If Osama bin Laden was the king of a terror empire, that would make his sons the princes of international Islamic terror.
And it seems one is set on claiming the bloody crown.
Al Qaeda’s media arm has released an audio in which the purported son of the late Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden vows revenge against the U.S. for assassinating his father.
According to The Associated Press, analysts are speculating that he may be preparing to take over leadership of Al Qaeda.
In the video released by As-Sahab Saturday, Hamza bin Laden tells Americans that they are accountable for the decisions of their leaders.
He says Al Qaeda will continue waging jihad, or Islamic holy war, against the U.S. in response to its “oppression” of Muslims.
“If you think that your sinful crime that you committed in Abbottabad has passed without punishment, then you thought wrong,” he says.
Bin Laden was killed in a May 2011 U.S. raid at his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
His son’s current location is not known. He is believed to be between 23 to 25 years old, and no recent pictures of him are readily available.
Kay Oxford says
Not that I’m advocating this, but matters such as this explain why God commanded that entire people-groups be wiped out when warring with the Jews.
Terry Rushing says
I quite agree. At first look the “destroy everything” seemed harsh but I am now beginning to comprehend.
leon franco says
Your comment is correct. God knows. And it comes to mind why Mr. Trump, though is seems a horrible thing, suggests terrorists and their families should be destroyed. The Jews failed to obey God’s instructions and paid a horribly latter.
BWJ says
Kill the little muslim bastard now, not after he’s murdered thousands of Americans.
The Redhawk says
Easy now….That is Profiling and wil make our Pansy Potus very ” upset”
FB says
Who cares, the pansy-a is out the door soon. (unfortunately not soon enough)
Porkorama says
He made a threat- its a hate crime and terrorist threat against america.
Congress should place a bounty on his head-
Anyone can receive the 1 million dollar bounty tax free.
donna baker says
AGREE 100%
Joe says
Now, we understand why the Czars family was killed
Marinella says
Need to kill the whole family, If not they will kill yours and mine and take as many young girls as slaves just to get them pregnant to make more unstoppable terrorist soldiers. I am a mom and a grand ma. Trump knows that they only want to kill us. Some of you people live under a rock and the it;s to late to wake up you will hear the next killing was a a grade school here in a small town of SOFT AMERICA. I am voting TRUMP…
Not dumb blonde says
Marinella, You are so right, and I agree with you 100%. I am voting for TRUMP also!!!
Jeannie says
By not obeying they all become thorns in their sides for over 2,000 yrs and it will continue until Messiah comes
Don says
You are correct. We, as a claimed Christian country who believe the Bible is our guidebook in all respects have strayed far from the instructions of the Holy Book. Some examples: My neighbor insists on working in his yard on the Sabbath, according to Exodus 35:2 I am obligated to kill him. My daughter is getting to be quite rebellious and I am seriously thinking of selling her into slavery according to Exodus 21:7. I have banned all watching of Football because every American Football player is “unclean” because they have touched the skin of a dead pig, Leviticus 11:7. There are many parts of the Holy Bok that pronounce death and banning of family members and others but I’m sure you are aware of these. We need to start back to God’s path by following these instructions to the letter. God Bless America.
David says
Your crazy !
Lola Martin says
We might have to destroy the seeds too.
Pat Goebel says
You are right on. All Jihadists, their children, relatives…friends. I am Christian and am not into elimination of entire races or religions, but the Muslim religion is not a religion its an idealology and Allah is not a God. If these people have the charter to kill all who oppose them then we have to get them and all who have their DNA first. Being a Muslim is like a crude ol’ boys club where you can have sex with whomever you want, and kill anyone that doesn’t agree with you about Allah. on top of it these people are stupid because they think Allah will give you 72 Virgins after you commit murder in his name…1 Virgin is way too much work much less 72…really STUPID and the only fix for STUPID is elimination!
