U.S. forces just caught scores of Islamic terrorists in the open — and they brought the pain.
U.S.-led airstrikes targeted Islamic State convoys in Iraq late Tuesday night into Wednesday, killing at least 250 ISIS fighters and destroying over hundreds of enemy vehicles, a U.S. military spokesman told Fox News.
As Iraqi ground forces were fighting ISIS militants in an area southwest of Fallujah, where there is known ISIS influence, the first convoy was spotted leaving the city, Col. Christopher Garver said.
U.S. airstrikes demolished approximately 55 vehicles in that convoy.
A second convoy was later seen east of Ramadi later on Wednesday, when the U.S. coalition and Iraqi jets attacked with more airstrikes, annihilating approximately 120 more ISIS vehicles.
The successful airstrikes were some of the most devastating since the U.S.-led coalition began operations in the country, and came just one day after the ISIS suicide bombings at Istanbul’s Airport that killed more than 40 people.
The U.S.-led coalition has been carrying out airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria since 2014 and 300 U.S. Special Forces are embedded with a Kurdish-led militia in northern Syria.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Kathy says
Yeah go military
SweendogJim says
Our supreme leader must have had a brain f**t and missed this. or some poor military leader will be forced into shame and early retirement. I feel so badly to come to the realization the extreme islamic radicals are sub-human and the painful acceptance that the only way to deal with them is to kill them before they kill us. We are on the brink of loosing our way of living life because our leader has allowed them to continue to grow stronger. When we as a society change the way we live our daily lives they have won. I wonder how many airplane trips have been postponed or cancelled? How many vacations have changed the destination? How many people have had social arguments because they spoke out about how they feel about arming themselves for protection? I feel bad because all of the above has happened in my life. How about you? Vote Vote vote.
John Vogel says
But never ever we can see a video of such an attack, which proves that indeed 250 ISIS fighters have been killed by US led airstrikes and over hundreds of enemy vehicles have been destroyed by them. That’s very strange, if you consider that Russia has put hundreds of video’s of their airstrikes against ISIS. Please keep in mind that ISIS is fighting with abt. 1500 humvees, each with mounted .50 From which country you think they have received them?
Al Queda was the enemy, to be destroyed in Afghanistan, right? Why they are fighting now in Syria as US mercenaries with US weapons? Same valid for Al Nusra.
I do not trust the Western Media at all. They are manipulating us.
Steve says
The sooner people realize that obobo is isis, the better off the world will be. There are a lot of people including judges and lawyers that need to be tried for treason for letting this Kenyan born muslim in charge of our country.
Jackson says
We must be thankfull for US planes driving back ISIS. If ISIS is not stoped they will chop off our heads.
isis is pure evil and thier intent is strarting another world war.
David MacKAY says
Obama’s and Hillary’s plans are to make ISIS register their knives, Machetes and Axes
Registration of edged weapons will protect everyone.
Right now look at how all those unregistered knives out there kill people!
So once they are all registered that will be different …it will provide jobs and we will know that it is only registered knives that kill people
and then….
and then….
and then…?
Well we will ban cars and trucks!
After all only registered cars and trucks kill people….
Yeah it’s that registered stuff that kills people!
This trying to think like a liberal is really easy …it’s kind of like being drunk
JDyche says
I wish more people especially leaders would admit what you
just said !!! We all know it is so true, why won’t politicians admit
it ? Too much political correctness in this country !!!
Gary says
Amen to that!
Laura says
I am like you, scared to leave my little habitat and go anywhere, especially this weekend that should be
a weekend of celebration.
William G Munson says
I bet Obama did not know they were going to do that period
mark rueckl says
yes well that should have happened the first time I saw a picture of these idiots lined up in brand new Toyota pickups with gun mounts in the bed- there were at least 500 of these vehicles traveling on some road. I was shocked when I saw this and wondered “where did they get all of these from and who paid for them?” not only the vehicles, but the 50 mm guns in the mounts. that’s when our planes needed to take them out and put a stop to all of this BS before they were able to become such a famous terror group. this is all the usurpers fault, because he is one! rules of engagement my ass.
Elly says
Good work. Hopefully we can defeat ISIS by continuing to destroy these convoys. They are the biggest threat we face.
