President Barack Obama is slated today to begin his latest assault on Americans’ Second Amendment rights, with a plan to bypass Congress with unilateral executive actions on gun ownership.
And the anticipated move already has members of Congress and GOP presidential candidates fuming.
At a meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey and other top law enforcement officials Obama is expected to sign off on a package of proposals aimed at cracking down on gun sales.
At the top of the list is an effort to expand background checks on gun sales by forcing more sellers to register as federally licensed gun dealers. The changes would be aimed especially at those selling at gun shows, online or in informal settings.
Other moves being considered include revamping reporting of lost and stolen weapons and beefing up inspections of licensed dealers, according to a person familiar with the plans who would not be named discussing proposals before they are finalized.
Obama announced the meeting with Lynch in his weekly address from his Hawaii holiday vacation. On Thursday, he’ll take his argument to prime time, participating in a town hall discussion of gun violence on CNN. He’s slated to make his case for changes in his State of the Union address on Jan. 12.
Under current law, federally licensed firearms dealers are required to seek background checks on potential firearm purchasers. But advocacy groups say many sellers are currently exempt from having to register, increasing the chance of sales to customers prohibited by law from purchasing a gun.
The administration is expected to reclassify some of those dealers using a mix of criteria, such as the number and frequency of guns sold, whether sellers profit off sales, whether they advertise, rent space or tables at gun shows and pay taxes. White House officials have not yet disclosed the details of the proposal.
Obama’s plans immediately set off a political debate on the presidential campaign trail, both over the policy and whether the president has the authority to make it.
“This president is a petulant child,” New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Sunday on “Fox News Sunday.” ”The fact is if he wants to make changes to these laws, go to Congress and convince the Congress that they’re necessary. But this is going to be another illegal executive action which I’m sure will be rejected by the courts.”
“I don’t like changing anything,” Donald Trump said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” ”Right now, they have plenty of rules and regulations.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Bruce says
Good for him. It’s the only way that sensible gun laws can get through. The congress is owned by the NRA.
richard says
bruce,along with obuma are are uninformed morons.we have had gun laws for years and they have done absolutely nothing.obuma is trying to ruin our country with his crazy laws and people like bruce are helping him.they are not true americans and the smart people know it.i could go on for hours but you still wouldn’t get it,you are surely brainwashed leftists.
KayO says
Bruce is what Stalin called “a useful idiot”.
Walda says
Idiot, yes, but what is he useful for?
unique says
Walda, Good comment.
Terry says
Obama is a dam dictator he should have been impeached 7 years ago !!!!
Dan says
Assisting in the systematic destruction of our civil liberties. He is as dangerous as the legislators themselves.
John Hunter says
useful as a wrecking agent
Graye says
Obama is very useful. As a matter of fact, he is the best friend the Republicans have right now. Number one, he has already made legal gun owners all the more resolute, and that includes those owners who are currently registered Democrats. With Clinton already stating that she plans to be even more anti-gun than Obama has been, and declaring that she plans on issuing even more Executive Orders than Obama did, her rhetoric may sound appealing to the anti-gun faction and the other extremists in her party but the more conservative members are finally getting a chance to see her for the extremists that she and her staunchest supports really are. Come election time mainstream voters will know exactly how much like Obama she really is – and it will show in the polls.
Reed says
Bruce says
So the other 80% of Americans who support my view are also idiots? Only you right wing Bigots are intelligent?
John Hunter says
Bruce-80% do not support your view
freedommonger says
80%? Did you pull that figure out of where your head’s stuck?
Richard says
Bud you are repeating the hogwash talking points of the left wing dumbocraps. I am not going to call you stupid or an idiot, but do some homework on the enforcement of current laws by both the FBI and BATFE regarding people attempting to illegally purchase a firearm from a licensed gun dealer. When you buy a gun you fill out the ATF form 4473, which asks the questions regarding a legal purchase, like history of criminal convictions, drug use, mental stability. Then the dealer calls or uses a computer to the FBI’s NICS check, which tells him to transfer, hold for more investigation, or no transfer allowed. If you lie on this official document (the ATF form 4473) you have violated the law, pretty easy for any law enforcement agency, like shooting fish in a barrel. The left is proud to claim the background checks have stopped hundreds of thousands of prohibited people from buying guns. What you NEVER hear is the really low number of arrests that have resulted in these prohibited persons violating the law. Hell this man needs to enforce existing laws before they seek new laws
Roy A Koch says
More intelligent than Your-Self Brucie! When all the O’Bammy Yo Mammy, Imported Somalian and Syrian etc.MOSLEMS Go Off, You can just throw rocks at ’em! Bet yer azz THEY won’t be Disarmed. They are the Private Military Force, the Kenyan, Koranic, Kommie Kween, O’Bone-Smoke wanted so badly! When they come to kill ya, Jus’tell ’em you Voted for their King, Barry the First!
ponysoldier says
80% of what? Communist like you in N. Korea. You Traitors to the Constitution won’t be happy till you start a Civil War.
Sal Belardo says
To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead. This is the best definition of a Liberal I have ever read!
Jondarmes says
Where did you get your %’s fool, a deep dark damp hole, no doubt.
Reed says
In typical Liberal style, Bruce, you do not add a source to support your obnoxious statistics!
ponysoldier says
Here we call them Anti-American Domestic Terrorist and enemies of the CONSTITUTION & American way of life, liberty and freedom. The Tide of these Socialist Traitors is Rising. Americans will have to take a stand or lose everything!
hank moody says
Dr Bob says
No body is more anti-Obama than I am. But as much as it pains me, I am forced to admit he may be right about this issue.. If there are background checks at gun shows then PERHAPS some nut or criminal will not be able to get one there. Where am I wrong here? Please tell me where I’m off. I will be the first to agree that his executive orders are unconstitutional and I oppose Obummer for that reason. It’s just that the goal seems reasonable
Robocop says
There ARE background checks at Gun Shows. EVERYONE that buys and sells firearms for profit MUST have a FFL and MUST record all firearm sales AND must submit a form to the ATF and do a background check on the buyer. The ONLY person that does not need to do a background check are individuals who are selling their own personal firearms and still there is a limit on the number they can sell and they not only cannot do this to make a living they STILL must keep a record of all sales which the ATF can look at anytime they feel like it without a warrant. Obama is looking for ANYTHING he can regulate so he can as they say, “get the camels nose under the tent”.
Desert Lion says
Partly correct, partly not.
Correct – all sellers “in the business of buying and selling firearms” must have a Federal Firearms License and must document the appropriate background check on the 4473. That form is NOT submitted to the ATF (now BATFE). Certain identifying information on the purchaser is provided to the FBI when a NICS check is performed; some states have their own systems or exempt people licensed to carry firearms from individual background checks. The only time the forms are provided to the BATFE is if an FFL goes out of business and that business is not transferred to another FFL. The BATFE performs periodic inspections of FFL records, but the records may not leave the FFL facility without the explicit permission of the FFL holder; no responsible FFL holder would EVER grant that permission.
Private individuals who do not fit the above description may transfer firearms to another such individual directly unless the state has imposed additional restrictions. If the firearm is a handgun, both buyer and seller must be residents of the same state. Both must be legally allowed to possess the firearm. It is a felony for a someone prohibited from owning a firearm to purchase one, background check or not. It is also a felony for a seller who could be reasonably expected to know the buyer is prohibited (a very squishy standard) from selling that person a firearm. There are no Federal documentation requirements for private sales. The BATFE has no authority whatever over private sellers acting within the law or any records they may or may not choose to keep. Some states may have additional documentation requirements. A few states prohibit private sales entirely and require that every transaction go through an FFL dealer.
From the perspective of a Constitutional Originalist (meaning that the words in that document mean what they meant when they were written, not what later definition might be ascribed to certain words or phrases after the fact), everything I have just described is in direct violation of the Second Amendment and probably the Fourth and Fifth Amendments as well. There is no such thing as “reasonable restrictions” on the right to keep and bear arms. There are those who often cite the canard that “free speech doesn’t mean you can yell ‘Fire’ in a crowded theater.” That’s true, but irrelevant in most ways that is attempted to be used. The right to keep and bear arms doesn’t mean you can threaten people with deadly force without just cause, but that is almost never the parallel brought to the discussion. Any other restrictions, including the right for felons who have fulfilled their sentences to possess firearms and the right to purchase newly-manufactured automatic weapons for civilian use, indeed restrict – the meaning of the word “infringe” – the right of some people to keep and bear arms.
