With a massive delegate lead and a recent string of primary wins, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is trying to unite Democrats behind her candidacy.
But liberal insiders are worried that the Democratic party is in the middle of a civil war that’s gotten so nasty it could ultimately cost Clinton the White House.
According to a recent WSJ/NBC poll, one-third of Democrats currently supporting Clinton’s opponent, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, say they will refuse to vote for Clinton in the general election.
Sanders voters view her as the embodiment of the establishment, according to the Wall Street Journal, and 32 percent think very negatively of her.
These voters may be more likely to support a third-party candidate, polls show, and splitting the Democratic vote would leave Clinton unable to win the White House.
Meanwhile, Sanders says he still maintains a “path toward victory” in his Democratic presidential bid against Clinton, and is rejecting suggestions that she has all but won the party’s nomination.
“I don’t believe they have an insurmountable lead,” Sanders said Thursday in a phone interview with from Arizona, where he was campaigning. “Secretary Clinton has done phenomenally well in the Deep South and in Florida. That’s where she has gotten the lion’s share of votes. And I congratulate her for that. But we’re out of the Deep South now.”
He predicted the upcoming calendar of races in several Western states, including Arizona and Washington, and April contests in Wisconsin, New York and Pennsylvania would offer him the chance to catch up.
“We think from now on out, we are having states that, everything being equal, we stand a chance to do well in. We think we have a path toward victory,” he said, pointing to California’s June primary. “We’ve got some big states coming up and we think if we can do well, if we go into the convention with delegates, we’ve got a shot at taking the nomination.”
The Associated Press contributed to this article.
Main Street says
I held my nose to vote for Sanders as a protest against Hillary. I’m voting for Trump in the Autumn.
Dan55 says
Quick Poll – How many Democrats out there will be voting for Donald Trump? Speak up now!!!
william says
I am with you. vote Donald Trump
Confoundmeonce says
YES ! It is Time for Something Good to happen For The Citizens Of this USA. I Believe Sanders “Loyals’ Will Cast Their Vote For Anyone Who Is And Can “Stick It to Hillery And HER Clan,,once and For All,, The Donald ‘Trump Will Put An end to All These Grafters, Users, and lying Destroyers Of Our Constitution , I Can`t see anyone Else Other than Trump Having The ‘ Balls ‘ TO Get This Much Needed Job DONE. ONWard ! Donald Trump !! Kick Some Butts And Clean House. It Has to Be Done, and He is The Man who Will make This Country Great..Again.
Jim man says
Jim man says
Do you really think The President is a dictatorship ??? Trump can do nothing He would not have the power to mess with other elected people. Are you people that friggin stupid. In fact collective they have the power to fire the President (impeach) Trump would be the easiest to impeach in the fact every body hates his dumb ass and as eratic as he is he would be impeached in a couple of months !! But don’t worry Trump will never get near the White House
St. Edgar says
The first thing Trump will do is to declare The USA Bankrupt. It is. The existing debt can’t be paid. Too bad that all the communist sympathizers will be thrown out of their cushey Government Jobs.
Sanders supporters will hopefully support Trump in the general election, even though they are ideologically different, the same rejection for the establishment left and right in common.
Jim man says
A vote for Trump in the primary is a vote for Hillary. Polls have Hillary beating Trump by 11percent
Polls have Cruz beating Hillary by 8 percent So to keep Hillary out of the White House Vote Cruz
Judy says
You aren’t serious are you? Cruz? The great liar? The one who tells tales to get what he wants? The one who is very much disliked by his peers? Sure, Ted Cruz will make a great president. And if you believe that you’ll believe the Bunny Rabbit delivers all those toys on Christmas Day.
uncle_fweddy says
Judy…(sniffle)…you mean the Bunny Rabbit DOESN’T deliver all my toys?
uncle_fweddy says
Judy…(SNIFFLE)…You mean the Bunny Rabbit DOESN’T bring my toys? B..B..But Mommy said…
DickPalmer says
Hillary is a joke.She can not win against Trump.That is all CNN BS.She is so dirty that even some democrats are voting for Trump.The NWO wants Killary in there.and they will do every thing they can to stop Mr.Trump or Ted.
Adam says
Cruz is to Conservative for many Americans.
elizabeth says
I’m on the train with TRUMP, never for the Democrats again! !!
Zardo says
Go Trump
Carolyn Martin says
I would vote for the Devil before another Clinton. I voted for Obama, what a mistake that was. I hate to call Bill the good Clinton but compared to Dog Woman he is a saint.How would you like to wake up and look a her. I almost don’t blame him for chasing strange.
Jim man says
If we put Trump in. Hillary wins So say the polls. Put Cruz in we win So vote Cruz.
Elfa says
You are wrong about Voting for Cruz, Cruz is an Establishment Candidate, who is just hated in the Senate due to his Constitutional approach! He is a Religious Fundamentalist, who is Not even Realistic about the changes… Please read more! It is TRUMP we want.. GO TRUMP!
Bill says
Why would you trust media poles to get your advice on who can beat who. That is what Romney did. How did it work out for him?
edric Hornsby says
Dear Jim: If Cruz cannot beat Trump, he cannot beat the Democrats. He will not get the nomination. No Way Hosea.You must be braindead.
Judy says
Jim, forget Cruz – do you want to put up with a one who does not appreciate the truth?
Ken says
Jim my friend, you are really off on this one. There is no way without the establishment cheating that they can beat Trump. He is the real deal. The bought and payed for media will twist wherever they can to stir you wrong. They would love to put Hillary up against Cruz. Even though Hillary and Cruz are virtually on the same team, the Neocons will do their best to get Kasich in there. Cruz is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and his wife is closely tied to the CFR. We are in deep doo if we don’t get Trump in the house. Trump will surely put together an awesome team. He truly does love America as with many of us that have been awaken.
nj says
Don’t believe those polls.
Cruz not elligible to run. It will get tied up in court and you will just be giving it to Clinton which I understand you do not want to do.
uncle_fweddy says
Jim, Cruz isn’t even Constitutionally qualified to run for the office of President. To do that, you have to be a Natural Born citizen. Cruz was born in Canada, which I personally don’t hold against him, but rules are rules, and Cruz’s father is a Cuban national. And, while I welcome them to my country, and applaud their adoption of America, and wish him and his whole family the best, he is nonetheless not eligible. He is–by definition–not a Natural Born citizen. The founding Fathers put this specific language into the Constitution for a very good reason: The did not want the President to have any divided loyalties.
I realize that we let Obama, who is also not a Natural Born citizen, and who is a vile traitor to America, to boot, get away with it, with the help of a compliant media and a bunch of other liberal traitors, and enemies of America, such as George Soros, and look what a horrible mistake that has been, for America, but the simple fact of the matter is that he is not eligible. I would like to see a Trump / Cruz ticket; I believe Cruz to have the Bona Fides to be a good and true Vice President, and advisor to President Trump. He simply isn’t eligible to run, himself.
There’s something else nagging at me, too: The really rotten trick the Cruz people pulled on Dr. Ben Carson, in Iowa; they told Iowa voters that Dr. Carson was dropping out and solicited their support. Dr. Carson is a fine, honorable man, who could very well have been a good President for America. And this is not the only such trick the Cruz people have pulled. Even after years under the totally corrupt Obama administration, I still have high expectations of our nation’s leaders.
Jim man says
Vote Cruz. He beats Hillary. Polls show Trump loses bad to Hillary
Bill says
See above.
nj says
Don’t you believe it. Cruz will be tied up in court over eligibility and that would be giving it to Clinton.
Cruz just another liar who tried to pull dirty tricks at polls. Born in Canada. Mother renounced her American citizenship. He is NOT the natural born citizen required to be our President. Do you want to make same mistake as with Obama. History will ultimately prove he should NEVER have been allowed to run either.
St. Edgar says
Cruz is not qualified to be vice president either. A better move for him would be to the Supreme Court.
David says
Lifelong Democrat that is upset with my party. I will never vote for another Clinton. They both belong in Jail. I’ll be voting Republican first time in my life. America has to be SAVED.
Vanbie says
Good for you that’s a good plan because we need an outsider in the white house as you can tell if you follow the money both parties have quite an investment in having an Insider and we need to shake up the Washington machine
Jim man says
Ok vote Cruz is the only one that shows beating Hillary. Trump loses big time to Hillary. You people have been warned
Vote for Cruz keep Hillary out of the White House
nj says
Wrong. Wrong.
Jeane Green says
Cruz worked for Goldman Saks…so did his wife, who just resigned to help Cruz campaign.
Killary is a Goldman Sachs poster child, our Republican clients rooted for her last time she ran.
Cruz and Killary are the same coin, just different sides of that coin.
Cruz cannot beat Hillary for a very simple reason. He has much fewer Republican votes than Trump. By over 1/3 less.
Mathematically how could you suggest Cruz can beat Hilary, when even his own party will not back him up.
uncle_fweddy says
Welcome, David, to the American side; after a lifetime of being a democrat, you must be thirsty for the TRUE America.
