At least 9 people are dead and more than 10 have been wounded after a 26-year-old gunman opened fire at the Roseburg, Oregon campus of Umpqua Community College (UCC) today.
According to authorities, the shooter died after exchanging gunfire with police. At press time it was unclear whether the shooter was killed by officers or took his own life.
“We locked our door, and I went out to lock up the restrooms and could hear four shots from the front of campus,” UCC Foundation Executive Director Dennis O’Neill told the Roseburg News-Review.
A photographer for the newspaper said he saw people being loaded into multiple ambulances and taken to the local hospital.
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office reported on Twitter that it received a call about the shooting at 10:38 a.m. Students and faculty members were being bused to the county fairgrounds, the sheriff’s office said.
Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg reported that it had received at least nine patients from the shooting.
Former UCC President Joe Olson, who retired in June after four years, said the school had no formal security staff, just one officer on a shift.
UCC has approximately 3,300 full-time students and 16,000 part-time students, and is located in Western Oregon on the North Umpqua River. The 100-acre campus holds sixteen buildings and is approximately six miles north of the town of Roseburg.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Hoffhack says
No doubt another gun free zone!
Keith Jenkins says
Yes, it is “gun-free” zone – down to BB guns, water pistols and paintball guns!
Fierce Look says
No doubt another False Flag operation by this Satanic communist regime! They will stop at nothing and do anything necessary to create an atmosphere here in AMERIKA in order to get our guns which they must do to secure their totalitarian regime! This sissified, pseudo-intellectual punk-ass geeks wouldn’t and couldn’t fight their sorry asses out of a paper bag if their lives depended on it and that is why they must disarm “US” at all costs! How convenient – the so-called perpetuator is “down”, how about that; so how are we to know for sure that it was him or him only as the state-run, fifth column propagandists will be fed their scripted stories to report to the sheeple! To those fools who think that our communist regime would never do any thing like this then consider this: any demonic ghoul that supports the tax payers funding the sacrificial rite of killing babies for body parts is EVIL as HELL and will stop at nothing to acquire the absolute POWER that they are after! WAKE UP SHEEPLE, you are being played as a fine fiddle! REVOLUTION will be the SOLUTION! mInr, NSA!
lionel says
We need to know one another you sound just like Bill Cooper is my hero how about you?
lionel says
They doing the same old tricks they cause the problem stupid reaction and f*** up solutions if they take away your guns you are F***ed Hitler, Marcus just to name some of them wanted the guns where are they now? when will folk ever open their eyes to see M E D I A is under elite and satanic control F***BAMA is out to f*** us all
have no way to defend self from this F up controlling elite satanic government get NATO and UN to come for your guns don’t know about rest of you but me the only way is out of my dead bear hands if i must go am going down fighting.
Leo says
The United Sates cannot be taken from “The People” as long as they can remain armed.
Any analytical thinking person can recognize this, so I have to wonder why is it the Government wants to disarm “The People” hmm,..
C K Johnson says
These things are happening more often under Obama’s watch than any other President. You want to keep yourself armed to protect the ones you love. The regime in DC has no concern for human life.Most of the Politicians act as one party. Obama gets everything he wants. He has been dividing the American people into groups. Then pitting one against the other. Most of the people cannot see what is happening under their own Noses. The United States has give up the world to the Rouge countries around the world. We are not leaders of Freedom but Followers of the Socialist Communist Regimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a paranoid, myopic,moronic goon you are!! Fifteen young people, have had their young lives cut and, all you can think about is how to keep your miserable stinking guns? For what? To protect horded resources stolen by a few from the many? you make me so sick. Please, for once, have the magnanimity and grace to sop for a split second(if you are capable at all) to think of the bereaved families>
Joe says
There isn’t an American, gun owner or not that doesn’t feel for the families. But they also know that this is another opportunity for liberals to mount the fight to ban guns. I am not a conspiracy nut like a few folks here. This is no false flag operation. Saying that is akin to the illogical argument that Liberals have in the hope to ban guns.
