Three billionaires are planning to come out against presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign, according to reports from multiple sources. Big money GOP supporters Charles Schwab, Sheldon Adelson, and Paul Singer – all billionaires – are close to throwing their collective support, and money, behind one surprise candidate: Florida Senator Marco Rubio.
And the influx of cash could be a game changer for The Donald, as it could provide Rubio’s campaign with enough juice to contend with the current front-runner.
Rubio needs the money. The sitting senator is legally barred from raising money for a super PAC that backs him. As a result, his campaign and the super PAC collected less than a quarter of the $114 million that fellow rival Jeb Bush’s team raised in the first six months of the year.
Now Wayne Berman, Rubio’s national finance chairman, has cryptically said, “Our ability to raise money is dramatically improving.”
Money raised for a presidential campaign is usually consumed by one thing above others: television advertising. And in TV dollars Bush’s distinct financial advantage is already starting to play out in the campaign.
Rubio and the super PAC helping him, Conservative Solutions, had previously put off expensive broadcast TV commercials until the week of Thanksgiving, according to tracking information updated through Friday.
The campaigns and outside groups can purchase ad space at any time, meaning those plans could change.
The Associated Press contributed to this story
Mike says
I guess the question is. Would you rather have an articulate politician as president or an inarticulate human who has excess cerebral capacity? Our country has tried the former, given the last 6 years of racial divisiveness and naive foreign policy.
Bill says
Thanks, I’ll take Trump over all the others. With him I think there is a ghost of a chance for Our Country
Walter Flatt says
Anita says
Well this definitely tells me I am not voting for Rubio. Think of all of the favors he will owe these 3. Same “o”, same “o”. Trump will owe no one anything. This is what we have to start looking at. If Rubio accepts this money then it’s the same thing over again. He will be the puppet of these 3 billionaires and the hell with the rest of Americans.
Penelope Alexander says
I hope people are finally figuring out that as soon as a billionaire or two donates to a candidate…that candidate is bought and paid for….he will not be speaking for himself or his constituents. He’ll be making all moves at the direction of his/her donors. It’s so clear…so simple.
Charlie Ivey says
The USA had most perfect government in recorded history but criminal minded politicians outnumber the good people every time.
Ralph says
I like Rubio, but he doesn’t have the credentials,experience or track record of get things done that Trump has. Plus he will be beholding to 3 billionaires. GO DONALD!
Justin Wachin says
Donald Trump rose above the rest of the Republican field because of his abilities as a showman, communicator and businessman. Pouring money into the Rubio campaign does not guarantee that the senator is suddenly going to gain the skills needed to take down Trump. In fact, the Donald may use this as an opportunity to brand Rubio as a puppet for a handful of super wealthy manipulators. If such branding is successful this could sink Rubio when primary season begins in January.
Trump is spending his personal fortune to become president. If elected he will not owe some wealthy donor anything. If Rubio is elected he will owe his sugar daddies in a big way. Will these big pocket donors become cabinet secretaries, ambassadors, or writers of the Rubio-era tax code?
Grace says
Trump can “swim with the sharks” and win! That’s what present America needs – a thinker beholden to no special interest groups that the politicians have sold out to!
Joyce Luna says
The best part is that TRUMP will not be bought by those other Billionaires like the most of them are.
I am concerned that since he has been Threatened we know that if he is murdered we know who to pick up.
Seems that real Americans would rather have a Strong, Powerful, Brilliant President that a broke-down President
who is too weak to pay his own way.
If you need a strong president vote for Trump and make him feel good while he is running for this job, it is not an easy one, and he is running for those who love this country and want their freedom back!
Frank Sacko says
Love that guy Trump. Let us help him make it for our country.
Lee says
Rubio can not even handle his own finances properly. He also was the leader of the gang of 8 on letting illegals into our country without going through the process. Meanwhile this guy has missed plenty of Senate votes while he has been running for Prez (Ted Cruz too) unlike their compadre in the Senate Rand Paul who has made most of the votes and realizes he is being paid to do a job even while running for another office. Finally Rubio does not support the entire Bill of Rights – not with what he says. BUT by his actual voting record. Why would I consider anyone who just voted to raise the debt ceiling again in the Senate (Cruz as well). Once more Paul’s actions lead as he voted no here. I will stay with Paul as he supports the entire Bill of Rights, understands the scam known as the Federal Reserve and understands the scam and waste known as our current foreign policy and that it is actually foreign welfare for many other countries that should be pulling their own load. I do not want indefinite wars and even worse funding other countries that hate our guts, short of us bribing them with more $$$. Buying “friends” does not work individually or as a country. Paul is the only one who gets it and would do something about cutting government way down to the much smaller size mandated in our Constitution. Rubio? Bah humbug! – L Pruitt Greenville SC
Phil Sargent says
I can respect your opinion about Rand Paul, but you are wrong about Ted Cruz…..Mr. Cruz is the only candidate that has stood up to both parties, especially his own party, meanwhile fighting for his constituents and the Constitution.. I also like Rand, but Ted Cruz has so much more to offer….Have a blessed day!