A woman voter of 45 years says
Trump will get my vote and everyone I can convince if Clinton gets nomination. I have been politically active and have a wide circle of associates and friends! I vote responsibly and a vote for Clinton would be the beginning of America’s total downfall. She is dishonest and lies about her interest in advancing women, Afro Americans to name a few. She will throw us to the wolves as she did those in Bengazi!
Kenneth R Madsen says
I am voting for Donald Trump because I know he will bring in the best of the best to make changes that are long over due. He also wants to get the term limits bill passed which is what the constitution had in mind from the beginning. I.m sick and tired of politics as usual, I’m sickened by the cover-ups. The media, and all of the George Soros organizations, as well as the liberal super packs are going to throw everything in to try to rid Donald. They are running scared and know they will loose their gig. The Democrats talk down rich people but most of the Democrat’s in elected positions are very rich, and they depend on the rich wall street people to keep their asses in office. Even if you hate Donald Trump he will not back down and will get stuff done that needs to be done. So as a democrat I’m voting Donald
elizabeth says
I’m a former Democrat, and Trump has my vote! ! Hillary? ? NEVER! !!
William McConnell says
I switched my voting card registration as GREEN Party to Republican just so I CAN VOTE FOR TRUMP in the primarys and general election…go cross over voters!
TRUMP supporter says
Thank you for your Nov. Vote….Let’s kick all these life long professional lying cheating,stealing politicians out of Washington. There is no two parties anymore, there is now only one party in Washington, the political party where anything goes as long as it’s corupt business as usual that can screw the dumb American people………
Harlan says
I couldn’t agree more.
Judy says
Nor could I Harlan.
uncle_fweddy says
What she said!
Jim man says
Trump supporter
You are probably the president of the dumb ass American people
St. Edgar says
Re: The dumb ass american people.
Americans are a special people. Be careful that you are not seen as an enemy.
Lee Fisher says
You people are nuts. To kick Hilary you propose to vote for Trump. ? Trump praise the Clinton’s and says he favors her ideas and “she would be a fantastic President”.
If you are tired of Politicians who “Lie”, Trump is NOT YOUR MAN. The last 3 speeches he had last week had over 60 lies, massive exaggerations and misrepresentations. 1 lie every 5 minutes during the debates. (real stats… look it up)
Ted Cruz, who everyone claims is lying is the truth teller. Fact Checkers constantly find his Lies to be in fact, true. I know he is more boring than Hilary or Trump, but he is the one that can get things done. Study his accomplishments before the Supreme Court fighting for your rights and winning every time.
There is a reason most the Republicans hate Cruz. He scares the hell out of them because he is going to force them to obey the laws of our land (US Constitution) and stop all the Crony Capitalism that is killing us and driving us into an economic collapse. ( like Grease had ) Yes, it will if we keep doing what we have been doing.
Jim man says
Lee fisher
You are So right. When Cruz showed Trump videos of a Trump interview then another video showing a complete opposite view point of what he had said only a few weeks before Trump would call Cruz a lair ??????? Other words Trump was calling himself a lair ??? This has gone on & on & on with Trump. He lies & lies @ lies but Trump supporters seem to just over look this But the rest of the country don’t over look this
Elfa says
Where did you read that, have you been asleep somewhere on an Island?? You are totally wrong, stop this nonsense! TRUMP 2016!
Ernest Pounders says
I certainly agree. Cruz is for sure the man for the Whitehouse.
Jim says
Ya, Like he wants to open the border even wider. I guess all of his relatives haven’t made it across the border yet.
Judy says
Cruz is a liar.
Fair player says
Judy, everyone lies at some point, including you, but much of it having some bad information. You have accused Cruz of lying several times. Now I challenge you to post here at least “5” lies he has told that are serious absolute lies and not just shouting out HE LIES just because you don’like his politics. Are you up to this challenge???
Ken says
Judy you are correct. Cruz is a total fake and a liar. People just do your homework and you will see. Just search “Who is the real Heidi Nelson Cruz? It may blow your minds to learn the truth about the Cruz’s. I know for people being Christians and probably hearing from the pulpit that the Donald is evil or what have you and to vote for Cruz… The brain washing continues. I always heard to vote for the lessor of two evils and that is also a crock too. Trump knows a lot more than he is leading onto about the trouble this country is really in. Trump is a very intelligent man with an IQ of about 158. He really does dumb down his speeches and actions at the debates for a reason. When he is elected, people who love this country and want to see us succeed as an independent nation with liberty and justice for all will be very proud they voted for this man.
nj says
He does NOT believe in the Constitution or he would not be running. He does NOT meet the letter or intent of the Constitution for eligibility. How subversive is that?
Jeane Green says
Lee, Cruz was my boy , until I found out Cruz was a CANADIAN CITIZEN. The fact that he was a Canadian citizen prevents him from being eligible to run for a US President. How come Cruz, a lawyers, pays no attention to such an important detail ? What else would he not properly pay attention IF elected ?
He eventually became a US citizien, but the law clearly says ” a natural born US citizen”.
Otherwise Arnold Schwarzeneger could run against Ted, and likely win, as Ahnooold is really charming.
ama says
Amen to that!!!!
JMM says
Lets call it the PEOPLES party! However, we MUST wait until the election is over of HELLary will win if we split the vote now. Remove all the current politicians and replace them with the common people slowly. No more life long do nothings in office. I am a member of the Republican party and will NOT give them a penny. I will only donate straight to the person that is running for the office. Not one cent will any of the current parties get from me ever again! They had their chance to stop the spending. THEY SHOULD HAVE SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT UNTIL PLANNED PARENTHOOD WAS NO MORE.
nj says
Agreed. Clean house. Put in term limits and radically overhall salary and pension and expense reimbursements
For all, from President down.
They rake it in, and cut our fighting men’s pay and don’t give them the medical or disability they deserve. Don’t give S.S. recipients cost of living increases. But today, Obama wants Congress to give him a raise!
Jeane Green says
The reply to Obama’s request needs to be denied. He made billions in lobby money for TPP and Obamacare. He is set for the rest of his life. Let him keep his Blackberry, and call it good.
uncle_fweddy says
Trump Supporter…what she said!
TRUMP supporter says
If the Democrats and everyone else connected to politics or Washington is scheming to stop TRUMP is sending RED FLAGS to WE THE PEOPLE that TRUMP is going to clean up Washington, and maybe some politicians may be going to jail……Give TRUMP a chance please!
Alfred Wagner says
Yes,now what about Marco,Jeb there pledge to back the least? There word isn’t worth a broken fiddle
Jim man says
Trump is the one go to jail for ordering Isis families killed. War crimes !!
Lee Fisher says
Trump honest? You are not paying attention to what he actually says if you believe that. Of the Republicans, he is the biggest lier of all.
One way to notice a lier is he is the one who calls anyone who disagrees with him, “He’s lying! He always is Lying! He is the biggest liar ever!”
I know that paragraph makes it ME calling myself the “liar”. Ironic, huh? LOL
Look at the “Fact Checkers” and see who their research determines is lying the most. Try to find a fact checker that has a good reputation of being correct.
Neil says
U have to kill somebody first dickwad. Our Gov’t does….see paul wellstone.
Elfa says
He did not order to kill anybody, you need to read sometimes.. Don’t just listen to the News Media! When ISIS will kill more people in the USA, or claim the responsibility, you may change you mind, may be then you will see the point of being more strict about our laws and borders… GO TRUMP!
nj says
He has not ordered anything of the kind! Just like he has NOT said that we would not accept any Muslims. He has said and rightly so, that we need to take a time out in order to figure out how to better screen out the potential terrorists and better take in others without swamping our ability to absorb them into our job and health and housing markets.
Doesn’t anyone get that? You can’t just take millions of people, Muslim or Mexican or other and drop them in the middle of America and say, Go for it!
How many of you would take in a family and feed and clothe them until they can find work and become self sufficient ? Ha, thought not!
Jeane Green says
jn, to your question -doesn’t anyone get that ? The answer is they don’t wanna get it…they are invested in Hillary, and Wall Street and TPP. Ted Cruz worked really hard on TPP, so did Obama. Cruz and Killary are unfortunately Sieamese Twins , both working hard for Wall Street. Vote for either – Wall Street wins. Wall Street cares about no one, but Wall Street.
Remember 2008- the huge financial crash, and when all was said and done, Wall Street paid itself $ 95 billion – in bonuses – for what ? For crashing the US economy, causing suicides in my neighborhood from people who lost everything…Wall Street gave themselves BONUSES ?
And Cruz is a part of that system, and so is Hillary Clinton, the Dog Woman.
Vote for either of them is the same vote.