I feel for the loved ones who are left behind.
On your other point of ( To protect horded resources stolen by a few from the many ).People who hoard resourses bought,and paid for them.They did not steal are showing your true Commie colors as I’m sure if the time ever came you would want those resourses to be taken from the rightful owners,and given to others for free.
John says
They have to abolish gun free zones!
dave Flowers says
As far as I’m concerned Obama is just like a school yard bully that will talk big and stir up bullshit till he starts a fight and then he runs to the principal to rat out everyone else. He was probably the kid in school that had the best dope and then ran for class president. Obama’s self-serving ways is attempting to turn our children and younger adults into a bunch of MINDLESS ZOMBIES that can’t do anything for themselves without an app. or some part of the government telling them what to do. Can you imagine your above average high school student with a 3.7 to a 4.0 average having any idea what to do with a live chicken. As far as most of them are concerned they just but a deli rotisserie chicken. They don’t have a clue how to kill the bird and then what about the feathers. This sounds like I’m beating on these young people, well I’m not. It just concerns me to wonder if they will be able to protect their children, themselves or the elderly if and when there is a major event of anything that requires hands-on common sense. God Please help them and All of the rest of us to self reliant rather than self-serving like this President.
Winston says
Obama wants us disarmed, but he has no problem shipping TOW missile launcher systems to terrorists in Syria.
Just imagine if we did deploy troops to Syria or back to Iraq, they’d be getting killed by American made weapons. How fu**ed up is that? Those TOWs might be old, but they can still rape an M1 Abrams. The Bradleys and Strykers would be toast as well, that’s for sure.
scott says
And probably another false flag.
Joe says
As a CCW holder, this story bothers me to no end. Is this more fuel for the anti gun crowd? I am starting to think that we should train our teachers like Isreal does and let’s stop the gun free zone bs. This is an epidemic as to what is going on. Copycats?
Jake Hoek says
Outrageous! 3300 full- time students 16000 part time ones all protected by one officer per shift? Obama might apply the same protection policy for his WH! When are those grieving families demanding protection just like the present FURHER (Hitler) has?
Rich Garratt says
I wonder if this is another case involving a shooter who had been consuming drugs marketed as “anti-depressant”.
Jo Ann Fonzone says
very clever observation Rich. big pharma and politicians wont let the media raise that possibility.
Jason says
Once again it all started with a cell phone call on the shooters phone.
mrchrisgdotcom says
I wonder if this is another False-Flag shooting to further government’s gun control agenda?
Maxx says
Don’t know about that but we all know that any event like this makes people like Obama and the democrats extatic since they are always looking for more chaos to exploit. We know the drill by heart. Obama will come on TV and offer his “fake” condolences and again call for gun control blah, blah, blah. Supposedly this was a “gun free” zone which is exactly what a person who wants to kill others is drawn to because they are safe from being taken on by someone with a gun. And everyone knows criminals and wackos and terrorists always follow the letter of the law like Obama does!
Phoenix23002 says
Where is the constant news coverage and dissection and blow by blow of the latest weekend shootings in ‘gun free’ Chicago? 54 wounded and 4 dead… all that in one weekend. Over 2,000 shootings so far this year in Chicago and nary a peep out of the main stream media about it. Leftists’ gun control in action. It works so well, doesn’t it?
Take your sorry self off “hate”, hater and think about, NOT your moronic self, BUT about the bereaved families.
patrick Simoniello says
Nothing false about it at all. This drug crazed kid shot a lot of people and then in turn was shot himself. That’s as real as it gets.
