The relationship between the United States and Pakistan has been on shaky grounds for years, and numerous intelligence experts have suggested that Osama bin Laden using the country as a hideout — living just a few hundred yards away from a Pakistani military academy — was no accident.
Could this new reveal put an end to the relationship once and for all?
Recently declassified U.S. government cables suggest Pakistan’s intelligence service paid a U.S.-designated terrorist organization $200,000 to carry out one of the deadliest attacks against the CIA in the spy agency’s history.
Seven CIA employees were killed when a Jordanian doctor and double agent gained access to the base after tricking the Americans into believing he would lead them to Ayman al-Zawahiri, then al-Qaida’s No. 2. The correspondence released by the National Security Archive at George Washington University dates to the weeks after the attack.
A Jan. 11, 2010, document says the head of the Haqqani network, a Taliban-allied group the U.S. considers terrorists, held two meetings with senior officials of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence the month of the bombing.
“The first discussed funding for operations in Khowst province” and “funds were later provided to tribal elders in Khowst province for their support of the Haqqani network,” the cable says, using an alternative spelling for the area. At the second meeting, Pakistani intelligence officials gave “direction to the Haqqanis to expedite attack preparations and lethality in Afghanistan.”
A Feb. 6, 2010, cable, which like the other was heavily redacted, is more specific. Network leader Siraj Haqqani and another individual were provided $200,000, it says, “to enable the attack on Chapman.” The document refers to several individuals involved in the plot, including an Afghan border commander, “to enable a suicide mission by an unnamed Jordanian national.”
The Jordanian would have been Humam al-Balawi, the supposed al Qaeda turncoat whom the CIA codenamed “Wolf.” As the CIA ushered him on to its base on Dec. 30, 2009, al-Balawi detonated a suicide bomb. A Jordanian intelligence official and an Afghan driver also died, while six people were injured. It was the most lethal attack against the CIA in the 15-year Afghanistan war and possibly since the 1983 embassy bombing in Beirut.
Pakistan’s embassy in Washington had no immediate comment on the cables. But a U.S. intelligence official said the information was uncorroborated and inconsistent with what is known about the 2009 suicide bombing at Camp Chapman in Khost, Afghanistan, near the Pakistani border.
The U.S. has long cited the links between the Pakistani intelligence and the Haqqanis, a group that includes criminal and insurgency elements, and which uses Pakistani territory as a rear operating base. When Adm. Mike Mullen stepped down as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 3 1/2 years ago, he went so far as to call the network a “veritable arm” of Pakistan’s ISI.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Then the U.S. gives them billions of OUR tax dollars in foreign aid.
Pakistan provided refuge to the world’s most wanted and deadliest terrorist Osama bin Laden while at the very same time taking millions of Dollars from the Bush administration to “find and capture Osama bin Laden”.
We shouldn’t support/protect these people any longer. Get all of our troops out of Middle East. If they want to kill themselves, then let them. We don’t need their oil. End this insanity.
OBL was reported to have died in December,2001 from chronic renal failure and hepatitis C.Where is Seal Team Six,by the way?
Many members of the Seal Team that carried out this raid died in a helicopter hit by enemy fire in a later mission. This is starting to look like the Kennedy assassination/Warren report all over again.
Arthur Hartsock – Didn’t know that about the many members of Seal Team 6. I hope that they and their families are taken care of. God Bless Them All for their courage and bravery.
Seal Team 6 members were killed in a helicopter “accident” after Joe Biden told the media who carried out the attack on Bin Laden.
It’s very likely that Benazir Bhutto was assassinated for revealing this as it wasn’t common knowledge and certainly wasn’t in the West.
The Middle Eastern people have been at war for more than 100 years and if they choose to kill each other let them they will do the United States and the American people a favor we will no longer have to support them with weapons of destruction. Let them self destruct they have no value of life. Get our men/women out of the Middle East and let’s not send another dime to them it hasn’t brought peace or prosperity so why waste our money we here in America have more important things to do with out money such as put our jobless men/women to work and/or let the women stay home and raise there children and instill values in there lives and cherish what God gave us life for. Amen!!!!!
The sad thing about our time in Iraq and Afghanistan is the huge cost we paid in American lives and resources to try to give freedom and a better life to the people of those countries. In the end elements of Islam could not stand seeing Muslims have freedom, prosperity, happiness or peace. From looking at the Muslim world their idea of utopia is a place of poverty, violence, misery and repression.
Home to ISIS for sure?
Carpet bomb Pakistan then or sniper team key leaders who killed agents.
Make Public.
We need to cut foreign aid to Pakistan to zero, close their embassy and put them on notice that we know what they are doing and that any further threats will result in an armed response. We should invest in supporting only leadership that is friendly to the usa throughout. We need to jail obama and find out what he’s done to damage our national security. We need to bring back military staff he’s fired, rebuild our military and stop letting every terrorist nation threaten us. That includes taking out that little shit in n.korea, releasing all the 911 pages and putting the Saudis on notice. We also must fund israel with the best we have.