In a suspected act of Islamic terror, at least one attacker struck Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio early Monday morning, running over students with a car before exiting and attacking victims with a large blade, reportedly a machete.
In the brutal attack — shockingly similar to refugee knife attacks carried out by ISIS-inspired Islamic terrorists throughout 2016 — the blade-wielding madman, reportedly an 18-year-old refugee that lived nearby, seriously wounded a number of students with a large knife before being killed by responding police officers.
A report from CBS News say police killed the suspect during an active shooter situation at Ohio State University after a fire alarm led students out of a chemical engineering building and into an ambush.
Police lifted the shelter in place order two hours later.
A student told The Horn News the attack occurred outside Watts Hall on campus when a fire alarm went off. According to her report, the attacker used a car to drive into a crowd of students, then exited the vehicle and began slashing anyone he could reach.
“The dead attacker was believed to be an Ohio State student — a Somali refugee who lived near campus,” according to NBC News. “It said he was a legal permanent resident of the U.S.”
ISIS has repeatedly called for so-called “lone wolf” sympathizers in the West to carry out a “campaign of knife attacks” against non-believers.
“Many people are often squeamish of the thought of plunging a sharp object into another person’s flesh. It is a discomfort caused by the untamed, inherent dislike for pain and death, especially after ‘modernization’ distanced males from partaking in the slaughtering of livestock for food and the striking of the enemy in war,” the Islamic terror group wrote in their jihadist magazine Rumiyah’s October issue. “However, any such squirms and discomforts are never an excuse for abandoning jihad.”
Ten people have been taken to the hospital, according to the Columbus Fire Department, at least one wounded critically. No police officers were wounded in the exchange. The original reports of gunfire appear to have been from responding officer’s weapons as they engaged and killed the suspected attacker.
According to local station ABC 6, at least two men were seen being led out of a student parking garage on Lane Avenue, however authorities are believed to be handcuffing and detaining anyone inside and did not consider them suspects.
Through social media, the school advised students at 9:56 a.m. to “Run fight hide.”
The local police are advising students and locals —
UPDATE 1/2 : Shelter in Place lifted. Scene is now secure. ALL classes are canceled on Columbus campus for the remainder of the day.
— OSU Emergency Mngmnt (@OSU_EMFP) November 28, 2016
UPDATE 2/2: Area around 19th & College Ave. is closed. List of buildings closed and additional information at
— OSU Emergency Mngmnt (@OSU_EMFP) November 28, 2016
— The Horn editorial team
mike says
who do you think is still trying to push a agenda?
To bad we don’t have tangible evidence, to go along with these types of crimes, so you could really be sure who is responsible, for putting these guys up to a crime like this. you just don’t wake up in the morning an say im going down to the campus an shoot sum students today! somebody tweaked there mind just to get them do a crime of mass murder. plus the libs will let them off, put them on a program or rent them a nice motel. a crime of this nature needs to have the shooters family jailed as well as the shooter, and a mandatory trip for a lethal injection.
debdell says
Rethink it! How would you like your family locked up for bad things you do? Obama is responsible for bringing these people in without proper vetting and the flow has increased.
tex rebel says
Third world invaders are the Zionist’s battering ram against white Christian civilization, nothing else. The Jihad is just beginning, and most of the action will be in the taxpayer-funded maternity wards, not in the streets.
Leslie Fish says
So THROW THE BUMS OUT!!! Yes, let them take with them all the goodies they got and the money they made here in Gooody-land. Also give each of them the clean white robe of a pilgrim, and a one-way ticket to the one place where all Muslims supposedly want to go at least once in their lives: Mecca. Give them an exit visa and no legal way of coming back, and also take complete biometric readings of each of them, relay the information to every border patrol station, and make sure the pious fanatics can never come back. Let the SAudis deal with them.
jim hane says
I agree absolutely!!
javaid says
how about Uncle Sam vacating their lands in the ME and Libya and Afghanistan? America destroyed Iraq in what Donald Rumsfeld famously said ‘Shock and Awe’. George Bush killed 1.5 million Iraqis. his father killed as many, too. the US is doing the same in Syria. when the Russians started bombing the CIA protested that instead of ISIS the Russians were bombing CIA assets referring to the the Syrian rebels fighting to overthrow an elected government of Assad. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said “somebody should kill Qadhafi”. next day, Qadhafi was killed most brutally. there was heavy US involvement in the Libyan uprising. the way they mind controlled Libyan rebels, so do they mind control the assailants in America. what is happening is very sinister. the idea is to force the Muslims out of the US. fine. the Muslims might just decide to leave or probably be forced out of the country. Ariel Sharon did say in 2002 that “there were too many Muslims in Europe”. I suppose that observation is meant for America also. but then, if Muslims are to be deported then America must leave the Muslims alone and it must get out of Muslim lands. the world is changing. Muslims will adjust to the changing world. but, to expel a population, or create conditions whereby that population is forced to leave, will be a sad day for America. these ‘sensational’ killings in America, what happened in San Bernadino, in Miami and now in Ohio, have been occurring with a regularity as if to keep the nation reminded of the ‘atrocious’ Muslims in their midst. be sure, there is going to be another ‘sensational’ drama in 3-4-5 months time.