William McConnell says
You are the enemy, Isis sympathizer!…go to HELL along with the Isis familys, mediocre
Elfa says
It is not very likely than anybody will be jailed…TRUMP 2016!
frances quinn says
I am voting for Trump, he will beat Hillary in a heartbeat. He will get the votes of republicans, democrats, independents, blacks, hispanics. Cruz not only lies but he cheats like he did to Carson in Iowa, Rubio in Hawaii. He for some reason wins in caucuses which makes me very suspect as it is so easy to commit fraud there. I have seen him lie about Trump many times. He may be a constitutional lawyer but trump can take on a VP with that talent. Cruz can’t find a person who can do what Trump dares to do….with trade, immigration, the wall. Cruz is a paid puppet. Just debating Hillary is not enough, you have to brutalize her because the Liberals will leave no holds barred.
Judy says
I agree 100%
Harlan says
At least he’s honest and I do agree that their are two parties. The elite and the rest of us.
Jim says
Trump may be a serious piece of work, and we all know he is, but at least he doesn’t espouse the socialist/communist ideology Bernie and Hillary are propounding. While communism is nice as an intellectual exercise, everybody with a brain knows that Mankind is, at its very heart, capitalistic in nature.
It astounds me that Hillary, the elite, is trying to portray herself as
being down with the folks, and struggling (Please remember that
the Clintons were broke when they left the White House, and if you believe that, you’ve been smoking that same stuff Billy Boy
swears he didn’t inhale, if you can believe anything he says.). What kills me is that the African American community believes her and buys the lie. I’ve always believed they’re smarter than
that. Can’t they see that she’s just pandering to them for their votes? Bernie’s just promising everything to everyone for free.
Small question for you, Bern: How ya gonna pay for it? You say
you’ll make Wall Street pay for it. Their answer will be to move even more jobs out of the United States. Third world countries will be more than happy to accept the business, even at starvation wages, because any paycheck beats no paycheck. Great thinking, Bernie Boy. Look at all the American starving huddled
masses you will be able to create with your pie in the sky programs. I seriously, seriously don’t like Trump, but the Democrats’ solutions are fiscally whacked, in my opinion. If he’s elected, I think Trump will singlehandedly start WW3.
The only choice Americans are given anymore is a choice between which of the candidates they consider to be the lesser of the two evils. So it’s come to this. What a sad situation confronts us all. Can’t see much on the bright side, no matter which of the two is elected. Doctors, dentists, lawyers, and politicians: High priced whores, all.
Jim man says
Cruz is the one that beats Hillary. Trump loses bad according to the polls. Do not waste your vote on Trump
Lee Fisher says
Jim, I agree Trump does not “espouse the socialist/communist ideology”, but he does espouse hardcore “Marxist ideology” every time he speaks. Marxism is far more dangerous than Socialism. Democratic Socialism is also very dangerous.
Bernie claims he is a Democratic Socialist because it sounds cool and nice. Nazi Germany was a Democratic Socialist government. (don’t take my word for it….look it up!) The USSR also. (commonly (mistakenly) called Russia)
Crap! Some many people are throwing around these words and they really don’t know what the words really mean. Hey, Nazi Germany killed millions of people not even counting the Jews. The USSR killed by enslavement, starving and mass firing squads by the hundreds of million. (China, too)
The US Constitution was designed in the late 1700s to prevent these things from happening. The Leftist have been trying to effectually get rid of our Constitution for over 100 years. They have almost completely succeeded. A Hilary or Trump Presidency will require a full Revolution (like 1776) to get our government back.
Rick Worthington says
Wanna bet?
Jim man says
Jim says
You are wrong a lot of Trump speeches he talks of a single payer health care system Which is what Bernie talks about & so did Karl Marx Listen to Trump a little closer. Go back and pull up some of his interviews He was very progressive and is still very progressive. That is the reason I am adamantly against this man, people don’t seem to understand how dangerous this man is
Hillary would be bad not as bad as Obama. But Trump would be a disaster. If we keep the senate they will stop him if he got to be President If we lost the Senate which is likely if he wins the nomination He would destroy the nation !!!!
Cruz is the only one that can beat Hillary Trump loses badly according to the polls To keep Hillary out of the White House
Let’s make Cruz the nominee
Neil says
U have to kill somebody first dickwad. Our Gov’t does….see paul wellstone.
JMM says
Look at the current situation of CUBA (They are stuck in the 1950’s) if you want to see how well Bernie’s ideas work! You want to swap our American way for that? YOU are truly stupid! YOU can just leave OUR country whenever you want…………………
nj says
Deb says
Me too
Deborah says
karlamarx says
Trump is a self made man on his daddy’s money. He has also done so much reality TV that he can’t distinguish reality from fantasy.
Peter Joffe says
One thing that we all need to bear in mind is that Trump knows that he does not know everything so he will surround himself with good council. Unlike Clinton and Obama who ‘know all there is to know’. I find these ‘debates’ so stupid as the country needs good leaders not rocket scientists. Henry Ford said that all he needed to know was obtainable at the other end of his telephone. No man is a man for all seasons but he can put together a council for all seasons and not worry about HIS legacy but the legacy of his TEAM.
Belle Thomas says
Peter Joffe! Well-said!
St. Edgar says
Welcome to the revolution
Eleanor says
The scuttlebutt is in that the fix is in for Killery. Why do you think she’s winning in the polls over Bernie??
Bernie is right to fight against the liar Hillary and the corrupt Establishment. People are tired of the disastrous politics of the government. 7 years reign of a monarch and his minions has left our Country in the brink of collapsing. It is time to choose a real leader able to beat Obama’s clone; Hillary Clinton. If she gets the help from the Republicans and the Democrats, All Americans should coalesce around Trump. He is the only one able to crush her and punish her for inaptitude to save four valued Americans in Benghazi. Like Bernie Trump shares a great heart, the love for America and our fellow Americans. He is not a fascist, he is not against immigrants, he is against illegal immigrants. He wants to secure our borders to protect us against drug dealers, criminals, Islamists who are invading our Country, giving all the tax payers’ advantages, He is fighting harshly, risking his life to make a positive changes for everyone, with no consideration for the color of his skin or his religion. He is not for the sharia that is a mystical belief bringing death and destruction. Trump is a big builder, he proved it. He is the only one able to rebuild our Country,our life with wealth, jobs, happiness. He will reunite our Country. He speaks the Truth and only the Truth. He will change drastically the Educational System. No one will be left behind. We won’t see anymore those riots.Those people are the victims of the Establishment, the Marxists like bill Ayers and Clintons. A big Government want to keep luxury life and power. They worked to diminish the average persons’ life to keep them dependents and unable to think for themselves, No more brainwashing. Vote Trump, he will make you happy, free, wealthy with good job and education.
elizabeth says
I’m a former Democrat, and Trump has my vote! ! Hillary? ? NEVER! !!
Daniel Ade says
Life long democrat here, and same with me, If Bernie is not the nominee, I’m voting Trump!
Main Street says
The Clinton’s turned the Democratic Party from a working class party to one for elitists and freeloaders.
Jay Bell says
I know a number of life-long Democrats who say that they will be voting for Trump. There’s a new book out now called, “Queen of Chaos” about Hillary Clinton. It speaks to her absolutely horrible performance as Secretary of State and the scary prospect of her presidency. It is telling that some of the Neoconservative war-mongers in the Republican Party are so put off of the idea of a Trump presidency that they are willing to jump over to support Clinton in the general election, if Trump is the nominee.
Trump has said, “I’m not against all wars–I’m just against stupid wars”. With Neocons, they never met a war they didn’t like–and the more extensive, the better. George Bush, Jr. began reducing the power of the Neocons in the Republican Party during his second term–even though he was saddled with a number of them in his administration–Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. The Neocons “invaded” the Republican Party, starting in 1972.
We have blundered into a LOT of stupid wars in the M.E. and Hillary is sold out to the war-mongers (very profitable to the Neocon super-wealthy in the “military-industrial-complex” that Eisenhower warned us about as he was leaving office). She is a Neocon in a pantsuit–and a VERY reckless one at that. She has made no secret of her disdain of Putin and will likely be very confrontational with him–not a good plan at all. Trump, in contrast, has said that he believes that he could have reasonable discussions with Putin. Who would you rather have conducting foreign policy–a Hillary Clinton surrogate or one reporting to Trump?
crockett says
TRUMP FOR THE PEOPLE !! We have had enough of the Democrat’s ruining the USA , and forcing us to live our life the way they want. Control has been the agenda all along , and trying to disarm the people so they really have us under control. You can’t tell me that just because you’re a Democrat you don’t own a fire arm . THE CONSTITUTION WAS PUT IN PLACE TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE NOT TO CONTROL THEM..WE were born to fight for our way of LIBERTY , to enjoy life to fit us not the government . Slowly we have let obozo sneak in a lot of BS on us ,but we want it back and we will fight for it … Thats what makes AMERICA GREAT ! No more gun grabbers and that is what obozo is trying to put on the Supreme Court to take the place of one of greatest Judges ever to sit there. Killery will be the next worse president and we don’t need another obozo in a moomoo or pants suit to make life more of a living hell ….
Jim man says
If Trump was President which will never happen !! He will never get near the White House period !
Any war with him. Would be a dumb. War !! Because he so friggin stupid
St. Edgar says
A stupid man could not have reshaped the Skyline of New York City.
