or because she’s a woman (I’d NEVER call her a lady, because she’s not). Some of us know EXACTLY who she is – and she’s not fooling us – but I guess some people don’t much care if they put someone in office like this criminal – because they themselves have no morals so they condone every rotten thing she’s ever done. Well. all I can say is that someday we ALL have to meet our maker and then there will be no getting away with anything!
mytorpor says
Virginia’s Gov. Bob McDonnell was charged, indicted and convicted of doing much less! He told us that if he was convicted on the charges brought against him, every politician in the country belonged in jail right beside him! The only reason the left brought the charges against McDonnell was because he was such a popular and successful governor and they were terrified of facing him in a presidential election! We have seen them use these tactics against so many of our best…it is time for the left to have their own tactics used against them! Hillary needs to go to jail!
mark R. says
The Clintons are untouchable or they would be in jail by now. She will get out of this like she does everything else. Listening to Hillary just shows how morally corrupt our government has become. She shouldn’t step down and not be allowed too run for President Of The United States Of America. How quickly we all forget about Bill and Hillary Clintons past history how many younger voters will have knowledge of the case (“Filegate). Hillary Clinton tries to escape from on-going (Filegate) case a big scandal for her. ). And one called (Travelgate). Look it up people. And decide if Hillary Clinton is who you want for the next ‘President of the United States of America’ Sad yah!!
geeme says
People are finally getting to the point here now. ASAP, Mr Donald Trump will have his hand full of the mess Hillary Clinton and Obama club cause all the problems. In hope Mr Donald Trump will handle this. I will love to go to work with him. Mr Trump is our real leader for the U.S. of America and our American country. Hillary and Obama club’s are really ashamed of themselves. Mr Donald Trump will be the best president of U.S. of America. I hope he gets in the white house very soon. He is doing very well and very smart man and I’m going to vote for Mr Donald Trump. He is the real world powerful man. Dump Hillary Clinton and Obama clubs.
Hillary, you are a loser fool. You can’t do your jobs without stabbing American people’s lives. You are evil women. Go vote for Mr Donald Trump as your U.S. president of America. We need you Mr Trump.
Stephen Russell says
Have outside sources file on case & include all Emails sent.
No exceptions, No prisoners.
will says
If all this is true then how could she be allowed to legally run for president?
Bill says
The FBI Will be told by Obama. not to charge Hillary.
rodney says
just arrest the old hag on GPs and put her in a cell in fort Meade, there is enough evidence out there to sentence her to life. We need to stop reading about one scandal after another than no one has any intention of DOING anything about! Get off your @#$%$^^ people and take action, you know EXACTLY what to do, now do it!
Leonard says
Why , it took so long … anyone with common sense knew that she broke the Law .
That she lied under Oath, She belongs in prison …
Walt says
If I am not mistaken isn’t there a ruling or law stating that if you are under investigation that you cannot run for public officer. If it’s not, then there should be. Broom Hilly gets up everyday just to tell a lie. Her day just isn’t complete until she has lied at least 12 times each day. She is just unbelievable and amazing. It come to her so natural and she just doesn’t miss a beat. This woman would lie about the time of day.
pretty says
Hello American people. I hope that you are having a good evening tonight. I’m still hoping that most of U.S. American people are still voting for Mr Donald Trump for your president of U.S. of America. We need him to be our American leader. NOT Hillary. She’s going to ruin your American country. She is very evil and hate hateful to our American country. She is biggest liar and loser hag. So I for Mr Donald Trump as my president of U.S. America and our American country. Please vote for Mr Donald Trump. He is very nice guy and very smart man. You watch Mr Trump will be in the white house working very hard to clean and change the mess that Hillary and Obama screwed up everything. .Go Trump. Vote for Mr Donald Trump. He will be awesome leader for our American country.
Good night and God Bless you, family and your American country.
Joseph Falzone says
If one of us average U.S. citizens did half the illegal things she has done we would be in prison already. With all the things that Hilary has done and with all the evidence there is against her she shouldn’t even be qualify to run for President. She is a lying thief that can’t be trusted.