Burnsy says
Kenneth Stelter says
Welcome to the USA WITHOUT borders or ENFORCED immigration laws. The USA isi in the same boat as Europe. How could this possibly happen??? Just like Europe – our leaders set it up. 53 more days.
ringostarr1 says
No, President Obama will nationalize a nice hotel, give it to the terrorist and set him up in business.
Rich says
Supposedly it was a knife attack not done by gun. I wish the media would get the facts straight before shooting there mouths off.
Recce1 says
Do you agree with the Constitution such as Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 or Article 10, Clause 1 which prevent Bills of Attainder?
clinday says
they belong to a government who instructs them to do these things to please their
make believe god we need to take steps once and for all to stop this
John Foxen says
Not sure ‘agendas’ are appropriate at this time. Just concern and sympathy.
Concerned citizen.. says
Of course our sympathy goes out to all the families of the ones injured by these murdering brained washed people. But we have to stop them from coming here and we have to have to somehow stop them from brainwashing people that are here by using the internet. It look so like a losing battle… God bless these innocent ones that are suffering from this idiot trying to kill and destroy them and the American way of life.. It’s hell to be afraid in everything we do and everywhere we go.. No where is safe anymore…
B C says
Don’t be afraid everywhere you go… That is their goal!!!
Weapon up. Train hard to learn how to apply those defensive weapons toward a quick solution.
If you abide “gun free safe zones”, you are naive and are not on our page. We can explain later after the immediate threat of the bad guys is “ended”.
Get going.
zub says
M K Ultra
Kenneth Stelter says
“Agenda” if your’e not sure check with Obama and see if he is using a different word.
JK Wemyss says
I live 50 miles from this incident. The horn news is kind of slow with their news.
I totally believe this is Terrorism. The guy used his car as a weapon. Drove up onto the sidewalk, ran people over and then jumped out with a butcher knife and started cutting people.
Waiting on another news conference to see who this idiot is that caused all the Mayhem today.
JK Wemyss says
The attacker is dead. A campus cop shot him because he wouldn’t obey commands. I’m totally wondering if he was a student there or that was his Target for the day when he decided to take his commands from Isis. I totally think this is Terrorism.
JK Wemyss says
9 people are injured the attacker is dead. A couple people have already had surgery for broken bones which was from being ran over. This really stinks, this is too close to home for me
durabo says
Too bad the rag-headed sheep-shagger was killed AFTER having voted for the Hildebeeste!
Daniel Conway says
Ron says
Lock them up and feed them to the sharks!!!!
Jake says
Let us hope Trump will have enough power to send all these TERRORISTs back to where they come from.
Daniel Conway says
Ron says
Thank God for Trump!!!
debdell says
What! Car as a weapon! Cars kill 40,000+ a year! We must outlaw cars! Forget guns. Cars are more dangerous and must be outlawed! Or we can just get rid of the dems who think that way.
Robert says
What a dumb bird you are. Just to get your 3 seconds of fame to write a blog. Get real and go out and play in traffic today to entertain yourself.
Bill says
Some claim Global Warming caused, Hillary ‘Rodent’ Clinton to be behind this mindless, “Horrifying” killings on humanity this morning; ‘they’ say she was ‘hurt’ and felt cheated by losing the election! Others claim, they overheard the ‘Rodent’ get into a ‘pissing match’ with “Maximus Dickcus – Weiner”, for getting caught with his computer loaded down with State Department emails. But then, who really knows anything anymore, since honesty is no long an important axiom at the their office? For instance, I heard this morning, the ‘Rodent’ was caught ‘red handed’ with a “Mail Bomb” on her way to the post office, addressed to…, Yep – you got it, addressed to “Mr. James Comey” the Director of the FBI; Yep the biggest Rat of all time, blames him for costing her the Presidential Race! We may never know if any of this is true or not true! But, what “We do know for sure” is, the head Rodent has a pussy hole so big you gotta strap a board across your butt to keep from falling in!
