Billionaire Donald Trump has electrified millions of frustrated Republican voters and stormed through the GOP primary with a commanding delegate lead.
His success in the 2016 presidential nomination race, according to political analysts, has revealed a deep-seeded anger among voters toward establishment Republicans… and it has party officials so anxious, they’re pulling out all the stops to stop it.
Now, rumors indicate that the Bush political dynasty may be set to weigh in. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush may no longer be onstage or in the race, but the onetime presumed front-runner is involved again. Bush has summoned Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, as well candidates John Kasich and Marco Rubio — but not Trump — for private meetings ahead of Thursday night’s GOP debate.
Cruz is seeking Bush’s backing before the critical winner-take-all Florida primary on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Bush’s brother, Neil, has already signed on with Cruz’s campaign as a member of his finance team.
There is no love lost between the Bushs and Trump. Jeb and The Donald engaged in heated confrontations throughout the campaign, repeatedly referring to each other as “loser.”
And the family wouldn’t be the first within the party establishment to realize that while Cruz may not be their perfect candidate, he may be the GOP’s best last chance to stop Trump.
Other possible Cruz supporters include reluctant Senate colleagues and former presidential rivals with strong ties to major donors, who have long feared Cruz’s purist ideology but dread the prospect of a Trump nomination even more. The first-term Texas senator on Wednesday announced the backing of one former primary opponent, Carly Fiorina.
“It’s an outsider year, and the most logical person to take on Trump based on past performance is Ted Cruz,” said another former presidential opponent, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham. Earlier in the year, Graham likened the choice between Cruz and Trump to “being shot or poisoned.”
“He’s not my preference,” Graham said of Cruz. “But we are where we are. And if Trump wins Florida and Ohio, I don’t know if we can stop him.”
Indeed, next Tuesday’s winner-take-all contests in Florida and Ohio have injected a sense of urgency into the GOP’s anti-Trump movement.
“I could see myself as a Cruz supporter,” Nevada Sen. Dean Heller, a Rubio supporter, said Wednesday. “I agree with Cruz 80 percent of the time. There are things I don’t agree with him on, but if we are agreeing 80 percent of the time and he’s a conservative, we are going to get along just fine.”
“The Republican establishment is in its death throes,” said longtime tea party leader Mark Meckler. “The only remaining candidates are 100 percent anti-establishment.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Barbara says
How hypocritical of the Republican Party. Makes me ashamed to say I am a Republican and might change to Libertarian or Independent. Listen to the people not your special interests. We the people in the majority want Trump and there are more, once they stop feeling guilty about betraying their chosen candidate and see through all the manipulation and lies will also vote for Trump.
J.P. says
Crews is still part of the establishment and we do not need another Bush in the White House. Think about it People long and hard before you make that last commitment in Nov..
Allen says
You apparently don’t know Ted Cruz if you think in any way he could be called a member of the establishment. Trump and Cruz are leading this race precisely because they are NOT members of the establishment. No one else has even gotten close.
Carol says
Cruz has always been with Bush. Cruz wife worked with Bush. Jeb Bush, Rubio and Ted Cruz all grew up together in the political life. People are in denial if they think Cruz and Rubio are not part of the Bush Dynasty and if the Bush Dynasty can not have one of their own named Bush running they will support one of the other two. Only non establishment politician running is Donald Trump. Vote Donald Trump and for get Cruz, Rubio and Kasich.
Shelton says
Just shows me how ill-informed you are. The Republican establishment hates Cruz because he has fought them his entire time in office. Cruz wants to protect, and has proven it, our constitutional rights which are under attack by both parties and particularly Obama. If people with your views don’t wake up you will be wearing a burka and won’t be able to even drive a vehicle. Trump is a liberal in disguise and will deceive the American people just like Obama has done. Wake up America.
Ferdinand Holcapek says
I agree with you, but if I have to choose between Trump or Cruz then Cruz is more aligned with my thinking then Trump. I hate egotistical, narcistic bullies
JCS says
I totally agree with Shelton
sambad says
How could you be so dishonest as to even put comments like that in print? Cruz is an outsider, a very honest man and he will use the constitution as his road map in leading our country. Trump is the one who constantly lies and flip flops. He said during his last debate that he would be flexible on immigration. An ego driven bankrupt who will twist and turn anything and everything to mislead our country is who you are supporting.
Sara says
Mr. Cruz has fought for what was right. He made them mad because he stood up for what was right. The fact that he worked for Bush and they know his work ethics. If you want a hard for you. Vote for Cruz. He is not a “Teddy Bear” in the senate now. He will not be as a president. He is the president that will call a conference just to le you and the rest of the world what is working and what I’d not. The reason. What he will do to fix it.
Guy gascard says
Really ??????
Are you insane ?
Martha says
Just because his wife worked with Bush means nothing Cruz has been one of the few in the Senate to stand up AGAINST the Establisment and for our Constitutional rights
bill b says
birds of a feather fly together, if i was running i’d dread a jeb Bush endoresment, hes a fool and a half. as far as the Bush family ( READ MY LIPS ) their irrelavant like all of the dinosaur freeloading politicos in the GOP will be the day after Trump takes the oath TRUMP in 2016
Sarah Abrams says
Donald Trump has paid off hundreds of companies/people, including Hillarity Clinton, to get bills passed by Democrat Lobbyists and Congress. Just because Trump gets the people who are “mad” at the country does not make him viable for Prez – he was/is even anti-Tea Party and all he knows is “the Art of the Deal”. He has NO military background (just like BHO), no foreign country knowledge (like BHO – NATO, UN (other than lying about Benghazi)…he just knows how to quote the Kuran, kneel and say Islamic prayers, and he wants to shut down GITMO, so that he cannot be sent there when a new President sits in the White House.) Trump just garners the “frenzy”, which is why he has the following that he does have. We will be very sorry IF he is sworn in UNLESS he chooses Dr. Ben Carson for his VP. I have already told Trump, Cruz and Rubio that I will NOT vote for them unless they choose Ben Carson for their running mate. You all should send that provisional note to each of the last 3.
Joyce says
When you endorse Cruz and his Bushes, Jeb and Neil of the Savings & Loan debacle( who the Bushes have not mentioned since, not even mentioning that he is one of the sons, because they know how that hurts their image as much as GW ever did) GW was a war criminal and Neil just destroyed peoples finances) you are just choosing the foxes to protect the henhouse! I think that the bushes were behind mittens trying to dictate who republicans should vote for!
George says
Cruz is a typical lawyer with no morals and lies through his teeth. We really need a smart business man to finally run our beautiful country. Politicians do not have a clue what they are doing
Ronald says
Talking about a person that is a liar and dishonest is Trump and racist. Listen to his speeches everything is about him, how great, rich, and everyone loves him. It is not about the people rights is about him and power and control. Entertaining says what people want to hear.
sambad says
You are supporting the only liar I’ve seen in any of the debates. It’s amazing how so many of you Trumpsters can’t see how much of a lying ego maniac you are following.
Philip says
Oh He/They know what they are doing alright.
And it isn’t good, the last three elections has been nothing but LIES, and sorry excuses about what they can’t do because of the other party. They are all LIARS, They lie, and promise what they are going to do.
Until they get back in office, and they have all the excuses why they can’t do what they promised they would do. Need to get rid of the whole bunch of the LIARS and get some new blood in politics, and have term limits.
Jim man says
From the beginning business men have been failures as Presidents. Trump would be even worst as he is bad at business. He has had 38 failed businesses. 4 bankruptes. Still owes 1000’s of venders. over $60 million dollars
1000’s. Of people out of work Trump is not a good man. Does any one study or read.??