Paula says
Read the whole Bible. God wants ALL men to be saved. We are to LOVE our enemies. In the last days, we are to STAND, protected by the whole armor of God. We are to share the Gospel with our enemies. The idea of attacking the families of terrorists has no place in a Christian’s heart. Read Matthew 16:25
John Hunter says
You are correct as far as you go with it, but you didn’t go all the way. Our first duty is to God, then family and family includes all Christians. We are to protect our family before we protect non family. Many in our family are having their heads removed in Syria, and Iraq, etc. We are obligated to
defend them. We should let the enemy attack before we attack, but ISIS HAS attacked, so now we are obligated to
fight them to win. While we are going on the offense, we should be praying that those that have not been killed yet, repent, confess their sins and accept the true Jesus and be saved.
Not dumb blonde says
While we pray, and yes I do pray for all of America, but sitting back and doing nothing else, will not save your children or mine. WAKE UP….or do you want your son’s or daughter’s head on a Stick, posted in your front yard? I do not think so, and if you think this will never happen, then you had better read the news.
John Hunter says
Islam IS one of the 3 largest RELIGIONS in the world.
Lavon says
It’s the most dangerous form of ideology on earth– a theocracy, responsible for the worst tyrannies. It enslaves not only the people but their spirits as well, unless they can escape and educate themselves.
The Redhawk says
After Obama and Brain dead Progressives have b een chanting ” WE are the ONES who GOT BIN LADEN”….They better Demand MORE Protection….and walk with their backs against the walls!!! OOOH-RAHHH
Elaine Morris says
This is a very false article about Osama Bin Laden’s Son.
They tried to blame 9/11 on him. He didn’t do it.
Dig deeper.
Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. (Might want to look closer to home and who the POTUS was at that time:
Osama Bin Laden Died 11 yrs ago. Published 7/11/02
Obama’s Big Ruse: Osama Bin Laden Died 11 Years Ago!
Posted by Volubrjotr on May 3, 2012 in obama, subversion, treason, soetoro, video,politics, political, barack obama, yes we can, government
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.
[Fox News. December 26, 2001]
NEW YORK (AP) – The killing of Osama bin Laden during a raid by Navy SEALs on his hideout in Pakistan was the top news story of 2011, followed by Japan‘s earthquake/tsunami/meltdown disaster, according toThe Associated Press‘ annual poll of U.S. editors and news directors.
New York Times Reported Bin Laden Dead In 2001
By Amir Taheri
Published: July 11, 2002
Osama bin Laden is dead. The news first came from sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan almost six months ago: the fugitive died in December 2001 and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. Pakistan’s president, Pervez Musharraf, echoed the information. The remnants of Osama’s gang, however, have mostly stayed silent, either to keep Osama’s ghost alive or because they have no means of communication.
With an ego the size of Mount Everest, Osama bin Laden would not have, could not have, remained silent for so long if he were still alive. He always liked to take credit even for things he had nothing to do with. Would he remain silent for nine months and not trumpet his own survival?
Even if he is still in the world, bin Ladenism has left for good.Mr. bin Laden was the public face of a brand of politics that committed suicide in New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, killing thousands of innocent people in the process. –New York Times
Israeli Secret Agency
Elaine Morris says
This man was murdered for trying to warn the U.S. of 9/11
9/11- Massoud’s Letter To The People Of America
Date: 1998
A Message to the People of the United States of America
I send this message to you today on behalf of the freedom and peace-loving people of Afghanistan, the Mujahedeen freedom fighters who resisted and defeated Soviet communism, the men and women who are still resisting oppression and foreign hegemony and, in the name of more than one and a half million Afghan martyrs who sacrificed their lives to uphold some of the same values and ideals shared by most Americans and Afghans alike. This is a crucial and unique moment in the history of Afghanistan and the world, a time when Afghanistan has crossed yet another threshold and is entering a new stage of struggle and resistance for its survival as a free nation and independent state.