Janlee says
Really, Bill, you want to make those kinds of ignorant, undignified “pussy” comments when you could have written something intelligent about terrorists and their dangerous ilk? and maybe put a plan into action or some decent ideas about com-batting these dark, doom members who will plan many more of the same, instead of blaming one woman for this unforeseen attack.
bill says
I think that Obama should now push to outlaw cars and knives – since no gun was used in this crime. Cars kill students, knives kill students – lets outlaw either the cars and knives or maybe we should outlaw students.
Bruce says
Then, why are YOU still in school? This sort of thing keeps going on because WE THE PEOPLE don’t demand lawful actions.
Daniel Conway says
Margi Peterson says
Trump will do just that when he is sworn in as President.
Danglen says
Stop ALL federal funds to “sanctuary cities”. Arrest and prosecute the pols who refuse to obey the law. The only welfare any illegal should receive is a bus/plane ticket back to their home country and a $25 food voucher so libs can’t say we starved them to death on the way home. Arrange for Mexico to “house” the convicted illegal criminals that are committing crimes here in the U.S. Pay them $40 a day or so for each criminal. This would save us 10’s of millions of dollars in prison costs. After a few years in a Mexican prison they wouldn’t want to risk being caught in the U.S. again. We can hire some observers to insure the criminals remain in the Mexican prisons for their entire sentence. Illegal criminal immigrant problem solved.
Lance Charles Sr says
Clintons/Sorus. She should be in Prison with Obama and Sorus.
Alan says
Has there been shots fired? No! was there any plot found suggesting it was a shared action? No. Then why is it being called and active shooter when there is no indication of a gun or firing of the same. A man ran down with his care some people and then cut them with a butcher knife. More Media Lying Sensationalism!!!!!! Are they still trying to stop amendment rights?
Elizabeth Mach says
How many of you think that the NEW PRESIDENT will be able to handle this.
TRUMP will not know how to handle this he still has his finger in his NOSIE.
This is a large problem to much for him to handle with out screaming.
jim hane says
High time we just ban Islam and Muslim migration! That’s the only practical way to contain terrorist attacks.
Peter Joffe says
He could not have been a Muslim could he? Perhaps he was mentally deranged or had a deprived childhood? Trump will not buy this trash so it is great that Trump Will Make America Great Again whereas Democrats and the Clinton camp want more of this savagery, that is until their children are chopped up by Islam.
outlawliberalism says
Probably orchestrated by liberals to give 0bama his final shot at the second amendment.
Ted Greene says
probably George Soros is behind this in some way.
Dave Workman says
Soros should be arrested and turned over to Putin since Russia has an arrest order for him !
Debby Pratt says
Love the idea and have been advocating it for some time now!! Glad to see someone agrees with me! LOL Russia would ‘love’ to have him ‘visit’ and we’d ‘love’ to have him accept the invitation!! The man has no compassion or conscience.
Lance Charles Sr says
Is it true that Hillary Daughter Chelsea is married to Sorus Nephew?
Richmond Nunn says
The IRS has been after him for years for the 6 billion he owes in back taxes! Where is the IRS when you need them? Didn’t they get Al Capone on tax evasion too? C’mon your job the RIGHT way for a change!
Camille B says
For as long as I can remember criminals know how to get guns. Meaning Obama’s ideas of removing guns from the people will keep us safe! WRONG! Because if you disarm our good citizens then the criminals like Obama they can take us over.
I am so glad to see Obama leave the oval office and for Trump the new President take over.
He is not corrupt like the Obama’s nor like the Clinton’s he is not owned by anyone but Jesus.
We know the devil works in their minds to destroy our country and to steal, kill and destroy families. We do not need anymore liars and thieves in Washington.
I praise God that Trump is choosing those who he knows are honest and have empathy for the American public and the families and have had to withstand the lies of the media slanders good people in the interest of their crooked agenda.
Lord God deliver us from these career politicians.
Nina says
Camille are you sitting on your brain? When are you Trumpeteers going to realise that your future leader is going to recreate the darkest days in the USA. Blame Obama all you want, but every change he’s ever tried to implement was always blocked by the Republicans in the Congress. What a bunch of losers. Pfffffff
Constitutionalist says
You are on the wrong website to be spouting nonsense like yours.
You seem ignorant of the work of Judicial Watch, Wikileaks, and Project Veritas, just for starters. Maybe you’ll have the doctor treat that terminal case of recto-cranial inversion you seem to be currently suffering from, before you’re kidnapped and tortured to death by one or more of the Satanists you seem enthralled with defending. #pizzagate. Google it. Get informed – or stay stuck on stupid, it’s still a semi-free country.
Just me says
My God, what is wrong with this ignorant Nina person. Has she lived with her head in the sand all this time??? Nina, you probably just listen to the media and limit yourself to the Left’s propaganda. Open your eyes and your brain.