Gerry says
I think you are wrong about that Allen. Cruz talks a good show but I believe when it comes right down to it — he is owned by the traitorous establishment and will do whatever they tell him to do. I originally thought that Trump & Cruz would make a good team but I don’t think that anymore. We don’t need another career politician as our supposed leaders we need business people and patriots not traitors, scheming hypocrites.
kenneth cameron says
VOTE FOR TRUMP NOV. 3 2016 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim man says
Who in the frigg is the establishment. People keep pulling that term out of thier ass & don’t have a clue what they are talking about I will write this real slow so you can understand There is no such thing as establishment.
Any one that thinks Trump is one phony dumb ass Is the establishment. I WANT SOME ONE THAT HAS EXPERIENCE. That have studied these issues for thousands of hours Or many years. Has debated them for hours on end Like any profession it takes years to get good at that profession I don’t want some one that has not studied the issues Trump is to mentally lazy. And does not know the issues. Or how our government works
The President is not a dictatorship. We have 3 co equal branches of government They must work with each other
Or nothing gets done Trump has called them idiots & stupid at least 12 in the Republician senaters have said they will never work with him. There are 54 Republicians. 46 democratic- Other words he will never get a bill passed
He will be completely neutered You can not put taxes or tariffs on goods coming from Mexico or China Unless congress approves Other words. He can not do anything he says The house controls the purse strings. He can not spend money unless congress allocates money for said project Trump would be a complete failure
bill b says
TRUMP IN 2016 !!!!! end of story.
joe german says
If you don’t think so, check into Cruz’s wife. She is part of the establishment. It’s very scary what she is a part of.
Shirley messier says
We need TRUMP I hope the people give him a chance.
debdell says
You better take a look at the youtube video. Cruz fooled me in the beginning until I did the research. He is even lying about his name – it is not Ted. Maybe his real last name is Castro! Anyway Cruz is total establishment and so is his wife.
In 2010 Cruz and Goldman Sachs got together and planned a run for the presidency. Cruz copied Obama’s game plan – be a senator for a year and then run for president. Cruz determined that he needed recognition and decided to act like he was against the establishment (Goldman Sachs and others) while making a name for himself. He got nasty with other senators calling them liars etc. which worked and got him known as going against the establishment. To get elected as senator in 2012, he “borrowed” $1 million from Goldman Sachs. If he lost, how would he pay back the $1million? Why would Goldman Sachs finance his run? Ok, so Cruz won. Then he did his thing – trashing various other senators. I believed him at the time. I thought he was a constitutional powerhouse going after the corrupt establishment. What I didn’t know was that it was all an act. Cruz and Goldman Sachs (the leader in the 2008 crash where $1.4 trillion was stolen from the public) conspired to do what Obama did and so far were successful. Now running for president – how did Cruz pay off his $1million loan? He used campaign contributions from his presidential run to pay off the $1million loan – is that ethical? Did Goldman Sachs give over $1million in presidential contributions to Cruz? If so, the $1million loan was an illegal bait and switch. So, now Cruz is running as an anti-establishment constitutional senator, but is he really anti-establishment or is he a liar and fraud? Being a stock market broker, I can tell you that the insiders make billions every time they crash the market, such as the market crash in 2008. When you have inside information, you buy put options and sell short to make money on the crash. This is why the establishment elite crash the market around every 10 years. Goldman Sachs has their former employees throughout the government – you can bet that is no coincidence. If you have any doubt that Cruz is owned by the establishment elite globalists, then watch the following video – they did all the research and present the facts.
You must watch this video, search youtube for V9K9Xedk5eM and you will see the video “Rick Wells vs Ted and Heidi Cruz and the one world government”
kenneth cameron says
Sounds to me, he knows what he talking about, so you better pay attation. VOTE FOR TRUMP NOV.
3 2016.
Arlene Cole says
Trump is a white obama. All the time Cruz was filibustering in the Senate, calling McConnell a liar, and going over to the House to convince them to stop obama bills, Trump was donating thousands and thousands of dollars to the gang of eight, the clintons, reid, and pelosi. Where were you then? Were you paying attention to what was going on in our government and in our country? Or are you just an election critic who pays attention for a few months every four years?
I have been following Cruz for at least six years now and have investigated his background all the way to high school. The man has been a conservative his entire life. He is a moral man, and believes in our Constitution and understands how and why it was created and what it means. He is a man of integrity and honest character. Go to and check out his votes and his standings. Senator Cruz is the ONLY true Conservative running, and the ONLY one qualified to be President and Commander-In-Chief!
Kathy Walker says
Give me a brake Cruz (Rafael Cruz) is a Senator a lawyer. He has tried to pull this off that he is not establishment for a long time . He is part of the Bushes and so is his wife . That’s where the met He had duel citizenship with Canada where he was born until 2014. I voted for Trump in Florida and everyone else I know voted for Trump. Cruz needs to go back to Canada .
Robert says
Cruz is not establishment? Then why is a Bush backing him?
The writing is on the wall……more lies soon to follow.
Agnes Tillerson says
The establishment despises Cruz because he is his own man and does not kow tow to their political ploys. If jeb Bush is backing him, its because Trump and Rubeo were running their mouths about brother George. I consider that fair play. Cruz is the only candidate that will return our nation to its origin that made it so great and envious by the world. He is a man of honor and integrity. Unlike Trump, he is a constitutional conservative who will not change policies and laws by whim. Unlike Trump, he is also a gentleman whose personage alludes to respect.
Trump Supporter says
Sorry to burst your Cruz bubble. Cruz is in the establishment he even met his wife when they worked on the Bush campaign together. There is a history there. Just because he vptes no to everything does not make him an outsider. The Republicanparty does not want TRUMP in office because the gravy train will end and he will uncover all
the cocorrupt ion. The GOP knows Cruz will lose to Hilary and itit’s back to politics as usual. ….
Janet says
to Trump Supporter:
Consistently voting “no” makes Cruz an outsider in the most important way…and hobnobbing socially with Washington insiders doesn’t necessarily invalidate his actions on the job
Killerjoe says
Not true, Barbara. The most support Trump has been able secure has been 40-45%, that leaves 55-60% of the people who want someone else. Trump’s support is remaining steady at best, while Cruz’s support is on the rise. If Rubio and Kasich, both establishment candidates, leave the race where do you think their support will go?
Carol says
Killerjoe they will split again as a lot of them will know Cruz for what he is and that is a life time politician groom by the Bush dynasty and funded by the same Texas money makers. Rubio people are going to remember Ted Cruz Hawaii email scam saying Rubio is pulling out of the race and really same crap Cruz pulled on Ben Carson. Cruz is a tool that will be used by the same super packs who are funding him. All those hit adds they putting out about Trump is going to cost Ted Cruz in the long run.
Trump2016 says
Killerjoe (pathetic screen name), By your childish logic, 75-80% of Republicans want someone other than Cruz. Rest assured that all the blue collar Democrats that have switched Party affiliation did so to vote for Trump. No one is flocking to the polls for this Cruz clown. The only reason that any of these establishment Republicans even consider supporting Cruz is because Trump will shake up the establishment and no longer will they have the influence they demand behind the scenes. Trump cannot be bought. Cruz has already shown he can be bought.
Lastly, do you really want a candidate who puts a Chinese company ahead of American workers. Cruz did just that when representing the Shandong Linglong Tyre company, The company stole the patent of American company, put American workers out ion the street, and “Conservative” Ted chose to support the Chinese criminals over American workers. He will never step foot in the White House.
