President-elect Donald Trump is already making waves in Washington, D.C. — and even corrupt politicians in his own political party aren’t safe.
Reacting to the news that House Republicans had secretly gutted a Congressional ethics oversight committee Monday, Trump took to the bully pulpit to demand change.
With all that Congress has to work on, do they really have to make the weakening of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2017
……..may be, their number one act and priority. Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance! #DTS
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2017
Immediately after, House Republicans quickly reversed themselves and dropped their plans to swiftly gut an independent congressional ethics board.
The dizzying about-face came as lawmakers convened for the first day of the 115th Congress, an occasion normally reserved for pomp and ceremony under the Capitol Dome. Instead, House Republicans on Tuesday found themselves under attack not only from Democrats, but from their new president, over their secretive move Monday to immediately neuter the independent Office of Congressional Ethics and place it under lawmakers’ control.
GOP leaders scrambled to contain the damage, and within hours of Trump registering his criticism over the timing on Twitter, they called an emergency meeting of House Republicans where lawmakers voted to undo the change.
The episode, coming even before the new Congress had convened and lawmakers were sworn in, was a powerful illustration of the sway Trump may hold over his party in a Washington that will be fully under Republican control for the first time in a decade.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
aw says
F says
And Not the PARASITES who have had control of the DC SWAMP….Mr Donald Trump….PLease DRAIN THE SWAMP ASAP
Dan says
Do NOT drain the swamp.
Chris says
Can I offer my help if possible?
Kelly says
Yeah Impeach Obama
Constitutionalist says
I am VERY glad that the RINO’s reversed themselves on trying to control an “independent” oversight committee; my concern is that some of these hombres may now be plotting revenge.
In future, Trump needs to go to these guys PRIVATELY, first, and only go to tweeting if they’re unresponsive…or worse, hostile! IME, it is neither prudent nor circumspect to publicly humiliate ANYone, even if they “deserve” it.
Christopher says
You are right Chris, we should offer to help the Trump cause
Donna says
Paul says
There’s a moving truck in front of the White House lets go help butt head move out
Barbara says
Daniel says
And fumigate it with 20 year warranty..
Marcia says
If you nuke it the winds will blow and kill a lot of children, young adults and us oldies. Do not use nukes to drain the swamp put then out to pasture or in prison.
Guy Mcgowen says
It was a joke Marcia. He just wanted to show how sincere and completely behind Mr. Trump he was.
retired says
They shoot horses dont”t they?????????????????????????????
Raymond H. Clary, Jr. says
Hey, like it or not the swamp needs to remain inhabitable. We merely need to drain those inhabitants who wish our country ill: Demoncrats and globalists of any stripe.
Re says
Raymond.. we need to rehabilitate the swamp..get rid of the snakes muskrats, hanger ons, muslems, rats all the hater that are against making great again .. just watch there actions.
ken says
ken says
Patti says
Like your response!!
Priyta Lakini says
President Elect Trump is a man of valor and command in the true sense to drain the swamp
ken says
it’s time
gloria says
Trump and the word .Valor. should not be used in the same sentence. Trump is the worst part of the swamp. He is adding to it in a big way, given who he appointing to his cabinet.
Dux nobis says
Down with RINOs call back the army and place them on the southern border deport all illegal aliens immediately!
Hanko American says
Hey Dux nobis—Don’t forget to deport all maggot-munching muslims as well! Let the party begin!!!!
Ronney says
Your exactly right Muslims are as big a threat as the illegals. The illegals steal our jobs and suck the life out of our economy, but at least their not a snake in the grass waiting to strike and kill you and your family. I cannot wait untill law enforcement gets the word ship them bank or hang them.
ken says
yes can’t support everyone taxes high enought
WKW says
YES! Put the military on the southern border. Move their training to the southern border. We pay their salaries to train…Patrolling the southern border could be incorporated into their training and it would be a minimal increase to costs.
Ahna says
I have always believed , putting military on the southern border is a great idea , great training , no extra , costs , Yes !!!’!!’
William Barnes says
I am behind Trump 100% and will be if he does what he promised to do in his campaign.
gloria says
He won’t !
an american patriot says
yes drain it …put corruption…that IS ..going on in the dumpster……yah TRUMP
Chris says
Level of punishment should be to apoint that criminals get scared, otherwise will be no change. All profesions requiring taking oath should be classified as HIGH PROFILE CORRUPTION. Dentists, Doctors, Investigators, Lawers , Judges , Politicians. If needed some Mid-evel time punishment , bring it back for a start. They are so dip in their crimes so forgot how the jobs look in reality. Complete kleptocracy out there, and sweet law abiding citizens are getting hurt every day and no one protects them.
Ed Krinsky says
Mr.Trump will do what he has promised to do, unless challenged by the maggot infested court. He will not go after Hillary, as that is NOT his job. What he will do is tell the Department of Justice ” do your job!”
They will do what they’re supposed to do. And Hillary will have to dig her bunker deeper……!
Heidi says
I agree with you Ed. Hillary needs to pay her dues. She is as corrupt as they come and Obama as well as he supported her corruption. This is a priority for the Department of Justice.
GI Joe says
IMO, if they do not go after Hillary, they will be saying that she and all her ilk are above the law and that only we “underlings” are subject to the law. I say they should roast her sorry a$$!
Re says
You got it..
debdell says
Draining the swamp is a good thing, Flushing all the turds is even better!
retired says
The swamp is full of parasites time to call the ORKIN man and have the parasites eliminated…..
Shirley Caraway says
Drain the swamp. Yes I stand behind President Trump. First order of business should be.(GET RID OF THE SWAMP) Then the congress can do their job.
Gerry Holden says
I am A Canadian, but watch and have watched, this amazing metamorphises take place. Mr Trump in my eyes represents a refreshing change and most certainly a change that does not reflect the party line or crumble under partisan and or non- partisan pressure. Wake up America your populace made the decision , whether that be the electoral college vote or the popular vote, it is your system, suck it up? It’s over, try just try, working with this guy and watch things happen, not only in the USA but all over the world!
Sandtazam says
Heed my warning, we the voters are watching and listening to every move you politicians make, if you think you can undermine the road to success put forth by Donald Trump, you too will be voted out and another out in that will do the will of the people that elected you.
Lincoln Sorensen says
Draining the swamp should include an immediate ban on lobbyists from any contact with elected employees “we the people ” have placed in office to do OUR bidding. Why make the cabinet members sign a waiver to not lobby for 5 years after leaving their cabinet appointments? There should be no special interests lobbying from 1/20/2017 on!!! Our elected employees have no need to be in D C , anyway, now with all the media, conference calls etc available. The elected employees should remain within their districts and conduct regular town hall visits with their own constituents and hear their concerns, not the concerns of special interest lobbyists. The lobbyists are the biggest alligators in the swamp and have no interest in America, just what is best for their special interest employers. So, if the lobbyists are not immediately banned from contact with our elected employees, then I will not consider the swamp drained!!!
gloria says
The biggest alligator in the swamp is dump trump !
Freedom says
And Not the PARASITES who have had control of the DC SWAMP….Mr Donald Trump….PLease DRAIN THE SWAMP ASAP
Glenn Singer says
Draining the swamp also includes removing the vast amount of bureaucracy and red tape that slows everything down and cost us billions!!!
Oren says
Clint Eastwood said it….”they are a lazy bunch of sons of bitches.”
