The mainstream media, liberals, foreign donors, establishment backers, and globalists won’t like it, but it’s official: The American people have totally rejected them.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gave her concession speech today at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time on Wednesday. You can watch it here —
The controversial career politician lost her presidential bid to President-elect Donald Trump in stunning fashion last night, after millions of Americans resoundingly voted to reject political corruption.
Clinton conceded the presidency to Trump in a phone call early Wednesday morning, a stunning end to a campaign that the mainstream media assumed was poised to make her the first woman elected U.S. president. Voters had other plans.
Clinton, who watched the returns hunkered down with family and close aides at a Manhattan hotel suite, made no public appearance before supporters who had gathered under the glass ceiling of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center planning to celebrate what was expected to be her historic victory.
Despite their bitter campaign, Trump praised Clinton in a speech to cheering supporters Wednesday, and said “it is time for us to come together as one united people.”
“I will be president for all Americans,” Trump said, and announced it was time to “reclaim our country’s destiny.”
“The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer,” Trump told the crowd. “America will no longer settle for anything less than the best.”
The mood inside the convention center grew increasingly grim as Trump captured battleground states like Florida, North Carolina and Ohio and shattered a longstanding “blue wall” of states in the Upper Midwest that had backed every Democratic presidential candidate since her husband, Bill Clinton, won the presidency in 1992.
Democrats — starting with Clinton’s campaign and the White House — were left wondering how they misread their country so completely. Aides stopped returning calls and text messages. Supporters left election night parties in tears.
“My disappointment makes me not trust the rest of the world,” said Katie Fahey, who had flown to New York from Grand Rapids, Michigan, wearing a red pantsuit, expecting a victory party. “I don’t even want to go out. I want to wear sweatpants and curl myself up in a corner.”
The results were startling to Clinton and her aides, who had ended their campaign with a whirlwind tour of battleground states and had projected optimism that she would maintain the diverse coalition assembled by President Barack Obama in the past two elections.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
NJ says
Yes Virginia there is a Santa. Thank God. The people spoke — and won. I’m ready for a new direction — go Trump. You’re the right man for the times and the job. Let’s make America Great Again!
Main Street says
It was priceless to see the faces of the biased media commentators last night.
Eli says
Have nothing to do with the television “confuse” media. Period. I have nothing to do with television, nor have I ever kept one in my home. Television is mind-controlling, mind-numbing filth, rot and slime. And give up whole idea of so much as touching establishment rags like The Washington Post. I’m being entirely too generous in labeling it a disgusting piece of used toilet paper.
ClaudeA says
You are Alive! Thank Creator for the people like you!
rodney burke says
well, you know Eli, you can get cable and choose waht to watch and maybe some of it won’t be so mind numbing. However, I have to agree, TV is a mind control device. i take comfort in tow things when it comes to TV; the selector switch and the off button. I can and do use them liberally. ha, ha!
Eileen Ross says
Gee Eli, do you have to sugar coat it?
Robert says
Never a T. V.? What a shame. You missed good series like Lassie, Howdy Doody and Johnny Carson. Is the newspapers more to your liking? Go by yourself a television. There is a whole new world for you to see before your demise. Put it on your bucket list!
Ray says
Hear Hear. You are all over it Brother. TV. Walt Disney. Read between the lines fools.
Eli says
Have nothing to do with the television “confuse” media. Period. I have nothing to do with television, nor have I ever kept one in my home. Television is mind-controlling, mind-numbing filth, rot and slime. And give up whole idea of so much as touching establishment rags like The Washington Post. I’m being entirely too generous in labeling it a disgusting piece of used toilet paper.
Vee says
It’s a miracle!!!! So many of the media and newspapers endorsed Hillary, and even several editors threatened reporters that if they wrote anything against Hillary, they would be fired. And the pharmaceutical companies won’t get the help that they wanted. Justice is served. Now lets pray that Trump and Pence (whom I admire very much) will do really good job.
Patsy Martin says
Yes, I admire VP Pence and believe he will be a great help to President Trump. Being a Christian, maybe he can show him what is to be a Christian by action as well as words. It is my understanding, according to Dr. James Dobson that President Trump received the Lord when he was in the room full of evangelical minister. By the time they were through with him, he was on his knees asking the Lord into his life, so he is not only the new President, but he is also a brand new babe in the Lord, so pray for him please that VP Pence will be able to help him grow spiritually.
Jeffrey MacLean says
GOOD RIDDANCE Forever Hillary!!
allen goldberg says
We need to save those enemedia faces forever!!!
skip says
WhoopieWWhoopieWhoopie…..Where ever you go they will try to deport you back……Nobody needs another Bag Lady..
Audrey Jane Spaulding says
Yes it was and frankly I have seen enough of Hilary in the last few months that I don’t care what she says.
After calling us Names maybe she will start to understand that the Corruption in our Government is just not going to be tolerated any more.
Lynn says
Amen! Put our Lord Jesus Christ back into OUR country and keep him there! He is giving us four more years to come back to him! We better not let him down! Yes the people voted for Donald Trump! And so did I! I say thank you and may our Heavenly father and his only begotten son Jesus Christ! Bless you and bring this country back to where she used to be. Number #1
Brian Malzkuhn says
Amen to that. We cannot forget Lord Jesus Christ at any time because he is in control of everything. Why not hang in with him eternally!
Debra L Blessing says
connie Condra says
Amen and amen! I was on my knees praying to God to deliver US from evil–aka Hiliary Clinton. I thanked HIm this morning for His faithfulness. I pray that Mr. Trump will become a leader with a heart for God.
Christa says
Agreed! We have been given another chance. We better not mess it up! IN GOD WE TRUST. AMEN!