William Farquhar says
Why stop there. Just keep going until we have destroyed every government and every leader that has funded or supported these murderous criminals.
J C Campbell says
We need to track the source of the ISIS money and eliminate the sources. It probably comes from oil rich countries that we think are allies
Greg says
You just tell the truth that’s what we need more people to start quit being afraid of telling the truth I definitely agree with what you said.thank you.
Rudolf Postema says
You are so right!
r says
That would include our own US Government
Steve says
R, your exactly 1000% correct. obobo is isis. Since 2008 America has had an illegal government, with a Kenyan born muslim in charge of America, with 3/4 of his illegal staff being muslims. The question is: Are you smart enough to know WHO IS PAYING FOR IT?????? IF YOUR GUESS THE AMERICAN TAXPAYERS, YOU ARE CORRECT.
Dr. Donald L. Law says
I agree it was like Korea they stopped and we still have the problem but with a nuclear threat now so that is how the politicians do it.
Arthur Hartsock says
r stole my thunder. US State Dept. and CIA have a lot of explaining to do about their role in establishing ISIS. Was it a devious plan or complete incompetence? Probably both.
Steve says
Arthur, so does the top management of the F B I, for letting a second name slip by them, when obobo stated to them that he never changed his name!!!! Right barry soetoro?????? Think they are in on the delusional deception to the American people????? The answer is: America is the most criminal country in the world, right this second.
Harry Armpitts says
Really? I thought Tea Party members are our biggest threat. ????
S says
You are your own biggest threat you liberal ….
John in AZ says
Yes. And returning veterans. And my 85 year old granny at the airport TSA security line. And…
Texas Mak says
I wonder who finally untied our military’s hands? Why hasn’t this been done years ago?
Chris says
I wish that was the case, we need to free up the military’s hand and let them destroy the total enemy without all the stupid rules of engagement. The politicians who get us into war just let us win one, History shows we have not won a war since WWII.
bob says
Sorry Desert Storm 100 hours
Steve says
Chris, the only war for America should be a declared war. Nothing less.
Roy Fredrichsen says
Hey Texas Mak – I seem to remember when they were after Bin Laden, B-52s were “carpet” bombing everything that looked like where he might be hiding. You haven’t heard a word about any of it since. It is becoming obvious tha we will have to completely destroy ISIS in a “take no prisoners” operation or they will continue their “sniper” attacks on every country.
Wendy says
They got lucky. O’bummer forgot to mark the area “no strike.”
Robert Hagedorn says
I can’t answer your first question, but for the second one, the answer may be so Hillary and the Democrats can look tough before the election. If she wins, then it back to business as usual.
Robert Hagedorn says
My reply was directed to Texas Mak
r says
Cause we were busy building ISIS
Chris says
You mean Obama didn’t force our heroes to drop leaflets first warning of the attack?
EDDIE says
that’s a good one ,,I like that ,,keep up the good work on stupid Obama ,,
Patton says
Obama is a communist and loyal to the Muslims. The military has taken the initiative to do the right thing : arrange for the meeting of the rag heads with their maker.
Chris says
You mean Obama didn’t force our heroes to drop leaflets first warning of the attack?
John says
He must have been asleep.
Jerry Todd says
There may be hell to pay from the WH for the temerity to actually attack ISIL.
greg geitner says
my cynicism and knowledge of the government tells me to look 180 degrees to see whats really going on. i forget the content of the SECRET law the senate passed while orlando was in full bloom. another inside job. people! when is ENOUGH ENOUGH????
froggy57 says
Nope.. playing golf.
Walt says
Folks the problems the USA is facing is like all the same that EU and other countries have been facing with no borders. The Muslims that are the Extremist Islamic Terrorist and have been radicalized into wanting to kill Americans need to be on the high profile list that should not be allowed in the USA. All of these ISIS fighters and Muslims that want to kill Americans have been taught this every since they were old enough to talk and understand. Killing Americans is to them a good thing because they are radicalized and think we are the infidels, and they will die as martyrs and be blessed by Allah. How stupid is this?