Ferdinand Holcapek says
I peg to disagree, yes I looked at Trump, I considered him seriously as a possible Presidential Canditate but after long consideration, thinking logical about the candidates left for a conservative to choose from, Cruz is the logical answer. Trump is not a conservative, he is a man who uses the system to milk it. He is for Trump, period and to hell with everything we as conservative stand for. Don’t forget as a deal maker his only principle is to win at all cost. Listening to the accusations and insults he passes out it is like a street fight, not a Presidential election.
It is sad that so many take sound bites thrown out during debates to feed their anger forgeting their principals and integrity.
Following the “Prudent Man Rule” Trump is not acceptable as a potential Canditate.
debdell says
You speak of principals and integrity. Cruz will roll over faster than a turd in a hurricane. He would be worse than Obama – ok, maybe not that bad, but he is 100% owned and it will be business as usual if he is elected.
In 2010 Cruz and Goldman Sachs got together and planned a run for the presidency. Cruz copied Obama’s game plan – be a senator for a year and then run for president. Cruz determined that he needed recognition and decided to act like he was against the establishment (Goldman Sachs and others) while making a name for himself. He got nasty with other senators calling them liars etc. which worked and got him known as going against the establishment. To get elected as senator in 2012, he “borrowed” $1 million from Goldman Sachs. If he lost, how would he pay back the $1million? Why would Goldman Sachs finance his run? Ok, so Cruz won. Then he did his thing – trashing various other senators. I believed him at the time. I thought he was a constitutional powerhouse going after the corrupt establishment. What I didn’t know was that it was all an act. Cruz and Goldman Sachs (the leader in the 2008 crash where $1.4 trillion was stolen from the public) conspired to do what Obama did and so far were successful. Now running for president – how did Cruz pay off his $1million loan? He used campaign contributions from his presidential run to pay off the $1million loan – is that ethical? Did Goldman Sachs give over $1million in presidential contributions to Cruz? If so, the $1million loan was an illegal bait and switch. So, now Cruz is running as an anti-establishment constitutional senator, but is he really anti-establishment or is he a liar and fraud? Being a stock market broker, I can tell you that the insiders make billions every time they crash the market, such as the market crash in 2008. When you have inside information, you buy put options and sell short to make money on the crash. This is why the establishment elite crash the market around every 10 years. Goldman Sachs has their former employees throughout the government – you can bet that is no coincidence. If you have any doubt that Cruz is owned by the establishment elite globalists, then watch the following video – they did all the research and present the facts.
You must watch this video, search youtube for V9K9Xedk5eM and you will see the video “Rick Wells vs Ted and Heidi Cruz and the one world government”
Trump2016 says
What does the “Prudent Rule” have to say about Cruz representing a Chinese company that that stole blue prints from an American tire company and put American workers out of a job? I’m just curious, are those the Conservative Values you see in Ted Cruz?
Take a close look at the Shandong Linglong Tyre Company. No righteous American citizen should ever cast a vote for Ted Cruz unless you are happy to see the Chinese steal American jobs. Cruz is nothing but a phoney hack politician just like Jeb Bush.
sambad says
Those Democrats who are voting for Trump are setting us up for a royal flogging. They know that Hitlary has their nomination so they’re setting us up with a sorry candidate, Trump so they will have a cakewalk for her in November. It is so obvious but too many of you are helping those Democrats put another Democrat into our top position. Trump hyas never been anything but a Democrat. He has given millions to Hitlary, Reid, Pelosi. Schummer and others. Please check THE DONALD out by using the internet for something other than telling we who have, how great he is. HE IS NOT.
Robert says
He gave to the republicans and the girl scouts also…..he gives to everyone………..they love to be bought and he is the one shining the light on it so don’t act like he does all this by stealth……………there are no limits to the stupidity of people worldwide.
Trump Supporter says
Your right their votes will go to Cruz. They want Cruz to beat TRUMP, then go up against. Hillary and loose. Remember this there is no democratic and Republican parties. It them the Washington establishment against us the American people. They are all in bed with the same llobbyists and special interests. Big money donners don’t care who they pay off just as long the corrupt politicians do what they are told to do!
Kathy Walker says
You hit the nail on the head . They are all crooks Dems and Repubs. Are all fighting Trump Because they want the gravy train to continue. Lawyer crooks fighting we the people. That is why they would sell there mothers to get into Congress they all come out millionaires. They want Immagration and bad trade deals Congress and business profits . They don’t care about we pions. Voted Trump in Florida
Thomas E Stanley says
I used to like Jeb, wouldn’t vote for him as President against Trump, but think he could follow. Well not anymore.
In my mind Cruz is a crook and a liar, actually I wouldn’t believe him if he said good morning. It’s true he’s better than Hilary and Sanders, but not much better than Obama, or maybe he‘s worse than Obama. No longer in Jeb’s corner, he can fade away for all I care. He’s too gullible for office and too establishment.
Steve says
Agreed. He is the reason toilet paper was invented
louise says
another problem cruz has going against him, as far as i’m concerned, is he’s from texas! I also don’t like people that have to cheat to win.
debdell says
Good one! Actually the article spoke of the Bush Dynasty, but they were being nice – it is really the Bush crime family.
wallace says
Nazi bush wackers …..
Stephanie Wilson says
you bush haters are disgusting human beings!
kenneth cameron says
With Rubio OUT there is Trump and Cruz left and Bush is now backing Cruz. Do you want 4 more years like we
had when Bash was in you better voe for Trump ad not for Hilleray the LIER AND THE BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!
Sharon Jenkins says
Of course the GOP establishment is against Trump? Why? He can’t be bought and he doesn’t take kickbacks like our present GOP. He’s not a friend of big Pharma, Oil & Gas, Foreign interest, Lobbyists. He is his own man. I like Cruz, but I don’t think he can beat Hillary. Trump is the only candidate that can beat Hillary and that is what the Rep need right now. If Trump wins Florida and Ohio and the GOP nomination, the GOP establishment need to rally around the candidate. If not, Trump will bolt and go Independent (not a bad idea) and will pull Dem and Rep votes and could still win the Presidency. You may not like Trump, but he beats better than what we have had for the last 8 years. Nothing but lies and deceit.
Bennye says
Ditto to all of he above!!!
Bert Cundle Sr. says
sambad says
Check the polls. Trump can’t beat Hillary. Cruz can.
debdell says
Cruz is not even beating Trump, how could he possibly beat thunder thighs. Stop believing in a propaganda poll. And stop thinking Cruz will do anything for the people.
In 2010 Cruz and Goldman Sachs got together and planned a run for the presidency. Cruz copied Obama’s game plan – be a senator for a year and then run for president. Cruz determined that he needed recognition and decided to act like he was against the establishment (Goldman Sachs and others) while making a name for himself. He got nasty with other senators calling them liars etc. which worked and got him known as going against the establishment. To get elected as senator in 2012, he “borrowed” $1 million from Goldman Sachs. If he lost, how would he pay back the $1million? Why would Goldman Sachs finance his run? Ok, so Cruz won. Then he did his thing – trashing various other senators. I believed him at the time. I thought he was a constitutional powerhouse going after the corrupt establishment. What I didn’t know was that it was all an act. Cruz and Goldman Sachs (the leader in the 2008 crash where $1.4 trillion was stolen from the public) conspired to do what Obama did and so far were successful. Now running for president – how did Cruz pay off his $1million loan? He used campaign contributions from his presidential run to pay off the $1million loan – is that ethical? Did Goldman Sachs give over $1million in presidential contributions to Cruz? If so, the $1million loan was an illegal bait and switch. So, now Cruz is running as an anti-establishment constitutional senator, but is he really anti-establishment or is he a liar and fraud? Being a stock market broker, I can tell you that the insiders make billions every time they crash the market, such as the market crash in 2008. When you have inside information, you buy put options and sell short to make money on the crash. This is why the establishment elite crash the market around every 10 years. Goldman Sachs has their former employees throughout the government – you can bet that is no coincidence. If you have any doubt that Cruz is owned by the establishment elite globalists, then watch the following video – they did all the research and present the facts.