Gary says
Nobody blocked 10 trillion in extra debt. No one Obamacare, Solyndra, Cash for clunkers, Shovel-ready jobs, Fast and Furious, the Iran debacle, the creation of ISIS, rioting, looting, killing of police officers, etc. all under his watch and mostly with his silence or blessing.
debdell says
You nailed it.
John says
Nina I think you are the one sitting on your brain, this is going to be the best president we are going to see.
debdell says
Never before has a president had to fight the dems, RINO’s, and corrupt media with the corrupt establishment. Trump will go down in history as the number 1 president of all time.
GRACE says
Do us all a favor stick your head in the toilet bowl. and flush it. Might just clean out all the crap that is clogging your brain…
Charles says
Your Obama was “My Way or the Highway” and was deplorable when it came to using diversity to bring the country together. His legacy: “8 years of racial bias.”
Debby Pratt says
I doubt you have any idea of the things Obumbum wanted to pass through! I, for one, am glad they did ‘block’ him every way they could! His agendas would ultimately destroy what is left of our freedoms. In other ways, he simply executed his ‘executive powers’ to do pretty much as he darn pleased, anyway! We are all impressed with the ‘wild success’ of his Affordable Health act!! He has done more damage in his two terms than any other President elected. Worse yet–it was intentional! Our concern NOW, is that Hitlery might get in position to ‘finish off’ our country!! Praying for the protection and advancement of Trump!! At least his agendas are for the benefit of the nation–not his own ‘grandeur’!!!
Debby Pratt says
comment awaiting moderation–again! I said a ‘bad’ word–if I spell it wrong, can I write it?
Quote: I doubt you have any idea of the things Obuma wanted to pass. I, for one, am glad they did ‘block’ him every way they could. His agendas would ultimately destroy what is left of our freedoms. In other ways, he simply (here’s the bad word) ‘exxecuuted’ his ‘executive power’ to do pretty much as he darn well pleased! We’re all very impressed with the ‘wild success’ of his ‘Affordable Care’ act! He has done more damage to our country during his two terms in office than any previous President in history. Worse yet–it was intentional!! Our concern now, is that Hitlery might be in the position to ‘finish off’ his agendas. Praying for the protection and advancement of Trump!! At least his agendas are for the ‘benefit’ of this nation–not just for his own ‘grandeur’!! Let’s see if this makes it to ‘post’! LOL
Macky Patton says
Hey-you Democrats-wake up. Trump winning the election should tell you this: We-the majority of people do not want what the Demos offer. Look around you-we are fed up with this administration and the lies and corruption.
Ann says
Guess Nina needs all of this therapy to deal with President elect, just go back to your coloring books and get the hell over it already..GO TRUMP!!!
JMichael says
You are in bad need of a cranial enema
Pr2 says
You are the loser you are stupid upon belief if you believe that horse crap.
Wayne says
Wayne says
Doris Bushey says
I agree with you. Donald Trump loves America and will do his best to choose good people to work with him. I thank God for this man. There have been people at t he top in Washingto who want to destroy America and our traditions, who have brought the radicals along with the innocent muslims to rage war against America and we all know who these people are. They are traitors and I hope they are tried and convicted of treason.
outlawliberalism says
A machine gun? Wanna bet on that?
Vikki F Jones says
No guns zone, right?…horrible….if even 1 teacher had concealed carry, might have been different.
THAT, and the fact the people in charge are all afraid for their jobs.
rojo says
Was it a broom handle? One certain way of I.D. of a liberal.
Mike W says
From what I understand a lot of liberals don’t have ID, at least not at the voting stations. But I believe all students on campuses are required to have a proper school ID.
Rob says
Yeah, Things have been to quite for a while so it is time for some more people to get shot or hacked to death. Like the guy said, probably ginned up by the current administration to attack our second amendment. Obama wants to declare martial law so bad he can’t stand it.
Dagonet says
No, Ohole wants to sign an unconstitutional small arms treaty with the UN.
Andre says
A car, a machine gun and a machete? All the tools and trademarks of the religion of peace…
Honky Cracker says
Absolutely! The longer information about the attacker(s) is withheld, the greater the probability he or they are members of Ohole’s protected minorities. Given the savagery, a koran reader is likely.
Marty says
Another terrorist attach?
