Late last week the inspector general of the State Department finally completed an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server for classified information.
According to the findings, she claimed approval she didn’t have and declined to be interviewed for the report despite saying: “I’m more than ready to talk to anybody anytime.” Scrutiny of her unusual email practices appeared to be unwelcome, despite her contention those practices were well known and “fully above board.”
Over the recent months, Clinton has confidently claimed she has done no wrong doing in the use of her email server. Here’s a look at Clinton’s five biggest email lies, and how they compare to the inspector general’s facts:
- The claim: “The system we used was set up for President Clinton’s office. And it had numerous safeguards. It was on property guarded by the Secret Service. And there were no security breaches.” — March 2015 press conference.
The facts: Evidence emerged of hacking attempts, though it’s unclear whether they were successful.
On Jan. 9, 2011, an adviser to former President Bill Clinton notified the State Department’s deputy chief of staff for operations that he had to shut down the server because he suspected “someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in I didn’t (sic) want to let them have the chance to.”
Later that day, he sent another note. “We were attacked again so I shut (the server) down for a few min.”
The following day the deputy chief emailed top Clinton aides and instructed them not to email the secretary “anything sensitive.”
Also in May 2011, Clinton told aides that someone was “hacking into her email,” after she received a message with a suspicious link, the new audit report said.
The Associated Press previously reported that, according to detailed records compiled in 2012, Clinton’s server was connected to the internet in ways that made it more vulnerable to hackers. It appeared to allow users to connect openly over the internet to control it remotely.
Moreover, it’s unclear what protection her email system might have achieved from having the Secret Service guard the property. Digital security breaches tend to come from computer networks, not over a fence.
- The claim: “What I did was allowed. It was allowed by the State Department. The State Department has confirmed that.” — AP interview, September.
The facts: “No evidence” that Clinton asked for or received approval to conduct official government business on a personal email account run through a private server in her New York home. According to top State Department officials interviewed for the investigation, the departments that oversee security “did not — and would not — approve” her use of a personal account because of security concerns.
Clinton has changed her account since the report came out. She told CNN “I thought it was allowed. I knew past secretaries of state used personal email.”
Colin Powell was the only secretary of state who used personal email for work, but not to the extent she did, and he did not use a private server.
- The claim:“It was fully above board. Everybody in the government with whom I emailed knew that I was using a personal email.” — AP interview, September.
“The people in the government knew that I was using a personal account. The people I was emailing to on the dot gov system certainly knew and they would respond to me on my personal email.” — NBC News interview, September.
The facts: According to the findings, it’s unclear how widespread knowledge was about Clinton’s use of a personal account. Though Clinton’s use of a private email was discussed with some in her agency, senior department officials who worked for her, including the undersecretary responsible for security, said they were not asked to approve or review the use of her private server.
The officials also said they were “unaware of the scope or extent” of her email practices, even though Clinton exchanged hundreds of thousands of messages with people in government from her personal account.
- The claim: “In the fall, I think it was October of last year (2014), the State Department sent a letter to previous secretaries of state asking for help with their record-keeping, in part because of the technical problems that they knew they had to deal with. And they asked that we, all of us, go through our e-mails to determine what was work-related and to provide that for them.” — NBC News, September.
The facts: While it’s true that the State Department requested records from former secretaries of state in November 2014, the report says the department raised concerns about Clinton’s compliance with federal record-keeping laws years earlier, and the attention did not appear welcome.
Two employees in the Office of Information Resources Management discussed concerns about her use of a personal email account in separate 2010 meetings. One of the employees stressed in one of the meetings that the information being transmitted needed to be preserved to satisfy federal records laws.
They were instructed by the director of the department “never to speak of the Secretary’s personal email system again,” according to the report.
- The claim: “I think last August I made it clear I’m more than ready to talk to anybody anytime.” — CBS News interview in May.
The facts: Clinton declined through her lawyer to be interviewed for the report. Four other secretaries of state participated: John Kerry, Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell. She now says: “everything I had to say was out there.”
But she has said she will speak to the FBI as part of a separate criminal investigation into possible security breaches related to her private server.
In October, she testified about the issue before the House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
If the truth hit her in the face she would not know it. she has lied so much that no truth comes out of her. I do not know how anyone can vote for her. I cannot stand to listen to her or Obama and tv they both lie. If they both saw the truth they would think it was a gun man to kill them
Everyone knows eventually the truth comes out. She’s a master at deception but this is the age of total media coverage. Harder for her to cover up a lie to cover up that lie to cover up that lie and so on and so on. She is disgusting.
Hillary Clinton has had a history of lying, selling ‘entre’ to Wall Street companies, to foreign companies, and getting them Green Cards for family members, to government departments directly, and through their Clinton Foundation. She is a path-ological liar. She has had abortions, and numerous affairs while Bill was governor, and while he was playing around with his twenty year old Ms. Monica. Read the book, “The case against Hillary Clinton’ by Peggy Noonan, it will open your eyes. Neither the ‘White House’ or the ‘Clintons’ them selves have tried to deny some of the most damning charges against her,and him, because she cannot deny them. The Clinton’s,are the laughing stock of world diplomacy.Especially when Moniker Lewinsky was hiding in the podium, while he was addressing the Foreign Corespondents, in the open air, while Monica was giving him a ‘Blow Job’ on the front lawn of the White House, while she was hidden in the podium as he gave the speech!!! It takes hard balls to go to that length, What if she fell out from under the podium in front of all of the International Press.???????????
Both Bill and Hillary Clinton afterwards strongly denied, that ‘He never touched that woman’ which was largely true! He did not need to,she was touching him, so to speak. Of course Hillary Clinton never made a outcry, which would have lost them the White House…..What some people will do for power, and a quick sexual thrill? Both are pathological liars.and a disgrace to the country.
