New Zealand runner Nikki Hamblin was lying on the track, dazed after a heavy fall and with her hopes of an Olympic medal seemingly over. Suddenly, there was a hand on her shoulder and a voice in her ear: “Get up. We have to finish this.”
It was American Abbey D’Agostino, offering to help.
“I was like, “Yup, yup, you’re right. This is the Olympics Games. We have to finish this,'” Hamblin said.
It was a scene to warm the hearts of fans during a qualifying heat of the women’s 5,000 meters. Hamblin and D’Agostino set aside their own hopes of making the final to look out for a fellow competitor.
It started when D’Agostino clipped Hamblin from behind and they both went sprawling with about 2,000 meters to go.
Hamblin fell heavily on her right shoulder. D’Agostino got up, but Hamblin was just lying there. She appeared to be crying. Instead of running in pursuit of the others, D’Agostino crouched down and put her hand on the New Zealander’s shoulder, then under her arms to help her up, and softly urged her not to quit.
“That girl is the Olympic spirit right there,” Hamblin said of D’Agostino. “I’ve never met her before. Like I never met this girl before. And isn’t that just so amazing. Such an amazing woman.”
As it turned out, D’Agostino probably needed more help: She soon realized she’d hurt her ankle in the fall.
Grimacing, she refused to give up, though, running nearly half the race with the injury. Hamblin did what she could, hanging back with D’Agostino for a little while to return the favor and offer encouragement.
“She helped me first. I tried to help her. She was pretty bad,” Hamblin said. She eventually had to leave D’Agostino behind and was certain that the American would have to stop.
“I didn’t even realize she was still running. When I turned around at the finish line and she’s still running, I was like, wow,” Hamblin said.
She waited for her new friend to cross the line — D’Agostino had been lapped — and they hugged.
This time, it was D’Agostino who was in tears.
As D’Agostino was about to be taken away in a wheelchair, she stretched out her right hand and the two runners gripped each other’s forearms for a few moments.
In an Olympics that has seen a few unsavory incidents — the Egyptian judoka who refused to shake hands with his Israeli opponent, the booing of a French pole vaulter by the Brazilian crowd — Hamblin and D’Agostino provided a memory that captured the Olympic spirit.
Olympic officials also decided that both runners, and Austria’s Jennifer Wenth, who was also affected by the collision, would have places in Friday’s final.
“I’m never going to forget that moment,” Hamblin said. “When someone asks me what happened in Rio in 20 years’ time, that’s my story … That girl shaking my shoulder, (saying) ‘come on, get up’.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Betty says
These two ladies are exemplary of what can and should be at Olympics. Unlike the USA girl who dishonored herself and most of all our country. By her actions and innuendo she is not USA material for olympics.
schneewichen says
This the Olympic spirit, and a true American spirit. It reminds me of Jesse Owens.
Peter Joffe says
If only this will continue and people will remember what the GAMES are all about! Unlike some countries and people who use or try to use the GAMES to spread hatred of their fellow men.
James Browne says
Well done. What good spirit. It just shows that we can all have compassion no matter who the other person is. And well done America for finding the fantastic SIMONE BILES. What a brilliant gymnast and sportswoman, even cheering on her teamate even though she could beat her..America should be proud of all it’s olympian’s and remember that American sport,in so many sports, is only so good because of all the Afro American sportsmen and women who put everything into competing for the country they love.
Let American’s of all all races come together and realise you all need each other all the time and not just to win medal’s or championship’s. Living as one nation united in all races is what makes America the envy of the world. So stop the racism from ALL sides and grow together
Samuel Simom says
Well said
Justin W says
Thanks for the refreshing story. Life doesn’t always go as planned. It’s good to see some are willing to put kindness above an Olympic medal.
Judy W says
Doing what is best for another over self is the Olympic Spirit !! Women showed example to the world & made friendship for life !! More valuable than Gold Medal and will be remembered as example of true Olympic Spirit !!!