John says
The same thoughts crossed my mind, and I would not put it passed the gun grabbers.They’ve spent lots of money to try to accomplish their agenda and are getting no where. I believe they would take desperate means such as this to further their goals.
rodney burke says
and this crappy guy was a loner, democrat, and mentally unstable which too many people KNEW about and did NOTHING, as usual. And yes to Hoffhack, it likely was a gun free zone. when are colleges and universities going to wake the hell up! People bent on killing people don’t give a DAMN about laws, or gun free zones. And don’t blame the gun, blame the shooter. The gun can’t kill anyone, It has to have a trigger finger. Any idiot can figure than out. But not liberals, they are the idiots and beyond. I guess imbecile would be a good term for the gun grabbers. Any professional who carries a gun doesn’t kill people at random. But then when we have people running our government who are documented mentally ill, this is what happens,. If ONE student had a gun, this would have stopped, the guy likely would not have known how to handle opposition.
luper says
“That’s the perfect example”when will PEOPLE understand that answer?
Maxx says
“Gun free zones”. Typical liberal feel good nonsense. They should be called “killing zones” because they attract the crazies to them rather than repel them. Why don’t we ever hear of one of these incidents taking place at a police station?
Sue says
Yes,…. is it going to be , another one on prescribed drugs? So “THEY” can blame it on the kid, instead of admitting “THEY” are trying to convince the public to agree to stronger gun laws ??!@?#@! The best way to blind the people to what is really going on, is to supply the kindling,… right along with the willing match, to start the raging fire,..then sit back and watch the humans do their thing. Wake up people! We are being manipulated just as Hitler did how many years ago,…
Now granted,..this is not the case EVERY-TIME,..however “THEY” never miss an opportunity to take away our rights way, the most subtle ways
Robin Rycraft says
Pray for the families and friends of these victims.
Such tragedy has only one origin.
bub says
… the author of deceit … and his minions.
Pam says
If politics blames the guns, then why don’t they also out law cars. Drunk drivers kill people. Is it the cars fault? It is the same thinking with guns. It’s not the gun it’s the shooter.
MC Schultz says
Even in states where the gun laws are less stringent, virtually all school are “gun free” zones. Were that not the case, the “perp” would look for a different target……or be taken down without killing so many. It is a PROVEN FACT … that the liberals will not believe….where CCW and open carry are the law of the state, the violent crime rate drops! We have a lot of people on anti-depressants, and they are also KNOWN to cause people to think about committing suicide – and do other violent acts. And it is also KNOWN that our current administration has allowed KNOWN TERRORISTS to come into this country…..people whose names used to be on the “no-fly / no admittance” lists…….and they plan to admit up to 100,000 more over the next couple of years… “refugees”, who are mostly men…aged 18-45, and who are trained / believe in jihad. SO MANY will simply not believe that Europe is being over-run, and that these people have OPENLY ADMITTED to being dedicated to “furthering the cause of Allah”…..and it is a “convert or die” attitude!
Jim says
Once again, the media will have a feeding frenzy. It will be the guns fault of course. The media will analyze, the liberal voice will analyze, the APA will analyze and come up with the same conclusion- ban all firearms. Never mind one of the root problems; the media fired Opportunity for fame
Steve says
Jim, just a thought, but how many would have been killed if all the students were armed.
Jim says
Not many if any at all
Rationale, Jim?
Jake Hoek says
Muslim Commie gun grabber should start off by taking guns away from all Jihad training camps throughout the states and flatten them all and ship those occupants to their several Muslim countries. But no, instead buys billions of bullets, with tax-payers money, to kill those same ones and all those other dissenters!
Jim says
That’s why I CC
Steve Vermillion says
No Law short of complete suspension of Human Rights will get guns out of the hands of criminals and madmen…. But we can push for a FEDERAL Law requiring all Persons instituting a “GUN FREE ZONE” Liable for all deaths and injuries from weapon violence within that “ZONE” forcing them to provide adequate security to assure EVERYONE enter their “ZONE” is in fact weapon free and adequate enough to stop any who would do harm to those in the “ZONE”..
Howard says
Who the hell cares about briefing the traitor and chief? He needs to be dealing with the Russians and Iraians what a failure this man is and has been! We need him out of our White House yesterday!
Jim says
Amen to that !