Karyn says
Trump has surrounded himself with good people and advisors. In fact the pastor at our church is one of his spiritual advisors
Dawg# says
Praise the Lord! Thank you Lynn
rodney burke says
As they said a lot on face book “Put GOD back in the WH” and yes, that is what I think will happen. First step to full recovery is taken and “we the people” took that step. Donald’s courage and perseverance has shown up for all of us to see. As one said ” if yu have enemies, you must be doing something right.”
Eileen Ross says
Amen Sister! I can’t count how many times I’ve thanked our Heavenly Father for answered prayer. Now we must pray for Mr. Trump’s safety. I don’t believe the Clinton Mafia is finished yet.
Patsy Martin says
Amen. I have said the same thing on FaceBook. God has give us a reprieve. Once again He is calling out to his people. He heard our crys for mercy, and our desire to return things back to him. Well, I believe this is what the Lord is telling us all. 2nd Chronicles 7:14; If MY people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and healtheir land.” We prayed for a chance to do things right, now it is up to God’s people to seek him out and do as he has asked. We have four years to get this right, after that, who knows what can happen if God’s people ignore Him once again.
Jackie Robinson says
I agree with you 100%. This is one of the reasons I have wanted Donald (I’m sorry, President Trump)to win because I know he will help to return God to the schools and all other places where HE has been removed. Nothing is possible without Christ; and, anything is possible with Christ, who gives us strength. Thank you, all you Christians out there, for praying for this outcome.
Will says
Especially the PBS.Channel. they Claim to be fair reporting. What a joke. They are So leftist, liberal, & so smug n in Love with THEM selves, n THEIR own ideas. I loved every minute of watching them squirm around the set, not knowing what to say. They stumbled over their long forked Toung’s. Finally some justice. Remember, IF Mr. TRUMP tires to bring HER up on charges, obummer (Obama),. Will pardon her, to cover himself also. Since we a l l know that they are In it hip deep TOGETHER. SO HE’S gonna cover His own ass. N that means pardening her to do that.
trumpt blast says
Only if obuma is still in power when charges are brought up !!! Obuma might think that there will be nothing done as Comey said there was nothing new. !!!!
Mike W says
As for pardons, Article II Section 2 and 4 make for an interesting read. Section 2 grants the President the power to reprieve or pardon all offense EXCEPT the articles of impeachment identified in Section 4, two of which are treason and bribery (aka pay-to-play). Any pardons for Hillary related to the CFF/CGI can be challenged in the Supreme Court.
Recce1 says
You’re right that a president can’t stop an impeachment or reverse an impeachment conviction using a pardon, thankfully. HOWEVER, he can pardon the underlying actions so that an impeached person can’t be indicted and tried in a criminal court after impeachment and conviction.
That means if Mr. (intentional) Obama pardons Hillary, she can still be impeached when she takes office, but she couldn’t be indicted in a criminal court for the actions that led to the impeachment. That would be a gross miscarriage of justice, but that’s what it is.
Gilda McCain says
And I know this is not really the subject today but it is ridiculous that PBS uses OuR money to pay those idiots. Hope we can do away with that funding along with Planned Parenthood.
Tracie says
I so agree knowing Megan Kelly was choking on her words it was great to see them eat humble pie! And all those people that stopped backing Trump in his business ventures you know they will feel really stupid now! I hope he goes with other people and never gives his business back to them!
Recce1 says
Have you watched Megyn Kelly regularly or are you repeating what some far right sites claim? While Kelly is no fan of Trump, and neither am I, she was disgusted by the corruption, lying, and cheating of the Clintons. She also understood the ramifications for the SCOTUS, federal courts, business, and many of our basic freedoms depending on who won.
Thankfully, Trump defeated the traitor Hillary.
rodney burke says
There were a lot of prayers out there and the exposure just kept coming and Hilary showed her contempt for the American people in her policies and her “deplorable” tirade. Yeah, we the people heard it and voted “NO!” Yeah, the corruption sunk her like it would anyone else.
Time to move forward
Loyce Rae Jordan says
Yes I was watching Jake Tapper on CNN. He had run Trump down so much it shocked me to death to hear him say good things abou tit or complimentary things. which he began saying once he seen what was happening. Bet it just killed them all to have to admit that he was sweeping the country and all their work to be little him was in vain. We won! I can imaigne what a b ig shock it was to all Hillary’s cronies and the media all. The right person won the race.
Mrph says
I agree. They just couldn’t grasp what happened….but then there’s not an intellectually honest one in the bunch! Looking forward to President Elect Trump getting settled in and getting down to business (after all, there’s much to do).
William Meredith says
They sure jumped on the bandwagon on NBC. Such ass kissing,but that is what they do.
Cary K Johnson says
We can thank Obama,Because he tried for 8 years to destroy the United States Of America.We can also thank Hillary for all of her Criminal action’s through the years.She had a Pay for Play scheme and used the Clinton Foundation as a slush fund.The actions of these 2 people who hate American’s and Trump’s vision to Make America great again.God Bless America
Roy McCormack says
This is right on !!! Thank God the Clinton/Obama terms are OVER.
jimbo says
The silent majority have spoken.
Recce1 says
With a LOUD voice. 🙂 Now let’s keep those we elected on track to restore the rule of constitutional law.
Recce1 says
Now we have to be diligent so that Mr. Obama doesn’t do something precipitous.
Michele says
You are absolutely right. I hate to give him and her credit for anything, but it is partly because they are so awful that we the people finally pulled together to put an end to the crap. Thank God (literally)!
Robert Dimmock says
To God be the glory Trump won prayers have been answered. House cleaning start with the White House; ain’t it great?