God will be judging and sees everything that is going on in the world. The Muslims should be praying for forgiveness and repent of their sins and all become Christians in the name of the real God. They should be living by The Ten Commandments of God. All of this killing of Non-Muslim believers is why we are having all of these problems in the world today. The only way to get rid of these problems is to not let these foreign Islamic Extremist Terrorist into America. They should stay in their own countries where they can practice their religion and their Sharia Law and not be allowed in the USA.
Richard A. Blake says
Islam, by law, is prohibited from US immigration IN TIMES of war & TERRORISM:
The Immigration and Nationality Act passed June 27, 1952 revised the laws relating to immigration, naturalization, and nationality
for the United States. That act, which became Public Law 414, established both the law and the intent of Congress regarding the
immigration of Aliens to the US and remains in effect today. Among the many issues it covers, one in particular, found in
[Chapter 2 Section 212, is the prohibition of entry to the US if the Alien belongs to an organization seeking to overthrow the
government of the United States by “force, violence, or other unlawful means.”] This, by its very definition, rules out Islamic
immigration to the United States, but this law is being ignored by the White House.Islamic immigration to the US would be prohibited
under this law because the Koran, Sharia Law and the Hadith all require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the
US government, the Constitution, and to the Republic. All Muslims who attest that the Koran is their life’s guiding principal
subscribe to submission to Islam and its form of government. Now the political correct crowd would say that Islamists cannot be
prohibited from entering the US because Islam is a religion. Whether it is a religion is immaterial because the law states that
Aliens who are affiliated with any “organization” that advocates the overthrow of our government are prohibited …
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
If ISLAM is so wonderful……….then why is EVERY LAND ruled by them a HELLISH NIGHTMARE from which they are trying to ESCAPE!
Gary says
It’s good to hear from someone who has done their homework and knows the law. Instead of talking in so called politically correct terminology.
Thank You
Cliff says
Cliff Blake: Is’nt it sad that our educators have allowed history to be twisted or omitted .
EDDIE says
just watch ,Obama will fix that to help them ,,
Ed says
Right on the money!
Except, those people will not hesitate to lie!
Lie they will!
Ahh, they will “I am Christian”.
Jo says
Thank you for stating the full wording of that act passed in 1952, I’ve been saying it over and over! Its a law that the demonrats try to ignore! Trump has it right! Its the law and must be followed, course who among them ever goes by OUR laws? STOP ALL illegals and refugees who only want freebies and to do us HARM! HEAR US Hitlery and bo plenty? ITS a law from 1952, even you are NOT to OLD to remember it!
John says
Keep eliminating them at airports, borders, hotels and anywhere they show up
Steve Smith says
Should all Muslims pray for forgiveness and convert, or only those in ISIS and other terrorist groups? If there is only one god as all monotheist religions believe, maybe they can pray to that god under whatever name they call him/her/it. You say they should become Christians, but you also say they should stay in their own countries and practice their religion and sharia law. Which is it – you contradict yourself. Clear thinking is really the best way to approach this and all problems – not platitudes.
John Hunter says
All people have the freedom to practice their own religion, but they do not have the “right” to practice any religion but Christianity, because the Christians God (the only true God) commanded all people everywhere to repent. Jesus is the ONLY WAY to God.
paul says
Vote for Trump He will Destroy them all & Fast !
joe says
Larry Ellard says
I agree. Instead of borders to let in, BORDERS TO STAY IN. They want shiria law, fine, let it be in their own country and not the civilized countries of the world. Eventually they MIGHT progress to the 21st century but in the meantime let them practice the atrocities that they are unleashing throughout the rest of the world.
Justin W says
Thanks for the good news. These guys are totally evil. They can’t be rehabilitated. The only way to deal with them is to kill them. If they are allowed to retreat they will regroup and kill more innocent people. Their deaths should come quickly and painfully.
Cliff says
No Painful and slow!!
John Hunter says
Don’t be compassionless like they are.
Be civilized. Don’t take vengeance.
Leave that to God whose way is perfect.
Don’t wish prolonged suffering on any of
God’s creatures. Try praying that they repent,
confess their sin and be saved. That is the
love that we are to have for our enemies.
hilga von klosel says
No, their deaths should be slow, slow, so they have time to drink pig’s blood and rethink their ways.
