Big Brother is watching you.
It sounds increasingly like everyday life in the United States — and they don’t need a warrant to do it.
That’s according to reporter Jackie Ward from San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area station KPIX, who on Friday revealed she had uncovered a secret government surveillance program in the area that has citizens on edge.
“Imagine standing at a bus stop, talking to your friend and having your conversation recorded without you knowing. It happens all the time, and the FBI doesn’t even need a warrant to do it,” Ward first reported Friday. “Federal agents are planting microphones to secretly record conversations.”
Some of the recording devices in the Bay Area have been hidden under rocks, in trees, and anywhere else the FBI could imagine.
It began in Oakland in March 2010, recent court documents revealed. The FBI started by secretly hiding microphones inside the light fixtures and around a bus stop outside the city courthouse, recording the conversations being had there over a 10-month period.
The plot was revealed after evidence was submitted in a suspected illegal real estate investing scheme.
The FBI claimed investors were rigging bids and committing fraud, and used the captured recordings as evidence.
The act has privacy advocates upset — and some lawyers are saying the government’s actions are illegal.
According to Ward, the lawyer for one of the accused real estate investors will ask the judge to throw out the recordings.
But even more troubling is that the FBI apparently recorded conversations from countless people who had nothing to do with the case — innocent citizens who had their privacy invaded by Uncle Sam.
AW says
Ron says
Right on!!!
Sad but True says
Progressive Socialist who are Liberal Democrats are what the Americans seem to want by the way they vote so you get what you vote for.
They want to lose their rights and live on the dole and it shows by the lack of morals ,scruples,courtesy, and more Political Correctness everyday.
So keep it up folks you will wake up when it is way to late.
FED UP says
One more reason why it’s time for BUBBA to rise and take back this country. But the sad reality is the sheeple don’t care. They are to busy walking around with there electronics shoved in there faces. Sad state of affairs, just wait until the New World Order imposes martial law then maybe these drones will wake up!!!
unique says
When it is too late they will be unable to take back this country.
Michael A. says
Not really, people still can protest or ask for impeachments, also our military can coup the White House run Clinton out of the whitehouse.
mothman777 says
The same situation exists in the UK, and police have stated that microphones to record street conversations are planted in street lamps, and even amongst the trees and bushes in public parks. It is called Stalinism, a criminal dictatorship.
The Texan says
Hope they got an earful.
Wendy says
If you didn’t have a problem standing around for two hours waiting for your bags to get inspected on Sep 12, 2001, you’ve got no right to be complaining now. That’s the problem with people in this country: scare ’em a little bit, and they give you their rights and their neighbors’ rights for the promise, however fleeting, of safety. They don’t see any problem with it until they get caught in the net, and then it’s too late. If your freedoms aren’t important when the barbarians are pounding at the gate, they’re not important when the world is at peace, either.
Not So Free says
First they came for …
Get it?
The Texan says
When people are willing to give up their freedom for a false since of security the soon find that they have neither.
Donna says
Man is his own worse enemy. ..has invented way to much technology. ..they are going to destroy us yet…that’s why this world is coming to an end soon..God isn’t happy with how is creation has become
Marcia says
This is doom and gloom. I live in a village with no street lights and no traffic lights. it is a one horse town and 1/2 the horse is dead. I have a cell phone but I do not use it except to call my children and grandchildren and great grandchildren when they can talk as they are too young now. If we put our cell phones away and pay attention to what is going on around us we can stop this spying of the FBI.
Email, write and call your congress person and tell them what the FBI is doing and keep it up until they listen. That is what I do daily
Jay Bell says
Ben Franklin once said, “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”