Maxx says
Best day I have had since November 6, 2008. Now all the people that tried to turn America into a Third World hell hole need to be punished in whatever way is appropriate. I’m not asking for revenge although they deserve it. I’m asking for America to act and function like it was intended back in 1776. The Constitution is our guiding document. Those who attempt to trample it or subvert it or change it need to be removed from any position of power that gives them access to deny “we the people” our rightful inheritance left to us by the Founding Fathers.
larry e austin says
Glory to God as Democratic traitor Bush #43 said there would probably never have a GOP President, how much he knew as this first election is a GOP President Donald Trump, you almost lost our freedom with Hillary and Obama over destroying Lybia which had a great economy but Democrats changed there economy badly then gave millions to Alquida in weapons against Lybia, Mr. Traitor
Will says
PATRIOT ACT my ASS. Infringement of Our Constitutional Rights to privacy. Repeal the PATRIOT ACT of the BUSH PRESIDENTSY. & BUSH Sr. TRAITORS, the lot of em. Both have endorsed the NEW WORLD ORDER… RIGHT ALONG SIDE with OBAMA N the CLINTONS. All TRAITORS to the Constitution of the people by the people, n for the people. HE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD… U.S.A. !!! TRAITORS
Recce1 says
Please learn how to write a cogent post.
larry e austin says
Glory to God as Democratic traitor Bush #43 said there would probably never have a GOP President, how much he knew as this first election is a GOP President Donald Trump, you almost lost our freedom with Hillary and Obama over destroying Lybia which had a great economy but Democrats changed there economy badly then gave millions to Alquida in weapons against Lybia, Mr. Traitor
S says
Yes…prayers for the defeat of Satan were answered!!!
Joan G. Krippel says
Amen, thank you Lord for Donald J. Trump!
What surprises me most, is that we are no Christian Nation and The Abortion Queen got that many votes.
Maxx says
Just shows how many mindless slugs are here in America that need to be shown that government is not here to provide them with all of their wants and needs. It’s time to take responsibility for your own self and the government that wants to control you will be gone very soon. If you don’t like r want to be responsible for yourself and your offspring feel free to move to a place where socialism prevails. Just know this is not that place. A temporary helping hand is one thing. Complete support for life is another thing altogether.
pswick says
You hit the nail on the head very well said
Maria says
Right on!!
Recce1 says
The reason that Hillary and her Democrat/Liberal/Socialist sycophants got so many votes is that many Americans have become dependent on the socialist welfare nanny state. So many have surrendered their obligations to be responsible, and that extends sadly to the area of the family.
For example, in the black community, the breakdown of the family unit has been a major cause of poverty, rejection of education, rejection of the work ethic, and crime.
Mark Harris says
By my belief President elect Donald Trump is the closest thing to a messiah! After all we are so low and divided ever since President Bush opened Pandora’s box and the middle east is now in flames. These fanatics were emboldened by Obama as he apologized for our past world wide contributions. The truth that began when President Clinton was tied up with sex life rather than paying attention to our marines bodies being dragged through the street in Mogodisu and the time he lied to us about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, he would have gotten away with it except for the DNA found on Monica’s navy dress.
All this time he never retaliated for the attack on our Uss cole where the terrorist did great damage and killed 14 of our innocent sailors. Although he was formally impeached by the house of representitives rather than our late honorable President Nixon who put America first simply stepped down as there was mere talk of an impeachment trial, he would have prevailed.
Therefore with our new President George W. Bush putting boots on the ground he remains a failed war time president and the Bush dynasty remains thieves as the late Father of George walker Bush supplied Hitler with many munitions and in return was paid off with Nazi gold. It took Jeb Bush ( a simple moron) who will be best remembered for the one who brought down the Bush dynasty with their decades of lies, fraud and couldn’t care for regular everyday Americans!
Keep the faith as we are going to get on track to having a safer America and restored free enterprise for all legal citizens who are here to Bless America and make us the number one super power as we were before and will
again be for all ways!
Sincerely, mark S. Harris the widower of the late Martha Raye!
Maxx says
Wow. “Colonel Maggie”, wife, nurse, actress, comedian and USO supporter to the nth degree is well remembered by many who served as she was serving. She is loved by millions. Thanks for your post. Just happened to see an old Johnny Carson Show program with Bob Hope another serous friend of our men and women who made America great.
ClaudeA says
Let’s see what the ancient Hebrew Scripture record of “Trump Wins – Hillary Steals” plays out in the next few months.
Recce1 says
I find your attitude disturbing. Mr. Trump is hardly a messiah. However, I hope he’ll accept wisdom from God and govern in a godly manner, but it’s quite clear he’s a very flawed person, as most of us are. But we’re fortunate indeed that the traitor Hillary won’t be our next president.
As for Nixon, how was he honorable? He tried to undermine the democratic process and then lied to cover it up. Also, he stepped down because several REPUBLICAN Senators told him they’d vote for conviction if he was imeached. Keep in mind a DEMOCRAT Senator said right before the trial of Bill Clinton, that no Democrat would ever vote to convict a Democrat president. He was right.
As for Bush, how was he a failed war time president? We’d made progress in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It was Obama who undid our successes there. Then there’s your outright lie about Bush Sr. Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor he enlisted in the US Navy on his 18th birthday and became the youngest pilot Navy at the time. While serving in the Navy for the entire war he was shot down. Overall, he flew almost 60 combat missions and received the Distinguished Flying Cross and 3 Air Medals.
So go ahead and dishonestly claim that a distinguished American Naval officer was a Nazi sympathizer. Dishonestly claim he was paid with Nazi gold. Or would you prefer to apologize for the slander? Of course I doubt you have the integrity to do so.
Patsy Martin says
Amen. I have said the same thing on FaceBook. God has give us a reprieve. Once again He is calling out to his people. He heard our crys for mercy, and our desire to return things back to him. Well, I believe this is what the Lord is telling us all. 2nd Chronicles 7:14; If MY people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and healtheir land.” We prayed for a chance to do things right, now it is up to God’s people to seek him out and do as he has asked. We have four years to get this right, after that, who knows what can happen if God’s people ignore Him once again.
