The U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan is warning of an “imminent attack” in the next two days.
According to an official release, the embassy in the troubled Afghani capital Kabul “has received credible reports of an imminent attack… within the next 48 hours. During this period of heightened threat, the U.S. Embassy strongly urges U.S. citizens to exercise extreme caution if moving around the city.”
Despite the intelligence warning of the impending terror attack, the Obama administration has announced no specific plans to heighten security at the U.S. embassy.
Analysts are warning of a deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, where U.S. forces number just 10,000 strong since the Obama administration began troop draw downs years ago.
The Taliban have made strategic gains in recent months, and may now have their minds set on a strike against U.S. interests in the capital.
In September, fighting erupted anew in the embattled northern Afghan city of Kunduz. The city briefly fell to the Taliban, which was an embarrassing blow to President Ashraf Ghani.
Earlier this month, Taliban insurgents also ambushed a military-contracted helicopter that made an emergency landing in northwest Afghanistan, killing three people in a shoot-out and capturing 16 other people on board, Afghan officials said.
While the American embassy is now bracing for a possible attack in Kabul, its officials are warning that there are no current details on the “targets, timing, or method.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article
fishinjunki says
The Osama administration will probably do something this time, since a coverup would be a bit too awkward, even for Osama and Kerry.
Sal says
Don’t put it past this Muslim in the White House. They let four die in Benghaze after 600 e-mails for more security.
Hillary put our Diplomat there then turned her back on him/them, she is a murderer. Hillary for Prison, not the White House!
Ken29 says
And done nothing “specific” about ISIS since the Paris attacks, just talk. He hasn’t even mentioned the fifteen attacks that have taken place worldwide since the Paris attacks.
Steve says
You are right. We, the so-called American citizen, must get our heads out of our butts and see and smell the stench from the burning Constitution. This entire administration is ruled by muslims. Just check out who are the “Top Advisers” in all Cabinet and Department positions. You will find at least two and in some cases, 8 or more that are ‘Devout Muslims’.
As you must be aware of, by now, a major tennant–demand–is they must behead every Christian and non-Allah believer/warshiper. Destroy the infidels Country and all that isn’t Sharia-compliant. Don’t beleive it? To quote a part of a passage I believe in; “None are so blind as those that won’t see.” Please, for the sake of your children’s freedom and well-being, demand your Representatives in DC co-sponsor the bill to begin impeachment of Mr. Barack H. Obama on grounds of Treason, Derelection of Duty and Willfull Neglect of Duties of his (TWICE) sworn Oath of Office. Oh, I can go on and on and on, but you can research this on your own, IF you have any interest in the Future of our Country, the United States of America. That interest is your children. Please, HELP America!
Hector J Garcia says
I have been saying for weeks
we have a traitor that has been smooth talking the country for seven years , the matter is that while all his evil plans have now been exposed, he is on the defensive- attacking with the the gun controil issue, the warming, the green energy for ( ” the future), not a word encouraging the production of our oil for independence and sale to our friends, to say good by to the Opec Oil and the Middle East Czars that don’t like us any way except for our Petro
Dollars. This President traitor has brought down the Islamics, Taliban and al queda would take over those countries in the Middle East, knowing that Wars kill and maim our people, terrorists killing thousands in the name of Allah, I can’t understand why Congress doesn’t start impeachment process, just to burn his ass and show our allies U.S.A. cares for the world
Jim says
You are exactly correct!! I would sincerely hope that I am going to be wrong, but to do NOTHING would be even worse than what WE did the last time!!! It is a disgrace to have a DISGRACE to be proven that WE did the opposite than what is/was expected of us to do. However, given that what is done and not done, by our involved officials … over the past years … has made me(at 73) very irritated to openly admit than I am indeed an American citizen. For many years, I have written my government officials and have commented on their actions and non-actions, only to seldom receive a response … unless my comment was a ‘welcome’ type comment.