Haters! When was the last time you pumped gas for less than $2.00 a gallon? Give a little credit where it is due NOT just hater mongering or the time. Even lucifer knew how to!!!
Tommy Kelly says
Obama has NOTHING to do with the price of gas, up or down. No matter which way it goes, he (or anyone else) just happens to be the person in the oval office at that particular time.
bub says
… and Lucifer is exactly who we want removed from the White House, but I haven’t seen him give any credit to anyone due it … and yes, he DOES like to give himself plenty of undue credit … that and his muslim buddies.
Jimmy says
He should of been stopped the minute he was elected. After all no one has heard of him until he became president & then once in he starts lying the very first thing about his birth certificate along with many other lies. He needs to be removed.
Jake Hoek says
ALL perfectly planned by NWO!
Pastor Richard Smith says
The college has one security guard who is not armed. More brilliance brought to you from the liberals in Oregon.
Robert says
the bleating heart commies here in washington are allready screaming for more control.if we had a idiot free zone this state would be wonderful…
Phoenix23002 says
When is the mental health establishment going to be held to task for these events? With rare exception, almost all of these mass shootings are carried out by people who are under the care of a mental healthcare professional and who are usually taking mind-altering prescribed drugs. This sad event will no doubt be the same.
Funny how the ‘powers that be’ turn their attention to gun laws/regulations etc instead of the mental health providers who allow these monsters to freely walk among us. If someone with common sense questions the response, patient confidentiality is claimed and nothing changes.
Jim says
Political correctness…..unless a patient divulges death threats that meet certain criteria, the counseling duty to warn is overshadowed by the liberals concept of political correctness even though common sense indicates the person is impaired in a dangerous way
That’s right. Go ahead. Point fingers and shift blame.
Jake Hoek says
Seems you are one of them! Blaming the messenger! Just try to refute Jim’s claims! You seem to have only horse brains, not the SENSE! Or are a PLANT?
Joe says
As a CCW holder, this story bothers me to no end. Is this more fuel for the anti gun crowd? I am starting to think that we should train our teachers like Isreal does and let’s stop the gun free zone bs. This is an epidemic as to what is going on. Copycats?
adam karrsen says
Tonight’s news. Hillary the LIAR wants ALL of the guns confiscated so that shootings like this will stop. Obama will of course spew his usual nonsense also. If all GUNS are to be confiscated all knives must also be confiscated, all hammer’s must be confiscated, any object including a squirt gun toy must be confiscated and you VILL be patted down before da Fuhrer Vill allow you to go anywhere. Do not resist the Fuhrer’s orders or you VILL be taken to a FEMA camp and have a frontal lobotomy preformed by a guard. Don’t criticize the fatherland or it’s highly educated leaders who know what is and is not good for you.
todd says
Oregon is an open carry state, you see the buffoons in the back woods walking the roads with their juvenile pea shooters on the hips. To get living proof of how deeply twisted , sick, ignorant and hateful the neo cons and red neck commentators here are, read some of the posts, not a word of sympathy for the victims , in the way a normal human being would do, and let the rants wait a decent amount of time, twenty million communists died fighting the Nazis, more than twenty million CHinese against their allies the Japanese fascists, to die for the people counts, for oneself does not, that is why the pro gun lobby is bogus, about personal survival without social conscience or interest, if it came to a police state, the en masse, a mass movement could arm itself, but it could be a slim chance of that, the rest of the world except Central America and Brazil controls guns, and there are few homicides comparatively, ten thousand are killed by guns in the US a year, twenty thousand commit suicide with guns, where is the reasoned civil discussion, neo cons are incapable of it , born with a permanent character disorder
kathae says
Roseburg used to be a nice place to live, even though Oregon is another Liberal stronghold. Anyone notice all these shootings are happening in Liberal town?
Stephen Waugh says
Everybody should have a gun, if not for protection,but also for hunting food. In the movie Red Dawn, the invading army’s knew from the lists at the stores that sold guns just who owned a gun & where they could be found & executed. Something to think about. Some people will fight for their rights, but when it comes to guns, you need some control, as you don’t want them in the hands of criminals.