Michelle says
Time to clean house and get our country back.
Audrey Jane Spaulding says
I am so thankful. Now we can have the kids eat a decent lunch at school, Michelle said they didn’t need protein. The kids need all the protein they can get in their little bodies. Come on people. Why would she declare war on School Lunches. Terrible, Then there is the Health Care System., Lord we need a Better Health Care system, one where our Drs. get paid better. Its a shame that Medicare pays a Dr,. $1.25 cents for an office call. What is wrong with that? Somebody else is having to pay for it. I am just waiting for Trump to declare War on the Congress and kick a bunch of those idiots in the butt and tell them. You are not getting a raise in pay of $3000 this year. We are cutting your wages, so American can have more money in their pockets.
Marinella says
Yes Santa back……. By the way did you see the color purple, What a joke!!!! she is telling us that she is royalty? Nobility? power? dignity? wisdom? pride/ I WANT TO VOMIT, what a HYPOCRITE. Wonder what kind of hell her staff is getting …………….. Bill going back to SEX ISLAND.
Christa says
Joan G. Krippel says
I’m with you Marinella . . . . thank you Lord that Trump won!
Peter Joffe says
I feel that more of the dirt in the campaign was dug up by Clinton. Trump had all the information that he needed from the public record and Wikileaks to show that Clinton was a very suspect person and deep into corruption and lies.. It seems that Clinton had a full time team of trash collectors to find stuff about Trump. Some of the stuff was even manufactured to discredit Trump. Playing dirty was a Clinton and Democrat strategy. They cooked up all sorts of stuff that was either totally fabricated or could only become ‘sensational’ with the help of the liberal media as it could not be proved. The disgrace of the Kahn family was the lowest of the low effort to discredit Trump.. When you throw mud into a fan it sprays off in all directions. Most of it seems to have blown back and covered Clinton and her Democrat cronies. In fact she suffocated in the mud that she threw at Trump and all it did to him was to make him work harder and help loose Clinton the race.. She is a disgrace but having said that I do feel that Trump should forgive her and let her go off and retire in Iran. There can be no satisfaction in seeing a half good woman destroyed more than she has destroyed herself. Dis Clinton loose the race?? No she threw it away by trying to destroy Trump..
Lenora A. Bowen says
I completely agree! Great email
Russell says
Do we need to rent a bus to get these STUPID people out of this country. I hope they stick to their word and LEAVE. . I ll b glad to pitch in. From one happy Deplorable
LeRoy Rindal says
Amen on they leave Thank God good bye make America great again
Carol says
These types never keep their word. Wonder if we can get Sharpton to pay the millions in taxes he owes now.
Chaz says
Either pay up or LOCK UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trumpt blast says
I said promises promises promises on a few of those blurb post as I knew they would no go !!!
Christa says
I’ll drive the bus!
Zina says
The bus sounds like a kind thing to do…..however….they might be better if they walk…..walking is good exercise…..and we taxpayers…..people who WORK …..have given enough……
Joan G. Krippel says
Yes, if they start leaving we will get rid of much of the corruption!
Dc says
So long Clinton I only hope the trunk the criminal investigations against them to shut down all of the criminal Enterprises did they have started and have been using so that future Generations will not even ever think to go down that road and try to infiltrate America’s system with a corrupt and dishonest government way to go Trump God bless you God bless America
Dc says
Forgive me in a hurry voice texting I only hope Trump pursues criminal investigations against the clintons ,
Christa says
Yes! ASAP! She and her husband and anyone affiliated with her need to be locked up and the key thrown away!!!!!
Recce1 says
Let’s hope he appoints an honest aggressive AG and then lets him or her enforce the laws evenly.
My only concern is that PRESIDENT Trump may have to decide that healing the country might have to take precedence over convicting the Clintons, Obama, and others. I can somewhat understand that, but I believe most of us who voted for him did so to see the utter corruption and confusion in our government fixed. So I’ll opt for the rule of constitutional law no matter how painful it might be.
Dc says
Forgive me in a hurry voice texting I only hope Trump pursues criminal investigations against the clintons ,
Jim DeCoursin says
yes, appoint a special prosecutor
Miss Blue says
I agree, and I hope we’ve heard the last from the Clintons. However, I sincerely hope that Trump keeps a very low profile for awhile because we all know how people against the Clintons have a way of disappearing and found dead from unknown causes (and sometimes just shot and murdered). Donald needs to be especially protected during this period before his inauguration to protect him from the corrupters who would have him removed before he even takes office.
God bless Donald Trump and be safe.
Rob c says
I hope this is the last time we have to hear from the Clintons, just go away!!!!
Inspector Tom says
Unfortunately, like the ‘bent’ penny I fear they will continue to haunt us for some time yet to come
Gary says
No hard feelings, but now let’s get on with your criminal prosecution. Now that’s entertainment and maybe a Pay-Per-View event.
notalib says
God Bless America! She prevailed over evil, over corruption and the liberal establishment.
Barbara Walls says
Fantastic it’s about time. The people are so sick of what the old Government has been doing. Now we can get the USA back where it should be. The best. Thank u president Trump????????????????????????????????????
JnAZ says
Good riddance! What a great day for America! The Presidency, the House, the Senate, and future Supreme Court appointees. A great day, indeed!
I have been talking to the sour faced losing side all morning (i work at a University) and offering consolation as to why this will be a great turning point for America and a positive for all citizens, not just the winning side. I suggest everyone else do the same any chance you get. Don’t gloat, just inform and educate. We let our country slip away for too many years and almost lost it. Now it’s time to bring more individuals into the fold.