Jim man says
Why waste your vote on Trump ??? The polls show Trump losing bad to Hillary. A vote for Trump in the primary. Is a vote for Hillary !! Cruz beats Hillary in all polls
Bill says
Who does the polls? The people who are afraid to run against Trump. They gave advice to Romney also. “Don’t say anything bad about Obama or the moderates won’t vote for you. Same here.
St. Edgar says
Both Cruse and Hillary are out of the picture. Hillary will be going to Jail, and The Courts will rule that Cruse is not qualified since he was Born in Canada. The election will be Sanders vs Trump.
Eleanor says
Yes, you are right about her disdain for Putin and the other world leaders who don’t pay into her bank account the way some of the mid-east are doing under the guise of “charitable donations” to the Clintons Foundation. Trump will talk to all world leaders, including Putin, and I see them uniting to rid the world of the cancer that is ISIS.
Jeane Green says
Agreed, and now Hillary is heading on a fast train to finally get indicted. It looks that there are many more emails the nation needs to interested than just those she turned over. Turned them over , with a smirk about our killed Ambassador, about the death of those who were trying to help him, about her Embassy on fire…”What difference does it make ?” she says.
Do yourself a favor, anyone you know who thinks she has a heart, and watch some authentic footage of Benghazi hearings on YouTube…about 5-10 minutes,there are several. Each American owes it to themselves, to see it – directly, not read about it in papers. The arrogance, and lack of any accountability she steadily exhibits gave me the creeps. Worth watching. Specially one clip with Sen. Greyson, and another one with a woman legislator who is asking Hilary some excellent questions.
Vote for her, is a vote for Wall Street, and TPP, vote for Cruz is unfortunately the same.
Evelyn says
I am a republican. If trump gets the nomination I will vote for Hilary!
David McLaughlin says
Smart Lady
Jay Bell says
I know a number of life-long Democrats who say that they will be voting for Trump. There’s a new book out now called, “Queen of Chaos” about Hillary Clinton. It speaks to her absolutely horrible performance as Secretary of State and the scary prospect of her presidency. It is telling that some of the Neoconservative war-mongers in the Republican Party are so put off of the idea of a Trump presidency that they are willing to jump over to support Clinton in the general election, if Trump is the nominee.
Trump has said, “I’m not against all wars–I’m just against stupid wars”. With Neocons, they never met a war they didn’t like–and the more extensive, the better. George Bush, Jr. began reducing the power of the Neocons in the Republican Party during his second term–even though he was saddled with a number of them in his administration–Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, etc. The Neocons “invaded” the Republican Party, starting in 1972.
We have blundered into a LOT of stupid wars in the M.E. and Hillary is sold out to the war-mongers (very profitable to the Neocon super-wealthy in the “military-industrial-complex” that Eisenhower warned us about as he was leaving office). She is a Neocon in a pantsuit–and a VERY reckless one at that. She has made no secret of her disdain of Putin and will likely be very confrontational with him–not a good plan at all. Trump, in contrast, has said that he believes that he could have reasonable discussions with Putin. Who would you rather have conducting foreign policy–a Hillary Clinton surrogate or one reporting to Trump?
Hillary has had her lapdogs in the media generate a lot of hate against Trump–calling him a racist (and he is clearly not) sending “protesters” against him (and Bernie Sanders) through BLM and Moveon (both funded by her friend and supporter, George Soros.
Jose says
I hope she gets indicted before she gets to the November election, because if she wins and indicted and go to jail then we are on the Obozo third term. Do you like that?
R.Drum says
you must be sick or kidding
Sylvia says
I would vote for Satan before Hillary Clinton. Truthfully she sold her soul to him a long, long time ago. So I might as well vote for the real deal.
Jim says
Agree completely, but the question remains: Will the lack of support from Sanders’ supporters be sufficient to deny her the White House? Hope so!
Let the Bern be Hillary’s Ross Perot.
Bob Kaye says
Now this is a smart Lady
Jay Bell says
Hillary Clinton would be the worst president ever (see my post above)–why would you vote for her? It would be better to stay home than vote for her.
Jim man says
Wrong Hillary would be bad But Trump would be worst than anyone Cruz would be the best knows what his talking about. Hillary is dis honest. Trump knows nothing about how to run the government. Trump Would be a disaster
Jose says
Even though most people consider Cruz as an outsider, for me he is part of the establishment. If he occupy a desk in the Senate, he is in the establishment and after 3 years of being a senator, he has not accomplished anything. He is just another politician who makes empty promises.
Jay Bell says
Cruz is a Neocon. Unless you like perpetual war, no not vote for Cruz.
Jeane Green says
Jim, you are implying that those who run the governement know how to run it.
Resulting in $ 19 trillion debt. – Any good housewife knows you can keep doing for long. I am a business person , and I ran my business as the gov. is run, by those you say seem to know how to do it, I would long be on welfare.
Have a smart person be briefed on how to do something, how systems work, smart person not being a part of the machinery can improve systems 90% of the time ! I have done it in several jobs I held before starting my own business.
So a foolish comment that someone (Trump in this case) does not know how to run a government, would be a plus in my book. Smart person can learn in a couple of month more than an insider involved in intrigues, and campaigning, can achieve in a lifetime.
wildeagleone says
It’s kind of you to acknowledge that you were never a committed Republican and as a lifetime Republican myself, (58 years) I am grateful you are leaving our party and applaud you for admitting you are comfortable with the idea of living under a dictatorship
Jim man says
I have no idea what your talking about I happen to like our government I have lived in 20 different countries all over the world Ours is the best period !!! Our problem is we have 2 different parties trying to solve some of our problems and govern 320 people All we need is a good experienced man that has worked in. The government & knows how our government works. No more ametuers.
Gary A2Zee says
I too am a life-long Republican. If it’s the BLOWHARD vs the B**** I’ll stay home. It’s like in “94 when Newt came up with the Contract With America. Fantastic in principal, but my party spent money like Dumbocrats on speed and deserved to be voted out in 2006. I actually enjoyed that since we ignored our principals.
I’ll just sit this one out and let the chips fall where they may. The thought of the Benghazi Blunderer being in control nauseates me, but still….
Jim man says
I agree with you Gary. What a choise ??? Thanks to Obama People actually think the dumb ass Trump knows something And would be a savior He would bring our country down if permitted But would be impeached with in 6 months Might get some time in Leavenworth Maybe get a cell next to Hillary ??
TRUMP supporter says
I guess Evelyn doesn’t care abut this country. How has the government work for you so far????? Keep voting for politicians, guess you have a lot to give away…..
Jim man says
Then vote Cruz
Bill says
Nice try Hillary supporter!
Xiomara says
Hillary ?! After all she is and has done…!?
How could anyone be so ignoring it all?!
viper, money power hungry Liar, manipulator, no scruples
All she has is the talent to honey your ears, while holding a
Daggertoour backs
Ths woman is a professional vicious evil… How can people be still blinded!?
One person loves USA to pay for all expenses ofthe prsidential campaigne, NOT TO BECOME A PUPPET OF OTHERS, SUCH AS COORPORATIONS, MILLIONAIRES OR OTHER COUNTRIES….
The PROPAGANDA, AND THE PLOTS!! Such as Jeb Bush, invited all republican candidates
To shareof his plan!! Fat brain has!! He gathered super rich boys that are mad!! Because TRUMP WONT ACCEPT
Look at OBAMA!!!! What the hell does he care about any of us!!!?? Asking now for a RAISE OF INCOME FOR HIM!!!!???
Youuuu watch all the money he wants, throws away, indolently!! THEIR VACATIONS!!!! Dear God!
abuses our country ….
BEING OLD AND SICK, LIVING WITH SUCH SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY….. Great amount are not able to walk and suffer
All kind of strong pains limited!!! And their lives is hard AND NOW SCARED!!! Because threats that a % will be taken away from their checks!!!! From retiring!!!!!! AND THIS INDOLENT CLOWN WABTS TO RAISE HIS SALARY???????
They have vacations EXAGERATED IN EXPENSES!!!! How can they be this cruel!!!!!
Xiomara says
I put thepictures (gif) of usa flag and it turned into ~~~>>>>>> ???????
I do not know why!! I thiught i let you know.
I do not question what i said . IM VERY FIRM ON VOTING FOR TRUMP!!!
TRUMP supporter says
Welcome Daniel, we Thank you for your TRUMP vote. So sorry but the writing on the wall that the Democrats will do ANYTHING to nominate Hillary. I think Bernie cpuld have won every state and Hillary could be in jail and she still would win it. That shows us how corrupt the system is in both parties. If TRUMP doesn’t get our nomination and Bernie did I would vote for him. He’s the next best in line as anti government……
Loretta says
I would do almost anything not to see Hillary in the White House. She’s despictable!! Voting for Trump!!!
mary gantt says
me too and look what is going on, she has broken the laws of the land,many of them and Trump is doing so good and the republican’s that do not want him to be President are going to keep him from being President if they can, He hasn’t broken laws of the land,AMERICA , I pray that his people that gave him votes will do the same in the general we do need honest person,and i believe he is .