Stephen Waugh says
God created man, but Sam Colt & Smith & Wesson made them even, so the big bully can’t bully the small guy.
heartzlink says
I find it so sad that in the wake of 13 deaths, and 20 or more injuries following a mass shooting that all the comments relate to politics… oh yes, we are in a crap load of trouble under our current leadership and his antics are deceitful and underhanded but there are families out there that have lost their loved ones and at this moment probably have much different things on their mind ; like the loss of a loved one, a father, a mother, a son , a daughter, a husband or a wife…. yet all we can talk about here is propaganda and political antics… have we become so jaded that we cannot think of the families , staff, etc that endured a horrific situation today regardless of its roots or politics… to those families I want to say how very sorry I am for your losses and may God’s grace give you the strength you need today and every day that you have to live without your loved one… and a speedy recovery to those wounded…..
Zerubbable says
While looking through some of the comments of the original story, I noticed a twit by Rolling Stone magazine and I would like to know if anybody can verify this: the twit said that there were 275 days in 2015 and 264 mass shootings.
I find this somewhat hard to believe however, coming from Rolling Stone and knowing about their “journalistic integrity”….
Flo says
Father God, You Who know the hearts and thoughts of each one of us, whether Yours or not…I ask Peace for the Families of those who have been injured or slain! Only You can give that Peace of which the World is not acquainted in times like these! I also pray for the parents and Friends of the shooter….Father, I ask for Wisdom and Understanding for all who are in any way associated with this young man, such a young man, hardly into Life, who need to be aware of those who are near physical destruction of themselves or others, and be ready to take the vital action necessary to document and physically deal with their situations, so they cannot possibly be a danger to themselves or others. And, I equally pray that Your Judgment would fall on those who are producing, manufacturing and dishing out the drugs that are causing this human destruction! And, God, somehow through the veil of Deception, would you wake up those who we have voted in to lead us in the Nation’s Congress, and our President, to see that it is not the Guns that cause these disasters, but those who are derainged and need to be put away for the protection of the Public! God help our Young People to see that the movies and TV and whatever else is distorting their minds with violence………VIOLENCE……..ONLY VIOLENCE! Life offers so many options for Good, for the individual, and surely for the needs of others in the World today! For me, the Christian Life holds Promise and Hope, and Direction from the Pure Source of Creativity and Love, for ourselves, and in serving others! God help us all! Thank You Father, God, for hearing and answering our many Prayers this day!
Horndog says
allahu akbar?
Horndog says
Nancy Pelosi Is HOT!
Flo says
Why are you holding the only positive comment and prayer… for ‘moderation’?
I don’t understand what is to be ‘moderated’?
Please explain……..!
Flo says
Forgive me……I see it now. Thank you!
I don’t, Flo. Show and tell>
Mike says
>> > In 1975 a Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the United
>> > States.
>> >
>> > In 1983 a registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan.
>> >
>> > In 1984 James Huberty a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 22 people
>> > in
>> > a McDonalds restaurant.
>> >
>> > In 1986 Patrick Sherril a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 15
>> > people
>> > in an Oklahoma post office.
>> >
>> > In 1990 James Pough a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 10 people
>> > at a
>> > GMAC office.
>> >
>> > In 1991 George Hennard a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 23
>> > people
>> > in a Luby’s cafeteria.
>> >
>> > In 1995 James Daniel Simpson a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 5
>> > coworkers in a Texas laboratory.
>> >
>> > In 1999 Larry Asbrook a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 8 people
>> > at
>> > a church service.
>> >
>> > In 2001 a left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in
>> > a
>> > failed attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the
>> > US.
>> >
>> > In 2003 Douglas Williams a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7
>> > people
>> > at a Lockheed Martin plant.