Barbara Walls says
Fantastic it’s about time. The people are so sick of what the old Government has been doing. Now we can get the USA back where it should be. The best. Thank u president Trump????????????????????????????????????
Sharon says
Who cares what the tub has to say. Liar , treason , un American. Her n the squeeky little piece of dung in the white house. Just get on your broom hitlery n fly off the end of the earth !
Steven says
It’s been a long 8 years, the sun is starting to break through the clouds.
Vee says
And Steven. Add to that, Michelle Obama’s mother, Mrs. Robinson, is scheduled to receive $160,000/year for “taking care (and whatever else) of her granddaughters!” I wonder who can void that!
Chloe Foster says
Ding Dong the witch is dead, the wicked witch is DEAD.
Christa says
They are officially gone. Forever. Now let’s put her in that orange jumpsuits and throw away the key
John G. says
OracleGuy, law5960 & Fig Newton – the three Amico’s must be devastated by the news your “idol” got what she deserved the boot – shown the door etc.
I understand she has a fitting session later this afternoon for her new Prison “Orange” Pantsuit so she’ll be easily recognizable as a “TARGET” when the yard brawls break out.
Christa says
That was very funny! I wonder if her supporters will start wearing orange pant suits to show their support. They can go jail right along with her. Guilty by association.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
John G. Those 3 amigos are now getting their fill of humble pie, OracleGuy is the biggest boo hooer of them all right now that his girl friend
won’t be moving back to the Whtie House. If the Clinton’s go to prison, their home in Chappaqua will have to be fumigated 3 times minimum
before it can be safe to sell, the day they move out of there if that happens that neighborhood will be improved in value.
SM says
Katie Fahey- yes, please go to the corner of your “safe space” and please STAY THERE. You are part of the problem. Typical liberal crybaby. I’m guessing you are the product of our vaunted govt. run “educational” (indoctrination) system…
CJ says
Arrogant SOBs. I get down on my knees to thank God Hitlery DIDN’T win!
Bud webster says
Almighty God hears, this is the reason for trumps LANDSLIDE VICTORY. People were on their knees pleading with god. IN HUMILITY. OUR LORD HEARD.
PB SAYS says
OMG Bud Webster, I agree with you that the almighty God heard our cries for change. I know that my friends, family and myself were on our knees pleading with our God for CHANGE to Trump. Our prayers were heard and answered by his landslide victory.
Mary says
I am modified at the northeastern part of this Country. It was the mid-central part of this country that is to prosper – and, deservedly so. The ‘Blessed Mother’ was watching over America. Congratulations for a hard-earned victory – Mr. TRUMP!
Joanne says
Phoebe says
Yay yay!!!!!!!!!!
Joanne says
Richard Moulton says
And now, it’s off to jail for Bill, Hillary and Chelsea as soon as the Clinton Foundation farce is completely exposed. Can Trump undo an Obama presidential pardon?
Douglas Graves says
I almost feel sorry for slick willie. He will have bruises from head to toe as she vents her anger on her personal punching bag.
ginny says
The press lost last night. They weren’t delivering the message. They were partial towards Hillary, and lost their credibility. They were unprofessional towards Trump. The “talking heads” on CNN were boring and were out of touch with Americans. The polls didn’t factor in the silent majority behind Trump. Clinton’s track record wasn’t discussed so Americans listened to Trump.
CJ says
Arrogant SOBs. Thinking they are actually ENTITLED to win
NoraB says
Yaaay! Clinton(s), Obama(s), Sharpton, Holder, Lynch for prison – 2017. It’s time to “pay the piper”.
ginny McShane says
The press lost last night. They weren’t delivering the message. They were always partial towards Hillary, and lost their credibility. They were unprofessional towards Trump. The “talking heads” on CNN were boring and were out of touch with Americans. The polls didn’t factor in the silent majority behind Trump. Clinton’s track record wasn’t discussed so Americans listened to Trump.
Theresa Armstrong says
Now it’s time for America to start to come together and rebuild the trust and humanity we have in us as a Country to each and every one of us!
CaptTurbo says
I couldn’t be more pleased that Mr Trump along with us, the basket of Deplorables dropped a house on that Wicked Witch last night! It’s time to shovel that steaming pile of Marxism back into the dust bin and it’s also time for all of us Munchkins to party and celebrate!
America has spoken!!!! now…. will the congress grow the balls it did not have to push back against the muslim loser sitting in our white house????? Tell us who is NOT American…. we can remove him/her at the next election!!! Killory…. live off your stolen money… and, if there is a God and justice….. you will soon be wearing stripes and sitting on a cot looking out your one barred window!!! Thought, like the muslim PIG in the white house and his moose-cow, you were the ONLY people capable of running our nation????? WE NOW HAVE A LEADER…. NOT A muslim ASS KISSER…… A LEADER!!!!!! AND MAN….. IT SURE FEELS GOOD TO GET UP THIS MORNING!!! NOW…. SECRET SERVICE…. WATCH THAT THOSE muslim PIGS IN THE WHITE HOUSE DON’T MAKE OFF WITH OUR CHINA, SILVER, ART, GOLD AND FURNITURE LIKE THE CLINTONS DID!!!!!
r says
Congratulations to Trump/Pence! God bless America….we have been given hope and another chance to get back on track for the good of everyone!
Bye bye Clintons, you have what’s coming to you.
Eee. Tekoa says
All I can say is; Praise the Lord, a million times over. No doubt a lot of us bombarded heaven
to make sure Trump win. And God answered prayer. Thank you, Jesus.
Eee. Tekoa says
All I can say is; Praise the Lord, a million times over. No doubt a lot of us bombarded heaven
to make sure Trump win. And God answered prayer. Thank you, Jesus.