Tim says
Nellie says
Me too, if TRUMP runs again under another party, I will CHANGE my party. Fed up WITH McCain and a few others. You have to live close to borders to understand the mess Obama has created. Crime rate went up fast after 2008. Obama’s only accomplish is trying to turning our country into a MUSLIM government. With Hillary he would have accomplished this act.
Bob says
I’m sure that if you live close to the borders you understand this immigration mess probably more clearly than most people. What I can’t understand is how a person like McCain who lives in a border state like Arizona where illegal immigrants run rampant can vote for things like the DREAM Act and other attempts at amnesty. I actually think I do understand it. McCain is not a republican he’s just got the ‘R’ after his name but he’s a liberal in disguise and there to disrupt the conservative movement.
HHH says
McCain is a week kneed democrat he is not a conservative In fact he impresses me as a extreme liberal. Just because a person calls them selves a Republican doesn’t make it so. I believe the reason he gets reelected is the illegal vote which he backs by not opposing it.
Gary D Brewer says
Totally concur. I was sorry to see McCain get reelected. Are all of the voters in Az. asleep?
He comes out of the Republican closet too often to vote with the Democrats.
dennis says
His experience in Viet Nam may have left some emotional damage and resentment toward the US and the anti-war movement. Viet Nam messed up plenty of previously good and smart people.
Jerry says
He proved that, when he ran against Obama in 2008. I believe he was supposed to lose, and pave the way for the NWO. Both the Bushes were just as bad, considering they wanted open borders too.
bob jones says
Actually John McCain is a traitor, changed sides when he was shot down, been a traitor ever since. No one has fought as hard as McCain to block finding and recovering POWS/MIAS, always afraid of people coming back and squealing on him. As evil as it gets as is his partner in crime Miss Lindsey.
A Hartsock says
It is perfectly fine to oppose Senator McCain because of his politics and recent voting record. But repeating the lies about McCain’s supposed siding with the NVA in the Hanoi Hilton are complete BS, Mr. Jones. Mr. McCain has been supported by Congressional Medal of Honor recipients. Prisoners who were in Hanoi Hilton with him. And how do you explain how badly John was treated by his captors? He carries these scars and injuries to this day. It is not okay to repeat the vindictive lies started during his Presidential campaign in the South Carolina primary. You are way off base, Mr. Jones.
Constitutionalist says
Google “songbird mccain,” read up, and get hip.
McCain almost single-handedly blocked ANY info concerning POW/MIA’s in Vietnam. Nothing like the truth to set you free – and maybe even a few ancient survivors in ‘Nam, too – if they haven’t all be worked to death or just plain murdered.
theicecube says
That is simple to figure out. Their votes is why. If real republicans wanted him out, they probably are being out voted by all of the immigrants and their familys so McClown goes with the flow so as to keep his job. Remember, to figure out the motive, always follow the money (votes).
Rob says
Him and Jeff Flake both! McCain and Flake will fight Trump on the wall and deportations even though the people of Arizona supported Trump and his agenda in the General Election! They both need replaced with true Americans!
an american patriot says
ITS NOT WHAT THEY WANT…….its what we the people want,,,,,,,its our country they work for us …i say next time their up for election VOTE THEM OUT …we the people have the power once the illigals are gone
Bob Uda says
He’s a true RINO.
Ronald says
Sen. THURMAN was a Rino as well, but he was for the people and not the illegals…..
gnb says
“Song Bird” McCain has 7 good reasons to oppose congressional ethics oversight . Can you say “the Keatings 7”? How in the world does that (song) bird manage to get re-elected?
Don says
McCain is corrupt and has an ego that will blind him every single day and that is why he gets reelected time and time again. He allowed himself to be drawn to the dark side of the force
years ago and will stay there until the last day of his life. Never ever trust him to be honest or do the right thing.
Lynn says
John McCAIN has ties to George Soros. McCain is a liberal and corrupt. Lindsey Graham is the same.
Mitch Mc Connell and Paul Ryan are just as bad and have to be watched very closely. They have aligned themselves with Obama and have no ethics nor do they care about the American people which is apparent in their Treatment of our president -elect during the election.
debdell says
It will be easier to understand how McCain and the other RINO’s operate if you understand that both parties and the media are owned by the corrupt establishment elite cartel composed of Bushes, Clintons, globalists, international bankers, and other criminals in organized crime. They have been using the political system to stay in power for decades and own all the politicians. Trump is their opposition along with other powerful corps like the oil companies. We now are witnessing the struggle between top power groups for control of the cash cow – the USA.
Karen says
Can you believe McCain was running for president…imagine if he got elected…Thank God he didn’t!
Ronney says
He is another Works puppet.
Jeanette says
Dee says
So True . I’m glad he ran as a Republican , but after this last election the Rinos better get their shit together . All these offices were created for those appointed to work For Us , and it seems only Trump is getting that . So as you I will follow whatever party Trump is . I know he is going to be Great !! These career politicians have been in there mainly for what gravy They can get . No More , on both sides of the isle this has to stop !! Drain the Swamp !!
Michael says
Drain the swamp, Trump is my President watchout for crooked congress!!! Dems and repubs
TIM says
Karen says
I’ve been a Democrat and I’ve been a Republican, I’m not Independent an shall remain so until the Republicans get the sh*t together. I’m so disgusted with the career criminals we have in our government. It’s beyond time to clean house and get people in who will uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights instead of bastardizing and perverting the documents that are the foundation of this great nation. If push comes to shove, I and many others will start working toward another Part of Constitutionalists. Everyone, Republican and demoncrap (I call them that because they are no longer Democrats), We the People are watching you and make no mistake, 2020 will be elections of more and bigger changes. If you want to keep you job, DO YOUR JOB!!!!!
Karen says
I’ve been a Democrat and I’ve been a Republican, I’m now Independent an shall remain so until the Republicans get the sh*t together. I’m so disgusted with the career criminals we have in our government. It’s beyond time to clean house and get people in who will uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights instead of bastardizing and perverting the documents that are the foundation of this great nation. If push comes to shove, I and many others will start working toward another Part of Constitutionalists. Everyone, Republican and demoncrap (I call them that because they are no longer Democrats), We the People are watching you and make no mistake, 2020 will be elections of more and bigger changes. If you want to keep you job, DO YOUR JOB!!!!!
Karen says
2018 will be a big change too! LOL…meant to say that instead of 2020. Sorry.
Yvonne says
truer words never spoken
Doris says
Wrong! It was not the only great accomplishment of Mr. Obama, he got men to use women’s bathrooms, too.
Doris says
Nellie said that trying to turn US into Muslim country was Obama’s only accomplishment. I assert that he had another one, namely, to get men to use women’s bathrooms.
Cat says
Oh so right!!!!
RockyXXVII says
McCain is a globalist elitist and has been from the beginning of his political career; also the reason he is not a true conservative —
harry says
I stand BESIDE President Trump 777%
LibertarianSoldier says
Nobody but trump’s kids stand next to him and unless you speak for 7.77 people, there’s only 100% that you have to give.
YouKnowWho says
I suppose that’s why he lost the election… Wait….What? You mean he won?!?!?
Get over it Troll
steven b says
Hey liberalsoldier most americans support OUR NEXT GREAT POTUS . You need to work for the Clinton’s maybe they would have you killed as you deserve.
Pamela Shoemake says
That’s fine but not every one agrees with the idiot of a man child who throws temper tantrum when he does not get his way or takes credit for good things that are happening
S Julie says
On Inauguration day – Trump will be 70 years, 7 months & 7 days old and today we convene the 115th (7) congress. I humbly/happily volunteered, donated, prayed and voted for Trump – MY new president. He is THE chosen one. Fear not….he will DO the job!!!!