Clay Hill says
At this early stage with not a lot of information its sounds like a terrorist attack to me Using a vehicle to run people down then using a machine gun & machete all the things the radicals have urged their followers to do. We shall see Wake up America especially our young people Pray for them
Yadja says
What does anyone what to bet it is Muslims. ISIS just told them to use cars and trucks to rundown people. You watch how careful the news will be when it comes out they are Muslims. O still in office along with Lynch they will stifle the story. More support for Trump stopping refugee program along with deporting what is here that are not citizens. Keep it up Muslims as it is a law written in 1952 that says anyone regardless of who they are that are a threat to this country are gone. Good riddance not soon enough. They are cutting their noses off to spite their faces.
Yadja,why do you think that the Muslims did the shooting,could be your group of people, no ID was made
Constitutionalist says
Irrespective of who is ultimately arrested and prosecuted(if still alive) for these murders and attempted murders, it DOES stink of the tactics of radical Islamic terrorism.
When Trump is in office, i’m certain that someone such as yourself will inform him of the provisions of the 1952 Immigration and Naturalization Act of which you write(iirc, that was the one passed over either Eisenhower’s or Truman’s veto) – and Trump, being one charged with ENFORCING the nation’s laws, will not be slow in expelling all those whose aim is to destroy or replace the Constitution, if his campaign promises are to be believed.
Personally, i think that one quick way to do so would be to make it a crime to teach, practice, implement or impose Sha’riah law upon ANYONE in America, on pain of IMMEDIATE DEPORTATION to the nearest country which DOES practice it, AND, at the expense of those who commit that crime. Sha’riah “law” is meant to REPLACE our Constitution, so by it’s very nature, it is INIMICAL to the principles of liberty outlined in that document, making it an ENEMY of the Constitution – and ALL enemies of the Constitution are enemies of America, whether they’re foreign OR domestic…and should be treated AS such.
In point of fact, i daresay that those who do NOT expel practioners of Sha’riah “law” are enemies of the Constitution themselves, and therefore would be Oathbreaking by their allowing such practices to continue without opposition.
Hambone says
A van, maybe a car, maybe a gun, maybe a knife! Geez, not to make light of the situation, but are they sure it wasn’t just someone on a pony pointing their finger shouting “bang, bang” or possibly “swish, swish”, and the millennials just had a heart attack because a big, mean finger was being pointed in their general direction. It sounds like they are just trying to cover everything so if they are not successful at banning guns, then maybe they will have a better shot at banning knives or vehicles. Not to mention it could have been one or many suspects. They just want to make sure they can cover all nationalities, just in case.
eevie says
lol good observation
Bigfoot1776 says
Sorry Hambone, the scenario you just described only happens in Greenwich Village, New York City. You can also find Tinkerbelle and the Sugar Plum Fairies there.
Margi Peterson says
People have been hospitalized, at least 1 in critical condition. Pointing a finger and shouting bang bang does not break bones or put deep slashes in muscle! The attacker, whoever and whatever he was is thankfully dead, so guess the police didn’t to that to someone on a pony pointing his finger and shouting bang bang. That is the most insulting thing I’ve seen written all day! I have grandchildren in college and it scares me to death to hear about things like this! Wait till it could be someone you love in danger! This is NOT something to joke about!! You sound like a detached child who feels nothing for anyone else! Time to grow up!
Xavier says
I said it before and I will say it again; many will die in this process and the lib-turds will either be responsible for it and/or die in the process. God bless America!!
Lynn Ganter says
Laws Concerning Carrying Concealed Firearms on Campus in Ohio
Ohio state law prohibits the carrying of concealed firearms on any premises owned or leased by any public or private college, university, or other institution of higher education, unless the handgun is in a locked motor vehicle or the licensee is in the immediate process of placing the handgun in a locked motor vehicle.
See Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 2923.126(B)(5)
Gun Free Zone…. How is that working????
Constitutionalist says
Lynn Ganter-
It would not surprise me in the least to discover – should these assassins be brought alive to interrogation – that they were entirely aware that firearms were forbidden on campus. In the Reality Zone, most people are aware that criminals, by their very nature, don’t give a damn about any “laws,” and to disarm the law-abiding is to create a “victim pool” from which to select bodies at random.
I wonder just how many more students will have to die before they wake up to the fact that bad people win when good people are not “allowed” to defend themselves? When “policy-” or “law-” makers make it a CRIME to do so?
Margi Peterson says
We will never know what he knew or didn’t know. He’s dead. I can’t feel sorry for him.
Thom says
Always in a gun free zone, of course.
eevie says
lol another good point!
George says
Are you happy, you scumbag bastard in the white house??
Joyce says
Probably another false flag by the one world global government, aka the new world order, to try to disarm us.
Rob says
lol they’ll wet their panties. Although really Columbus is about an hour away from me so I might go over there later and see if they need any help.