Pete says
I completely, totally agree. God has heard and answered our prayers to keep Hillary out of the White House. Thank you Jesus.
Kent Hallander says
I’m 80 years old. I don’t remember any presidential loser ever not talking to the people, their gathering in the hotel after losing. Hillary has no class!
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
She has kept those in the audience waiting for over ten minutes, and Tim Kaine also. Now Tim Kaine needs to go rent a Santa Claus suit, dress up as Santa Claus and he can do something useful, pass out Candy Canes, and he can have OracleGuy, Fig Newton & Law5960 dress up as his elves assisting him passing out Candy Canes, it would get them something useful to do.
Pete says
Just as the Bible says in Numbers 32:23 “But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the LORD; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” A few million in Clinton Crime Foundation dollars, lying, lying, lying and more lying. Throw in some corruption and graft, sell out America’s uranium, some more lying, defending abortion, but then proclaiming her love for children. Then there is her buddy Podesta with his pervert friends and actions. Add in some ‘suicides’ and some people killed, what is there not to like about her? We as Americans want our money that our government spends be spent for things that will help us. Sure help some worthwhile causes, like Israel, but we need to take care of our own for a while. We have soldiers on food stamps which is disgraceful. Yet she wanted to bring in hundreds of thousands of ‘undocumented voters’ without having a place to house them, or jobs, etc. Then throw in some shady deals, selling ‘access’ to the State Department. Oh my! I’m just getting warmed up. But, at this point, “What difference does it make?” Let’s “Drain the swamp!”
Mikeyavelli says
No one more relieved than Bill Clinton.
Couped up with that woman under intense scrutiny for 4 years?
He’s free now.
And so is America!
Fedup says
Thank God!
Road Runner says
If these left wingers all REALLY want to leave, I’ll help them pack their bags. Don’t these guys have ANY kind of courage to accept what the results of the nationwide elections have told us, in very conclusive fashion? I’m a deeply conservative person in most respects, but I was also proud that my nation voted for a black man to be our president TWICE. His policies often drove me absolutely crazy, but I reminded myself that in no more than 8 years, he too would have to depart the premises of the White House and go back to a normal life style. I hope and pray that the blessings of God Almighty will go with Mr. Obama and his family and also for soon-to-be President Donald J. Trump.
Dale says
A win and win situation. Partial birth abortion will cease, our second amendment rights and the rights it insures are safe, the Supreme Court will stay with God for the foreseeable future, Obamacare will be repealed or at least modified into an usable form, American jobs will be protected from illegal immigration and we have a strong Christian as Vice President. Life is good.
Sasha says
This election shows that the political class can’t continuously shove elitist self-serving policies down American people’s throat. That limitless corruption is not yet an American standard. That there is an ethical standard that we as Americans still demand of our politicians. This election renewed my hope in the American experiment. The country I adapted as my own 40 years ago maybe coming back. It changed almost beyond recognition under Clinton and Obama administrations, faster and faster drifting into what I risked my life to run away from.
Bob Coiiins says
Relief is just 274 electoral votes….Congrats to Trump and best wishes for a smooth transition to your new administration. Go U.S.A.
tired says
Now the real worries start for the Clintons, The billions of dollars spent on a dead horse, it has to be playing on their minds people especially the large donors do not like losing that much money with nothing in return… i wonder if the Clintons will stay in the U.S. or leave for fear of retaliation from a job not so well done.????????????
Toes says
I’ve wanted to wear sweatpants and curl myself in a corner for the last eight years. Time to put on some work clothes and get to work!
Sahara 95 says
Praise God! We can go back to being a nation under God not headed to a one world govt. Pray for our new president. He will come against a lot of opposition. The fight has just started to take back our country. Donald cares about ALL Americans. Time will show what a great leader we have elected. Well done americans.
gary farrington says
She sure is taking her time, has kept folks waiting now for an hour, that is rude.
Mere says
Thank you God!! Let’s all get to work to help restore our Republic. Forgiveness is hard, but let’s keep praying. And let us not forget
how we almost lost our great country. We can start with our universities….who endoctrinated students instead of educating them and teaching them to THINK!! GO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!
Khairul Mahmoud says
The New York Times’ prediction was Hillary Clinton stood 85% chance of being elected. So the reality is that the Mainstream Media has ‘started losing’ in America despite the ‘powers’ behind them. A happy omen for the humanity indeed!.
Elizabeth says
Democrats were wondering how they misread their country? Maybe it’s because it’s not THEIR country!
politicallyincorrect says
The democrats are shocked because of the fantasy world they all live in and thinking the American people would so dumb to believe them. With Trump winning and the Republicans winning both the house and senate this is a big message to politicians that we are fed up with the government and this was revolution
Joanne says
God bless president Donald j Trump and god bless America!
now all of your campaign promises
Now the time to keep all your promises to the American people .
remove Obama care. Start a criminal indictment against Hillary Clinton.
bring jobs back, Remove all Criminal
back to their country all illegal
Real world says
Hillary was going to take the Obamacare baton and run with it. You people don’t know how lucky you are to have Obamacare swept away for good. Thank God. Bless the elderly, middle class, jobless people. You will understand soon how we will be a normal country again. Trump may sound racist, but he is pro-American no matter the nationality. Come into the country legally and get jobs, not illegally. We needed this change BADLY! We don’t need to be the first country to have a black then a woman president, we need the country to be RUN PROPERLY!
Maria says
You are sooo right.
sue says
Thank God that He denied that anti-christ, communist, walking feces, terminal liar, murderous, irresponsible, incompetent,
disregarding, me first and only and screw you, mentally deranged, lesbian bi-pervert, ultimately corrupt, seethingly- hate filled, anti-American, jezebellian, devil worshiping, wicked witch from hell the Presidency. I pray to Gid tgat she will now be exposed for ALL the crap she’s guilty of and publically hanged.