LibertarianSoldier says
This is one time trump gets it right. What’s does “fair” have to do with anything? trump is like a child. Daddy, Fred never had that talk with him about the term, “fair,” which he so often uses, usually when someone points out what he’s doing wrong.
Digressing, this is already a PR fiasco for the former party of Lincoln, Coolidge and Reagan. First, they nominate a corrupt, crooked, crony, socialistic democrat operative and financier, then they act like democrats backing his socialistic spending schemes, now they pull a democrat move like pulling “independent” oversight? This kind of bullcrap is going to put a democrat that stayed in his or her own party in the White House in 4 years and lose Congress sooner.
bob says
u are not a lib just an idiot
YouKnowWho says
LibertarianSoldier: Glad your still here. You provide evidence that we conservatives need to be vigilant in our efforts to put some morals back into this country. I don’t care what YOU do. As long as it doesn’t affect me. Like confiscatory taxes, redistribution of wealth, government over-reach, over regulation, destruction of the education system, pouring into ridiculous projects, foreign aid and on and on and on.
an american patriot says
look DUDE…you,r such an ass you deserve…to go with killary and obumer …go somewhere else if you dont like it here ….me i,m backing TRUMP…i stand behind him 1000 percent…i have but one word for you …quit whining
Thankful in West Virginia says
I fully agree with President elect Donald Trump the man I and millions others voted for I believe he will get rid of the roaches that has been holding OUR AMERICA hostage and lining there own pockets with the tax payers money I think he needs to start cutting back on there income paydays instead of the hard working people of AMERICA footing the bill ,he should have to pay back America for all the vacations him and his family took and flying the dog on another air plain don’t get me wrong people I love my animals but I’m not going to pay for another air plain OH what am I saying HE didn’t pay for it WE DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lori says
Me too!!! GO TRUMP!!!
Cal Yakubik says
McCain, Lindsay Graham, and Paul Ryan should RESIGN! It’s obvious they’re guilty ($$$) of siding with Obama establishment for years!!! Now trying to strike back at Trump before they get EXPOSED!!!
Dc says
I stand behind you Mr. Trump 100% we got your back Mr. Trump America is proud of you !! Do what you have to do clean it up that’s why we put you in there kick some ass and do not take names. Speak softly and carry a big stick and use it when needed
David VanBockel says
We fully agree that the major parties have let us down – for the past 26 years.
-Dr. and Mrs. VanBockel
EES says
jan Turner says
Mr.Trump is right.keep the Independent ethics committee in Place.
Flash says
We have a lot of RINO that will sell us out if given the opportunity. I got a good feeling we will see a lot of changes. Most Presidential Candidates would of just sold out . Like Bernie who could not wait to buy himself a nice Cottage for Six hundred and fifty thousands dollars and look at little Marco he couldn’t even wait to get his looser prize and got caught buying an Eighty thousand dollar boat with the Campaign money and then latter was seen getting off Air Force One with Obama . Obama who was running against Trump with our Tax dollars and was not even in the race.
WhiskeyMan says
Washington DC is giving ‘swamps’ a bad rap!
DC is not a ‘swamp’ that needs draining,
more like a Disgusting Cesspool!
(just sayin’)
Nelson Beadel says
I m tell those that read this. Trump wants to make America not to depend on the world government. Instead he wants to let the American people have there fairly and good equals rights. He what’s to see people working on a job. Not getting free hand outs. We are a nation of debt 20 trillion. All the people that have been getting free ????
It time to take care of our vets. The people that do nothing. Get more help than the people that serve in the armed forces
It’s time for the liberaltards to step aside. Do what is right as your party goes forward. And stop destroying your party. Wake up liberaltards
TOM says
Rev. Tom says
“Drain the swamp”…refers to both corrupt members of the DNC & the GOP. Old time professional politicians need to retire or resign…they too are a portion of that DC’s swamp!
LibertarianSoldier says
The RINO party is really just the DNC 2.0, anyway.
HHH says
McCain should be head of the Rino party and its liberal base the corrupt DNC. The failure of the rino’s is huge betrayal of the American people.
YouKnowWho says
First smart thing you’ve said
Dc says
I totally agree with you and John McCain is the first one that comes to mind Mitch McConnell and you know the rest I hope the trunk and axe term limits while he is in office it needs to be done
WhiskeyMan says
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Still say DC’s not a ‘swamp’ that needs ‘draining’!
It’s a flippin’ frickin’ backed-up DISGUSTING CESSPOOL !!!
(FULL OF S#IT !!!)
John Nullo says
This is what REAL leadership does. The RIGHT thing. These carrier politicos better be shaking in their boots, THE NEW BOSS is not going to put up with this behind closed doors deals. Some of my past positions was to go into a failing company and clean out the rats making a mess in the attic. Sure heads rolled, but the company moved ahead and more jobs were created and in one case a merger came about and the company tripled.
bob555 says
He’s going to have to fight some of the A-holes in his own party, & he should continue to tweet so the American public gets the story STRAIGHT from the Presidents mouth & doesn’t have it f*cked up in interpretation by the Lame Stream Media.
de Sercey says
Drain the swamp NOW!!!!!!!
Gary Weeks says
Keeping his campaign promises is exactly why we elected him. When he stops he will get hammered hard from all sides.
JoeR says
He will follow through. He can’t be bought.
Ken Stelter says
Voters gave Trump a mandate to end the 28 years of control of OUR Government by the Liberal Elite Establishment and their Liberal RINO and DEM Puppets. President Trump’s words and action are not going to be manipulated and twisted by the Establishment’s Main Stream Media – the Script Readers and Talking Heads will become relics in the history books. It may be a good time to consider Journalism as a career – it may become a viable career if a Journalist could find some place to work.
Robert Zuch says
Its great to have a President that even cares about ethics. Please drain the swamp ASAP Mr. President Trump.
jakob knaus says
Typical politicians. Most of them want to feather their own bed and rely on corruption to get re-elected.
Maybelle P Cross says
I agree with Trump. America has had a polluted swamp for a long time and draining it is long overdue. Go Trump, with God’s help., we will have a Great American again! May God be with you every step of the way! It is time to make America great again, after we imprison Hitlery and Obama!
Bradley Vogel says
I also have to agree, Mr Trump you got my vote, and I stand behind you!
Gary D Brewer says
Maybelle, sadly the swap is filled with more than the Clinton’s and the Obama’s. I pray the corrupted politicians see the light and get out now. Resignation for a phony reason is better then Impeachment, oops for some reason slick Willy is still popular.
Arlie says
When the swamp is cleaned out, time for a new party name. No more RNC or DNC. How about Trump National? Wonder how many would quickly join?
Bob Uda says
Notice that “RNC” and “DNC” stands for “Rinky” and “Dinky”? That’s what they are–a bunch of rinky-dinks! Change the names ASAP. Trump National sounds good.
MaryvWhetzal says
I love your comment. It made me 0laugh. Thank you.
YouKnowWho says
Monte Allen says
I am with Trump 100%
Justcause says
I fully agree with the Presidents position. We need ethics in government.
Neil De Koker says
Term limits have to be enacted in the next session of Congress.
Vern Burje' says
I’m sad that I am not one of the famous entertainers (see Vern Burje’ at as I would very happily have provided the entertainment for my President’s Inaugural shindig! He has had my support from the beginning!
