An online magazine run by al Qaeda is encouraging its followers to assassinate major US industry leaders, including Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, the Koch Brothers, and Bill Gates according to a report by NBC and other media outlets.
Also included were Jim Walton, one of the heirs of Wal-Mart, former Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, casino owner Sheldon Adelson, and other prominent American entrepreneurs and leading economists.
The notorious al Qaeda internet rag, called Inspire, stated its goal was to destroy the American economy. The article begins with a photo illustration showing several American business leaders in a blood-stained photo next to a gun. It went on to say that these “wealth entrepreneurs” can only get off the list by taking their money from the US stock market and banks, and by denouncing Israel.
A senior U.S. intelligence official told NBC News that the article is an example of al Qaeda’s newfound focus on lone-wolf attacks, taking a page from from ISIS’ strategy book.
Vickie Turner says
Al Qaeda doesn’t need to destroy America’s economy. King Obama is managing quite well in this endeavor all on his own.
Deb says
You sure have that correct!
Its not going to be AL-QAIDA, it is going to be ISIS whom US have built together with SAUDI ARABIA and TURKEY as we all know that now there is no AL-QAIDA exists, Therefore the sooner US build its strategies with IRAN and RUSSIA to eliminate completely ISIS from the earth, it will be too late, they might be planning to destroy other countries.
Bill starr says
Yes OBama and the rampant corruption greed of our politicians are destroying our Nation Turning from God has brought this up on us. There will be Great suffering.
janie anderson says
It just amazes and that in this day and age so many people blame President Obama for the trouble our country is in, these very people are so ignorant of the realities of the political area, it makes me very sad for our country, our whole political system is corrupt to the bone, yet these same people will bitch and moan and blame the president who has had to deal with th refusal of the republican party to act in a way that is good for our country and to respect the man who is president, these same republicans have waged a war on women, the poor and our working middle class, people need to wake up and realize who the enemy is, the enemy is our corrupt government and greed.
Elaine says
Where are you getting your news from? The fourth estate that is suppose to keep the government honest, namely the news, is more political than factual. You have to check out more sources. Although I have to admit, both political parties are to varying degrees corrupted by crony capitalism and personal greed; you can’t be serious that Obama has been the offended party. He is the king of the executive order and I do not know how he received a degree from Harvard as a constitutional lawyer. It only means our institutions of higher learning (?) are also political and corrupted. They have started indoctrinating and not educating our kids a long time ago and we have not been paying attention!!
rodney burke says
I nominate the Air foerce to Nuke all El Qaeda territory. After that is we and the UN pull out. Afghanistan and Pakistan are worthless leeches on the world. i am sure India would love to see pakistan go. Do anything to take them out and NOT be nice about it. Are they planning on being nice to us? nope, And also add Iran to the list. navy and AF forces, plenty of missiles plenty of bombs. make Iran and Afghanistan a wasteland. That will send the proper message to radical Islam. First take out the traitor in chief, then do the deed!
Because US and EU with ARAB LEAGUE especially SAUDIA ARABIA and TURKEY BUILT ISIS with all the assistances including finance to destroy and take over SYRIA and remove ASSAD, which did not happen, now ISIS have built so much that even STRONG country cannot destroy them , gentlemen, think over go back to beginning, who created the HAVOC in SYRIA AND Who were supporting these TERRORISTS, in the beginning they were called DEMONSTRATOR, then REBELS, then SYRIAN ARMY , then MILITANT, and now ISIS, it is the same group no difference, DO YOIUR RESEARCH