Louie Rey says
Nice to see that everyone’s calmed down now after Thanksgiving. We’ve got three possible scenarios for this outrage. One, a nut job or two have decided that it’s been a little too long between school shootings so they want to get on the map. Two, The win over Michigan has completely made some people flip out and this is what they think defines celebrating. Third, repercussions of the election are still being perpetrated against complete innocents. Regardless, let’s hope that whoever’s responsible for this doesn’t see tomorrow.
Jim Owen says
Even before we officially know who’s behind it, we know. That great religion of peace. We are all “Infidels” or “deplorables”.
Wake up America, please.
Tweeter says
I am afraid this violence will escalate before end of the year. I am afraid President Obama has a plan to hold the office by imposing martial law due to this massive violence happening. It could be a political maneuver creating violent scene to justify holding the office. Most dictators in socialist countries hold this kind of schemes in order to take over their rule for a lifetime.
I hope I am wrong, and I pray our country is safe. May God help and protect all of His people.
Nina says
Absolute Rubbish. Why can’t you guys get to grips with the fact that Trump is the perpetrator of all the hate going on in your country. You’re all just jealous the a mixed race President is leaving the office untarnished and an example to all..Eat that…
Just me says
You are one sick stupid demented poor excuse of a human!!!!!
Charles says
Evidently, you don”t have a brain, or any other possibility of reason or logic. Pathetic.
Constitutionalist says
Absolute Rubbish. Why can’t you guys get to grips with the fact that Trump is the perpetrator of all the hate going on in your country.
Um…if you had the sense God gave a billygoat, you’d be hip to what Project Veritas revealed about how agents of the Klinton machine paid “protesters” to dress up like Sanders supporters and shout vile, incendiary rhetoric at Trump rallies, attempting to – and succeeding in – starting fights/riots.
You’re all just jealous the a mixed race President is leaving the office untarnished and an example to all..Eat that…
D’OweBama? Leaving the office “untarnished” and as an “example to all”? An “example to all” con-men, liars, criminals and traitors, perhaps. Are you really so ignorant? Or do you simply prefer your cloud-cuckoo-land, snowflake? Eat that!
Captain america says
Mixed race?? Since when has satan become “mixed race!” His plan has always been to destroy America by any and all means possible! The large number of “usefull idiots” like Nina are only pawns being used by the satan worshipping one world order people to destroy the last good FREE country in the world standing in the way of their evil plan! Obakma his African name bty has been dumping the Isis operatives in the country by the tens of thousands under the guise of refugees for years and crooked Hillary had planned to up that to hundreds of thousands to help satan get his dream of destroying America: she’s worse than he is!
Fedup says
Guarandamntee you it is muslim scum!!!
USMC Combat Veteran says
If you don’t own a firearm, buy one and learn how to care for it, clean it and shoot straight. Practice…Practice and Practice. Close combat occurs within 10 to 15 feet. Attend one of the training courses offered by the NRA or local Certified Instructor. We are at war make no mistake about it. USMC Vietnam Combat Veteran.
Mike W says
They are definitely trying to steal this country, the only thing stopping them so far is they have not been able to get everyones “LEGAL” guns away from them. To hear them tell it, it’s only the Deplorable, Redneck, Bible Thumpers who have guns, man are they in for a huge surprise.
Kenneth Bowman says
I don’t know the firearms rules on OSU campus. Apparently they are infringed upon in open contempt of the Second Amendment.
Barbarians know the intended targets are defenseless. Those responsible for infringement of the Second Amendment are as guilty of the crime as the criminals.
Arizona Don says
Absolutely correct. The second amendment it the most straight to the point of all the amendments yet it is the most infringed. The progressive communistic so called democrats are the ones who infringe upon it even though it says shall not be infringed. These people are going to divide Americans into a war if they continue. Actually it appears to me at least they think they want a war mostly because it is something they have never experienced. As a veteran I can tell them it is not the glory they see it as. People get killed in wars. Take the advice of someone who knows. War is hell!
john S says
I wonder how many of these kids that were hurt voted for Killary
Martha lawson says
Of course they always do it in a gun free zone. They feel safe knowing no one will fire back. Stupid liberals don’t realize that every time this happens, more people don’t turn in their guns, they go out and buy one for protection. I am a 66 yr old retired grandma, I have a CWP, been hunting since I was 12 and I am not afraid to use it. I respect guns, and will only use it for protection. I am one of the deplorables too. Scary, ain’t i ?
Joe Toy says
Thoughts and prayers go out for the victims and their loved ones. I find it quite interesting that the call for help went out to law enforcement and not Black Lives Matter which liberal campuses favor over police in our present culture.