I have spent the past 20 years, most of my youth and adult life, alongside my compatriots, at the service of the Afghan nation, fighting an uphill battle to preserve our freedom, independence, right to self-determination and dignity. Afghans fought for God and country, sometime alone, at other times with the support of the international community. Against all odds, we, meaning the free world and Afghans, halted and checkmated Soviet expansionism a decade ago. But the embattled people of my country did not savor the fruits of victory. Instead they were thrust in a whirlwind of foreign intrigue, deception, great-gamesmanship and internal strife. Our country and our noble people were brutalized, the victims of misplaced greed, hegemonic designs and ignorance. We Afghans erred too. Our shortcomings were as a result of political innocence, inexperience, vulnerability, victimization, bickering and inflated egos. But by no means does this justify what some of our so-called Cold War allies did to undermine this just victory and unleash their diabolical plans to destroy and subjugate Afghanistan.
Today, the world clearly sees and feels the results of such misguided and evil deeds. South-Central Asia is in turmoil, some countries on the brink of war. Illegal drug production, terrorist activities and planning are on the rise. Ethnic and religiously-motivated mass murders and forced displacements are taking place, and the most basic human and women’s rights are shamelessly violated. The country has gradually been occupied by fanatics, extremists, terrorists, mercenaries, drug Mafias and professional murderers. One faction, the Taliban, which by no means rightly represents Islam, Afghanistan or our centuries-old cultural heritage, has with direct foreign assistance exacerbated this explosive situation. They are unyielding and unwilling to talk or reach a compromise with any other Afghan side.
Unfortunately, this dark accomplishment could not have materialized without the direct support and involvement of influential governmental and non-governmental circles in Pakistan. Aside from receiving military logistics, fuel and arms from Pakistan, our intelligence reports indicate that more than 28,000 Pakistani citizens, including paramilitary personnel and military advisers are part of the Taliban occupation forces in various parts of Afghanistan. We currently hold more than 500 Pakistani citizens including military personnel in our POW camps. Three major concerns – namely terrorism, drugs and human rights – originate from Taliban-held areas but areinstigated from Pakistan, thus forming the inter-connecting angles of an evil triangle. For many Afghans, regardless of ethnicity or religion, Afghanistan, for the second time in one decade, is once again an occupied country.
Let me correct a few fallacies that are propagated by Taliban backers and their lobbies around the world. This situation over the short and long-run, even in case of total control by the Taliban, will not be to anyone’s interest. It will not result in stability, peace and prosperity in the region. The people of Afghanistan will not accept such a repressive regime. Regional countries will never feel secure and safe. Resistance will not end in Afghanistan, but will take on a new national dimension, encompassing all Afghan ethnic and social strata.
The goal is clear. Afghans want to regain their right to self-determination through a democratic or traditional mechanism acceptable to our people. No one group, faction or individual has the right to dictate or impose its will by force or proxy on others. But first, the obstacles have to be overcome, the war has to end, just peace established and a transitional administration set up to move us toward a representative government. We are willing to move toward this noble goal. We consider this as part of our duty to defend humanity against the scourge of intolerance, violence and fanaticism. But the international community and the democracies of the world should not waste any valuable time, and instead play their critical role to assist in any way possible the valiant people of Afghanistan overcome the obstacles that exist on the path to freedom, peace, stability and prosperity.
Effective pressure should be exerted on those countries who stand against the aspirations of the people of Afghanistan. I urge you to engage in constructive and substantive discussions with our representatives and all Afghans who can and want to be part of a broad consensus for peace and freedom for Afghanistan.
With all due respect and my best wishes for the government and people of the United States,
Ahmad Shah Massoud.
Stephanie says
I’ve read lunatic comments before..but yours takes the cake…are you writing this from an insane asylum? udder nonsense….
Adela says
I was just going to say – whey haven’t they killed the bastard too??? For goodness sake!!!
Constitutionalist says
This may simply be another CIA narrative.
Many say that Bin Laden died of kidney failure LONG before the alleged 2011 raid – and that the downing of a chopper containing many of the SEAL team which allegedly killed Bin Laden was to keep these SEAL team members quiet – or shut them up permanently while sending a message to any left alive. I mean, burial at sea, no photos? You gotta be kidding me, yet many D’uhMer’cans apparently have let the tail wag the dog.