Jeff says
Don’t hold your breath! A Civilian might get killed if we try to protect the Embassy and the people inside! Obumbler says no Civilian casualties, not one, so let the Americans die!
bob jones says
Of course Obama will help. Just like he and Hillary helped in Benghazi. He helped them by stripping their security and denying any reinforcements. Obama has made his feelings very plain, especially recently on where he stands on the Muslim radical terror issue, and he is clearly for it. Maybe the fact that he is financing, arming and protecting them, while leaving our borders wide open and inviting them in by the thousands is a little bit of a hint.
josie says
Why are the Republicans sitting” idly by” (IT MEANS LAZY NOT BUSY)and letting him get by with this? We voted to send them to do a job and we can vote to send them home. They are all evil money grabbers – I do not trust any of them and certainly not someone with a name like BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. Yes he is MUSLIM AND SHOULD BE IMPEACHED.
Teddy Tys says
I would prefer treason. He has done several thing that could potentially convict!!!
The same for Bowe for leaving his military post and converting to Islam and taking an Islamic wife!!!
You can see the evidence on the Taliban video of the handover. Bowe standing with a female holding hands!!!
Rob says
There was a time that guys like Bo would face a firing squad!
Rob says
I hope you are not waiting for an argument!
Connie says
Well said Josie, and I agree with you 100%. He is evil, a traitor and Hillary is his mirror imagine in thoughts and actions. They are two of a kind.
DockyWocky says
Wow! A 48 hour threat to the U.S. Embassy in Kaboom, Afghanistan.
What if the Taliban pull it off after 72 hours? Will the same preparations be there to welcome them? Or will the boys and girls at the embassy be surprised, as usual?
They could have used the time to plant remote detonated explosives around the periphery of the compound – you know, sort of as surprises to the Taliban boys who will be ensconced in them when they begin shooting at the embassy?
We would rather be the targets instead of the surprisers.
outpost says
obozo always has liked the ” oh poor me role ” or being the victim and not the aggressor. I think he gets off at funerals and burials where he can act like a grief stricken so-called leader of the free world. ( sarcasm ). But damn it — he will disarm the law-abiding U.S. citizens who don’t agree with his agenda. In other words he won’t do a damn thing.
Helen Higgason says
Boy!!!! Did you ” hit the nail on the head ,” you are SO right!!!!!
John R. De Lude says
How easy it is for Obama & Hillary to play the “O POOR ME” card.
In reality, it will all too soon come back and bite them in the ass.
I say let the chips fall where they may.
Rob says
I saw a story today that had a picture of Hillary with Muslim head gear on her.
That would explain Bengazi!
We know Obama favors Muslims and why would he take the chance of seeing them hurt?
Americans mean nothing to him!
Rob says
This Vietnam era vet from the great state of Texas says saddle up and come get my guns! It’s not the guns they need to worry about! It’s getting to them that might be a problem.
In Texas, we are the dumping ground for all the sludge and filth! We have the illegals invading our borders! One King Obama demands we take in the Syrian rebels (refugees).
Peter Joffe says
It would not surprise me to find that Obama leaks information to the real Commander In Chief of the USA, Ali Hosseini Khamenei. Obama belongs in Gitmo along with Kerry and others in the Obama abomination, Clinton included as they are all treasonists.
Catman Rocker says
Quit playing around and getting our boys killed…. Just drop the big one and be done.
john teehan says
I say send the Marines in to Washington DC and remove all the pro muslim and communists from our Capital now.And lock ???? them all up in a dark cave deep in the woods some where’s.
Teddy Tys says
You are right on!!! Is there anyone with the integrity to initiate the action? It’s all because no one is willing to be called a raciest and that is a shame. Just let the country go to hell because of name calling. This country is in really bad trouble when our massive leadership has not the courage to stop this evil. It is going to take courage to make things right. I realize that truth is not the same for everyone. There is the truth of reality and there is the truth of false perception.
Rob says
So many people are concerned about being called racists if they detest Muslims.
You can call me a racist if you like, but a religion is not a race!
By the way, when our President threatens the state of Texas, telling US, not asking us, that he is going to force us to take the refuggees . That could start a civil war!
Lee says
Another attack on one of our embassies? Why are we not surprised?