TRUMP supporter says
Question: has anyone actually heard Hillary make a speach without a teleprompter or being asked unknown per screened audience questions? All her speechs are focused group studied and written by professional speech writers directed exactly towards her audience, by the way she uses her audience attendees behind her as props. Amazing some of WE THE PEOPLE still fall for her bs
Jim man says
Loretta says
If you want to keep Hillary of the White House !!! Do not vote for Trump !! That will for sure put Hillary in the White House
Her negatives are at. 53 percent Trumps are at 69 percent. Negatives The worst in history Hispanics 81 percent do not like him
Women 57 percent do not like him. Do not waste a vote on Trump
Jim man says
Polls show Trump losing bad to Hillary. 8 to 11 percent Polls Show. Cruz beating Hillary 6 to8 percent
So to keep Hillary out of the White House vote Cruz !!!!
rodney says
It’s refreshing to see democrats FINALLY waking up to the utter corruption in their party. Now if repubs would do the same but I think that also is becoming very clear. We have two party establishments that are bad to the bone! No Hilary, no way in the world! She NEEDS a humiliation and a jail cell.
David McLaughlin says
Must be a lot of Republicans think there is alot of corruption in there party when a jackass like Trump is leading in there polls. Who do you think is going to work with the likes of him????
TRUMP supporter says
David, You must be talking about Cruz. He doesn’t play well with others. He will be Obama on steroids with the power of the pen. TRUMP is a negotiator, I guess you don’t know what that means. It says that you can opposing sides to come to agreement. I’m a republican but I care more about my country then my party. I want a real leader who doesn’t owe anyone anything……..
Jim man says
Trump Supporter
12 Republician Senators said they will not work with him period !!! With out the majority working with you you will not get anything done Trump will never get to be President period. He is the most hated of any one that running for President
The President is not a dictatorship You seem to think Trump can do things with out congress
There are 3 co equal branches of government with the President being only one of these branches
He can not move off dead center if he can not work with the other two other two. At the present time the other two branches. Says his ideas (mostly) are dumb or are against the law Most said they will talk to him but will not take him serious unless he learns how our government. Works. He does not have a clue how to get a bill thru. Study our government you will see he is blowing smoke
Jim man says
Trump will never get to be President. ( negatives to high 69 percent ) Congress does not like him and would never work with him. With out congress you get nothing done period
Jay Bell says
Well, I think you are seeing that as the Neocons have been stripped of a lot of power in the Republican Party.
T Clark says
I would move to Mexico or Russia before I voted for that BITCH CLINTON>
Jim man says
T Clark
Vote for Trump. Is a vote for Hillary Make Cruz our man The polls show Hillary beating Trump on average 8 percent
Some polls show 11 percent Cruz beats her on average 6 percent. Some as high as 9 percent So if your idea is to Hillary out of the White House Do not vote Trump Vote Cruz
Vito Geneovese says
I am a life long republican and never have voted democrat and never would but, if it came down to Hillary or Bernie, I would feel the burn all day and night, Bernie gets my vote. I cannot believe how sad it has become a choice between a socialist commie or a pathological liar and full time criminal. I would like to add that if the GOP steals the nomination if there is an open convention with one of their establishment crooks, I will become and independent and never vote republican again and that is after 40 years of being a republican. Hopefully, we the people will do the same and vote out all the crooks and give the government back to the people where it belong!!!! These senators and reps and government officials have milked this country dry and enough is enough.
suzanne says
you have said it the best. good job, if clinton gets the nomination, i will vote for trump
and iam a demc
Jim man says
Suzanne vote Cruz and you will not have to worry about he shows beating her Trumps shows losing to her
Robert says
Ppl are TOO STUPID to vote out the “IN” grates. They tend to keep the guy/gal that they are familiar with – even if the voters know they have been s*it on. ( Insert the * letter you want. Choose between p and h. )
WOE is US ( A ) ! Their pensions are for life and their libraries squeeze our finances 4EVA !
Thomas says
I could say the same thing but I come more from a Democratic background. I have donated to Bernie several times from my limited finances, but will not give one dollar to the DNC.
I will vote for Bernie for President and could possibly vote for Kasich, but I will vote for no one, if neither of those two are on the ballot. I want to honestly say that I did not vote for Hillary, Cruz, or Trump, when all is said and done.
Sylvia says
You can vote for Bernie if it makes you feel good but the Democratic run for the presidency was promised to Hillary Clinton prior to Obama’s election. If Bernie was a true threat, you would find him meeting up with Scalia somewhere. Democrates are finding out, just like Repbulican’s have, we have only got to chose a president between to pre-chosen candidates by the ruling class. It really didn’t matter which of the two got elected, the DC elite’s, their wealthy foreign friends, our very wealthy, all won either way. We have to vote in who ever “they” don’t want, and clean the Senate and Congress with our votes. Do or die.
Jim man says
Just vote in a experienced person and he will straighten out. What has been going on !!
I have no idea what you people are talking about on crooks. We have 2 parties that believe in different paths on how to fix our problems. 99 percent are good decent people. You dumb asses that think Trump can go to Washington and throw them all out
He is a self described pay off artist. Has paid bribes to politicians for years. Mostly Democratics. Him & his dad made bribes to Hillary 4 times voted for her in her race for the. Federal NY Senate has gave to her 4 times said she would make a great President Gave money To Jommy Carter , Walter MonDale John Kerry. Harry Reid ,Nancy Peolosi & Bill Clinton plus numerous other Democratics Public recorded Trump Supporter You need to tape your ears to your head so when you pull your head out of Trump’s ass you won’t rip your ears off
Jay Bell says
I had to laugh when I saw that, yesterday, Neocon, Sen. Lindsey Graham threw his support behind Ted Cruz. Graham HATES Ted Cruz, but Graham probably figures that Cruz would be more malleable than Trump. Cruz is a Neocon himself. The mainstream media has been cranking out the hate against Trump 24-7. They call him a “racist” which is demonstrably untrue and a misogynist which is also demonstrably untrue. Many women have high-level positions in the Trump organization. They say he is anti-immigration–he’s just against illegal immigration and immigrants from the Middle East who are not thoroughly screened. But the corrupt Washington establishment hates the idea of a Trump presidency. That should tell us that a Trump presidency is something that would benefit the people. If you want more information, go over to the Ron Paul Institute website. Ron Paul has been a tireless fighter for many years, against the corruption in Washington–both as a long-time Congressman and since, in retirement. There are articles on the website, by many who are VERY concerned about what they see happening in Washington. While they do not endorse Donald Trump outright (although they do say some positive things about his policies), they are TOTALLY against the threat of a Hillary Clinton presidency. Some of you who are Christians know the Rutherford Institute that is operated by John Whitehead. Whitehead is a regular contributor to the Ron Paul Institute website.
Jim man says
Jay Bell
You have no idea what you are talking about. Ted Cruz is a very honest honorable man if you have proof of any of what you say present it
Other wise why don’t you your dumb ass hole You people seem to pull stuff out of your ass. Or pull some half truths
Off the internet Get friggin real
Roxanna Grenfell says
voting for Hillery is the worst thing anyone can do she is the most unhonest person that has ever run all the news keep talking about all the things that trump has done but they never bring up all the things that Hillery has done. she is responsible for so many things and if she gets in it will be the same as keeping oboma is this what we want I DON’T I am voting for Trump I think he will do his very best to do all he says he will do. He knows whats good for the country is also good for him.
SG says
Good for you Roxanna!
Everyone needs to think about why would Trump want to run for President when he is already a very successful rich man and on top of it is using his own money to fund his campaign– well I truly believe he is doing it for the American people- he does not have to want for anything, yet he sees we need leadership and someone who knows business at the helm!! Trump has my vote!! And you know he has a huge job ahead of him to fix all the poor decisions made by this current president!
I hope more people can see that in him and that he will be working for “We the People” and not the politicians that are out for their own interest! It’s time the people of this country take back the country- I am sure you all have noted the record breaking voters getting out to vote!! Keep voting and encourage your family and friends as our voices need to be heard!!
R.Drum says
One thing about Trump nobody owns him
Gary A2Zee says
SG he is running because of his ego. He is not a populist but an egoist. Forget “We The People”. It is “Me The Donald”. How is he generating loyalty among his rivals, should he get the nomination, by insulting and demeaning them? Bad enough that Christie is now his lap dog, but very VERY disappointed that my man, Carson, has endorsed him, as well. The last time the people voted for a man who had no plans, other than “Trust me, I know what to do” we got 8 years or the Obamanation Abomination.
If you remember the old Howdy Doody Show – The Donald could play Phineas T. Bluster.