Here’s where the outrage usually comes flying back. “You support the right of felons to buy guns and own them legally?!!” Absolutely, as long as they’re not in jail or on supervised release (probation). If they want a gun, they’re going to get one anyway. They’ll buy it from another criminal or they’ll steal it from a law-abiding gun owner. The sooner the legal system acknowledges that fact, the better. If judges recognized that the criminal they are releasing early from jail on a violent felony conviction will have another gun or other prohibited weapon as soon as they want one, the sooner judges will be more willing to keep those violent felons in jail. On the other hand, once a felon has served the full sentence, there is no justification under the Constitution for that person’s right to be armed for self-defense to be restricted, aka, infringed.
The place for this to be resolved is not in the courts, even though that could happen. The Supreme Court has already indicated it has no intention of overturning the legislated infringements already in place. That’s our job – to elect officials who will undo the damage their predecessors have already done to the Constitution.
Elections Have Consequences – Vote Wisely.
John Siemens says
Have you been to a gun show? Every dealer at a table is a federally licensed dealer and does their due diligence. There are private individuals that sometimes have guns to sell but they generally sell them to the dealer. Those that do sell them to another individual, do it out in the parking lot. It could be any parking lot, anywhere. It is safer in the gun show parking lot because the chances of selling to a criminal are less. You can bet that the police are present at all gun shows. Obama’s plan will not stop parking lot sales by individuals. Criminals will still have the guns they want. Obama is just moving the location of the transaction to increase home burglaries after identifying you by your car tag number in the gun show parking lot.
Dr Bob says
John, thanks for the information. Much obliged,
John Siemens says
One more thought. Driving criminals to steal weapons by home burglary will generate an increase in home violence (either the criminal gets killed or the home owner gets killed) resulting in the further argument that crime would be less if no homes had guns. If the homeowner is not present and the criminal gets the gun, will we now have homeowners prosecuted because the criminal got a weapon? Obama wants to increase the requirement that gun thefts be reported. Will police now be required to find a home owner guilty of not having guns and ammo properly secured. This is a really bad path to go down because it just increases tyranny!
bigjimmy says
he want’s to disarm the people just like adolf hitler did, then he has control over all, Obama, hitler, no difference, same agenda
Linda says
Robert says
You can’t legally buy a gun at a gun show unless it is from a Federal Licensed Fire Arms Dealer. The shooters in San Bernardino got their guns from a Relative who purchased the guns Legally, he gave the Guns to them which is Illegal. How about enforcing the Laws we already have and Let Criminals Know that when they get caught they will go to Jail for a Long Period of Time. Strict Laws do not bother Criminals, they don’t care about those Laws, they intend to do as they please and Law Abiding
Citizens of the United States of America at this time have a Right to arm themselves to protect themselves from Criminals who would do them harm. Why would anyone in their right mind want to
give up this Right? To purchase a Gun in this country you have to have a Federal Background Check right now or you can’t take possession of the weapon Legally. Criminals do not normally buy
Guns Legally, they normally obtain their weapons Illegally, Like the Mexican National who killed the women in San Francisco with a gun he had stolen. He had been deported several times for breaking the Law, but San Francisco is a Sanctuary City so he was able to commit more crimes and the Progressive Democrats who run the city government didn’t do a dam Thing, nor did their Congressman and Senators when they had a chance to vote for change. Guns aren’t the problem our Federal Government and Greedy Corrupt Politicians are the Problem.
Richard says
Robert, you are right on 99% of what you said, however a couple of points. What you said my be resulting from local and state laws where you live, like in states like maryland. But individuals CAN sell guns at gun shows, but in the last 5 years I can count on one hand the number of non FFL holders I have seen at a gun show. You can buy a firearm for someone as a GIFT, however you cannot go anywhere and buy a firearm for someone that is going to give you money or has already given you the money for it. You buy a gun, take it and shoot it and decide you don’t like you can sell it or gift it as soon as you like. The difference is the play on words, as in a prearranged sale. Other than those two minor points you are exactly CORRECT!
James Wilson says
Dr. Bob, Most people don’t object to a backgroung check. They object to the government keeping purchases on file. Lets be real, if a person wants to get their hands on firearms, all the background checks in the world won’t stop an individual from getting the same. Most of these problems occur wear people can’t protect themselves. As long as dishonest people walk freely, we will be stuck with their actions.
Tommy Smith says
You talked like a fool too… We have all kinds of gun laws thats not enforced if they would enforced the one we have, we dont have problems.The last thing we need is more gun laws. Tom
jim says
Get edumacated fool they want you to be hogtied its not about backround checks its about police coming in your home anytime they want to make sure your guns are hogtied so you cannot defend yourself and if they are not hogtied then they get confiscated and if you ever need one to defend yourself you cannot get it fast enough, its about total gun confiscation and that equals people control
that is all it is about and they will stop at nothing less! First of all don’t you think its a little suspicious that under pres zero there have been 164 suspicious shootings when all other real presidents shootings were less then 20 going back to kennedy. Sandy hook is as fake as pres zero as well as boston bombing just do the research and then you start to wonder how many other shootings are false flags or completely fake!
clayton says
I was at a gunshow this past weekend, there were several gun dealers there and everyone of them did and does a background check thru a FBI COMPUTER background check list. Uninformed people listening to Obama’s hand wringing rants of” we have to protect the children” to ban guns is laughable because on one hand he’s saying ban guns to save children ,and on the other hand is fighting to give millions of dollars to the Planned Parenthood Organization to facilitate abortions of thousands of babies every year!. Obama s goal is gun confiscation plain and simple. Every time in history a government leader wanted and got gun control ,it led to gun grabbing , people being put in jail and then sooner or later they were put under government domination. Say that would not happen? Look at history- HITLER, STALIN, CASTRO, Just to name a few. Can’t happen in America? , during hurricane Katrina ,we had police going around grabbing guns from law abiding citizens by force. One elderly lady was beaten by police and an unloaded .25 cal unloaded pistol was taken from her . Not one of hundreds of firearms were ever returned and no one knows where those stolen guns taken by police were turned in to any government authority. Wake up!. If the day comes when we are told the people must turn in guns , your freedom to change government is over. Australia, England, they now have a criminals with guns robbing and killing if people have what they want. It’s all about people control you can’t conquer an armed society, you have to take their means to resist first.
Terry says
Most criminals or people wanting to do harm or in gangs or drugs don’t buy there firearms from dealers or gun shows they purchase them underground from friends ,other drug dealers or gang members someone else that are also criminals by being paid by drugs or money because most of the guns they buy have been stolen and the serial numbers taken off .And they get them very cheap so no laws is going to keep a bad person from getting what they need or want .No matter what changes in buying guns at gun shows the bad guys will always get there’s with no checks or permits or licenses
Big Daddy says
It does not matter how many Executive Orders are written, not how many New Gun laws are passed. Criminals just keep on, keeping on. Executive Orders and New Gun laws will not deter Criminals. By this I am always hearing that Australia is a great example of gun control. Here is an article from an Australian Police Officer:
Australian Gun Law Update;
From: Ed Chenel, A police officer in Australia…
Hi Yanks,
I thought you all would like to see the real figures from Down Under. It has now been 12 months since gun owners in Australia were forced by a new law to surrender 640,381 personal firearms to be destroyed by our own government, a program costing Australia taxpayers more than $500 million dollars.
The first year results are now in:
Australia-wide, homicides are up 6.2 percent,
Australia-wide, assaults are up 9.6 percent;
Australia-wide, armed robberies are up 44 percent (yes, 44 percent)!
In the state of Victoria…..alone, homicides with firearms are now up 300 percent.(Note that while the law-abiding citizens turned them in, the criminals did not and criminals still possess their guns!)
While figures over the previous 25 years showed a steady decrease in armed robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since the criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed. There has also been a dramatic increase in break-ins and assaults of the elderly, while the resident is at home.
Australian politicians are at a loss to explain how public safety has decreased, after such monumental effort and expense was expended in ‘successfully ridding Australian society of guns….’
You won’t see this on the American evening news or hear your governor or members of the State Assembly disseminating this information.