Raven says
Awful….scary thought this keeps in happening We should have the right to protect ourseleves and feel safe on school capmus’!
mike6080 says
So wheres the snowflake safe space
SickOfSociaists says
Another attack in a gun-free zone! This is ridiculous!! How much do you want to bet the divider-in-chief will use this in another attempt to circumvent the 2nd Amendment? I wonder if the liberal controlled media will tell the people if the attackers are found to be muslim? I sincerely doubt it, since they cover for the terrorists who have been killing Americans in attacks in this country for almost eight years! And the divider-in-chief won’t even SAY RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST!
litldmn says
He can’t say RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST without calling himself a name.
Dirks says
Why is it most of this kind of shit happens in the usa. If everyone is allowed to carry guns more of this will happen. You americans and your right to bear arms. You love your guns, get used to these attacks they seam to be a normal accurance in the blessed usa.
Remember the saying ( you live by the sword you will die by the sword ) Common kids LIVE AND LET LIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We do not live in the 1700’s anymore.
Constitutionalist says
Sounds to me like the world you envision consists of 2 kinds of people: criminals and victims(or those awaiting their turn to become victims).
Apparently, you’re unaware of the numbers of countries outlawing private gun ownership, and the subsequent rounding up and extermination of millions in the 20th century alone – and by their own government agents, to boot. You wanna be a victim? Go right ahead. Those who can defend themselves will, and might even save your dumb ass in the process.
Look, as long as human nature exists, there will be bullies; those who mean to maintain their liberty and freedom will not surrender it to bullies, of whatever stripe – whether your ordinary HS bully, a street thug. a gang of street thugs, or bullies-with-badges, who are arguably the worst of all. Just ask any of the “disapparados” in Argentina under the junta, for example – oh, wait, their tortured, mutilated, and dead bodies can no longer speak.
Inspector Tom says
It seems that the two most negative posting about this occurrence they refer to us as ‘you American” which I would take to mean that they aren’t American Citizens, just an idea maybe they should their opinions up their ….
john S says
Next time maybe it will be you that they attack. Will you calla cop or just die for your belief that cops are all bad guys?
Jeanne King says
Why do so many criminals choose a college campus to go on a rampage, killing and maiming innocent students? What is their reasoning for this? Whether they are Islamist fanatics, Black Lives Matter people or crazy skinheads, what they are doing serves no useful purpose for them and highlites them as nut cases. There are legal ways to get your point across without stooping to wickedness and mayhem. Why hasn’t someone come forward to help these insane creeps do things the right way?
We can’t blame President Obama for everything bad that has happened lately but he hasn’t helped at all – always sounding off with platitudes and a very biased attitude. This promotes violence rather than calm things down. So, shame on him for that!
Constitutionalist says
Jeanne King-
You’re quite right, of course.
D’OweBama, the Liar, Biden – any of them could have and should have made appeals for calm and/or an end to the violent demonstrations, destruction of property, brutal physical assaults – but not a one of them have done so. In fact, D’OweBama said that the demonstrations “should not be silent,” thus encouraging their lawlessness.
Wonder if there’s such a crime as “aiding and abetting the incitement to violence or riot”?
RD says
Why hasn’t Jeanne come forward to help these insane creeps do things the right way?
Robert Wayne says
Obama is a muslim himself. That’s why he’s always making excuses for one of these maggots whenever they go on a rampage.
Scouse says
Just take A leaf from israel’s book, all their schools how armed teachers. Not to many successful school shootings over there.
The on leave soldiers are armed and off for coffee, complete with M-16. Boys and girls!
Charles Niehuss says
Clarkmoose says,
If you are a true Christian and you believe Jesus’ saving grace is the only path to heaven, you are an infidel to all Muslims and Islamic extremists. However, there is no justification in the Koran for killing non-believers. When was the last time you heard of Christian terrorists killing innocent Muslims? The Christian Bible teaches us to love everyone regardless of religious belief. I believe in Freedom of Religion, but it is ultimately the responsibility of the Islamic faith to purge terrorism from their ranks.
It is estimated by worldwide intelligence that among the billion or so Muslims in the world, nearly 20% are extremists, This is reason enough for civilized countries to thoroughly check the backgrounds of Muslim immigrants since the Islamic religion has been hijacked by those extremists..
Mort Leith says
I bet all the libT ard professors and politicians and college admin feel GREAT that THEY are to blame for refusing to honor every students 2nd Amendment right to defend themselves…
THEY are disgusting and culpable….
Holly says
Maybe Horn News needs to wait until an active shooter situation is confirmed BEFORE it puts this information out! The only active shooter on this situation was the officer that shot and killed the idiot refugee that was running people over with his car and also stabbing them with a knife. Liberal media never wants to wait until the truth is out there.
