They were plotting to kill Americans and had asked Allah for his blessings.
But for a dozen jihadists in North Africa, they only thing that anointed them was a couple U.S. Air Force warheads.
A Pentagon spokesman says the U.S. conducted airstrikes Monday and Tuesday in Somalia that killed an estimated 12 terrorists affiliated with the al-Shabab Islamic extremist group.
The spokesman, Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, said the targeted militants posed an imminent threat to U.S. personnel who were assisting Somali government forces north of the city of Kismayo in southern Somalia.
These were the latest in a series of U.S. attacks in Somalia aimed at al-Shabab, which has ties to al Qaeda. Al-Shabab has been carrying out a campaign of deadly violence targeting government officials and international troops, as well as hotels and restaurants in the capital.
The Associated Press contributed to this article
Now, if there were only 6 zero’s after that, the world would be a much better place !!!
i have 2 agree with you!
8 zeros would be more to my liking not to mention their poor pet goat.
And yet we keep bringing the Somali’s here by the plane load. And most of them end up in the meat plants that process our food like Tyson Foods and the slaughter houses in Colorado.
Yes! Very good and about time! Obama won’t let our Armed Forces stop this madness because of his Islamic friends.
True! Oblowhole is one of them!
Tag then, but don’t bag then
napalm works well. Bomb them back into the 10th century where they belong. And their pet goat
Why punish the goat??
yea why the goat?
I used to load those, on F-4s
Good bring them all to hell very quickly
Good job boys, keep going !!
Thank you to the United States Air Force. You do the USA proud for wiping out as many of these scumbags as possible. No matter what the Muslim in the WH says America is still the most powerful nation on earth. GOD Bless America.
Here’s an old saying from Vietnam “kill em all let God sort em out!”
We tried in Viet Nam but the government would not let us.
We were betrayed by the communist news media of the USA. At the end of the War Their Cry was “No recriminations. when the majority were guilty of Treason. They should have all been shot..
Just let them rot- but save the goat
Kill one and ten stand up to be killed next. God bless our military. Them before us…. attack, attack, attack!!!
I’m glad to hear the Air Force is hard at work helping Islamic terrorists meet Allah. Every successful attack on a terrorist organization is good news.
Were those air force planes or navy?
You’re right the picture clearly shows F-18s, which are navy aircraft. Hmmmm…
Doesn’t that make you wonder about the accuracy of the story?
Makes one wonder about the accuracy of the story?
Like they say, “Be careful what you ask for. You may receive it.”
I am surprised that the chief muslim mulah in the WH allowed that to happen. He has been stone walling most actions to protect the US and it’s citizens the last 6 years.
He is only doing this for show! He remains a traitor and coward!
The martyrs knocking on Allah’s door must be from one of those heretic Mohammedan tribes. Obama would never harm one of his Mohammedan pets.
Good job, Zoomies!!! (When I was a jarhead we’d go to an Air Force Base and eat in their dining hall. And we thought we were in hog heaven.) Now load up for another run!!
It would be of interest to me how much it cost for these dozen men to die. You know – a per capita accounting. It would also be interesting to know how much the contractors made who built the planes and the bombs by overcharging for them.
Besides, that Shabab group has been losing a lot lately, and has been in retreat; this sounds a lot like a little kid who waited ’til the bully-on-the-block was beaten and leaving to THEN come out and kick him.
i have read that the PtB want to use Muslims worldwide to destabilize ALL the countries in the West, which is why they’ve funded a LOT of these “radical jihadist” groups in the FIRST place; they need a “fall guy,” too. In fact, i saw a youtube vid recently which claimed that Adam Weishaupt, alleged founder of the Illuminati, PLANNED to use Muslims this way more than 2 centuries ago in WW3 – and he’d successfully predicted both previous world wars, too.
“The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.”
— Lord Acton[John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton] (1834-1902), First Baron Acton of Aldenham
If the headline had read “One dozen banks caught funding terrorism were destroyed today by US jets,” THEN i might be a bit more impressed.
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.”
~ Henry David Thoreau, (1817-1862)
More like “ten thousand” or a hundred thousand, today; few even have a clue about seeking and destroying the roots of evil these days, FMO.
I’m not an expert (only worked in warehouse in my enlistment), but I know certain ordinance has a limited lifetime. So you use it or have to destroy it. Lots of money wasted in military.
It’s beyond me why Middle East Nations feel they can beat us, or would even want to. If they would behave they’d never hear from us again. I don’t see why we can’t be friends. This is a small planet. Let’s give one another a break. 911 woke the sleeping giant.
Dude! Do some reading on Islam and the evil cult that it is, then maybe you’ll start to get the motivation these imbeciles have.
“The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents — men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest — stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved.”
— Lysander Spooner(1808-1887) Political theorist, activist, abolitionist
Source: “No Treason #6” (1870)
What do you think about that, Dave?
Too bad they didn’t feel a thing. We are good people. LOL!
I am unsure but I think in Arabic that el-Shabab means the cloud. It is fitting then that this infidel trash went to Paradise in a flash of light, a clap like thunder and riding on a flying carpet of thick black smoke.
Looks like those aircraft are Navy or Marine Corps aircraft F-18’s , Not Air Force F-16’s. Small point but I am glad they took out the jihadist’s………444club, yogi………
I’m sure stock photos are used. It’s the story you
read that tells what you see as taking place. I
was Army and from inside a M-1A1 tank they all
look alike.