The Australian experience speaks for itself. Guns in the hands of honest citizens save lives and property and, yes, gun-control laws affect only the law-abiding citizens.
Take note Americans, before it’s too late!
do we the Citizens of The United States of America,
really want to follow Australia’s lead on this issue?
palehorse58 says
Go to a gun show, and try to buy a gun from a licensed dealer, don’t show him any paperwork or qualification to buy and see what happens. In the first place you will have to fill out a form ATF 4473. Then the dealer does a nics check. You have to show a valid form of identification. If you live in a different state than the gun show, the gun is transferred to a dealer of your choosing in your state. At the dealers place in your state he may require you to fill out another ATF form 4473. Now this is not to say that an individual can go to a gun show and sell his firearm to you. This is the same as if you saw him at a shooting range and he asked if you would like to buy his gun. If it is a pistol or revolver. he would still have to call the state department of safety, at least in my state, and he would have to give the serial number of the pistol or revolver. Also a pistol permit is required and or a certificate of competency with a fire arm. The certificate only allows him to carry the gun to his residence. I could go into more detail but I think you get the idea. As far as a loophole at gunshows, is nothing more than hogwash.
Ron says
It is so sad that people like you are so ignorant of the facts. Vertually all of the crimes and mass murders are commited by criminals or mentally ill people who have acquired guns illegally by stealing,buying them from other criminals, or having someone who can buy one legally buy one for them. Background checks do not catch those people.The Democrats want to disarm the American citizen just like Hitler disarmed Germany. Then the people are helpless and cannot reisist an out-of-control government, which was one of the most important reasons for the 2nd Amendment. Laws against illegal use and owning of firearms are not enforced. Legally licensed gun owners are checked and trained and are not the problem. Remember, Criminals Do Not Obey The Law and will get guns however they need to, regardless of the laws, but background checks won’t stop them.
Ron says
This was to be an answer to Dr. Bob, not clear down here.
Constitutionalist says
Dr. Bob-
“Seems reasonable.” Really?
“The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is
absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high
powers delegated directly to the citizen, and is excepted out of the general powers
of government. A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is
above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power.”
— Cockrum v. State
Source: 24 Tex.394, at 401-402 (1859)
Far too many foolish people grant far too much power to those who haven’t the sense to exercise it properly; the Rights of Man long preceded the formation of every government, and will long outlast them.
But lest you think that “Well, that’s just a Texas law,” peruse the following:
“[The Right to Keep and Bear Arms] is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The second amendment declares that it shall not be infringed;… This is one of the amendments that has no other effect than to restrict the powers of the national government,…”. U.S. v. Cruikshank Et Al. 92 U.S. 542 (1875)
And afaik, the Constitution grants NO power to the president to make law; he must enforce what IS, not what he WANTS. Ergo, Executive Orders do NOT have the force of law, and no one need obey them. Ever. Especially if “martial law” is declared, for the Constitution grants no such power to any agent of the Federal government. Well, technically, Executive Orders – only if Constitutional – are enforceable, but ONLY on members of the Executive Branch of the USG, and no one else. No Citizens in any State, no members of the Legislative or Judicial branches of the Federal government, no State actors, no one.
Unfortunately, most stupid people will assume that “executive orders” mean that they are LAW, and must be obeyed. George Washington refused Kingship for this very reason, that kings make law but needn’t obey it. The LawMAKING power is reserved to the Congresscretins, but that’s another subject.
But while we’re at it, anyone want to search the Constitution and find out where a BATF, FBI, CIA, NSA, NRO, “Homeland”(may as well say “Fatherland”) security, IRS, FDA, Commerce Dept, BIA, DOE, EPA, or any of dozens of other alphabet agencies/departments have lawful(i.e. Constitutional) grounds for their existence? One would do well to recall the DOI and it’s complaint about King George “sending hither swarms of officers to eat out our substance.” We do need a revolution in this country, not to overthrow the government, but to eliminate each and every Executive Department agency which cannot pass Constitutional muster. IMO, one of the swiftest ways to get’r’dun is to arrest, try, and convict officeholders – whether or elected or appointed – as often as are perjurers, and for the exact same reason: lying under oath.
Jondarmes says
There have always been background checks at gun shows, perhaps you should look up federal law before you jump to any conclusions.
Stanley M. says
Bruce…Feel sorry for people like you. If Obama could take all the guns he would eliminate our Constitution and invoke Sharia Law. BAN ALL MUSLIMS FROM U.S. SOIL. iSLAM IS NOTHING BUT A TERRIST CULT. No respect for life. They have slaves. Wanting to do away with anything the South stood for and if they can eliminate history they can say it is the law. What this country had a Civil war for would be eliminated. All Womens rights and what they stood for would be eliminated, Women would be nothing more than a piece of property. Blacks fought for equal rights. Equal rights would be eliminated. Why is it no one sees what Obama and our Congress are doing. Eliminate Obama and the Muslim Congress we have. and elect people that believe in equality, non slavery, equal rights not only for women but for all. Lets get back to our Constitution, not the dictatorship that Obama has set up.
Bruce says
Me and the other 80% of Americans.
Robert says
Your so called facts are wrong, only Idiots would support more laws, they don’t enforce the ones they
James Wilson says
The only way they got 80%, was to pole 90 % liberals that follow obama.
Sam Bidwell says
What all of the gun supporters in this country don’t get or refuse to admit is that, the firearms control laws that exist in this country simply DO NOT WORK, as should be obvious to anyone who has two eyes and ears, and a brain somewhere in the middle. There are currently MORE THAN EIGHT GUNS IN THIS COUNTRY FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD, and estimates of more than a thousand to two thousand rounds of ammunition for each of them. Gun people have had it their way long enough, and the result has been an unqualified and undeniable disaster. America is one of the most dangerous places on earth to live, due to domestic violence from firearms. I don’t think this is what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they composed the 2nd Amendment. In fact, the only way the ‘gun people’ can continue to cloak themselves in the Constitution is to purposely misquote it and then try to feed the rest of us a complete lie. For those of you who think that the Constitution allows anyone to lug around as many guns as they want, any time they wish, I suggest you find a student of say, a 6th grade command of the English language, read the 2nd Amendment to you and explain it. The 2nd Amendment is possibly the most succinct and precise article anywhere in the Constitution, and a truly honest, unbiased reading of it should put the entire matter to rest immediately without further discussion. I think that we can place reasonable limits on the further proliferation of weaponry, until we can come up with some rational means of controlling who gets them and how they are used without seriously impinging on anyone’s so-called (and fictional) Constitutional rights.
IsaiahR says
I’m not a “brainwashed leftist”. I also agree with Bruce. His changes make sense. Rather than engage in a discussion all you can do is call those who disagree with you names like “moron” or say we are not true Americans. And it’s also true that the Republican presidential candidates are so afraid of the NRA that they won’t even agree to the most basic of safeguards.
raymond connor says
are you for or against obamas new law
Walda says
Definitely against it.
hank moody says
totally against it and everything Obama has done and or stands for which is all BAD!!!
Bruce says
Why? Because he isn’t WHITE????
John Hunter says
Bruce it is because he is the enemy of righteousness
Todd says
You are an idiot!!!
John Siemens says
Please get real. This has nothing to do with color! This is about a constitutional right of ALL Americans (including you) to have the weapons necessary to protect themselves and others if the choose to do so. I might even protect you if you are in imminent danger and police are minutes away. Why are you not willing to stand up for your constitutional rights? Are you not willing to protect yourself or others in a crisis? Will you just stand there and let a terrorist shoot you? Do you even deserve to be an American?
Robert says
Your the only one on here that brings up race, sounds to me like you are a HATE monger.
Graye says
Color has nothing to do with it. Anyone in his position, whether they be red, white, black or zebra striped would be just as dangerous
AL, Orange Park, FL says
Bruce you are right about obama’s ethnicity, he’s only HALF white or like soooo many, you’ve forgotten about that!?
Bruce says
Why? Because he isn’t WHITE????
Dr Bob says
BRUCE: Your reply is so stupid.There is a big difference between black and red!.I support Ben Carson. You must be a troll.
John Jupin says
yep brucey, that’s why! idiot!!!