Lois Wenk says
The refugees are being vetted to bring In Muslims. We do not see a lot of Christians, Yazeddees nor Jews. Telling Obama lied to us again surprised. Export him with the terrorists, Clintons, Huma with her husband and incoming Muslims. Take away all their pensions. Ditch the lie they are not able to vet them. We are not stupid we did not vote for Clinton.
Jennifer Morrison says
The college campus is where the best and the brightest of Americans go.If this were a terrorist act-let,s hope it is the last……..Jennifer
Jim says
The world is definitely changing. Too many people are growing up brainwashed like Nina. Born with their heads up their asses. There will be revolution in this country. We must all be ready to protect our families and way of life. God bless everyone who has the guts to comment and stand strong.
Ben L says
Why don’t you people get your stories correct before you assume that shooting and guns are involved???This guy was running over people with a vehicle and using a knife to cut them, the only guns involved belonged to the police!!!!
Spunky says
Obama – this is on you – this is your doing
RJintheUSA says
Since this happened in a crowd of people you would think there would be some description of the perpetrators, we only know that a car was being used as a weapon and at least one of the attackers were armed with a butcher knife, but no one could give a description of the attackers? Give me a break if it were a white guy they would have led with that.
jose says
Ill bet you hell-lary now is jumping with joy that this refugee the same ones she allowed to get in this country without even doing a background check. This gives her reason to inflict gun control on law abiding citizens. She will keep promoting mass shootings to create panic and get what she wants
retired says
Get rid of them all Trump for their own safety… enough is enough time to make america america again !!!!!! a safer place for all legal American citizens
Trump 2016 —-2024
Dominic says
There is a problem with the system, and we have allowed it in, and that is the inability to not permit people from being President who can not verify who they really are. Obama is a Muslim. Make no mistake about it. His wife is a transvestite, make no mistake about it. Democ-rats only want War within, because they know a divided nation will fall. They will institute Sharia Law, that is their own goal for centuries. The Koran says its ok to lie. Saudi Arabia is Sunni Islamic Muslims. The US under Bush and Obama support and buy their Oil. Saudi Arabia funds terrorists against Israel. They said the 911 attackers were from Saudi Arabia. Why is America supporting by buying Oil from Saudi Arabia, and selling them Arms, when they use both against the US and Israel? Obama and Bush betrayed Israel. No Laws are prosecuting Obama or Bush. America we have a serious problem, and no ONE in the FUCKING LAW ESTABLISHMENT IS DOING A THING ABOUT IT. WHY? I say since Obama is a Traitor, and no one stops that Muslim SOB, we need to tell Foreign Countries how to protect themselves is to tell Saudi Arabia, we will Wipe Mecca and Medina off the Face of the Map. You attack our Holy Lands, be sure the world will wipe out yours, and leave you with the greatest misery you have ever known.
Robert Wayne says
The left wing extremist DemoRATs just can’t win for losing. We all know they were hoping the nutcase murderer was a conservative, heterosexual, Christian white male from either the South or the Midwest and that he had used a gun, especially an automatic weapon. Instead it was one of those sheep shagging, Christian hating muslims that they all love so much and he didn’t even use a gun. The rumor is out that Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and the rest of the rock headed morons who support them have a new agenda though……they want to outlaw cars and machetes, although they still want to let more muslim scum into the country.
aw says
We need stricter background checks for “knife-control” and “car control” and “IMMIGRANT CONTROL”………Thank God, a gun stopped the violence.
Jimmy says
Ah! Police shoot one guy, and it’s a mass shooting. How big was this guy?
The Texan says
How would more gun control prevent vehicular assault or a knife attack? Perhaps we should have truck and knife free zones. Or we could ban Somali refugees. As the perpetrator is dead we may never know the motivation behind the attack. But it has the earmarks of a terrorist attack. Thanks to the policies of Obama and Hillary we can likely expect more of this sort of thing.
Rev. Brian says
FIRST must indict OBAMA and Michelle and Michelle is not a woman BUT A MAN they have deceive the people in the United State both OBAMA AND MICHELLE IS GAY!! IF YOU WANT PROOF LET ME KNOW AND I WILL FORWARD THE LINK! AND SEND SOROS TO RUSSIA.
Alan says
Re media reports of gun fire, they got it wrong, as is so often the case, for the only shots fired were the actions of a POLICE OFFICER who took down the attacker, in so doing saving who knows how many others from injury or possible death. When, if ever will media learn the value of waiting a moment to get THE FACTS of a story, before running it’s mouth, thereby ending up with ever less credibility, and ever more “egg on it’s face”?