@ Marcia
If tRUTH would EVER hit SHIL-LIAR-RY in her BIG FAT ASS she would continue to lie by saying that TRUTH is LIES nad HER LIES are TRUTH…..THe Alinsky Doctrine she Lives by…..
The sickening thing is people around her lie as much as she does.Never before have I ever witnessed the lawlessness that’s allowed to take place that’s occurring now. Of course never before have we ever had such a lawless DOIJ.
Even MORE sickening is the fact that MSM says she ONLY TOLD FIVE LIES!!!!
Folks we are not only witnessing criminal activity in our Government, It is primarily the Democrat Liberals who are performing the atrocities, but it is also the Republicans who are allowing it to happen. The sin of omission is at times the worst. Evil has inundated our Government and very few are trying to do anything about it. Notwithstanding, there are a few brave souls who really want to accomplish good both Republican and Democrat. Folks, in this election we need to put aside our petty differences and focus on what is really happening here with a pure and logical mind. Many of you want to run a third Party in this election, but keep in mind that we will all be losers if this happens. Folks there are things about Donald Trump that I don’t like as well, but the logical truth is, he won the primary. Even when he was attacked unmercifully and still is, the only thing that happened was that he increased momentum in the popular vote as well as delegates. He has even had his life threatened on every hand. He cannot even enjoy the right to assemble without the Satanic evil protesting and yet when his people try to defend against the onslaught of Satan’s crowd, then it is they who are reprimanded or incarcerated. WE SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLY; this is one of the fundamental rights of our Constitution. Evil has so inundated our society until the right to protest has overshadowed the right to assemble. Yes, they should have the right to protest, but NOT at the same place where the assembly is being held. This kind of behavior should be abolished completely. Trumps people have the RIGHT to defend themselves when they are attacked on their own turf. I fear that this stupidity that is promoted by the left will no doubt cause bloodshed if it is allowed to continue. I am not threatening, I am just looking at things through the eyes of logic. I sincerely apologize for getting off subject matter here, but believe me it is all the same ball of slime……. EVIL!
After what happened in Benghazi, who in their right mind would feel safe with her at the helm? It is so sad to see these people that support her. Everyone has their hand out. What will benefit them is all that matters. The truth isn’t important. The facts aren’t important. Just what they can get from the system. If people don’t wake up and see what all of the illegals are doing to our country, they will overtake all Americans. If people want jobs, get rid of the parasites that are sucking the life out of our country. Put Americans to work by keeping jobs at home. Make it so that businesses can grow and prosper and the wealth will overflow to many people out of work or on the street. We need to take back our country. These protesters at Trumps rallies are burning OUR FLAG. Carrying the MEXICAN FLAG. If Mexico was so great why did they leave? Why don’t they go home if they want to carry the MEXICAN FLAG. It’s okay there, not here. I am all for a change. We need it. There is a crisis looming if we don’t get rid of the current regime of crooked politicians. VOTE TRUMP… at least there is hope with him.
Well it just don’t matter to the 47% that the Democrats keep on the DOLE. They’d vote for “The Donald” If he promised to give them Free Donald Phones and all the othere FREE Sheit that goes with the FREE Phones. Just Remember:
Benjamin Franklin
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”
― Benjamin Franklin
If you think that the ‘Blow Job’ in the podium on the White House, was outrageous, Hillary has led just as wild a sex life as Billy Clinton has.
She had an ‘Affair’ with the former Attorney General of their state, almost openly, while Billy was governor, and before him, other people in
their State. Read Peggy Noonan’s book, ‘The case against Hillary Clinton’ in which she lays out quite a different picture of the front cover of her book. It is a list of broken promises about what they were going to do about Health Care, and a whole lot other things,which they did not
do!!! Something that has been their ‘modus operendi’ during their entire political lives. ‘Promiss them the World’, something they have both down all of their political and personal lives.
I think we have missed the point of an at home server. I believe the purpose was to keep secret from the State Department the documentation of the illegal activities of her and Obama. Suppose, for example, the terrorists asked Obama to release five terrorists held by U.S. Army. It would be politically incorrect to do that. So Obama and Hillary arranged a fall guy [Ambassador Stevens] to be sent to Benghazi with minimum body guard without bullets in their guns to make it easy for him to be captured for a prisoner exchange. The terrorists were given guns to make lots of noise. [Hillary to arrange gun transfer through Egypt.] Terrorists were told there would be no threat from the body guard or from the U.S. military that was told to “Stand Down”. No one was to be killed. The problem was two civilian contractors that were Navy Seals who were nearby, heard the call for help, picked up empty guns and full cartridges off the ground and went to defend Ambassador Stevens and staff. Terrorists believing to having been betrayed, then attacked Ambassador Stevens and staff. END of hypothetical illegal activity that Hillary would not want on official State Department servers. Again I say, if the current administration had nothing to hide, a private server would not be “needed”. Someday we may be able to get a copy of the mission e-mails from the Russians. Then we just might find out what was really going on. And the hypothetical illegal activity given above just might be real.
Same Old Same Old Hillary !!!
I think it is time to bring back the bobble head dolls or figures?
A fortune could be made!!! .
Please put them in your car to remind everyone that she is an expert on lying to the American public which also includes our new immigrants and indoctrinated citizens in America.
Watch her after she completes every comment or sentence how she stops then nods her head to validate every comment she is making.
She has perfected lying to an ART Form!!!
Be afraid America if she is elected into office she will make us all pay for her mistakes and decisions over the last 30 years..