You must watch this video, search youtube for V9K9Xedk5eM and you will see the video “Rick Wells vs Ted and Heidi Cruz and the one world government”
You Hit the Nail On the Head!
The Bushes want Hillary in the White House!
A vote for Cruz is a Vote for Hillary!
President Trump 2016!
Bert Cundle Sr. says
Trump & Oprah?
Kathy Walker says
And I have some swamp land I can sell you. Really Trump is against 3 now on Repub side Trump will make mince meat out of Clinton she is just a stupid crook she should be under the jail and Bill should be there too he’s a pervert.
kenneth cameron says
TELL IT LIKE IT IS Sharon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bert Cundle Sr. says
Well… Bush Dynasty on the side of Cruz, should help Rubio! They act like they are still running things… LOL
The Bush Dynasty really don’t want Cruz in the White House, he has served the Establishment just fine in the Senate! The Bushes want HILLARY! SHE HAS BEEN PROMISED THE WHITE HOUSE AFTER OBAMA by the Establishment Globalist (Remember George W. Bush and his New World Order Speech?)
They know Trump is the only one that can BEAT HILLARY and that is the reason why they are spending HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS to try to Stop Trump!
Robert Early says
This will certainly not help Cruz. I was prepared
to support Cruz if Trump faultered. No longer. It’s now Trump or no one.
Theresa brex says
Its Cruz, or I stay home. Will never vote trump. . . Ever!
debdell says
We don’t need the vote of stupid people. Whatever your reason to hate Trump you should still consider what is best for our country. If you went to a doctor for a heart transplant and he was the best would you turn him away because you didn’t like him? I don’t like Cruz, but if he was not owned by the establishment then I would consider him, but he is worse than just owned.
In 2010 Cruz and Goldman Sachs got together and planned a run for the presidency. Cruz copied Obama’s game plan – be a senator for a year and then run for president. Cruz determined that he needed recognition and decided to act like he was against the establishment (Goldman Sachs and others) while making a name for himself. He got nasty with other senators calling them liars etc. which worked and got him known as going against the establishment. To get elected as senator in 2012, he “borrowed” $1 million from Goldman Sachs. If he lost, how would he pay back the $1million? Why would Goldman Sachs finance his run? Ok, so Cruz won. Then he did his thing – trashing various other senators. I believed him at the time. I thought he was a constitutional powerhouse going after the corrupt establishment. What I didn’t know was that it was all an act. Cruz and Goldman Sachs (the leader in the 2008 crash where $1.4 trillion was stolen from the public) conspired to do what Obama did and so far were successful. Now running for president – how did Cruz pay off his $1million loan? He used campaign contributions from his presidential run to pay off the $1million loan – is that ethical? Did Goldman Sachs give over $1million in presidential contributions to Cruz? If so, the $1million loan was an illegal bait and switch. So, now Cruz is running as an anti-establishment constitutional senator, but is he really anti-establishment or is he a liar and fraud? Being a stock market broker, I can tell you that the insiders make billions every time they crash the market, such as the market crash in 2008. When you have inside information, you buy put options and sell short to make money on the crash. This is why the establishment elite crash the market around every 10 years. Goldman Sachs has their former employees throughout the government – you can bet that is no coincidence. If you have any doubt that Cruz is owned by the establishment elite globalists, then watch the following video – they did all the research and present the facts.
You must watch this video, search youtube for V9K9Xedk5eM and you will see the video “Rick Wells vs Ted and Heidi Cruz and the one world government”
Thank God, there are people out there thinking for themselves!!!!
Trump for President 2016!
Theresa brex says
I don’t trust trump to do anything he says. He changes his positions as often as we chbange our underwear. He has been caught in so many lies ( press conference with sons wine, NY spring water that will put anyone’s label on it and bush brothers,not trump, steak.
He is the donor class of the establishment.
Ted Cruz however doesn’t change his mind sentence by paragraph. He is stable and consistent. He will back our military and untie third hands. Finally under Cruz, Obamas fake offensive against Isis will end!
kenneth cameron says
VOTE TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO ONE should be surprised, Cruz has LONG been in the Pocket of the Establishment and is for ending America’s Sovereignty just like the Bushes! Just like his wife, who is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and voted to Merge America with Mexico and Canada! If you didn’t want to Admit it, you don’t have any choice now! Let’s not forget George W. Bush and his NEW WORLD ODER SPEECH, for those who have not studied this, it means the End Of America!
Want to know the Truth, watch these!
The Bushes know Ted Cannot Win Against Hillary, That is their MAIN GOAL, HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT SO SHE CAN FINISH WHAT OBAMA STARTED!
anita says
since Bush lost ,now he wants to be chummy with Cruz and be his vice president if Cruz wins ,that is his strategy now ,
S. A. Moose says
We the People, include quite a large number of Ted Cruz supporters… So let’s get the field down to the two of them and see who really wins.
Trump Supporter says
Cruz said TRUMP voters are low informed. That’s political for saying because I’m voting TRUMP i’m stupid. Welll i’m ia lot smarter then he thinks, I see right through his lies. I wouldn’t buy a used car from him……
Jim man says
Trump supporter
From your comments you are pretty dumb
Rose says
If Ted Cruz was real MAN a winner he wouldn’t need the BUSHE’s help
It’s all so transparent that they are funding CRUZ , the establishment. Has there own agenda. And it’s not for the people.
Jim man says
Trump is a phony pig. The real Republicians will stay home rather than vote for this piece shit
That has broke his marriage vows 50 or 60 times. Brags about it. Hillary will be President because of dumb ass holes like you
Our only hope is Cruz
Lisa Miller says
I thank God for Senator Cruz! He has had to fight the establishment, fight for the constitution and fight for what he was elected to do. I believe he will do what he says or go out fighting. He has a track record to prove it. He has been tried and tested. I have more confidence in him than Trump. Trump is a wild card. Trump vacillates and changes his opinion so much that I am not sure what he believes in or even what he will instigate if elected. How can we trust him? Trump has no record and he keeps giving us cliches. We need to check our anger at the door and vote for someone who won’t bow down and cower before the opposition. We need someone who will fight for us as our president without grandstanding and being someone who looks more like they should be in a tabloid than the Oval Office.
Jim man says
I am ashame you are a Republician !!
Norma says
Have you notice there only one person that want to make sure we get our
Constitution and the Bill of Rights back to the American people. Obama didn’t
leave much left of our Constitution. Trump busy using all the loop holes to
make himself richer, he has admit it at the debates and yet most of you are
will to vote for him……………..WHY??????
Robert Early says
The Bush family will support Cruz just long enough to put Trump down. Then, Cruz will get the old RINO knife in the back. They are not about to elect an upstart Conservative.