Constitutionalist says
John Siemens:
Technically, no individual man, woman, or child has “Constitutional Rights.” Never have had; never WILL have. What we DO have are “natural” rights given us from our Creator, but these are only as good as the honor and integrity of those who swear under oath to “preserve, protect, and defend” them “against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” It is the oathTAKER’s prime duty and responsibility to secure our rights against all enemies, and the primary duty of Citizens is to make certain that sworn public servants OBEY that prime directive or are driven from office, perhaps jailed for felony perjury.
Always remember and never forget; our Rights long preceded the formation of any and every government, and will long outlast them, too. If anyone is fool enough to believe that a piece of paper “gives” them their Rights, all it will require is another piece of paper to take them away.
The Constitution is a compact between the State representatives and the Federal Government representatives, a CONDITIONAL compact. No individual is party to it. Never has been. Never will be, unless an Amendment to it is lawfully passed to this effect by 3/4’s of the State votes of Representatives of the People.
Terry says
Obama needs to find ways to get these people laid off back to work but he’s concerned about gun laws, illegals, taking vacations, golfing, shutting coal mines down, looking out for his Muslim bros. and screwing the American people!!!!!!!!!
Jondarmes says
Don’t forget the largest threat to world peace, Global Warming.
Walda says
We don’t need new gun laws, we need some realistic, honest and sensible people in the White House and Congress. New gun laws won’t do anything to stop criminals from getting guns. Why is that so hard for liberals to understand? Criminals don’t obey the laws we have right now, what makes anyone think that they will act any differently with new gun laws, or ANY laws for that matter.?
Frog Fromholz says
To Walda, That is the most sensible comment I have heard without attacking those that do not want to be sensible. I think all of us Millions of law abiding gun owners feel the same way. Not a truer word was spoken. A very profound comment.
Robert says
His agenda has always been to disarm American Citizens. We don’t need more Laws, its just another Boondoggle to get your guns and money. Cities with gun killings are cities with strictest gun control. New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Washington, DC., Their Gun Laws are Designed to Control Everybody’s life. Every Despot in history has taken your guns first, before they took over your country.
Walda says
That’s right. Look no further than at what Hitler did to see what’s happening. The American people better wake up sooner rather than later, or we will be in the same boat as the Jews were. Doesn’t anybody remember the second World War, and what happened to them? LET’S NOT LET HISTORY REPEAT ITSELF PEOPLE, WAKE UP!!!!!
Bruce says
Hitler? What a stupid ridiculous statement
Terry says
Bruce I think you’re the one to make a stupid statement!!!!!!!
John Hunter says
Bruce you are repeating the mistakes of the past because you disavow them
Dr Bob says
Hey Bruce, Hitler passed restrictive gun control laws. You are aware of that, troll?
Robert says
No you are Stupid and Ridiculous.
Tommy Smith says
Whats so stupid about that!!!!! Thats exactly what hapend… Hitler did take all the guns from the german people…. Read your history, fool!!!!!!!!!!
Jondarmes says
Bruce is both, stupid and ridiculous, Don’t feed the TROLLS.
rafael says
Bruce , you are very Uninformed , Confused , Brainwashed ; I suggest you Read the Constitution ; let me help you : it starts with WE the People …………….and the gov. works for WE the People , Not vice versa just like Your Brainwashed and Uninformed brain dictates you . Keep going , Reading that is , you will discover the First and Second .
Thanks and , of course , Bless you on Your Journey of Discovery .
Bruce says
I’m uninformed and confused?? Because me and 80% of the rest of the country want reasonable gun control laws? I think not.
Todd says
You sound like an establishment parrot!! And have the common sense of a door knob… Sorry the knob has you beat!!
Walda says
He appears to have the IQ of a rock.
Robert says
Your so called facts are wrong.
Constitutionalist says
First, i agree that D’ohbama has no right whatsoever to attempt to make law. Of any kind. For any reason. If any disagree, please flip to Article 2 of the Constitution, which describes the powers the president may exercise, and show me my error.
Second, however, let me direct your attention to good ol’ Patrick Henry:
“I have the highest veneration of those Gentleman, — but, Sir, give me leave to demand, what right had they to say, We, the People? My political curiosity, exclusive of my anxious solicitude for the public welfare, leads me to ask who authorized them to speak the language of, We, the People, instead of We, the States? States are the characteristics, and the soul of the confederation. If the States be not the agents of this compact, it must be one of great consolidated National Government of the people of all the States.”
— Patrick Henry(1736-1799) US Founding Father
Source: in Debates in the 1788 Virginia debates, stated on June 4, 1788
And to support the foregoing, a court ruling:
“But, indeed, NO PRIVATE PERSON has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it. The States are the parties to it. And they may complain. If they do, they are entitled to redress. Or they may waive the right to complain. ”
Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520
Susan says
Leave alone my right to defend myself, and I will respect your choice to be defenseless.
Walda says
Tommy Smith says
Thank you.. I like to keep my gun rights too.. Tom
Donald Bolster says
Hey Rube, “We the People” own the NRA and the second amendment! Terrorists and crazy people kill people, not guns.
You should be calling for laws against home made bombs (oh, they are unlawful already) but that’s what killed innocent people during that Boston Marathon. Law abiding citizens want and need guns to protect property and families. What gun law can avoid terrorists and crazy people from killing innocent people — none that Obama has proposed! Law enforcement cannot enforce the existing laws and regulation, so what use are more new laws? All politics, and not worth the time and effort to produce more laws. First, try enforcing existing gun laws and how about enforcing the existing immigration laws!
Terry says
What we need in all 50 states is constatutional carry and better yet to freely carry open or concealed in public without haveing to have a permit ,maybe like my state NC we go to out local sheriffs office to apply for a permit to purchase it. Then the seller keeps it but we don’t need a license to carry open but need a ccw to carry it canceled but we need open like that in all 50 states and even canceled without a license .That’s the 2nd A. The founding fathers who wrote it I don’t think they even thought about permits or licenses .a much better and safer America .
Constitutionalist says
If you license a right, it’s no longer a right, but a privilege that the issuing party can remove on any pretext whatsoever.
A license is permission to do an act that without such permission, would be unlawful; what would you license next? Churches? Free Speech? The right to print and distribute your opinion?
The whole reason for the Bill of Rights was to REMOVE certain acts/options from government agents, permanently, and vest them entirely in the Citizenry, themselves. Are you aware that the Bill of Rights has a Preamble? Curiously, it has been removed from most of today’s textbooks. i can post it for you, if you like, or you can google and find a copy of the Constitution which has not had that part removed, yet.
Robert says
Joe Cannon says
If BHO is so bent out of shape with the Second Amendment, we should demand that he begin by disarming his Secret Service protectors! See how he likes that!!!
Jim Evans says
I agree with that. NO PROTECTION for Obama.
Terry says
He’s got more protection than any president we ever had and I say take their weapons away from them and give them a night stick see how that POS would like that!!!!!
John says
I still can’t believe anyone would lay down their life for
someone like obama! That is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jim Evans says
That is such a stupid comment. Yet people who are protected by guns are going to make it very difficult for regular gun owners. If Obama had his way, he would try to take everyone’s guns. We don’t have a ” Gun Violence ” problem, we have a ” People Violence ” problem. Also, when someone get stabbed or killed by a knife, it’s not called ” Knife Violence ” Some Federal Judge will step in and knock his plans down and he is by passing Congress. What a jerk he is.
Rich says
If you look up the 1963 congressional record , you will be apprised of the agenda of obama. A lot of it has been accomplished already, look around.
Todd says
Dude, guns don’t kill people,,,,, people do! Get some common sense will ya?!
John says
Bruce: An IDIOT that would make obama proud! If you don’t like
it here in America, feel free to leave and please take your buddy
obama with you! I assure you neither will be missed!
Roy A Koch says
I hope an Islamic Knickker cuts your head off with a dull Knife. Now, TRY to get Knives Banned Too Dem-o-commie! Brucie!
Tommy Smith says
Roy you are my kind of people… I believe in the 2nd ammendment. I like to keep my gun rights too… thanks. Tom
Sam Bidwell says
You are so right. There are already more than EIGHT GUNS FOR EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD in this country, plus estimates of a thousand to two thousand rounds of ammunition for each of them. I think there can be some common sense legislation that places some sort of reasonable limits on this runaway nonsense, without seriously impinging on anyone’s so-called Constitutional Freedoms.