Scott Rinke says
I stand behind my president trump on making us strong ,safe ,great again
Ken McKee says
It is time that the people of this country unite and demand term limits on this gaggle of thieves. The fact that they exempted themselves from the folly of Obamacare should in itself make the people unite to rid ourselves of these crooks.
LHVET says
RA says
Some of the Republicans are nothing more then RepublicRATS! Trump needs to DRAIN the swamp including the alligators calling themselves Republicans as they ALLOWED Obama, Hillary and all their cronies to nearly destroy this country. Either deport them all or lock `em up in the same cell. After they are locked up….THROW THE KEY AWAY! Allow Trump to get this country back to what the founding Fathers intended! If this offends you, leave this country!
an american patriot says
TruChristian says
There’s always Gitmo…. Don’t give these rats the opportunity to poison the minds of other prisoners in our system.
Greg Torchia says
Change is going to do it’s all good
Road Runner says
We are already up to our collective “posterior orifices” in corruption. These “pseudo-Republicans” all should have been driven from office in this most recently completed national election. They howl and bitch and complain about how “awful” the Dems are (which they MOST CERTAINLY ARE!!! God Almighty Help Our Beloved Homeland), but then they turn around and BLATANTLY PROVE THAT THEY ARE JUST AS ROTTEN TO THE CORE. How do ANY of these politicians EVER SLEEP PEACEFULLY AT NIGHT, knowing that they are JUST as corrupt and untrustworthy as their political opponents on the opposite side of the aisles of our House and Senate?
Fred Freud says
I’ve been a registered Republican since my first vote in 1976. But after Reagan, I gave up on the Republicans as Democrat-lite. I’ve returned with Trump and am standing with him against both parties.
I call my Republican Congressman and Senator every week to let them know I expect them to support Trump & I phone Paul Ryan too.
True_Patriot says
Warren Buffett is asking everyone to forward this email to a minimum of 20 people, and to ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This is an idea that should be passed around.
Let’s see if these idiots understand what people pressure is all about.
Salary of retired US Presidents .. . . . .. . . . . .. . $180,000 FOR LIFE.
Salary of House/Senate members .. . . . .. . . . $174,000 FOR LIFE. This is stupid
Salary of Speaker of the House .. . . . .. . . . . $223,500 FOR LIFE. This is really stupid
Salary of Majority / Minority Leaders . . .. . . . . $193,400 FOR LIFE. Stupid
Average Salary of a teacher . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .$40,065
Average Salary of a deployed Soldier . . .. . . .. $38,000
Here’s where the cuts should be made!
Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:
“I could end the deficit in five minutes,” he told CNBC. “You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election”.
The 26th Amendment ( granting the right to vote for 18 year-olds ) took only three months and eight days to be ratified! Why? Simple! The people demanded it. That was in 1971 – before computers, e-mail, cell phones, etc.
Of the 27 amendments to the Constitution, seven (7) took one (1) year or less to become the law of the land – all because of public pressure.
Warren Buffett is asking each addressee to forward this email to a minimum of twenty people on their address list; in turn ask each of those to do likewise.
In three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one idea that really should be passed around.
Congressional Reform Act of 2017
1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they’re out of office.
2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security.
All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 3/1/17. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women.
Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work.
If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three days for most people in the U.S. to receive the message. It’s time!
If you agree, pass it on.
Charle says
Unlike politicians Donald Trump’s word is his bond !
Jim Alton says
Please do not put McCain’s name on my screen again!!! and yes blow up the swamp All the old parties (both sides )
Bob Uda says
John McCain and Lindsay Graham are two Repugnants that need to be drained with the swamp water. They are trying to start a hot war with the Russians. These are to very dangerous Repugnant leaders. Shun them. Avoid them. Do not team up with them. I’m glad both of them never saw the lights of the White House. They are a detriment to the USA.
Mary Martin says
I totally agree!! I’m an Army Veteran & Vietnam Veteran and I say time for McCain & Graham to go!
Drain the Swamp!!!!!
mike says
That a boy TRUMP. Time to get rid of the trash that has been stinking up the government for so long. I don’t care if they’re rep or demorats. I’m tired of my money going to pay these corrupted a$$holes that don’t want to do their jobs. All they care about is filling their pockets with taxpayers money.
n. mad says
any thing my pres say’s i will do. Why not let him lead the country that’s why we put him there.How can any one want clinton in the white house.
Bob Uda says
Those crooks who desire “business as usual” would be the ones who want Hillary in the White House. She would run the Country the way she runs the Clinton Foundation. We must drain the swamp of all of these crooked politicians.
cbanalyst says
Enough of this BS. I left the Republican Party in the 90’s because they ran on a platform of term limitations & the minute they got in they forgot about their promise.
I would like to see published, a list of all those Republicans that voted for this slimy deal. This is a long overdue era and Republicans MUST regain the trust of the voters. Weakening ethics will not do it !
Bob Uda says
Yes, those who attempted to pull that fast one should be targeted in two years for defeat. There are much better people out there who can take their place. What a bunch of crooked Repugnants! The party left me in 2008 when they were spending our money like it was going out of style. Then, we got the Obungler and doubled our national debt in eight years. Deficit spending must stop now! We must practice Zero-based Budgeting (ZBB). Whenever you need more money to do good, constructive projects to Make America Great Again, take the needed funds from all of the wasteful entitlement programs. That’s how you do ZBB. Cut the fat and eliminate the fraud.
Don says
It would appear that this country NEEDS a whole lot more “NON-POLITICIANS” making policy decisions for the COUNTRY. (and NOT for themselves as is, and has been the practice for MANY years.
Sure was glad to see the Nevada gold digger (Harry Reed) retire. It’s a shame he will actually receive more from the taxpayers in the way of a pension. Nancy Piglousy is another dismal failure as well as a drain on the taxpayers of this country.
Jacques Mathieu says
With all the rudeness and baggage Trump carried, I still voted for him based on a couple of factors and for darn sure, “DRAIN THE SWAMP” was a primary one. Go clean the swamp President Trump and blow the political correctness out of the water; I also want you to expose all the “SPIN DOCTOR” artists on both sides the aisles that promote corruption, deception and favoritism. Please restore America’s confidence and true freedom for all Americans that love the Constitution and all that it has sustained. Repeal all the crazy Muslim Brotherhood crap intended to kill our Bill Of Rights that Obama has done under the well planed radical Islamic secret agents; the main impostor being Obama himself. I’m please to see that you (Trump) don’t care about political parties, but rather operate with the trust of true Americans and nationalist; America has “exceptionalism” contrary to what the Great-Agitator-In-Chief says!
Bob Uda says
Amen, Bro!
Kenneth Freed says
That is exactly why if I would have lived in Wisconsin, I would have voted 4 Nehlen instead of Ryan but unfortunately you can’t vote in other states elections!
Fred Freud says
I’ve been a registered Republican since my first vote in 1976. But after Reagan, I gave up on the Republicans as Democrat-lite. I’ve returned with Trump and am standing with him against both parties.
I called my Republican Congressman, Mike Turner (Ohio) to him know I expect him to support Trump. I spoke to the receptionist and told her that my wife and I want the swamp drained. And I phoned Paul Ryan too but, as usual half the time at his office, there was no answer and his voicemail box is full.
I encourage you to call your representatives. NOW!
Larue Cannon says
I hope the leaders will now stop voting for their party and start doing the right thing. During Pres. Obama leadership, it didn’t matter if it was wrong the democrat’s voted for him. It use to not be that way.