Chaz says
Need to wrap their bodies in pigskins, they will be doomed to eternal HELL !!!!
Jamie says
I’m so thankful for our Military. I can not wait for President Trump to step into the Oval office and begin his new job of securing America, creating jobs, building the wall, making our Military strong again and leading us out of this tumultuous, economic mess, jobless, homeless, welfare and laughing stock state that America has become under the hand of Ovomitter. Jan. 17 2017, when President Trump steps into the White House and Ovomitter is finally out….should become a new National holiday. I know I will celebrate that day for the rest of my life. The courage of our militarry, as depleted as it is right now, astounds and amazes me. The courage of those now, to step up and enter to serve our Country TODAY, knowing the regime and fights and lack of everything they will not receive makes me proud of them and to be an American. Our America spirit is NOT GONE by any means. The unjust White House inhabitant has just tried to stifle us. He did NOT think we were smart enough, brave enough, strong enough to come together, to support our Country and our Nominee, (President) Donald Trump with such fierceness, relentness, and determination. He has undermined the American people. We have shown him differently. For that, I am very proud of our Americans, Military, and their families. God Bless the USA, the MILITARY and the American people and most certainly Donald Trump and his family.
me says
WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!! Maybe obama will be among them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jack says
The US has been annihilating ISIS/ISIL daily for the past three years. It’s a shame that the uninformed American public has to listen to the rhetoric of uninformed wannabe politicians each day who don’t have a clue about what’s going on in Syria and Iraq.
Jo says
How does that song go? Hit the road Jack and don’t come back no more! WE the People are NOT stupid! You on the other hand???????? Most of us think before we speak, you might try it.
The Road Warrior says
It’s AFT. You see pictures of their convoys on the internet all the time and you have to wonder why the satellite boys aren’t all over these guys everytime that they make a move, calling in drone and airstrikes.
Jo says
I agree, what with all the satelites (sp) it should have been done before they destroyed so many people, and historical places.
Zinka says
Good bless the American aviation. It is good news for Jun 30 how many wild dogs killed. I want to x 1.000 and more.
Probably will be for ISIS bloody Ramadan!!!!
and that they deserve.
Worldwide idiots sow dead…
These idiots are international, global terrorist
hilga von klosel says
Did Muslim Obama ask to lower the flags to half mast, as his beloved ‘bro’s” just got their butts wiped ? Cry me a river, putrid Kenyan muslim misfit.
Ronald says
They are gona be in deep shit with potus for not getting direct permission to bomb isis some of them are probably his relatives and it isnot nice to go against his majesty
Pam Conley says
And no….President Obummer did not do this. Our brave military men and women did this!!!
froggy57 says
Lets give credit where credit is due. There were Iraqi pilots and Iraqi planes involved. But a good operation, anyway.
David Barron says
These vermin should be exterminated like the cockroachs that they are.
quovadis says
the russians are way ahead of you ,in any count ,of course they were intent on destroying this vermin from their very first onset not like you americans that want the war on terror to last indefinetly , old roman maxim when fear of a revolt at home excite a war.
stevenl says
This could have been done 24 months ago and spare the death of many innocent people! Perhaps many were not innocent!!!
L. Shamus McQuade says
This may sound all well and good BUT you will still need boots on the ground to exterminate these vermin once and for good
Sonny says
Turn the USMC loose on them…….. and bring some real pain! Semper Fi!
Sonny says
Where was obama? I bet he was really pissed! All his muslim brothers laying there all messed up and scattered about!
jo says
I don’t trust the media. I will wait and see. Also, please see this documentary (that was banned in the USA) about the Clintons and money laudering.
jo says
documentary found:
jo says
Could this be a lie to try to calm the people? I can not trust the media.
Freedom says
Bomb these LOWLIFE MUZZIE SCUM….BACK TO THE STONE AGE….Then Bury their SMELLY MUZZIE BODIES Deep under the Dessert Sand….
Alan says
Did our attack aircraft actually expend their ordinance on real targets, they being ISIS Types, rather than simply carrying the stuff on a round trip flight? If so, great.
Jackson says
Isis must be destroyed down to the very last so they will not start again later. We should be forever greatfull to the ones fighting ISIS