Barbara says
How hypocritical of the GOP. Listen to the people not your special interests. We the people in the majority want Trump and there are more, once they stop feeling guilty about betraying their chosen candidate and see through all the manipulation and lies will also vote for Trump.
spike says
UH ?? The fact is Trump has not achieved anything close to 51% of the GOP vote let alone the general electorate.
So don’t be so loose with the “majority” term. We the People need a candidate that can pull in 51% plus in General Elections or we will face at least four years of Hillary / Obama policies and worse. I just saw her promising NO deportations of illegals and a path to citizenship for ALL of them. We the People better get our heads out of our collective asses and support Trump and Cruz. Whichever one wins the nomination will have 100% of my support.
In fact I’d still like to see a Trump/Cruz ticket.
debdell says
A vote for the people is a vote for Trump and a vote for Cruz is a vote for the corrupt establishment that includes the Bush and Clinton crime families. Cruz should be cancelled from everything and no way a VP.
Jim man says
Deb. Del
A vote for Trump shows how dumb you are
Jim man says
I was with until You said Cruz /Trump. Trump would drag the ticket down to much baggage.
Cruz/Rubio. Cruz / Kasich We need experience that can work congress. Without congress you are dead in. The
Water. Congress hates Trumps ass. They will not work with him. He would get not done Probably be impeached for war crimes this is not a good man
Robert Early says
Yes, the term “majority” is still a questionable one. So, I ran my own poll of 400 Republicans in my network of five states. 78%
favored Trump.
Not really scientific, huh?
Lois Wenk says
We see Trump for what he is a fraud.
debdell says
You’ve been sucked in by the propaganda.
In 2010 Cruz and Goldman Sachs got together and planned a run for the presidency. Cruz copied Obama’s game plan – be a senator for a year and then run for president. Cruz determined that he needed recognition and decided to act like he was against the establishment (Goldman Sachs and others) while making a name for himself. He got nasty with other senators calling them liars etc. which worked and got him known as going against the establishment. To get elected as senator in 2012, he “borrowed” $1 million from Goldman Sachs. If he lost, how would he pay back the $1million? Why would Goldman Sachs finance his run? Ok, so Cruz won. Then he did his thing – trashing various other senators. I believed him at the time. I thought he was a constitutional powerhouse going after the corrupt establishment. What I didn’t know was that it was all an act. Cruz and Goldman Sachs (the leader in the 2008 crash where $1.4 trillion was stolen from the public) conspired to do what Obama did and so far were successful. Now running for president – how did Cruz pay off his $1million loan? He used campaign contributions from his presidential run to pay off the $1million loan – is that ethical? Did Goldman Sachs give over $1million in presidential contributions to Cruz? If so, the $1million loan was an illegal bait and switch. So, now Cruz is running as an anti-establishment constitutional senator, but is he really anti-establishment or is he a liar and fraud? Being a stock market broker, I can tell you that the insiders make billions every time they crash the market, such as the market crash in 2008. When you have inside information, you buy put options and sell short to make money on the crash. This is why the establishment elite crash the market around every 10 years. Goldman Sachs has their former employees throughout the government – you can bet that is no coincidence. If you have any doubt that Cruz is owned by the establishment elite globalists, then watch the following video – they did all the research and present the facts.
You must watch this video, search youtube for V9K9Xedk5eM and you will see the video “Rick Wells vs Ted and Heidi Cruz and the one world government”
Jim man says
Deb dell
That is about the dumbest post on the page no one met with Golden Sachs. You are one dumb ass to spread crap like that
anita says
he is like true politician ,two faced ,self serving like all of them are
Trump Supporter says
Lois thank you for 8 years of Obama, keep voting for Hillary, she tells the truth and only wants to work for the people. I have a bridge in NY that you may want to buy…..The Clinton machine loves sheep’s like you.
Jim man says
Trump supporter.
I voted for Romney. Trump is lieing piece of crap He does not know what he is talking bout No. Experience period !!
Barbara says
How hypocritical of the GOP. Listen to the people not your special interests. We the people in the majority want Trump and there are more, once they stop feeling guilty about betraying their chosen candidate will also vote for Trump.
J.P. says
I surely hope so. I hope people will stop listening to the establishment and look at the FACTS. NO more establishment. Its killing America.
Sharon Jenkins says
Richard says
Loser backing another Loser.
Get united behind the TRUE leader, TRUMP!
or the Republican Party will never win.
cruz and rubio and the nobody from Ohio
Jim man says
Should drop out
Main Street says
Mean old Mr. Trump upset the Jeb coronation. So what that Trump is getting tens of millions of votes. Don’t they know that the ruling class demanded a Hillary vs. Jeb November election? Then I saw on the news how they have a commercial on stating that Trump never served in the military. Neither did Marco, Ted or Jeb. The retired military officers in the commercials probably owe the Bush family for their promotions. Yes men with stars on their shoulders.
Jim man says
Main Street
They were generals before the Bushes You dumb ass. Most come out of Vietman. That’s the war Trump got 4. Deferments.
From that. Ran like the coward he is
Redfray says
The second best reason I know to NOT vote for Cruz.
Constitutionalist says
Gee, the Bush’s promoting an unqualified candidate who was a FREAKIN’ CANADIAN less than 2 years ago.
i’m shocked, shocked i say, that the Bush Crime Syndicate family would promote Unconstitutionality in any way(NOT!).
Kathy Walker says
The Bush and Clinton family need to go away. Two crime families. We need Trump to clean up the mess in this country. Can’t wait till the Obamas are gone too. Sick of all these leaches.
debdell says
The corrupt establishment elite parasites need to go, Trump is the can of Raid.
Jim man says
Yes he is poison To the country
Andrea Guarneri says
I also think the republican super pacs and Jeb Bush is a hypocrite. Marco, Ted and Jeb HAVE NOT SERVED in the military.
Also, If Trump is leading in so many places, then the republicans should STAND WITH TRUMP. I think that he is THE ONLY PERSON THAT COULD BEAT HILLARY CLINTON.
Furthermore, he is a businessman and I think it is time for a businessman and a successful businessman to be in the WHITE HOUSE as president.
Kathy Walker says
I totally agree Trump needs to clean house. He will be the best person for the job. Hillary is a lawyer crook she thinks she can get away with anything. Can’t stand her.
Jackie says
Jim man says
Trump ran like hell Got 4 deferrments during Vietnam. A real coward
Norman shatto says
Just proves what I’ve always known that Ted Cruz is a total sellout to the ruling class and will do whatever they want no matter how bad it is for the country. We need Donald Trump for the job at hand
Paul Meierhenry says
Go Cruz
Kathy Walker says
Cruz lies Evan about his name (Rafael Cruz). He had duel citizenship with Canada where he was born until 2014. What he did with the robo calls with Trump Carson and Rubio shows what a scumbag he is.
Sharon Jenkins says
Cruz is still a legal citizen even though he had dual citizenship. He was born in Canada & has an American mother, as Obama was born in Kenya and has an American mother. That’s not an issue with me. I know Cruz is for American Freedom and Liberty, whereas Obama is for Socialism. Socialism has never worked and only destroyed people.
sambad says
Obama is also for ISIS or ISIL as he prefers to call them.
V. Carrera says
I understand that all of our republican party is mad. So am I. My kid lost his job along with 200 others due to Obamacare and were told that was the reason as they couldn’t afford the insurance. My friends got overlooked for jobs because the jobs were given to 3 somalians at Home Depot, forget the americans. I read the Associated Press on the horrible death of Mr. Stevens including I believe Sodomy..It made me weep as I imagined him all alone in Benghazi. No Republican should vote for Hilary. I will vote for any Republican over Hilary or Sanders. I will vote for Trump or Cruz or whoever is the frontrunner against a Democrat!