KB says
Yea and Pigs fly – dimwit
bob says
let use start by removing your right to free speech. in Obama home city they plea bargain away the gun charges [10 yrs min] for a burglar or assault charge probation to 2 years. the nut cases will find other way of mass killings. you could kill many more people easier with less money than with guns.
Ricco says
Go back to your sleepy little hole. Obama is not satisfied with this. He wants to get your protection stupid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vincent Ardolino says
If the fact that nobody here believes you or agrees with you doesn’t convince you that you are wrong, nothing will because you’re a hopeless lemming. Not an American that’s for sure.
icemancold says
andy says
Is Obama’s security going to get rid of their guns? my life is just as important as his.
Jimbo says
I would say more important than his.
Cliff Blake says
Ok. Wacko?
fernano says
Man you are so stupid
It is unconstitutional to attempt interpreting and legislating from the Executive Branch – PERIOD.
King Obama believes he rules the country, can interpret laws better than the Judicial Branch and also make law and ignore the Legislative Branch entirely. WRONG ! This is the United States, and real U.S. Citizen majority will not tolerate or allow Obama to rule us and/or lay down commandments using Obama-Law. It is a desperate and FAILED OBAMA PRESIDENCY — Cannot wait until Election Day!
In my opinion, Congress set a bad tradition last 30+ years of tolerating an increase in minor “Executive Actions” by the sitting Presidents, essentially looking the other way. But certainly Americans will not tolerate this latest attempt at a dictatorship Legislating the 2nd Amendment Its there to stay, so get over yourself BO..
j mudd says
j mudd says
F.C. Hilnbrand says
You are asshole and know nothing. Do you realize that vehicles take more lives than guns do? Maybe you should remove your head from your butt more often and read the stats. I guess you want Lord Obama to take your vehicle from you. Criminals and mentality ill use guns to kill. And those people will always find a way to get a gun ANYTIME they want one. So how do you think the legal person will be able to protect themselves?
Joseph says
Gun laws are infringements on our rights and constitution which He swore to uphold and protect, treason is the only real answer here to start with. to keep and bare arms was directly related to a government that over steps the rights and constitution bill of right’s, which is for the people to bare arms/guns against such a government! if there are no guns country would not even exist!
it’s not sensible, it’s corruption at it’s finest! and against what the people vote and say as well as congress.
Buzz says
you are an Iddiot that has been Brain washed by the Likes of Obumma and Hitlery.
Karen says
There is no such thing as sensible gun laws. Common sense cannot be mandated, there are over 20,000 gun laws currently on state and federal books, criminals and felons do not abide by any laws and they aren’t going to abide by another 200 gun laws. The only thing this will do is disarm law abiding citizens.
Julie says
That’s right Bruce! And that’s exactly what Germany thought in 1933 when Hitler disarmed the country, ,,,,,….right before he took over. Its easier to dictate a DISARMED country!
Sherry Moser says
Obama has always had ONE agenda and that was to take America down ! He truly believes he is a king. This person is obviously delusional and he needs to be impeached! He had ruined racial relations and continues to stroke any ambers that were left into full blown forest fires! He aligning with our mortal enemies that want to kill us. It is as clear as the nose on his face and those ears! We’ve got to stop him and I believe Republicans refuse to stand up to him so it will have to be the American people to stand up for our rights and get this dictator out of office.
Sue says
Wishing impeachment was NOW!!!!!
Terry says
Sorry but you can forget impeachment his time would be up after going through all the process he should have been impeached 7 years ago.
Ricco says
I always thought that we had a Congress and Senate to make or brake laws in this country.. This idiot that we have for president is hell bent on making this country open to destruction by his Muslim counter parts. As far as i am concerned he can go to his Muslim roots and stay there.
edmond ouellette says
Obama & lynch & hitlery are all nuts look at Chicago & all there gun control laws more murders there on a weekend than the rest of the usa together
Ricco says
I live in New Orleans and the murder rate here is out of control. The people doing the killing aren’t concerned with gun laws, they get their guns on the BLACK market, will this stupid president regulate that ???? If so how ??? This in it self shows me that the intentions of this Muslim president is not in our best interest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also i have one thing to say about the BLACK LIVES MATTER B.S. here it’s blacks killing blacks, whats up with that????????????????????????????
rube says
Well if the NRA owns congress, isn’t circumventing congress stealing from the NRA…
Robert says
Your name says it all.
AL, Orange Park, FL says
Bruce is obviously either wanting to start an argument or is a socialist who should buy a one-way ticket out of the country. There are more laws already on the books that no-one knows them all. Criminals don’t obey laws …. daaaaa! The mus-a-lame commie punk in the white house from Kenya is all about destroying the Republic pure and simple. The commie congress RINO’s and nearly all the democrat scum are already communists. We need MORE laws like a hole in the head. The American gun owners WILL NEVER stand for the punk in the white house executive order. I sure the hell won’t!
Walda says
Nor will I.
Ricco says
andy says
Thugs that commit crimes in CHICAGO (OBAMA’S HOME TOWN) with guns are out of jail over and over.the 10% of criminials keep committing all the crimes,and back on the streets in weeks.
Desert Lion says
Y’all really want to go on the public record stating you’re going to actively oppose whatever administrative changes made through Executive Order when those are enforced by the Department of Justice, including the BATFE and FBI? That’s your call, of course – go right ahead and paint that big target on your forehead.
“I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6!” Yeah, I’ve heard that a lot – mostly from people who have never been judged by 12…
Joseph says
cowardliness is the number one reason we are in this mess
Desert Lion says
I’m certainly not suggesting anyone be a coward. I’m recommending not putting such plans in the public domain where some silent readers could be forewarned and simply bring larger forces to bear when they decide to implement whatever illegal and unconstitutional actions they’ve settled on. For what it’s worth.
Vaughn says
To Desert Lion, Previously you used the phrase “newly-manufactured automatic weapons for civilian use. This is NOT correct. There have not been ‘ANY’ ‘newly-manufactured’, for 30 years. Law was signed in May of 1986 by Pres. Reagan that further manufacturing of automatic weapons for civilians, was stopped. I know this because I was doing conversions AR-15s into M-16s. That made Fully automatic M-16s go from $1,600 to over $16,000 and transfers only with the $200 tax stamp.
Karen says
OMG, what is the matter with people?? Either they don’t realize what the word “criminal” means, or the honestly think the government isn’t out to get our guns. So many laws being broken every day. It’s against the law for a felon to even walk into a store that sells guns (5 years), attempts to purchase a gun (5 years), get someone else to purchase it for them (5 years for both of them), the list goes on. None of these laws are being enforced, 200 more gun laws aren’t going to be either. Take your heads out of the sand, people!! Common sense cannot be mandated and no one will ever be able to get criminals to obey any kind of law. You noticed, Obama waited until his last year in office before he did this. He knew better than to try this when he was up for reelection.
Robert Hamilton says
why do we worry about guns when the muslins are coming with there meat clevers for your head and we have no protection
but when you are one you want to be on the winning side when are the American people to wake up about the dictator we
have as a so called president who is the mosted un American in this country
JT says
Robert, it’s 7 motherless years so far and the American people are still in disbelief that this happening. They’re too wrapped up in their own agenda and cell phones that they haven’t a clue as to what this traitor has done to our country. Which were his intentions long before he won a fixed election TWICE, hi-liar-ry will be next to win the same way!!
Walda says
I pray that you are wrong about hillary. My vote will go to Ted Cruz, I think he’s the only choice for our country to recover.
Robert says
VOTE TRUMP 2016 For real change and Strong Leadership.
Walda says
Trump has some very good ideas, but my fear is that as president, he wouldn’t listen to any of his advisors because he is so full of himself. He thinks he knows everything, at least that’s the way he comes across in the debates. He would be great in a financial position, more so than as president, at least in my opinion.
Tommy Smith says
Thank you.. Tom
Ricco says
Todd Jaffe says
There are areas where one can make a case for better laws. But his method is wrong and his technique is to lie to try to support his actions. When a sociopath attempts to block psychopaths from exercising their rights, no one wins. I am willing to debate the President man to man but he would first have to grow a pair wouldn’t he?
Walda says
Bruce Jenner is more of a man than obama is, and that’s not saying much.