>> >
>> > In 2007 a registered Democrat named Seung – Hui Cho shot and killed 32
>> > people in Virginia Tech.
>> >
>> > In 2010 a mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner
>> > shot
>> > Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.
>> >
>> > In 2011 a registered Democrat named James Holmes went into a movie
>> > theater and shot and killed 12 people.
>> >
>> > In 2012 Andrew Engeldinger a disgruntled Democrat shot and killed 7
>> > people in Minneapolis.
>> >
>> > In 2013 a registered Democrat named Adam Lanza shot and killed 26
>> > people
>> > in a school.
>> >
>> > Clearly, there is a serious problem with Democrats and guns. No wonder
>> > they want to get rid of guns
>> >
>> >
>> > No NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservatives are
>> > involved.
Tommy Kelly says
As a conservative, I SERIOUSLY doubt that all the people you name were “Democrats” — happy, disgruntled or alien Democrats from another planet. A few might have been but I believe the single trait most of them had in common was that they were simply kookaburra.
bub says
Conservative? LOL … like Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Graham, Pelosi and Reid no doubt …
Nicholas Landholdt says
Mike, why isn’t the NRA helping organize the Militia in each state? Because the Militia would put them out of business and the country would be even safer. The NRA, GOA, etc., all love the fundraising capability that the Left vs. Right false dichotomy affords them. Instead of Militia, which is what the Second Amendment is about, you “conservatives” have been easily duped. So if you believe yourself to be a real man, then you need to join forces with ProjectFreedomUSA (dot org) and use the website’s “Contact” form to ask for me by name. Be sure to leave your email and ph# so I can communicate with you offline. Those with money who prefer to donate while staying behind the scenes, just let me know when we speak.
Robert says
Nicholas Landholdt says
No martial law if your state’s Militia is in tact. If your Militia is not organized, why not? Need help? Then join forces with ProjectFreedomUSA (dot org). Use the website’s “Contact” form to ask for me by name. Be sure to leave your email and ph# so I can communicate with you offline. Those with money who prefer to donate while staying behind the scenes as we organize each state’s Militia, just let me know when we speak.
Thomas Raines says
The Republicans seem to blame everything on the Democrats, at this time They must not remember the Brady Gun Bill or the TSA screeners were Republican plots. We have got to STOP pointing fingers and START working on solutions for our problems. I personally believe that almost anyone could have beat Obama last time except for the anti-everything Mitt Romney. America wake up !
Nicholas Landholdt says
Thomas, are you working to restore you state’s Militia? If not, then you need to join forces with ProjectFreedomUSA (dot org). Use the website’s “Contact” form to ask for me by name. Be sure to leave your email and ph# so I can communicate with you offline.
Nicholas Landholdt says
Oregon, one of the most liberal states on the Left coast. Even has a right to die “law”. Guess that is what the gunman was thinking. Too bad you Oregonians didn’t have your state Militia organized per the Second Amendment.
Wanda McGinnis says
Perhaps if someone in that crowd had been carrying a gun, the gunman himself would have been shot before he took out so many people. Guns are used for protection as well as for murder. Remember, first Hitler convinced the people to register their guns. Next, he instituted gun control, convinced the populace that they should surrender their guns. Because of registration, he knew where all the guns were. If the people didn’t surrender their guns, he then sent his goons to take them away forcefully. An unarmed populace could not fight back, and Hitler could do whatever he wanted. History tells what happened then. Hitler’s cruel reign went on until the U.S.A. and Russia finally brought him down. But countless humans lost their lives in the battles that followed. Please, let’s not allow history to repeat itself !
Winston says
The thing about these shooting is that it can never be “well, dude was insane” or “he was on pharmaceutical drugs that have been proved to cause violent behavior.”
There always HAS to be some narrative.
Problem here is, shooter was mixed-race, apparently a supporter of the IRA, specifically targeted Christians and one time bought an SS hat on the internet (which means he was a White supremacist).
So really, the only logical narrative is this man was, for whatever reason, seriously mentally unsound.