Trump Supporter says
I too am under employed at home depot do to Obama Care. But it looks great in Washington it gives them bragging rights to say the unemployment rate is under 5%. I have to work 2 jobs to pay bills. I don’t get a government check and free healthcare like all the politicians do.. also I don’t get a governmen t credit card to fix up my house like Marco did…….This whole system is rigged against the American public. …..
Carol says
Yes go Cruz all the way back to Texas and then if we lucky back to Canada.
Kathy Walker says
My husband is retired military we both have voted for Trump. All of the other military people we know around the States are voting Trump. We are tired of the rest of the same lawyer crooks that are running this country.. We need a business man to clean house. All these other lawyers should be under the jail. Vote Trump 2016!!!!!!!!!!!
Lois Wenk says
Trump targeted vets in his Trump University scandal. All military personnel are potential vets. You husband was slandered by virtue that is his potential. Unless you believe he is 100% going to die before his service to America ends. Trump slanders all you are mistaken to vote for Trump. Your husband and other present and past military personnel deserve better.
Merril says
I agree with these comments. The Republicans are going to keep their crap going and Hillary will be president! Then I would change my party affiliation also! Don’t be stupid Republicans!
Hugiaino says
Hillary will be President if Trump gets nominated.
Trump Supporter says
I don’t think so……..Hillary will be going to the big house, not the White House.
R Davis says
Just as the people rejected Jeb, any association to the Cruz ticket could taint it. I believe the Bushes want to serve our nation, but their hard-line stance on common core and other things makes many believe they are associated with the one-world government. That change is repugnant to many. I am a Cruz supporter but if my background would taint the Cruz ticket, I would not make it a public announcement.
Jackie says
Hugiaino says
No, they’re afraid that if Trump gets nominated, Hillary wins! Why? Because many polls of likely voters say so!
The best thing Trump could do for America is look at the polls, realize he can’t beat either Hillary or Bernie, and support someone who can, like Cruz. If he’d clean up his mouth, lose the insults, and talk substance, he could make a positive difference in America.
Lois Wenk says
Trump will not choose it.
Sam Mc Connell says
You folks just lost to the democrats and actually destroyed the republican party – you remind me of a phrase “HouseMouse” that was a term used when I was in the service. That is those suck asses that think they control all of us simple people. They had a bunch of them down in Georgia -McConnell Romeny and lots of lobbeyest – where you get more favors.
Kathy Walker says
Romney, Paul Ryan, MConnel, are old boy crooks that need to go. Rubio Cruz Kasich Are all part of the lawyer crooks on the gravy train. Hillary and Obama are more of the same all eval crooks. Then we have Sanders a communist. This is what we have running this country if we pions did the stealing that they have done we would be in jail. That is where they all belong. Trump a businessman 2016. Our last hope before we go over the cliff.
Kathy H says
Of course they are rallying around Cruz although they would prefer the favorite son Jeb. This just confirms for me that Cruz is not as he portrays himself.
Bob says
If the GOP continues their tricks and stop Trump, and if he is the popular choice – It is time to replace the Republican Party with an Independent party.
Kathy Walker says
I totally agree.
Ralph L Carpenter says
Maybe the “Conservative” party? Conservatives do not have any representation in todays two-party system.
Lois Wenk says
That’s the problem. Us real conservatives were left behind if Trump gets nomination. Nice having it explained.
Lorraine E says
Certainly Ted Cruz knows the history of the Bush’s oil mafia connections. The only reason I can imagine Ted Cruz would do something so stupid is because the Bush’s have unlimited money from their oil mafia connections. The Bushes all have very tarnished backgrounds and Ted Cruz’s ties to them is enough reason to not consider Ted for the presidency.
This is another reason why only Donald Trump should become our next president. The Cruz/bush connection in my opinion disqualifies Ted Cruz for the presidency. We don’t need another Bush puppet.
Constitutionalist says
And don’t forget the Carlyle Group, either; that Corporation has fingers in a lot of pies.
If you haven’t heard of it already, you may wish to read “Family of Secrets,” by investigative journalist Russ Baker; if you do, the info you’ll receive will soon disabuse you of any notion that the Bush family cares about America or Americans.
Constitutionalist says
Oh, and i forgot; visit, which will be much faster(and far less expensive).
Liz says
I am so sick of all the crap going on to stop Trump. Just let the American people choose !!! I am ready to leave the Republican party right now. He is the only one that can clean up the mess in DC. If Trump gets the delegates and they cheat him out of the nomination, there will be rioting in DC. I am all for doing away with Republican party and replacing it with a new party. They don’t do anything to help us anyway. They just roll over and let Obama have what he wants. How about the Patriot party ?? It will be for all of us who have been forgotten by the elites. We need to keep Mr. Trump in our prayers.
Lois Wenk says
Trump should have gone on what he is instead of being a fraud. He is a fraud, he is not really a republican in any shape or form. Disrespectful to claim to be anything you are not. If he won on honesty like Sanders we would not be as mad at him. Trump is no better than H Clinton and Obama. We are not for voting for Sanders but he has not set out to be a fraud.
G-ma68 says
Establishment or not Cruz is still at the end of the day… A politician. Even if he is clean on the inside he seems slippery on the outside. Bushes’ getting behind him will only solidify that slime. Too bad.
Constitutionalist says
At the end of the day, what he REALLY is is a CONadian who didn’t give up his citizenship until 2014.
And for the poster that says he held “Dual Citizenship,” check your facts; Canada did NOT ALLOW dual citizenship when Cruz was born.
Justin W says
President Ted Cruz would NOT get everything he asks Congress for. That shouldn’t surprise anyone. President Obama governs by executive order because he is unable to get most of what he wants.
It’s time for the non-Trump Republican candidates to meet and develop a strategy for dealing with Donald Trump. That would likely mean two of the Trump challengers getting out of the race and endorsing the remaining challenger. I think Gov. Kasich would probably be the best qualified of the three, but he has had problems winning primaries. At this point the object is to win the primaries.
gordon miller says
This is good news because a solid front is needed to defeat the witch and that front, the polls show, cannot be led by Donald Trump; he losses to her. A Cruz coalition is our only hope.
Constitutionalist says
Polling corporations get hired, right?
“He who pays the piper calls the tune,” right?
Find out who’s paying for these “polls,” and you’ll have a clue-by-four.
Face facts; Cruz was a Canadian in 2014, and is NOT QUALIFIED for the office of the Presidency. Period!
What worse, though, is that in 2012, during the run-up to the last D’ohbama election, Cruz personally pointed out that since D’OweBama didn’t have 2 citizen parents, he wasn’t natural born, and so was disqualified for the office – yet here he is, KNOWINGLY trying the same bullshit! He should be arrested for attempting to perpetrate a FRAUD.
Lois Wenk says
The constitution says otherwise. He is a natural born citizen based on mother’s citizenship just like Obama is. Read the constitution and get over yourself all birthers. This was already decided. Go for word.
Constitutionalist says
To put it mildly, your opinion is horse-hockey.
The Constitution does NOT SAY what “natural born” means. In the First Congress, Second Session, the LAWMAKERS defined the word the same as Vattel did, in his book “Law of Nations,” which is that “natural born” status is ONLY conveyed if BOTH parents were Citizens at the time of birth, and that this principle applies to ALL nations, not just America. IF you disagree – since you keep saying that “the Constitution says,” i say prove it. Google you up a copy, read it, then SHOW ME. Cut’n’paste the EXACT phraseology that you CLAIM is in there. I’ll save you some time. It AIN’T IN THERE.