RJB says
Bruce it is NEVER good when ANY president goes around ANY Congress to implement ANY law at ANY TIME! I don’t care what the law is we have an established Constitutional process that when circumvented by Republican or Democratic presidents weakens the system and takes us one step closer to what our government was set up to escape. Just remember he had 4 years with a legislature that was totally his party and could not pass this law then either, so it is evident that it is not a law that that the majority of the people want. The true test to your comment would be, are you as willing to have this president or the next do the same thing with any area that you think is currently ok? If that is not the case then you have no point.
Terry Earll USN ret says
He is a idiot and we are going to pay the piper. He has claimed that he is the Savior of the U.S.A., but he is just a destroyer of us
He has signed in to law just show his power, driven by a unseen group. Just look back at his record.we do not know where he was born,what college he went or even graduated from. Because the powers behind his history have put up such brick wall it will take an act of congress to break it down, and then I do not know if that will happen. For seven years now Congress has sat on their duffs and done and said nothing. Pubic law says that we have the right to know all about him,so what are we going to do?
Ricco says
We are going to sit on our butts like we have been doing and see if some one else will step up and save us. Our country has become so afraid to do any thing that it has become scary. Impeachment is too late now but our politicians (if they have any you know what ) should step up and stop this MUSLIM.
Nan says
If not now WHEN
AL, Orange Park, FL says
If the mus-a-lame commie punk in the white house from Kenya could have been impeached by the congress it would have happened years ago, the punk isn’t going anywhere not until the end of this new year, and that is a long way off in real terms, considering how much damage the punk has already done to the Republic and the new speaker is nothing but a “little me” of bohner so that’s just not going to happen.
Vaughn says
Nan, Congress needs 60 votes in the Senate to ‘do’ an impeachment. They don’t have 60, soooooo, no impeachment. Don’t you ‘Impeachment ‘ people know the law???. Answer–We need more republican senators.
JT says
Bruce, I take it your an anti gun advocate and an obama worshiper, well good for you. This traitor has planed long before being so stupidly elected TWICE by you idiots, to “disarm America”. I guess when his brethren decide to try and take over Our Country you and your family will be safely excluded. The only thing that would be good for him is to be locked up in prison and tried for treason along with hil-liar-ry. You “baby boomers” are a wasted generation who are nothing but mindless followers!
Bruce says
The majority of Americans want tougher gun laws.
I guess they were all brainwashed by Obama huh?
JT says
Ok Bruce, so what are those brave American’s gonna do throw rocks at this scumbag’s brethren when they try to take over Our Country. Besides who’s going to enforce your stronger gun laws on the gangs and drug dealers? You and the anti gunners, LMFAO!!
Bruce says
Who said they were taking your guns away from you????
Robert says
The only true statement you made about Obama and the people who think he is great. Don’t rely on the
police to protect you. They respond after the crime is committed by then it is to late. Think about that when
the Muslim Extremists come to remove your head from your shoulders.
Karen says
The police aren’t there to be anyone’s private body guard, they are hired to apprehend criminals after the fact and prevent crime merely by their presence. If we aren’t willing to protect ourselves, how can we expect the police to do it? I don’t expect anyone to put their life on the line for me because I’m unable or unwilling to do it myself. And that’s why I own guns. I’d rather have a gun in my hand than a cop on the phone.
rafael says
Poor bruce ; nydailynews is bloomberg and soros ; Lord have Mercy on you ; your brain is under the sole of your left shoe.
Robert says
Carlos Slim owns the NY times so what else is new. These people are all Global New World Order nuts who not only want to rule this country but the world. But they want to Disarm American Citizens first so we can not Retaliate. Any one with half a Brain can tell what Obama wants, he’s talked it enough.
Thom says
OMG That’s Jesus Christ by the way: The New York Daily News, your quoting the New York Daily News?
The State that is bringing you a law that tells you you can’t have over an 8 once soft drink, you can no longer have an extra large coffee, or candy bar, because the general public needs to be told what is good for them people can no longer make chooses for them self because they are smart enough. THAT NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. Please find a real new source to quote, one that uses facts.
Robert says
Which one is that? 6 companies control 90% of the Media in this country and most of them have a Socialist Agenda bordering on Communism. Remember NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV warned us that the
Communists would take control of the United States of America without firing a shot. I believe it has
Constitutionalist says
Nah, Bruce, they’ve just been dumbed-down to the point of terminal stupidity, that’s all. Here, take a look at the:
History of Gun Control
In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million ‘educated’ people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.
So drink the Kool-Aid if you wanna; those of us NOT suffering from Recto-Cranial inversion will retain our right to defend ourselves, our families, and our neighborhoods’ lives, liberties, and properties.
Karen says
Uninformed people want tougher gun laws, informed people know different. Hundreds of lives are saved every month by law abiding citizens protecting themselves with firearms. These stories rarely, if ever, make it into mainstream news programs, only horror stories about armed criminals killing innocent bystanders (who aren’t allowed to carry firearms cuz they’re in a “no gun zone”), notice the armed criminals weren’t too worried about the “no gun zone”. Criminals commit crimes and no laws will ever change that. There are already approximately 20,000 gun laws on state and federal books, now, there will be 200 more for felons to ignore.
Bruce says
More extreme right wing vitriol rhetoric. Useless crap.
AL, Orange Park, FL says
Well Bruce …. you’ve shown your true colors [Red!], now get on that air plane and fly away, fight after the TSA strip searches you first, huh you obama kool-aid drinking moron bet you never served a day in any military branch thus the idiotic belief that the punk is anything but a destroyer of our Nation.
Bruce says
If the nation has been destroyed why are you still living here?
Robert says
Your statement is Useless Crap your are either a Progressive Democrat or RINO just trying to see how much Hate and Discontent you can stir up. You want to live in a Communist Country their are plenty of countries where they think like you, that would love to have you as one of their meek subjects only they will do your thinking for you, that should make you happy. And no body will have guns except them so they can keep people like you under their control.
Robert says
Bruce Just like you.
Constitutionalist says
Hell, Bruce, you claim to want facts – but when you get them, you disparage and cast aspersions upon them! Or do you disagree that nxs of 56 million people were killed by agents OF THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS in the 20th century? (and more to come, btw.)
AL, Orange Park, FL says
I agree completely and what’s more:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.
But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.
For the traitor appears not a traitor, he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a Nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
A murderer is less to fear.”
– Marcus Cicero 106 B.C. –
Walda says
That sounds like words of wisdom to me.
Ricco says
I listen to the generation coming up now and shake my head in amazement. They want everyone to take care of them, and are very vocal about it, but when it comes down to the brass tacks they are sitting on their butts , doing nothing about it. SICK
tony says
If that is the case, then I want to see Obama’s entire Democratic Security force, Secret Service, Justice Department, any Government Agency protecting anyone who draws a Government salary/paycheck be the VERY FIRST to obey the Executive Order!
JT says
Tony, it’ll be a cold day in hell before that happens. These political parasites are well protected that’s why they’ve done nothing to oppose this traitor. When the sh^t hit’s the fan they’ll all hide in the bunker beneath the White House or the one’s they have in a few mountain ranges in Our Country, screw the rest of us.
Robert says
I agree with that statement.
Walda says
Yeah, like that’ll ever happen. It’s called do as I say, not do as I do.
Diane says
How many gun laws do we need? Which one is going to be the one where the thugs will say, “oh, I guess I need to obey this law.” Laws work for law abiding people, not the idiot criminals who go shooting each other. I sleep with a loaded gun under my pillow. I have a concealed carry permit. I take it wherever I go. No one is ever going to take that right away from me. Hey Mr. Obama….why not read the Constitution for once. You may learn something. Remember the oath you took that said you would abide by it? Apparently you have a short memory.
AL, Orange Park, FL says
I’m with you Diane, both my wife and I have carry licenses, and WE stand strong for the 2nd. Amendment, Bruce and his like are nothing less than obama-ite Kool-Aid drinking mindless followers, they follow they DO NOT lead.
Walda says
I’m with you and Diane on the concealed carry issue. I also have one, and a 9mm that I carry every day. As I said, I have no intention of becoming a victim.
rafael says
Your comment is awaiting moderation. I was very polite and no ugly words ; it seems I am not allowed to speak freely ; why is that ???? because you say so .?????
Robert says
Who are you addressing your comment to?
rafael says
Sorry Robert ; my comment was not directed to you . Directed to The Horn ; they tell me Your comment is awaiting moderation. I wonder why . I have been polite and telling facts .
unique says
The people just saw what happened in San Bernardino, Calif.
those people did not have guns and were slaughtered by
Muslims one an American and one of Saudi and Iraqi decent.