Ray says
Trump has a trump card to play when negotiations stall or fail, he goes public. Believe me there will be many, many “deals” cut without our knowledge, and that is OK as long as we trust our leadership to be acting in our interest. Trump continues to demonstrate he has the backbone and will to drain the swamp and too make America Great
Hattiett says
Trump going to drain the swamp I ops the first one is Hillary,next one is Obama and give Trump the chance two show the AMERICAN PEOPLE He going to do what said for us AMERICANS !!!
john431 says
good for Trump. he is sending out the message that” if i will not take any crap from the snowflake liberals, what makes you think i will take any crap from my so called own party?” keep it up Mr. President-elect.
Bob Uda says
Please replace the weak-kneed members of the Ethics Watchdog Committee with principled, ethical people who have backbones to go after all of the crooks in Congress–and that amounts to at least 80% of those crooked politicians! Get rid of all of those crooked Repugnants and crooked Demonrats. If they are going to fight President Trump on everything he does, those politicians should be the prime targets of the Ethics Watchdogs. We want Trump-style results, not continued Repugnant-Demonrat gridlock! You Republicans and Democrats know who you are. If you’re not sure, ask me. I’ll tell you if you are one who should be drained from the Washington, DC, rotten swamp!
Yadja says
Wondering if the RINO were hurrying to take out the Committee so it would be harder for Trump to drain the swamp where they themselves reside. See this is why it is so important for Trump to stay on this and report on twitter and call people out and my guess he is going to start calling out names of who these RINO are and they will shy back into the weeds and have to be pulled out.
PZ says
Let it drain. Let it drain.
Harry Bichon. says
Dear Congress,
He means what he says. Just do the work we hired you to do. Seeing what I saw reported last week, the average pay for a DC employee that does meanial work, 200k salary and benefits. Start by cutting 10% of staff. I just got my notice from SS advising me there was no COL Increase in 2016 so no more of our money collected by the Govt, during our work life will be added to our monthly check.
200k. 12 times what the average check from SS is. Plus we have to pay our insurance. $129.00 per month plus they decided that was not enough so wouldn’t you know it, another $312.00 I had to pay 1/1 for my ins.
So congress, we are watching. In 2 years, you’ll be running again. Chances are, you are already having parties to raise millions for your campaigns. MILLIONS but we had no increase on our checks because the prices for everything stayed the same. What’s that, food and gas are not in the equation but TV SETS and electronics from china dictate how much of our money you allow us to have. I’m wondering, what if we did that with our taxes?
Better pay attention. We elected DJT. we can unelect you. And we will.
Robert Roehrich says
Donald Trump is the first person in a long time to stand up to the corruption in the government.The last were Reagan and Kennedy.But in order to truly fix our financial and political problems there are two things that must be done……..(1) the true Constitution of 1787 must be reinstalled to shut down the the corporation known as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. and return control to the sovereign citizens of the United States of America( see Judge Anna Von Rietzl for info). (2)The Federal Reserve must be shut down,it is not apart of the government,it is a private corporation that has been ripping us off since 1913 when it was unlawfully enacted behind the backs of the American people. In the Constitution only the Dept.of the Treasury can issue currency and all the $19 trillion debt belongs to the banks not the American people! If we work together as one nation and stop fighting among our selves (this is what the elites want,to keep us divided) we can take back our Nation and be great again. Please pray for Donald Trump for protection and wisdom. God Bless America
Gary johnson says
Finally a president who is really going to do what he promised to do…… First president with no political background …. I wonder if that had something to do with it….?
Dennis Turner says
People like Pilosi, + who used insider trading info to make a lot of money is criminal and should be rewarded accordingly. Plus her plan plan. Then we have the elite medical coverage, why? Term limits are a must, not in ten years now!!! Then there are treason considerations for guess who….
Terry says
Unfortunately the swamp can’t be drained by T. It can only be drained by the voters. T can make things very uncomfortable for the serpents in the swamp called Congress. And the courts and WH staff. And all the camp follower law firms that exist off the deep pockets of the govt by filing law suits based on the CR Act. The swamp rats need to be afraid. Very afraid, not of Trump, but of having to run for re-election if they don’t change their attitude. They are not our rulers. They are public servants elected to function as our representatives to make the govt a govt for the people. The public in general. Not just for the poor, or other special interest groups. And not champions of patronage for all, all their buddies. The govt in recent years seems to be operating as a gang of outlaws. People acting outside the law. Like the law of the land, the Constitution, not the bible, not the koran /sharia law. The Constitution denies the govt the power to establish a state religion. It does not empower the govt with the power to define what is separation of church and state. There is no such thing as a criteria in the Constitution. It is the law, not a collection of criteria. The pols and courts need to inform us what the Constitution says, not what they say it says. The liberal empire is crumbling. Long over due.
YouKnowWho says
speaking of which. I don’t want any more libatard judges on the SCOTUS, nor overly conservative. I want one that will adhear to the Constitution, not interpret it. The constitution doesn’t change at all. It can be ammended, with great difficulty, but nothing in the constitution can be struck down or ignored. Amendments can only add to it. If there’s someone out there that can tell which part of the ORIGINAL constitution has been nullified I’ll be glad to apologize for my mistake.
.Terry says
Amending the Constitution is a legislative process that essentially involves all citizens and their representatives at the state level,. The court itself cannot change the Constitution, nor can a prez issue an EO to add rights or whatever. We only have the right listed in the BOR. DOMA, by Congress was a definition, not a law. So the SC declared it ‘unconstitutional”. How can congress not define something as a definition? Yet congress said nothing as the SC stole their legal power. I imagine this watering down of the separation of powers into three separate but equal branches has corresponded with the rise of the two political powers as the actual power brokers in America. So much so that our reps now represent the party to the voters instead of representing the voters in their area in the political process called government. Plus both parties are owned/controlled by financial interests who fund campaigns. It is likely the very high amount of money needed to campaign is not an accident. But is legal discrimination of unknown people w/o a lot of money to be able to campaign.
acta says
Mr Trump please stop all liers
and crooks and put them in jail
Nestor Blanco says
President Trump should fire FBI Director Comey. The new appointed FBI Director should investigate all the Swamp creatures; Eric Holder, Loretta Lunch, Art Sharpton, Dingy Harry Reid, Korkine, Uma Aberdin, Cheryl Mills, Grandpa Bernie Sanders, and the rest of the criminal element.
Jean Miller says
Donald Trump and those he has chosen is our only hope (with much prayer) to get our country going in the right and honorable direction. We have come so very close to having a colossal collision with the devil himself. Communism, Marxism, World Global government, all in the hands of the corrupt. God, we ask for your continued guidance and love of this great nation of GOOD people.
Ob1 says
Call them ALL out ‼ Tweet, Tweet, Tweet ‼ And If Trump can’t stop them,, THE PEOPLE WILL ‼
Crystal says
We the people, know and trust that you can make the change on our behalf. Let’s make this country great again.
Chester says
I voted for Trump!!! I AM Not a Republican!!! But I am a Constitutionalist, an Oath Keeper, for anyone who has served you should be an Oath Keeper. I have never been released from that oath to “Uphold the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign or domestic” and neither have you.
God Bless America.
Bacon eater says
First lets not forget the biggest accomplishment of little barry has been to put a man in a woman’s bathroom!
Second, Trump will need the voters help to drain the swamp, but he can bring the infection to our attention so that we can clean it up!
Third, obuthead has contaminated too many of our govt. agencies with muslim terrorists that need to found out and dealt with to regain our national security. There is too much of an insestuall relationship between the democomunists and the different branches of govt.