In addition, there have been at least 4 SCOTUS decisions involving the definition of “natural born,” and in at least one of them Vattel is cited.
Ignorance can be cured; defiant stupidity merely awaits an opportunity for a slap-down. Educate yourself, woman.
Ralph L Carpenter says
I would think an endorsement from the Bush family would be the kiss of death for this election cycle. If Cruz desires to keep his “creds” he should reject their endorsement.
Charlie says
Follow the money!!!!!!
The lobbyist spread money around to career politicians, there is no end to it.
Donald Trump is the only candidate who is ready willing and able to take on the task of being president when we all know the whole world is in trouble like we have never seen before. He puts his money where his mouth is.
ALSO REMEMBER THIS: Everyone’s life matters. It is how you participate in life that counts.
VOTE for somebody or shut the hell up
Bill capanna says
If the power people with all the money turn there backs on the people who voted Donald Trump in to be Our president then there should be a huge invest in these crooks . How they control our country and fill there pockets with all that money and give back nothing to the people who really need it is a crime .And then Cruz the Canadian does nothing but lie and be the Sleeze that he is .Rubio is no better and the Governor talks about what he has done and the country is still messed up .I will support Mr Trump because he is not afraid to confront the crooks like the republican senator who rules the senate by saying Trump will never be president I will make sure of that. Who in hell does he think he is this Kentucky senator could not stop Trump in his own state . Mr trump keep doing what you are doing we will support you against these Crooks
Constitutionalist says
Getting endorsed by the Bushes is like being endorsed by Hitler or Charlie Manson.
Arthur Hartsock says
Run away from the Bush clan as fast as possible, Ted Cruz!! Their support will be the death of your campaign. Compete honestly, and if the voters choose Donald Trump, then maybe he’ll consider you for an upcoming Supreme Court vacancy. And this could be Mr. Cruz’s best contribution to our nation.
Hugiaino says
No. If Donald wins the nomination, Ted needs to stay in the Senate to vote against all of Hillary’s radical agenda!
Paul Bouffard says
gizmo says
Ronald Reagan would bite his buckles now for selecting bush, he was not a politician at the time, however we found out his whole family is part of the new world order, and now they are indorsing cruse, it tells me what cruse is.
Stephan Brown says
Why is it we never hear about Niel Bush, the ex CEO of Silverado Savings and Loan in Colorado in the 80s? When Kenneth Star got to investigating his loan portfolio, and the fact that $60,000,000 was missing, VP daddy and Reagan fired Star and Neil disappeared. The money didn’t, in was used to put brother GW in the White House and Jeb in as FLA governor. I am a Republican and I vote for the best of the worst. Still better that the Democrats. Obama, need I say more?
I guess I could say Hillary, but we need a president who can concentrate on the job and not spend time fighting indictments and overseeing politically expedient assassinations. (The Clinton associated body count now stands at 47).
What is the missing son, he who shall never be spoken of, up to???
So I vote for Trump, both the good and the bad about him, its all public record, love him or hate him; respect him for his transparency.
terence says
“Now, rumors indicate that the Bush political dynasty may be set to weigh in.”
My heaven that does sound like a formidable clarion call designed to have the Trump campaign trembling in their shoes, in truth however it is ludicrous attempt to re-energize a spent force since the Bush brothers already combined their efforts on behalf of Jeb, and he has capitulated before the onward march of Trump – to then talk of marshalling the other dead beat Republican candidates, already fallen or about to fall like nine pins before the trumpeting Trump brigade, just further adds to the futility of the pathetic Republican party fight back. They still have not grasped that the peoples’ support for the maverick Trump stems in large part precisely because he is not a part of the established Republican party, and for the these party establishment figures to be seen to gang-up against him will simply add to his public support.
Bobby says
Here establishment goes again treating us like cattle no matter who we want for the presidency they’re saying no you can’t vote for Donald trump you’re going to vote for The establishment you’re going to vote for who we want you to vote for I can tell you this they better watch what they wish for
I will stay home or vote for queen Hillary or Bernie Sanders
Joanne says
I am sick and tired of the media, pollsters and the same old tired guests who appear on CNN, Fox and other major networks.. I could care less what they have to say about all this political crap. I have no respect for the ones who continually denounce Donald Trump and I certainly do not value their opinions. Just shut the hell up and let the people of this nation make their own decisions. I believe Trump will win the Republican nomination and become the next President of the United States. God Bless America.
G-ma68 says
The only answer I see is: VOTE TRUMP REGARDLESS!
Bush has just (thank God) politically assassinated Cruz. RUBIO is a tantrum throwing, lying crybabe and Kasich is scarey quiet … Though my gut says he might be a nice guy… Which is not what we need right now.
Laura says
Clearly they do not get the message sad.
Lois Wenk says
Brainwashed people love the uphorea of not smart. It’s like being stoned to a drug abuser.
jimmy says
Shelton nails it below…..
Shelton says
March 10, 2016 at 11:36 am
Just shows me how ill-informed you are. The Republican establishment hates Cruz because he has fought them his entire time in office. Cruz wants to protect, and has proven it, our constitutional rights which are under attack by both parties and particularly Obama. If people with your views don’t wake up you will be wearing a burka and won’t be able to even drive a vehicle. Trump is a liberal in disguise and will deceive the American people just like Obama has done. Wake up America.
audrea says
The Democrats are running scared. The Bush’s going for Cruz! How desperate can you be?They are all so afraid of Trump because he doesn’t have to grease their hands for any of their contributions. He’s his own man. He’s out for the betterment of this country, not like all the other politicians that kiss ass for contributions and promise pay back. Trump is a man of his word and will finally put this country on the right track after Obama has nearly demolished it. AND…we will have a drop dead beautiful, classy first lady!!!
audrea says
The Democrats are running scared. The Bush’s going for Cruz! How desperate can you be?They are all so afraid of Trump because he doesn’t have to grease their hands for any of their contributions. He’s his own man. He’s out for the betterment of this country, not like all the other politicians that kiss ass for contributions and promise pay back. Trump is a man of his word and will finally put this country on the right track after Obama has nearly demolished it. AND…we will have a drop dead beautiful, classy first lady!!!
Lois Wenk says
We need functional not tyrannical president. Trump is the problem. If she is or is not classy, it still does not out weigh the problem still is Donald Trump as president is disgusting at best.
Joanne says
Donald Trump – Love him or Leave him. I am a Trumpian all the way. He’s a successful businessman, surrounds himself with the best money can buy and is able to delegate responsibilities to his staff. I believe he has much to offer this country and will make a difference.
G-ma68 says
You are spot on!. Some one who is not owned by the establishment . Someone unafraid to say it like he feels it.
That’s Mr Trump.
DustyFae says
Personally, l do not care who you believe or not.. Or who you vote for.. God is in Control
Constitutionalist says
Once upon a time, a farmer had a section of his land near a creek that was all overgrown with weeds, trash trees, thorns, vines and all sorts of non-useful things. One day, he decided to clean it all up and plant it, as it was good bottom-land. So he cut down the briers and the vines and the trashtrees, hauled out the stumps, burned the debris, plowed and planted the area, and lo and behold! It produced very, very well. He mentioned how the area had done so well to his pastor of a Sunday, and his pastor promised to come out an take a look. The following Wednesday, the clergyman showed up. “Wow!” exclaimed the pastor, “i remember how this once looked! The Lord sure has blessed you!” The farmer began to fidget. The pastor walked through another area, and said “Ah declare, these are the largest tomatoes i’ve ever seen! The Lord has truly been good to you.” The farmer began to fret. The pastor took an ear of corn off the tallest cornstalk he’d ever seen, and said, “The Lord has truly done right by you!” The farmer couldn’t stand it no more, so he said “Pastor, the Lord had that patch all to Himself for many, many years. It wasn’t ’til i did something that it became what you see today!”