Pete says
How do you really feel about her?
R J Melton says
Thank GOD that Donald Trump has prevailed! Let’s all ban together around our New President Trump to help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
We can do it as its been done before! Let’s take AMERICA back to her Glory days. We absolutely can by standing together as brothers and sisters and not let anything stand in our way! We are the People, of the People and for the People! Won’t you please stand with me and let’s all MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
We Can Do It!
jerry holbrock says
I commend those of you who prayed. We don’t always know how to do it but the Lord knows our hearts and the desires there of, and i think he has given unto us in a great way. My one prayer was that He deiver Pa. to mr Trump, and it was Pa. who gave him 270, so what more could i ask except to keep our new president safe from harm.
Sue says
carol says
Now all the biased scumbag media who have been in bed with the Clintons since day one should apologize to president Trump for their horrible, corrupt treatment towards him. Thank God we still have one fair and balanced news media station out there, Fox news! Thank you Fox news for bringing us fair and balanced news. I can see why you are number one! Please stay that way!
Dina says
Good riddance- the thought of seeing her face on tv everyday knowing she does not care one bit about us was nauseating. God said he would run them out of town and – no more. Corruption!! I’m so glad America woke up before it was too late !
Bobby says
We can now return GOD to our American way of life.
John Menchaca says
As I listen to Clinton’s speech this morning she is still making a big distinction between “freedom of religion ” and “freedom of worship ” in sharp contrast to our beloved Constitution. She essentially wanted us to confine our religion behind the church walls rather than the public square. Thank God for the voters’ rejection of Clinton.
John G. says
OracleGuy, law5960, Fig Newton – Oh boo, who, who – where are the 3 Amigo’s now (Big Mouth’s) no more.
Too bad losers.
Hercules Blade says
No Lets See if all the Fools Who said They Would Leave America if President Trump Won!
Well, Lets See it GET THE HELL OUT!!! NOW!
Oh and just now clinton giving her I Lost speech,still a BIG LIAR.
She say’s” There Must Be a Peaceful Orderly Transition of Power and Office” Oh yea like
when the clintons left the White House! She Tried to Steal over $3 Million in Rare Artifacts From the White House,Like President Lincoln’s Favorite Little Picture from 1779 and all the other items that White House Security Found in Their Boxes. And when Bush got to the White House all the Phones were Cut all the Books were Upside Down.Trash Cans all Stacked in the Oval office. And 20 other acts of Vandalism , Like Plugging up all the Electrical Outlets!The list just goes on and on ! She’s a Liar and Thief and a Criminal to the End!l
Cap'n Five says
I liked what Tom Wood had to say. ” A vote for Trump, stated simply, is a middle finger extended to the media, the academic establishment, the entertainment world, the Social Justice Warriors, the elites of both parties, all of it !!”
My middle finger to all of them, also.
Old1 says
Now she and her cronies will have to come up with a new plan on how to steal money from America without being Queen.
hap says
How about us dumb white people from the Midwest really How did they think we would vote!
unionquickpicks says
Madame Skankretary,
I have waited a long time to say this to you:
You have the right to remain silent. If you give up the right to remain silent, anything that you say can & WILL be used AGAINST YOU in a COURT of Law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, you are a F**king liar. Surely your toadies Mills, Kendall, et all will pitch in to try save your sorry a**!!
A little bit of a straying from the Miranda rights, but SO WHAT!!
Gary says
That’s funny. That lady from Grand Rapids that went and flew to New York for a (supposed) victory party had to don sweat pants and curl herself up in a corner? That shows you just how mentally “fragile” these nut jobs are. I voted for McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012. That means I LOST in the last two elections. Somehow I don’t remember ever having to “cocoon” and wear sack cloth and ashes. I didn’t like it, but life went on. I accepted it … like zillions of other Americans … and got on with my life. Liberals can’t do that. It is if a loss is a PERSONAL AFRONT to them. I have a brother like that: the wailing and gnashing of teeth from him since early this morning is amazing. Grow up!
Bill Miller says
Happier than a pig in s*** Finally, maybe now us “deplorables” both in the middle income and lower income (fixed in my case) will get a break and the “political elites” will stop ripping us off every time they go on a money wasting jaunt and then wonder where their going to get the money to pay for it all!
Gary says
This election is a classic example of why the mainstream media can’t be trusted. Their phony, “trumped up” polls are all there simply to sway public opinion. They have absolutely NOTHING to do with reality. EVerything came to the fore: mass media being in the Democrats’ hip pocket, pollsters having no clue of what was going on, and probably the most da*ning of all, the Democrats having no use for anyone that doesn’t live on the East or West coasts … aka the Flyover Zone. So sad when you act so pompous and self-righteous and you have no idea that your destruction is imminent. What was it the Bible said about certain people being “given over to a reprobate mind” and “those thinking themselves wise become as fools”? Looks like there were alot of “fools” lurking around in the Democrat camp these past few months.
Justin W says
Praise the Lord! Hope and change are finally coming to America! The outcome of this election would have been vastly different if Hillary had honestly answered the Benghazi commission’s questions in 2013. There would have been no email scandal and much of the information which was revealed in its aftermath would have still been hidden. If Hillary had not attempted to circumvent the law and destroy her emails this scandal would have run out of steam a year ago. In the end the person that kept Hillary from shattering the glass ceiling was Hillary.
Some day America will elect a woman president. It is likely that the woman who gains the title as first woman president will do so on her accomplishments rather than on playing to the novelty of being the first woman president.
Let’s not overlook the role the Clinton slush funds played in her loss. Team Hillary may not have understood what was going on but average Americans understood that she sold government access and assets for her own personal gain. We wanted a leader who would put America first rather than a leader who put themselves first.