Robert Andres says
I don’t think we can trust anything that comes out of the Obama-Clinton conspiracy. We can only pray that this scourge will end at the next election!
Constitutionalist says
i can only join with you in prayer that the scourge will be removed – or at least held in check for awhile – in America. As long as the CIA exists, however, there will be lies on top of lies on top of deceptions, trickery, conniving, and conspiracies.
Remember, Bin Laden – and especially, Al Quaeda – are CIA creations. CCMSM operatives were caught using several different actors on their “Bin Laden videotapes,” for example.
And if you don’t know the following, you should certainly be aware of it:
“The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
— William Colby(1920-1996) former Director of the CIA
Source: in Derailing Democracy: The America the Media Don’t Want You to See (2000), by Dave McGowan
Elaine Morris says
Juan J. Ortega says
I guess he is ready for revenge from the sons and daughters of the folks he kill on 911 . I’ll say to him bring it on and prepare to put a target on your back .
Juan J. Ortega says
I guess he is ready for revenge from the sons and daughters of the folks he kill on 911 . I’ll say to him bring it on and prepare to put a target on your back .
Michael A. says
Why same comments twice?
Shirley Young says
Damn-za Ham-za!
Jack Leeman says
We are at war with them as we were with the Japanese and German’s in the second world war. I doubt that many had a problem with exterminating them then as they were trying to do to us. The same thing applies here they attacked us and continue to,they have been a BIG problem for centuries .The only solution is to wipe them out. They have even infiltrated the government .Clean them out from the top all the way down world wide.
Xiomara says
But there is an old Spanish saying
The breeding children with hate! Is so primitive, insane! Lacking reasoning!! INHUMANE
… I can not relate to that
Pride walks ahead of destruction
And if we fedd wood to fire
Fire never ends
What i sense from those people
Is hate and unrest
The farest i have them
The best will be
I dont want. Any part of their
Ways of reasoning or living
Except. Some of the food
But mmm im not sure they all eat
Falafel ? Ehhh?
And that is all !
ANGRY says
John G says
Hopefully our “Seals or Special Operators” will pay him a visit and show him the same respect they showed his Dad.
Walt says
Kill the SOB and any other Osama family members who vow to kill Americans. Do it now before he/they has/have time to act upon his/their threat.
Ronald says
Can’t do that Walt king Obama won’t allow that
Me says
Knock off Obama first, please
retired says
The Binladen family are probably the biggest donors to all the Clinton Foundations … and that is only one family…. how many others are there billions of dollars worth….
armydadtexas says
Bring it worm
Irene says
Sorry folks, but I ALWAYS agreed with Trumps solution! That’s the ONLY way to save ourselves & our country. TOUGH solutions to TOUGH problems are in order here! This is WAR, NOT a “Tea Party”!!
Ronald says
No No Irene that isn’t the American way let them in and figure it out after they kill a few hundred americans they need to start their killing at the top starting in Washington matbe they will figure it out after a few of them are murdered we need to get rid of a few of them anyway bunch of deadheads yes men afraid of the political machine Obama & Hillary
Richard Hullfish says
He’s just a little piss ant. He needs a pork injection. Don’t try any shit in the US little boy or you will be D nutted. Got it.
abbottlic says
We should have a military firing squad to show terrorists that threaten American people massacre women and children,that we will use the only language they understand. Send them to whatever godless BS they believe in. Their jihad didn’t start with us it has been going on for generations against anyone that is not Islamic. Its a generational abboration. It is on them to understand that if they continue attacking us they will all be destroyed.