Told you that to tell you this: there’s a great difference between saying “The Lord is in Control” and “The Lord directed me to do A, B, or C, and look how it prospered when i worked at it.” I have seen far too many use the phrase “The Lord is in Control” as an excuse to do nothing and leave it all in His hands. I certainly hope you lean toward the former and not the latter philosophy, for as the theoretical farmer in the example above demonstrates, nature, when left entirely to itself, does not tend toward abundantly producing but tends towards unprofitability.
Spartacus says
It’s hard to believe Cruz is STUPID enough to want to connect himself to Bush….he’s got to realize that the reason Trump is so popular is the national hatred of anything relating to the Bush/Clinton political machine…and of course anything that reeks of O’Vomit! I think Bush is trying to buy his way onto someone’s ticket as a VP candidate….or maybe the family is so worried about Trumps promise to reveal the truths of 9-11 that they’re willing to put $$ behind Cruz to stop Trump (and I’m sure Cruz isn’t dumb enough to turn down free money for his Campaign). Trump might be great….IF he does the things he’s talking about NOW and not the things he said he was for 10 years ago (we know we can’t trust Rubio….man who speaks with forked tongue about Amnesty for illegals and 2d Amendment rights…Trump is someone we just can’t be sure about). Cruz at least has been consistent and has fought against the RINOs and GOP “establishment” all along. I’ll admit I’m intrigued about Trump….but my 1st vote will be for the guy I KNOW is on our side….Cruz (unless he picks Jeb to be his VP, then I might have to vote for The Donald!)
Tammy p. says
Trump is the only one that can get our country out of debt. He is a business man and knows how to do it. He’s for the second amendment, veterans, security to stop people that are illegal from coming here. He is for every one and also said he will not raise the age limit on social security or touch it . He said he will leave social security the same. And when he says we are going to make America great again, he means it. We will have more jobs and you can believe that!!!! “Donald Trump for president 2016”
Constitutionalist says
The curious thing is that in America – since at least 1964, the last time there was real silver in any Coin of the United States in general circulation – all money is debt-notes, and if all the debt notes were repaid(a mathematical impossibility, btw), all of what currently passes for “money” would disappear. But don’t believe me; believe these guys:
“The whole profit of the issuance of money has provided the capital of the great banking business as it exists today. Starting with nothing whatever of their own, they have got the whole world into their debt irredeemably, by a trick. This ‘money’ comes into existence every time the banks ‘lend’ and disappears every time the debt is repaid to them. So that if industry tries to repay, the money of the nation disappears. This is what makes prosperity so ‘dangerous’ as it destroys money just when it is most needed and precipitates a slump. There is nothing left now for us but to get ever deeper and deeper into debt to the banking system in order to provide the increasing amounts of money the nation requires for its expansion and growth. An honest money system is the only alternative.”
— Frederick Soddy(1877-1956) British author, professor, Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1921
“Commercial banks create checkbook money whenever they grant a loan, simply by adding new deposit dollars in accounts on their books in exchange for a borrower’s IOU.”
— Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Source: I Bet You Thought, p.19
“If two parties, instead of being a bank and an individual, were an individual and an individual, they could not inflate the circulation medium by a loan transaction, for the simple reason that the lender could not lend what he didn’t have, as banks can do…only commercial banks and trust companies can lend money that they manufacture by lending it.”
~Professor Irving Fisher, economist, in his book 100% Money, 1935.
“The banks — commercial banks and the Federal Reserve — create all the money of this nation and its people pay interest on every dollar of that newly created money. Which means that private banks exercise unconstitutionally, immorally, and ridiculously the power to tax the people. For every newly created dollar dilutes to some extent the value of every other dollar already in circulation.”
— Jerry Voorhis[Horace Jeremiah Voorhis] (1901-1984) US Congressman (D-Ca)
“This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon.”
― Robert H. Hemphill (Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga.)
“When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure. Every effort has been made by the Fed (Reserve) to conceal its powers but the truth is — THE FED HAS USURPED THE GOVERNMENT!”
― Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of House Comm. on Banking and Currency from 1920 to 1931 (Shadows of Power, pg. 23
“I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can and do “CREATE” money, and they who control the credit of a nation direct the policy of the government and hold in the hollow of their hands, the destiny of the people.”
― Reginald McKenna, Chancellor of England’s Exchequer, January 1924
“The present Federal Reserve System is a flagrant case of the Government’s conferring a special privilege upon bankers. The Government hands to the banks its credit, at virtually no cost to the banks, to be loaned out by the bankers for their own private profit. Still worse, however, is the fact that it gives the bankers practically complete control of the amount of money that shall be in circulation. Not one dollar of these Federal Reserve notes gets into circulation and without someone paying interest to some bank to keep it circulation. Our present money system is a debt of money system. Before a dollar can circulate, a debt must be created. Such a system assumes that you can borrow yourself out of debt.”
― Willis A. Overholser, LL.B – in History of Money in the United States.
These statements were made during hearings of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, September 30, 1941. Members of the Federal Reserve Board call themselves “Governors.” Governor Marriner Eccles was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board at the time of these hearings:
Congressman Patman: “How did you get the money to buy those two billion dollars worth of Government securities in 1933?”
Governor Eccles: “Out of the right to issue credit money.”
Patman: “And there is nothing behind it, is there, except our Government’s credit?”
Eccles: “That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.”
Congressman Fletcher: “Chairman Eccles, when do you think there is a possibility of returning to a free and open market, instead of this pegged and artificially controlled financial market we now have?”
Governor Eccles: “Never, not in your lifetime or mine.”
— Marriner Stoddard Eccles(1890-1977) US banker, economist, and Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1934-48)
Source: during hearings of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, September 30, 1941.
The short story is this: nowadays, Debt IS money – well, at least until the “loans” are called in. This is the major tactic of the “Beast that deceived the whole world.” With debt-money, you can’t really “buy” anything, because you’re trading IOU’s for goods or services. The only way to permanently extinguish debt is by trading substance for substance, that is, something of intrinsic value for something else of intrinsic value. With debt-notes(aka FRNs or Federal Reserve Notes, or dollar “bills,” that is, BILLS for dollars, promises to pay), all you can do is “legally discharge debt.”
If you want further information on this world-wide fraud, you might wish to start by googling up a court case called “Stanek v White,” or you could get a clue by four from many vids available @ youtube, starting with “From Freedom to Fascism” or “The Money Masters,” or “The History of Money,” and etc. There will be “recommended videos” on the RH side which will give you more info, if desired, too.
This problem, this deception, is really at the root of the vast majority of the world’s troubles today – but as Thoreau observed, “For every one striking at the root of evil, there are a thousand hacking at the branches,” though today, i might venture to say that the number might be closer to a hundred-thousand or more. Most have NO clue, especially that debt is a tool of enslavers. The Proverb reads, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.” This principle pre-dates Christ, and is just as true today as it has always been.
Freda says
Sounds like sourer grapes to be.
Ann Dowell says
Then I guess the Bush Family must have loved Pres Nixon because Cruz is Nixon on steriods!