Until the United States closes her boarders and has a vetting
system that works, Americans will need their guns.
Robert says
I agree with your statement.
Rick Eagleheart says
Obviously Bruce is misinterpretated what’s going on.
It’s simple Bruce, we are at war at no choice of ours. We are being attacked by the Islamic cult, and our insane treasonous Obamic administration, a congress full of cowards who are more afraid of losing the money that they have looted from We The People through the past years.
The freedom we vets fought and died for will be a thing of the past. The government will say that everything they do is for your best interest.
Understand this, we are mature adults and we don’t need a nanny.
Any gun free zone is a threat to you and your family for they are sitting ducks!!!
Do you like being a sitting duck?
Bruce says
Someone you know is much more likely to be killed by the guns you own than some unknown intruding criminal.
Them’s the facts my friend.
AL, Orange Park, FL says
Bruce these “facts” you purport to true are not the same facts coming from the FBI along with the obama admin’s own annalists you sir need to get more facts and then be sure to vet them before making these types of statements, you are wrong sir.
Bruce says
So show me the FBI “facts” please.
AL, Orange Park, FL says
Bruce I’ve spent much time and effort referencing the information, YOU sir need to go get the facts believe me it’s time well spent.
Bruce says
So show me the FBI “facts” please.
Desert Lion says
I doubt you’ll read or understand them, but sure. Here is the one authoritative source for crime statistics:
A more user-friendly version in Myth-Fact format is available from and contains references to source documentation for all the facts.
Desert Lion says
My experience on this site is that anything with a link included gets put in the Awaiting Moderation black hole. I’ve posted two links, but they may never appear. Go to the “FBI dot Gov” web site and search for “Uniform Crime Reporting” – that will take you to the page where all the real, no kidding, actual statistics are kept available to analyze. If you would like a more condensed version in Myth-Fact format to help you debunk your own myths, go to “GunFacts dot info” and download the book, now in its seventh major revision.
Walda says
You are truly an idiot, either that or you have been completely brainwashed. What would you do if an armed intruder broke into your house – stand there and say “Please put your gun down, you are disobeying our commander-in-chief’s law of no firearms being owned by citizens.” Or maybe you would rather see your wife and daughters being raped and killed by some drug-crazed thug. Remember, the police are most likely 20 or more minutes away, a bullet from a .357, 9mm, 40 or 45 caliber is only a second away. Think about it. I have, and I am most definitely not going to be a helpless victim. I guess that’s your choice, God help you.
Bruce says
I’ve never owned a gun in my life and neither have most of the people I’ve known. And none of us has been killed by intruders.
AL, Orange Park, FL says
Walda says
Count your blessings, you are very fortunate. But what about those who have been subjected to armed intruders? Would you deny them the means to protect themselves. I can respect your decision not to own a gun, but you need to respect my decision to own one. Owning a gun is still a choice, and no one has a right to take away that choice. I also own a knife, a baseball bat, and a hammer. They are only tools, as is a gun, but they all could become lethal weapons if I chose to use them that way.
Karen says
I’ve never been in a car accident, but, I still carry insurance on my car. That’s what my gun is-insurance.
rafael says
I did tell him so : he`s been brainwashed and to look for his brain under the left sole of his shoe .
Robert says
Bruce You are Full of it.
Bruce says
Bruce says
In 2010, guns took the lives of 31,076 Americans in homicides, suicides and unintentional shootings. This is the equivalent of more than 85 deaths each day and more than three deaths each hour.1
73,505 Americans were treated in hospital emergency departments for non-fatal gunshot wounds in 2010.2
Firearms were the third-leading cause of injury-related deaths nationwide in 2010, following poisoning and motor vehicle accidents.3
Between 1955 and 1975, the Vietnam War killed over 58,000 American soldiers – less than the number of civilians killed with guns in the U.S. in an average two-year period.4
In the first seven years of the U.S.-Iraq War, over 4,400 American soldiers were killed. Almost as many civilians are killed with guns in the U.S., however, every seven weeks.5
Guns were used in 11,078 homicides in the U.S. in 2010, comprising almost 35% of all gun deaths, and over 68% of all homicides.6
On average, 33 gun homicides were committed each day for the years 2005-2010.7
Regions and states with higher rates of gun ownership have significantly higher rates of homicide than states with lower rates of gun ownership.8
Where guns are prevalent, there are significantly more homicides, particularly gun homicides.9
Firearms were used in 19,392 suicides in the U.S. in 2010, constituting almost 62% of all gun deaths.10
Over 50% of all suicides are committed with a firearm.11
On average, 49 gun suicides were committed each day for the years 2005-2010.12
White males, about 40% of the U.S. population, accounted for over 80% of firearm suicides in 2010.13
A study of California handgun purchasers found that in the first year after the purchase of a handgun, suicide was the leading cause of death among the purchasers.14
Firearms were used in nearly 44% of suicide deaths among persons under age 25 in 2010.15
More than 75% of guns used in suicide attempts and unintentional injuries of 0-19 year-olds were stored in the residence of the victim, a relative, or a friend.16
The risk of suicide increases in homes where guns are kept loaded and/or unlocked.17
Unintentional Deaths and Injuries
In 2010, unintentional firearm injuries caused the deaths of 606 people.18
From 2005-2010, almost 3,800 people in the U.S. died from unintentional shootings.19
Over 1,300 victims of unintentional shootings for the period 2005–2010 were under 25 years of age.20
People of all age groups are significantly more likely to die from unintentional firearm injuries when they live in states with more guns, relative to states with fewer guns. On average, states with the highest gun levels had nine times the rate of unintentional firearms deaths compared to states with the lowest gun levels.21
A federal government study of unintentional shootings found that 8% of such shooting deaths resulted from shots fired by children under the age of six.22
The U.S. General Accounting Office has estimated that 31% of unintentional deaths caused by firearms might be prevented by the addition of two devices: a child-proof safety lock (8%) and a loading indicator (23%).23
Nat’l Ctr. for Injury Prevention & Control, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System (WISQARS) Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010, for National, Regional, and States (Dec. 2012), (hereinafter WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010. Note: Users must agree to data use restrictions on the CDC site prior to accessing data). [↩]
Nat’l Ctr. for Injury Prevention & Control, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System (WISQARS) Nonfatal Injury Reports, at (last visited Nov. 20, 2012) (hereinafter WISQARS Nonfatal Injury Reports). [↩]
Nat’l Ctr. for Injury Prevention and Control, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System (WISQARS) Leading Causes of Death Reports, 1999-2010, for National, Regional, and States (RESTRICTED), at (last visited Nov. 30, 2012). [↩]
U.S. Department of Defense, Statistical Information Analysis Division, Personnel & Military Casualty Statistics, U.S. Military Casualties in Southeast Asia: Vietnam Conflict – Casualty Summary As of May 16, 2008, at (last visited Feb. 10, 2012); WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010, supra note 1. [↩]
U.S. Department of Defense, Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) U.S. Casualty Status, Fatalities as of: March 12, 2012, 10 a.m. EST, at (last visited Feb. 10, 2012); WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010, supra note 1. [↩]
WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010, supra note 1. [↩]
Id. [↩]
Matthew Miller, Deborah Azrael & David Hemenway, Rates of Household Firearm Ownership and Homicide Across US Regions and States, 1988-1997, 92 Am. J. Pub. Health 1988 (2002). [↩]
David Hemenway, Private Guns, Public Health 65 (2004). [↩]
WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010, supra note 1. [↩]
Id. [↩]
Id. [↩]
Id. [↩]
Garen J. Wintemute et al., Mortality Among Recent Purchasers of Handguns, 341 New Eng. J. Med. 1583, 1585 (Nov. 18, 1999). [↩]
WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports, 1999-2010, supra note 1. [↩]
David C. Grossman, Donald T. Reay & Stephanie A. Baker, Self-inflicted & Unintentional Firearm Injuries Among Children & Adolescents: The Source of the Firearm, 153 Archives Pediatric & Adolescent Med.
Robert says
Bruce More people are killed in Automobile Accidents each year then guns. Your statistics are skewed many of those killed are Criminals that are or have committed a crime.
Diane says
I agree wholeheartedly!