Jim Henry says
There are many nations left on the ash heap of history because of their rejection of God. Yesterday morning while doing bible study. I thought this would be our last chance and prayed that we would have one more chance to correct the downward fall of this nation. I believe that this will be our last chance to save our beloved and hard fought for nation. GOD BLESS OUR COUNTRY!
Jim Henry
Jim Owen says
Have you had this wonderful thought. Mike Pence is a fabulous man, good man, and after Trump he will step into the White House for his run. That is 16 years of wonderful conservatism. I would guess that by then there won’t even be a Hollywood, unless it is in Canada. I write songs, books and make movies, but have never been a part of the Hollywood scene and never wanted to be. Lived out there a short time and realized I did not want my children growing up among those idiots. Moved back to Nashville and lived happily ever after, except for the last eight years.
E A (Al) Schmidt says
I think they were cheering because she lost.
David..... Massachusetts says
Thanks to the Horn News, for allowing truly Patriotic American Citizens to air the real feelings of The American Citizens.
I for one have released my anger on the Clintons many times in this forum, and to the political Crippled Left for not seeing what is really important about our Country.
We all know the issues, but without following the rule of Law, dictated in our Constitution, we are just a civilization, going about our business on a daily basis.
The Constitution makes us Proud to be American Citizens.
Thanks for reading my comments.
Dskap says
WRONG FA MAG…..All praise and glory unto God Almighty!
How could you ever make such a blasphemous statement?
Louise van Vianen says
The following cannot be said often enough.
Let’s not forget that God is in charge. He owns this country and everything in it by the right of creation. His will be done. Praise
Him for the best decision – the appointment of a true American leader – Donald Trump as America’s new and last (?) leader. God is delaying the end of world history, planned to be soon,to give this nation a chance to come back to Him. Weather we like it or not we have to live on God’s terms not ours, which means obeying His TEN commandments and live the principles He outlined in His love letter to us – the Bible. Replacing Christianity with a new religion, the New Age religion,(live as you please, worship of self) is asking for the second death, never to exist anymore. God is in charge of all He created and that includes this nation. He has been this past year, through Donald Trump, exposed the enemy by revealing the evil elements controlling this past government. He opened the closed doors behind which evil controlled this nation. Hidden scandals have been revealed and, through Donald Trump, God woke up a dormant America. Our eyes have been opened to the reality and danger of evil control, we, Americans, in our ignorance allowed to develop and destroy our nation. God is a God of justice and Justice will be done. The Clintons, Obama, Lynch and Comey will experience that, hopefully soon. They and their likes will pay for their sins piled up mountain high, during the years of their reign. God will see to it through our new president, that our corrupt justice system comes to an end and it will. Our new president will see to it and start the “house cleaning” and “drain the swamp”. Doing God’s will, will guarantee success. To God must be given the credit – always! Come back to God America and we will prosper and make America a nation under God again. He is giving us time to do just that: surrender to him, repent our ignorance of Him, and dedicate our lives and that of our children to Him. Only than will America be great again. To God be the glory, to Donald Trump and his family, best wishes for a successful and fruitful EIGHT years. What an honor to work for God and be His chosen servant. May God bless this beautiful country and its leaders, and all of us, His children, He loves so much (John 3:16) Don’t forget it has to be on His terms, not ours. Let’s start TODAY, NOW!
Marina Dilbone says
Thank you fellow deplorables coast to coast Pray daily for our new leaders and our people God bless the USA!
The Texan says
Hillary conceded the loss of the election but little if anything else. She and her sock puppet stressed that she had gained the popular vote but failed to mention how extremely narrow that popular vote is. Trump offered an olive branch and asked that the American people come together. Hillary stressed that there is a great division among the American people. She went on to offer some platitudes about family and such but it was mostly without historical or current substance.
The election is a great victory for America and the American people against the forces of globalism. It is a great victory for our sovereignty and our Constitution. It is great victory for the freedom of the American people no matter who they may have voted for in the election.
DR Richard says
Live by the sword and die by the sword—you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time–time to clean up CA and get rid of baldy and his cronies–no mercy for any of these corrupt asses–a lot of people have suffered too long and payback is in order—put them all in GITMO or Leavenworth for their crimes against the people
Steve Johnson says
Hillary loves spending other people’s money. Soros, I hope you choke on the results of spending your tens of millions to hire mentally ill people to disrupt your opponents’ campaigns all for naught. Communism will have to take a backseat for a little while.
lizaz says
Socialism is dead effective Jan 20…..for a while, anyway……..
Mike Dar says
“I don’t even want to go out. I want to wear sweatpants and curl myself up in a corner.” What does that say about the idiocy of Idealism? What does that say about a Political actor that can get fools to join in.
Snowflake city is where we are.. too bad for the snowflakes, the temperature won’t support snowflakes much longer.
Michele says
“My disappointment makes me not trust the rest of the world,” said Katie Fahey
That’s why you shouldn’t trust everything you hear from the mainstream media. The biggest lesson I’ve learned from this election is it pays to do your research and not just take what the masses say as fact.
jwb says
Rev. Tom says
Jesus said: “You will know the truth and the truth shall make you free!” Mr. Trump and the vast majority of the GOP candidate spoke the truth and as a result the voters accepted their words of promise and thus our nation begins the task of rebuilding and renewing of nation’s commitment to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and the right to defend and arm ourselves against our enemies and those who wish us harm. As President-elect Trump begins his presidential journey let us continue to pray for him and his staff members as they enter the White House and begin the work of reformation and renewal for our nation, beginning in DC. To this end, may Christ Jesus be praised!
Real world says
The face on that woman during her speech just shows why she should have lost. Mean, bitter, and all of you who wanted mean old granny to win should make the same face in the mirror.