Fourth, PRAY that he will run for his second term to continue the clean up as it will take time to fix the damage that obuthead and his minions have caused our country.
.Terry says
You made my day pointing out O’s greatest accomplishment. What a guy to leave a legacy like that!
Gary D Brewer says
Totally agree.
President Trump did the right thing.
Sam says
Way to go President Trump! I am a Democrat and didn’t vote for you but I commend you on your courage and conviction to go after the career politicians!
I feel much better.
John Ruiter says
Instead of wasting your time complaining and accomplishing nothing get on the band wagon and promote term limits in both houses this probably would eliminate some of the RINO’s. I agree the likes of John McCain and other career politicians need to be term limited.
george says
Everyone, take a step back and a deep breath, let President elect Mr. Donald Trump do what he’s got to do, on the next day after January 20, 2017, after the swearing in. Let there be hell and brimstone in Washington D.C. Watch the lizards drown. Go Mr. PRESIDENT.
Larry Long says
It seems to me that if Trump wants “to drain the swamp” the main “key” is term limits. It will be hard to reach that “key” because most people do not want to limit their power. Yet, nevertheless, that “key” must be reached. A constant change of new ideas will be available with an on going turn over of congress members and senators. Thus, flushing the stained, tarnished and fowl smelling waters of the swamp that is Washington, DC. You “GO” Trump…drain the swamp!!!
YouKnowWho says
In Virginia the governor can run for office a second time, but only after he sits out one or more terms. By then it has sunk into people what kind of governor they were. And while in office he can’t run a campaign to get re-elected. If the gov does a good job people will remember. If they do a crappy job the people will never forget!
. says
Consider money. From what does it come? It does not grow on trees. My mother told me such many times when growing up. Sometimes with great emphasis. It is not mined. It is is not a crop and it is not found in the ocean. Also when I spend money it is not destroyed. Some other economic entity has it. Maybe even the govt but the govt does not “save” it or store it for a rainy day. It spends, redistributes, all it gets; and then some. Year after year, after year it spends more then it gets by taxation because it is the source of money. Money is printed by the govt. Even though our paper money says it is a Fed Res Note money actually is a GI. A govt issue. And the endless deficits by the govt since WWII have reduced the purchasing power, PP, of the dollar to almost zero. The PP of the 2016 dollar is maybe 5 cents of the 1953 dollar. And the govt at one time even published the PP of the dollar. Essentially this nation has been governed by bankers for decades, instead of by political actions. Campaigns are driven by money, not by issues with financing of campaigns by the super rich or maybe even petrodollars from OPEC members? There are far more political hacks, aka lawyers, then statesmen/women in congress? I wonder if they make a pledge to not rock the boat instead of swearing to uphold the Constitution? After all most crow the Fed Res Anthem. It’s the economy stupid! Instead of liberty and justice for all.
About time Liberty says
I agree the swamp needs to be drained but the constitution needs to be upheld above everything else. A person has a right to face his accuser. The possibility of false information is very real when dealing with the DC crowd.
Martin C says
Sounds to me, there are some republicans that are nervous about draining the swamp……
Interesting to know who voted to get rid of the committee…….I would look at them first of all!
Any corruption at all should be prosecuted so that all future politicians know they cannot be corrupt!
Daniel says
Yes, clean the swamp, Mr. Trump, within all previous political fronts where the love of money and influence has ruled.!
arnold cohn says
Mr. Trump– The people are all behind you– strike a blow for freedom and liberty- Stay on course- you are a breath of sunshine.
Robert Chapman says
Drain Baby Drain…
Frank says
It is definitely time to drain the swamp of the self serving corrupt career politicians who have made a mockery of their elected office. Along with Hillary put the politicians of both parties behind bars. Time for dramatic change on who we elect to represent us
ron m says
Dear Mr. President Elect, please drain the swamp and eliminate all the soros people in office. The true American people are for you. The resistance you will meet is from the dems and the worthless libs so plan on beating them down. Thank you Sir.
Disgusted says
Take the “M” (manure) out of the swamp and swap them for some decent and not corrupt people.
Leonard Granger says
Trump by working with Congress and friendly countries and with God’s help, he is going to change the world. to be a better place The Muslim Obama nightmare is gone. God Bless America
ron m says
It is amazing that a guy like Soros has his fangs installed deep into the democratic party. How is it possible for some yahoo. to be running our government through Obamma , Hillary, Bush etc. etc. The American people will not tolerate it no more or are they asleep to the fact that someone with money can hire some low life as Clinton and obamma to carry out there missions as to bringing down America. We still have a uphill battle with the other 1%s that run the country.
Dave Keel says
Trump is the only man willing to step up and save this country. The so-called GOP leaders were letting Obama do anything he wanted. They are part of the swamp water. God Bless Donald Trump.
Sylvia Allen says
I am really pleased with President Elect Trump, and I am pleased to have been his supporter since the first day he announced his intent to run for President. I like the man. I like that he speaks his mind. I like his track record as a savy businessman. I like that he admits to making mistakes. I like that he is not afraid to stand up for his beliefs and rights. I like his family. I was pleased when he exposed the news medea, who have sold out on ethical news reporting. I’ve not trusted them for a very long time. I am not a Republican nor a Democrate and I’m not in the least surprised that so many of them are windup toys, and sore losers. I am paricularly tired of the celebrities pushing themselves into the limelight and mouthing off. They are radical liberals, which means they live in another reality than the rest of us, and they prove it daily because they still JUST DON’T GET IT!
Mr. President Elect Trump, Sir; Go Get ThemTiger!
Don says
I’m 62 years young. This election is the first time I have ever made a campaign contribution. I donated to Trump! I think that was one of the best investments I’ve ever made. God Bless our once great nation! Now let’s make it better than it’s ever been! God bless you Donald Trump!! Give Em steel!!
Mike Caprio says
As a Democrat all my life, I have become disgusted with both corrupt political parties. Thank God Trump came along and has given us some hope of reclaiming our great country and political system. I am proud to have served my country, even in the Vietnam War, which was a waste of many brave American military lives for a war we were never going to win because of our corrupt political leaders at that time. I saw it first hand and not from hearsay!!! I served my country even in a war like Vietnam because it is what my country asked me to do and that is where they sent me, I didn’t choose to go and when I got back our own country disrespected us big time (not my choice to go, but my country’s choice). Us Vietnam Vet’s took it in stride and now many years later are just starting to get respect. I hope we stop getting into these wars that are not in our countries best interest and only choose war when it directly affects our country’s security & existence like the World Wars our Greatest Generation bravely gave their lives to defend. Finally we have someone who has the ability and will, to drain the swamp that has been trying to destroy our country for their own political & financial gain. Let’s all get behind our new President and give him a chance & vote of confidence to do the job we voted for him to do!!! Can’t wait for Trump to take office and get rid of the anti-American we have had for the past 8 years. God Bless America & if you don’t agree or like it, you have the right to leave and see if you can find one better!!! Go Trump, proud to call you my President, finally!!!!!!!!!!! Do not disappoint and get the job done.
crossroads says
Its a Shame that Trump has to fight against his own Party, but we all should know by now that there is not a Dimes Worth of Difference Between either party, for several years now the Republican Party has been in Control of Both Houses yet Obama has Done whatever he Desires, just showing that both Parties were in Favor of All his Movements. We now have a Business Man in Charge as our New President, someone who does not Dance to their Kind of Music and they are all Confused and don’t want to get instep with his Movement. We as Americans Must Support this Man as I Believe that He was a God Sent person to Revive this Nation from its own Evil Destruction. Trump may be a Rich, Spoiled man BUT he does Love America and What She Stands For. Hopefully with the Prayers of the Righteous, he will be able to Bring Common Sense, Integrity and Fair Play back to this Once Great Country that we call America….