FED UP says
Drone strike that dirtbag now. Semper Fi
female tax payor says
Just same old Islam ideology that Muslims who kill to concur & plunder & war to install Muslim barbaric law and rulers throughout the world are only beings God will allow in heaven and only beings worthy of earth …non-believers are less than human. Non-believer men less than dogs and pigs that must be slaughtered and females are Muslim’s men’s servants and sex slaves put on earth for their pleasure & who should all be impregnated and ruled over by only Muslims to produce children raised Islamic. Traditional Islam teaches a facious, racest. sexist, supremist cult ideology to justify the cult’s unspeakable inhumanities towards non-cult members. Traditional Islam is radical. The westernized people who have Islamic heritage but have embraced democracy and its ideology of equality and freedoms, though we count them as Muslims, they are not true Muslims in Islam’s view. They are traitors insulting Mohammad, worse than non-believers. Point being America needs to stop pretending just AlQueda or Issis or Hezbollah or Hamas or a zillion other muslim groups are “isolated terrorists organizations” that BS are only a threat while commanded by this or that Islamic leader. Stop pretending Muslims will stop their slaughter, rape, plundering, slave trade, if we take out their leaders. If we naively listen to our leader and Invite their war torn followers into our homes. Importing poisonous Islamic ideology which is “democracy’s #1enemy” is not a solution. Nor is picking off a group’s commander going to change the group’s enemy role. They just regroup under another commander and carry on. I’m sorry if it offends our half baked westernized ” half- Muslims, but preaching strict word for word adherence to Islam is what is brainwashing Mohammed followers around the globe into blood thirsty immoral terrorist. To stop it, sorry guys, Islam Ideology has to be openly torn open in bright sunlight, every thread examined with a fine tooth comb, every thread talked about, the ridiculous debunked and the inhumane & the lawless condemned. Starting at home.
BHR says
I do not know anyone in America who really wants war.
But to the Muslims, war has been a natural state since about 620 AD, shortly after their religion started. The Muslims have been fighting a war to take over the world since then. EACH PERSON that grows up in the Muslim religion is forced to be a Muslim and follow the rules. A true Muslim, which is a person in ISIS, BELIEVES their whole life is lived according to sharia law. If a person does not live by the law, it is okay to kill that person. A father may kill his children or wife. If the disobey him.
THIS WHOLE MUSLIM RELIGION IS TOTALLY FOREIGN AND NOT UNDERSTANDABLE TO AMERICANS. I am a Christian and I can not imagine living as Muslims do. I try to live my life according to Gods laws and feel bad when I sin. But I can not think of FORCING someone to be a Christian. That is a decision that each person must make. I would like all people to be Christian and I will try to show them how a Christian lives by my lifestyle and I will answer questions when asked. But I could never force anyone. Many people living in America complain about the Christian religion but the Christian religion gave them an America that let them do what and live as they want. In most Muslim nations, if you even break minor rules you are punished.
Because of growing up in a Christian and free nation, we just do not comprehend a Muslim nation. We hear the news of what goes on but it does not sink in.
I do not know what the solutions are to stop the Muslim terrorism. But our government has to come up with solutions and educate the people as to what they are going to do. It could take generations of fighting which is just so sad to think about. Life should not be taken but celebrated, that is why I am a Christian, I celebrate life. I will keep praying for peace.
Dave says
Religion is the reason for this RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill says
Muslim oppression. I just go to work everyday and worry about my family, work , fiends, and hobbies. I am friendly with everyone and everyone I know is friendly with everyone else. They don’t care what your nationality is. Can someone enlighten me as to this Muslim oppression?
Anyways, if someone is going to bomb the USA – keep in mind that a very large majority of Americans don’t care if your Muslim and would be friendly towards you if they met you in person. If your set on destroying something, target Obama or Hillary.
People in the USA seem to be voting for handouts because thats what people like Obama and Hillary stand for. But nothing to do with Muslims.
As soon Donald Trump became our next president he will
DLE says
If they have not learned to leave us alone so be it. I believe we need to
Harry Truman them and destroy them
As a source of concern forever.
Justin W says
Hamza should choose a different life for himself. His remarks puts him on the radar of American intelligence. Once he begins to make a move to carry out a terrorist plan he and his associates are going to be an easy target for the military.