Jay Bell says
ALL candidates for political office are “egotists”. They wouldn’t put themselves forward without pretty large egos. Trump is just up-front about his large amount of confidence. People like Hillary are TOTALLY egotistical and narcissistic–her miserable relationships with others demonstrates that. She just uses people and discards them when they cease to be useful. Do some reading about her–it will send chills down your spine. I totally believe that she knew what would happen to Ambassador Stevens and those three other American heroes. Ambassador Stevens had been begging for more security for months. It was Hillary Clinton’s job (as stated in her job description) to make sure that security was adequate for American consulates and embassies. She simply did not care whether anyone lived or died. Trump may not be able to do much, but at least he will not be following some evil agenda as I am quite certain Hillary Clinton will be. Read “The Queen of Chaos” by Diana Johnstone to see just how thoroughly corrupt Hillary Clinton is. By the way, Clinton has a new email scandal that broke just today. I thought we had heard all of it before–but this one is even worse and involves the NSA.
Jim man says
Vote for Cruz The polls say he beats Hillary by 8percent Trump losing to Hillary by 11percent. So vote Cruz. Then Hillary will never get near the White House A vote for Trump in the primary is a vote for Hillary So vote Cruz
mike says
It is great to see democrat voters see the light when it comes to Hilary.
David McLaughlin says
The Donald base support comes from the scum of the earth, KKK,right wing nuts,ect. Hard to beleive anybody can actually beleive the B.S. that he puts out or Bernie for that matter. Wake Up America.
Jo S says
your comment about being scum of the earth and right wing nuts for supporting trump is a slap in the face to those of us have worked all our lives paid our taxes and seen this country go to hell.i have a degree that I worked hard for and paid for myself.I was a registered democract all my life but have now registered rebubican to vote for trump.at least he is not a bought and paid for politician.if he isn’t on the ballot I’ll write it in.
Jay Bell says
Trump has no control over who endorses him. I see the KKK has now endorsed Clinton since Trump has told them that he does not want their endorsement. The Clinton media lapdogs have been working overtime to try to paint Trump with lots of labels (that’s what the Clinton-controlled Democratic Party does). Anyone who dislikes Obama’s policies is a “racist”. Anyone who opposes Hillary is a “misogynist”. Aren’t we all heartily sick of this?? If Donald Trump never does another thing, he at least has gotten rid of the “politically correct” language that makes it impossible to criticize any person in power without getting labeled with some odious label.
Justin W says
Democrats have already shown what they think of Hillary. They chose a relatively unknown senator from Illinois over Clinton in 2008. Bernie Sanders is from the fringe of the extreme political left. Hillary would really have problems if a mainstream Democrat had run against her.
America’s nightmare would be a Hillary Clinton presidency. Hillary has shown that she is incompetent and corrupt. Her tenure as secretary of state was one of failure. The email scandal which she is currently going through came as a result of a congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack. In that attack she and the rest of the Obama administration tried to deceive the American public about the cause of the attack to keep it from destroying President Obama’s reelection campaign.
Justin W says
By the way, Hillary is in bed with the wealthy Wall Street bankers. She’s also in bed with a lot of other people. Those wealthy people give money to the Clinton Foundation and then she gives them what they want. Bernie is right. Hillary is not looking out for the working class. Hillary is looking out for the bank accounts of the Clinton Global Initiative.
If elected president, Hillary will put a for sale sign on everything possible. The money for selling out America will go into the Clinton’s pockets not America’s.
CHUCK says
Look how the Republicans establishment are going after Trump to stop him……with a brokered convention, so as they can chose their guy….They should have stacked the deck on him like the Democrats did with Bernie with all the Donated delegates..”poor guy doesn’t have a chance if he wins the majority of the states”…..GO TRUMP
David McLaughlin says
I think you find Bernies avereage for winning states is a little on the low side to that of Hilary.
R.Drum says
They don.t want Trump because he will take their gravy train from them
Robert says
If you think Trump is honest find and view the documentary “You’ve been Trumped”.
It shows how truly dishonest & untrustworthy he really is. I can’t stand the thought of either of them in the White House.
TRUMP supporter says
Sorry for you Robert you still believe in the bias media and liberal Hollywood establishment. I guess your never voting ever again in your life. You show me one just one honest politician. Everyone in politics is corrupt, is bought and paid for. They all lie to your face. Most of them are lawyers (professional liars). If you think anyone but Trump will fix this country your on crack. Haven’t you had enough of politicians yet? TRUMPs ego will drive him to make America Great just for bragging rights……..
bob says
Maybe a businessman can straighten out the mess in Washington. I am a lifelong democrat, but hillary is dishonest and not trustworthy. I will support and vote for trump. If I were a congressman or senator, I would think twice before messing with him. I don’t care about his demeanor or way he talks. His supporters love him, and there is major change needed. No more politics as usual. I am anxious to vote for Donald trump. All the negative ads they run against him will backfire as did Romney’s speech.
william says
I sure as hell hope so. DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT.
Paul Guglietta says
Folks, we forget first that we are Americans ! Always vote was is good for the USA. Not what the establishment said is good for us in both parties. They are the reason we have these many problems in the first place. Stop listening to the Media read a look info on your own, there is plenty of info out there.
Doug W says
I have voted Republican since Reagan (who received nothing but crap from the media also) but I haven’t renewed my RNC membership this year yet. I received two letters from Reince Preibus yesterday alone trying to convince me to renew. I will renew if they nominate Trump on the first ballot with no shenanigans. If not, I’m done with them. Go Trump.
Vera says
I am a Republican that votes ‘like’ an Independent in the National election. After all the corruption, vote stealing, all the tearing down of all contenders, by even the contenders themselves, who could any intelligent person vote For, anyway ? All the slandering of Trump, a man that could win handily…being Slandered by his own Party. (The entire Republican establishment) That fact alone should be more than adequate to open the eyes of even a blind man or woman.. That alone tells me that THEY have already CHOSEN our next President …just as they have done for the past Hundred years. THE Shadow Government tells them …and The People can go ‘eat grass’. The Zionist-controlled Congress, etc. is already bought. The Republican as well as the Democrat Parties decided a LONG TIME AGO to Put Clinton in that Hallowed Spot, as she is as malleable as Obama. Since she is Female that is supposed to Sucker the people, just as choosing a Black Man was meant to do. How Conniving can they get ! Let me guess the ways !!
That leaves Trump forced to change his Party affiliation to ‘Independent’, as it is a Certainty that any Brokered Republican Convention plans to throw Trump to the dogs,and go for ( horrors ) Ted Cruz, the Zionist Lover, or someone else that is equally as pliable. ( Even Clinton, as Pliable as they come.)
Don’t know about the rest of you, but I am fed up with My Country jumping when That little sliver of land called ‘ Israel ‘ says jump. That is what has bankrupted the USA, big time, just as the Zionist Planned a Hundred years ago when they were run out of Russia and infiltrated the USA at the highest levels. ( Media, Congress, etc.,etc. ) The USA became their next Port Of Call, a real prize catch to be Used to enable them in their plan to Dominate the world by using Our Wealth and Military. Even infiltrated our Christian religion ! Suckers we are, huh ? Prove me wrong if you can.
We need Trump, a strong-minded Man that Fights to win. Isn’t that what we want ? So he isn’t perfect ! Name a strong man that became that way by being ‘ Politically Correct’– Name just ONE if you can. How do you think all the Billionaires and Millionaires got Rich ? By being Mealy-mouthed and saying Please ? Uh Huh !
Sometimes it is necessary to fight fire with fire, folks. Trump is the only man on the scene that could possibly do the big job that he is aiming for…the Presidency of the USA. He knows what has to be done. Just because he Talks with the AIPAC does not mean he is a Patsy for any of that crowd. He has Dealt with that Bunch all of his Financial Career, don’t you know…and always won. Takes fire to fight fire.
Trump has Dealt with the kind o people that are lurking behind that curtain all of his career. He, at least, will not be Bested by them, now, anymore than he has in the past. He does know the Ropes in dealing with Trash and he always wins. That is WHY The Establishment fears him, to put it mildly. Trump may fight dirty if the Need arises, but what we Need running this Nation is a President that is Not a Yes Man.
C Thomas says
It wont matter…. they will still vote for her anyway… cause they wont want the Republicans to get in the Oval Office.. I hope they find mucho evidence against her in her HOME server she had stashed in her house..
mike dar says
Some won’t, because many of the pertained age group seldom do. Add in the factor the Dem turnout is down about 30% compared to 2012 and it looks very much that the Dems simply won’t have enough show up at the polling booths.
Heinz says
Of all candidates on offer, there is only one which has the qualities needed.
Don’t choose an incompetent alternative.
TRUMP supporter says
I love the TRUMP negative ads…….I love how they edit or change the facts. We the American people are so stupid and need to be told who to believe and how we should obey the elites. Donald’s ads on women make me laugh. Many of the off color comments were from a businessman as a guest on a midnight talk show back in the 1980’s that was geared on risque pranks and subject matter for the 20 year olds. Also I guess everyone in the media is holy then thou, they never said a bad thing about anyone else. Women talk more about other woman anyday. How about his university, and people are made they didn’t make millions. I have one answer and one question. You take a class on real estate but we had the biggest Wall Street driven housing collapses in history after you graduate. It’s TRUMP fault? Give me a break…..Also question, if you graduate from any college and you don’t get a job should you be able to sue that college too? Remember Donald is not a teleprompter reader he is not a polished lawyer politician. He talks off the cuff. Love him hate him, but he will do the right thing for this country.