V. Uil says
Vote for Trump even if you don’t like him. Why?
He is the only hope for stopping the US turning into a third world nightmare where whites are continually hounded and blamed for all things that go wrong via the political cudgel of racism and political correctness.
Obama plans to bring in 200,000 Syrians – mainly young men. What could possibly go wrong since many of them have grown in an environment where America was blamed for all their ills. And Hillary will just continue with his mad plan. Of course, no need to mention the Hispanics flooding over the border while Obama (and Hillary) turn a blind eye.
Let’s not forget that Minnesota has now got 500,000 Somalis – many keen Muslims – all thanks to the largesse of the Obama administration.
At least Trump has the guts to mention that he wants to build a wall and that he was concerned by the Syrian economic migrants (they are not refugees).
If Hillary continues Obama’s madness by the time you or your children die the US will look remarkably like a third world country, standards of living will have dropped, crime will be rampant and the Dems will have a permanent majority. In other words there will be a Democrat dictatorship.
Walter Flatt says
Mary LeSueur says
Trump lacks one of the most important qualities that a president should & must have
& that quality is character. Showing that he owns a bible, doesn’t tell you that he reads it.
For this reason alone he will not be getting my vote. CHARACTER does count, think
about this. Just remember, one of his quotes, Look At That Face!!!!!!
Philo says
SERIOUSLY ?????? we have had enough of the “look” Mr Obama gave us – for which much of the women voted for BTW & I still wonder why ??- and the result of the “look ” thing which had to go with the “CHANGE ..CAN … BELIEVE…. tantras & … blah blah …..that came with it , the “good look”. Remember ?
A face or a brain ? that is the BIG question ; time to look at the reality my Dear, results are what count in emergency state that we are in, and truly one here has provided enough success stories to prove will and keen skills guess what ?? FOR OUR COUNTRY THIS TIME … for a CHANGE !!!! Viva TRUMP !
Donna says
And what Bible did our current president say that he read or shown that he even knows what it is or means. We don’t need any more foreign born in the white house…….just saying, don’t criticize Trump if you don’t know what he does or does not believe in.
Walter Flatt says
PJ says
Remember, the bible says Don’t Judge others, let God do that. You don’t know if he reads his bible or not. I will say this, the things he says has so far proven to be true.
Joyce Luna says
Character is a great asset to have, but Donald Trump has many more why………….he is brilliant! Well known, plenty of money to pay his own way, personality that flows from this country to other countries. Plenty of children and grandchildren. Good family man, and comes from a fine family. He does not drink alcohol, coffee not sure about Green Tea. He is strong-willed and very Powerful. Just what we need to fight the Federal Reserve People and
those that murdered JFK. Their people are still around and they do not want Trump in, they want all our money, they will do anything to keep it. The Federal Reserve is the number 1 on their list. Next they do not like black people, none of that crowd cares anything about the black, they hurt when they bleed just like us white people. They have feelings, and a heart, they can be hurt like anyone else. Mr. Trump will do more for the Black People as he will for the Whites.
First and for most trump loves this country the USA. He will make us safe and keep our borders clean. Get the Moask out because they are here for no good reason and we know why. If you really and truly do not know why then be sure you find out before the election.
Happy New Year,
BKB says
Mary, Without Trump bringing this country back to some kind of balance within it’s borders and outside it’s borders, Our Bibles are being ripped apart right before our eyes. Many politically correct groups are beating down the religious beliefs of Christians in this country and we remain silent, disrespect for law enforcement and our constitution, We are falling into chaos in this country and the world. Trump so far has been the only candidate to talk about many of the things that have pushed us to the edge of not recognizing our own country anymore. We need him to fight the “GOOD” fight before it is too late. He has shown that he has the “character” to take on the establishment, say what needs to be said, and if elected do what needs to be done to make our country great again. Your judgement of him calls into question your own “Christian character”.
John folsom says
I like Mr Trump. My wife and I plan to vote for him and support him ! We went to see and hear him speak in Norcross ,Ga last Saturday along with some 9 or 10,000 others. It’s past time to vote for a businessman who says he will protect America and its servicemen and women !I am a 77 year old Attorney who has seen and put up with a lot and I am telling all who think straight to support Mr Trump and Dr Carson! On the other subject of the green beret he should be promoted and the men in the chain of command that did not support him should all be fired! They are not worthy of being in the same room as he and his Captain. I put my 20 years in the service of this country and when I did we didn’t have the command staff we do now but we didn’t have the Muslim Obama in office then either!
Ralph says
Sure, they want to support Rubio. This way the crooked bankers can pull him around by the nose to do their bidding. If Trump doesn’t get in and we get an establishment professional bull shit artist politician, the people are done for. Be prepared to have your nuts taxed. right off !!!
We need an economist in the white house . Not a professional BS artist. We got that with this guy .in the white house now. Look at the great job he is doing. Yes we can, hope and change my ass.