Thomas McLin says
Why are you and Trump not publishing the name of EVERY politician who participated in the sabotage attempt to castrate the ethics committee? We need you, Trump and all other conservatives with a public podium to IDENTIFY all these politicians ( Rep., Dem. or otherwise) who are destroying our society and to REPEATEDLY publish their names, especially immediately prior to the next interim election in two years. It is imperative that this demand for such disclosure is REPEATEDLY presented to Trump during the next 24 months.
Johnny says
This man has swam with sharks his whole life. The first business man as president in decades. Trump is our LAST BEST HOPE to drain the swamp. He stands before a mighty force that spans the globe. JFK was assassinated for standing up the the deep state and the Federal reserve. All the best to President Trump! Stop GEOENGINERING NEXT !
Marsha says
The Plunge Protection team has gambled with the funds of Federal Reserve Banking system for the banking industry…. with the American people expected to pay the 19 trillion dollars of debt. They have helped themselves…That 19 trillion debt belongs to the corruption of the Federal Reserve banks.
Banks got richer. Not we the people. Core of corruption that President Kennedy tried to stop and died because of.
Sylvia says
Although I am a Republican I admire that Trump is not going to embrace some of the unreasonable stands of the party. This was a good move.
Rocky says
We knew all along Trump would not only be fighting the Democrats, he also has the RINOs, Hollyweird, the media, the entire educational system and God only knows who all else. We knew it and Trump knew it. They are not giving up their corrupt gravy train without a fight, it took them about 60 years to get Americans dumbed down to the point they would elect something like Obama. This is going to be a fight for the very soul of America and it may well get ugly, REAL ugly before the dust settles. It’s going to be up to us doing our part pushing our mostly worthless elected officials in action, forcing them to save our nation !
Ron says
iAM WITH YOU 100% Mr President dont back off YOUR GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.I hope you push for term limits and send the career boys home what away to go they do 1 term and get a pension for life its sickening I had to work 30yrs to get a pension.THE SWAMP NEEDS DRAINING
Donlad Roberts says
Everyone that has anything to do with the president should receive ” THE PINK SLIP. ” Congress should go first, how is they can vote themselves a pay raise, retire and get their pay the rest of their lives and draw a social security check?
Drano says
Trump was dead on target when he said McCain is no here. McCain is a piece of crap slime ball who should have been left in the rice paddies.
Tom R says
I Voted for trump even though he is radical. He can keep going to the people like Regan did and get the job done. Close down the press room or invite regular non political people to ask the questions. Forget the liberal media. Keep going full seed ahead
Fed up but hopeful says
Most of Congress is like and abscess. But President elect Mr. Trump will drain it so the infection doesn’t spread. Clean it up Mr. Trump.
Politically incorrect says
As long as Trump does what is actually right for this country and gets it turned around I will back him 110%, It should not matter if it is republican or democratic or even independent as along as it makes this country great again
Russell Ferbrache says
Mr. President Elect Trump;
Don’t forget Los Angeles when you start to drain the swamp’s!
All these sycophants want is all the money they can “grab” from the lobbyists.
That has been the golden rule of politics since they began their careers. And the silly public still thinks they “want to make America a better place!!
there is not a soul in congress who has a “micro-curie” of the CHARACTER of Donald J. Trump!
Every congressman and every Senator needs to “go home”
get new people who really want to make america great, let them serve 4 years– go home get new people
Kill all the lobbyists. bury all the chemical companies that are so intent on killing we citizens.
find out who is spraying our air with chem-trails. and remove them from the face of the earth.
F. FOSTER says
What I am waiting for is hand gun permits, so we can do for ourself and our Wife and kids. And i do not want to have to worry about bad guys coming in our home at night.
MrTruth says
Trump rocks! Bill and Hillary Clinton stink. The Clinton family is to the Democratic Party in the US what the Castro family was to the Communist Party in Cuba.
Stan says
TRUMP needs to grab McConnell by the throat and tell Him he will allow the TERM LIMIT Bill onto the floor of the Senate and 75% of American’s are in favor of it !
Larry342516 says
We have had a do nothing President, and do nothing Congress for way to long. Either earn your money or get out of the swamp. Go get them President Trump.
Harry says
Rancher says
They called Ronald Reagan the great communicator but I think Trump has him beat with his use of twitter. Looks like he has the twits on the run with his tweets. Whatever it takes to drain the swamp.
Ronald S. Zimney says
Most of what is sitting in Congress will have to go. We’ll be able to greatly help Trump in 2018 when all of the House comes up for reelection, again. What’s there now will have to be replaced to get any lasting reform. It’s up to we voters. In Trump, we have the leader we so desperately needed, but it’s up to us to do the job.
kevin says
Obviously Trump is being followed on Twitter..congress and the house had better stick together or they will be drained out likely…Hillary was the first ugly sucking sound as she hit the drain…poor poor HRC..glAd you’re finally done!
RJintheUSA says
President Trump is starting to look more and more like the real deal. Has anyone heard anything about Obama recalling our Aircraft Carriers? Found a few youtube feeds but nothing anywhere else.
Hootowl says
Mr. Trump, one of the best things you can do concerning taxes (income taxes) is to tell the American people that a current congressman, Congressman Dennis A. Ross, has admitted to one of his constituents, me, that, “the current tax code does not specifically state individual American’s liability for payment of federal taxes”, and he is correct according to the “index” to 26 U.S.C. under the caption of, “Liability for tax”, the subject “income” is not listed as having a liability for tax, which coincides with many U.S. Supreme Court income tax cases as well as some federal court tax cases where such cases of the federal courts were not published. The income tax is a voluntary tax that can only be paid by federal persons who receive any “specified federal payment” and where the federal person employee makes a voluntary agreement on a federal tax form, usually a W-4 with the employer to have tax withheld, thus making the employee liable for the tax. The federal person employee has the tax withheld according to subtitle C, chapter 24, section 3402(p), and nowhere in subtitle C is there any provision for American’s in general to permit them to volunteer to pay income taxes. I would encourage Mr. Trump to go online and search the book about “Cracking the Code”, and to verify the true facts of 26 U.S.C. in subtitle A and C. I would also like to encourage Mr. Trump to see how the IRS is enforcing the lien and levy “under color of law’ for unpaid income taxes, by reviewing the “implementing regulations” at G.P.O. Access for the two statutes and see that only unpaid alcohol, tobacco and firearms taxes apply to the lien and levy, aka 27 C.F.R. Part 70 .
When American’s earning wages keep the money that is rightfully theirs after paying only what tax they may be “liable for”, then we can really see America made great again. Best wishes Mr. Trump and may God be your guide in all the decisions you make to make America great again.
Barb says
Go Donald Go! Get rid of all the corruption regardless of the party line. Maybe it is time to remove the Dems and Republican parties and just have voters, not tied to any party! Also, remember to stop all those dialing for dollars calls to get contributions for the political parties during tax payer hours [60 Minutes said up to 30 hours a week was wasted with this nonsense!]. Instead, these Congress people need to read every word on every page of every bill and spend their time representing “we, the people” Go get um Mr.President Elect. Remember to use your most famous phrases … You’re Fired!!! or for corrupt and slacker government workers, “You’re Downsized!” Finally a man with a GREAT plan!