Jay Bell says
He is not power-obsessed or he would have entered politics a long time ago. He just wanted to be a successful businessman after his dearly-loved father. Has he been a flawless man? No. But then most men (and women) who reach high office are often deeply-flawed. Trump is less flawed than many. I am convinced he cares deeply about America. Otherwise, why would he bother? Being President has nothing to offer him except a royal pain when, in fact, he could retire and take it easy. He is NOT desperate to be President.
In contrast, those who know Hillary Clinton best say that she has only ever been obsessed with gaining political power and becoming the first woman President. And she is willing to do about anything to get there.
Confoundmeonce says
The Donald’ Did not Gain his “”Wealth’ by being Mealy-mouthed < Nor by doing the 'Politically Correct'. He Did Do More Rights than Wrongs…( And I Can Bet… Any Wrong he has ever done…Has Already HIT THE FAN.) Because his 'detractors' who are so Fearful of him' Are Already in the trenches, digging !! ) Trump is NOT To Be Put Off.. Nor Put Back…by Any of These Cowards Who Don`t Want The Trump IN the White House Trumping THEM OUT !! So.. Dig All you Want. Trump IS going to Be Our President.. And The Main REASON . HE Is More For This Countries` Welfare AND Its` citizens .Than has Anyone else has been who has come down the pike for decades !! SO Go Trump ! We Love you. WE are Ready for A Clean White House !!! Kick Where it hurts The Most !! The Citizens ARE With You !!!
TRUMP supporter says
Hispanic voters if you listen to Trump he wants illegal Immigrants and America policies to get their acts together and THEY ARE ALL WELCOMED BACK INTO AMERICA LEGALLY. Now on the flip side if you carefully listen to Cruz in the last debate, his exact words about immigration were “WE WILL DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND WILL NOT LET THEM RETURN” ….. I love how the media let that one get by because he is now the chosen one……..
Jay Bell says
Agreed. Cruz has also said privately that he feels that some “compromise” will have to be made. Just like all of the Washington establishment, he says one thing but really intends to do something else. That’s why Trump calls him “Lyin’ Ted”.
Mike E. says
It sure is funny, everywhere you go for more years than I want to count all you hear is how corrupt the Government has gotten and how they raise taxes and then give themselves a large pay raise. How no politician can be trusted and so on. We now have a front runner who is NOT a politician that knows how to get this country back in the black in our trade deals and wants to cut the fat that we all know is only there to make us pay more taxes for so these politicians can give their friends and family jobs at our expense even when these people have no idea of what they are doing. We have prayed to have someone step up for the people and when we get one people want to find reasons to not want him to get in office to do it. He isn’t taking money where the big wigs can control him, he has all these career politicians doing all they can to make you think their way so they can keep taking our money and run our country into the dirt as they have done. We even have someone that has caused Americans to get killed along with breaking other laws that would have any one of us in jail with the key sent to the moon being protected to help them keep the good old boys in their money taking positions. Some people are backing the guy that almost shut down the Government which would stop Veterans care, Social Security, Military pay and other things for the elderly BUT NOT STOP HIS PAY. The only thing I can think is happening is that these Politicians have lots of friends that can talk better then a used car salesman with some weak minded people buying what they say and then finding other weak minded people to also agree that we need to keep these shifty politicians in power to take everything we have so our children, our grandchildren and same for their children will keep paying these people to give our country away. Just what have these career politicians done for our country that makes you want to keep things as they are? Trump may not speak like a preacher but he can clean up the mess we are in. Think of what you have had for country leaders, they smile when they lie to you and make you want to give them your money to rob you with a new law. I am sure surprised that we have so many people that like fast talking thieves and will vote to keep them. THINK with your own brain, not their stories.
TRUMP supporter says
Voting is like buying a used car that is a lemon. Then when ypur broken down on the side of the road. You go back to the exact same used car salesman and get another car that too is a lemon. Then going back again hoping the next used car from the same guy will be different. How many time must you the voter get screwed over before the light finally comes on. I love the BS that TRUMP is not a conservative. Owning a company you better be a conservative watching every red cent. Not waisting anything and keeping overhead low. How can any politician say they are a conservative? They spend or waste other people’s money and never held accountable.. Almost every politician has hand fulls of assistants that we also pay for. How about not taking a paycheck, a pension or life time healthcare. Politicians are not held accountable for mistakes or even when they take bribes. TRUMP is the only honest person running………
Confoundmeonce says
Mike E. Spoken like A True Common-sense Citizen who Has Been Around the Stump Long enough to know how to ”Cut the grain from the Chaff !” We can Depend on The Donald to know how That Is to be done ! We Will Elect Trump OUR President.. Resting assured that He will Do Just THAT ! wipe the White House Clean of The Chaff that has been Festering There For Too Long. These ‘Political -grandfathered in ones’ who have come to believe this is their Calling !! Actually, It is all that most Have Ever Done…Never having WORKED at a Real Job in their Entire Working years. Time They DID. Maybe then Some Might Learn How Tough it really IS..out here In the real world. But Maybe Not. For They wouldn`t be out with out A Nice Nest egg They have Garnered From their ” many years past….Using our Taxed to death Labors .
Dave says
They want Bernie first off, because he’s not Hillary. Secondly, he’s an honest man, and will fight for everyone, not just Democrats. He’s just a good man, and will work his hardest to do what he says he’ll do. The last time Hillary ran, was when she was beaten by a not known junior senator out of Illinois. This man had more red flags on him then you could count. So it was more then obvious, that smart Democrats voted for a person they didn’t know, then one they had good reason not to trust. She is not honest.
twykes says
You all about the kkk. Look it up kkk was started by liberals. What do they teach at the
Colleges now. Socialism is being told what classes you can take. If youre not smart enough..you go to a job appointed to you. If
You graduate college.. You go where they place you. No more welfare. You will work at something the government sends you.thats where the equalness comes from nobody
Has more than anybody else except..the
Government. I love capitalism. So does
Trump….go go go trump.
LRoses says
CRC says
Those that think the way Jim man thinks is part of the many Non-24’s out there. Jim man be ready to attend the inauguration speech Mr. Trump will be giving next January 2017. Oh! By the way, in November 7, 2016, be sure to wake up early to smell the roses.
Constitutionalist says
i have to admit i find it amusing that Sanders’ voters won’t vote for H i LIAR Y Klinton; Klinton is merely “socialism lite” anyway, socialism in disguise, social engineering deceptions at the ready.
But this is what it seems that “voting” has come down to these days; let yourself be manipulated, cajoled, deceived or tricked into thinking that eventually, after the parties settle on a candidate each, you only have 2 choices: RepublicRAT or DEMOLican, when both of them are naught but wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Corporatocracy, a word i first learned from the author of “Confessions of an Economic Hitman.” Basically, it means the ownership class, the ultra-wealthy, Banksters and their internationalist corporate allies in business. A few of these same allied corporations own all the mainstream media, and they don’t broadcast anything about any other candidates, keeping the majority of Americans in the dark about any alternatives OR their ideas…or if they DO get any mention at all, it will be in a negative, “he-doesn’t-have-a-chance” way or “he’ll split the vote and give the election to the opponent” nonsense…but the narrative makes a good screen for duping the People/Sheeple once again, so that whichever of the 2 “choices” gets in power, the PtB behind the scenes will ensure that nothing substantive changes.
So, sheeplike, the Sheeple go wait in lines to cast their “vote” by being shepherded into using easily-hackable voting machines, collect their “I’m Stupid” sticker, and go on about their busy days, unthinking about who is COUNTING their vote – and whether or not it’s accurately counted. But most neither know nor care that the interests of the sheep and the interests of the shepherds are never the same.
Vera says
This may be our last chance to break away from all the PTB that are behind that curtain, already rubbing their bloody hands in glee, at the gullibility of the Sheeple People that listen to the CMMM that has only one purpose…to Give my country to a bunch of Traitors to the Constitution that all of our brave men and women fought and even died for since it’s beginning.. What fools we would be to vote for anyone that only has his or her own power-hungry grab in mind, not We, the People. Wake up, and vote for a man that tells it like it Really is…The Donald . He has dealt with Such As They all of his adult life and bested the best of all those Foreign Zionist grafters . Why do you think They hate him with a HUUUGE passion….They are Afraid of him, as he will clean House and Senate and all places inbetween. And not in a Politically Perfect way, either. How do you think he made his Fortune…by saying Thank You and Please ? I am sik of all the grafters and Hangers-on that have encapsulated My Country By Hook and Crook. I say ” Out, dirty spot–Out !” With Trump we can back those words up with Real Deeds.