Osama bin Laden seemed to be a talented leader and organizer. If he would have chosen a different path he could have bettered the lives of Muslims and possibly have become a leader in the Muslim world. He chose to go after the United States and he became fish food several years ago. Osama Jr. probably lacks the skills of his dad in avoiding American troops. His life and the lives of his associates will probably be ended by a military drone.
retired says
Trump has a better plan if this would be the case……
Trump all the way to the white house our next CIC
Jim Evans says
Anytime we take out one leader, someone is always available to take their place and it will never end. Common sense.
warren says
In world war two Japan surrendered very quickly using two small crude atomic bombs and ended the war. WE need to show the world once again what happens to those who want us killed but this time send them a couple big ones with a message that we have plenty more and will use them, anywhere necessary in the world because we are fed up with their actions.
Rob says
I agree with you brother. Starting with Iran who publicly chant death to the USA.
Barbara C says
If we act like them we will be judged like them.
When will this insanity end! That is why there is so much hatred in the USA today. Donald Trump has raised the level of “hatred” to produce a society such as this? It is this precise attitude that needs to be erased before it takes over our democracy and our feeling of love towards our fellow citizens ceases for ever. I would not like to live in in a country where I had to look over my shoulder every time I left the sanctuary of my home. It reminds me of Ireland of 30 years ago.
I hope the people of the United States can come together and heal their differences. we HAVE to LEARN how to respect one another’s differences.
Christopher S. O'Rourke says
Had that no good ROTTON son of a B@&ch of Iran, the late raghead Ayatollah Khoemeni would have been assinaited in the very first place and Iran been obliterated off the face of the earth in the very first place and made an example, that late rage head Osama Bin Ladin would have thought twice before thinking about his evil attack. Now his son, another damned raghead SOB is vowing revenge, someone needs that kill that SOB ASAP, not later.
reese says
People war is not the answer,I can tell by reading the comments none of you believe in God, get the devil out of your heart and souls and see how things will change prayer changes things and always for the better.God says ask and you will receive ask for love and peace and stop talking about killing people.
Calvin Harwick says
Reese we are in a war in case you don’t know it,and not to our choosing.In a war the enemy tries to kill you.And he will if you don’t do it to him first.God only looks out for the survive’r.
Constitutionalist says
God has charge of souls, so He will care for all – those who survive, and those who do not – and exactly as He wishes to.
Constitutionalist says
People war is not the answer
Depends on the question, doesn’t it? Suppose your mother is being held down, with a muslim scimitar ready to chop her head off. The sword-wielder says “Convert to Islam now, or i kill her.”
I can tell by reading the comments none of you believe in God,
Now, that’s funny! Apparently, Christ is not good enough, so YOU get to shove Him right off His Great White Throne!
get the devil out of your heart and souls and see how things will change
No one who disbelieves in God will believe in the devil, either…which makes your previous sentence contradict this one, doesn’t it? What’s the bible say about those double-minded, again?
prayer changes things and always for the better.
Oh, yeah? Pray for patience! Wait and see what happens.
God says ask and you will receive ask for love and peace and stop talking about killing people.
Sorry, Charlie – but when your enemies stand ready to kill – or worse, slowly kill – your friends, neighbors, and family while you “pray for love and peace” and do nothing to end their torture, you will have failed to be in service to your neighbor, therefore failed to be in service to God. The enemies of love and peace will laugh you to scorn as they make you scream, and will mock you for “loving” them…then ask if you feel “peaceful” while you’re taking that hot lead enema…
Do you perchance recall “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? If you were engaged in torturing someone, would you want someone to stop you? Ergo you have your justification, and whatever you do to stop the murderers will be fine with God, for you will be protecting or saving your neighbor from long torment.
RottenRollin says
Pardon my language, but piss on Junior.
Wayne says
Send a drone to talk to him!
Wayne says
Send in The Hell’s Angels!
Rob says
This child of Satan needs to be put down like his father.