Suziee says
My husband our 6 boys and 26 grand children in 6 states voted for President Trump from Day 1!! Drain The SWAMP in DC!! President Trump
is the PEOPLES PRESIDENT! ! YEAH!!!! It’s about Time. Grannie
Chip B says
Anyone who posts about switching parties does not understand there has never been a party of right and wrong. It has always been a divide and conquer and the more people can be divided the more the cabal gets away with. Trump ran as a republican but he has no more ties than what people want him to have. We have divide and conquer with politics, religion, black white , womens lib and black lives matter/ white lives matter. Name a topic and we can divide the people. If people really knew what Hillary and Bill were all about, they would not have got 1 vote. People vote party lines because they have never understood the who system is corrupt. Hopefully change is coming.
barry says
I voted against bho both times, I never supported it.
As far as I was concerned it was Usurper in Chief,
and not the legitimate President, it is not qualified.
(it = he/him) which it does not qualify to be referred as.
During the recent primaries I supported Ted,
When the convention was over I supported
Trump, as I should, and have not regretted
that decision one iota.
So, that being said . . .
Dominic says
Seems to me it was already gutted the Ethics Board it in its tracks, when GW Bush stopped the investigation of 911. So whatever the Swamp NEOCON’s were doing Trump is right.
I will tell you this, most of the pro NeoCon’s caused the Obama Presidency to happen, because of no fucking choice, and then because Obama as the Swamp Master inflicted his own poison further down the road, we had the train wreck and worse election we have ever seen. Obama was bad, and so was the NEOCON Republican Hijacking, that rattled the Trees and brought the Obama Nightmare.
James King says
I’m all for MR Trump draining the swamp in Washington no more handouts to political thieves who went to school to learn how to lie without bating their eyelids a bunch of lying lawyers the skum of the earth .
jessie westcamp says
Term limits? YES, but first, jerk away the obscene pension for life they get after serving just one term. Otherwise, we create a new entitlement group of one-termers who we won’t need and can’t afford. I wondered why Rubio “retired ” to run for President while the others did not! Anybody know? Join Citizens Against Gov’t Waste – – they publish voting records of the entire Congress annually which tells you who/what they really are. JW
Patricia E Del Buono says
President Elect Trump has my vote & always will. Empty the swamp!! I would like to donate to President Elect Trump, but I live on Social Security & it’s hard to pay all my bills & still eat. I don’t smoke or drink & it’s still hard to stretch that nickle. I can’t work, two back operations, Fibromyalia & Arthritis, etc. If I had known I was going to live this long, i would have taken better care of myself. If you or a family member could teach me how to make some money with the computer without getting in trouble, I would be in your debt forever. Good luck to you, I know you will be great. Pat
Jarhead says
The GOP is fighting against TRUMP every way they can….just look at the Quisling RINO RYAN they picked as Speaker.
No wide spread quitting by VA Union employees obviously guilty of felonies. (i.e., Death By Delay VA Policy, maggots in VA patient’s wounds, dead in VA shower over nine hours, fraud, perjury, cooking-the-books, stealing, huge bonuses for NOT blowing the whistle on the massive corruption, etc., etc., etc.)
AMERICANLatina says
DRAIN THE SWAMP …… and don’t forget the MAGGOTS…. that the Congress also employs and nurtures.
alma says
And I agree , I want government top be hailed accountable ! this hidden agenda has gone on long enough , they seem to think and white wash everything and hid behind lies and deception , its time for accountability your money , your country, take it back !
Clarence Lipscomb says
Here are TWO (2) policy suggestions for The Donald to consider promoting in his very busy new administration :
a.) Through Discovery procedures, FOIA requests, and many,many private interviews to include Depositions), determine beyond a shadow of a doubt what group
(together with the full names and home addresses (to include which Country) of its members) put B.H. O’BAMA into the White House. Nobody has openly brought this up!!!!!!!
b.) In those States where “closed” PRIMARIES are not already the law therein, BEGIN PROMOTING “closed” primaries as opposed to the
“open” primaries existing and SKEWING elections every TWO (2) years. DEMOCRATS have been using “open” primaries in the following manner to get RINOs elected into the Republican (conservative) party:
There is a primary every two years in all States (House elections every 2 years; Senate elections every Six 6) years).
As you must know, many people can decide to run in any primary.
The Democrat Party watches these primary activities much closer than Republican Party officials, especially in the State of S.Car.
A simple majority of States have “closed” primaries (I believe this is true as far as I can recall.)
But South Carolina is currently ruled (hamstrung) by “open” primaries as well as maybe Arizona and elsewhere.
Anyway, what I am about to say explains how Lindsey Graham got into office as a senator from a state which is strongly Republican.
In the primary there, he was running among over fifteen candidates. Being an “open” primary State, HUGE numbers of LIBERAL
Democrats voted for Graham in his Republican primary. There was a Republican run-off for three or so survivors; and , again HUGE
numbers of LIBERAL, LEFTIST Democrats voted again for Graham pushing him over the top to become the Republican nominee
in the General Election in the Fall of that year. (Many people vote ‘straight’ party tickets when they vote.) If the primary had been “closed”…….,DEMOCRATS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE
TO SO VERY EASILY HAVE NOMINATED LINDSEY GRAHAM !!!!!!! Graham would not have made it as the GOP candidate that year.
Now you know one of the BIG SECRETS of how crooked candidates can win in “open” primary States. Solution : Change the law in
“open” primary States ; and, therefore have only “closed” primaries in all States. Each Party therefore decides its own candidate
WITHOUT the unfair influence/interference of the opposite Party. Isn’t that the RIGHT THING TO DO ??????? JUST DO IT ! NOW!
Jim says
It is time to file a CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT against all Cities, Counties, and States, that use Tax Payer Money to protect UNLAWFUL immigrants.
But you and I both know their cause would dry up in a heart beat if they have to pay for it OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET, BUT ARE MORE THEN HAPPY TO SPEND YOUR MONEY EAR MARKED FOR CIVIC EXPENSES, FOR THEIR OWN PURPOSES.
Paul Deasy says
Yes, drain the swamp. And while we’re at it, let’s tell that Jackass Chuck Shumer that president elect Donald Trump has already accomplished more with his 140 characters on twitter BEFORE even being sworn in than that idiot shimmer accomplished in his entire political career!
lauraine Joubert says
I love reading these comments
Dr.C.Kilby says
Judy says
To Constitutionalist
If those nitwits would have done the right thing in the first place and not been underhanded they wouldn’t have to worry about being humiliated. Maybe if Trump does this a few times they will get the message.
Enanilluc says
Send Congress a Legislative agenda that outlines the promises you made to us on the campaign trail lower taxes,build the autonomous highway, build the defense forces back up, assure that we can adequately defend against nuts like North Korea ballistic missiles from submarines, Etc:
Korea Veteran for Trump ’48-’54.
robert says
If it were me
,I would have an investigation . Find out who the crooks and project stoppers are.Give them(if no criminal actions were takes on there part) a chance to clean up there act and get things done. If not boot there butts out of office .I do realize in Washington politics sometimes you have to go along to get along. However this is a new day in Washington. The new policy should be (get things done or get out.)They have been working for themselves for a long time. Some just need to go to jail. There crooks and sub dwellers knew what they were doing was unlawful. Those days need to be over. and an example needs to be set as to have those actions stopped. Trump has the power to end most of the corruption in Washington. Does he have the sand to go after them is the question. I’m sure he would have the support of millions of Americans if he chooses to drop the hammer on the slugs that have helped to crash our country.