As for our “fearless leader,” he won’t do a blasted thing to help our people because there just might be some dumb Afghan getting in the way! Obama would rather see all of us Americans killed, than to lift a finger to help or to protect America’s citizens or its military! His agenda is clear: Do everything for the moslems, and NOTHING for Americans!
Isn’t it about time he learned WE are the bosses in this country, and HE is the one out of line?
Rob says
Agreed, unless the Taliban does something against the environment. Then he would protect that mountainous pit of a craphole because global warming/cooling is far more important than our people.
paul collins says
until we charge and his administration with treason and destroy these radicals we will never be save.It is time the world starts saving their countries.
Justin W says
Once again we see a likely failure of this president’s Middle East strategy.
DixieBelle says
Its not a failure, Justine. This is his strategy. His original plan seems to be taking shape, and he isn’t even trying to hide it anymore. He plans to leave this country in shambles, or he could be planning to stay in office. If that happens, the public needs to rise up in the largest protect ever, and do what congress won’t. We need to demand he step down.
Danny Stewart says
Justin, from his stand point, it’s not a failure. His goal all along has been the destruction of the US & Israel. He’s really getting frustrated now that his time is drawing to a close, of course, he will try to get more time by declaring martial law & cancelling the election. We cannot permit him to do this.
Sal says
What strategy? He has none! Why would you send leaflets to tell the enemy that they are going to be bombed in 45 minutes? Why?
Because he is a Muslim and he is not a Christian. Did you ever see him give the High Sign to another Muslim? He puts up his index finger and that means there is only One God, Allah.
Ken29 says
“….no specific plans to heighten security at the U.S. embassy.” Isn’t that SOP?
terence says
With this forewarning Obama would have to be an utter clot not to tighten security at the American Embassy in Kabul, albeit the form it would take would not be widely broadcast since that could serve to negate the security. Although I doubt too much credence can attach to this warning since any hope for a successful attack would only make sense if undertaken with an element of surprise.
Tam MacArthur says
The liar in Chief is telling us that it will take a long time (Years) to beat ISIS. That is just BS. If King BS wanted to get rid of ISIS, he could gather all his military generals together, make a plan, gather all the free nations together and kick ass.They could go in and eradicate them all in just a couple months or less. Obama whom is a Muslim does not want to attack any of his brother Muslims. Hillary is just like Obama, a liar everytime she opens her pie hole. I and millions of others will be so glad when both are gone and we don’t have to deal with them any more. Obama and his wife, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are the four most racist people in the world. One more year of these people embarrassing America.
Daniel says
Sal says obama has no strategy. Sal you are so wrong. he is following the strategy his handlers have told him too.
So far he has done a very good job of destroying the American ideal. People are afraid to speak out for fear of being called raciest homophobic ect ect. He has layed the ground work to install martial law. He has his own army, homeland security and the tsa. Both better armed than a lot of third world military’s.
He uses executive action for his handlers gains. , most of the time it is just before a long weekend. Our so called lawmakers are afraid to stand up to him. For some reason doing the jobs they were elected to do seem meaningless when it means going against obama.
I just wonder how many will stand firm for America and their family’s when the time comes.
Stephen Russell says
Add more security & have hotline to Kerry?
Beef up walls & shooting zones.
Lock & Load.
Rob says
I bet Obama would take a threat to the embassy extremely seriously and redeploy another 20,000 troops if the Taiban threatened a to pollute the sky’s by blowing up a volcano, spewing poisonous gases in the atmosphere!
American civilians, military and contractors mean nothing to him.
Mess with the environment when he is at a conference apologizing for Americans destroying the world with our arrogance towards global warming/cooling and that to him is worth thousands of our troops lives.
So what is a king to do?
Rob says
Get John, if we remove the Muslims from this administration, no one will be left. Research Hillary’s personal lover/assistant Huma Abedine. Her mother runs the woman’s division of the Muslim brotherhood.
CIA director John Brennen before being the director made sure the 19 hijackers from 9/11 made it to the US.
Then there is Valerie Jarrett, born in Iran and feels we need more Muslims here! Then research her commie parents that have been on the watch list from the FBI. Our government is infested with them!
Rob says
That was supposed to be Hey John. I have that stupid word suggestion on my dumb phone.