Dan says
Obama can make all the laws he wants but if they are unenforceable, as so many of them are, then of what use are any of them?
I read a current article which recorded that in the USA there are 5 million hunters. They all have guns! Not listed are the non hunters who like target shooting and gun collecting. That could well be another 2 to 3 million gun owners. The thought that any
of these gun owners will willingly give over their legally owned guns is ludicrous. Just this number could take on any invading
force which included our own military. What they may lack in training they well make up for in numbers. I have heard and read articles where law enforcement and many military have stated that they will not draw down on another American citizen over this second amendment right of the people. If Obama wants a fight, he may just end up on the loosing end of that conflict!
James says
Bruce and Obama just want to push their idea’s on everyone. If they truly wanted to stop people from being killed?
They would go after abortion 1.2 million deaths in 2014.
Or they would go after doctors 400,000 death’s, from medical malpractice.
Yes I know the numbers on gun deaths 32,000 for 2014. But 21,000 were from suicides. 3,500 from officer involved shootings. And then we get to the 8,500 murders. Yes that is to many…. but only less than 400 were from legal gun owners.
And the strict gun laws of Chicago have not stpped
James says
Stopped it from having 800 murders in 2014.
Bruce says
Bruce and Obama and 80% of the Country!
Robert says
You are a Lier.
John Hunter says
Everything that is happening was ordained by God. Dictatorship
and slavery, which will require mass genocide, is the goal of the
soon coming Anti-Christ. When it appears certain that ALL hope
is lost, God will reveal His mighty Arm.
“Even so, come Lord Jesus”
Bruce says
If everything is ordained then I guess there is no point in doing anything.
raymond says
bruce, your are what I like to call wrong. pull your head out of your butt, and weak up or are you just a commi bicth.and if so then you can just leav the U.S.A.
Clayton says
Its hard for a non criminal to see what a criminal ,really does and acts. Gun laws , no matter how strong they enforce them, are not going to stop a person , from killing another person, cause 99% of all killings done by guns or any object , are obtained on the streets, which has not 1 thing to do with gun laws. So stronger gun laws sound good to a person who isn’t a criminal, but the criminals , are saying , these gun laws never affected me now , and will never affect me in future , cause we buy our guns off the streets. Its hard for a person , who has never been on the other side(criminals side), to see what really goes on, on the streets of America, unless you actually been there…
Justin W says
I see President Obama is out to create another banner year for the gun industry. Every time he mentions one of his gun control schemes, gun sales go through the roof. His executive order will probably be challenged in court.
Once again, how many of the gun attacks would have been prevented if his proposal had been in place? The sad answer is most of these proposals would not have kept a killer from getting his/her hands on a gun. These proposals only affect law abiding citizens.
ACE says
Not sure where Bruce comes up with 80% the last numbers I saw it was 57% against BHO’s push.
This push of BHO has nothing to do with gun control and all to do with control. There is no such thing as a gun show loophole (a myth). Make no mistake this is a push for gun registration.
How can this person justify releasing monies to a proven threat to the world so they can build nuclear ordnance?
How can he have 3000 well-armed well-trained security force to protect him and at the same time willing to disarm law abiding citizens.
“What is the hidden agenda”
In the last sixty-five years my firearms have not wounded or killed anyone but you can guarantee if needed both them and I are very capable.
It is amazing to me how mentally challenged individuals can be exiting our government brain washing facilities.
Spend some time and dial up read what our forefathers had to contend with during the development of our constitution and why our officials are suppose to pledge to uphold the document. “The greatest document ever written”.
Without the second amendment we would not have the first.
The old adage: If you do not know history you are destine to repeat it, we are well on our way.
catmanrocker says
Bruce is a retard and probably a plant by the left… Even if he is not a plant he is still in need of a mental institution… typical leftist-commie view… Group thinker, can’t form an opinion for himself, needs mommy and daddy government to make the decision for him…. If he would get a haircut, shave and shower, put on some clean clothes, get off the government handout free bank, pay for his own cell phone, get a job, pay taxes and respect others he would still need the gob’ment to give him daily advice… You can’t change a twisted Un-American mind… If anyone wants a good example of this take a look at Bernie the commie Sanders… most likely a Bruce idol.
Bruce says
Wow How did you know that. You are so smart!
Texas Son says
Don’t Mess with Texas!!
Bruce says
We should give Texas back to Mexico!
rafael says
YOHHHHHHHHHHH bruce , F#$@ you
Clayton says
As far as having a gun, goes the same as a condom… ID RATHER HAVE ONE AND NOT NEED IT, THEN TO NEED ONE AND NOT HAVE IT”’
jay says
Why do you guys keep playing Bruce’s game? Just ignore him & and he will soon tire of talking to himself
Bruce says
And then you can all talk to each other. Since you all have the same views it’s kind of a waste of time isn’t it?
rafael says
Brucy , go sit on a cactus
John says
Evil God denying countries deserve and often get evil rulers and disaster. This lout in our white house should have been impeached and removed long ago when he proved that he was anything but a patriot and law enforcing executive. You that support this scofflaw should consider getting sterilized or even committing suicide to keep your defective genes from poisoning future generations.
Dick Carino says
As Thomas Jefferson said the second amendment guarantees that when a government becomes so corrupt the people will need the arms to overthrow it. Do you think our government is about there right now????? A congress and senate that passes laws for the masses that do not pertain to them.
Marc McKeague says
A man with a gun is a citizen, A man without a gun is a subject—Ask the 56 million subjects without a gun that were rounded up and exterminated in the 20th. century? Before you say B.S. check the history books of the Soviet Union, Turkey, Germany, China, Guatemala, Uganda, Cambodia, To name a few. All these countries started off with minor gun law changes that ended up in the Democratic dream of TOTAL GUN CONFISCATION and 56 million subjects dead!
david garcia says
Ginny says
I am 73 years young and I just bought my first shotgun. Reason being, I want to protect myself and my home as there are too many homes getting broken into and the person inside are killed. Paris has the strictest gun laws there is and if someone there had, had a gun then maybe 130 people wouldn’t have been killed. Look at Chicago, my hometown where there are strict gun laws but seems like all the bad people gets them and the good people can’t have them to protect themselves. The reason I bought a shotgun is when I shoot I won’t miss. There are already gun laws in place. There are also terrorists around in America and if we are unarmed then we are doomed. People that buys guns should not give to anyone else nor sell to anyone else. It is another way of Obama going against our 2nd amendment right.
Ernie says
How about getting the thieves, crooks, and gangs, and mob their weapons and leave peaful people alone
mine alone???
He will have a one hell of a battle on his hands (Feds)
William Sherwood says
It’s OK Bruce buddy. I’m a retired U.S.Marine and I will bring my rifle, pistol, bayonet and everything else I have and help U protect your family. That’s what Marines do, help the dummys no mater, how uneducated they are. Keep it up Bruce you have the right to be heard under the 1st amendment. I hope Obama doesn’t change that, he’s tried, but so far unsuccessful.
Collon says
I am very concerned about what I feel is the dilution and destruction of American constitutional rights. I’d like to suggest (hypothesize) that there may be an agenda afoot, an agenda which the US government (left or right) has been tasked to implement, an agenda which will strip down the rights and, abilities of it’s citizens. If this were to be the case, then I further suggest that the greatest concern of the purveyors of such a plan may be focused upon those who would most likely be affected by and possibly be opposed to such a plan, or, at least the effects of that plan … the citizens. The greater the force to implement, once enlightened, the greater would be the force to resist. History tells us, one of the ultimate forms of force to either implement or to resist change over the last 150 years has involved the use of guns. Taking away the guns from the hands of the citizens could certainly make their ability to resist more difficult … under certain circumstances …. should that need ever arise. Just a thought.
Frank Conover says
As usual Obama sucks as a president and his gun control laws. The bitch is another Hitler and we will soon be rid of the S.O.O.
Charles says
good leaders lead by example. Obama and his gun control buddies should all arm their body guards with sling shots.
AW says
Today Obama cries on TV to pass “expanded gun background checks”. The legal guns are not committing these crimes! WHAT AMERICA NEEDS IS “EXPANDED IMMIGRANT BACKGROUND CHECKS”. All the HORRIFIC American tragedies were committed by foreigners, illegals & Islamic supporters. Furthermore, did Obama cry for the BenGazi victims?