Confoundmeonce says
So what Can we Do about This, Mr. Constitutionalist ? Do Us Sheeple need a Cleared away Path We can Follow To get to a Better Place. NOT . What we really Need Is More Honesty and People Acting With Integrity… Most of us would not Know How to Deal with Any Job that was EASY…Having Worked hard all of Our Years, in order to Survive. Something 99% of these Politicians would Not be able To understand.
Constitutionalist says
i think that the last PEACEFUL way to do this is to arrest, try, and convict – as often as perjurers in courts – every public official that violates his oath of office and thereby betrays the Public Trust.
Since the Constitution was ratified(1789?), you know how many oath-takers have been busted for oath-breaking?
My research tells me “none.”
i think this sorry, negligent, apathetic state of affairs needs to change, and VERY soon.
Once we have people in there that KNOW that the People are watching and looking to bust them for straying outside the boundaries they agreed to when they swore the oath, maybe then we can get the wealthy corporate interests and the banksters to back off. We need to follow Iceland’s example, and arrest the hell out of a bunch of these banksters, then repudiate the vast majority of the imaginary “debt” they created by issuing debt-notes willy-nilly with NOTHING to back them up. The debt is really at the root of the problem.
A Proverb i’m aware of states this principle most succinctly: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender.”
Here’s a quote from Ben Franklin that you won’t see taught in any school in the Public Fool System, and i’ll tell you why afterwards:
“The refusal of King George to allow the colonists to operate an honest money system that freed them from the clutches of the money-manipulators was probably the prime cause of the Revolution.”
The “why?” If young, impressionable minds. curious to know the Truth were to learn that there is an honest money-system, they might question and say “If there’s an honest money system, there must be a DIShonest one, too; what kind do WE have?”, then they’d discover that the system we suffer under is not JUST US, but the whole world. We are slaves to the banking systems; if they issue enough “debt-money,” we have the illusion of prospering(though we grow deeper in debt); if the banks do not created that synthetic “money,” we starve(or suffer otherwise) and that’s no illusion.
Yes, the Beast that Deceived the Whole World is behind the whole shebang.
i could go on – i have a voluminous collection of citations which prove this plot against Americans and the world itself – but you’d be better off just googling “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” to get a more full picture. You may even find a synopsis @ youtube.
But this is what Jefferson meant in the DoI when he said something like “but when a long train of abuses and usurpations evinces a design to reduce us under absolute despotism, it is the right, it is the DUTY, of people to throw off those shackles and establish new safeguards for their liberty.”
But Americans were lulled to sleep; if they don’t awaken soon to their power, they will awaken to the nightmare that these wealthy bastards have planned for us for a long, long time…and that power? Citizen’s arrests and jury trials, even Grand Juries to indict prior to those arrests.
Guarantee it’ll be a tough slog, though; the whole lot of gov’t employees – especially those who have much to lose – are more likely than not to strongly resist being put back in their Constitutional bottles. To cite Patrick Henry on the matter:
“Your Constitution has been written as if only good men would take office. What will you do when evil men take office? When evil men take office, the whole gang will be in collusion! They will keep the people in utter ignorance and steal their liberty by ambuscade! Your laws on impeachment are a sham and a mockery due to mutual implication of government officials!”
Patrick Henry (American Lawyer, patriot, and orator, symbol of the American struggle for liberty, 1736-1799)
This is what he said prior to the adoption of the Bill of Rights; he figured that the first 10 MIGHT suffice to keep gov’t actors restrained, especially given the Oath of Office and the High Crimes of not only Felony Perjury, but Usurpation, the latter being an arrogation(a taking) of powers NOT delegated by the Constitution. That’s a crime – both of them are – but because no one has EVER been held to account for their lack of fealty to their oaths, the abuses of power have simply increased and gotten worse.
Once we can remove the dishonorable and bar them from any further employment on the public dime, we can elect honorable men and women who know the problem and can address the thievery and abuses which corporate entities and banks have inflicted upon us. These are critical, strike-at-the-root-of-evil necessities before we can even THINK we’re a “land of the free and home of the brave,” for in reality, right now we’re the land of the Fee and the home of the Slave.
Didja pay off your mortgage and get the deed? Look for the word “owner” on it. You won’t find it. In a legal distinction akin to the Sanhedrin saying “an oath by the altar of God is not binding, but an oath by the GOLD on the altar is binding,” what you have is called in law an “ownership interest,” not true ownership; you used debt-notes to acquire the house, so there’s still a lien on it. Same with the “title” to your car; the REAL owner is the State, which holds the Certificate of Origin that conveys actual ownership; again, the “title” you have only conveys an “ownership interest” which you can convey by selling your car, subject to the same terms: pay the property tax every year and get inspections or risk confiscation.
This is what Jefferson meant when he wrote:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to then Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin, 1802
IOW, an ownership INTEREST is not ownership.
wizard says
A split in the Socialist Democrat party would be a good thing for America. In the distant past Democrats were reasonably good at identifying problems. Unfortunately they have never been very good at developing workable solutions. Typically their solutions involved spending a lot of money and creating a bureaucracy with a lot of rules and regulations. When these programs did not work, their fix was to spend more money,expand the bureaucracy and make more rules and regulations. And through these agencies they gain power and control over the people. Hillary says the Democrats will put you out of work but what does it matter? The Democrats will take care of you. They will add you to the welfare rolls. After all. they know what is best for you.
Lucky says
Anyone that gets up each morning, and by the time he brushes his teeth for bed. Makes three million dollars has got to know something the average person don’t
The last nation wide pole I see. the question as who would you vote for. Trump or Hilldabeast..
the vote was trump 99% Hilldabeast 1% That should tell us something..???
Jan says
If I were Mr. Sanders, I would be embarrassed by his supporters protesting against Trump. Their signs are disgusting along with their language. When asked any questions they either sound zoned out or not too informed on what they’re even protesting about. Are these the kind of people who are supporting Bernie? Ick! What a statement that says for Bernie. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but they’re vulgar. He should be the one asking his backers to cool it.
Constitutionalist says
i VERY much doubt that Sanders would be behind the gate-crashers @ the Repub debates; i think Soros is paying them, albeit via devious means (e.g. he “gives” to this or that organization, which gives to this or that PAC(or subsidiary thereof), which hires someone who can keep their mouth shut, who then pays the “protesters” to disrupt an otherwise peaceful gathering), like “agents provocateur” have done since time immemorial.
Their strategy seems to have had a fatal flaw, however; apparently the intent was to brand the debates or Trump rallies as “violent collections of brutal Brownshirts,” and paint Trump as a fascist or Nazi – when it has merely made him more popular…and, from what i’ve been reading, has also motivated many democrats – even LIFEtime ones – to vote Trump instead of the crap-on-a-stick being offered the populace via the Democrapic platforms of H I Liar Y and the Bern.
Jan says
Thank you for the insight. I understand it is not Bernie behind this chaos. I still think he should take a stand against these protesters using his name. Perhaps he has, but I haven’t seen him dismissing these people. He has tried to blame Trump, as many of them have. Sad. I also agree that the Democratic party has given us a poor choice.
Constitutionalist says
Another thought occurred to me, as well.
Maybe it’s NOT the democRATS who are behind these “disrupters.” Maybe that’s TOO obvious a conclusion to leap to. Maybe it’s the same RepublicRATS who are so scared to death of a Trump presidency that they’re willing to vote for the Head RAT of all, H ‘I Liar’ Y. After all, it was Caesar’s alleged “friends” who knifed him to death – why not traitorous members of his own party that hate Trump?
i heard a Mar 19 broadcast of Judge Jeanine Pirro recently, where she made similar exclamations of dismay about handing the presidency to that sorry excuse for a female, as well as why; according to her, should Klinton take the office, the RepublicRATS could continue to deceive, lie to, abuse, and steal from the People as they’ve been accustomed to do; a Trump presidency threatens their bottom lines.
In addition, i’ve just been listening to a very smart guy talk about how he was hired away from Booz Hamiltion Inc., then given a commission as an Army officer; his job was to track financial flows about who exactly is funding the terrorists around the world, to make recommendations for drone strikes, who to target, etc., and how he was brought up on some bs charges so he could be fired(once they figured out that he was not going to be loyal to THEM, but the Constitution and the People, instead), how he contacted EVERY senator and representative in Congress to be debriefed so he could tell them what he knew and the proofs he found – and no one wanted to listen either to him OR the other key witness he found. Very interesting, to me, anyhow.
If this sounds like something you might also be interested in hearing about, here’s how to get there:
i’ve discovered that the Horn routinely scans any direct links for viruses and etc. before allowing them through, which necessitates a delay in posting(i don’t mind; i think it’s quite smart, in fact), so what you may need to do is cut’n’paste the URL listed, then enter the “http://” and the “www.” in front of it to make it go.
Once you get there, scroll down to the links which say “Listen to Hour 1” and “Listen to Hour 2” to get hip.
Jan says
Thanks for the recommendation. I too saw the same broadcast with the judge. It was interesting. A lot of food for thought.