But in the MSM there always has to be an agenda-based narrative.
Norma Day says
I think it is time for us to realize that many of the people in the U.S. do not value life. If we can willingly murder more than 300,000 unborn children, we can murder teenagers or young adults.
This is all about valuing life!
BOB says
I have read everything on this page,see nothing on this murder ties to being a Muslim,,wind, explains this.
But OBAMA OR THE DEMOCRATIC NEWS media will say anything on him being a muslim ,,killing CHRISTIANS SHOULD TELL YOU THIS. this is nothing like going to happen when we get our share of Syrian Muslims imported in by our MUSLIM LEADER…
EUROPE IS ALREADY being degraded to a third world garbage dump!!! and sharia laws just as we are slowly ..wake up and
ITS HARD to say guns kill they do nothing until a idiot human picks it up,them blame the GUN as usual !!
Country’s with gun control out of control, murder rapes muggings home invasion,their gov.. hasn’t a clue how to fix this ,they have their heads up so far the don’t care,just lie after lies ,people believe what they preach!!!!!!!!!!
Agata Piety says
Chicago has the strictest gun laws which didn’t prevent their highest gun related crime rate. in the country.
If the prohibition of alcohol didn’t work, a gun ban won’t work. The criminals will always get the desired object.
The Patriot Act was supposed to protect us, but it negated the Posse Comitatus Act( which prevents our troops to be used on US citizens). Since Obama signed the UN Treaty, he now has access to the NATO troops, as well. THINK ABOUT IT!
In the state of Oregon, they are allowed to carry guns, except on University campuses. So a Muslim asked a class of unprotected students, if they were Christian and then proceeded to shoot them. He made sure he chose the weakest , vulnerable area to proceed with his mission. Obama ‘s answer to that was a gun ban.
Words of George Washington, who advised:
A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.
Soviet leader Lenin said, ” One person with a gun can control a hundred people without one”-
Gun control is not about guns, but control.- quoted by Dr Don Boys
Agata Piety says
In China, who has a gun ban, they use machetes to kill school children. A gun ban won’t prevent a bombing or poisoning of school lunches. These other methods will not allow anyoen to escape their fate, unlike one enraged gunmen. Most school crime is committed just off campus and some are suicides, which are recorded as school crimes.
First, Hitler issued a gun ban
Second, he dissolved the German Parliament
Third, he put in place the Fascist Nazi Regime.
When Australia gave into the gun ban, the gov’t wouldn’t give gov’t assistance to the adults unless they accepted forced vaccinations.
Since Obama recently signed the Fascist United Nations Treaty against Congress’s disapproval, he now wants a gun ban. The United Nations Disarmament office in NYC is hiring disarmament officer to confiscate your guns, even hand guns. Right now, our Constitution is blocking the UN gun grab. In my opinion, Obama will stage a false flag which will motivate us to accept a gun ban. Then, all hell will break loose.
Under the UN Treaty, a gov’t official is designated to every newborn, in order to ensure the education of the UN morality. If the parents decide to homeschool, they will confiscate the children, as did they want to do to a family in Germany.
After Obama had attended an International Islamic Conference, he formulated the UN Resolution 16/18, a Blasphemy Law. Right now, our Constitution blocks this passed Resolution from being enforced in this country.
By the way, Fundamentalist Saudi Arabia is the head of the UN Human Right Council.
SA beheads more people than ISIS. They kill SA Christians for worshiping in their own homes.
They are supplying schoolbooks to 80% of the US Muslim schools. The books teach them to kill an unbeliever, if you can’t convert them. The FBI warned them, but hasn’t taken any action.
Since the Patriot Act negated the Posse Comitatus Act( it prevented US troops to be used on Americans) and now Obama has access to NATO troops via the UN Treaty, he can use both on you. Bush’s Patriot Act has been
morphed into Obama’s National Defense Authorization Act, which allows the gov’t to imprison an American indefinitely without a judge’s writ.